He wasn't surprised really, he'd rather use another word yet he didn't learn his letters. But the truth was that Gendry Waters wasn't surprised at the fact that Davos Seaworth could down a bowl of brown with such delight as if he was dinning with The Maiden herself.

He also wasn't surprised that he came back for him. Ever since he sat foot on firm land after weeks at sea Gendry was sure of two things:

1. That highborns weren't done with him.

And why would they? He was a lonely bastard smith, but he was the lonely bastard smith of a king! And as long as he had any connection to a higher class they'd always want a piece of him stating their claim.

2. He wasn't done with them either.

It wasn't the draw of riches that Stannis and his witch had glamoured him with, but the actual power to make a difference, to make a stand at old, rotten laws of social differences that made people die in life just because they were born into a family with no sigil. No, he wasn't done. He could feel it in his bones that something big was coming and whatever it was he wanted to be a part of it. The continent was in uproar, the war of the five kings had left the kingdom a mess and rumors were that the Lioness was losing both power and her senses. If that something that was looming over the horizon had something to do with Cersei Lannister he definitely wanted in. It was his right as the sole survivor of the infamous cleansing of stags and it was his duty to her. For the one person who ever gave a damn about him. For the one person who didn't let him sleep at night. Arya.

He was just waiting for Davos to state his business and finish his damn bowl of brown.

Meanwhile they were having small talk. A little bit of this, a little bit of that, but it didn't mean that Gendry wasn't trying to figure out what was coming ahead.

"Look with your eyes and hear with your ears"-

"And what the hell do you call what I've been doing my whole life?"

"Being a stupid bullheaded boy that's what"- Arya used to say, usually with a smack on his head.

So Gendry stared with his eyes and saw that Davos Seaworth was not dressed for the long summer in King's Landing. He was dressed in layers of clothes, he had a fur cloak bundled up his lap and leather gloves in his belt. As he heard with his ears he remembered that Stannis had long died yet it seems that Davos still served someone important that was situated far north. The North; he stilled. How far north? Maybe it was time for his atonement for leaving her behind.

"So? Are you moving back to King's Landing?" He smirked as Davos wiped his mouth with the last piece of bread.

"Oh Gods no! But I couldn't say no to a taste of fine Flea Bottom cuisine that filled my belly for years. Its kinda like going back in time"-

"You don't like your current situation?"

"I don't like my future situation!"- Davos replied glancing at the tables that surrounded them. "Do you have a place we can talk privately?"-

"The smithy. Its small but its all mine. I bought it with the money you sent me off with and its got a floor upstairs"

"It wasn't that much money son"- Davos replies making Gendry shrug.

"I'm also the best at my trade and people pay good money for it"

That made Davos stop for a minute and appraise Gendry but he didn't even flinch. It's been years since they last saw each other, he was a lost boy then, but now he was a man looking for a purpose. Physically he was bigger and stronger, years of being knocked down made him take care of his body and practice his battles skills. More muscles and less hair on his head made gold cloaks stay away from the broody smith in Steele Street.

"There's something coming. Something coming for all of us and if we don't do anything now we will all die a painful death"- Davos said in a grave voice but didn't exactly give away anything.

"All as in...?" Gendry asked wanting him to explain himself further.

"As in you and me and the whole of Westeros. Its a... complicated matter of explaining. But its true and it's coming just like winter"-

"Winter is coming" Gendry whispered but it was Arya's voice that rang in his head.

"You know the Stark words."-

"Everybody knows the Stark words" Gendry replied a bit defensively. If Davos noticed he didn't say anything.

"Aye. But no one knows the truth about them"-

A raucous bunch of Lannister foot soldiers entered the little inn, not taking any notice of them but their presence was enough to make them leave in silence.

After they'd put some fair distance between them and the inn Davos shoved Gendry into an abandoned ally and started to talk.

"What are you doing with your life Gendry? Rotting here in this forgotten place and placing weapons in the arms of the enemy"-

"Are the Lannister's this big and dark thing that is coming for us? Because I've been running half of my life from them and have been living under their nose for a couple of years and I'm not doing so bad. Are they the enemy?"

"They're part of the enemy"-

"And who's the other side, who's fighting them?"

"The North. The King of the North"-

Gendry froze.

If this wasn't a sign of the gods he would still be stupid to ignore it.

He schooled his features but his heart was beating ten times faster.

"I thought Rob Stark died at the Red Wedding"

"He did. But his bastard brother lives on and so does his sister. The banners are being called again and the new King and the Lady of Winterfell are looking for any help they can get. We need smiths, good ones: preferably who know how to work with dragonglass. You reckon you know anyone that qualifications?-

Both men smiled and shook hands.

"Let me get my hammer"

Somewhat canon, somewhat tv show. I was just annoyed at the fast pace and the lack of dialogue and intention behind characters. I did actually loved the reunion between Arya and Gendry in season 8. What did you think? Leave your thoughts of the first ep in the comments and remember to review. All comments are welcomed (not nasty ones tho) lol


New Girl