Hi guys, I got a bad cold while working on my other stories. I managed to finish this one before I got sick, so I decided to post this now instead of waiting to post it with the other stories. I tried to imagine what Desiree would look like as a half ghost, and tried to be respectful to the culture so if I insulted anyone I apologize, and would remake her design.

Also happy early Father's Day to everyone.

I do now own the cartoon Danny Phantom

Desiree and Danny were down in the lab as Desiree continued on trying to transform once again. Danny tried his best to tutor her in what he knew, but it was to no avail. A pink ring formed around Desiree until it disappeared once again making her feel dizzy until Danny caught her just before she tripped, "Maybe we should take a break."

"Yes, I think that would be best", panted Desiree with Danny lifting her up to carry her to a chair.

Desiree blushed as she secretly started to like it whenever Danny carried her in a bridal position. Lately she's been having dreams of both of them being together in many romantic situations, and some where their romantic gestures have turned into erotic situations involving them both. Danny carried her over to a chair where she rested while handing her a cup of water.

"It's almost time for school. Why don't we continue once school's out?"

"I don't understand why I'm having such difficulty transforming. You and this other elder half-ghost you told me about are able to transform, so why can't I?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe it's different with us because we started off as humans and we didn't have any powers? You were a ghost who suddenly became a half-ghost like me after your powers changed you, so maybe your powers are changing as well?" asked Danny not really sure what to make of it, "I'm not even sure if Plasmius was able to transform after his accident though."

"Well, all in good time. My powers have been coming back one after the other, so all we can do for now is wait", said Desiree.

Unbeknownst to the two half ghosts Jazz was up the stairs overhearing their conversation, and was a bit surprise to find out that Desiree also has ghost powers like Danny. Although she's still confused as to what he meant by her being a ghost that turned into a half-ghost, but still wanted to respect her brother's privacy and let him tell her and her parents whenever he felt the time was right. For now though she did agree with him in one thing, "Danny, Desiree, it's time for school. I'll drop us off so we can avoid the bus, but we have to leave now before traffic gets worse", called out Jazz.

Casper High

"Thanks for the ride Jazz", said Danny.

"Indeed, it's nice entering a place without the hassle of other people trying to push you out of the way of public transportation", said Desiree.


"Ghost Alert! Ghost Alert!"

"Both of you hide!" panicked Jazz grabbing the collars of their shirts after an alarm went off.

"Why?" asked Danny and Desiree at the same time.

"Um…That's an excellent question", said Jazz smiling nervously.

'Well that confirms my suspicion that she knows about Danny, but how did she know about me?' thought Desiree.

"Hey guys", greeted Tucker walking up to them with Sam.

"What's going on?" asked Danny.

"Didn't you get the memo? The school's running Ghost Drills now", said Sam holding up a printed memo.

"Ghost Drills?" asked Jazz until Sam pointed down the hall

Fake Moan "I am a ghost", said Lancer in a fake spooky voice while wearing purple Halloween monster mask.

"Who's that supposed to fool?" asked Jazz

"Ghost!" yelled a familiar voice of Jack Fenton. Jack appeared wearing a type of battle armor with the words 'Ghost Peeler' on top of the visor, "I got the memo, and I know there are ghost around here!"

"Dad, no!" yelled Jazz

"It's not a ghost!" yelled Desiree

"It's an out-of-shape teacher wearing a mask!" yelled Danny.

"We'll see about that! Eat Ghost Peeler spook!" yelled Jack pressing a button releasing a stream of water at Lancer completely drenching him. Lancer removed his mask spitting out some water he swallowed with a deadpan expression confusing the five teens behind him while the other students just laughed at the soaked teacher, "Could've sworn I filled this thing with foam instead of water. Maybe I should've gone for the whip cream instead. Oh well, good thing I remembered to turn down the pressure."

"I'm confused", said Jazz with Danny nodding his head in agreement.

"That's what I'd like to know as well", said an angry Lancer.

"Didn't you read the memo? These Ghost Drills are supposed to teach the students to seek the nearest adult with ghost combat experience, and evacuate the school in an orderly fashion in case there aren't any", said Jack handing the memo to Lancer with the teens reading Sam's paper, "See? It's all there in the fine print. I also just finished the Fenton Ghost Peeler and wanted to test it out. So I swapped the power source for something harmless like foam or whip cream, but for reason water came out", said Jack tapping the nozzle on his hand while looking inside.

"Uh, Dad, your water bottle is plugged in", Danny taking out a water bottle from behind his back.

"Huh, I wondered where that went. So then where's the foam I prepared for today's drill?"

Fenton Works

Maddie has just finished her exercise routine and took out a water bottle only to be sprayed a green foam.

Casper High

"Oh well, I'm sure it'll turn up somewhere sooner or later", said Jack.

"Not so fast. I may not give you detention, but someone name 'Fenton' is staying after school today", said Lancer angry with the students still laughing at him.

"For what? For one little mishap? It's just water. I called ahead and plan this with the principal. Why would you want to give one of my kids detention for following the rules?" asked Jack a bit angry at the teacher.

