"Stay close to me, Anakin", the young boy heard his master saying to him. "The streets are over-crowded. We don't want to lose each other".

Anakin drew closer to Obi-wan and held his hand. Obi-wan was a bit surprised by that move, but he didn't matter. It was a very practical way for them to stick together in the busy Coruscant district.

It was true that Obi-wan would prefer a simple food delivery, and it would be better for his tired apprentice to stay in their apartment, but then again Anakin was so excited about eating in a restaurant for the first time.

Once they got out of the busy pedestrian road, Obi-wan said, while looking around:

"Now, concerning our restaurant selection, we have to be very careful. We don't want to encounter any criminals. The restaurant that we will choose must not be in any dangerous alley, must have good quality dishes, kind staff, hygiene certificate, and there are so many other factors to take into-"

"What about this one?" Anakin pointed at a cantina decorated with neon lightning. It was nothing special, not many clients inside, nor spectacular view of the city. Its logo was a starfighter, probably the reason Anakin chose it.

"It seems... okay, I guess" Obi-wan murmured with hopes of ending up in a more sophisticated place. "But we can't choose solely based on a logo. Why don't we walk a few more blocks? I'm sure we'll find something bette-"

But before he could even finish his sentence, the boy's pleading eyes captured him.

"You really like it, right?" he smiled and tapped him on the shoulder. "Fine. Dex's Diner it is, then".

They entered the bright, colorful inside of the diner, and Obi-wan noticed his padawan looking around astonished.

Anakin pulled the end of Obi-wan's sleeve and asked in a whisper:

"Can we sit there, by the window?" he pointed with his tiny finger.

"I suppose so, why not?"

It was nothing extraordinary, but at least it was clean. As soon as they sat down, a robot-waitress approached their table and gave them the menu cards.

"Welcome to Dex's Diner! Today's special menu includes… includes…"

The droid didn't finish its sentence, rather made funny noises and kept turning its head around in circles.

"Oh, not again!" a distant angry voice sounded and the two Jedi turned around and saw a male Besalisk with a dirty cooking apron coming their way. "I knew this piece of garbage was a big waste of credits! I never should have trusted that kriffing Togruta scum! Oh, I see there's a little boy here. Sorry for the language, kido. Looks like I'm gonna have to take your order".

"No worries, sir" Obi-wan replied. "Can I ask about today's-"

"I think it's just the hard drive, it must be overloaded" Anakin interrupted, sounding extremely serious for a nine-year old.

"'xcuse me, kido?" Dex asked surprised.

"Anakin has his way with droids" Obi-wan added.

"It's no big deal, I can fix it in no time".

And before finishing his sentence, he was already tampering with the problematic droid.

"Can I have a screwdriver, please?"

"Yeah, I think we've got one in the back. Hang on a minute, kido".

Very soon, Anakin finished repairing the droid and received a warm round of applause from the entire diner. Needless to say, Dex was the most excited of them all.

Obi-wan didn't clap his hands, but he looked at the boy with a smile that didn't decorate his face very often. Sure, he had his doubts when the boy was first brought into the Temple, and he was one of those who thought that he shouldn't be trained. He believed he was far too old and he didn't have what it takes to become a Jedi. But seeing him here, so eager to help, so quick to act, so selfless… He knew he had it in him, and he would make a great Jedi one day. Obi-wan would try the best he could to teach him.

The droid-waitress was functioning normally and headed to the door, greeting the new customers.

"It wasn't a big deal, just a small malfunction in the hardrive, but I by-passed it. It should work normally from now on" Anakin announced while washing his hands with a handkerchief.

"Bless you, kido!" Dex exclaimed cheerfully. "What was your name again? I didn't quite catch it. Anikan?"

"I'm Anakin. Nice to meet you, sir. And this is Obi-wan" he said as he sat down beside him again.

"Well, Anakin, if it wasn't for you, I don't know what I would have done! Everything you and your friend order today is on the house!"

"You are very kind, but there's no need to-" Obi-wan began saying but was immediately interrupted.

"I insist! It's my cantina, it says so outside. I can do whatever I want! You are my honored guests today! RK-6!" he shouted to the droid. "Make sure you serve my friends here with extra care. I'm off to the kitchen now. Nice to meet you! I'm Dex by the way, as I'm sure you have gathered".

"Nice to meet you, Dex. Thank you very much" Obi-wan replied. He sure liked that strange guy.

When Dex left, Obi-wan gently tapped Anakin on the back and handed over the catalogue.

"Well done".

Anakin smiled. Lately he wasn't hearing that kind of words much often. Obi-wan thought he should begin to praise him more.

The boy returned to browsing through the menu. Obi-wan had to control himself so he wouldn't laugh, seeing his padawan's overly excited faces he made each time he turned a page.

