"WHOA! CALM DOWN YOU DAMN DOG! OI! DON'T GO RUNNING SRTAIGHT AT ME BEFORE I FINISH TALKING!" a girl yelled panicked in the almost silent neighborhood.

A girl comically running around in circles with a dog in hind repeatedly, that was the sight that Hikigaya came upon to when he ran to the place that he thought he heard the scream came from and instead of helping, he just stood there for a moment before letting out a hysterical laugh at the sight of Miura Yumiko running in circles. It was a sight for sore eyes.


"Yeah. I'll let you do that after I have my fill laughing at this rare sight so have fun for now," Hikigaya was having a hard time finishing that sentence in between his hysterical laughs.

"Damn you Hikio! Just you wait, I'll soon beat the living shit out of you after I deal with this dog!" yelled Yumiko furiously. She then ran full speed at a wall and then suddenly made a dash turn, the dog unable to make a turn in time crashed to the wall and went unconscious.

Angered that Hikigaya didn't be helped her, she changed her path and ran straight at Hikigaya. Remembering a move from a wrestling show, she increased her speed and lowered her stance before jumping at the laughing Hikigaya, spearing him. Hikigaya fell from the force exerted, giving Yumiko the chance to straddle him while pinning his arms with her legs.

"Hoooh, so you were just gonna laugh at me as that dog was chasing me around huh? Guess what Hikio, I'll make do of my promise and slowly beat the living shit out of you at this very moment so prepare yourself," dark aura could be seen coming out of Yumiko as she was straddling Hikigaya.

Though he was pinned down and was about to receive the beating of his life, Hikigaya was still laughing from the sight he just witnessed.

"Like I said before, I'll let you beat me up after I had my fill of laughter. Now that I had enough laughing and something to make me laugh at whenever I'm bored, I'll let you do so," Hikigaya said while wiping off tears that he let out while laughing. He then continued with a somewhat spine chilling smile" if you can that is."

"Huh? What can you do in this situation? You arms are pinned, I'm straddling you so you basically can't do shit to me right now. Know that I'm in complete control right now so wipe off that smile of yours since it's starting to annoy me and somehow give me the chills," Yumiko was about to say some more but he kept his smile, giving her bad feelings.

"H-Hey, stop that. You're seriously starting to scare me you know? Hey, seriously Hikio stop that. Why are smiling at me like that? Hey Hikio!" that smile of his was seriously starting to scare her. Who wouldn't after receiving a smile that seemed to be printed on his face while being stared in the eyes like that? At a point, she started to yell and tears were welling up in her eyes as she was really getting scared by Hikigaya. He was still smiling and he didn't even blink the whole time, someone that doesn't get unnerved by that probably have some balls of steel. Who smiles without blinking?

"What do you mean by that Miura? I'm very sure that I'm just giving you a normal smile so why are you scared?" still smiling, Hikigaya decided to speak. He then let out a low toned giggle, scaring the shit out of Yumiko even more as she yelped "You said that you were gonna beat me up so why aren't you doing so? Like you said, you immobilized me so I can't do anything to counter or block you. So I ask once again, why aren't you doing so?"

Tears was about to roll down her cheeks but after she finally got a good look at his face, all of it magically disappeared and she immediately moved away from him like it burned her. She then asked a question that Hikigaya was waiting for to come from her with wide eyes and opened jaws "who the hell are you?"

Once again, he burst out laughing and this time, openly rolling on the ground while banging his hand on it, making Yumiko confused. One moment this guy was being scary and another he was rolling on the ground while laughing. "Damn, I waited long for that question to come up and that look on your face, priceless! Damn, I might need to keep a record on how long it takes before that question comes up every time they meet this 'new' me. So for now, congrats Miura for taking the first place for taking the longest time to ask me that, though you're only the second person to do so."

"Hey whoever you are, I don't know what you're talking about so you better explain it to me immediately 'cause you're not making any sense to me right now."

Hikigaya, not being able to find easy words to explain the situation took out his phone and clicked on a contact of his. He turned his phone so that it faced Yumiko, showing her name on the contact list. He then pressed the call button and seconds after Yumiko's phone rang.

