Bits for a possible frame for a possible story or "My inheritance is wrong, as expected"

Disclaimer and warning about language or lack of it, including but not limited to spelling

The following bits I started over at "SpaceBattles, The Index, My Fanfic discussion and recommendation is right as expected" after watching the first episode of Lord El-Melloi II Case Files.

I found the use of curses here quite funny, and then I got the thought, what if the reason for that Hiratsuka-sensei isn't married is a curse. Somewhere, someone got mad at her or several got mad. Jealousy is not a nice feeling.

I have read some My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU crossover with Fate, but I think that the world of Today's Menu for the Emiya Family is the more appropriate one for a SNAFU crossover due to its friendly atmosphere.

Neither my ability nor my English is good enough to write such a story, and the more I write, the worse my "spronglish", and that attracts those with pitchforks and torches. And I burn so easily.

Unfortunately, nobody was interested in writing the story, and I got more and more bits to the story.

A frame for a story that now seems to be more about society and class than magic. Remember, there are three ways to wealth: Crime, inheritance and luck. And the best way to wealth is to have your ancestors do the crime and you to be lucky enough to inherit them. After all, a king is a descendent of a stationary robber. Of course, for Hachiman magic is needed to change his status. So here are some bits for a possible frame for a possible story. And if anyone would write the story, I still want to read it. And of course, the usual disclaimer. The worlds I am playing around in, belong to the respective owners. Oh, and you have already been warned about my "spronglish", so reading the bits is your decision. And remember - no pitchforks and torches allowed.

An office

"Oh, it's you. The case has been solved?".

"All of them?".

"Oh, dead Apostle, I see".

"What about the monster?".

"Still sleeping, well, then there must be a male from the family alive, somewhere".

"I deposit your money, thank you for your work".

Another office

"Moshi moshi".

"Yes, I have seen the news".

"It was some of yours?".

"Yes, but what do we report?".

"A gas explosion, that's".

"Oh, as a cover for a death-cult. Well, that should be believable. The public should not be worried".

"A male heir, to become the new second owner. Well, I have a connection at court, they should be able to".

"No, I have a new account. The last one got caught in that mess".

"Thank you. Always a pleasure to do business with you".

A very nice office, clearly someone important work here

"Yes, dreadful case, minister".

"It is a wish from the court".

"Yes, the separation of religion and state is a matter of principle. On the other hand, keeping the traditions alive is also important. It is a principle of the court, that the legacy must continue".

"Payment of inheritance tax would be a burden for the estate in this situation, the temple after all has to be rebuilt".

"News about Paulownia Flowers. Sorry, minister. The court work is slow and move along mysteries ways".

"I know a lawyer, who can handle the matter discreetly. We went to Todai together".

"Yes minister".

In a limousine, a well-dressed man who is clearly important, take his phone


"That is temple land, they have always refused to sell".

"In the Zone too, they have hidden that well".

"Along the cost also. I would love to build there. We would earn another fortune".

"You are sure about all this".

"We can always help a friend to descend from heaven".

"Keep me informed, but remember the Metropolitan Police still watch us carefully after the corruption case with the mayor".


"Daughter mine, didn't you once mention there was a boy named Hikigaya at your school".

"The greatest creep in the school, surely you are wrong!".

"Dead fish-eyes? You must learn to appreciate the inner values. Do you think I married your father for his looks?".

"Made Minami cry? Probably her fault. It is after all the duty of a scion of such a family to ensure correct behavior among those of a lower class. I never did like that girl. I think you should stop talking to her. You must always be seen with the right people, that's important, and remember, it's the early bird who catches the worm. Oh, and you may kiss him, if he should favor you".

In a room

Hachiman was trying to fix his hair, as he suddenly sneezed, and the comb broke in his hair.

A sound, the doorbell.

More sounds, voices. Then Komachi running up the stairs, saying with a mix of excitement and worry: "Brother, there are some men to see you. What have you done now?".

Gossip in the school yard

"Do you believe it, mother nearly order me to jump him, just because he now is from a Kazoku family. Who does she think I am? Now, if he was rich, then I could look at him, after all I'm a material girl".

"But I did get a bit curious, so I texted the professor, you know, the one from the club. He was so happy, that I would talk with him. He told me that the family is very old, and that they are specialized in ghostbusting. He said that there is a rumor that their ancestor had eyes, which could see through illusions and recognize shapeshifters. That's maybe where his dead fish-eyes comes from".

"Yes, my new bag is a gift from him. He was really very happy".

"Of course, I'm sure, he has a friend".

A serious conversation

"You don't like each other. So, what. I don't like most of my clients".

"No, you must learn that in our business, we deal with all kinds of clients, regardless of class or lack thereof".

"So, what if Haruno-chan find him interesting. Let her play with him. It would actually be a good idea. Then you can marry Yukino-chan. Then his lands would be our lands, one great happy family"

"Understand me right, son. We need this account. If he had a sexual preference for his own sex, I would have you delivered with a ribbon. After all this time with stagnation, deflation and the business with the mayor, we now have a chance, with all that land, to gain what we lost, and we haven't even had the time to investigate the temples foreign investments yet. The temple seems to have a lot of stuff hidden outside, especially in London. And best of all, all of it is tax-free".

At the Service Club

Hachiman was worried, and tired, and worried. It had been a mad week. If he wasn't sure, he would think he was in a light novel. The talk with his mother about her family, the ceremony at the burned-out temple, where the strange man from the Association had cut his arm and bound him by his blood to the land and even his very own hanko. He was no longer a Hikigaya.

And when he returned to school this morning. The whispers and the looks, he was used to that, but now people moved away, when he walked through the hallways. The greeting from the principal. Everything has changed so suddenly.

Hachiman asked: "What do you all do here?".

Yui: "Hikki?".

Yumiko, fuming: "Hayato-kun will not tell anything".

Saki, mumbling: "Taishi is worried".

Iroha: "As Yuigahama-senpai is trying to say, you must tell your cute kohai everything".

Yoshiteru: "I, Zaimokuza! will help you to catch all the yokai. Gotta Catch 'Em All".

Hina: "In the inner secret garden, under the full moon, sinful priests meet".

Hachiman: "Someone gets Ebina-san a tissue".

Yukino laconic said: "I found it easier to get all the usual suspects together".

A girl leaving

That had been interesting. Quite a story to tell great-grandmother. She will be so happy to hear news about that side of the family.

Ah, my heart is divided between what is beautiful and what is interesting. Will he be the one able to gaze my true being? The excitement of discovering, the excitement of being discovered. Mother was right to say, that I should enjoy my time as a one-tail and not waste time looking enviously at the elder with nine, but instead be brilliant in my right as a youth to act whiteout thought.

A Queens duty

SS Hachiman had hidden at the bottom of the ocean, all sound and light turned off. Only the "bing" of the sonar, active, but then it said "bing bing bing". The shadow above him of a DDG indicated trouble, of the fiery kind.

