Chapter 1: Owlery

The Yule Ball was fast approaching, and Hermione Granger badly needed a dress. So she was now on her way to the Owlery in the West Tower to post a letter to her mother asking for one. The request was not unusual; Ron's mum had already sent him dress robes. And besides, even though she didn't own an owl, her best friends Harry Potter and Ron Weasley had allowed her free access to their respective owls, Hedwig and Pig. Errol, Ron's brother Percy's owl, could be used as a last resort.

As Hermione entered the Owlery, she nearly bumped right into Neville Longbottom.



Laughing, the pair awkwardly maneuvered around each other so as neither blocked the doorway and Hermione entered the tower proper.

Hermione giggled, holding up her letter. "I just have to post this to my mum. See ya, Neville."

"Hermione!" he blasted out suddenly as she turned away.


"I was wondering if you would like to go to the Ball with me?"

The lack of a bobble in his voice was what made her pay attention. That, and the fact that no one had asked her to the Ball until now. She had been secretly hoping that either Harry or Ron (the latter, she preferred) might ask her. Yet as she studied Neville curiously, she found herself fancying the idea of a date with him more and more. He had always been a sweet, shy boy. And he had plucked up the Gryffindor courage to ask her first. Smiling, she nodded her head. "Yes. Yes, all right then. Thank you for asking me, Neville!"

Neville smiled. "You're welcome, Hermione." Then, at the same moment, the pair leaned in and kissed each other on the lips chastely.

Hermione and Neville held the kiss for a moment or two, and when they drew back, both their eyes were wide.

"I... I don't know what came over..." Neville blushed and stammered. Then, his tongue seemed to work, his gaze becoming hooded as he got out, "You're gorgeous..."

No one had ever called her that before. Hermione found herself flushing as well, so that she almost missed Neville asking her, "I'll pick you up in the Great Hall?"

Biting back a smile, Hermione nodded. Neville floated on air from the Owlery, and waving goodbye, Hermione went to post her letter, all the while her mind swirling as she wondered: what the heck just happened?