Yumiko took out her phone and was shocked to see the name 'Hikio' calling her. She answered while looking at the 'stranger' whose phone then showed that his call was answered. Yumiko's eyes widened more than it possibly could as realization dawned to her "Hikio?"

"Yes, the one and only and in flesh" he replied with a mock bow. As he was facing up from his mock bow, he was genuinely surprised to see Yumiko right in front of him. She was looking down so he also looked down to see what she was looking at, only to receive an uppercut from Yumiko, lifting him up from the ground a little from the force of the punch and then making him fall on his butt. A bit dazed, he looked up and almost shit his pant at that moment.

Slowly walking up to him was Yumiko, with the image of a Shinigami that seemed eager to rip his soul straight out of his ass behind her.

"So you have the balls to not only let me deal with that dog by myself but also to scare me like that just so you can get some entertainment out of it? I'm honestly impressed right now Hikio. I'll discuss your change later but now, now, we need to have some serious talk about your behavior of enjoying people's suffering like that RIGHT HIKIO?" Yumiko's tone was calm at first but at the end, her tone turned demonic as the Shinigami behind her grinned ear to ear at Hikigaya.


After a good scolding from Yumiko, Hikigaya was sitting on his knees; face down with a somewhat bumped head.

"Now mind explaining what happened to your eyes?" Yumiko asked in a still pissed off tone and Hikigaya immediately straightened his slightly slouched back.

"I don't know ma'am. All I know is that I woke up like this in the morning. I was planning to go to the doctors after I finished accompanying Isshiki go shopping for her clothes but it was already late when we finished to I moved it a bit to a later date. I was on my way home before I encountered you here. That's all ma'am!" Hikigaya explained politely in fear of pissing this scary woman in front of him any further.

"I have no idea why you're telling me how you spent your day today but what I get is that you have no idea of why it happened at all?" Yumiko asked, getting and affirmative answer from him.

Facing up, he was glad to see that she seemed to have calmed down and that the Shinigami that was behind her was finally gone. "So how long am I supposed to kneel like this? The small rocks on this ground are starting to hurt me you see, so can I get up?"

"Oh yeah, forgot about that. Stand up, you need to go home," Yumiko said as Hikigaya stood up. She then continued with a glare " after you send me to my house that is."


"What's with that? You weren't going to make me, a defenseless maiden, go home alone in this dark night are you?" the demonic tone she used earlier arise again and the Shinigami appeared behind her for a brief moment.

"Never will I think of doing such thing ma'am!"


The two then started their walk home, which was the opposite of the way to Hikigaya's house. Hikigaya looked back at the path to his with teary eyes but continued walking nonetheless. He then mumbled, "Defenseless maiden my ass, that punch of yours probably can break walls."

"What was that?"

"Nothing ma'am!"

"I thought so," Yumiko said with a smug face. She then face forward and let out a giggle. She heard what he said and knew that he actually didn't mean that. She knew that if he was being serious that she probably wouldn't be able to lay even a single finger on him and that made her think that his chivalry was cute. Willing to take a beating from a woman just like that. That was one of the many things that she loved about him.

Yes, love. She was willing to admit that. Admit that she fell in love with Hikigaya Hachiman. Not came to like as in a simple crush. Love. She fell hard for him and she cursed herself for that. Why would she curse herself you ask? Reason for that is that this damn guy is damn magnet for girls. Not just normal girls, but girls that could easily fit into top beauties in their whole school. Not that she wasn't confident in her looks. Far from it, in fact she is really proud to say that she is a drop dead gorgeous girl. She got it all, good looks and curves. Who wouldn't want to date her at the first sign of affection from her? Well obviously this guy doesn't. She had been dropping hint at him for the time that she became somewhat close to him but this guy just doesn't get it.

Back to the girls that this chick magnet attracted. They are all beauties, close to him and are also dropping hints at him. What made them different than her? The answer to that is they spent time with him longer than she did. They had a head start. She felt like she was fighting a losing battle with no hope, but that doesn't deter her determination at all. That actually fired her up more to make up for the lost time. But once again she gets pissed off. This damn guy brushes off peoples' advances at him as things that normies do. This guy is too thickheaded.