Hachiman looked up from his desk, he had rested his weary head on: "Miura-san, something I can do for you?".

Yumiko: "Stop being stupid and do something, Hikio".

Hachiman: "About what? The environmental crisis of the world, the political situation in the Middle East or the fact, that you are disturbing my peace?".

Yumiko: "Look at Sagami-san".

Hachiman: "She is sitting at her desk".

Yumiko: "Yes, alone. You don't see the problem in that?"

Hachiman: "No".

Youmiko: "You never understand, do you? She is alone, because she has become a social pariah".

Hachiman: "What did she do? Another fuck up?".

Youmiko: "No, it's the same old one, except now that you are no longer the creepy loner at the bottom of the hierarchy, the story changes".

Hachiman: "And?".

Youmiko: "People change their perception of reality, so you become the hero and she the villain".

Hachiman: "She is the villain".

Youmiko: "If you are the hero, it is your duty to save her from her evil ways. Go talk with her".

Hachiman: "Why should it help, that I talked with her?".

Youmiko: "It will be seen, as you have forgiven her".

Hachiman: "But I haven't".

Youmiko: "So what? She is not my friend either, but I don't like what I see, and you are the one, who has made the mess, so go fix it, hero".

Hachiman raised himself from his rest with a sigh and asked: "What should I talk with her about?".

Youmiko: "You can always try the weather, even you should be able to do that".

Youmiko watched, as Hachiman went and talked with Minami. Her good deed done for today, but a queen had to look after all her subjects, even the most annoying insignificant insects. And Minami would know, who she owed for her rescue.

And now she had to go and calm her king. Hayato-kun had been a nervous wreck the last couple of days, and Hina made it worse with her discussion with the manga club about a story, where Hayato's family changes his sex in the family register and sold "her" to Hachiman. At least in Hina's former stories Hayato-kun had been the top, not the bottom. Hina should be more thoughtful, and they could at least lower their voices.

Komachi worries

Komachi looked at her brother resting on the couch. His eyes had started to become more dominant in his face. It was bad before, but now it was worse. Hopefully it was because he was exhausted, otherwise he had to wear sunglasses the rest of his life.

Her goals were to get into Sobu, get Taishi-kun to ask her out, and get her brother together with a girl, who would love him, but she couldn't offload him like that. Even Yui would get second thoughts.

The first step would be to feed him and then get him to sleep. Komachi shivered, when did she start thinking like a mother? Maybe it was her, who needed rest. So much had happened so fast.

Komachi whispered into his ear: "Onii-chan - food is on the table. Come get it, or Kamakura gets it". Then she left for the table.

Hachiman heard the best sound of the day. Food. The only reason to get up. Hmm, was he turning into Kamakura? Oh, Komachi was waiting. Hachiman got up and got to the table.

They ate in silence. When they were finished, Komachi broke the silence between them: "So, what's going on?"

Hachiman replied: "Not much, except for Yumiko forcing me to talk with Minami, that was scary".

Komachi wondered, why should Yumiko, do that? So, she asked: "Why did she force you to do that?".

Hachiman: "Well, according to Yumiko, I am a hero now and Minami is a villain, so to save her, I had to talk with her. I don't understand why, since we don't like each other, but then the normies don't have it easy, and since it was a request, I could not deny it. They are crazy, those normies, but maybe I can get Hiratsuka-sensei to accept it as a request solved and added to my tally".

Komachi chewed a bit on that information, as her brother continued: "What was funny, it worked that I talked about the weather like Yumiko said I should. I didn't get yelled at or made Minami cry. Minami was actually polite, and she asked about my temple. It seems she has a cousin, who is a Miko at a mountain shrine, which is so far out in the boonies, that they don't even have a signal. But her cousin dances with a bear. It must be quite a show. I should visit it. Maybe I can learn something about running a temple. Bear shows must generate some kind of income".

Komachi stared at her brother, what, not a house husband. What had happened to her brother? Would he really become a priest? And the competition, when had he ever taken that seriously?

Komachi asked: "What would you do, if you win?"

Hachiman answered with a laugh: "Enjoy that I won. Yukinoshita will be furious. Hmm, maybe my price should be, that she dresses as a cat all day at school. That should reduce her anger".

Komachi snickered: "It has nothing to do with my brother being a pervert. Do you want Yui as a dog, then?"

Hachiman responded, still laughing: "And Iroha as a fox. It could be "you inside out animal" day at school, a new way to experience your youth".

Il Principal

The people liked to see him on his balcony in the morning. They felt he showed responsibility by watching them enter the gate of his domain, counting each and every lamb, who was his to shepherd. Some entered the gate happy, some with dread, some with love, some with hatred. Youth, such a waste for them, but his gain, in so many ways. Each and every one he watched, his glasses shining by the reflection of the morning sun.

There came little Hayama, a true prince, blood of his blood, followed by his knights and ladies. A living example of the greatness of Sobu, that was him.

There entered Shizuka-chan, ah, she was mad. Another wasted weekend for her, once more burned without doubt. He should remember to say some words of consolation to her at lunch.

Ah, a limousine, bringing the current ice-queen. No school was complete without one. She was glorious in her hatred of herself. Would she one day learn to love herself? Her friend, Yui came and greeted her, probably Yukino's only friend.

It was Yui's luck, that entrance to Sobu wasn't only decided by test score. After all, one should always ensure that those who was of the right families, or in other ways could promote or support ones will, entered the holy halls of Sobu.

Such as his vice-principal, who now entered the gate. Such a fine man, from such a fine family. Not a wrinkle in his suit, his shoes shining. Well, if things went sour one day, and there was an inquiry regarding some of the school's economic dispositions, well, what a shame, how could that poor principal know that his vice was such a scoundrel, accepting bribes, using the school's money to pay for his vile deeds, and corrupting the pure maidens of Sobu, oh, what a scandal.

He could never understand what so many men found interesting with young girls, when there were so many experienced neglected wives, who was always interested in helping their children.

No, he did not love his sheep that way. No, what he loved was their feelings, love, hatred, meaningless conflict, so much energy youth had to spend on silliness.

The former second owner had congratulated him on his idea to harvest energy from his sheep's, without knowing, that he had gotten his breakthrough in his research by watching Sailor Moon. Not that the old goat would have understood the reference.

And there the new lord of Chiba arrived, on his bike, at the last minute. Oh, what energy, the boy now had. No doubt, the boy's bindings to the lay-line were started to be stabilized. Hachiman was another good example of his strategy, since he had accepted the boy into Sobu, despite the boys' low scores in science and math. But he had recognized those eyes, when he saw the boy enter the gates for the first time to take the test. And to win, one had to gamble.

He probably had to arrange an official visit for the new second owner to inspect his workshop at a later day, as he now was the, official, senior Magnus in Chiba. But for now, he would enjoy the possibilities the new prince in Sobu granted him.

