Please read and review. I enjoy knowing people like my work! SMeyer owns everything but the plot.
One step into Alice's room had me smiling. Yellow, had been her favourite colour as a human, and it appears that carried over into her vampire life. Three of the walls were canary yellow and covered in drawings, fashion sketches, and paintings. The floors were a dark colored wood. The final wall faced the outside of the house and was window from floor to ceiling. The further into the room I walked, the more details I noticed. Heavy black curtains hung on either side, tied up, letting the moonlight filter in. a large flat screen was mounted on the left wall, opposite a queen-sized bed with a grey comforter. On either side of the bed was two doors. I assumed the bathroom and closets lie within those. Far on the left wall was a dark wooden desk covered in papers in disarray and a plush office chair.
Alice hopped on the bed still clutching the file to her chest. She patted the spot opposite of her and I happily obliged. "So, Bella, tell me everything. Please. I've been searching for closure over 100 years now and I'm ready to know who I was as a human. I remember nothing before I woke up as a vampire." She looked at me expectantly and I hesitated. "You… you were incredible as a human. You were my best friend, my…" I fingered the necklace I wore, the locket she gave me. I averted my eyes and sighed leaving against the headboard. "Your what?" she prompted, almost impatiently as she fidgeted beside me, picking invisible lint off her shorts." I looked at her then, frowning. "You were my first, and only love. Since I was 15 and you were 16. We… we were together. We knew everything about each other. You used to dress me up in your dress designs. I'd make you go swimming in the creek near our houses. You hated swimming because it made your hair frizz, but you always did, for me. You had long black hair, and bangs that fell in your eyes, which were blue by the way. The brightest blue." I trailed off looking away, my memories flooding my mind.
Alice remained silent, and I was afraid to look at her, so I continued. "My family moved from Forks to Biloxi, Mississippi in 1915, in early January. We bought the house next to yours when my father got the police chief position in town. The way we met is one of my fondest memories." I smiled softly, daring a glance her way. She stared back at me; confusion apparent on her face. "How did we meet?" she asked softly.
"You were hiding from your father. He'd just come back from a business trip and your mother informed him of a vision you had, that saved her life. He was livid with you. You were supposed to be taking a medication, that was quite expensive, that supposedly would stop your "delusions" as he called them. Your mother was thrilled that you'd saved her, but your father wanted you locked away. So, you were hiding in my yard, ear pressed to the fence, listening to your father curse your name. You were crying when I found you and it was raining. I noticed you from our back porch and went out to confront you. In true, clumsy Bella fashion, when I advanced on you to demand you leave, I slipped in the mud and fell right on you. From the moment I saw your eyes that close, I was smitten." I paused, giving her a moment to absorb the information. `
She frowned but nodded, signaling me to continue. "I might've liked you from the moment our eyes met, but I vehemently rejected the idea. I scrambled off you, spitting curses and covered in mud. You stood an advanced on me, asking if I was alright and apologizing profusely. You reached up and tried to wipe the copious amounts of mud from my cheek. You saw me flinch and try to back away, but you held fast to me and I stopped resisting. Right away you knew my secret. The bruise running up the side of my face was telling. You started to say something, and I ran inside locking the door. I showered off the mud and awaited my parent's arrival. Fear was my motivation for running like I did. You see, we had moved to Mississippi because of me to begin with. In forks, they'd caught me fooling around with another woman, and my father beat me within an inch of my life. Rather than lock me up in an asylum, he continued to beat me, and eventually we moved. He was too afraid of me seeing the other woman again." Alice grabbed my hand and held it tight then.
"I don't see why that's your favourite memory, it sounds awful for both of us." I chuckled softly holding her gaze. "It's my favourite, because it's the moment my life changed forever. We had 4 incredible years together Alice. There were no secrets between us. We had plans to run away together, even trying to include Cynthia in those plans." She looked puzzled. "Who is Cynthia?" I grinned. "Cynthia is your sister. She's still alive too, and she's… well she's also a vampire." Alice gasped covering her mouth. Her eyes watered with tears that refused to fall. "Oh my, alive? Where, I- I must meet her, please Bella." She rushed jumping up and started pacing. I pulled out my phone typing out a text to my second oldest friend asking her to call me.