"Fine then, I'll take it up with her. But you've been warned Mr. Fenton, no more shenanigans!" said Lancer walking away in squeaking shoes.

"Wow, you weren't kidding. He is out-of-shape", said Jack with Lancer's shirt clinging to his bulging stomach.

Fenton Work

"All I'm saying is you might want to think twice before barging in like that. Mr. Lancer really got Danny in trouble", said Jazz.

"But Jazz Pants, I called ahead and everything. Your principal even said it was okay for me to bring the Ghost Peeler as long as it wasn't harmful to anyone in school. I even did that harmless foam you kids do for your science experiments with some green food coloring for effect. I only did this cause I want you kids to be safe", said Jack

"Aw, dad", said Jazz hugging her father.

"Besides if you thought Danny was in trouble now", said Jack pointing his thumb to the lab that was completely dirty with splats all over the wall and dirty equipment everywhere, "Look at this place! Danny hasn't clean the lab in weeks. The beakers are caked with goo, the walls are covered in ectoplasm, and look", said Jack pointing to the Ghost Portal with a gauge needle nearly in the red with another filter gauge showing it was full, "The ecto-filtrator hasn't been changed in six months. That can't be good."

"And it'll be six more months by the time I finish all this extra work Lancer gave me", said Danny with Desiree helping him carry his overstuffed backpack with extra books, "He said it was to help me 'build character'."


"Dad, no offense, but have you ever heard of the term 'Stay-Away-From-My-School'?" said Danny slamming his heavy backpack down on the floor and cracking his spine.

"Sweetie, relax, your father didn't mean to make your life any more difficult", said Maddie removing her hood and goggles.

"Yeah, besides I even told him I planned it out with the principal. Why is he taking it out on you?"

"Revenge is a powerful temptation no matter how small", said Desiree speaking from experience.

"Well first thing tomorrow I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind", said Jack, "No one treats Jack Fenton's kids with disrespect when they did nothing wrong."

"Dad, please, no! Just stay away from my school and Mr. Lancer before he gives me more homework until I graduate from college", said Danny.

Sigh "Look Danny, I just want you both to be safe should another ghost invasion happen again, and let's not forget our newest addition to our family", smiled Jack at Desiree placing a fatherly hand on her shoulder, "As far as I'm concern, you're already part of the Fenton family no matter what Desiree."

"Thank you, I'm honored Mr. Fenton", said Desiree smiling a bit since she never had a father figure before, and despite his incompetence, she could tell he means well and really does care for everyone in his family including her who treats her the same as his own daughter.

"Ah Please, call me Jack. And hey, maybe if you ever get together with Danny, you can call me 'dad' in the future", smiled Jack making both teens blush.

"Dad!" yelled Danny embarrassed with Desiree smiling trying to hide a small blush on her face while pulling back a stray hair behind her ear. Desiree redid her hair into a crown braid that weaved together into a longer braid in the back with her remaining hair fanned out behind her in their natural wavy state.

Maddie and Jazz were about to say something about her hair when a news bulletin interrupted them, "The hunt is on for the Ghost Boy."

"What?!" yelled Danny, Desiree, and Jack at the same time earning a confusing look from Jazz and Maddie.

"As a result of today's false Ghost Alert at Casper High, the need for competent non-Jack Fenton ghost hunters in Amity Park has never been more obvious", said the news reporter showing a clip of Lancer being drenched by Jack in the Fenton Ghost Peeler.

"Hey! They said my name! Wait, 'need for competent ghost hunters'? I did all the necessary paperwork and preparation for that Ghost Drill. I even made the Ghost Peeler less deadly to test for accuracy", said Jack pressing a button on the Ghost Peeler as it squirted him in the face, and let out some foam as well, "Ha! I knew I packed it with some foam."

"Luckily a mysterious benefactor has offered a million dollar bounty on the head of Amity Park's most famous ghost, and hired the best known ghost hunters to track him down. Unfortunately, no reward as of yet has been assigned to his accomplice, the Masked Ghost Girl."

"I feel like I should be insulted", whispered Desiree to Danny.

"Nobody's catching those ghost kids but me, and the only person I'll accept help from is the woman I love and married!" said an outraged Jack knocking over some boxes, "Danny, son, you really need to clean the lab. Everyone else already did their chore list, it's only fair that you do the same."

"Why do I get stuck with the lab?" asked Danny.

"Luck of the draw Danny. You know every week we do the chore wheel to see who does what that week. Even Desiree is participating", said Jack.

"And she is a wiz at organization. I even have more room for the spare weapons in the closet", said Maddie.

"I was just trying to reorganize her closet. I didn't think she hide a suit of armor in there", whispered Desiree.

"We have a suit of armor?" asked Danny and Jazz at the same time.

Nasty Burger

"Aren't you guys worried? These are the best ghost hunters around", said Sam standing next to the two half ghosts outside of Nasty Burger.