The whole time Yumiko was thinking to herself, Hikigaya watched her face morph from one expression to another repeatedly. He first laughed quietly when her face turn a bit red but then got scared when she scowled. He got scared even further when she accidentally let out a thought of hers, "damn guy" she growled. He then sent his condolences to the poor guy that managed to get on the bad side of this girl. But he didn't know that he sent his condolences to his own self because he was that 'poor guy' that she cursed just now.

"By the way Hikio, what was that thing that you did to me before?" Yumiko suddenly asked.

"I did a lot of things to you not long ago ya know? Which one" Hikigaya said with a chuckle

"Geez, don't say it like that. That was too suggestive. What I meant was that thing you did to me when I pinned you down," said Yumiko with pink hues on her cheeks.

"Now who's being suggestive? Pinned me down? What were you gonna do to me when you pinned me down?" Hikigaya chuckled as he saw her face turn red with a poof. " I didn't do anything to you accept for smile and stare at you in the eyes. The others were your own doing."

"What do you mean by that? You're not making any sense at all."

"Hmm maybe I should give you another demonstration to deliver a better explanation that you can easily understand. Should I?" Hikigaya's face had a shit eating grin as he saw her visibly panic.

"You dare do that again and the next thing you know is that you'll be on the ground half-dead Hikio!" Yumiko panicked and threatened Hikigaya as she slowly backed away from him.

"Hoooh?" Hikigaya then gave her the same spine-chilling smile he gave her earlier. "Are you sure that you are going to be able to do that?" he continued, making her panic even more. He then landed the finishing blow by looking at her straight in the eyes, as if he was staring right into her soul. His eyes as if changing back to their dead fish state to add effects.

Yumiko yelped and froze on spot as soon as Hikigaya looked into her eyes. She didn't know why that despite experiencing it for the second time, instead of getting used to it she just got more frightened by it. The first time, she was still able to speak and move but this time, she couldn't even move, let alone utter a single word.

Hikigaya let it drag out for a little while before making Yumiko snap out of it with a flash that came from his phone. "Not a bad expression if I say so myself. What do think Miura?" he said as he walked to her side and showed her the image of her looking like a deer caught in a spotlight with teary eyes.

"Damn you Hikio!" Yumiko yelled and started to rain real full-powered punches at Hikigaya, as he laughed hard and half-assed parried away her punches with one arm, as the other was busy holding his stomach that was starting to hurt from laughing too much.

Finally done laughing, Hikigaya caught both of her wrists in one hand and held it above her head making Yumiko blush at the warmth of his hand and the fact that her breast was making itself more visible that it originally was, considering the size. "Now listen carefully Miura, what I did just now was an intimidation tactic of mine that works on its own by the receiver themselves."

Hikigaya then let her wrists go and took a step back. "You see, most people are stupid, they call themselves smart and animals stupid. But the thing is that those animals that they call stupid trick us humans. The thing I did just now I learned from what I saw a kitten; a small kitten did to someone that was picking on it. The kitten didn't run away when thrown a rock at it; instead it stared at the guy and kept on staring. Probably stared right to his souls. This guy got scared and ran. One small kitten made a much bigger human ran away simply by staring."

Seeing Yumiko's confused face, he gave a simple conclusion to her, "You see, when we get stared in the eyes by someone that we were supposed to intimidate, it immediately made our brain know that they are not scared so rather than them getting scared, we get scared instead. I don't know how to explain it but that's just how it works. I just upgraded that thing by simply adding a smile. Before it would work very well with my dead eyes but I guess with this new eyes the effect is a lessened a bit."

"Yeah I can guess what would happen if you did that with your dead eyes. Some poor sod probably wet their pants," Yumiko laughed at the though of a thug running away from Hikigaya with wet pants while crying to their mom.

"Yeah that actually happened once. This guy picked on me on a train and when I did that he wet his pants on spot and went home crying. People made a ring barrier around him the whole trip."

They both laughed at that and continued walking.

"Hey Hikio. Can I ask something?" Yumiko asked suddenly.

