It was a calm day at the Titan's tower. It was mid-July in Jump City, so temperatures were soaring and even the city had a lazy aura to it.

Starfire was sitting at the breakfast bar with Raven, flicking through a fashion magazine and excitedly pointing at the various outfits she saw, with Raven occasionally giving input.

"Jean skirts Raven! Oh, how glorious! I think the white one would go good with my floral cropped top." She held the magazine up and pointing at one skirt in the trio.

"Which one?" Raven asked, nursing a cup of tea and writing in a notebook. "Do you think a sigil of strength should have a spiral?"

"The white one, with the lowered sleeves and the red flowers. I think it should have more dashes. Is it not dependent on your personal aesthetic?"

"Hm. I think it'd look better with the yellow one, with the daisies. Maybe a spiral and dashes."

In the living room, Robin was on his laptop with a cup of coffee, and Beast Boy and Cyborg were playing a videogame.

"Oh you SUCK!" Beast Boy said angrily, bumping his shoulder into Cyborg's. "You are such a cheater!". The screen flashed with their favorite racing game, displaying a bright red "GAME OVER" on Beast Boy's side, and a bright yellow "WINNER" on Cyborg's.

"You're just mad that you're losing, and I'm WINNING." Cyborg said triumphantly, throwing his hands up in the air. "BOOYAH! Cyborg 5, Beastie 0! In your FACE." He began to do a victory dance, to the groans and fake cries of Beast Boy. Beast Boy had thrown his controller onto the couch, playing the role of an extremely sore loser.

Robin laughed at the victory dance, turning back to his laptop.

"Robin! Tell him we're having a rematch!" Beast Boy said, pleading. "I don't want to buy dinner tonight!" Beast Boy put on an extremely pouty face, holding his hands together against his chest and dropping to his knees.

"No." Robin said, shrugging. "You lost fair and square BB." Beast Boy now rested his head out the couch, making whining noises and tugging on Robin's laptop charger cord.

"Nooooo." Beast Boy said, crumpling to the floor and laying flat on his stomach.

"Is something the matter Beast Boy?" Starfire asked, looking up from her magazine. Raven looked up too, narrowing her eyes.

"Is it something you have to cry about, Beast Boy?" Raven asked, and Beast Boy sat up, nodding.

"It's terrible! I have to buy dinner!"

"Oh no, however will you cope." Raven said flatly, raising her eyebrows at him. "Is it that big of a deal?"

"Robin, perhaps you could calm Beast Boy? I was having such fun with Raven looking through the magazine for fashion, and he is being disruptive. Nothing offensive to you, Beast Boy." She flashed a well-placed pout to Robin, who gave her back a smile.

"It's no offense, Star." Cyborg said, still relishing in his victory. "I'm sorry Beastie, but you and I both said first to five, and we shook on it."

"You did." Raven said, and floated over to the living area with all of the take-out menus that resided on their countertop. Starfire came over too, resting her hand on Robin's shoulder.

"Cyborg." Robin said, rolling his eyes. "At least choose somewhere that we all like. No Min's Meat Emporium."

"No Min's- How dare you." Cyborg said in faux shock, but took the menus from Raven's hands. "Thanks Rae."

"I think that one Thai place, the Baguette Deli sounds so delicious." Starfire said, pointing out the menu.

"Ew, no." Beast Boy said, frowning. "No veggie options."

"Jump Fry Company?" Robin offered, and everyone nodded their heads in happily. Starfire and Beast Boy began to chatter excitedly, and Raven nodded along with them.

"Their double heat burger! I want 3 of them." Cyborg said, grabbing Robin's arm. "I could eat a whole small mountain of them. Two patties, two thick slices of cheddar cheese, their habanero relish? Godly."

"So we're in agreement?" Robin asked, and everyone nodded. "Fantastic, our usual orders are in the notebook Beast Boy. Order now and it'll get here by dinner."

"Oh! May I adjust mine?" Starfire asked, and walked to the kitchen with Beast Boy and Cyborg, leaving Raven and Robin. They both sat on the couch, listening to Starfire change what she wanted on her chicken sandwich 5 times, and Cyborg telling Beast Boy to ask for 6 mini-cups of relish on the side.

"Well, that was smooth." Raven said, and Robin agreed. "There was only a little fighting." They both chuckled, flicking through the T.V. channels. "Are you feeling like watching cable or Hulu or?"

"Hulu. I think I'm getting more invested into Secret Life of the American Teenager than Beast Boy and Starfire are." Robin remarked, getting up to grab the smart-remote to get onto Hulu.