"Sam, these are the best known. They're not the best. I mean look at them, The Groovy Gang and Scaredy Cat? The Extreme Ghost Breakers? The Government's ghost hunting squad Guys In White? It's a virtual who's who of who can't catch a ghost", said Danny laughing at all the ghost hunting squad that arrived.

"Some of these remind me of bad imitation of some of the television shows you showed me", said Desiree until she turned to Danny, "And you only came out here to get out of cleaning the lab again didn't you?"

Danny looked away while whistling innocently until the Fenton RV drove by nearly crashing into the dune buggies of the Extreme Ghost Breakers, "Hey you kids! Don't you know it's dangerous to park in the middle of the street?!"

"It's a parking lot old man!" yelled the guy extreme ghost hunter.

"Dude, we're in the middle of the road in the parking lot. He's still right", said the girl extreme ghost hunter.

"Whoa, you're harshing my extreme vibes dude", said the guy.

Ugh "I'm a girl!"

"And that's extreme!"

Honk Honk "And you're still in the way!" yelled Jack with the two adrenaline junkies moving out of the way for Jack to park.

"I think we'll be fine. We have nothing to worry about", said Danny with a confident smirk.

"Good, then you won't have a problem with this", said Tucker unveiling a bad ghost costume, "Thanks to Danny and Desiree, we know all the ghost sightings of Amity Park. Tucker Foley's Boo-Yea Tours is bound to be a hit. Boo-Yea!" said Tucker putting on his ghost costume.

"Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never be in peril", said Desiree getting looks from her friends, "A quote from Sun Tzu from the Art of War. You should know better than to underestimate an enemy just by how they look Danny. Otherwise, it could end up being a defeat you can't ignore."

Sigh "Somehow I know she's right about this", said Danny making Desiree smirk triumphantly.

"What makes you say that?" asked Sam.


"Whoops, sorry Tucker. Guess there was still more of that foam from the Ghost Drill incident", said Jack after accidentally hitting Tucker with some green foam.

"In retrospect, maybe dressing up as a ghost in a parking lot full of ghost hunters wasn't the best idea after all", said Sam sarcastically with the two still struggling to get Tucker's costume off with the other ghost hunters laughing at them.


A loud avian screech echoed across the parking lot as three large bird like ghost with fez on their heads swooped down and attacked the ghost hunters. Everyone quickly dispersed with the exception of Jack who took out the Fenton Fisher, "Stand back everyone! I got the home field advantage!"

"Like, that's not the million dollar ghost", said girl tamer of the white tiger ghost hunters.

"Then we should just kick back and watch the show", laughed the extreme girl, "It'll be a riot."

"An extreme riot dude", laughed her partner.

"I'm a girl!"


"Are you kidding me?! So what if that's not the million dollar ghost?! You're still ghost hunters aren't you?! You should be helping my husband catch those ghost so they stop terrorizing our town!" said Maddie defending her husband.

Jack managed to reel one of the ghost birds until it started to drag him along the road. The ghost bird flew over the Nasty Burger drive thru mascot with the spokesperson even commenting on him being a terrible ghost hunter with Maddie rushing over to see if her husband was alright.

"Danny, we should do something", said Desiree feeling bad for Jack.

"I know but what? I can't exactly change here, and I don't want to put anyone in danger", said Danny until the other two ghost birds grabbed Tucker and Sam, "Of course danger always tends to find me though."

Danny and Desiree quietly snuck around back of the burger joint with Desiree putting on a spare mask while Danny transformed into his ghost form. Danny and Desiree quickly flew after the two birds with all of the ghost hunter's detection system going off as they flew by. They were both gaining up to their friends when Danny was suddenly grabbed by his throat in midair, "Danny!"

"Go! Save them!" yelled Danny with Desiree reluctant to leave him, but quickly flew off to save her friends hoping Danny would be alright. He was quickly thrown to a nearby rooftop that slightly disoriented him.

Danny looked at his captor to see a vampiric-like older man with sky blue skin, pointed fangs, black hair in a U-shape with a goatee, and red eyes. He was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt with black gloves, white trousers with black boots, a black belt around his waist, and a white cape with a red interior. The man was known as Vlad Plasmius, Danny's archenemy who wants to get rid of his father and force his mother to be with him, "Plasmius, what are you doing here?!"

"Well let's see, your father looks like a fool, there's a million dollars on your head…what do you think I'm doing here?!" asked an irritated Plasmius.

Danny quickly charged at him with Plasmius creating a transparent purple shield making Danny hit it head on. Danny shook his head until he looked back and saw all the ghost hunters using their equipment to scan everything in sight, "Wait, you hired all these idiots?"

"Yes, well every idiot except your father. He's a free idiot", said Plasmius constructing a large purple paddle knocking Danny back to another rooftop. Danny looked up to see Plasmius hovering just above him when Desiree appeared behind him with a pipe trying to ambush him only for Plasmius to turn intangible at the last second and quickly grabbed her by the throat, "And what have we here? Another one of your father's ghost accidents? I swear, you'd think the man would learn his lesson about leaving his stuff around, but then again it is Jack Fenton we're talking about."

"You…You're nothing but a coward", coughed out Desiree.