"Well this is rare, you asking permission before asking something. What's got you so curious?" replied a slightly shocked Hikigaya.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

"Huh? That's it?" asked the bewildered Hikigaya. He received a nod from her, "Yeah I'm free. Don't really have anything to do so probably gonna do the same thing as usual. Laze around and then sleep. While my eyes have changed, my routine and laziness will never change. You could say that laziness is my most obvious identity now."

"I asked one simple question and you answer it with bullshits of laziness. When did you get this talkative?" grumbled the annoyed girl.

"Hey, I answer you with short responds you get angry and beat me up. I answer with long responds you get annoyed. What's with girls and their inconsistencies?" Hikigaya still remembered when Yumiko got angry when he only gave her short replies while talking to him so she lost her patience after a whole two hours of talking and only receiving short answers and beat him up. That was then only time that he genuinely couldn't do anything against her. He shudders at that memory.

"Yeah I told you to give me long responds but I never told you to spout long bullshits like that!"

"Then you will have to bear with bullshits 'cause whenever you speak with me. After all, this mouth of mine is made specifically to spout bullshits," the smug look on Hikigaya's face had an effect that he wanted to see.

Yeah, she got annoyed. "You wipe that look off your face before-" Yumiko suddenly stopped talking as she realized where it was going to end up and that ending is not good for her.

She almost got goaded into making a threat at him, which will end up with him giving her that scary smile and stare again.

"What's up Miura, cat got you tongue?"

"Damn you. I almost fell for that again. If I were to receive that look again I would probably get nightmares for weeks. Curse you and your intimidation techniques," Yumiko cursed, earning her a light chuckle from Hikigaya.

"So you knew where it would end up with if you were to continue what you were about to say," Hikigaya said, his smug face still on. "You're getting smarter."

"Oh what I wouldn't do to wipe that look off of his face," mumbled Yumiko. "Also, what's with that condescending tone, are you implying that I'm inferior to you?"

"Maybe, maybe not. But I know for sure that my superior won't fall for the same trick twice," almost immediately after he said that he had to duck to avoid her slap that was aimed to his head.

While still continuing walking, he glanced to the side to see a pouting Yumiko. A sight that was too cute for her own good.

"Hey, you never answered my question," Hikigaya said out of nowhere.

"Not my fault that you distracted me by your bullshits. So for that, your question will forever remain unanswered," retorted the annoyed Yumiko, dawdling along with her tone.

"Is that so? Well that question wasn't really important and you actually kind of answered it in a way so…" Hikigaya dragged the end of his sentence as if he was going to say some more but just stopped there.

"What? Not gonna finish that?" asked the curious blonde, as the curious type of people, she just couldn't bear it if people say something and then just half-assed stopped in the end. It made her curious.


"WHAT?!" well that definitely wasn't the answer she was expecting. "What do you mean nope?!"

"Well nope is nope. I mean that I'm not finishing my sentence."

"Finish it! I'm getting curious here damn it!"

"Exactly what I'm aiming for here so guess that's it," he replied and turned to face her, giving her the most shit-eating grin he could possibly muster.

"Wha-?! Hikio you better wipe that grin off your face or-" she stopped as she remembered that threatening this idiot would backfire on her so she opted to just stay silent. Admitting defeat.

Impossibly, Hikigaya's shit-eating grin became even shittier upon seeing her admitting her loss.

Hikigaya felt like he had conquered Yumiko.

"Hey, we're here," a reason that Hikigaya didn't answer her was because they reached her house already and was making a scene outside of it. Well the other was just so he could tease her as an entertainment.

"Huh?" she looked to the side and lo and behold, her house! "I didn't realize that we've already arrived. Well guess that's that. See you tomorrow Hikio and don't forget to come. I will text you the time and place later," Yumiko said as she walked in her house.

Hikigaya only replied with a small wave and once she closed the door, he went on his way to his own house.


A/N: Okay I'm ending it here for now since I ran out of stuff to write. I know it's been a long time since I updated the first 2 chaps of the re-write and I'm sorry for that but hey, I'm back and I hope until I can finish this fic this time. I can't promise that though.

For the place that Miura's gonna want to take Hikigaya to, I will leave that to you guys( if there are still readers that is…) to decide. 2 day to tell me the place in the reviews. If I get no response from you guys then I'll just wreck my non-existent brain for ideas.