Hi guys! This story is inspired by 'Ruler of Icecrown' by Velocityraptor, as I really liked the story's premise and a spoonful of the ideas but was not pleased with the way the story was executed.

This is my attempt to rewrite the story in my own style while adding in a few twists. Just be aware, this Lich King is going to be a tad different from the original but I will try to keep his spirit intact regardless (no pun intended). It is kind of necessary to make a few changes when you are bringing one concept or character from one universe to another. This also goes for any other character that I bring in from World of Warcraft, I will do my research (as I have never played a game of Warcraft in my life) but they will be different from their original counterparts.

Percy wondered where everything had gone wrong. Not for the first time, but the question kept echoing in his head.

He had once had a pretty good life. Only to see everything fall apart in the matter of weeks.

For crimes that he had never committed, he had been banished to the island of Northend somewhere off the coast of Svalbard. A frozen wasteland surrounded by a thick wall of ice where horrid creatures roamed free without retribution from the gods as long as they never left its shores.

The eternal chill was creeping into his bones as he stared towards the horizon, not sure what he was going to find.

Perhaps a part of him hoped that his father would come riding on the waves and tell him that it had been a terrible misunderstanding, that he could come home and that everything was going to be okay.

But he knew better by now, that hope had died long ago.

He supposed that it had all started with a surprise that he never saw coming.

He had a half-brother, one that even Poseidon himself had been aware of until a few days prior to his introduction to Camp Halfblood. He had known that his father was a bit of a skirt-chaser on par with his brother Zeus simply by the mythology surrounding him alone but to have living proof standing in front of him was a bit of a nasty shock.

Percy still remembered that first meeting quite vividly...


Percy was not sure what he thought of the teen in front of him.

He could see the resemblance, the strong jawbone and the lean yet athletic build was something they had both inherited from their divine progenitor. But the similarities ended there.

In between blond hair that was so bright that it almost looked golden, ocean-blue eyes and a borderline awardwinning smile; Percy almost felt like he had lost the genetic lottery if it wasn't for the fact that he did resemble his father a bit more strongly.

Yet there was something about Davos that put him on edge, something that was not immediately noticeable from the outside.

He could tell that his father wanted to be anywhere but in the room as he awkwardly introduced the two halfbloods.

"Percy...this is Davos Callighan. Davos, this is Percy Jackson."

The two shook hands and Percy thought that he saw something in Davos' eye, only for it to disappear behind a youthful smile.

"Nice to meet you! I have never had a sibling before so I hope that we can get along!"

Percy somewhat awkwardly smiled back, hoping that the feeling was just because they weren't familiar with one another yet.

Perhaps having a brother might not be so bad...

End Flashback

How naive he had been.

Davos might have looked like a nice guy on the outside, certainly the rest of Camp Halfblood thought so considering how popular he became after only a couple of days, but it soon become clear that there was a darker side to the seemingly perfect hero.

Davos had a gift with words and he used that to slowly turn the camp against him one person at a time. It was almost frightening how effective this process had been, even people that he had been close to had been caught up in the hate-campaign that Davos had started against him for a reason that he couldn't understand. And to make matters worse, Davos was careful with how and where he spoke so that his words wouldn't be able to potentially bite him in the ass later.

It had started small, a mere handful of people. Then the teachers started to turn the other way and his tormentors became bolder at the same time more people joined in.

Anna became distant, staying away from him for a reason that she refused to reveal. Whenever she looked at him, her eyes would become filled with sorrow and then she would turn away.

It wouldn't be until one week later that everything came crashing down.


Percy was out training in the fields when something suddenly hit him in the back of his head with great force, knocking him out almost instantly.

Once he woke up, he found himself in a cell. The guards refused to answer his questions and only glared at him with disgust and loathing.

After a while, Percy was forcefully taken to a room to face judgement from the gods. And he couldn't believe it when he heard what he was accused off.

Sexual assault! On one of the hunters of Artemis no less!

Things got even more bizarre when the 'witnesses' stepped forward, including the victim in question named Naomi.