"Well I must admit, this one has a bit more spunk in her", said Plasmius angrily removing her mask and burning it with his power until he took a closer look at her until he had a deadpan expression, "Yeah, I'm sorry, I have no idea who you are. Which one of his friends are you again?"

Desiree kicked Plasmius in the groin effectively forcing him to release her when he looked down with tears in his eyes to see his two friends standing in an alley looking up at them, "If those are your two friends down there, then who is this?"

"My partner!" yelled Danny with both teens charging at him.

Plasmius fired several energy blasts at the two as they easily dodged while occasionally groaning in pain, "Shouldn't you be getting home to the love of your life?! Oh wait, that's right, my dad married the love of your life! You're bitter and alone!" said Danny about to punch him only for Plasmius to shock him.

"While I'll admit your partner got me good, you're still wet behind the ears Daniel", groaned out Plasmius when Danny was about to lose consciousness and revert back to his human form when Plasmius stopped his attack, "Uh, uh, Can't have you turning back to Danny Fenton now can we? This might be your father's party-"

"Then I suggest you stop crashing it", interrupted Desiree tackling Plasmius forcibly releasing Danny. Desiree tried to push him to the ground only for Plasmius to quickly twirled them in midair and slammed her hard a building roof, "I'm growing tired of your interruptions girl!" said Plasmius shocking Desiree.

"Let her go Plasmius!" yelled Danny when he was knocked back by another purple shield. Desiree tried to transform with a pink ring forming once again shocking Plasmius until it suddenly disappeared.

"You can't transform. Laugh Oh, This is just too much! You're a half-ghost and you can't even transform yet?! I thought you were a threat", said Plasmius shocking her harder and dropping her like a ragdoll. He turned his attention to Danny once again, and hoisted him up, "Now then Daniel, I believe the others are waiting for your arrival", said Plasmius throwing him towards the ghost hunters.

"It's the million dollar ghost!" yelled one of the Guys In White with all the ghost hunters preparing their weapons as they aimed for Danny. Tucker and Sam rushed over to see if they could help their friend while Plasmius laughed at their predicament and flew off into the distance.

All the ghost hunters powered up their weapons with a white tiger growling menacingly at Danny near his face, "Uh, Um…Boo?"

The tiger gave off a startled cry as it attached itself to one of the GIW agents creating enough chaos for Danny to phase through the floor and escape.

"Uh, Guys, shouldn't we, like, focus on the ghost kid before Jack Fenton does something stupid and, like, escapes", said the hippie trainer of the white tiger.

"Me? While all of you were talking, the ghost kid already ran away", said Jack pointing to the empty spot their weapons were pointing at. Jack spotted the ghost boy in the distance and prepared his weapon only to hesitate in firing allowing Danny to escape.

"Way to go dude, you let him escape", said one of the ghost extremist with everyone looking at him disapprovingly.

"Yeah, and if I missed I could've hit those innocent bystanders in the back", said Jack pointing to a group of people watching everything along with Sam and Tucker in front of the group, "So excuse me for being considerate to the public when pointing a dangerous weapon. What's the point of getting a million dollars if someone is just gonna get hurt if you're not careful about your actions? I know I did when I put my best friend in the hospital for my reckless actions once, but he forgave me and I could never thank him enough. So go ahead and laugh at me if you want, but at least I'm doing this to help my family and my town."

Fenton Works

Danny was angrily sweeping the lab while Sam tended to Desiree's wounds until he just slammed the broom down kicking everything around him, "Danny!" yelled a concern Sam.

"Why didn't I just listen to you and my parents, and just cleaned the stupid lab instead of going over to see those ghost hunters?!" yelled Danny in frustration.

"Danny, you couldn't have known that he was the one behind all this", said Desiree putting on her beanie to hide her head bandages.

"Well I should've! All the signs were there! The hunters, the bounty, the humiliation of my dad, everything!" said Danny hitting the ecto-filtrator.

"Come on Danny, you can't honestly believe that the reason why your rich archenemy is here is to humiliate your dad", said Sam.

"And date his mom", said Tucker still cleaning off excess foam.

"Yes, that's exactly why he's here! To make my dad look like a fool!" said Danny unaware that his dad came down the stairs and into the lab.

"I mean did you see how those other ghost hunters were laughing at him?! How embarrassing! I mean, yeah my dad is a bit of a goof, but he's my dad! At least he had the decency to know when to not fire a weapon that could endanger the public!" said Danny hitting the ecto-filtrator.


"He's right behind me isn't he?" asked Danny after Sam cleared her throat loudly.

"Yes, I'm afraid he is. Look son, I'm sorry that you think I'm a goof, and for getting you in trouble in school", sighed Jack feeling dishearten.

"What? No, dad I-"

"If you need me, I'll be upstairs doing something wrong", sighed Jack.

