Hi all, this is my first story on this account. Like I said in my bio, this going to be a spanking story. And if that's not your thing. Then stop reading right now. But, if you want to continue. Then I hope you enjoy the story. And please remember to R&R!

Danny sat on his bed, with a bundle of nerves in his stomach. He knew he was dead. He knew that he would never see fifteen, never get married to Sam, never have children. Not after his mom was done with him. Danny wasn't even sure if his mom would forgive him after his most recent screw up.

Danny had lied to his parents and then went to a party where teens were smoking pot, and drinking hard liqueur. Danny knew his parents would NEVER allow him to attend that kind of party. But, his friends were going. And he wanted to be with his friends on a Saturday night. And not stuck at home all alone.

So, he told his parents that he was going to go and hang out with his friends at the Nasty Burger. And then he left and met up with his friends at the party. All was going fine for a little while. Until some kids got drunk. And started breaking the windows of the house they were in. Concerned neighbors called the police. And the party was brought to a hard stop. And all the teens had to be taken home by the police. To say that Danny's parents were angry, was an understatement.

Danny was now grounded for two weeks. No friends, no video games, cell phone, computer (expect homework), nothing. And that wasn't the end of it. Danny spent all of Sunday just sitting in his room, thinking about what he had done. But, then on Monday morning, before Danny left for school. His mother informed him that when he got home that afternoon. That he was to go strait to his room. And he was to have the hair brush ready.

Danny glanced over at the wooden hair brush on his dresser. And knew that he was not going to be able to sit properly for at least a day or two. After his mom used that on him.

After what felt like forever, Maddie finally made her way into her sons room. She walked in, closed the door, and then went and stood by her sons bed. Maddie looked down at Danny and sighed. She hated doing this to Danny. But, she knew it was for his own good. To help him grow and learn.

"Danny, do you understand why you are getting a spanking?" Maddie asked.

Danny sighed, "Yes, because I lied to you and dad. And went to a party that I knew I knew I wouldn't allowed to go to."

"Yes, Danny, you know your father and I want you to have fun with your friends. But, we want to be able to trust that you are safe. And if you want us to trust you. Then you have to be honest with us. And not go behind our backs. But, when you lied to us and went to that party. You broke our trust. And it's going to take time for dad and I to give you our full trust again." Maddie said.

Danny had to wipe a few tears from his eyes. Hearing his mother say that he had broken their trust. And that it would be sometime before he fully earned it back, was crushing.

Maddie sighed and gently lifted Danny's face. "Listen sweetie, dad and I love you so very much. And nothing will ever change that. You are my baby boy. And that will never change. And the only reason I am being so hard with you. Is because I want you to learn from your mistakes. So, you can make better choices in the future. Do you understand?"

Danny sniffed and then nodded. "Y-Yes, I'm sorry."

Maddie kissed her son on the forehead.

"I know, but we are not done yet. Let's just get this over with." Maddie said, with a sad sigh.

Danny sighed and knew that there was no getting out of this. He knew he had messed up. And now he had to pay the consequences.

Okay, so that was chapter one. I wasn't going to split this up into chapters. But, it was getting to long to be a one shot. So, if you enjoyed this and want more. Make sure to RR, and I will be back with chapter 2 soon! Until next time, my dudes! Phantom90!