"You know, I think I am too. Today's been so quiet." Raven remarked, using her powers to float a book over to her.

"You're right, today has really been calm." Robin said skeptically. He thought about the past few weeks, and distinctly remembers throwing multiple criminals into jail with the team. Practically all of them, excluding Jinx.

"Well," Robin thought, and he scrunched his face up before shaking his head. Wherever Jinx was, it was certainly a direct result of Wally's actions. "That was one less villain to fight though."

"We had a busy week, I'm sure we deserve some peace and quiet." Robin said. At that, the TV video call line began to ring.

"Who is it?" Starfire poked her head out of the kitchen, and Robin shrugged.

"We'll see." Robin pressed answer, and the face of Batman popped up.

"Batman." Robin said, and the rest of the Titans tensed. There was a silence, only broken by Beast Boy, who began saying the order.

"Robin. Raven. Nice to see you both." Batman said politely, and held eye contact with Robin. Robin started back, holding his gaze, before breaking away.

"Good. How are you and the other Titans?"

"We're- We're good." Robin said, scratching at his chin. "It's uh- hot in Jump, we're just waiting for dinner." Robin simply didn't know what to say to Batman.

"That's good. You guys- You deserve a break sometime." Batman said, nodding. "I have something to tell all of you."

"Thank you?" Robin said, feeling strange at Batman's compliment. Was it a compliment? Robin couldn't remember ever getting a compliment from Batman, only criticism and begrudged "good jobs" on occasion. Their relationship had been strained every since Robin had left Batman to forge his own path. His mind began to float away, and then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Uh, Robin. Are you even listening?" Beast Boy asked, waving his hand in front of his face. Starfire had a hand on his shoulder, and Cyborg and Raven looked at him concerned.

"I'm fine. Long night." He said simply, and looked back at Batman.

"Has he been sleeping?" Batman said, looking at the team. Beast Boy shrunk under his gaze, but Cyborg shrugged. Robin felt embarrassed that Batman hadn't even addressed him, and looked in his eyes.

"I'm fine. I sleep." Robin used an offhand tone, but under the gaze of his teammates and Batman, he felt like he was being scrutinized.

"Some of the times." Starfire piped up, and Robin heard the agreeing noises of his team. "Not last night. We had the police reports to look through, and he took the brunt of them."

"Listen, we don't need to discuss my sleeping habits. Highly inappropriate, Star." Robin said, and Starfire shrunk back, but nodded. "Is there a reason for this call, Batman?"

"Listen kids." Batman said, and let out a deep sigh. "The Flash and I were talking. Kid Flash manages school and crime fighting. Top of his class, in fact. The Justice League and I, we thought it would be best to enroll all of you in school."

"Oh!" Starfire said, and smiled jovially. "Real school?"

"Or online." Raven asked. While Starfire smiled, Raven frowned severely. Beast Boy patted her back, and Raven let out a sigh.

"Of course real school. Jump City High School. We thought that, if anything happens to any of you," Batman's tone got serious. "Anything that prevents you from being a hero, we decided that you have to have some form of education to fall back on."

"How are we even going to go? Everyone will know who we are!" Beast Boy said, and began to panic slightly. "They're gonna harass and bully-"

"BB, calm down!" Cyborg said. "I'm sure there's some way for our identities to stay secret. In fact, I have all of those holo-rings. We can just use those."

"Smart thinking." Batman said gruffly. "Alfred and I did create alternate identities for you. Some we used your real name, and others we made up an alias. Alfred is faxing over all of your cover stories. Memorise them by heart."

"When you say all, it makes me feel like there's more than just this team." Raven said.

"Three of your fellow Titans from Titans East will also be attending higher education. The other two will be in primary." Batman said.

"Like the same school?" Beast Boy asked, and smiled. "Alright! At least there's a silver lining you guys. We can all hang out." He could already imagine lunches with Speedy and Cyborg, how much fun he'd have. And how he and Aqualad could do swim team together and set aside their differences. And how Bumble and Raven would be so involved in their studies, and Starfire and Robin forming their high school romance. Maybe even Beast Boy getting his own romance with-

"No." Batman said. "If you hang out together, people will get suspicion. Teenagers that look like the Titans, all hanging out? You will make yourself targets for villains. I cannot let you do that. Secret identities are secrets." He pointed that last comment at Robin, who nodded. Beast Boy looked deflated, all of those thoughts being popped in mid air.