Obi-wan had already decided what he wanted to order so he just waited for Anakin, happy to see him smiling. But soon he noticed a different expression on his padawan's face. His eyes followed the droid-waitress who carried a big dish full of chocolate and candies and placed it in front of a little girl in the table next to them, decorated with what seemed to be a very delicious crème and colourful icing. His look gave away exactly what he was feeling: he wanted to devour everything on that plate! Also, jealousy was quite obvious on his expression. How lucky was that girl, being out with her parents, allowed to order whatever she wanted, not having to worry about anything, no bullies, no Jedi-training, no special powers she didn't know how to use.

As soon as Obi-wan's and Anakin's looks met, the boy wiped off of his face every feeling related to that sweet dish. Instead, he just asked trying to hide his sadness:

"May I order a jawa juice and a salad?"

Obi-wan smirked. He had often made remarks to him concerning a Jedi's proper nutrition.

"Well, my very young padawan, I think tonight we could make an exception".

"What do you mean?" Anakin asked full of hope.

"That sweet combo over there seems like a considerable choice, don't you agree?"

"Who are you and what have you done to my master?" was Anakin's reaction to Obi-wan's unexpected suggestion. "What happened to "A Jedi must be very careful with his food habits! He's a warrior, so he must eat only green leaves and drink many awful juices that are good for his health and contain many vitamins!"?".

Obi-wan was taken aback by how spot-on his impression of him was and stuttered before responding:

"I never said that Jedi can't eat sweets from time to time, only that they should avoid it! And you know I'm right! Our physical condition is extremely important and we should-".

"And we should feed our bodies accordingly" Anakin completed the sentence he had heard his master saying way too many times.


Anakin mimicked Obi-wan again:

"Anakin, don't eat it this! It's not green enough! Don't you dare try this food! It seems like it could be absolutely tasteful and I wouldn't want you to have such a thing in your stomach!"

"Kid, if you continue with this terrible portrayal of what-is-supposed-to-be-me, I am afraid you will order a salad and I will be watching you with pity while licking the chocolate off of my spoon".

"Okay, okay..." the boy laughed.

It wasn't long until two sweet combos arrived on the table and it certainly didn't take long for them to finish them.

As soon as Anakin had finished his own plate (he was a faster eater, especially when it had to do with sweets), he made sure he took a few bites from his master's, saying he was helping him not to put on weight and lose his perfect physical condition.

"What a selfless boy!" Obi-wan exclaimed and shared the rest of his plate with him.

Obi-wan had never had his stomach so full when they finished and Dexter came by to ask cheerfully:

"Shall we treat you phattro? It's our speciality!"

"Oh, yes, thank you! That would be amazing. Bring one phattro and one Reythan berry juice for the boy, please".

"What's a phattro? I want one too" Anakin protested and then Obi-wan and Dex exchanged a meaningful look and started laughing. "Why are you laughing? Can't I have some of that phattro?"

"Lad, it might be too strong for you" Dex said and Obi-wan added:

"Perhaps when you are older".

"I can take it! I want phattro!" he insisted.

Obi-wan turned to Dex and said:

"One phattro and one berry juice, please".

"Hey! That's not what I want!"

His complaints didn't seem to change his master's mind, however they did amuse him. Ordering a phattro was without a doubt the best he had done all day. Not only would it be a delightful pleasure after hours in the Healing Halls, but it would also make his little buddy jealous.

When the drinks arrived and Anakin saw how good the phattro looked, he began begging him:

"Come on! Let me just taste it. Only one small sip, please!"

"No, you shouldn't be drinking that kind of stuff".

"No, it's you who shouldn't be drinking alcohol. You have to drive us back home, remember? Let me drink it for you, we need you sober" Anakin said and reached out a hand to take the glass, but his master stopped him by using the Force. "Hey, my arm!" he complained. "Let me move it! That's not fair, that's not a noble purpose to use the Force!"

"I inform you, little buddy, that my body can take phattro. We will be home safe and sound. As for you, I fear to imagine its impact".

"I swear it's not going to affect me! Let me prove it".

"Oh, you don't need to. I am already aware of your manly endurance".

"Spare me the irony, Obi-wan! I'm not a baby, I can try alcohol, it's not going to kill me! I will only drink one drop. Besides, Jedi should get used to alcohol, because they may have to accept it out of politeness during missions, or they may have to blend in in a bar. That's what master Unduli said".

"Anakin, we have a long way until you actually need to learn to drink. Trust me, you're not going to like it. It's too bitter for your taste".

"No, I like bitter stuff! And I am sure that this drink is delicious, you just want to keep it all for yourself!"

"Blast! You figured it out" Obi-wan exclaimed.

"Come on, stop being so stubborn! You never let me do anything! It's like you do it on purpose, you want me to be miserable. Will it be so bad for me to try just a little bit?"

Obi-wan tried to pull off a serious face but little did he succeed. "What am I going to do with you?" he murmured.

"Please, just one sip" the boy begged with a huge smile.

