Okay, I want to get this out of the way, this my alternate account for all the stories some people want.

Devil Tail: Author's Cut

Chapter 1: Face The Music Author's Cut

Fairy Tail Guild, Construction Site, Magnolia

Back at the unfinished Fairy Tail Guild Hall, most of the present mages were beginning to panic. Why shouldn't they? Several dozen demons attacked, along with the demon god of death. Not to mention, Lucy had been kidnapped and, apparently, the one behind it wanted Nero and they didn't really know what happens to their friend if they refused.

"Oh no!" panicked Levy, "This is bad!"

"Bad? BAD?! This is horrible!" Natsu shouted indignantly, really sore about getting blindsided so badly.

"We got our asses handed to us by those... those... THINGS!" Added Gray, equally pissed off.

"Not to mention, they've got Lucy," added Happy, "and we just got her back!"

"Real men finish their fights!" growled Elfman, extremely angry that the demons abandoned them, "And they don't take hostages!"

Natsu growled as he clenched his fists, smoking coming off them as his anger increased, "I'm gonna make those demons pay for what they did!" snapped the Dragon Slayer angrily, "They think they can just trash out Guild Hall and steal our friend and get away with it?!"

"And what you do about it? Throw fire at them?" mocked Gray condescendingly, "In case you've forgotten, magic doesn't work on them."

"Pretty big talk from a guy who can't keep his clothes on for more than a minute," retorted the pink haired Dragon Slayer. Gray immediately freaked out when he realized his pants were gone. Before the two could argue further, another timber post slammed into their heads, courtesy of Erza. The blow knocked Gray and Natsu to the ground, both groaning in pain.

"ENOUGH!" she yelled, her eyes blazing with fury, "We don't have time for this, you two." Erza let go of the lumber and swiftly re-quipped into her Heart Kreuz armor and got everyone's attention.

"Everyone, calm down," Erza commanded loudly, "panicking is not going to solve anything!"

Nero, who had left for the group for a minute returned with Red Queen, resting on his shoulder. The Demon Hunter had been thinking about what happened and what might happen. However, that wasn't saying much as his anger was peaked at the moment, and right now, he was done sitting around.

The Demon Hunter snorted as he turned away from the group, "If you guys plan on sitting around with your thumbs up your asses, count me out," stated Nero as he sheathed Red Queen across his back and turned away from the group and started walking away.

"Nero, where are you going?" demanded Erza, noticing the platinum blonde leaving and intercepted him.

"What's it look like?" asked the hunter sarcastically, looking the Fairy Queen dead in the eye, "getting Lucy back."

"We need to work together as a team," stated the redhead.

"As it worked so well the first time," snorted Nero in disdain, "in case it has failed your notice, that didn't work, and if you were listening, you'd know that demons are immune to magic and last I checked all of your armors are magic based. So, how about you let a professional do his job and get out of my way."

Everyone in Fairy Tail sweat dropped at Nero's ballsy statement. Erza just starred at the demon hunter in front of her. It was no surprise that Nero would back-talk her, but still, she was taken aback by the harsh order.

"What did you say?" Erza growled, her anger steadily rising.

"What's going on here?" an elderly voice asked.

The Guild turned to see Master Makarov standing at the unfinished entrance of the building. He was wearing a white shirt, orange pants, and jacket, and an orange/blue stripped jester-like hat. He glanced around at the damage done from the fight between the Hell Prides/Vanguard and Fairy Tail, frowning.

The dwarf-sized master then noticed that Lucy was missing from the group. It didn't take him long to deduce that Lucy might have been taken hostage by the damage of the area. Lucy getting kidnapped was something he hoped wouldn't become a regular thing.

"Master," the Fairy Tail mages yelled together as they ran toward Makarov, Nero remained rooted where he was as his team headed the pack.

"Hmm...," hummed the old master as he looked at those gathered, "I take it that Lucy was abducted...again."

"Yes," nodded Gray as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Makarov's expression then became serious, "What happened here?" He asked evenly.

Erza then began to explain everything in chronological order from how the Guild was suddenly attacked by demons, discovering that magic wasn't effective against demons Nero fought regularly, and lastly Lucy getting taken hostage and held until Nero agreed to meet the demon's mistress. Nero would on occasion add his own input, usually from the edge of the group.

"And these demons are immune to magic?" repeated Makarov looking right at Nero. The master's eyes widening ever so slightly at the prospect of creatures being immune to magic.

"More like they have a high resistance to, which is the reason why magic isn't normally used against them," corrected the demon hunter, "the resistance can vary depending on which magic is used against them. But when it comes to Devils, magic is practically worthless."

"Huh?" everyone remarked simultaneously.

"What's the difference between a demon and a devil?" inquired Gray curiously.

"A demon; or lesser demon is more instinct based, like the Hell Prides," elaborated Nero, knowing that he had to clear things up a bit, "Devils are more powerful demons, usually taking on names for themselves, and are far crueler and just more evil than demons."

"But something doesn't add up," said Levy, "why would a devil want you?"

"Demons and devils have a severe dislike of Sparda when he betrayed them for humanity," he answered, "many of them swore revenge and to destroy any trace of him."

"That still doesn't explain why they took Lucy," reminded Macao.

"Because whoever this Devil is, knows that it can't take me on up front," clarified Nero as he closed his eyes before looking to the entire team, "It's my job to kill demons and that means taking on things much more powerful than me. My uncle should know because he's been a demon hunter for much longer than me and from what he's said about the job, only the best do it."

The remainder left Fairy Tail in a moment of silence. Nero on a few occasions that he talked about his life in his home world, would state how dangerous it was hunting demons, how it was a seldom job not for the faint of heart or squeamish. It was kill-or-be-killed, and mercy had to be forgotten in order to survive an encounter with a demon because more often than not, a demon knew no mercy.

"Then it is settled," glowered Erza, as she turned back to Nero, "we will rescue Lucy and end the threat of these demons."

"How? It's kinda hard since their immune to magic, and all we use is magic!" pointed out Gray, bringing up a valid point.

"Yeah, demons might be resistant to magic, or the kind of magic being used, but all demons share a common weakness," interjected Nero, gaining their attention, "that weakness is steel."

"Wouldn't that mean that Erza could go because she uses a ton of swords?" asked Happy, glancing at the Fairy Queen.

"Yes," nodded Erza, "my swords are made of steel. If we're going to rescue Lucy, then I must limit the use of my magic to basic swords."

"Wait, 'we'?" caught the demon hunter as he looked at Erza, "I don't recall there being a 'we' in this."

"There is now," she stated as the mage stood in front of Nero, "I'm not sitting by while my teammate is being held captive and is in danger."

