Alright! Last chapter everyone!

"Are you sure you're going to be ok?" Izuku asked staring at Shouto.

He smiled and nodded.

"You have nothing to worry about," he insisted leaning in for a kiss.

"I'm going to miss you," Izuku whispered before kissing him.

"I'll miss you too."

Shouto grabbed his backpack before seeing his boyfriend's worried gaze.

"I promise you."

The truck door flew open.

"Come on fuck head!" Katsuki yelled.

"What?" Shouto asked staring at him.

"We have classes together! Didn't your fucking boyfriend tell you?"

"You didn't even tell me..." Izuku said looking confused.

"It don't fucking matter! You're taking Psychology and so am I! We have to have to go! You don't have all the time in the world right now to suck face."

Izuku blushed but Shouto smiled.

"Alright then."


Shouto and Katsuki walked off together. They watched as Izuku drove off with a mildly worried look on his face. Their class was a seven minute walk away from where they were. Katsuki caught him staring, making him mad.

"The fuck you want?"

"I need a favor from you."

"Where the hell do you get off asking me for shit? You know much I had to baby your boyfriend lately? All because you wanna be fucking emo about your family problems?!"

Shouto grinned, "You like babying him."

"What did you say?!"

"This is exactly what I want to do."

"I don't-

Shouto clasped his hand over his friend's mouth.

"Shhhh and listen."


"How was your day?" Izuku asked as Shouto climbed into the truck.

"Loaded. I have three classes tomorrow so I will be home by one. What about you?"

"I will be in school probably until six."

Izuku sighed.

"At least you can help me out with my homework tonight. I have a few papers to write and I would like your opinion on what I've already written."

"Of course."

"Are you going to make dinner?"

Izuku shook his head.

"Your Mom called. We are going over there about six."

"That's two hours from now."

Izuku shrugged, "I couldn't tell her no. I can pick you up in the morning."

"Are you sure? That seems unnecessary to drive all that way out to my house."

"I know but it's what you want right? I might distract you with too many cuddles and kisses."

Shouto frowned but nodded.

As promised, Izuku used a red pen on Shouto's papers to correct some of the problems. He made sure rewrite everything with a black pen. They made it back to the Todoroki household. Hawk and Toya weren't there since they were busy with their house.

"I'm so glad!" Rei said hugging Izuku before littering his cheeks with kisses.

"Mom, let my boyfriend go."

"I missed him so much!"

Izuku blushed.

"I'm so excited for you two!" she cried hugging them both.

"Um... It's just college Mom," Shouto said shooting her a murderous look.

"Oh! Yea... You're right."

She let them go and walked them to the dining room. Izuku locked eyes with Natsuo turning bright red.

"Don't be shy! I won't do that again since Shouto has come to his senses."


Natsuo gave his little brother a devious grin.

"How was it today?" Enji asked with a smile.

"It was busy and uneventful. Just how I like it."

The night flew by and Izuku left at nine to head back home. It hurt him some to have to back home alone. He knew he would see Shouto in the morning. Once he was home, he collapsed into the bed trying to ease his worried mind.

It was going to be a long night.


Shouto jumped into the truck and they left for the college campus the next morning. It was a quiet trip with the both of them still trying to wake up and sipping on coffee Izuku had stopped someplace to get them. Once they were at the college they got out and headed for the lunch room to eat something quick.

"Katsuki will get at one since he gets out a little before me."

"You want to sleepover tonight?" Izuku asked.

Shouto shook his head, "No. I heard my English professor would load up with extra work and I would like to get started on it. It's not your fault but seeing your cute face would distract me."

Izuku bit his lip. Shouto kissed his cheek.

"No overthinking."

The two of them grabbed a muffin each and paid for it before making their way throught the lunchroom to sit down.


Izuku dropped his chocolate muffin but Shouto caught it just before it hit the ground. The couple turned around to see Mei running towards them with Tenya behind her.

