Hey, just a heads up for the chapter, whenever I just plainly say 'loader' I usually mean GUN loaders, unless I give some kind of prior explanation for what they look like.

Five months since Fuyumi Todoroki moved to Sanctuary.

Izuku and Axton were in the kitchen of their house cooking breakfast for the rest of their roommates, simply talking while doing so.

Izuku had become quite close to the ex-military man over the past months as well as the rest of his roommates, who had all been surprisingly sensitive to him despite most of them coming from a planet that only knew random death and violence.

Fuyumi, who had decided to stay in Sanctuary much longer than she planned, was also getting quite close to her new roommates.

"You're helping out Hammerlock again today, aren't you?" Axton asked.

"Yeah, he's been having me help him study this planet's wildlife for his almanac," Izuku explained.

"You wouldn't believe the kinda shit he had us do for that book back on Pandora," Axton laughed.

The two heard their door open and the aristocratic hunter that they were just speaking about marched into their kitchen.

"Hammerlock, you can't just keep barging into our house unannounced!" Izuku reprimanded.

"My apologies, I merely came here to see if you were ready to go."

Izuku looked to Axton, "Yeah, go ahead. I'll finish up here," he grumbled.

"Thanks, I owe you one," Izuku said as he stepped away from the stove and followed Hammerlock out of the house, a distant "Damn right you do" causing him to stall for a few seconds.

Izuku walked closely behind Hammerlock through the forest, stopping whenever he stopped and doing whatever he was asked to.

About half an hour into the hunting session, Hammerlock held his metal hand out to stop Izuku from moving forward. He pulled his rifle from his back and fired at something Izuku couldn't see, but by the sound of something heavy hitting the ground, he hit his target.

"Y'know, Hammerlock, I could just take you to a zoo, where you don't have to kill the animals to study them." Izuku pointed out as they climbed through the brush towards Hammerlock's kill.

"Ah but where is the fun in that. Needless violence, ho!" Hammerlock cheered as he squatted over the corpse of the deer he just killed.

A mechanical whirring stole their attention away from the dead animal. The two watched through the trees as a skinny black and yellow placed a brown machine on the ground. The upper part of its torso was significantly wider than the rest of it, and it also seemed to be its head due to the mechanical eye embedded into the left side of its face.

The machine beeped a few times before its three blunt, metal appendages blossomed out, revealing a thin antenna in the middle.

"Hammerlock, what is that?" Izuku quietly asked.

"It appears to be a Hyperion loader bot, but what is it doing here?" Hammerlock asked himself.

"And what about the other thing?" the small amount of fear that was present in Izuku's first question was even more noticeable now.

Hammerlock's eyes widened, "It's a Hyperion support beacon! Destroy it posthaste, don't allow it to call any more loaders!"

Izuku called upon his Siren powers and tackled the loader, crushing it against a tree, before interlocking his fingers and bringing his fists down on the beacon.

"Nice work, but that won't be the only one. Get back to Sanctuary and warn everyone of their impending doom." Hammerlock commanded.

"What about you?"

"Go on without me, with my leg I wouldn't be able to catch up anyways," Hammerlock said.

Izuku nodded and ran off, PhaseEnhance speeding him up so that he reached Sanctuary in a matter of seconds.

Izuku raced up the stairs of the Crimson Raiders headquarters, where the three other Siren, Roland, and Mandalay were waiting.

"Whoa dude, what's the rush?" Maya asked.

"Hyperion...they're here," Izuku panted out, "Me and Hammerlock...destroyed one of their beacons, but...he said that there were probably more."

"Shit, if Hyperion found us then Jack can't be far behind," Roland said as he picked up his gun.

"What's going on?" Mandalay questioned.

"We're being invaded by killer robots," Izuku answered in a scared tone.

"What?! My cousin is still out there, I need to go and save him," Mandalay tried to leave only to be stopped by Izuku.

"No, as backwards as it sounds, the safest place for you to be right now is here, with the rest of us. We can send someone else to bring him back here but you need to protect Tannis and Angel," Izuku ordered.

"No! I need to go and save him," Mandalay argued.

Izuku sighed, realizing that she wasn't gonna back down. "Where is he?"

"He's most likely hiding out in a cave on the face of the cliff not too far from here," Mandalay answered.

"Lilith, Maya!" the two turned to Izuku with questioning looks on their faces, "I need you to get over to that trail on the cliff and bring anyone you find back here."

"But we should be here fighting," Lilith protested.

"You'll get your chance to fight, but you can get there the quickest and it's important to make sure no one dies during this."

"Fine," Lilith moved her hand to Maya's shoulder and they both disappointed in a purple flash.

"We need to warn the people of Sanctuary, but the intercom is down, I need someone to go around and tell everyone to stay inside," Roland said.

Izuku turned to Mandalay's, "Can your telepathy get past language barriers?"

"Of course, why?" the hero asked back.

"Tell everybody in the city that Hyperion is attacking, and to get inside and find a place to hide," Izuku told her. Mandalay nodded before closing her eyes and using her quirk.


