It was the next night after her family were enlightened on the events that took place in her relationship with Joffrey and for the most part everyone was acting normal around Sansa. Her parents sat her down after breakfast and told her how much they loved her and how they didn't fault her for anything. In return, Sansa agreed to see a therapist. Though she was less than thrilled about that part.

"So we ordering pizza or what?" Rickon asked as he joined the rest of his siblings in the living room. They were fending for themselves since her parents were off attending some charity event for the night.

"Well I'm not cooking for this tribe." Sansa piped up. "So you better get ordering."

"What does everyone want?" Robb asked as he pulled out his phone to place an order.


"Meat lovers!"

"Pineapple and ham!"

"Okay...well I don't think we should order three pizzas." Jon said.

"There's seven of us. Three pizzas would be fine." Arya remarked. "If anything it may not be enough since Theon and Rickon could both easily eat a whole pizza by themselves."

"Fine. Three pizzas and I'll order breadsticks too." Robb sighed as he placed the mobile order. "But who will pick it up?"

"I'll go get it." Theon volunteered.

"I'll go to." Sansa spoke up. "I have a feeling he'll somehow mess this up."

"I don't need to be supervised princess." Theon shot back with a slight smirk.

"Nah, Sansa is going with you." Robb decided for him. "If you leave within the next ten-ish minutes you'll be good."

Theon and Sansa were in his truck on their way to get the food. She was sort of proud of Theon for taking advantage of an opportunity to sneak away and she was also grateful she caught on quickly.

"I've been dying to touch you since I got here." He smiled as he grasped her hand tightly in his. "I'm glad I volunteered to get the food."

"Me too. Especially after last night." She said somberly. Theon brought her hand to his mouth and pressed a kiss to the back of it.

"I know, I'm sorry love. I wish I could have been able to be there for you better." He apologized to her.

"It isn't your fault. I know you would have done more if you could." She assured him as they pulled up to the pizza place.

"Still, I wanted to do more than just stand there." He said as put his truck into park and faced her. "Robb and Jon were pretty heated last night after that and I had to pretend to not be as bothered as I was. I wanted to hold you so bad and protect you from all of this."

"We're here right now." She smiled at him as she leaned across the seat and kissed him. She was about to pull away but Theon pulled her back in. Sansa couldn't fight it, she had been wanting this since he dropped her off at school.

Theon moved to Sansa's neck and it made her head fuzzy as he kissed and nipped at her. If it was up to her, they'd never stop. But then she remembered the pizzas and that her siblings were home waiting for their food.

"Th-Theon the pizzas." She fumbled her words.

"What about them, love?" He asked as kept kissing her.

Sansa giggled as his breath tickled her. "Theon get the damn pizzas before they send a search party out for us."

He kissed back up her neck and placed one final kiss on her lips before parting from her. "You got a point there. I'll be right back."

As he got out of the truck Sansa decided to check her phone. She had snapchats from Bran and Arya. Both were videos of Jon and Robb battling each other with couch cushions. Sansa laughed and shook her head. Her siblings were so ridiculous and also her favorite people.

"Alright, I got the goods." Theon announced as he managed to open the truck door with barely one hand.

"Oh good, let me send a snap to Arya. Say cheese!" She instructed as she held her phone up to take a picture of Theon with very full hands. He set pizzas down in the back seat of the truck and got back in the driver seat. "Hey, take a picture with me."

"Sans…" He began to protest.

"I'm not posting it anywhere. I just want it for myself." She frowned at him. "Please?"

Theon rolled his eyes. "Only because you said please."

Sansa scooted closer to Theon as she front faced the camera. As she went to capture the image and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"You goof." She laughed as she returned to her seat. Theon back out and they began their journey back to the house. Sansa looked at the picture of them. She was mid laugh and Theon was kissing her cheek. It was a rather sweet picture and it made her happy. Though part of her was sad she couldn't share this on her social media. Not yet at least.

As they walked up the house Sansa opened the door for Theon who was practically attacked by Starks as soon as he entered.

"About time! I'm starving!" Rickon exclaimed as he grabbed the breadsticks from Theon.

"Rickon share!" Sansa yelled after him.

"No, I don't even want pizza. These are mine." He shouted back from across the living on the couch.

"Ugh fine you wild child." She groaned.

Theon set the rest of the pizza boxes on the coffee table so everyone could dive in as Sansa grabbed cans of carbonated beverages for everyone. They all began grabbing slices of pizza, Sansa settled for the slices of veggie as sat back on the end of the sofa. Theon plopped down beside her with his own slice in his hand.

"So movie night?" Robb asked with a half full mouth.

"Yeah, but something I haven't seen." Bran replied.

"But you've seen almost everything." Jon commented.

"So get creative." Bran shot back.

"Bran shut up." Arya shot back at him.

"Well I guess we can watch something scary like we always do. I can't watch scary movies if I'm not in a group." Sansa said as she took a bite of her pizza. "But can we change into pajamas first?"