Already he had received polite inquiries from interested parties regarding possible enrollment of their daughters. A young, unattached male member of the Kazoku, what a prize for the nouveau rich. Such drama, such energy to harvest. Maybe he should let a word spread about the boy's wealth to increase interest. The old goat had the touch of Midas, and the only one thing more interesting than a young male Kazoku, was a rich young male Kazoku.

As the gates of Sobu started to close, signaling a new day of learning to start, he left the balcony, closing the doors behind him. Another good day, with a good strategy. Yes, he deserved a little reward for his hard work.

He took his phone from his pocket and opened it. He looked at the numbers, made his decision and called: "God day Mrs. Yuigahama, do you have time to discuss your daughters latest test score? Yes, that would be possible. 15 o'clock, the usual place. I look forward to the meeting".

One feather to five chickens

A feather

He was trying to ask her out, again, but every time he tried to, something went wrong. Every time he was left confused, breathless, out on the deep, exhausted. Did every boy have it this way or was it just him?

Oh, he had to keep attention on what she said. Girls hated, when you spaced out, according to his guidebook.

What, the girls at Sobu had to dress as animals, because of a contest? Sister had never said anything about Sobu having a contest, where you dressed up as your favorite animal. It sounded like a fun thing. The black-haired girl as a cat and the brown-haired girl as a dog. Komachi-chan would look really good as a cat. He really hoped he would get into Sobu. He would have to ask sister about the competition.

A girl in the class was fuming. Once again Komachi was trying to take Taishi-kun for herself. Just because he was such a nice boy, who couldn't say no. Fortunately grandmother had taught her the right way to deal with boy-stealers, but it would mean she had to get up at the time of the ox – again.

One chicken

Saki was confused. She wasn't quite sure, what Taishi had been speaking about. She had not heard anything about a day, where you should dress as your favorite animal. What it a scam by the teachers to get them to learn more about biology? She knew, she wasn't the first with the news, but she knew one who was, and more importantly, one who she was able to talk with. That's why she had decided to arrive early to catch Hina. Taishi would get his answer.

Two chickens

Hina wasn't sure, it sounded a bit surrealist, but maybe she had casted Hachiman-kun wrong, was he a furry? That would change the story. Maybe Hayato-chan as a mouse, and Hachiman-kun as the playful cat. Yes, that would bring a completely different aspect into her story. Her nose started to bleed by the thought. Oh, nice, a handkerchief. Saki-chan was always so well prepared.

Three chickens

The principal always greeted her so nicely, and he was also one of her best customers. He always bought 2 copies. One to read. One to save. Under the principal Sobu had a good reputation among the fandoms, and the manga club had the largest budget among the clubs. That was the primary reason she had applied to Sobu.

The principal had clearly been surprised by her question, but after she had told him the reason, he had said it sounded like a good idea for the world animal day in order to celebrate and raise awareness about animal right and welfare. He would ask the student council to implement the idea.

Four chickens

Iroha was sitting once again by the Service Club table, drinking tea, and making work for him, again. Hachiman had heard many things in his short life, but this:

"Isshiki-san are you sure? The principal wish that all girls in Sobu dress as their favorite animal on the world animal day, and it is actually my idea?".

Iroha answered with a hiss: "Yes, your idea. So, take responsibility, senpai. And I will not dress up as a fox, as you obviously dream of. I am not foxy".

Five chickens

It was nice she was able to talk with Minami again and one of these days she would get the truth about how Minami was forgiven. She refused to believe the rumor, that Minami had to pay the boy with her virginity to excuse her crimes. That sounded more as another story from the manga club.

But then, there was suddenly so many rumors about fish-eyes. That he was a furry and that he was rich. The last one was important. A material girl had to be practical, and look wasn't everything. She should start to look at the possibilities of getting a good costume for the celebration. Maybe one from the club, but one of the more decent ones. It was always important to send the right signals, when catching a boy. As mother said, it's the early bird who catches the worm.

Trip to the temple

Shizuka wondered why she ended up as the driver of this expedition. Oh, yes. She remembered it - again. That good-looking guy she had met at a mixer and haft some nice dates with had ditched her. He had at least been polite enough to call her and tell her. He had met his old high school sweetheart by chance and now they were running off to get married. Just her luck, and now her Sunday was free to support her problem children.

So, of course she would drive them to see Hachiman's temple, and of course, she was curious to see it herself. But she hadn't expected it should be that annoying. Just how many golf courses were there to drive past, right or left around? When did golf courses replace rice fields in Japan?

Meanwhile Hachiman was telling about his temple: "There is not much left to see. It was some old buildings, so when the gas furnaces broke and the fire caught on, there was not much that survived the fire, except for the entrance and the stairs up to the temple. It was nice of your father, Yukinoshita-san, to offer to clean the site".

Yukino responded: "Think nothing about it. He is only happy to do it".

Of course, he is, thought Shizuka, tax-deduction for community work and impressing the local voters. They would be grateful, they didn't have to do the work, and would remember the Diet-member at the next election, and Yukino's father needed the votes. People expected that the politicians took bribes and gave good jobs to their friends, but there were limits, and the mayor had passed those. And the mayor had been such a close, dear friend. The people could choose another to the Diet the next time, and then Yukinoshita-san would get into serious trouble without his immunity protecting him from the polite inquiries of the nice policeman or worse, the not so nice taxman.

Hachiman responded with a bit of laughter: "I am grateful, because I don't have to do it. And there are not many locals left in the area. And those there are, is mostly old people. So even though it is a small temple, I can't expect to get much help to the rebuilding locally".

Yui started to look worried and asked with concern if her voice: "What does the priest live off then?".

Shizuka laughed, and said in a singsong voice: "Oh, Yuigahama-san, do you want to know if he can support a family as a priest? Eh".

"Sensei" yelled the girls.

"Mostly rent from property", answered Hachiman, red in the face: "It seems that my mother's family specialty is removing curses from land, beasts and people. And though time, they have been paid with land, so the temple own bits of land in and around Chiba Prefecture".

"Oh", said Yui, as a light switched on in her eyes: "So it's like the Exorcist? That was a scary movie".

"Well, the man from the Association said, that according to local history, the family was given the place after the Onin war, as payment by the Chiba clan for purifying and exorcising the spirits of those slain in the war. And so, the temple was built".

"And now you have to be its priest?", asked Yukino.

"Yes, if I want to inherit, I have to be the priest of the temple. It's bound in a kind of foundation, from the Meiji restoration, where the temple changed from Buddhist to Shinto. That's the reason it is stilled named as a temple. Before the restitution, the temple was hereditary. I don't understand much of it, but Hayato's father is taking care of it together with a man from the ministry and a representative from the Association".

Shizuka worried, when she heard, who was taking care of Hachiman's inherence. Hayato's father was a well know lawyer, but also known for having some unsavory connection, and he had also been involved in the former mayor's business but had escaped sanction. She suspected that had been many bribes thrown around in that case. She would have to talk with Hachiman about getting a trusty accountant to control the money, or Hachiman would be a picked rooster very fast.

