I've been wanting to do a "Five Times..." fanfic, and I've been in a Damerey mood lately. And if they don't become canon, then I'll be disappointed, but it was fun while it lasted.

This first chapter takes place towards the end of TFA.

With their plan of attack in place, the dozen fighter pilots jumped to hyperspace towards Starkiller Base. Poe leaned back and sighed. "So, Beebee-Ate, what happened after we got seperated?"

"Well, I wandered around all night and most of the next day, then I was captured in a net by a Teedo." Beebee-Ate said in his own language. "That's when Rey found me. She chased the Teedo off, freed me, fixed my antennae, and let me stay with her until you came back."

"Aww, that's nice of her." Poe replied.

"Yeah. We went to Niima the next morning. This junk boss, Unkar Plutt wanted to buy me, but Rey refused to sell me." Beebee-Ate continued. "But, Unkar sent thugs after us, anyway. Rey fought them off. That's when we met Finn. He was wearing your jacket. I thought he had attacked you and stole your jacket. I told Rey, and she charged after Finn and chased him until she managed to knock him down. He told us that he saved you, then you guys escaped then crash-landed and that you didn't make it."

"Oh. Buddy, I'm sorry." Poe said sincerely.

"It's okay. So then the First Order found us and we escaped on the Millenium Falcon." Beebee-Ate continued. "We ran into Han and Chewie, then flew to Maz's Castle on Takodana. I...probably should not have gone into the castle. I was spotted by a First Order operative."

"Yeah, that would have been a better idea." Poe agreed. "But you were also spotted by a Resistance droid. If you weren't, who knows how long it would have taken us to find you?"

"Still...I followed Rey into the forest and the First Order spotted us. She distracted them long enough for me to escape, but..." Beebee-Ate went quiet.

"That's when she was kidnapped." Poe finished, nodding slowly.

"It's all my fault." Beebee-Ate beeped sadly. "If I hadn't followed her, she would not have been kidnapped."

"Hey, don't blame yourself. You didn't know what was going to happen." Poe replied. He sighed heavily. "If anything, I should have buried it in the sand somewhere, ran off with you to hide until they left, then came back for it."

"You had to be a hero." Beebee-Ate chirped dryly.

Poe laughed softly. "I was raised by Rebellion heroes. What'd you expect?"

"We have to save Rey." Beebee-Ate said.

"We will." Poe promised. "I can't wait to meet her. She sounds amazing."

"She is." Beebee-Ate replied.

Poe was eternally grateful that Rey was the first person Beebee-Ate ran into on that lawless junkyard. He couldn't believe that someone from that planet would be kind and generous enough to go to such great lengths to protect a droid she just met.


After Starkiller Base was destroyed and the map to Luke was completed, Rey and Poe finally met after an awkward hug.

"Beebee-Ate told me so much about you." Poe said. "Thank you so much for helping him. I really appreciate it."

Rey smiled and nodded. "You're welcome."

"I'm also sorry you were put in danger because of this whole mess with the map and the First Order." Poe said sincerely.

Rey shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I mean there are a few events I would rather not have gone through, but for the most part it was the most fun I've had in years."

Poe laughed softly. "I'm glad."