After cleaning up the pizzas Sansa hurriedly ran upstairs to change into a pair of knit shorts and a t-shirt. When everyone came back in the living room they decided to watch The Conjuring 2. Sansa was less than thrilled with that. But nonetheless, she would watch it. She took a seat on loveseat as the rest of her siblings filled up the other loveseat and the couch. Theon took a seat next to her, half on purpose and half because there was actually no other seat to take.

"I'll be right back, I want a blanket." Sansa whispered as she began to stand.

"Stay here, I'll grab one from my room." Theon insisted as he stood and hurried off to his room. He returned a moment later with his comforted from his bed. Sansa took it and wrapped it around her.

Not even that far into the movie and Sansa was already scared and hiding her face behind the blanket. Theon found it amusing. Jump scare scenes got her every time as clung to Theon's arm. She didn't care what her siblings would say, she would deny it. But they were too busy watching the movie to pay attention to her. She wasn't any closer to him now than she had been any other time they watched a scary movie together. When another jump scare scene appeared again Sansa buried her face into Theon's shoulder.

Theon leaned down to whisper to her. "You're going to blow our cover."

"Will not." She whispered back. She could feel him chuckle softly.

"After the movie stick around." He whispered again. Sansa nodded into his shoulder.

The rest of the movie Sansa spent half hiding her face behind Theon's blanket and in his arm. She was thankful when the movie was over that her parents arrived home and turned on some lights, though they didn't stick around long before turning in for the night.

"Are you heading up to bed?" Arya asked Sansa as she stood from the couch.

"Not yet. I think I'll have another slice of pizza before I go to bed." Sansa replied as she walked into the kitchen.

"Alright, well goodnight." Arya turned and walked up the stairs and Jon, the last sibling awake, also went up to bed leaving just she and Theon.

Sansa was leaning with her elbows on the counter when she felt Theon wrap his hands around her waist. She turned around to face him and was met with a kiss.

"Down boy, we don't know if they are all asleep or not." Sansa warned with a smile.

"Well then why don't we go somewhere less public?" He suggested wagging his eyebrows.

She rolled her eyes as she shook her head at him. "Fine. Lead me, but nowhere cold!"

Theon grabbed her by the hand and led her to his room down the hall, being careful to not make too much noise as they passed Bran's room. Sansa made sure to close the door carefully as she was the last one in.

"So now that-" She was taken by surprise as Theon pulled her back onto his bed with him.

"I've been dying to hold you." He stated as he pulled her into his side. Sansa couldn't help the butterflies she felt as his arms wrapped around her. The warmth radiating off of him, the way he felt, the scent of his was intoxicating to her.

"That weekend feels like forever ago now." She murmured into his side.

"It really does, doesn't it?" He said as he leaned down to kiss her.

"I wish I could stay here all night with you." She sighed as they parted.

"Me too, but at least you're here for now." Theon said, standing to turn off the light and leaving just a lamp at the bedside on. Sansa took this moment to slide under the comforter and Theon joined her.

As soon as he was next to her Theon pulled Sansa into him and his mouth was on hers. It started soft and sweet but it began to transform into something more hungry and intense. Sansa let a single moan escape her as Theon trailed kisses down her jaw and onto her neck. Before she knew it- he was on top of her and she was tugging at his shirt. Piece by piece they shed their clothes and Theon was reaching for a condom.

Sansa's whole body wanted every inch of him. They had only been intimate but once and it had felt like years have passed since then. Theon positioned himself between Sansa's legs, he realized she was more than ready as he slid into her. He set the pace slow and steady but it didn't last very long. Sansa rolled them over to where she was on top. Theon tried to hide his surprise as she began grinding her hips against him.

He couldn't keep his hands off of her as she rocked back and forth in his lap. His hands rested on her breast as he gently massaged them, making sure to run his thumbs over her nipples which earned him a moan from her. Eventually, he let his hands drop to her hips as she continued to ride him. Theon couldn't stop thinking how lucky he was as he watched her.

"Theon I think I'm close." She moaned out softly with her eyes closed, her hips were grinding harder down on him and he was starting to feel his end as well.

"Keep going baby, just like that." He moaned out as his hands help rock her against him as he began bucking his hips up into her. "Just like that princess."

The moment he felt her body shudder and tense up he lost all of his control. She rode out the end of her orgasm breathless and eyes shut tight. It was a sight he would never forget. He leaned forward and kissed her as he took her face in his hands. Pulling back ever so slightly he met her eyes. They were deep and blue like the water he loved so much. Her face was what his dreams were made of. In that moment, he wanted to tell her just how much he cared about her but his own insecurities were holding him back. Theon knew he would never deserve someone like Sansa. He wasn't going to risk it by saying three words that could make her feel like this was too much.

"You're so beautiful." Is what he said instead with just as much truth. She blushed and smiled at him.

"You're beautiful too." She said as she kissed his nose.

They laid in his bed for awhile naked and exposed, holding each other and just catching up on the past month or so they had been apart. Eventually, they dressed and Theon kissed her before she snuck out of his room and back upstairs. All Theon could think about for the rest of the night was how his sheets smelled like roses and how much he wished she could have stayed. How he wished he could say those three words to her but wasn't brave enough.