"I didn't see you yesterday!"

"I start today actually."

"Ah I see!"

"Good morning Izuku. Shouto."

Shouto nodded and Izuku waved happily.

"Let me see your schedule!" she said.

Izuku held out his.

"Three classes... You took some engineering classes? Why?"

"Just in case... It might come in handy later."

"Smart thinking. That's like you to think ahead," Tenya said.

"Well, I have to go," Mei said, "I'll see you guys around!"

"I better go too. I plan on seeing Fuyumi tonight, so I will be there later."


Shouto turned to his boyfriend.

"I miss you already."

Izuku smiled and kissed his boyfriend quickly.

"See you later..." he said waving.

Izuku sighed and headed for his first class.

The first two classes went by fast but he already had to write three papers for his biology class. The third class came and he was jumped by Mei once again. She hugged him tight and plopped down beside of him. It almost felt like old times but he was still down.

"So, how are things?" she asked.

"It's ok."

"Hm... professor must be late... Anyways, I think you're going to have a great year!"

"How would you know."

"So feisty!"

Izuku gave her a smile and looked down at his notebook.

"Tell Katsuki and Ochako I said congrats! I bet they're so excited!"

"Katsuki sure was very happy. I was glad for his reaction."

"Alright! Everyone calm down!" the professor yelled.

Mei sat straight up and started typing away on her laptop.

I wonder how Shouto's doing.



"You two are biggest fucking dorks I know."

Shouto rolled his eyes, "Aren't you one too? You cried over finding out you're having a baby."

Katsuki punched his arm.

"Shut up! Who told you that?!"

"Would you believe me if I said Ochako did?"

"Yea I would. Damn her."

"You of all people going to be a dad... It's weird to think you're having a kid."

"Fuck off."

"What do you want? A boy or a girl?"

Katsuki blushed and looked away, "A girl."

Shouto grinned.

"Is that everything? We made four trips already."

"Yea... That's everything."

"He's going to be home in an hour. Let's get a drink. I'm sweating my ass off."

"Drinking Mountain Dew isn't the best thing to drink to cool off."

Katsuki rolled his eyes as soon as they walked out of Izuku's house, "You sound like Mom."

"Your eating habits are unhealthy."

"Will you shut up!" Katsuki yelled as they drove off for the gas station.

Shouto smiled out the window.

"I can't wait for Izuku to come home."

Katsuki smiled, "Me too."


Izuku drove home a little slower than normal. He had finished all the homework he had since his last class let out early. He wasn't eager to go home alone. He got closer to his house to see Katsuki's truck in his driveway.

That is unusual... He would let me know if he was coming over. Even if he rude about it, he does tell me. I wonder if he's going through my fridge? Ugh, he acts like I'm rich when he's the one with the money since Ochako works. Cheap ass.

The door was locked. He frowned and struggled for his keys out of his pocket. He placed his backpack onto the step and got his door unlocked. He pushed it open with his foot and walked in to see Shouto sitting on the living room floor surrounded by boxes of all sizes. Izuku dropped his backpack onto the floor by the door and shut the door.

"Um... what's going on? Are we making a box fort?"

"People make box forts?" Shouto asked looking puzzled.

"Yea... We did when we were kids... Mom would get boxes and we would make tunnels and castles."

"That's awesome... Can we try that sometime?"

Izuku giggled and nodded, "Of course. Can you answer me why you're here with boxes though?"

"Yes I can. Come closer."

Izuku walked across the floor and Shouto got up on his knee.


Izuku chuckled taking a few steps forward. Shouto reached out and took his hand.

"Izuku Midoriya, I have been thinking a lot. I had time to think about everything that you had said to me and I have made a decision. I want the van but I would prefer an SUV but we can talk about it. I thought about it and I want four maybe six kids. I would like to adopt but maybe have a lady have one genetic child from each of us but we can talk about that.