Supposedly he had used his power over water to control her blood to prevent her to defend herself and then proceeded to doing several twisted things like toying with her breasts and ferociously kissing her against her will before them attempting to deflower her.

At that point, Davos claimed that he came across the two and intervened in order to save the helpless girl. He even went so far as to say that the only reason he didn't behead him right then and there was so that he would be able to face the Justice of the Gods.

The cacophony of shouts wanting him to executed for his atrocious acts was deafening and no matter how much Percy tried to claim innocence, they were determined to see him punished. It seemed like they had already decided that he was guilty. He tried to meet the eyes of his father only to be blocked by the furious crowd.

Ultimately, Zeus had judged him guilty and sentenced him to banishment to Northend for all eternity. As he was being hauled out of the chamber, Percy noticed the gleeful joy present in Davos's eyes that was masterfully concealed by a determined expression and immediately knew who was responsible for this mockery of a trial.

That very evening, Percy was put on a small airplane with his hands and powers bound and was dropped off on the icy shores. Once the aircraft was out of view, Percy simply fell down on his knees and cried.

End Flashback

Ever since then, Percy had aimlessly wandered the island. He wasn't able to settle down for long as hideous creatures followed his every step, some more beastlike and some who were disturbingly enough looked like they had once been human.

A shiver of pain went through his body and Percy subconsciously put his hand on a wound that one of the monsters managed to land on him earlier. Percy looked at his hand and felt himself go numb, not only was it covered in a disturbing mess of blood and some kind of dark-colored rancid liquid but his hands were becoming grey and the skin looked like it was going to fall off of his bones.

He was dying. He was certain of it. And he was going to die alone, a horrible monster just like his pursuers in the eyes of the rest of the world.

He carefully put his hand into his pocket and took out a seashell that he had picked up on the shore, perhaps he was going crazy as a result of everything that had happened to him but a part of him just wanted to feel his father's presence during what he believed to be his final moments. He whispered into it, somehow imagining that his father would hear his voice.

"Father...I know that you probably don't want to listen to me given everything that has happened and I understand. But I have to tell you something important."

Percy swallowed, barely keeping his tears from falling.

"I...am dying. I am probably beyond saving, but I just beg you. Please... take care of mom for me."

Percy closed his eyes and let the shell drop from his shaking hands into the ocean below, the freezing winds surrounded him and Percy swore that he heard something or someone call for him within their chilling howls.

Having nothing to loose, he blindly followed the voices into the blizzard and carefully opened his eyes once the winds subsided.

He stood before a massive tower made of ice, so tall that he could not not see its top through the clouds. Eager to get away from the raging blizzard, Percy walked up to the entrance and went inside.

Skeletons lined the walls and old bones covered the floor, the remains of those that came before him. Slightly unsettled by the macabre scene in front of him, Percy continued up the nearby staircase and as he got higher and higher he kept seeing more and more frozen remains. Some has equipment that came from different cultures and parts of history while others had armor and weapons of the likes of which Percy had never seen before.

The call got stronger the higher he climbed and somewhere around what he guessed was the top half of the tower, he realised it wasn't one singular entity that called him. It was a chorus of voices, all united under the singular goal to guide Percy to the top of the tower.

Eventually he arrived in a large chamber that seemed to made entirely of ice, Percy felt incredibly unsettled once he saw warriors captured within the walls.

In the center of the chamber laid the skeleton of a great dragon and pinned under one of its massive claws was a sword.

Percy looked towards an ornamental door that was covered in the runes of an unknown language on the other side of the chamber and immediately noticed that the door had no keyhole or doorknob, only a thin slit in the middle.

Understanding what he needed to do, Percy approached the skeleton with great trepidation. He hesitated for a moment, fearing that the ancient beast would reawaken once the sword was no longer in its possession, and then steeled himself as he grabbed hold of the handle.