"Batman is right. I'm sure we can find more friends. In the end, we will always have each other. We can bring our comms to school, just in case." Robin announced, and easily slipped into the role of a leader.

"Hm." Batman said, and Robin couldn't tell whether he was impressed or not. "I think this is all you need to know, for now."

"Are we allowed to do the extracurriculars?" Starfire hopefully asked, holding her hands together and resting them against her left cheek. "Please? I promise it will not interfere with our fighting and patrolling!"

Batman and Robin sighed at the same time, but Batman relented.

"There is other cover stories for having to leave school- and extracurriculars- early." Batman said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"What if the school calls our parents?" Beast Boy asked, frowning. "It's easy to say we have parents, but what if something happens?"

"The emergency numbers are connected to an advanced AI that will change depending on who is calling. All of you have specific living situations, and the AI will reflect that. Any more questions?"

"No, sir." Robin said. "I think we're fine. Have a good night."

"If there are, I want to be called." He said seriously. The call clicked out.

Robin sighed as Batman hung up. He heard the far off ding of the fax machine in the filing room, and let out a groan. He plopped himself down on the couch, grabbing a pillow and covering his face.

"So, high school." Cyborg said, sitting down next to Robin's head. Starfire sat down, staying relatively silent. "Big step up from the lessons we do."

"Those lessons are on a computer." Raven said, irritated. She stood by the couch's armrest that Starfire was sitting on. "What's the point of actually going, Cy? It's a waste of time."

"We have to learn the socializing." Starfire said, gesturing with her finger. "We're only ever together with each other. We need to learn how to be with other people."

"We don't need to argue." Robin said, taking the pillow off his face. "Listen, Batman is right. We can't be heroes forever. High school won't be hard for us. We're the Teen Titans."

"I agree." Beast Boy said. Everyone stared at him strangely. He stood still by the console for the T.V, and frowned. "We never got a chance to be normal humans, ever. We never got to do normal teenager stuff. I understand that it's hard having to transition, Rae. But think of it, you can be normal. We can all be normal. I don't have to be green, Star doesn't have to be a princess, Cyborg doesn't have to be half robot, Raven doesn't have to be half demon, and Robin doesn't have to be Batman's sidekick."

"Well I'm not really a sidekick anymore." Robin interjected, mumbling. Cyborg patted Robin on the cheek, making Robin scrunch up his face and bat his hand away. Starfire giggled, and Raven even managed a small smile.

"You're right, BB." Cyborg said. "This is like our new beginning. We can do stuff, be teenagers. It's not like we have villains to fight 24/7, the next time they break out will be after school starts."

"See." Beast Boy said proudly. "I can have good thoughts." The door comm rang, signalling that the food had arrived. Beast Boy groaned, suddenly losing his inspirational mood. "I'll get it."

Robin stood up, dusting off his clothes. "I'll go get the cover stories and profiles. Remember

what Batman said everyone. No sharing identities. Period." He retreated into the filing room, and Starfire squealed with joy.

"Oh! I never got to go to a school!" Starfire said happily, and flew up a bit, twirling around. "I can try out for the team of cheering and go to the games and-" She bumped her foot into Raven's head. She gasped, then floated down, hugging Raven. "I am so sorry!"

"Star!" Raven said, eyes flaring before she took a breath. "It's fine, it didn't hurt. Just- No hugging." Raven said finally, before Starfire let her go.

"I like the enthusiasm, Star." Cyborg said, "Maybe I'll do sports too. Jump City High has the best extracurriculars in the surrounding Tri-State area. What about you, Raven?"

"Hm." She said, leaning against the couch's armrest. "I'm not sure. I did- I really like writing. Maybe I can join a writing club, or tutor."

"See Raven! You would also do well in the club of drama!" Starfire said, smiling. Beast Boy walked back into the room with the bags of food, just as Robin walked back from the filing room.

"Foods here!"

"And cover stories."

They all sat and ate at the breakfast bar, with Starfire and Beast Boy leaning against the counter and Raven, Robin, and Cyborg sitting. They joked and laughed, and even discussed school.

"I would love to do drama club." Beast Boy said, with a dreamy expression on his face. "Imagine me, reenacting one of the best plays and musicals ever written."

"The Cats?" Starfire asked, and Beastboy shook his head.



"No! Urinetown."

"That is so NASTY Beast Boy!" Cyborg said, frowning. "You know we got lemonades."

"I'm just joking, guys!" He said, laughing. He got pelted with fries, tater tots, and even napkins. "I'm unappreciated in my time." Everyone else began laughing, and eventually finished their food.