"Alright, I'll let you know when she texts me back. She's an entirely different story." I grunted and rolled my eyes. I patted the spot next to me and she sat down, still smiling. "So, what happened after our first meeting?" she asked scooting closer to me. Her arm brushing against mine. I sighed. "Naturally, I tried to avoid you. My father said if he so much as caught us talking, he'd kill me. As police chief, he had many duties that kept him away from home though, and not long after we met, my mother died. You tried to warn me about it, but I slammed the door in your face." I ran a hand through my hair closing my eyes. "She got on a train and it derailed. No survivors. You warned me, but I was so afraid Alice. After that, on the night of her funeral, I snuck away to see you and demand you explain how you knew. I believed you at once of course. From then on, in secret, we were inseparable. We spent our days at the creek, or making dresses, or playing games with Cynthia. After a few months, you came to my front door after Charlie left one night and you asked to come up. Stupidly I agreed."
I leaned against the headboard and reached my hand out to hold hers. "You confessed your feelings for me, and I for you, and then you kissed me. We were young, and in love. Charlie came home and I barely got you out the window before he was in my room, reeking of alcohol. He'd brought friends home from the pub." I shuddered, wishing I could forget the night. "They hurt me for hours, until the sun came up and then they all passed out downstairs. I wandered to your house, bruised, bloody, and sobbing. Your mother answered the door and immediately started tending to me. The look on your face when you saw me then has never left my mind. You, a 4'11 teenage girl, was murderous. The only reason you didn't end up next door, was Cynthia pinned you to the ground and made you focus on me instead. I stayed there for 3 days, recovering. Your mother nursing me back to health and when your father came home, he took one look at me and let me stay until I was better. They understood that calling the police wasn't an option. Your father was a bastard, but I'm grateful he granted me sanctuary for a week afterwards."
Alice was trembling beside me, her face contorted in sorrow. She sat up on her knees and pulled me into a furious hug. "I'm so sorry Bella." She said into my ear and I held her close. The retelling was something I hated; I'd only told it 3 times in my life. Jake, Leah, and now Alice all knew the abuse I'd been through. "The abuse stopped after that." I mumbled against her shoulder. She pulled away sitting back on her heels. "We continued to date in secret. Things were great for two years after that. You helped me recover from everything. Even the miscarriage I had 3 months after everything. Then your mother was killed. You knew your father had paid someone to have her killed so that he could marry his secretary. You tried coming to my father but of course that failed. My father told your father what you said. You… got a vision then. Your father was going to hire someone to kill you too."
Alice sat back beside me, leaning her head on my shoulder and holding my hand. "We planned to run. With Cynthia because the future you saw for her was awful. The night before we were set to leave, I heard screaming from next door. I watched these people, drag you away, kicking and screaming my name. I tried to follow but the car was too fast. Cynthia ran to me crying and telling me you were taken to an asylum. You weren't permitted visitors. I tried so hard to free tried so hard to free tried so hard to free you. We both did. Then, your father told Cynthia that you'd died. That you had killed yourself at that place. We knew that wasn't the case. We plotted to leave again, Cynthia and I did. Vowing to find out what really happened. On the night we ran, we gathered all our money and valuables, every picture of you and your mother we could find, and we left. We visited your grave before we skipped town." I buried my nose in her hair, inhaling her vanilla and jasmine scent before I continued towards the end of my tale.
"We hopped a train headed north. Got off in Kansas, then Wyoming. I was trying to find my way home, to forks. Hoping the woman from before could help us. We were ambushed by a nomad named Creedence, who was trying to create an army. He turned us both. For three hellish days we burned through the transformation. I woke up first. Angry as hell. I ripped him apart without a second thought. Cynthia was awake by the time I finished, and we realized what we had become. We ventured no further then, staying to the woods. We were half mad with thirst when we stumbled upon a herd of deer. Between the two of us, we killed the whole herd. We knew then we could survive on animal blood, so we trained for a year, living only in the forest and feeding from animals. We started testing ourselves closer to humans to see if we could stand the thirst."