"Good, now as I said, stay here and protect Angel an-,"

"I want to fight," Angel blurted out randomly.

"Absolutely not," Izuku told her.

"But I can help you, this is my home too, I won't let Jack ruin this," Angel's resolve held strong.

"No, it's too dangerous, if Jack is here, then we can't risk him getting his hands on you again. Stay here," Roland ordered, and with that, he and Izuku took off, heading to the entrance of the town, where the other Crimson Raiders were waiting, guns drawn and pointing at the forest.

Izuku drifted over to Gaige and Axton, "Has anything come through yet?"

"Nope, but I'm itching to cause some anarchy," Gaige said, her finger softly thumping against the shiny silver assault rifle she was holding.

"We came here as soon as we got that weird message, and now we're just waiting for anything to move in through the trees," Axton told him, he was carrying a submachine gun covered in a blue camouflage design.

"Oh, and by the way, someone wanted to help us fight, so…" Axton trailed off.

Suddenly Fuyumi stepped up next to him, her hair was tied back in a messy bun and she was wielding a pistol. The pistol was primarily blue in color, with a small amount of orange around the barrel and a few strips of black around the handle. It emanated a soft orange glow.

"I brought you your daggers, just in case," Fuyumi said while holding out his sheathed blades. Izuku smiled as he took them and attached them to his belt.

The tense silence was unbearable, as the Raiders kept their attention on the woods in front of them they became more and more anxious.

The sky flashed blue and dozens and dozens of loaders landed in front of Sanctuary, already firing at the group of rebels.

"Let's kick some robot chassis!" Izuku yelled out as the Raiders began firing back wildly.

"Wreck 'em, babe!" Gaige summoned Deathtrap to her side and climbed up on its shoulder.

"Say 'Hello' darling!" Axton threw out his turret, which immediately destroyed a couple of loaders with its rocket pods.

"Fuyumi!" Izuku called out, catching the white-haired woman's attention, "Let's even up the odds a bit."

Fuyumi grinned as she pressed her hand to the ground and a wave of frost and snow devoured a good majority of the loaders, allowing Izuku to jump into the fray and rip apart the bots.

The sky flashed blue once more and loaders began to crash in by the hundreds.

A group of broad-shouldered, pale green loaders took up wide stances before firing missiles at Axton, Gaige, and Fuyumi.

Axton and his turret managed to blast the ones heading towards him out of the sky, while Fuyumi erected an ice wall to block those coming towards her.

However, Deathtrap began to spin violently, using its claws to bat away any missiles, unfortunately, this sent Gaige flying off of him, into the waiting arms of Izuku.

Gaige pulled a silver pistol from her belt and shot one of the loaders through its eye, putting it down immediately.

"Nice catch," Gaige grinned from her place in Izuku's arms.

"Nice aim," Izuku smiled back.

"Hey, lovebirds, now's not the time for that!" Axton called out.

Izuku set Gaige down and they both got back into fighting stances.

"Go help out the others, we got this," Gaige said as she picked up her AR, which she had dropped when flung off of Deathtrap, and charged the tornado of destruction before them.

Izuku scanned the battlefield, noticing the stripped loader that was running up behind Mordecai and Zer0.

Izuku activated his powers and charged at the loader, "Heads up you two," he called out as he bashed his shoulder into its back.

The two assassin's turned around, drew their swords and sliced the bot into three, it immediately blew up behind them.

"Hey, think you can give us a hand with these ION loaders?" Mordecai asked as he kicked a loader to Bloodwing, who proceeded to rip it apart.

"The what?" Izuku asked back, drawing his daggers and rapidly slashing at a loader.

"Those blue loaders with the Tesla coils for arms," Mordecai explained further.

"Wait for them to raise their arms and start spinning, then quickly slash them to pieces, but do not step foot into their shields," Zer0 cautioned.

Izuku nodded curtly, and the three split off, cutting through the waves of ION loaders like they were butter. It wasn't too long before all but one of the defensive loaders were destroyed.

Unfortunately, the remaining ION loader pulled up his shield, and two much larger loaders, black and red in color with large twin turrets in place of arms, took position behind it.

The larger loaders began to fire their turrets at the three swordsmen, forcing them to take cover behind a large rock.

"We need to destroy those WAR loaders!" Mordecai yelled over the gunfire.

"I have a plan, get ready to kill those things!" Izuku yelled back as he stepped out behind the rock and charged at the loaders.

The Siren narrowly avoided the bullets from the WAR loaders, and it wasn't too long before he was at the foot of the shield, bracing himself for whatever was to come, he kept running, trying his best to ignore the painful shocking sensation.

Izuku bolted past the WAR loaders and stabbed straight through the ION loader, using his momentum to bring it to the ground and deactivate his shield.

The two WAR loaders soon followed, falling to the ground next to Izuku as Mordecai and Zer0 helped Izuku up, both wielding sniper rifles.