Hachiman continued: "So now I have to go to either Kokugakui or Kokagakkan to get the degree, so I can inherit the land".

"Oh", snickered Yukino: "I thought you would take it as a correspondence course, that would be much more you".

"If I could, but unfortunately it's not good enough to fulfill the conditions of the foundation. Seems that one of my ancestors was a Jokai, so there some requirement regarding to rank. I have to reach Seika, before I gain complete control of the foundation" responded Hachiman.

"Oh, there it is", said Hachiman, as they arrived at the foot of a small mountain.

"At last," said Shizuka and parked her car alongside a truck from Yukinoshita Construction. They got out of the car, passed the truck and a sign, with the text "Yukinoshita Construction are honored to do the renovation of the temple". They came to the stairs, marked with a Torii and two foxes, carrying a jewel and a key respectively.

Trip to the temple II

As they got to the top Shizuka stopped, short of breath, but did manage a small giggle: "Alright, go ahead, I need a break. Just so you know girls, if anyone of you marries Hachiman, you don't have to worry about getting fat. Those stairs will ensure that".

The youngsters once again got red in their faces and mumbled something, she couldn't hear, but she could guess. The kids continued across the courtyard.

Burned out timber and crushed stones, broken by the heat from the fire, was being collected by some men. A big man, who looked like their leader - since his west said "Foreman", was talking with an old lady.

Shizuka took out a smoke, probably not the right choice, but it felt right. She needed a fix now. Tomorrow she would quit and start doing something about her stamina. Her strength was still strong, fortunately Hachiman was a good punching bag. He was nice to contribute in that way to her health.

Shizuka looked out at the landscape, it was a really nice view, hills and mountains and playful clouds. It was a good place to enjoy a smoke, to see the blue disappear into the blue. How do you save a drop of water? By letting it become a part of the ocean. She felt tranquilly by watching. Maybe she should get some friends and some bottles for a picnic. It was so rare, they got out of the city now a day.

Suddenly she heard steps behind her. Shizuka turned and saw the old lady approach.

"Are you enjoying the view?" asked the old lady: "We don't have tall mountains here, but it looks impressive, because we have large canyons".

Shizuka responded: "Yes, it is a very nice view".

The old lady smiled and said: "It is one of the few things we have left here in the country, not much to do, but we like it. And thank you for bringing the new master here. The yin of this place goes wrong, when the master is missing on the right side of the mountain too long, and that makes the spirits restless".

Shizuka wondered, was the old lady mad? "Spirits?"

The lady laughed a little: "The spirits of those who are tied here. The land holds much anger, so much anger. That's why curses work so well here. If you ever need to have taken care of an ex-lover, a competitor removed or revenge on those who has cursed you, then visit the shrine on the left side of the mountain on a moonless night, at the time of the ox".

Shizuka became a bit shaken by the old lady's word: "What do you mean?"

"You have enemies, my dear. It is rare I see such a nice collection of curses on just one person.

Your aura is spotted like a leopard. I can't help you with that. There you must ask the new master. He may yet be inexperienced, but he seems like a friendly guy, and his spirit is developing.

In that way you are lucky. The late master would have demanded a lot of money for a cleansing. He was a hard man, without love for anyone. Well, there was once he loved, but she took their daughter and ran off with a soldier boy. So, he started to find other ways to ensure his immortality. That didn't end well.

But such is the power of love, it creates, and it destroys."

The old lady seemed like she was lost in memories for a moment, then she gave a slight bow, turned away from Shizuka and started to walk down the stairs.

Shizuka followed the figure of the old lady, as she continued down the stairs. That had been a weird encounter, but at least she now had a good story, the next time she went out with the girls for a drink.

Then she heard a loud sound, of stones falling. She turned to the sound and saw Hachiman fall into a hole. What had that stupid boy done now? He was jinxed that way, he always got injured. If someone was cursed it was him, not her. Shizuka ran to the hole. That didn't look good. She got her phone and called. Fortunately, there was a connection.

The girls and the foreman arrived. The foreman jumped down the hole.

Trip to the temple III


Yui looked out over Hikky's place. It did not look as much, but maybe it had been pretty before it burned. It was a shame, that the old priest had been caught in the fire. Hikky had seemed to take it hard, even if he didn't know the old man, but Hikky as a priest? Hikky wasn't the best with people, so it was difficult to see how that would work. Naturally he could marry someone who had the ability to talk with people, while he took care of the rituals.

Yui felt her face go red again. Sensei had been a tease the whole day. Sensei made her think thoughts, she tried her best to suppress, for it would disturb the peace of the club. Kyoto and the presidential election had been stormy. But she could see herself, living in the countryside, having kids, and taking it slow. It was not the worst one could do in life. Hikky would probably like it, he always said that to work was to lose. And Sable could run around all that he wanted.

Then she heard stones falling. She turned towards the sound. Hikky was falling. Yui started to run toward the place, where Hikky had fallen, screaming: "Hikkyeee". Yukino catching up to her. She and Yukino reached the hole. Yui looked down the hole. There was blood all over. Someone passed her and jumped down. The big man from before. He reminded her of someone. Was he the father of one of the girls at school?


Yukino looked out over the temple ground. Not much was left. It was mysterious that a gas explosion was cable of destroying several buildings. The wind must have blown hard that night. As father had said, it had to be built up from the ground. Fortunately, it seems that the temple had the ability to pay for rebuilding, since the temple owned land. Valuable land. Since her mother found out about that, mother had started to visit her, to talk about "the boy".

What mother now in her own way suggested, she had never expected to hear from her mother. Haruno yes, never mother. Naturally, she knew that most mothers did their best to get their daughters to marry boys from a higher class to increase their family status. But this was ridiculous. Yes, and of course Hachiman for sure had designs on her body, when they met the first time. He was a boy, and she could feel his eyes from time to time, even if he was a bit more skilled at hiding it than most boys.

But that had stopped after Haruno had disclosed, that she was in the car, which had run him down. After that it had been more like he had been a bit withdrawn with her, or maybe disappointed was the right word. And then Kyoto and the president election. His methods were wrong, even if it got results.

The only good thing about her mother's new obsession with Hachiman, was that her mother no longer talked about Hayato. A lawyer's son against an heir of an ancient family. No contest.

Yukino watched, as the boy in question suddenly started to jump up and down. Why was he doing something that foolish? Suddenly she saw him disappearing and heard stone falling. Yukino saw Yui started to run to where he had fallen, and she joined her, running to the hole. When they arrived, sensei was already there, calling someone on her phone. Yukino looked down the hole. That didn't look good. What could she do? Then father's foreman arrived and without hesitation he jumped down the hole. She would have to recommend the man's quick action to her father.

The foreman

Kazu was saying goodbye to his mother in law, thanking her for bringing him a bento for lunch.