"Actually, I believe that Nero is correct," interjected Makarov, causing all the wizards to look at the old master with shock while Nero raised an eyebrow.

"Master?" questioned Erza in confusion.

"While I am not comfortable with sending him alone, he does make a strong argument. From what you've told me, I am forced to agree with Nero that fighting against such a threat would be very dangerous, more so than usual," explained the short, old man.

"Come on!" protested Natsu, "We've taken on guys way tougher than that! They just took us by surprise!"

"Perhaps, but you are still at a major disadvantage," rebuked Makarov sharply, "Nero has experience dealing with these monsters and doesn't require the use of magic to do so. This makes him the most suited for rescuing Lucy."

No one could really argue with what he had said. Anyway you looked at it, Nero was the best suited for rescuing Lucy and was at the least chance of risk with his skill set, experience and abilities. This didn't mean that they liked it, but Erza and the others knew better than to defy Makarov right in front of him.

"Very, well Master," conceded Erza, although, with some nearly invisible reluctance. Makarov nodded, understanding her frustration.

"I don't believe I need to tell you," Said the aging master as he turned to the platinum blonde, who sheathed Red Queen across his back and had folded his arms.

"Yeah, I'll make sure to bring Lucy back in one piece," quipped the hunter as he turned on his heel and started to make his way towards the mountains where Lucy was being held and the demons that held her hostage.

Northern Mountain Range, Magnolia

Several hours had passed and night time was drawing close. The stars were twinkling while a waxing gibbous moon glowed brightly in the dark sky. Nero was making his way down a small path through the forest, leaving Fairy Tail and the others to keep an eye on the guild in case more demons were to show up. Even then, Natsu still tried to go, stating that he wasn't going to miss out on a rematch. But a glare from Erza was all that was needed to make the Dragon Slayer change his mind.

Following a worn trail through the forest, the Demon Hunter headed right for the large cave entrance specified by the Hell Vanguard. But he was about a few more minutes away from their destination. It had taken much longer than previously thought to get to the cave and on the way, he ran into a few lesser demons, mainly Hell Prides. Too bad for the demons.

Brushing past a few bushes and some branches, Nero emerged from the foliage and stopped where he was. In a large clearing was the mouth of the cave, but what caught his attention was the buildings near the entrance with an industrial appearance, like a sawmill or a processing plant for a mine, while there were some buildings that looked like residential. They appeared to be abandoned, but they also didn't appear to be abandoned for very long, meaning this happened recently.

Nero narrowed his eyes, especially when he saw a few Hell Prides guarding the entrance of the cave.

"Figures," snorted Nero as he took out Blue Rose and opened the cylinder. Checking that all the chambers had a bullet and finding that they are, snapped the gun shut, "Well, time to introduce myself."

With that, he made his way towards the cave with a confident strut.

Inside the cave, the demon lady was waiting patiently, knowing that the son of the Darkslayer was on his way. It was so cute, the descendants of Sparda going out of their way to protect humanity. In the last few hours, she had prepared for their meeting, getting a few more Hell Prides under her control thanks to the Hell Vanguard.

The Hell Vanguard wasn't killed, contrary to what one might think, being sliced to pieces by the Yamato, courtesy of Vergil during his quest for power. She had found the injured lesser demon and took it in, as her servant of course. For years, she had been thinking of going after Dante for what he did to her sister, but when the opportunity to hurt him through his nephew and only biological family came up. It was too good an opportunity to pass up.

That being said, she wanted to prepare for his arrival, sending a few Prides to track his movements. However, that was hours ago so she could only assume that Nero had dealt with them. But to little consequence.

Around the cave, nearly a thirty Hell Prides waited patiently for her order. By her side was the Hell Vanguard, floating menacingly but still differed to her. The Demon God of Death timidly turned to her, "Perhaps the spawn of the Darkslayer is not coming."

"No," responded the demon lady as she glanced over her shoulder at the demon, the Vanguard shrinking back. The orange glow from her eyes was unnerving, "He will come. It's not in his nature to leave behind his allies."

As if one cue, footsteps could be heard echoing through the cave. A few groans fluttered through the air as six Hell Prides escorted Nero into the cave. The Demon Hunter sized up the situation, chalking up the situation to about 'not great, but not terrible'.

"Well, well, look who has arrived?" queried the demoness as her focus locked right on to Nero, "The prodigal son."

"Skip the formalities lady," snapped Nero as he felt his left-hand twitch, itching to grab Red Queen and just go off on these monsters, "I'm here like you wanted. Where's Lucy?"

The demoness didn't answer Nero but instead waved her hand, "Minions, would you please...?"

Two Hell Prides marched forward, Lucy held in place the entire time. As soon as she was brought forward, the stone crumbled into rubble and Lucy fell to the ground, "Hey! Give someone a little warning!" The Celestial mage glared at the demoness before she saw her demon hunter friend standing before her, "Nero?"

"You know, you getting abducted all the time is getting kinda stale, Lucy," teased Nero playfully.

"What are you doing here?!" she demanded, seeing that the Hell Prides were closing in around Nero.

"Saving your ass that's what," answered the hunter as he gave the blonde a reassuring smirk, before turning his attention to the demon lady, "I'm here like you wanted."

"That you are," smirked the demon, as she shifted in her throne, "I always imagined that you would be smarter than this, then Dante; coming alone."

"You should know that Dante usually works better alone; doesn't stop Trish or the others from joining in on the fun," corrected Nero as he strolled a little to his left, the Hell Prides and Hell Vanguard shifting while Lucy kept her focus on him, noticing he was curling and uncurling the fingers of Devil Bringer, "Either way, if I'm like Dante, or if I've learned anything from him, then I should be able to beat you all in a snap."

As soon as Nero said that, Devil Bringer lit up brightly and the demon hunter snapped his fingers. The world around him became a negative effect, moving in slow motion. Not wasting any time, he sprinted towards Lucy and scooped her up into his arms. She was still moving in slow motion, but he knew he had to act fast.

Turning towards the cave entrance, he set Lucy down at in the tunnel leading into the cave just as the negative effect ended. A few seconds had passed before the demons and Devil realized what happened.

"Wha-what happened?" stammered Lucy as she tried to comprehend what just occurred. One second she was sitting surrounded by demons then the next she was at the cave entrance with Nero standing a few feet away with Blue Rose pointed at the ceiling.

"What?!" snapped the demon lady as she shot up from her throne. Seeing her target slip through her fingers.

"Sorry, Lucy," apologized Nero as Devil Bringer began glowing red, "but this is a hazardous work environment. So get out of here and back to Fairy Tail. Don't stop for a second."