Immediately a cold sensation traveled up his arm and he almost dropped the sword in shock, only holding on thanks to his determination. He glanced towards the dragon and was relieved to find it remaining in eternal slumber. He looked the weapon over as it started to glow in an almost otherworldly light, as if it was alive.

It was quite large, yet he was able to easily swing it with one hand. Strange glowing runes of a similar kind to the ones inscribed on the door was present on the blade as well, pulsing in rhythm to his heartbeat. Percy curiously ran his finger along the blade and immediately regretted it as he witnessed it freezing over with a mere touch. Thankfully the freezing stopped at the base of the finger or he would have one hand less by now.

Percy walked to the door and carefully pressed the sword into the opening, the symbols glowed and then the door just...disappeared.

As if it was an illusion.

In fact the entire chamber seemed to have suddenly expanded several times over.

Where the door once was, there stood a magnificent throne made of ice. Resting on the throne was a suit of armor, arranged in a way that made it look like it's previous wearer was still present inside it.

Percy swallowed as he stared upon the armor, it was incredibly intimidating and it surely must have stuck terror into the hearts of the ones that faced it in battle. It befitted the ruler of such a dreary place.

Suddenly, Percy felt weak and the ugly wound on his side made itself known once more. He collapsed on the floor and began to puke up blood, his end seemed to be near.

A powerful presence entered his mind, somehow he knew that it belonged to the sword that he carried. It told him to wear the armor, that it would allow him to live. That he would acquire power beyond his wildest imaginations, enough to face the gods that had casted him aside. Even to the point of bringing the dead back to life.

The catch was that he would live with only half a soul, never being able to ascend to the afterlife as his soul would be forever bound to both the blade and the throne in order to allow him to control the monstrous hordes that plagued the island.

He now knew that they were called the Scourge, they were ones who had been banished by the gods just like him. Some for flimsier reasons than others. Cursed to never see Elysium as a result of the island's magic. They desired revenge but their minds were crumbling without their king, and now they wanted him to ascend the throne.

The offer was incredibly tempting and as he felt his life slowly draining away from him, something inside Percy made him rise up and carefully grab the helmet.

He didn't want to die like this. Not pathetically bleeding out on a godforsaken place with his name dragged through the dirt because of a crime that he never committed.

He thought of his loved ones as their images appeared within his mind.




Please forgive me...

As he lowered the helmet over his head, a great power surged through him and the temperature in the chamber seemed to drop a hundred-fold. The rest of the armor turned into black snow that swirled around him as he stumbled towards the throne, once he properly settled down the armor magically appeared on his person as he was encased in ice. This time, the cold seeped into every part of his body with no escape and the sensation of being frozen alive was unlike anything that Percy had ever experienced.

As Percy was reaching his breaking point, the presence entered his mind again. It told him that he needed five years to allow his body to adapt to its new power, that his icy prison would make him strong.

The choir of voices came back, welcoming him as their new ruler. The one they had awaited for so long.

The last thought that went through his head before he lost consciousness was a soft inquiry of the name of the blade that he knew had led him here.

It responded with only one word.



Back on Olympus, the gods were gathered as they discussed the crop of halfbloods when suddenly Apollo screamed and collapsed on the floor.

They rushed to his side as his haunted words spoke of a new prophecy, one that sent chills down the spines of the entire Pantheon.

As the longest winter ends, the wall of ice will shatter

From the frozen throne, the king of the damned will come

Born of sacred blood, he rules the frigid north

Tempered by frozen winds, he wields the blade of sorrows

Neither living nor dead, his reign remains eternal

The mountains will crumble and the oceans churn, as it marks the day of reckoning

Rejoice you who have been forsaken,

For the Lich King has awakened once more...

In the very first roughdraft for this reimagining, Percy was originally going to be accused of rape. I decided to change it because I didn't want to include such a heavy and sensitive subject in the very first chapter.

But I still went with something along the same lines because I felt that it would be an easier lie for Davos to make up and have it be believed, rather than Percy being accused of being a spy for Kronos during the Titan's War like in the original (a lie that would fall apart under the least bit of scrutiny).