She was a scary old witch, but also a good cook. The females of the family knew what kept a man in the house. Not the sex, he had never had any use for women that way, but food. Some of his foreign friends had been able to cook, but as a Japanese man, he had never thought about it before it was too late, and he had moved away from the hamlet to the city to seek his fortune, without the ability to feed himself

In that way he had been lucky, when the oyabun offered him a way to get off the street,

by marrying that girl. No more working with breaking the bones of debtors.

He got a wife, home cooked food and a well-paid job at Yukinoshita Construction.

Not bad for a burakumin, and it got his parents off his back in regard for their wishes for grandchildren.

Of course, his blushing bride got a husband and an explanation for her growing stomach. And the Diet member got rid of a problem. One thing was how the voters looked at that kind, it would probably have increased the Diet members numbers among the male voters, but the Diet members wife was, according to rumors not the understanding type, when something threatened the honor of the family.

The work his wife got in the sleazy lawyer's office was another peak, although the lawyer probably also was the father of his wife second daughter. But every yen helped.

And business had been bad the last few years. If it weren't for the oyabun paying for his cleaning service, he would have been broke. Young men, sake and bad tiles were every man's bane. Fortunately, cement had the ability to hide many problems.

But it seemed that better times were coming for Yukinoshita Construction. And that it came from the temple of his mother in law villages was quite funny.

The family had always visited the temple at New Year, when they spend time with the witch. The witch entertained the girls with local stories of ghosts and tragic love, while he enjoyed the free sake.

But now the temple was burned down, and the priest killed. That had clearly been a professional hit. Maybe the temple had been involved in money laundering. But he knew enough to not ask about that. What you didn't know, couldn't kill you.

And there came their meal-ticket. The boy was not too bad looking, although it would help, if the boy straightened his back. But the eyes of that boy. No doubt that he was from the old priest genes. Those eyes.

The women talked with his mother in law, while the boy and the girls were wandering around the courtyard. That was a bit dangerous, they weren't equipped to be on the fire tomp, and he would get the trouble if anything happened to them. He started to move towards them, when the boy started to jump up and down. What was the boy doing?

Then he heard stone breaking. Shit. Their meal-ticket. He ran to the hole, passing the girls, and jumped down the hole. A lot of blood, and that leg didn't look right, but the situation could be solved. He looked up; good the teacher was organized. She was calling for an ambulance. Now he had to ensure that the boy got into a locked side bed and stop the bleeding.

After Kazu had done the best he had learned in his safety courses, he started to look around. What was this? A Buddha statue, some swords and a spear, it looked like some of that stuff, the oyabun liked to show off to his guests, demonstrating he was a cultured man with respect for tradition. Well, this seemed like something which could pay his bar bill for some time. He sends a message to a friend by his phone.

Déjà vu

Hachiman looked around. The room was recognizable. He had spent some time in the room after being idiotic enough to save a dog and get run over as a nice thank you for caring. And then Komachi had eaten his reward. But then, since the bringer of the reward had been Yui, better Komachi's stomach than his. As she was his cute little sister, she was also younger, and as such her stomach was more robust than his. This logic should prove he was not a sis-con, even if his little sister was a better and cuter little sister then all others little sisters.

After some time, the door opened. A recognizable face presented himself.

"God evening," said doctor Miura: "You are aware that unlike airlines, we don't give frequent flyer bonus?"

"Sorry doctor", said Hachiman: "What happened?"

"I am not aware of the detail, but it is said that you began dancing in the temple, then took a trip down a hole, that suddenly opened up under your feet, kissed a stone and went unconscious, and now you are here" answered doctor Miura: "In my time we normally were drunk, before we did such things. Were you drunk"?

"Not as I remember, I normally drink Max Coffee" Hachiman responded: "And I remember nothing about dancing, falling down or kissing a stone".

"Well, it's not unusual to have a small memory loss after a fall, but we have to watch you to see if there is anything permanent. And you should consider dropping Max Coffer. Sugar is not good for you, regardless of ages," said doctor Miura: "Let's take a look at you".

Doctor Miura took a small lamp, and looked in Hachiman eyes, then took his pulse and hummed a bit.

"So, am I cleared to leave?" asked Hachiman a bit nervous, a bed was a bed, but a hospital was not a home: "Not that I don't like the company, but".

Doctor Miura responded: "I have good news, bad news and worse news".

"Oh" responded Hachiman with a suddenly shrill voice, as his pulse jumped. Doctors were scary, you went in with a cold, got out with a death certificate.

"The good news is that you can leave, if you come back for a checkup next week," said doctor Miura: "The bad news is that my daughter is cross with you. You took Yuigaham-san with you to your temple and did not invite her and Hayato-kun to take part. She could have had a whole day with her boy-toy in the countryside. That is going to cost you".

"Oh" Hachiman said once again, now with a shiver of fear in his voice. It was not a death certificate, but fire burns were a clear possibility.

"Yes, oh" laughed doctor Miura: "She is just like her mother. Always get her way, no matter what. I was a young doctor, only interested in research, dreaming about the Nobel Prize. And then, I woke up one morning after a conference in Las Vegas. And it is not true when they say, that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. A marriage certificate issued by the king is legitimate in the whole world, according to my wife".

"And you have news, that is worse than that?" asked Hachiman.

"Sorry to say, yes", answered doctor Miura, as he took the remote control and switched on the TV, scrolling slowly between the stations:

"What did you see, when you looked in the cave?", the TV show a journalist asking a dignified old man, who replied: "As Howard Carter said, when he saw into the chamber of Tutankhamun: "Wonderful things"".


"The treasure popularly called the Heavenly Dragon Hoard, is now under heavy guard. Here we see archaeologists arriving at the temple ruin to start the cataloging and preservation process of the greatest discovery of religious art from before the 1500'th century", a voice said, as pictures of trucks arriving at the stairs to the temple was shown.


A big man in work clothes and a jacket with the logo of and the words "Yukinoshita Construction" on, answering questions: "Well, the boy started to jump around, it looked rather silly. I was my way over to stop him, since you should not fool around on a construction site. Safety first - that's our motto at Yukinoshita Construction".

"What happen then?" asked one of the journalists.

"Well, the stone broke and he disappeared down a hole. I jumped after him and provided first aid".

"And then?" prompted the journalist.

"Then I saw Buddha".


"According to the chief archeologist from Tokyo Museum, the cave has been unique in securing a stable environment for the sculptures, books, weapons and artworks. Symbols in the cave also indicate the early practice of worship there. It is possible that the treasures have been moved to the temple to secure it under the Onin War or it is booty taken under the Onin War, and then hidden at the temple", a serious looking man in a nice suit reported.


A couple on a sofa, the host of the show in a screaming yellow jacket talking to a famous actress: "And you went to the priest at the temple and participated in a cleansing ceremony there?".