"You are far too reckless," Zer0 deadpanned.

"I know," Izuku sighed, suddenly, both of the skinny men were pushed to the side by a brown bulldozer-like loader, which then plowed directly into Izuku's stomach.

Izuku was hit so hard that he vomited all over the loader's face. The robot then began to spasm out, as his bile seemed to eat away at its armour. The loader sprouted out a glitchy "Error" before it fell to the ground, deactivated.

Izuku groaned, doubled over trying to get his bearings back, when Brick came up to him and slapped him on the back.

"Slab! Did you just puke acid on that BUL loader?!" Brick asked.

"Maybe?" Izuku said, shaking the nausea off of him.

"That is awesome!" Salvador commented.

Their conversation was interrupted by balls of electricity bombarding the battlefield from the air, killing and wounding a lot of Crimson Raiders.

"Those JET loaders are rippin' us up!" Brick called out as he grabbed one of the stripped loaders and threw it at another group of loaders, causing a large explosion.

"How are we supposed to get to them?" Salvador asked, uppercutting a charging BUL loader before pulling a red shotgun from his back and blasting it apart.

"Throw me," Izuku whispered.

"What?!" Both muscleheads yelled out in surprise.

"Throw me!" Izuku yelled once more.

Brick and Salvador turned to each other, before grinning and interlocking their fingers to make a stepping stool for Izuku.

Izuku backed up a good few feet, before running at the two of them, pushing all his power into his legs, Brick and Salvador threw him into the air and he simultaneously kicked off of their hands to send himself higher.

He was able to destroy a JET loader by tearing it in half, bouncing off of its pieces so he could destroy another one. Izuku wiped out all of the JET loaders just the same, tearing them apart and using the following explosion, or their own bodies to get to the next one.

As Izuku landed on the final JET loader, he noticed a rather large amount of Loaders on the cliffside trail. Knowing that it might be too many of them for Lilith and Maya to handle on their own, Izuku ripped off a metal panel on the JET loader, revealing a plethora of wires.

'Here goes nothing,' Izuku thought to himself as he reached in and ripped out as many wires as he could grab.

Lilith grunted as she phase blasted a couple loaders off of the cliff. She watched Maya take out a dozen more by phase locking one and using the following elemental explosion to take out the rest.

Behind them a small child was cowering further and further into the cave, his black spiky hair pushed down by his red cap.

They were supposed to simply grab whoever they came across on the trail and bring them back to Sanctuary, but as soon as they found someone they were pinned down and shoved back into the cave by Hyperion forces.

As more and more kept arriving, Lilith felt herself getting burned out from the fight. Just when she felt herself about to drop from exhaustion, she heard a loud explosion off in the distance, followed by a scream that got closer and closer.

It wasn't too much longer before she watched as Izuku punched the ground so hard, it caused an avalanche of stone that brought down all of the loaders in one fell swoop. Lilith was able to pull him into the cave and phase the two of them, Maya, and the kid with the red hat top of the cliff.

"Jesus kid, you're a psychopath," Lilith panted out.

"Yeah, I've been getting that more and more," Izuku said while nursing his bloody knuckles. Once they fully healed, he turned his attention back to the kid the two other Siren had been protecting, "You're Mandalay's cousin aren't you?"

The kid simply nodded, too shocked to talk.

"We'll get him back to Sanctuary in a minute, I need to rest before I can phase us again,"

The sky flashed blue again, and something crashed behind the group, they all slowly turned around to see a large loader, much like a WAR loader, but with two smaller arms with an assault rifle in each hand, and dark green and white, instead of red and black.

"Badass loader!" Maya called out in surprise as it began to fire upon the four of them.

Izuku punched the ground again, hard enough to make the ground splinter and give them something to hide behind.

"Maya, PhaseLock that thing!" Lilith commanded.

"I can't, it's too big," Maya said.

"Then I'll make it smaller for you," Izuku hopped over the broken stone and used his enhanced strength to rip one of the turrets off of the Badass loader, which he then used like a bat to knock off its other turret.

"Now!" the male Siren yelled, prompting Maya to stand up and trap the Badass loader in a purple bubble.

Izuku took a few steps back before charging at the robot, drop-kicking it and sending it flying straight into the waiting fist of Lilith. Once she punched it, the loader practically melted, leaving behind a pile of semi-liquid metal.

"Well now that that's over, let's get him back to Sanctuary and finish this for real," Lilith got ready to teleport them all when a pained scream from Izuku stopped her.

Izuku's body had taken on a purple hue and a strange looking collar was wrapped around his neck, four JET loaders rocketed down from the sky and fired off thick metal cables that wrapped around his arms and legs.

"Hang on Killer! I've got ya!" Lilith yelled as she prepared to destroy the JET loaders, only for a couple dozen other loaders to surround her and Maya.

The two Siren watched helplessly as Izuku was dragged off into the distance, screaming in pain.

Now, I understand if you want to kill me, but please know that you will have to catch me first. That's it for now, Peace.