"I would love a bigger house and I want one in the country. This house is fine right now though, I like it because it's cute like you. I want three cats, a few fish and two big dogs. I want to move in but I want to build the relationship with my family I never had so I can guarantee I will spend eighty percent of my free time here. My first question is, is that ok with you?"

Izuku could only nod because he felt like he wanted to cry.

"Ok... So I have more to say. I really, really love you. You scare me... You feed me the most delicious food. I love your friends, even though your best friend has a potty mouth. Your mom is like my second mom. You taught me to drive and you've been so patient with me. I want to everything else with you."

"I want that too."

"Are you sure?"

Izuku nodded with watery eyes, "I really, really love you too."

Shouto reached into his pocket with his free hand and pulled out a black box.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Izuku asked.

Shouto looked shocked by his boyfriend's choice of words.

"Sorry! Sorry! I... What are you doing Shouto?" he asked again.

Shouto pulled his hand away and opened the small black box to reveal a silver and blue ring.

"Izuku Midoriya, will you marry me?"

The green haired man dropped to his knees staring at Shouto.

"Are you serious? This isn't a joke, right?"

"Why would I joke about this?" Shouto asked, "Did you think it was unbelievable I would want you?"

Izuku nodded slightly. Shouto sighed then smiled.

"I had questioned my parents every chance I could while I was at home. Mom went with me to get this and I was hoping she wasn't too obvious. I had to smooth things down with Hawk so he would stop staring at me like he was going to kill me. Then when Katsuki and I walked to our first class, I asked him to help me move most of my stuff in here."

"How did you get him to do that?" Izuku asked in amazement.

"Fifty piece nugget with a Mcdonald's gift card."

Izuku snorted before busting up laughing.

"Izuku Midoriya, will you marry me?" Shouto asked softly once his boyfriend stopped laughing.

"Yes, I will Shouto Todoroki."

Izuku tackled him into a kiss making him drop the black box and knocking over the boxes with Shouto's stuff in it.

"You have to let me put the ring on your finger," Shouto said sternly but he had a big smile on his face.

Izuku held himself above Shouto's thin body and held out his hand. Shouto slipped it on.

"I want to take your last name," Shouto said boldly, "Can I do that?"

Izuku grinned, "That or we can hyphen our last names."

Shouto hummed for a second.

"We can decide then."

He pulled off Izuku's shirt pulling him in for a kiss. Izuku began removing his fiance's pants when he heard footsteps.

"Alright! Before you two fuck, let me leave!" Katsuki yelled, "I wanted to be here to surprise you but you two fucks got all mushy I had to vomit three times."

"Why are you always here?" Izuku groaned.

"Get up! Ochako is excited for your engagement dinner. Get fucking ready. Shouto knows where to go."

Their friend left the house leaving them on the floor half naked. Izuku bumped his head against his with a soft smile.

"I love you."

Shouto grinned, "I love you too."

Treecko360: I had no intentions of going that far but once I saw your comment I did some research to find the perfect baby name for the little girl they are to have. It took twenty minutes but I like the name Kalama which is 'flaming torch' in Hawaiian. She would have Ochako's brown hair and Katsuki's eyes. She would be born April twenty second about two weeks early.

AmbertheCat: thanks lol I hope you enjoyed this ending : ) I wanted something happy and I wanted Shouto to give him a big surprise.

So... I hate myself and my brain. I got caught up in looking at fanart of Deku x Shigaraki because I like the dark side of the shipping spectrum and I read one on called Metamorphosis... Talk about roller coaster ride lol I was chewing on my plastic fork at lunch last night. Anyways, after I finish my next story I wanna do one with them together.

Of course with a lot of fluff because that's the best kind!

Anyways, new story I'm already seventeen chapters deep. I'm barely hitting half way on that one but I'll probably start my new idea anyways on the side. I look now and see this story is only a month and a week old pretty much. I blew through it so fast!

Next story: My Villain, Deku