"Yes, he was an old man, but so erect in his figure, and there was a fire in his eyes, as he could see direct through your mask to your inner soul, and his dance was so intense. It was as if I could feel my aura getting more yellow, when he performed his ritual. And that was the year I won the Academy Prize".

The host puts one hand on her hand: "An award you so much deserved for your fabulous acting, and after so many nominations. And you think that the young man was conducting a holy ritual, which revealed the treasure to Japan, because it was time".

"For sure, he has the family's ability, no doubt about that, just look at his eyes".


A respectable man, not a wrinkle in his suit, his shoes shining, responding to journalist outside Sobu High School: "I am sorry, but we are not at liberty to disclose any private information about our pupils. Regarding the questions about the world animal day, it is correct, that Sobu High is planning to celebrate the day by wearing costumes of our animal friends and conduct a series of events to raise the general awareness of animal rights. The celebration is a desire from our students, and it is an event like our culture days. We hope that all in the community will like to take part in it".

Doctor Miura looked with pity at Hachiman, who had turned white, while the TV was on, and said: "Yes, that is the "worse" news. I will call your parents to get you, and we will try to get you out discreet. But there is a lot of paparazzi waiting for you. Welcome to the world of fame. Ticket not refundable".

The witch and the granddaughter

An old woman sitting together with a young girl on a couch, watching a popular late night-news talk-show.

The witch laughed when she heard the actress's statement on the television, and remarked to her granddaughter: "Yes, she was cleansed by the old goat for curses, then she came to me with a list of her rivals to curse, that's why she got the award, not talent. Karma is a bitch, and she is our bitch".

"Yes, baachan", respond the girl by her side, used to her grandmothers' antics.

The witch closed her eyes and remembered, so much was lost with time, but something was still clearly remembered. Him in the carriage as he was transported to her in the spring ritual. So handsome he was, so glorious in the robes of spring. The best the village had to offer the goddess for a good harvest.

And he didn't mind sleeping with her on that night, granting him her virginity, and the boost in power he got with it. Maybe his father had paid her father for it, but she had still loved him, then, and had hoped, but. But he had married the daughter of the greatest dunghill in Chiba, adding more land to the temple. But she got her revenge. The goddess helps all those who help themselves.

Of course, he had suspected her, but there was no trace of curses on him or his wife. A blessing is not a curse, and he never had the imagination to look for that. The blessing of true love, of searching for the genuine. And so, he had lost his most precious possessions, his wife and daughter. What a scandal, the wife of such a high-born man, running off with a simple soldier. Such a story, what a shame, such disgrace. The gossip had been bad for him, but worse was the fact he hadn't been able to neither satisfies his wife nor control her. Failures of the worst kind - for a man.

That blessing had cost her own chance, since he lost all trust in women's, but such was karma.

But she got a daughter and granddaughters out of it, and astonishing enough, a kind of a son in law, who actually was of use to her, both in renovating the old abandon shine on the other side of the mountain, she had taken over, and in ensuring that her customers payed, what they owned.

The witch opened her eyes again, her mental accounts made up once again. In black, all in all, even if it had been hard to report him to the Association, but he had overstepped the boundary of life, and so he had to be purged.

She looked at the time showed on the TV. It was time for her to get to her bed.

Getting up and being ready at the time of the ox was not so easy, as it had been, but her granddaughter had both to learn the craft of the family and to take care of her rival. Maybe one day she would tell her granddaughter why the incantations, she cast, didn't stay on her rival for long.

One thing was shared blood, another that her rival was protected by the love of the second owner of Chiba, and that was a barrier of strength. It was a long time since the mountain had been so much alive as it was now.

First love

Kaori entered the living room of their house. School was killing her; the student council was killing her. It was supposed to be a fun, youth, with excitement and romance, but books, reports and assignment were killing her youth. And her romance life sucked majorly too. That double date had been one great disaster, and now she had Tamanawa sniffing around her, thinking she should be grateful, because the president was interested in her. No thanks, he was neither exciting nor romantic.

Her mother was watching the TV, while knitting. Another victim in the family or a gift for a charity. Poor orphans, it was one thing to suffer, torture another.

The TV showed a picture, she recognized.

"Mum, why do they have a picture of Hachiman on?"

Orimoto-san looked at her daughter with sudden interest: "Do you know that boy?"

"Sure, mum, Hachiman is the boy I told you about long ago. He is the one who asked me out in junior high. Now tell me what he has done? Anything exciting?".

Orimoto-san brain took a second. Was her daughter telling her, that she had refused the advance of a Kazoku. What kind of an idiot did she have for a daughter?

"Oh, it's about Sobu High holding an event on the world animal day. Maybe it is something for you to participate in?"

"Maybe, Tamanawa did say he was in contact with Sobu about doing a joint initiative. I haven't heard anything more about it" responded Kaori.

"Well, maybe you should talk with Tamanawa about it. It would be a possibility for you to talk to the boy again, maybe you would like him more now?".

"Fat chance of that, me and Chika were totally killed by Hayato, when we were on a double date with them. He is totally surrounded by beauties these days".

Orimoto-san gazed at her daughter. What did her daughter expect? Of course, he was surrounded by a bunch of hussies, he was of the elite. Born to command.

She had clearly failed her duty to her daughter. She had to educate her daughter about certain things. She put her hand on the square next to her on the sofa to signal her daughter, that she should quietly sit down and listen to her mother's wisdom.

If her knitting group ever found out, what her daughter had done, she would be a laughingstock the rest of her life, but first love was first love. Kaori still had a chance in the game of life, love and society.

Fake news is the only news – who wants the truth these days?

Editor Asami looked out over her journalists, another Monday morning, but Chiba Weekly News, the magazine of dreams for ladies, read bored mothers, didn't make itself:

"Roll call, boys and girls, anything good from the sewers to entertain the readers? Let's go around the table. Miya, you start, anything from the police?".

Miya, one of her young, bright hopes. When you called them that, you didn't have to pay them as much, went through her stack of notes: "Sorry, not much boss. The policy did a drug bust, but didn't find much, and not a single person of interest was involved, not even a member of a boyband. A neet has killed his father, because the father stopped paying for his on-line game, but that kind of stories is downers".

Asami sighed: "Yes, but it can be used, get a statement form an "expert" and list the 10 signs a mother has to look for". Asami looked on the next, Taki. She was smiling, that was a good sign: "Out with it, Taki, you look like a cat who just got cream".

Taki, who did look like a happy cat, responded: "A whole bottle of it, boss. I have been talking with some girls from Sobu High about their new Kazoku boy, and he is quite something. A total pervert, messing around with two of the most beautiful girls in the school, one of them our local Diet members youngest daughter".

Taki put pictures of Yui and Yukino om the table and then continued: "And he receives sexual favors from girls in return for so called services. Services in the form of solving problems for the girls. Problems he first creates for them. He fixed the council election, so he could place one of his girls as the president. And the event in regard to the world animal day. That's because he is a furry and want all the girl in Sobu dressed as animals to satisfy his lust. And it's not only young girls, who he has eyes for. He is in a sadomasochistic relation with his class-teacher, he is the M, they even do it in the classroom. Absolutely shameless".