He then fired at the ceiling, the twin shots of Blue Rose sped upwards and exploded when they connected. As a result, debris and rock came crumbling down, blocking off the entrance and cutting off or at least slowing down the demons from reaching Lucy.

"Now, that we're alone," stated Nero as he holstered Blue Rose before unsheathing Red Queen and planted the tip into the ground, "come and get me."

To add emphasis, he revved the Exceed, flames shot down the blade of the sword. A smirk on his face as he charged towards a Hell Pride. Leaping into the air, he dodged a slash from a scythe before flipping down and brought the massive sword down, cleaving the demon in half, lengthways. Spinning around, he deflected the attack of another demon with the broad side of Red Queen and retaliated by grabbing it with Devil Bringer and used the Hell Pride as a bludgeon as he smashed away several other demons.

The Hell Vanguard let out a howl as it flew right at Nero, the Demon Hunter hearing the howl at the last second dashed to the right, his body a blur as he avoided the ethereal blade. Coming to a stop, he took hold of the sword with both hands before dashing right back at the Vanguard and swung at its midsection. The slash cut into the demon god's body and knocked it back several feet. The Hunter then leaped into the air, spinning as he did so while whipping out Blue Rose with Devil Bringer and fired at three Hell Prides. The Thorns tore through the monsters as they exploded into dust.

The demoness watched with growing anger. She was so close! How could she underestimate this abomination so greatly?! However, that didn't matter, what mattered now was her revenge. Damn getting to know this brat.

The Demoness raised her hands, orbs of fire erupting in the palms. She let out a scream of anger as she pointed her hands at Nero and blasted a massive stream of fire at the demon hunter. Nero just having dealt with a Hell Pride was barely able to leap out of the way to let the stream of fire strike the ground just in front of him. The stream exploded in a massive fireball that shook the cave, causing some cracks to form along the ceiling and ground.

"Nice trick," complimented Nero mockingly as he rolled to his feet to take a look at the aftermath before turning back to the demoness. Once he did, he squinted his eyes when he saw the demoness's face. She looked incredibly human. Wearing a tight leather vest with a large hole located right at her midriff, showing off a generous amount of cleavage. She also had two dark red straps wrapped around her biceps while her hands had red gloves. The demon also wore tight, form-fitting dark red, leather pants that didn't hide any of her curves. But what stood out most, besides the obvious pyrokinesis was the long, fiery red hair that reached all the way down past her waist and to her shins. The hair almost flickered like fire, but her face caught his attention. She had absolutely no blemishes, round cheeks, full lips topped with black lipstick, and amber eyes. It was the face that gave Nero the hint about who this was.

"Hey," realized Nero as he sheathed Red Queen for a second, completely forgoing the fight to make a small comment, about who he was fighting, "are you related to Nevan?"

"Smart boy," snapped the demon lady, "Yes, Nevan is my sister. I am Volcana: The Fire Witch."

"So that's why you looked so familiar," said the demon hunter as he smacked his forehead, he should've recognized the way she talked. Dante had told him about the gatekeepers he fought in Temen-Ni-Gru years ago. He ran into the demoness or the correct term, Dearg-dul (this is an actual thing, look it up), a Vampire that originates from Irish myth who seduces humans down the dark path to Hell, "You looking to get some payback for Nevan, cause last I heard, she was doing pretty good."

Instead of answering Volcana blasted another stream of fire at Nero, forcing the demon hunter to retreat. As he was retreating, the Vanguard was back in the fight, vanishing into the floor. When the hunter came to a stop, he suddenly leaped backward in a flip to avoid the Hell Vanguard that shot up from the ground where Nero previously stood.

While he was still in the air he Air Hiked up once before swinging out Devil Bringer. Six ethereal swords shot out and twirled right towards the Hell Vanguard and a few Hell Prides; however, the Vanguard was ready and spun its scythe around so fast it was a blur and the instant two of Nero's swords struck the spinning weapon they shattered. However, the four remaining impaled one Hell Pride each.

Holstering Blue Rose, Nero sent out Spectral Bringer and caught one Hell Pride and pulled himself back down to the ground. He aimed both his heels at the Pride's face and smashed the demon in the stone floor. An echo resounded through the cave from the impact. Leaping off the Demon Nero dashed towards two Hell Prides, slicing them into. However, he had to keep moving.

Nero dodged another blast of fire from Volcana, sliding across the stone floor on his knees while he leaned back and craned his head back as the stream of fire surged just over him. Jumping up, Nero performed a corkscrew in the air to avoid the scythe of a Hell Pride. Whilst still in the air, the demon hunter swung Red Queen around and sliced another Hell Pride in half.

Landing back down on the ground, Nero sheathed Red Queen and whipped out Blue Rose. He sprinted towards a Hell Pride, ducking under one that tried to slice him in half along the way and shot the demon in the shoulder. The monster let out a howl of pain before Nero grabbed its arm with Devil Bringer and flipped around using the Hell Pride as leverage. Nero aimed Blue Rose at the previous Hell Pride, the one that tried to slice him in two and shot it right in the head.

Maneuvering himself around, he wrapped his legs around the Hell Pride's throat and flipped himself and the demon around and fired another round at a second Hell Pride, also shooting it in the head. Seeing that he had tortured the poor demon enough, Nero swung the Hell Pride he had been using as leverage and threw it into the air. Planting his feet firmly on the ground, he shot the demon mid-air before he was forced to backflip away from the Vanguard.

The Vanguard roared as it swung wildly at Nero, but the hunter easily dodged the attacks. The Vanguard swung up at him, Nero rolling back before jumping to the side just fast enough to avoid a Hell Pride that joined in. The platinum blonde was constantly on the move, as he should be because if he stopped, there was a good chance he might die.

Ducking under another Hell Pride that swung at him, he shot a different Pride in the stomach. While the Demon hunched forward, he used its back as a step stool and leaped into the air and while charging up Blue Rose. Turning around, he aimed at three Hell Prides that were standing in a line, he fired at the first demon's head. The bullet tore through the first before passing through the second and third, the Prides all screeched in pain before they crumbled into sand. Nero landed back on one foot and a knee before he suddenly rolled forward to avoid a fireball aimed at his head.

"Impressive reaction time," complimented Volcana as she focused her attention on Nero, while the Hell Vanguard growled as the few remaining Hell Prides formed up with their greater, "perhaps you are worth taking."

"Yeah, not into the dominating type," quipped Nero as he steadied himself while holstering Blue Rose, "besides, I doubt my friends would like you too much."

Nero suddenly shot towards Volcana, Red Queen raised, however, the demoness was ready as she raised both her hands and slammed them into the floor. A result fireball erupted around her, however, Nero saw it at the last second and used Devil Bringer's claw to latch on the ceiling and pull himself away just as the flames licked his boots. Perched on the ceiling, Nero shot back down when the flames subsided and collided with Volcana, smashing himself in her chest with his shoulder, knocking them both down to the ground where a large crater was formed.