I frowned then. "By then our newborn strength and urges dissipated. Slowly we integrated back into society. Only slipping a few times each. After a hundred years the thirst doesn't even bother us anymore. Two decades passed and we decided to try heading to my home. We were met Jacob and Leah, in wolf form, who happened to be my best friends back when I lived in forks. They fought the council, begging for us to be allowed to stay. Leah backed down at the time, but Jacob, having true alpha blood, defied the current alphas commands to kill us. He was exiled, and the council agreed to let us live. Only because one of their wolves had imprinted on Cynthia. Seth was also exiled and is currently traveling the world with your sister. They are happily married. Like 5 times married. Attention whores." I said with an eye roll. "Jacob, Cynthia, Seth, and I all live together in northern Canada. Well, did, until we got a call several days ago saying the exile had been lifted and we were all welcome home. Jake and I had to collect your asylum file before we came back. Cynthia and Seth are due within a day or so." I grinned and Alice squealed excitedly.
My phone chose that moment to ring. Cynthia, of course. "Hey bells, whatcha need?" she said hey voice slightly muffled. "You'll never guess what I found in forks Cynth." She grunted quietly and I heard a smack through the line and a muffled "ow, give me the phone back" followed by "Bella bear! I'm so excited to come home! How's the house? Did you find what you were looking for?" I chuckled and said "That and so much more Seth. I found her. Alive. Here in forks." The silence on the other end lasted several seconds. "Alive Bella?" said Cynthia quietly. "Yep! You'll see when you get here. Hurry your asses up. We miss you." I flipped the phone shut sliding it back in my pocket. Alice started to protest but a knock on the door stopped her. "Come in." she said irritated.
Lyra opened the door flanked by Jake who had a goofy smile on his face. Lyra crawled onto the bed and laid her head in Alice's lap. Jake took the desk chair and scooted it closer to the bed. Before he sat, I stood up and hugged him tightly burying my head in his chest. "I told her everything Jake." I mumbled. "everything?" he questioned skeptically. I just nodded. He held me tighter and kissed my head, rubbing soothing circles on my back. Despite my joy, I was reeling mentally. That story always took a lot out of me, that's why I don't tell it. Jake sat, pulling me into his lap. Admittedly I was crashing. A vampire with severe PTSD, who knew? Silence ensued for a few minutes while Jake held me close. Alice and Lyra were speaking low to each other, but I tuned them out. A few more minutes and I sighed, relaxing into his embrace. Jake always knew how to comfort me. Being friends for most of a century does that. I righted myself crawling off his lap and standing near the window. "Cynthia and Seth will be here tomorrow Jake." I glanced back into their concerned faces and smiled. "I'm okay, honestly, that story just takes it out of me."
I saw Lyra glance at Jake and smile coyly. "How about you two?" I teased sliding back onto the bed, putting some distance between Alice and I, trying not to pressure her into contact. I saw her frown. "We've decided to go slow and get to know one another." Said Lyra and their eyes locked. "Uh-huh" I said shaking my head. By now the clock read 1:17 am. I sighed and looked at Alice. Oh, how I wished I could kiss her again. Her eyes glazed over, and she growled in frustration after a few seconds. Lyra was sitting upright in an instant. "Same vision again Ali?" and she nodded running her hand through her hair. I raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I still get visions Bella." She rolled her eyes relaxing a little. "Ly I have so much to tell everyone, like I have a sister! She's alive, and she will be here tomorrow!" Lyras eyes widened and she squealed clasping Alice's hands in her own. " Come on, you gotta talk to everyone now." She dragged Alice out the door yelling "Family meeting!" as they went. Alice shot me an apologetic look over her shoulder. I sighed looking at Jake. "I guess its time to deal with everyone else?" I questioned and he nodded. I kissed his cheek and hugged him briefly. "I'm glad you found someone Jake, and she's a looker." I winked and he chuckled. "Hey now, back off bloodsucker, she's mine, find your own." I laughed and shook my head turning to head downstairs, Jake in tow.