"Dad, I'm not embarrassed by you!" interrupted Danny getting his attention, "Well, not entirely. I mean, yeah you're a goof, but I meant what I said. You at least cared enough to know when not to shoot knowing that you could've hurt my friends. I even saw how you help evacuate everyone during the ghost invasion while mom went to hunt down the other ghosts that were terrorizing City Hall in the news. Those other guys didn't even help you when those ghost birds attacked while you tried your best to fend them off. All they care about is the money. If they were real ghost hunters like you, they would've at least helped you to take down those ghost so they don't terrorize our town."

"Thanks son that actually makes me feel a bit better", said Jack putting a hand on his shoulder, "If you need me, I'll be upstairs hopefully not goofing anything up."

Sigh "Great", sighed Danny as soon as his dad was up the stairs.

"The truth can often be a hard thing to come to terms with, but at least you were able to tell your father how you feel", said Desiree putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Then why do I still feel so lousy?"

"There's no need for you to feel guilty Danny. You told your father the truth, but you also told him that you acknowledge him as well. Right now he's just coming to terms with what has happened today", said Desiree.

The four friends helped Danny clean the lab until his friends left. Danny sat down at the edge of the steps with Desiree sitting next to him concerned for her friend while reminiscing about her own feelings about him, "How do you do it? How do you manage to stay so level headed, and be this awesome person who knows what to say?"

Hmm "It's not easy. Sometimes, you forget Danny that while I may physically be the same age as you, I still have a world's of experience than you can't possibly imagine. In a way I kind of envy you as well", said Desiree closing her eyes as she remembered her old life.

"I had no other choice, but to grow up fast. I had to be this adult who learned from her mistakes, and learn them fast. I had to survive, there was no other alternative. I didn't have anyone in my life. No friends, no family, I was nothing more than a street rat until the sultan saw me one day while he was heading back to the palace. He immediately took an interest in me, and I was invited into his harem. However, I was never more alone in there than in the streets", said Desiree leaning against his shoulder with Danny subconsciously resting his head on top of hers.

"What happened?" asked Danny listening closely to her story.

"My harem sisters hated me, they would tear my dress, steal my jewels, every opportunity they had to try and sabotage me they took it. The only one who I could consider a friend was an elderly woman who was my dance teacher. She taught me everything I knew, she trained me closely, and treated me as if I was her daughter until the day she passed away. That's when the sultan's wife started to notice how close I was to him. She bribed my harem sisters to double their efforts to steal away his attention from me. On the day he promised me my own kingdom my harem sisters betrayed me, they took me in front of his wife, and her guards…her guards…"

Danny held her close as she cried in his shoulder knowing well what could've happened while he whispered apologies to her, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

He held her close slowly brushing her hair with his hand until she visibly calmed down wiping away several tears while she continued her story, Sniff "It's in the past. After my…humiliation…she took me in front of the sultan. She accused me of all kinds of crimes with my harem sisters supporting her statement. So I was kicked out, and banished from the city. I wondered the desert traveling from city to city until the end of my days alone with a broken heart never really knowing true companionship of any kind, and never having my heart's desire fulfilled. That's when I awoke as a ghost with the ability to grant the wishes of people's desire, but the one wish I could never grant was my own. I remembered the story the elderly woman told me of One Thousand and One Nights, and thus I began my journey roaming the Earth granting their desires until I became bitter and jealous of their joy. The rest, you know", said Desiree wiping away some stray tears.

"Wow, I didn't think you had to endure something so…so terrible like that. Why didn't you tell me about this? Why did you tell us? We're your friends", said Danny hugging Desiree close with her blushing at his warmth.

"Because I didn't want you to pity me. I didn't want you to think that I was weak despite everything that has happened, and…I was afraid", whispered Desiree, "I was afraid of what you and the others might think. I was afraid of being taken advantage of again. I had to be this strong person because it's all I know. It's all who I am. I don't know how to be anything else."

"Sure you do", interrupted Danny shocking her, "You became our friend, you opened up to Sam, Tucker, and I. You became part of our group, part of my family. You laughed alongside us, you've fought other ghost by our side, and you even showed that you were having fun whenever all of us went out together. You made me try new things I've never thought I'd try before, you opened up to my family, and you actually enjoyed being something that you were never able to do before. You were able to enjoy life once again as yourself."

Danny and Desiree blushed as they stared into each other's eyes slowly closing the space between them until their Ghost Sense went off, "I…well, I have to…I…"

Desiree effectively silenced him by placing a hand on his cheek while he blushed as he stared into her clear blue eyes, "Go, but please be careful."

Danny did something unexpected and kissed her cheek making Desiree blush until he transformed into his ghost form and flew up.


Sigh "Danny's right, I am a goof. Tried as I might, I couldn't even catch a ghost if one sprung up in front of me", muttered Jack to himself when Danny appeared in front of his father shocking himself.

"Da-I mean um J-Jack! What are you doing up here?" said Danny startled, "Cool I just called my dad by his first name", quietly muttered Danny to himself.

"Oh Great, it's you. What are you doing here, and how do you know my name?" asked Jack a bit dishearten.

"I was just passing by when I uh…thought I saw some ghost flying by here. I also, um fear you and respect you", said Danny trying to disguise his voice so he didn't sound like his normal self.

