And you will be glad to know, dear reader, that Hamilton was, from then on, one of the most loving fathers and husbands anyone ever knew.

His shame became much less, as he finally grasped that it was not his fault he was born out of wedlock, and whenever anyone mocked him for it, he would point it out in such a manner that soon people just stopped. He also got along quite well with his former political rivals afterwards, and did not waste time with the people he already called friends.

Hamilton lived to a ripe old age, having prevented his fateful duel with Burr, and his story was told every Christmas in the Hamilton family for generations, and continues to do so up to now.

Somehow, it reached a young man, who had been staying in an inn while Hamilton's descendants told the story once again. The young man found the story intriguing, and he used the concept for his own, original story. That story soon became known as a Christmas Carol.

And what a Christmas Carol it was.