Chapter 1

It was a hot and sunny day as Jaden Yuki made his way to the duel academy entry exams "Aright I'm gana be the next king of games for shore" he thought as he ran through the streets at top speed.

Jaden was fifteen years old, he had brown hair and brown eyes, he was wearing a red shirt, white trousers and a grey jacket.

Jaden was so busy in his own thoughts that he failed to see the person in front of him. "Ow" said Jaden as he ran head first into the stranger "Hey, watch were you're going" Jaden heard a young male voice say, Jaden looked up, the stranger was about Jaden's age he had flat light brown hair and sharp emerald green eyes he was dressed in a white shirt, blue jeans, black shoes and a black jacket.

Jaden saw that this boy had dropped his bag and jumped up too retrieve it, seeing a duel monsters deck in a side pocket he turned to the boy "Hey you're a duellist, that's great what are you doing here" the boy quickly took his bag back and said "That should be obvious and I'm going to the D.A entry exams and you have just made me late".

The boy started to walk away but Jaden ran up to him "Hey I'm going there too, want to go together" said Jaden the boy replied with a simple "No" and began to walk faster "Aw come on we could be friends" said Jaden as he continued to follow the boy "So what's your name, where you from, why are you going to" "Stop" said the boy "I don't want to answer any of your questions".

Jaden and the boy continued to argue all the way to the exams when they got there they was greeted by a very unhappy man named Dr Crowler.

Clowler was a tall man with blonde, he was wearing a long blue coat with gold shoulders, he also had a modified duel disk that was strapped to his chest, strangely he seemed to be wearing makeup.

"And what do you two think you're doing turning up late too your exams, I should fail the both of you, now tell my your names and get too work on those papers" said Crowler.

Jaden looked up with a smile "My names Jaden Yuki".

The boy said with a neutral expression "My name is Robin Thorn".

Robin sat in his chair and started his test it was mostly trivial questions that anybody should know, what does Graceful charity do, how many ATK points does Gate guardian have. Robin found the test pretty easy.

Dr Crowler watched as Jaden and Robin continued their written exam "I can't let a couple of slackers into the academy, I'll just have to knock them out in the practical exam" he thought as the students finished their papers.

Dr Crowler stood before the students and said "Right then class you will all now face one of the instructors in a duel, any student who fails to defeat his or her opponent will not be going to duel academy is that understood" the whole class shared nerves looks and formed lines to the instructors.

"Jaden Yuki, Robin Thorn, come here" called Dr Crowler. Jaden and Robin both left their lines and approached Crowler "I would like to test you two personally, now ready your decks" Jaden looked surprised "But aren't you one of the teachers doesn't that give you an advantage" Crowler looked annoyed "You could just leave right now if you want".

"Ha, no way teach, get your game on" said Jaden as their duel began, Robin knew that Crowler must want to get rid of him as that was the only reason he would separate him from the others. Robin watched carefully to get any information he could from this duel, Jaden used an Elemental HERO deck, and Crowler used an Ancient gear deck. Crowler got the upper hand at first but Jaden managed to win using Flame wingman.

Crowler having lost to Jaden was incredibly angry when he started his game with Robin. "You can go first not that it will make a difference" said Crowler, Robin looked unamused "Why thank you I'll try to make this quick" he said as his duel disk activated.

Robin drew his first cards "Ok I play Dwarf star dragon in attack mode".

Dwarf star dragon ATK 1700 DEF 1200 LIGHT Dragon.

"And when I summon this card I can add a LIGHT or DARK monster that's level 7 or higher from my deck too my hand" Robin said as he added Dark magician too his hand "Now I end my turn".

"how pathetic, I summon Ancient gear solder in attack mode" said Crowler.

Ancient gear solder ATK 1300 DEF 1300 EARTH Machine.

Crowler then played a spell card "and now I play 7 complete too increase my monster's ATK by 700".

Ancient gear solder ATK 1300 + 700 = 2000.

"Attack his dragon" said Crowler.

Robin LP 4000 – 300 = 3700.

Crowler grinned "I end my turn, you'll never see that island".

Robin drew his next card "I play Mystical space typhoon to destroy your spell card. Now I play Alexandrite dragon and attack your monster".

Ancient gear solder ATK 2000 – 700 = 1300.

Alexandrite dragon ATK 2000 DEF 100 LIGHT Dragon.

Crowler LP 4000 – 700 = 3300.

"I play one card face down and end my turn" said Robin.

Crowler drew his card "I play Monster reborn to revive my solder, now I play Cost down so by discarding one card I can drop the levels of all the monsters in my hand by 2, which means I can summon Ancient gear golem".

Ancient gear golem ATK 3000 DEF 3000 EARTH Machine.

"Now attack" said Crowler.

Robin LP 3700 – 1000 = 2700.

Crowler laughed "Ha, ha, Try and defeat my ultimate creature, it's your move".

Robin drew a card "I summon Keeper of dragon magic".

Keeper of dragon magic ATK 1800 DEF 1300 DARK Dragon.

"And when I summon this card I can send one card from my hand to the graveyard too add polymerization too my hand, then I can show you one of my fusion monsters in my extra deck to summon one of its materials from the graveyard and I chose the card I just sent there Buster blader. And now I play polymerization to fusion Buster blader and Dark magician too make the Dark paladin".

Dark paladin ATK 2900 DEF 2400 DARK Spellcaster.

"And my paladin gains 500 points for every dragon on the field and in the graveyard so that's a total of 3".

Dark paladin ATK 2900 + 1500 = 4400.

"now I activate my face down shrink too cut your monsters ATK in half".

Ancient gear golem ATK 3000 – 1500 = 1500.

"Keeper of dragon magic attack".

Crowler LP 3300 – 200 = 3100.

"Now Dark paladin finish him off".

Crowler LP 3100 – 4400 = 0.

Robin deactivated his duel disc "It looks like I am going to duel academy after all, goodbye Dr Crowler".

Jaden ran up too Robin saying "Man that was like an awesome duel, you was like kaboom and he was like aww nooo".

Robin stopped him there "Jaden just shut up".