Volcana let out a pained cry as Nero flipped off and landed back on his feet. The Hell Vanguard vanished before suddenly appearing above Nero. The Demon Hunter jumped back as he reached over his shoulder and grabbed Red Queen's handle. Pulling it, he began to rev up the Exceed. The Vanguard then chased after him while Volcana pulled herself out of the floor. Each time the demon god swung at Nero, he dodged the attack, leaning to the left right, or sidestepping the swings by millimeters. The reason he wasn't counter-attacking was the Exceed wasn't ready yet.

After a few more turns, Nero got the Exceed system up to its max before going on the offensive. The teen went on the very aggressive offensive, mercilessly slashing at the Vanguard. Each strike connected with the demon's scythe, but had the effect of causing the Demon to flinch under the power of each blow. The Hell Prides tried assisting their greater by attacking Nero's back.

However, he expected this and back flipped just as a Hell Pride lunged at him. Flipping around, he aimed Red Queen's tip right at its back and impaled the demon through. The Demon let out a howl as Nero stood on its back. Pulling the throttle, the Exceed roared while Nero smirked as he rode the demon around like a hellish motorcycle, running into a few other Hell Prides, taking them down. After riding around for a second, Nero used the momentum generated and swung at the Hell Pride at the Vanguard, the demon god just sliced the Pride in two.

Volcana had just got to her knees and locked her attention on the platinum blond. Narrowing her eyes, she got back to her feet in time to dodge Nero who dashed towards and brought Red Queen down, smashing the stone again. He spun around to slash at the demoness again but hit nothing. Looking around, he noticed that his opponent had vanished, while the Vanguard and the final three Hell Prides formed together. He knew better than to assume she retreated, due to how eager she had appeared when she first saw him. However, he tensed as he felt something coming.

Almost an instant later, Volcana appeared through a blast of fire and pressed both her palms to his chest. A stream of fire blasted Nero away, the flames doing more damage at point blank range. Nero tumbled across the ground, but managed to right himself and come into a crouch, resting Devil Bringer on the ground for support. At that second, the Vanguard struck, lunging at Nero, swinging its scythe wildly and slashed Nero a few times, causing the hunter to roll across the ground but managed to stop himself.

"Dammit," he growled as the demon hunter glared at Volcana. The hunter than had to quickly jump to the right as to avoid a large flaming boulder that was sent right at him, leaving it to crash down behind him casting up a large cloud of dust and smoke.

But the Vanguard was right at him again, slashing down, forcing Nero to raise Devil Bringer. The connection of the scythe's tip with his arm, sent Nero smashing into the ground and into the cloud of smoke. Volcana studied the smoke, thinking that she had crushed the son of the Darkslayer, however, was quickly disproved when Nero shot out of the dust cloud with Devil Bringer outstretched, Spectral Bringer just ahead of it.

The spectral appendage slammed into Volcana's face catching her by surprise before she was suddenly pulled right towards Nero. She stumbled forward slightly into Nero where he grabbed her shoulders and slammed his knee into her stomach, causing her to let out a cry and doubled over onto his knee; but Nero wasn't letting up as he released his hands from her shoulders and wrapped them around her waist and lifted her up into the air. While in the air, he slammed the demon lady down in a move not dissimilar to a wrestling move aptly named the powerbomb.

Nero then spun around and whipped out Blue Rose and shot the Vanguard in the head when it tried to attack him with his back turned. The Demon screeched as it recoiled while the Hell Prides charged towards him. Nero gritted his teeth as he revved the Exceed in Red Queen before dashing towards them. He swung the mighty sword as hard as he could, flames spraying as he sliced the four remaining Demons to cinders.

Volcana growled as she sat up before rolling to the side when Nero went back after her and slashed the ground where she previously lay. When she was back on her feet, Volcana let out a scream of fury, her body erupted in a massive fireball that blasted Nero back. The demon hunter's boots slid across the stone floor while he used Devil Bringer to slow himself.

Smoke came off the hunter's coat while a few burns covered his face and left arm were already healing. Glancing up, Nero glanced up to see Volcana glaring right at him. Her body had flames coming off it as she panted, not in exhaustion, but anger.

"I'm done playing around!" shouted Volcana as the flames around her exploded. Nero had to shield his eyes for a second as the flames became brighter and more intense.

When he looked back, the Demon Hunter cocked an eyebrow. Volcana's skin was previously a light tan, but still caucasian. Now, it had turned red, her hair had turned into flames while her eyes were completely glowing red. The flames around her body burned brighter and hotter. So much so that the stone floor was actually melting under the intense heat.

The Vanguard hissed as it readied it's scythe and prepared to attack Nero from his flank while Volcana attacked his front.

"Guess you got a trigger too, huh?" quipped Nero as he stood up and brushed some soot off, "I better step my game up."

Energy coursed around Nero's body before erupting in a bright flash. The demon hunter thrust Devil Bringer into the air while the Specter appeared behind him. The Specter mimicked his movements as Yamato appeared in his hand.

"Let's dance!" shouted Nero as he flourished Yamato, the Specter mimicking his motions before dashing towards Volcana. The Demoness rocketed towards him by blasting streams of fire from her heels.

Nero raised Yamato, the Specter copying him as he swung down just as Volcana sent a right uppercut. The two opposing forces of power collided, which exploded out in a conflagration of flames and Azure energy, at the center, the two warriors were pushing against each other. Nero suddenly pushed Volcana back, causing the demon to stumble back while he sent a sudden wave at her. Volcana just managed to dodge by blasting streams of fire from her hands that sent her rocketing to the right, leaving the wave to collide and explode with the wall of the cave.

The Vanguard was next to attack, attacking Nero's rear. However, the hunter was ready as it met its scythe swing with Yamato before countering with a left uppercut with the Specter's fist colliding with its face. Nero the pressed his advantage by attacking the demon however, he changed it up by dismissing Yamato, even as the Specter kept it in its hands.

Moving in towards the Vanguard, Nero began slashing at the demon, however, there was a slight change in when the Specter attacked. Unlike previous times, the ethereal being would attack slightly after Nero in a different way but still followed his slashes. This meant that Nero was essentially attacking twice with every swing, making it much harder for opponents to predict how he attacks. Nero kept hacking and slashing at the Vanguard, the demon god just barely able to fend off the swings.