"Well there's no ghost here except for you. I'm tired of getting laughed at. I give up. While my son respects me, he deserves a father who won't embarrass him out in public", said Jack.

"You can't do that-"

"You're darn right he can't", interrupted the familiar voice of Maddie wearing a modified vacuum, "Eat hot Fenton Weasel ghost scum!" yelled Maddie capturing Danny inside the machine, "Jack! You did it! You caught the ghost boy!"

"Okay, somehow I can see the irony of this", said Danny in the Fenton Weasel.

"Aw, Come on Maddie. You caught him not me", said Jack feeling depressed.

"Yes, but if it wasn't for you distracting him, I would've never caught him. So in reality you actually caught him", said Maddie.

"Hey, you're right. You're right! I caught the ghost boy!" yelled Jack happily as he ran out with the Fenton Weasel. Jack suddenly turned around to face Maddie, "I see what you did there. You are the best wife ever", said Jack passionately kissing his wife and dipping her.

"Oh! Come on! I'm right here!" yelled Danny from inside the Fenton Weasel.


Jack quickly raced down the street following the directions to the reward, "This'll show those lousy hunters who the real competent ghost hunter is! Then Danny won't be so embarrassed by me!"

"Gee, I feel so lucky", muttered Danny sarcastically until he was hit by a sudden jolt from the van, "Ow! Now I know how it feels to be crammed into the thermos too", muttered Danny angrily.

Jack suddenly stopped the RV while looking down a dark alley, "Hmm, This is a funny place to claim a reward. Feels like I'm walking into a trap."

"That's because you are! Trust me, you have no idea what you're getting into!" yelled Danny.

"Oh, Please, why should I believe you ghost?" asked Jack when he was suddenly trapped inside an energy cage.

"Does that answer your question?" asked Danny rhetorically.

Clap Clap Clap "Aw good, all the pawns doing exactly what they're supposed to be doing", said Plasmius appearing in front of him while slowly clapping.

"You! The Wisconsin Ghost!"

"Bingo! And now that your Fenton Portal is unprotected, it's ripe for the taking where I'll make it into a Plasmius Portal!" said Plasmius smiling.

"Wait a minute, you already have a Ghost Portal", said Danny from inside the Fenton Weasel.

"He has a Ghost Portal? You have a Ghost Portal?!" asked Jack.

"Of course I have a portal! Well I did…it up and exploded on me, but ah well, that's what you get for forgetting to clean the ecto-filtrator hmm? Live and learn", said Plasmius shrugging his shoulders, "Or in your case, die and learn", said Plasmius as he flew off into the night sky.

Fenton Works

Desiree was deep in thought with a light blush on her cheeks as she remembered how she almost kissed Danny while lightly wrapping a blanket around herself. She lightly touched her lips wondering how they would feel against hers until she shook her heads to clear her thoughts, 'There's no way Danny could ever be with someone like me. Physically we might be the same age, but mentally…we're just too different. He deserves someone who will grow with him', thought Desiree, 'Still…it would be nice just to feel his lips against mine just once. I'm sure he might be clumsy at it, but I certainly wouldn't mind teaching him', thought Desiree smiling when her Ghost Sense went off.

She quickly raced down towards the lab when she was suddenly shocked by Plasmius as soon as she entered, "Ah, I almost forgot about our newest little addition to Danny's friends. As soon as my minions take care of Maddie and his sister, there'll be no one to stop me."

"Again, we prefer the term 'Ecto-American'! We have the right to be here like everyone else too ya know", said one of the ghost birds in an elderly voice phasing out of a vault, "Oy, I tell you, young'uns these days."

"Did you take care of them or not?" facepalm Plasmius picking up Desiree as she groaned weakly.

"Oh Yeah, we locked them in the weapons vault. Some jerk forgot to put a handle inside so they're locked up nice and safe", said the other old buzzard, Chuckle "Get it? 'Safe'?"

"Just get a move on, and finish dismantling that portal!" ordered Plasmius impatiently.

"We're over 2000 years old! Be happy we're moving at all", said the old buzzard as they got to work.

Amity Park

Danny was flying over the public park carrying his father after he was able to convince him to set Danny free. Along the way they were ambushed by the other Ghost Hunters with Danny convincing Jack to run ahead to try and save their family. Danny was able to quickly dispose of the hunters with the help of the white tiger that was a coward, and dumped them all in a nearby dumpster outside of Nasty Burger.

"Now that those idiots are dealt with, I have to go help Jack", muttered Danny while feeling a bit giddy at saying his father's name, "Man, that is cool to say!"

Fenton Works

Danny flew off at high speed hoping that his family was okay when he phased through his house and into the lab only to be ambushed by Plasmius charging at him and punched him against the wall, "Typical dramatic hero entrance as always Daniel. Always so predictable, and this time I made sure to dispose of your little partner ahead of time", said Plasmius showing a weak Desiree groaning on the ground near the stairs.

"Desiree!" yelled Danny.

"Desiree? Did he say Desiree?" asked one of the buzzards.

"No, I think he said dessert tray", said another one.