"I am stuffed." Cyborg said, and looked through the paper stack for one with his name.

"Already stapled them."

Cyborg grabbed the one that said CONFIDENTIAL on the top, along with CYBORG. "Goodnight everyone, are we still going school supply shopping tomorrow?"

"We'll see what classes we have." Raven said, picking at the last of her poutine. She pushed it away, and stood up, grabbing hers and Cyborg's garbage. "Thank you for dinner Beast Boy."

"You're welcome Rae." Beast Boy gave her a large smile, and Raven drew her hood up, hiding her blush.

"I'll be in my room." She grabbed her file and retreated to her bedroom; opting to stalk the dark halls rather than teleport. She opened her door, sat on her bed, and opened her file.

It began with her new name, age, grade level, and other things that were on her "personal file". Now, she was Rachel Roth, a 16 year old junior at Jump City High. She had previously attended online school, and lived with her single mother, Angela Roth. Her father was deceased, and her mother worked as a receptionist for Wayne Industries in Gotham.

Raven nodded, agreeing with the grades all on the next page. They were pulled directly from the lessons that the Titans did weekly. She then turned to the next page, with 10 different cover stories. Raven flicked through them, shrugging her shoulders. She had 3 weeks left to memorize them.

Beast Boy stared at the mirror in his relatively clean room. He kicked away a dirty t-shirt, breathed in deep, and tried to act casual.

"I'm Garfield Logan." He said in a deep voice, before groaning and face-palming. There was absolutely no way he would be able to introduce himself to any of the cute girls that resided at Jump High.

"Be natural, Gar." He told himself. "Teachers will have you do all kinds of ice breakers." He took another deep breath, stared in the mirror, and gave a toothy smile.

"I'm Garfield Logan, my favorite color is purple, my favorite animal is a gorilla, my parents are-" He paused, looking for his cover stories on his bed. "They work in Africa for Wayne Enterprises, for bio-med. I live with my grandfather."

Starfire laid on her bed, scrolling through her personalized closet inventory on her UPhone. She had taken photos of all of her clothes and organized them into different folders, making it easier to plan out outfits.

She decided for the first day of school, she'd wear the white jean skirt she had just ordered and a floral tank top, along with her brown strapped sandals.

Her cover story and background laid on her bed, and she excitedly repeated simple facts about her alias.

"I am Kori Anders, I'm a junior at Jump City High. I'm from New Zealand, I live with my older sister and younger brother and occasionally my parents. My mother and father are expats in Indonesia for work. My sister goes to Central City University, and my brother is a 7th grader at Jump Central Junior High." She squealed, and began to pick out more outfits. Silkie snuggled against her legs, and she absentmindedly pet him, deciding between a white romper and jean jacket or a red tube top and black jeans.

Starfire was happy. School was going to be one of the best things to have happened to her.

Robin was significantly less happy. He could have been examining reports, or even patrolled to clear his head, but instead, he was video-chatting with Kid Flash.

"C'mon Dick, school is sooooo much fun!"

"I feel like you're being sarcastic." Robin said dryly, rolling his eyes.

"It is! In fact, I might even be transferring to your school to keep you company, Dickie-boy!" Kid Flash said, briefly popping his head off screen.

"Wallace West, you better not." Robin said angrily, and Kid Flash popped back into frame, a large smile on his freckled face.

"I will! Don't worry about it, Dick. I'll keep you company." Kid Flash said, smiling. "In fact, I might even stay in Jump for the year."

"Why would you even do that." Robin said, rolling over on his bed to his bedside drawer to retrieve the stash of licorice he hid there. He opened a fresh pack, staring at Kid Flash's love struck face.

"Absolutely noooo particular reason, Dickie. I'll come with you tomorrow to get school supplies! But right now," Kid Flash said, holding a fresh rose and smiling. "I have business to attend to. See ya, Dickie!"

"Goodnight, Wallace." Robin said flatly, throwing his phone on the other side of his bed and shoving his face in his pillow.

Cyborg tinkered with his old Stone holo-ring, trying to find a better persona that didn't look too much like Stone, but more like Victor.

He stared at the photo of his mother and father, nodding before turning back to his computer screen.

"Eyes like mom- maybe a close crop rather than bald. Make my nose crooked from being broken, fits my cover story." According to Victor Salis-Norilee's backstory, he used to play varsity football for all 3 years of high-school before his senior year. An injury would be normal.

"Salis-Norilee." Cyborg said, and gave a dry chuckle.