However, that was until Nero suddenly slugged it with Devil Bringer, the Specter doing the same. He then jumped back in a sort of slouched position. He growled as Flames began to flicker across the edge. Specter had taken its own stance but held Yamato in a reverse grip. The flames across Red Queen started to grow more intense while Devil Bringer began glowing brighter until they suddenly flashed.

"Come get some!" roared Nero as he spun around to the left and performed a shallow left diagonal slash while the Specter spun the opposite direction and crossed his slash. As a result, a powerful cross slash shot towards the Hell Vanguard, the demon couldn't dodge the attack and was forced to take the full power of the 'Maximum Bet'. The had enough power to rip the Hell Vanguard apart, the demon roaring in pain as its body was obliterated in a wave of azure energy.

The Vanguard's body began to glow before it exploded in a flash of light, letting Nero know that it was now just him and Volcana.

"And then there were two," declared Nero as he sheathed Red Queen and summoned Yamato. The Specter now mimicking his moves again. Volcana glared at him before she blasted a stream of fire at him. The Hunter easily dodged the attack, quickly closing the distance between them. However, when he was in striking range, the demoness dodged his slash by aiming her hands down and blasted herself up with her flames.

Volcana spun around in the air and sent two streams of fire at Nero. The demon hunter dodged the attack by dashing to the right, his image a slight blur. While still in the air, Volcana raised her hands and a large boulder erupted from the ground. The boulder then ignited in flames as the demon lady let out a yell and sent the flaming rock right at Nero. Nero didn't look worried, in fact, he looked excited. Quickly dismissing Yamato, the Specter sheathing its own blade in the organic sheath attached to its left arm before resuming in mimicking Nero's movements.

Pulling Devil Bringer back, the appendage started glowing brightly as Nero channeled power into it. The Specter did the same as its own fist started glowing brightly. With a powerful yell, the hunter and specter sent a powerful blow right towards the incoming boulder. As a result, when the Specter's fist connected, cracks shot across the surface of the boulder while a cyan glow shined through the cracks before the boulder exploded into rubble.

As the pieces of debris fell, the attack was actually just a distraction as Volcana shot through the dust and landed a full blast right towards Nero's chest. The Demon Hunter was blasted back because of the force of the fire but was hardly fazed.

Growling in anger, Nero sent Spectral Bringer at Volcana, hoping to catch the demon, but the ethereal appendage missed her as the demoness suddenly vanished in a burst of flames. Looking around, Nero was taken off guard when she suddenly reappeared directly over him, floating in the air thanks to the jets of fire from her heels and threw down a large fireball. The ball of flames slammed down right in front of the hunter but missed as he leaped into the air right towards Volcana.

His eyes glowed bright red as the Specter unsheathed Yamato while Nero resummoned the magical sword. With nowhere to go and unable to dodge in time, Volcana took the full on blow of the demon hunter smashing his shoulder into her abdomen. While they were still suspended in the air, Nero swung Yamato viciously at the demoness, the blade slashed into her skin causing her to cry out.

However, he was far from done as the hunter slashed back down, the force of the blow, coupled with the power from the Specter sent Volcana back to the stone floor where she collided with the ground. The Demon was back on her feet but wasn't allowed any breathing room as Nero was on the offensive again. He landed a quick one-two punch to her jaw, causing her to stumble back. Pushing forward, the platinum blonde swung in a downward left diagonal slash before following up with a quick upward cut. He spun around, swinging Yamato down again, the blade leaving a purple streak as it went by. Raising the blade one more time, the sharp edge glowing brightly with energy, Nero let out a powerful yell, his Devil Trigger making it sound like a monsters roar as he swung Yamato as hard as he could.

The result was staggering as when the blade was brought down it's sound was something otherworldly. Normally when a sword is swung, there is a small whistling sound as the blade cuts through the air. However, when Yamato was swung, the whistle was replaced with a soul ripping metallic clang as a deep purple slash was left in its wake.

Volcana was knocked back several yards as she cried out in pain, demonic blood dripping from her cuts but remained standing if only briefly. Nero saw that she was about to fall and against his better judgment, rushed over to her, his devil trigger fading as he used Devil Bringer to catch her as she leaned back.

Volcana's own Devil Trigger vanishing as her skin turned back to its original tan color while her hair returned to normal. The Demoness let out a gasp as she struggled to lean up and saw Nero supporting her.

"Charmer, just like your uncle," complimented Volcana as she rested her left hand on his right shoulder. A sultry smile forming on her lips as she saw a reflection of Dante, not Vergil. Either way, it wasn't going to save him. Volcana suddenly shot up. A hiss escaping her as she bared her teeth. But like his uncle, Dante, it was a tactic that Nero saw coming as well. Whipping out Blue Rose from his holster, he jammed the muzzle right into her stomach and fired.

Volcana let out a gasp as she fell back limp in his arm. Nero shook his head, "Somethings are more alike than you realize," he quipped before his expression hardened, "now to deal with you."

"Actually, that won't be necessary," gasped Volcana as she steadied herself, but maintained her hold on Nero, "you've got style and a fire in you."

"What, you gonna just give up being a demon?" snorted Nero, thinking that he should just shot Volcana and be done with it, however, his thoughts halted when he felt a hand on his cheek. Looking back, he saw Volcana looking at him, a smile on her face.

"But I have a good feeling about you," stated the demoness, causing Nero to raise an eyebrow, "which is why you're getting me and my soul."

"That right?" questioned Nero sarcastically, however, was taken by surprise when Volcana stood up fully and wrapped both arms around his neck. For a second, he almost shoved Volcana off, but a part of him was telling him not to. And it was that part that won out as he holstered Blue Rose.

"Of course," swore Volcana as she rested her hand on one of his cheeks and pressed herself against him. Letting out the faintest of moans as she felt how firm his body was, "and if you've been around Dante long enough, then you know what you get when you prove yourself to a devil."

Nero blushed slightly as he felt Volcana's 'assets' pressing against his chest, "Mmmm, such a gentleman," cooed the demoness as she ran her fingers through his hair, "your grandfather was a handsome devil, and your father was no slouch either."

"So what does that make me?" asked Nero dumbly and mentally berated himself for asking a question like that. Especially when Volcana raised up her left leg and wrapped it around his right and pushed her core into his pelvis. Nero's face blushed brightly, especially when she leaned in and their noses were almost touching, a lustful look in her eyes while she gave him a coy grin.

"A charming, cute young man," whispered Volcana, "one that deserves a kiss from a beautiful woman."

Before Nero could even register what she had said, the demoness's eyes shut as she pressed her lips against his, catching the Demon Hunter completely off guard. The hunter had no real experience with women, the only one being Kyrie but she was different as in he knew what she was like and how to talk to her before they became a couple. And most women in the Order avoided him, either because he was rude or because he didn't know how to approach them. So this demon lady completely took him by surprise with this action.