"You know this girl?" asked Plasmius wondering just who this girl was.

"Well we certainly know a Desiree", said the third buzzard, "She's that sweet young thing who always grants those bad wishes and what not."

"Oh yeah, well except for that one time when we did wished for that dessert tray. That was nice of her", said the second buzzard.

"I wondered what happened to that girl. She was always nice to us in the Ghost Zone", said the first buzzard.

"She's right there! You just said it was her!" said Plasmius.

"Impossible, the Desiree we know is a full ghost", said the first buzzard.

"A full ghost you say?" asked Plasmius now intrigued, "And you said she grants wishes?"

"Oh yeah, but you have to be careful. That crafty girl can twist your words around if she wanted too", said the second buzzard, "Good at making custard though."

"I prefer the tapioca pudding", said the third one with the three buzzard getting into an argument over what dessert they liked.

"Danny, are you okay?" asked Desiree weakly after crawling towards him.

"I should be asking you that. I'm sorry I couldn't get here in time", said Danny.

"Don't be, I'm just glad you're alright", smiled Desiree with Danny smiling back, "Danny, would you mind if I was a bit selfish just this once?"


Desiree interrupted him kissing him on his lips making him blush at her actions. While it was a tender moment Danny placed a hand on her cheek while she licked his lips. She slowly pulled back staring lovingly at him while he looked at her in realization, "Thank you for granting me my heart's desire."

"Desiree what-"

Desiree got up with Plasmius finally silencing the old buzzards, "Plasmius!"

"You've hurt my friends and my family, and that is something I will not forgive!" said a determined Desiree.

"Oh please, what can you possibly do to defeat me?" smirked Plasmius.

"I'm Going Ghost!" yelled Desiree with a pink ring appearing around her middle. The ring separated into two rings, one going up and the other going down changing her outfit and appearance. She was wearing a black loose shirt with pink single ring gloves that went up halfway to her elbows, two gold bangle bracelets on her right hand, and one gold bangle bracelet on her left. She had black pants with two pink boots on her feet that stopped mid-thigh, a pink sash around her waist with a half-skirt wrapped around her left leg, a pink scarf materializing around her neck and down to her mid-back, and a pink flame facial marking over her right eye. Her eyes changed to a bright neon pink that glowed similar to Danny's ghost form, and her hair changed with her braids changing to a pink color with pink highlights in her loose hair, and a pink metallic headband on her head.

"Impossible! You weren't able to transform before!" yelled a shocked Plasmius with Danny staring in awe at Desiree's new form.

She turned around looking at Danny with a reassuring smile until she outstretched one of her hands making his logo glow brightly. Desiree pulled out a pink copy swirling it around in a pink flame until she placed it on her chest until it dispersed revealing a pink D with a P cutout in the center similar to Danny's logo, "You may call me Desiree Phantasm!"

"Hey! You know, she does remind of me of that girl who gave us that dessert tray", said one of the buzzards.

"Wait! You really are that wish granting ghost these old buzzards keep talking about?!" asked Plasmius.

Desiree charged forward creating a pink energy whip and wrapped up one of the buzzards while they were distracted and blasted him into the portal with a pink Ghost Ray.

"Get her!" ordered Plasmius.

Desiree flew around the second buzzard creating a pink whirlwind until she blew it into the portal along with the second buzzard. Danny quickly recovered from his shock after seeing Desiree transform and rushed over at the third buzzard blasting him with a Ghost Ray into the portal.

Growl "It's so hard to get good help these days", growled Plasmius angrily until he smiled, "But since you have to grant wishes, I wish the portal was completely dismantled!"

"Yeah, well how about I wish I'd kick your butt once the portal is fixed!" said Danny angrily.

"And I couldn't agree more with Danny", said Desiree with her eyes glowing brighter as her hands glowed in a pink energy, "So you have wished it! So it shall be!"

All the screws, nuts, and bolts scattered on the floor glowed pink as well as they all flew up to their respectively place rapidly fixing the portal to its original state. Danny and Plasmius watched in awe until the portal was completely fixed once again.

"Alright!" cheered Danny.

"That's not fair! What about my wish?!" said an angry Plasmius.

"Your wish…" said Desiree charging her energy into her hands, "Has been denied!"

Desiree charged at him until he countered at the last second by creating purple barrier in front of him blocking her attack. Danny charged his energy into a sphere and launched it at Plasmius effectively pushing him back, but his barrier was still holding, Growl "I'm gonna-"

"You're not gonna do anything Wisconsin Ghost!" yelled Jack.

"Jack?" said a surprised Desiree.

"You know me too?" asked a confused Jack.

"Uh She's the Masked Ghost Girl…only without her mask", said Danny quickly.

"Huh, I always thought it was because she had a weird fashion sense", said Jack scratching his head making Desiree stare at him with a deadpan expression.

"Oh, You've got to be kidding me", laughed Plasmius, "I get to waste you in your own home? This is the happiest day of my life!" said Plasmius charging at him.

"Look out Da-I mean Jack!" yelled Danny, "Is this how you feel every time you say my dad's name?" asked a giddy Danny earning a confusing look from Desiree.

