Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter it is owned by JK Rowling

The Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher

Chapter 35

Crossroads of Truth and Hope

For the second year in a row Benjamin attended the Ministers Ball. This time though he was alone, the rest of his family had decided to stay home. The man could not blame them, the only he was here was so that he and Amelia Bones could trade information, At least that is what he said to himself as he glanced over at Narcissa who was wearing a form fitting dark green dress.

But his attention was brought to one Amelia Bones who fought her way through the crowd. The Director of Magical Law Enforcement looked quite fetching in a dark blue dress, and hair done up. But still she sported the monocle over one eye.

"Well don't you look lovely this evening Madam Bones. Would you care for a dance?" He asked

Amelia rolled her eyes as a light dusting of read colored her cheeks for a moment before vanishing.

"Come on then I doubt you want to be here anymore than I do." Bones said as the two headed out toward the entrance hall.

Neither noticed a slightly glaring Narcissa Malfoy following silently behind.

"So the official file had nothing new then?" Benjamin asked
Amelia shook her head, "And any other path I tried to take was blocked by the Minster himself."

"Thank you trying at the very least. But it doesn't really change my plans though. I still have to catch Black alive and then we will know the truth." Amelia chuckled. "What's funny Madam Bones?"

"It is a little odd to hear a Slytherin speak about the truth."
Benjamin smirked at the woman, "I suppose it is, because us Slytherin's are always known to twist words to our advantage. It is a skill that only the most successful of the snake pit truly master. But couldn't you see how being able to do that makes the truth a snakes most powerful and also most feared weapon? When their wall of words crumbles, and all the sugar and honey in there tone melts and dissolves. This image they have created of themselves vanishes like a leaf in the wind, forcing them to confront their true selves, when telling the truth is there only option left. It is then when the truth, the total unbiased truth is allowed to be told true magic happens, some may even say that miracles occur. That is the power of the truth."

Amelia Bones took a few moments to compose herself as Benjamin had let out a bit of magical aura during his speech.

"I must say if even half of the people I work with believed as you do then perhaps things would be a bit different in the Ministry."

"We could only hope one day it is Madam Bones." Benjamin said

"Well with that I hope you have a good rest of the night I have to get back to Susan." Amelia left with a nod.

Backing up closer to wall as Bones left stood Narcissa. The woman felt a tad foolish for following the two who she believed at the time had left to have a romantic tix in private. She ignored the surge of anger that rose in her chest at thinking that. But instead she learned that the two instead were talking about her muggle loving cousin turned mass murder Sirius. At the time of his arrest she hadn't really given much thought expect for the fact that with him gone that Draco would claim the Black Lordship when he perished in Azkaban. But if he was released and proven innocent, then that opened up a wide range of options. Even the option to leave Lucius, oh the blonde wouldn't let that happen without a fight, but if it could done. Then just maybe-The woman was knocked out of her thoughts by a sweet smell. She turned to see a single purple rose, and a single blue rose on a wall enclave a few feet behind her. Narcissa nearly gasped at the two flowers, only a select few people knew she studied the meaning of roses as a hobby and Benjamin was one of them. The man knew she was there the whole time, and this was his way of telling her. She turned around to the entrance hall but the DADA professor was already gone.

Near midnight Anna awoke and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water only to see Benjamin sipping some whiskey.

"Did you have a good time a ball?" She asked taking a place across from him.

The man simply shook his head, "It was what it was."

Anna nodded her head, "Benjamin I have a question? Would it be possible for Alec to head to Hogwarts for a day or two to simply show him around?"

Said man turned to her and leveled the woman with a slight cruel. "I thought better of you then this Anna. Why do you want to torture your boy by letting him enter a world he could never truly be a part of?"

Benjamin's answer was a straight punch to the face by Anna which knocked the man off his chair.

"Benjamin Voss don't you ever dare to think that I would hurt my boy mentally or physically, He is my heart, my soul, and is the reason I have survived for as long as I have. Everything I do I do for him." Anna growled out as the teacher picked himself up.

"I apologize, but why do want him to go with me?"

"I know that he likes animals and I know that your Care of Magical Creatures is being taught by a half-giant. I want him to see that people who aren't completely magical can still have a good life. He needs to see the world outside his small squib classroom." Anna finished

Benjamin gave a small smile, "You want to give your boy hope." He chuckled as he took another sip of whiskey. "People always say love is the most powerful emotion, and it is powerful. But without hope love couldn't exist. On the flipside love can turn to hate, and hope to despair. Without hope neither outcome is impossible, and that makes it dangerous. There was a time I wanted to lose all hope. But the annoying thing is as long as there is the tiniest spark of it hope lives on. "
"You wanted to give up?" Anna asked

The teacher nodded "When my part in the war ended I wanted to give up on the world. I wanted to completely cut myself off and drink myself to death, But despite everything I have done there still hope of something. So I exiled myself from the world and kept training waiting for my moment. Which led to now. But to answer your question yes Alec should be able to stay for a couple days. I just need to make the arrangements." He finished as he gulped down the rest of his whisky.

"Thank you Benjamin tomorrow we can tell Alec." Anna said as the two headed toward your room.

Benjamin slowly made his way to his quarters with a mental note to not piss of Anna again, that punch hurt.

Thank you for reading, please leave a review and check out my other stories. Until next time thank you for the support.