Volcana deeply enjoyed this decision. Sure she was giving up her soul to her target, but it wouldn't matter. She had her fun and he proved himself to be a worthy master. It also wasn't a problem that she felt a massive rush from kissing him that took her breath away.

The Demon Hunter, while still taken by surprise managed to regain himself enough to try to push Volcana off, but the demon wasn't going to have it. She hopped up and wrapped her legs around his waist causing him to stumble back while she managed to pry his mouth open with her tongue and started to explore his mouth.

"I...said...you'd...get...my...soul," said Volcana, between kisses, smiling deviously and mentally laughing at Nero's bright red face. She turned his head to the side and began a long sensual lick that started at the base of his neck right up to his brow before taking his lips with hers once more, "never...said...how!"

The demon hunter felt a little violated but pretty glad that he got Lucy out so she wouldn't have to witness the demon lady frenching him. Also, a tiny part of him, the unprofessional part that was likely a product of hanging out with Dante too much, sort of liked this. And he didn't get the vibe that Volcana was taking him for a runaround. So if she was going to surrender herself this way, fine. He moved his hands to her rear and gave her cheeks a firm squeeze, a gesture that caused Volcana to moan into the kiss.

"Guess you're a player after all," quipped the demonic woman as she broke the kiss, "I hope you'll think of me. Especially on those cold, lonely nights." As she said that, Nero moved his hands to her hips and pulled her closer to his body.

"You ever cool down?" shot back Nero, a smirk forming.

"No," stated the demon lady in a husky tone as she leaned in for another kiss. Volcana moaned in pleasure as she slipped her tongue into his mouth, savoring his taste, her eyes fluttering shut as she unwrapped one leg from his waist but kept the other wrapped firmly around his and moved one hand from his neck to his chest, feeling up the hard muscles of the chest. Nero meanwhile, leaned into the kiss, dipping her head back as he trailed a hand down her back and another to her rear to give a firm squeeze.

Volcana gasped as a devious grin formed on her lips, breaking the kiss, however, that didn't stop Nero from attacking her neck with a flurry of kisses and little love bites, causing her to sigh in pleasure. The demon lady let out a moan as she held his head to her neck while she snuck on hand up his shirt to feel his skin. With his lips at her neck, she decided to further their progression by grinding her pelvis into his, giggling as she felt a prominent bulge.

"Mmm, someone's excited," whispered Volcana as she nibbled slightly on Nero's ear, before moving her hand down to his crotch, giving it a squeeze. This got a deep growl out of Nero as he continued kissing, sucking, and occasionally biting her neck.

After a minute of passion, Volcana had enough. She needed him. Grabbing his head, the demon crushed their lips together as she used her powers to create a vortex of fire around them before they vanished.

Inside one of the residential buildings, it appeared to be of an old-fashioned design, but in reality, it was abandoned by a company that tried setting up a mine but the mine went dry early one. The company had built a residential area for workers to have easy access to the mine, but when the mine closed, the buildings were left abandoned. However, some rooms inside the buildings had all the belongings that were provided by the company. However, it wasn't long until two people would be using one room.

In the lobby that looked similar to one found in a hotel, a vortex of fire erupted out of nowhere, before vanishing. It revealed both Nero and Volcana who were still going at it, the demon lady kissing him wildly as she pried his mouth open with her tongue and plunged it in before wrestling with Nero's. The woman moaned in appreciation as she stumbled back, taking Nero with her until they bumped into the desk where a steward would be waiting to deal with workers if they had an issue with their room.

"Handy," muttered Nero, looking around, breaking their kissing which prompted Volcana to attack his neck with kisses and licks, "any reason I should be aware of?"

"We're here to fuck," stated the redhead with burning lust as she looked the hunter in the eye.

"Good to know," quipped Nero as he went back to making out.

*Five minutes later*

Volcana let out a moan as Nero began to nibble on her neck in a certain spot she wasn't even aware of being the sensitive while they stumbled out of a stairwell that took way too long to get to the floor where a fully furnished room that was still somewhat clean enough for them. His hands found their way to her waist and pulled her into his groin where she felt a very prominent bulge pressing into her rear. She licked her lips as she looked over her shoulder and gave Nero a brief but hungry kiss before she pulled him towards the apartment room waiting for them. Volcana moaned louder as ran his hands up her sides and gripped her breasts and gave them a rough squeeze that caused her legs to nearly buckle and for her to take him right then and there.

Finally, the two reached the door to the apartment which was closed, however, it wasn't going to be a problem for long. But at that moment before entering, Volcana ground her rear into Nero's erection and gripped the back of his head and pulled him into a searing kiss that took both parties breaths away as a jolt of something coursed through them. Nero let out a growl as he slipped a hand under her top and reached up to her breasts again and began to rub her nipples, finding that she wasn't wearing a bra. This caused Volcana to shudder as she felt a very light scraping thanks to the claws of Devil Bringer.

Flipping them around so that his back was to the door, Volcana shoved Nero into it and into the apartment, shaking with desire and lust. The door slammed shut as she grabbed him by the collar and pulled Nero's face and drew it into another kiss that stole the other's breath away. She wrapped a leg around his waist and wrapped her arms around his neck as she slid her tongue into his, mapping out his mouth as he did the same to her before they both separated.

"Kinda wish more demons, were like you," panted out Nero as he pushed Volcana against a wall, "Make my job way easier."

"Now where's the fun in that?" asked Volcana breathlessly with a coy grin.

"Good point," conceded Nero as looked his blue eyes with her red ones before grabbing her head and shoved her head to his where their mouths covered each other again.

"Mmmmmm," She mewed as he aggressively ravaged the inside of her mouth with his tongue, she made use of her mouth by suckling her lips on the tongue to increase the effect.

Her hands went to work, getting his coat off, which also had the effect of causing Red Queen to clatter to the floor, however, a sleeve did get stuck on Devil Bringer for a second but just a second before they went back to lovemaking.

Stumbling through the room, they were focused on getting to the bedroom, though bumped into a few walls along the way. However, during that time, Volcana managed to work off his sleeveless hoodie off, leaving him in just his navy blue muscle shirt, his pants, and brown boots. Once the hoodie was off, her hands went to work getting his belt off while Nero was focusing on squeezing her left breast, using his thumb to work her nipple through her tank top while the other held her ass and squeezed the flesh.

A click was heard as Nero's belt buckle came undone and the zipper was pulled down, giving Volcana an opening where she used her right hand to dive into his pants. Nero moaned into their kiss as she massaged his bulge through his boxers.