Jack threw a cat o' nine tails effectively stopping Plasmius and shocked him until Jack swung it around and slammed him against the wall, "No one is wasting Jack Fenton while his family is in danger!"

"Whoa!" yelled Danny and Desiree impressed with Jack's improved skills.

Jack rushed over to the Fenton Portal when Danny remembered that he still needed to change the ecto-filtrator before their house exploded. Jack was about to reach for the ecto-filtrator when Plasmius appeared in front of him, "Oh Please fool! Your family is in danger every time you pick up a butter knife! Its time someone put you out of their misery!" said Plasmius slapping Jack back across the lab knocking down a table with a pair of metallic gloves landing in front of him.

"I might be a goof! I might mess up! But when it comes to my family the gloves are off!" said Jack powering up the metallic gloves.

"Uh…Don't you mean-"

"Off-On-You get the point", said Jack interrupting Danny. Jack charged forward at Plasmius punching him hard relentlessly.

"Whoa, he's all over this. Which means, we can change back and change the ecto-filtrator before we blow up."

"We what?!" asked a shocked Desiree with both of them changing back into their human forms while the Jack was busy pummeling Plasmius. The two teens rushed over with Danny quickly taking out the old filtrator while Desiree frantically searched for the new one.


"Fenton Portal to explode in 30…29…28…"

"I can't find the new filtrator!" yelled Desiree until Jack handed Danny the new filtrator they were looking for.

"Uh…I probably should've done this the first any of the five times that you told me to", said Danny smiling meekly.

"And I'm sort of glad you didn't", said Jack taking the old filtrator and blew out the old ectoplasm at Plasmius temporarily blinding him when he was about to attack Jack once again. Jack quickly grabbed him, and opened up the Ghost Portal.

"It's not possible! You're an idiot! AN IDIOT!" yelled Plasmius.

"Maybe so, but I'm the idiot who beat you", said Jack punching Plasmius through the Ghost Portal.

"That was awesome!" yelled an impressed Danny.

"Danny!" yelled Desiree reminding him of the situation they were in as he nearly dropped the new filtrator. Both father and son quickly caught it and changed it stopping the countdown towards the portal's destruction.


Danny and Desiree flinched at a simulation that Jack was showing them on what would happened if the ecto-filtrator wasn't changed every six months with maximum volume that startled the two teens, "Well that certainly was…extreme", said Desiree.

"Why do you even have this simulation on your laptop?" asked Danny.

"So I never forget to remind you why it's important to change the ecto-filtrator every six months in case your mother or I ever forget to do so", said Jack closing his laptop.

"I keep that in mind", said Danny, "Listen dad, I'm really proud of you. Whether you're a goof or not, I'm still glad that you're my dad. I know you try your best to do what's right for all of us."

"Thanks Danny", said Jack.

"And you certainly were courageous when you took out that ghost and beat him back into the Ghost Zone", said Desiree.

"I was, wasn't I", said Jack pumping his chest until he placed a hand on both their shoulders, "But even so, I'm glad both of you came out okay. Desiree, I'll admit you showed a lot of spunk when trying to take on that ghost. You certainly showed guts like my Maddie."

"Thank you Jack", said Desiree smiling.

"So from now on…" started Jack.

"I'll remember to do my chores", said Danny.

"And I'll remind him now that he knows that I'm mostly right", said Desiree playfully jabbing him.

"And I'll be more careful with my actions to help avoid embarrassing consequences to you kids", said Jack playfully ruffling their hairs, "Speaking of kids, where are your sister and mother?"

The three of them looked at each other in confusion until they heard a banging sound coming from the lab with barely audio muffled voices, "Good golly that's coming from the weapon's vault! I've been meaning to show Danny how to install a door handle in there!"

"We have a weapon's vault?" asked Danny with Desiree shrugging her shoulders. Once Jack raced downstairs to free his wife and daughter, the two half-teens were left alone in the kitchen with the memory of their kiss fresh in their minds, "So…"

"Forgive me Danny. I know it must seem-" Uumph

Danny surprised Desiree by kissing her on her lips making them both blush, "To be honest, I've kind had a crush on you for the past couple of days now. I thought it might've been weird or awkward for you since, well you know…since you probably saw me as a kid or something."

"Well, I will admit, you do have a lot of charming qualities. I thought it might've been weird for you since you probably saw me as the same mature woman who you used to fight", said Desiree blushing, "For the past couple of days I've also been thinking about you, and how it would feel to actually be with you."

Chuckle "So I guess we both thought the same thing about each other", said Danny placing a hand on top of hers, "I know I'm not really good at this, or have any experience with these sort of things, but…would you like to go out with me?"

"I would love to Danny", blushed Desiree, "But let's keep it a secret from your family for now."

"Agreed", chuckled Danny, "So…does this mean that Desiree Phantasm would like to go out with Danny Phantom?"

"Only if you can keep up", giggled Desiree playfully nudging him.

"I'll take that challenge", chuckled Danny as they both shared another kiss.