Taki added pictures of Minami, Iroha and Shizuka on the table.

Asami laughed, when she saw the pictures: "Oh good, you can always count on our nobility to deliver. Anything more Taki?".

"It is not only females he goes after. According to the girls he also has a special relation with both the captain of the tennis club and with our local heartthrob, Hayama Hayato. It seems our Kazoku is quite flexible in regards to be the top or the bottom". Taki put two more pictures of Saika and Hayato on the table.

Asami looked at the pictures: "Impressive. Beauties, especially those boys. Decadence, sex, power and wealth. One should think it was Shoujo story. I think we have our main story for the week".

Asami then heard Ran, one of her seniors, clearing her throat. Not again, Ran never saw anything but problems: "Yes, Ran, what is it? Do you think that the sleazy lawyer of a father is going to be a problem? He should be happy, free advertising".

"Sorry boss, not him. I also did some research, when I saw the media frenzy yesterday, and I got this from a friend in Tax". Ran added a paper to the pictures on the table.

"Ran, what's the paper about? I can't read so small prints".

Ran replied: "It is the preliminary list of properties, assets, etc. in the boy's heritage. What's more, it is subject to tax exemption".

Asami took the paper and started to read the top section. That alone was impressive, very impressive: "How in the world is that possible?"

"Not sure, but my friend indicated it was ordered from the top" answered Ran.

Asami looked at the paper again, letting her eyes wander over the names of companies on the pages.

Asami took her decision, looked around on her comrade in battle and said: "This is the way we do it. He is a nice guy who does the best he can for his friends. He has close friendships with both girls and boys. He has respect for adults, not least his class teacher. He is sensitive and feel for the vulnerable in the world, not least about animals. Try if you can find something emotional, family, love stories and so on. Preferably, stories with some tragedy. Remember, we need to build him up, before we can tear him down".

"Alright boss. On it, boss. Let's get that story", her warriors responded and started on their work. There was news to bring to the people.

Asami looked again at the paper, so much wealth. Maybe she should see, if he would do a personal interview. It was a long time since she had been in the field. She was not wife material, and would never be, but a cougar as she looked good whether it was in leather or a cat costume, and then she was a bit of a shotacon. And wealth, wealth was an aphrodisiac in itself.

A Queens duty II

SS Hachiman recognized the danger, but there were no other choices. Not even with its stealth ability, one of SS Hachiman's 108 special abilities, could the day be saved, with that many DD in the water. It had to seek the protection of the DDG.

Yumiko was sitting by her desk, texting, when she saw him appear voluntary in her view. So, it had to be something the Ice-queen couldn't handle for him. She would enjoy this: "Yes?", she said, in her most haughty voice, signaling the difference between a queen and a subject, while continuing her texting.

"I am sorry, that I didn't invite you and your boy-toy with us to the temple. I did not think it would have your interest" apologized Hachiman.

"It doesn't, but you owe me for one lost day with Hayato-kun, and I expect you to pay your debt. Understood?".

"No, but I accept the debt, because I need your help with something else" responded Hachiman.

Yumiko stopped texting, and looked up on Hachiman: "So the great priest need help? I'm flattered, but I am not available as a Miko. You know, that we are not allowed to have a part time job as students at Sobu".

"Funny, but that is not my problem. Do you see the girls outside the classroom? How can I get rid of them? There seems to be a rumor, that I offer occult advice, for free".

Yumiko turned her head, yes, there were several girls waiting outside the class door. Who should had thought that Hikki would get that kind of problem? It had looked the same way with Hayato-kun at the start of the first year, before she made him her scratching post. Most of the girls had learned to respect her mark, even if there still were girls who tried. Fortunately, the only one who continued to hunt Hayato-kun, despite her mark on him, was now started to be pulled in by the gravity of Hachiman. That was a reason to help him, especially if it also complicated the life of the Ice-queen. After all, Yui was also a part of her court.

And he did help Ebina with Tobe, even if he hurt Yui with his miserable handling of the situation. But at least it was better than Hayato-kun, who did nothing, because he was caught between opposite wishes from his friends. But then, it was the queen, who was the strongest priece in the game, not the king. Maybe she should had done more herself instead of relying on Hayato-kun. He was such a weak boy, but so so good looking.

With a light laughter she then teased Hachiman: "What is wrong with young girls wanting to talk with you? Most boys would be happy. Maybe one of them can cure your broken heart and bring love into your life, so you may experience the meaning of youth?".

"You have also read that magazine? I don't know where they got all that nonsense from" responded Hachiman with disgust.

Yumiko giggled: "My mother quite liked the story about you, you were portrayed as such a sensitive nice young man, and with such a tragic past. And how kind of Hayato-kun to help you dealing with that hussy, who is now hunting you for your inheritance, when she rejected you before. Have you said thank you to Hayato-kun for that?"

"No, and I never will. That episode was one of the elder Yukinoshita funny games. I don't know why he participated in it".

Yumiko responded with a sigh: "There much you don't understand about love, but in regard to your problem, I will solve it on one condition".

"Which is?" asked Hachiman

"That you change the celebration of the world animal day, so the guy's also have to wear costumes" replied Yumiko.

"I will speak with Isshiki-san about it, that should not be a problem" answered Hachiman. For once she could be useful, instead of him slaving away for her.

As Yumiko got up from her chair and went to the door, she remarked: "Good, gender equality is important. You will do well with remembering that in the future".

Hachiman watched, as she cleared the corridor with a few words. It was remarkable what she was able to do. He could see the reason Hayato kept her close, but why she wasted her time on him, he could not understand. Good looks were not everything. At least it was what he told himself, when he saw himself in the mirror.

Then she returned and gave a thumb up to him. He bowed as thank. SS Hachiman returned to duty and sailed for the Service Club.

Yumiko saw Hachiman leaving the classroom, and then she went over to Hina: "Hina-chan, please make a lion suit for Hayato-kun, that match mine". No one would doubt their rulership, when they saw them in their costumes. They were the pride of Sobu. Hachiman may have joined the nobility, but she was the queen and Hyato-kun her king.

What the Service Club do not do

As Yui went down the corridor that led to the Service Club, she saw Yukino was doing something to the door. When she arrived at the club, there was a poster on the door, which said:

"The Service Club do not have activities regarding the supernatural. That includes, but is not limited to divinations, cleansings, curses, blessings and love-potions".

Yui looked at the poster again and then at Yukino: "Is it really necessary?"

"Yes", responded Yukino: "There was a line waiting, when I came to open the door. And the mailbox for the Service Club is flooded. Fortunately, I was able to convince the girls, that if they want to talk with Hachiman-san about the occult, they must contact him through other means, like putting an envelope in his box or wait by the door to his classroom. Marx is right, when he says religion is the opium of the people".

