Fair warning: this might have some OOC moments and a bit of silliness. Basically Hux runs into the Sequel Trio while on a mission and taunts them. Rey is set off.

Maz's castle on Takodana was under reconstruction. The pirate "queen" didn't want to let go of the castle she's run for so long. Poe, Rey, and Finn paid her a visit to check it out.

"Good to see you three again." Maz greeted them. "You all seem content with your lives."

"We are." Poe nodded and smiled.

"Where's Chewie?" Maz asked.

"His home planet." Rey replied. "His son is getting married."

"Oh. I wish he invited me. I could have been his plus-one." Maz shrugged. "Oh well."

"So, how long before it's finished?" Finn asked.

"About six months." Maz replied. "You're all invited to the grand reopening, by the way. Tell Chewie, Waroo, and Waroo's new wife they're all invited, too."

"We will." Rey promised. "It's good to see you again, Maz."

"It's great to see you, too." Maz replied.


The trio left and took a walk through the woods.

"Well, well, well." The trio stopped and turned around to see Hux standing before them. "If it isn't the rebel scum."

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the First Order scum." Poe shot back. "What are you doing here, Hugs?"

"I'm here on business, not that it's any of yours." Hux replied.

"You gonna blow this kriffing planet up, too?" Poe asked.

"Nice. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Hux asked. He chuckled. "Oh, wait...you don't have one, do you?"

"Neither do you, I hear." Poe replied. "Didn't she die in the kitchen or something?"

A smile slowly formed on Hux's lips. "Yes, but...at least I spent a lot of time with her. Too bad you can't say the same."

"Watch it." Poe said warningly.

"I have to wonder why she had a child if all she wanted to do was fight in the Rebellion." Hux commented. "Face it. She abandoned you."

Poe was about to retort when Hux all of a sudden was lifted up off the ground, grabbing at his throat. Poe turned to see Rey, who was force-choking Hux and looking extremely pissed off.

"You listen to me, you kriffing piece of shit." Rey said through gritted teeth.

"Rey!" Poe exclaimed in surprise.

Rey ignored him and continued. "Poe's mother and his father were war heroes. They fought against the Empire to make the galaxy a better didn't abandon him. My parents on the other hand left me on Jakku and sold me for drinking money. That is abandonment." She released Hux, who fell to the ground unconscious.

Poe chuckled slightly. "Wow, remind me to never get on your bad side. Thanks, but you really didn't have to do that."

Rey shrugged. "I wanted to. You didn't deserve that."

Poe smiled, then turned towards Hux. "Well, I'll tell you one thing: Hugs certainly deserved that."

They both laughed.