When they finally found the room, Volcana let herself down, breaking their kiss as she held her eyes shut as Nero's left hand moved between her legs to rub her nether regions. This caused her to moan loudly and her hips to buck slightly as he rubbed her through her clothing.

Opening one of her eyes, she saw the bed was just a few feet away. It didn't look to be in the best of conditions, but easily fixable as she waved her hand at the bed. Flames flowed across it for a second before it was revealed to be fully restored. However, she couldn't any longer. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, Volcana took it off, revealing Nero's bare chest to the world. It had a few scars, given that his healing factor wasn't as strong as Dante's or Vergil's. But it did tell a story. Some bite marks from when Demons got luck, one scar that looked somewhat like electricity, and a diagonal slash that went across his chest. However, at that moment, she didn't care how he got them, instead, it only made him all the more sexy to her.

Grabbing his shoulders, she threw him onto the bed, where Nero sat up in time for Volcana to grab his boots and practically rip them off. Once they were off, she grabbed the hem of his pants and pulled them down and off, leaving Nero in just his boxers.

With the offending articles of clothing out of the way, Volcana crawled up to his face and pulled his face into a lusty kiss that took their breath away. As she was doing that, she began to grind her core into his crotch. Nero taking notice of the wet sensation he was feeling as she ground her nether region against his body.

"You like that?" asked the demon between kisses, "You like me grinding against you? You like me giving myself to you?"

"Yeah," growled Nero as she broke, "I do."

"When I said you'd get 'me'," laughed Volcana as she grabbed the hem of her tank top and pulled it off, displaying her full breasts to her. Tossing her top to the side, she rubbed her hands over her breasts, "I meant all of me."

Nero didn't hesitate to attack her tits with his mouth, his tongue brushed over her erect nipples and trailed around the sensitive buds. Volcana let out a moan as she wrapped her arms around Nero's neck to keep his head buried in her cleavage, unwilling to let him stop from ravishing her tits in ways that no one else has done.

"Fuck, you're good," giggled Volcana as she felt Nero pinch her other nipple while he sucked on the other with enough force that she thought it might come off.

Nero grunted as he continued to ravish Volcana's breasts with attention, alternating between kissing, sucking and licking her chest orbs with his mouth while his hands gripped, squeezed and massaged her tits. Volcana mewed in pleasure before she pushed him onto his back while she slid down.

Volcana smirked and licked her lips as she got on her knees and placed her hands on his boxers.

"You'll love this," She said smiling naughtily as she peeled off the private piece of clothing and gazed upon Nero's erect member standing for attention, "My my, one good surprise after another."

Drawing her face closer she placed her raven colored lips on his shaft and kissed it gently once and again until her lips found the tip, opening her mouth a little Nero could feel her breath on his flesh and was anxious for her taste it.

Licking the tip with her moist and smooth tongue like a Popsicle was what she was doing that was driving him insane since she did so slowly, he was impatient to feel her mouth and she knew it. Volcana took the next step and moved her tongue to his shaft and licked the underside up and down repeatedly making him grit his teeth in anticipation. Hearing the moist sucking sounds didn't ease his eagerness either, but she spared him by then going to the top and opening her mouth wide open and engulfed it with her mouth in one smooth motion, causing Nero to let out a gasp and place both hands on the back of her head.

Volcana began to loudly bob her head up and down, sucking his shaft and head loudly and lewdly. Nero began to thrust into her mouth until his tip was hitting the back of her throat, she responded by adjusting the angle of her head and began to deep throat the demon hunter, moaning in delight at his taste of precum.

"Fuck," Nero hissed as he felt Volcana's mouth become like a vacuum as she sucked him off. This had the effect of Volcana chuckling or tried to anyway with Nero's cock in her throat before she released him with a loud slurp and pop before looking up at him in the eyes while she jerked him off.

"Hmm, you like that Nero, you like having my lips on your cock and sucking you off?" Volcana asked as she spat on his tool again and resumed pumping it with both her hands, "You like having a demon like me fucking her mouth with your big cock like a slut?"

"Yeah," stated Nero as watched Volcana go back to sucking his member. Nero hummed in pleasure, feeling the moist wet flesh cavern of Volcana's throat suctioning his cock.

She heard him moan out loud and it satisfied her to know she was causing this in him so she went to work on his rod by moving her head upwards then downwards repeatedly. The feeling of his cock leaving her mouth then the thrill of it re-entering over and again until she went faster and faster.

"Fuck!" swore Nero as he began to buck his hips slightly, "I'm gonna cum!"

Hearing this, Volcana went even faster, her slurping becoming louder with each suck. It was then she down to the deepest level possible where her nose was tickled by his pubic hair and his length completely inside her mouth. With his hips jerking wildly with her head staying on his bouncing length she received her his payload of sperm flooding down her throat. His hips kept jerking as he kept shooting off into her mouth, after a ten more seconds he finally stopped cumming and she raised her head up.

With loud gulping sounds, she swallowed bit by bit of Nero's cum inside her mouth and throat. There was even some on her face. Looking right at Nero, the demon opened her mouth. He saw the bottom of the inside of her mouth flooded with white cream and when she closed it she made a loud gulping sound and reopened it to see it all gone.

"Man, there are simpler ways to give up your soul," said Nero breathlessly.

"There are, but no denying this isn't more fun," giggled Volcana as she got off the bed and began working off her tight jeans, purposefully bending over to reveal her round ass and pussy to him, causing Nero's hard cock to twitch, "Now come on Nero." As she said that, Volcana went over to a wall with her back pressed against it and raised her right leg up, "Come and claim your prize."

Without even waiting, Nero went over and grabbed the demon by her waist with one hand while using the other to place her leg over her shoulder. Lining up his hardened member, he teased the folds of her sex, causing Volcana to moan in displeasure.

"Fucking do it!" growled the redhead bombshell as she grabbed Nero by the hair and pulled him to her lips, crushing them together, "Fuck me!"

With the order, Nero slammed her down onto his cock, causing her to shriek in pleasure and pain as she was stretched to her maximum and he reached deep into her that very few men have been able to do.

"FUCK, YES!" screamed out Volcana in pained ecstasy before she returned her lips to Nero's and brought him into a sloppy kiss as he began to thrust into with no real pattern while she rocked back as well, only wanting to have this feeling continue forever.

Nero tightened his grip on her waist and thrusted harder into her, causing her to moan deeply into their kiss before she pulled out and slammed his face into her breasts which he proceeded to shower with licks and kisses.

"Huuaaahh!" moaned Volcana as she bucked her hips every time Nero thrust into her, barely able to formulate a sentence, aside from moans, colorful curses, and some yelps as he hammered into her tight pussy. Hitting her in ways that no one has ever done before.

"Oh fuck, baby, oh fuck...," panted Volcana as her face was contorted into pure bliss.