"Only one".

Anakin hastily pulled the glass to his side and drank, only to cough and turn red instantly.

"See?" he said before coughing again. "It's not heavy for me. I'm alright".

"I'm sure you are, young one" he said holding back his laughter. "Now, let's get going, it's late. Do you think you can walk?" he teased him.

"Of course. Last to the speeder is a nerf herder" the boy challenged his master and got off his chair. He tried to run but he felt dizzy and swayed so much that he had to lean on to the table not to collapse.

"May I recommend a piggy ride?" Obi-wan offered cheerfully to carry him, but Anakin refused any assistance. "Do you still claim that the drink had no effect on you?"

"Yes, I'm just tired, that's all. It has nothing to do with that so-called heavy drink. I might as well have drunk milk".

They got out of the cantina. Obi-wan was sure they would visit "Dex's Diner" again. Someday it might even become their usual place to hang out. He needed to get out of the Temple once in a while, and obviously Anakin needed it too.

When they reached their vehicle in the parking lot, the kid was seated by his master and his belt was fastened by him too. It was not long until his eyes closed peacefully and a few snores began.

"Silly little kid" Obi-wan whispered softly as he covered him with his tunic.

Obi-wan was sure that Anakin would wake up with all that traffic-noise on their way to the Temple, but it seemed he was sleeping very heavily to notice.

As soon as the Jedi Knight parked his vehicle and turn to look his apprentice, he felt he couldn't wake him up. He seemed so tired and fragile. Peaceful and serene at last after a long day.

Normally his snoring would disturb him when they had to share cabins on a mission, but right now it sounded so sweet and innocent that it couldn't be interrupted.

Of course, Obi-wan was a well-trained warrior and lifting weights was a piece of cake for him. He surely could carry an asleep nine-year-old boy.

With Anakin's arms around his neck, his legs wrapped around his waist and his head leaned on his chest, he entered the Temple.

Two female teenage padawans that he encountered on his way gasped in thrill when they saw him carrying the boy and whispered to each other: "So sweet!"

Obi-wan then noticed master Windu approaching him. Without a doubt, he wasn't going to say anything like that.


His voice was firm and cold as a night in Hoth.

He greeted him back with a quiet voice, so he wouldn't wake Anakin up.

"I gather young Skywalker doesn't have legs of his own?" he continued, not caring to lower his own voice.

"I can't wake him up, master. He had a very hard day".

"Oh, I see. Before or after drinking alcohol with you?"

Indeed the smell of phattro was all over him. Maybe it wasn't so wise to have one after all.

"No! I can explain. Anakin did not drink any alcohol. Maybe a little, but the point is-"

"The point is that your defence class today didn't have a teacher" he cut him off with a harsh expression.

Blast! He had totally forgotten about that!

"Master Windu, I am terribly sorry! You have every right to be mad at me! But you see, my padawan was in the Healing Halls, he had passed out in the morning and-"

"Being responsible for an apprentice doesn't mean putting him above everything else. He must learn to handle things on his own. You won't always be there to protect him".

"Yes, master".

"I trust there will be no more absences from your own class".

"Of course! Thank you. Good night".

And he thought for a moment that he was beginning to comprehend what being a good teacher meant! Totally irresponsible for him!

But for now he wasn't going to waste more thoughts on that. He had Anakin in his arms and that was the only thing that would matter for the rest of the night.

He saw his padawan's head turning up and facing him, tired eyes and sleepy voice:

"Is it my fault that master Windu is angry at you?" he asked worryingly.

"What? No, no, Anakin".

"But he said-".

"Shh. Don't worry about that, little buddy. You just sleep, we're almost there".

When they returned to their quarters, Obi-wan placed Anakin on his bed and helped him take off his clothes and put on his pyjamas. He covered him with his blanket and turned off all the lights but his little lamp for the night. As he was ready to leave the room, he heard him say:

"Master Windu said that you will leave me some time. Is that true?"

Obi-wan stopped and walked back in, sitting next to the laying Anakin.

"Master Windu can be too strict sometimes".

"Yes, but will you leave me? Do you care about me just because the Council assigned me to you and we are stuck together? Just because you promised to master Qui-Gon? And when I am no longer your padawan, will you forget about me?"

"Anakin, what are you talking about? That's clearly the phattro talking. That's all nonsense".

He looked him in the eye and sensed his fear. More serious than ever, he added: "I will never leave you".



"Even when I am grumpy and annoying?"

"Oh, especially then! Rest now. We'll see each other in the morning".

"Thank you for taking me to the Healing Halls. And for staying beside me the whole time" he whispered half asleep.

"Of course".

Obi-wan looked out of the window.


The same old view from the room that used to be his. Tall skyscrapers, dazzling lights, speeders everywhere… He had seen all of that a thousand times. But now it was different. Sitting there, beside his padawan, it was the first time that he could actually say that Coruscant really felt like home.