"Marx. Do we have a boy named Marx in the school?" inquired Yui.

"Let's go in and make some tea. Then I will tell you about Marx" Yukino replied. She should have known better. She appreciated Yui as no other, and it was her goal to help people to help themselves, but sometimes it was as Yui was outside the educational range.

Uneasy lies the head, that wears a crown (the Prime I)

As the prime minister one enjoyed power and privileges, but there were times where he wondered why nobody else, but the prime was able to make a decision in this land. Too many committees, too many meetings and too many leaks to the media. To be the prime was to shepherd cats.

He took the paper again from the table and looked around at the 3 serious men around him: "So you say this boy is a problem?".

An old dignified man took the word first: "Prime minister, as state minister with the responsibility for the dialog with the faiths, I can't disregard the challenges such a young man can create for us. We don't want more doomsday cults or worse, that he supports the opposition. That's why I have asked the service to investigate him, after he became national news with the discovery of the Heavenly Dragon Hoard".

The chief of the Public Security Intelligence Agency continued: "As requested, we have obtained information on him from several sources. We know, he has the means because of his legacy, his recognition among the public for paranormal powers and the fact that he will inherit a substantial fortune. But does he have the will? That's the question.

A psychiatric team has evaluated him. Their report shows that he is alienated from society and is willing to act without regard to himself in order to reach his goals. He has problems interacting with other people and he overestimates himself and his abilities. So yes, he can become a problem. But fortunately, he also lazy, cynical and easy to manipulate, especially by females. One in his harem actually impressed our investigators. We should consider hiring her, when she gets older".

The old man took over:" Of course, if he uses his resources to form a sect with some young, beautiful priestess and spend his time developing his spiritual power with tantra yoga exercises on a mountain far away, then he won't become a problem. But I prefer to nip this kind of situation in the bud, so to speak. We must ensure that the boy gets integrated into the society and have values, that support us.

And then there the Heavenly Dragon Hoard. Several of the artworks will definitely be categorized as national treasures. But they were found on temple land, are religious items and that means that they belong to the temple, which is or will become the private property of the boy".

"So, we should offer him a nice museum for the temples stolen goods and a new temple, payed with tax-money, we don't have too much of, in order to make him grateful for our assistance?" sneered the prime.

The last man in the room now allowed himself to say something: "Let us be blunt. A museum will create a lot of unskilled jobs in a rural area, an area which today gives us a mandate, but a mandate, we can't be sure of in the next election because of the scandal with the mayor. Fortunately, the mayor was independent, but that idiot to Yukinoshita had his grabby hand too far up in the mayor's ass, and the voters don't like that".

The old man cleared his throat: "Eh, of course the Chief Whip has reason to worry about losing a mandate. But regarding the cost of the museum I'm sure, I can reach out to friends, who would like to donate the funds to establish a museum for such a valuable collection. The temple can then deposit the collection in the museum and still enjoy the benefits of visitors to the museum. It will be a "win-win" situation for the boy and for us".

"So, money for nothing and the chicks for free, that's the deal we offer the boy?" responded the prime.

"A good deal, especially if we can get the boy to say nice things about us. Each vote counts if we want to keep our majority in the lower house" answered the Chief Whip.

The prime looked at the 3 men again. The Chief Whip had the party interest in his official objective, and if he ensured that Yukinoshita kept his mandate, it should be expected that Yukinoshita got a new oyabun. He had to watch his Chief Whip. The Chief Whip could have gotten bad ideas from seeing House of Cards.

The chief of the Agency wanted to prove that he could help, to increase his agency. The bureaucrats were reliable that way, until the day came when they descended from heaven, then you had to watch your wallet.

The minister indicated he could get the money to help funding the new construction. Did he actually think that he would get the Paulownia Flowers, if he pleased the court enough? Medals were for idiots, but then the minister was one.

But a useful one, he had to remember. The family name ensured a secure mandate, bless the conservative nature of the Japanese voter, and as the minister of economic joked, the state ministers family conglomerate did pay the party for keeping him in the Diet, where he wasn't a danger for the country or the conglomerate, for if he ever got involved with his family business, the economic situation in Japan would surely go from deflation to desperation.

Then there was the boy himself. He was clearly a loner, and if he should believe the gossip in the media very unlucky in love, being rejected by the love of his life. That should help the boy build character.

After all, if he hadn't been rejected by the girl, he loved in high school, he would probably never had been prime minister now. The 25th anniversary of the class had been an eye opener for him. He was there as a newly appointed minister, a rising hope in the party, with his trophy wife on his arm. The love of his life had gained 40 kilos, 3 children and a wage-slave as a husband. How beauty disappeared, and glory was forgotten. It could have been him; he sometimes got nightmares about it.

Well, this was one of the easier decisions: "Right, at least it is not another golf course, so let's go spend the dough. After all, it is others' people's money, and get some good press about this. Ensuring the national heritage should please the right wing, local growth and jobs will ensure that Yukinoshita gets reelected, and hopefully the pupils of the future will forgive us, that they now get a new boring place to visit to learn more boring stuff, that they never will come to use in reality".

With 4 men laughing, a successful meeting about a boy ended. Everybody laughs, when the prime makes a joke.

A dignified – and very old – man

As the state minister of dialogue with the faiths left Kantei, he said goodbye to his compatriots in his little cabal. It was so easy to manipulate people through their misconception about reality.

Something he had learned through a long life, or more correctly several lives. Ages did give experience.

Tokyo had changed much, since he was born as a bastard boy, when Tokyo had been Edo. In that time, he had worked hard to steer Japan in the right direction, Hokushin-ron, building up goodwill in the USA and ensuring the economy for war with the Russians, but all that had failed, when he was assassinated by the right wing.

And without him, the idiots had taken the plunge over the edge and started the war south, Nanshin-ron, and by that, made the Americans angry, destroying all his hard work and ensuring their doom.

He had fortunately been able to possess a young boy, who had been nearby, when he was assassinated. But it had taken a long time to rebuild what he had lost. But he had learned one important lesson because of it. Make the others play the heroes and villains on the stage and never take credit yourself. Be their instructor instead.

And now he had a new actor to direct. The boy was to be taught as well as controlled, so the boy didn't create any problems, as the second owner of Chiba or as the inheritor of wealth, including a not insignificant number of shares in his own family conglomerate.

It had also been quite a shock to see the Heavenly Dragon Hoard. Just how had that family been able to collect such a collection of cursed works of art? At least by ensuring that the cursed items stayed at the temple, the Association would now get the time to dispel the curses.

The best way to look after a sword was to have it in a scabbard.

He had considered sending his granddaughter to either the Seika Academy for girls or the Shuichi'in Private Academy, but now it had to be Sobu High School. She should not have any problem with gaining the boy's favor. She had inherited her mother's beauty and was such a nice girl.