Nero smirked as he thrust slightly harder into Volcana that their hips were slapping into each other and echoed through the room and likely the entire floor. He suddenly picked up her other leg and pinned her to the wall, letting her wrap her legs around his waist and began hammering into that some cracks were forming.

Volcana moaned out as she loved every second and tightened her legs around his waist to the point that Nero was actually feeling a little pain. She then grabbed him by his hair and yanked him back to her mouth and engaged in a war of tongues, trying to dominate the other. They both seemed evenly matched.

She then pulled out the kiss and looked Nero right in the eyes, a look of pure bliss on her face, "Oh fuck me, baby, I'm gonna cum!"

"Yeah?" Nero asked as he thrust into her with slow but powerful thrusts which caused the woman's eyes to roll in the back of her head, "You gonna cum for me my little demon?"

"OH, FUCK, YES!" shriek Volcana as her hair actually ignited into flames before she pressed her slightly red breasts into his chest, "I'M GONNA CUM ALL OVER THAT COCK OF YOURS YOU BASTER! FUCK, KEEP FUCKING ME! I'M CUMMING!"

Nero growled as he felt Volcana's pussy tighten around him and he buried his face into her neck, planting delicate kisses where an artery would be as he continued to fuck into her, feeling his own release coming, and rather son at that.

Nero was about to pull out, but Volcana tightened her legs to keep him in as she pushed him off the wall, smothering her lips against his and a flurry of what mainly consited of licks than actually kisses. Volcana kept thrusting her hips into his, before the Demon Hunter fell onto the bed while she suddenly used to the position to straddle his hips and ride him like a cowgirl. The action and sudden increase in pleasure caused Nero to growl as he felt he was about to lose it in her.

"Shit...I'm gonna-" gritted Nero through kisses before Volcana's tongue speared itself into his mouth while her lips mauled his face.

"You gonna cum in me?" whispered Volcana huskily in between a kiss before she licked the side of Nero's face, tasting his sweat, "You gonna take what's yours and fill it with your baby batter?"

She watched as Nero stared at her with hooded eyes and only responded with a single nod.

"Good...," smirked Volcana.

She then sat up, her hair still on fire as she suddenly increased the rate of which she bounced while Nero groaned and gripped her hips and started to thrust into her womanhood before cumming deep inside her. The action also caused Volcana to cum as well.

"FUCK!" cried Volcana as she felt her pussy fill up with streaming spurts of cum. Nero just growled as he held onto her. After a few second their orgasms subsided and Volcana fell onto his chest, her head nestled comfortably on his chest, while Nero's dick was still lodged into her cunt. His and her cum leaking slightly from the edges because of the amount.

"Mmmmm," hummed Volcana, her eyes shut as an expression of pure content was on her face, "That was amazing."

"It's been a while since I've had that," agreed Nero as he rubbed her shoulders.

Volcana laughed as she felt him hardening inside her, "Up for another round?"

"Are you?" he challenged with a grin.

Volcana chuckled as she moved up, careful to keep him inside her as she kissed Nero on his lips. The hunter's tongue slithered past her black ones and into the depths of her mouth. She cupped his cheek as she sucked into his tongue while slowly rotating her hips to get back his sex ready and hard. For a couple of minutes, they made out before she suddenly let go of their lip lock and moved away from Nero, if only just a few inches to display her rear to him.

"Fuck me," ordered Volcana as she was on her hands and knees, shaking her ass in an inviting manner.

Nero just smirked as he got ready behind her and slowly entered her sex once more, causing both of them to moan at their union. With his cock back inside her, and fully lubricated thanks to the mixture of his and her cum, it slid in and out quickly, causing waves of pleasure to wash over them.

"Yes-yes-yes-keep-fucking-me-ah!" panted Volcana as she rocked back against every thrust before rolling her ass around to increase the friction. He gritted his teeth as his the tightness and wetness of her snatch were overloading his member. It was after a few more thursts when Nero lurched forward and captured her breasts in his hands while he cuddled his face alongside hers while he kept pounding her pussy.

"COME ON! HARDER!" gritted Volcana as she glanced over her shoulder for a brief but hungry kiss, "FUCK ME, YOU BASTARD! FUCK MY CUNT! NGH! FUCK IT HARD!"

Nero kept going until her suddenly pulled out. Volcana looked back in outrage until he tossed her onto her back and re-entered her pussy with a brutal thrust that caused her to cry out in bliss.

Nero leaned down and captured her lips in a hard kiss as he thrusts into her cunt. Volcana responded by wrapping her slender legs around his waist as he all but dropped himself onto her with his cock plunging in and out of her pussy.

"YYYYEEEEESSSS!" shrieked Volcana breaking the kiss for a second before going back to it. Their bodies swayed back and forth in a rocking motion. Nero kept going for what felt like hours on end before he started thrusting frantically thrust frantically.

"Oh fuck baby, you feel so good inside me, it's like I was made for you!" Volcana moaned in a drunken haze of bliss panted, rocking her hips. Nero grunted as he continued his pounding. After a few more minutes, he felt like he was about to blow his load and it seemed that Volcana knew this as she crushed her lips into his.

"In me you bastard," she demanded, showering his face with licks and kisses, "mark me with your seed!"

"If that's what you want!" whispered Nero into Volcana's ear before thrusting into her one last time and spilled his seed into her womb with a growl that bordered demonic.

"AHHHHH!" Volcana roared as her hair erupted in a conflagration of fire that torched the entire room. Thankfully, her flames didn't light Nero's clothing on fire.

"Huuuaaah!" gasped the pyrokinetic demon as she fell off Nero's body and collapsed next to him, "Holy shit..." she breathed before nestling up against Nero and trailed one hand down to her sex to rub her dripping lips to scoop up some of the cum leaking out and brought it to her mouth for a taste, "Mmmm...!"

"Glad you enjoyed it," quipped Nero, though from his tone he was joking as Volcana rested her head on his chest and let out a sigh of content.

"Damn right, I did," she returned weakly before leaned over and captured Nero's lips in a soft kiss but long and deep kiss.

"You definitely deserve my soul," whispered Volcana softly, her lips just centimeters from his.

"Right," responded the hunter when he suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist and held her close, reaching over to pull the sheets up over their naked bodies, "I'll get it later."

Volcana just hummed tiredly as her eyes fluttered shut and she nestled her head in his neck and placed her hand on his chest, pressing her breast in his side while she draped one leg over his. Essentially cuddling the hunter for hire. A comfortable silence formed between the two as they both closed their eyes. The demon snuggling comfortably in the demon hunter's arms. Irony at it's finest.

*Read and Review*

I'm so sorry about this...