It was the last night all the Starks would be under the same roof for quite some time. Robb and Jon would be leaving tomorrow to resume their classes at the University of the Vale, their father had gone there before he joined the military and came back a hometown hero and soon elected Mayor. Catelyn had been hoping Robb would go to her alma mater the University of the Riverlands, but the Vale had more things Robb wanted. Robb wanted to go into politics like his father had done and Jon, their cousin/adoptive brother wanted to go into law. Like a good mother, Catelyn supported the choice. She still had hopes for the other children. Particularly Sansa, who was entering her last year of boarding school and would be applying for colleges. Only problem is, she had no idea what she wanted to do. She was going to make the best of her last year at King's Landing Academy where she has met and made so many close friends.

Tonight that didn't matter. All Sansa cared about was all the fun the night would hold. Bonfires at the Stark's large home was always a guaranteed good time. Their home would technically be considered a mansion though it wasn't as big as the Tyrell's Highgarden home or the Lannister's giant mansion. But it was still quite a home with its modern farmhouse exterior and the great woods that surrounded it. It was a northern dream. Despite Catelyn being busy as an assistant to Ned's political career, she kept quite a home. Always clean but yet lived in. She made sure it felt like a home to her family and whatever strays they brought in. Their house was always the house to be at.

So it was no surprise that they had quite a bit of friends over for the final bonfire of the summer. In usual Sansa style, she had spent the better part of her day planning the perfect outfit for the night. Clothes were tossed all out on her blush colored duvet. There were even some that had fallen onto her grey faux fur rug where Lady laid and watched her.

"Sansa," Arya called out as she barged into her room. "Sansa I need to borrow a sweater or something."

"Why? What is wrong with all of yours?" She furrowed her brow as she tried on yet another top.

"They are all either dirty, covered in Nymeria's hair, or they have holes in them."

Sansa rolled her eyes and walked over to her bed and tossed a few pieces of clothing aside until she found a cardigan she was willing to let her sister borrow. It was a long maroon one. She threw it towards her sister who held it out to examine it.

"Thanks." She said as she slid it over her tiny frame. The girl was dressed in mostly dark colors as usual. A dark grey tank top and black skinny jeans with her tattered and beat up black converse. "Are you done trying on option 80?"

"It isn't option 80." She replied as she slid out of the top she had on and picked up the white v-neck from the bed. "It's option 90."

"Gods, Sansa!" Arya exclaimed rolling her eyes. "It's a bonfire, not your wedding day."

"I won't have any fun if I don't like what I am wearing, you know that." She explained as she checked out her new outfit in the mirror. The white v-neck was a choice she was happy with and she tucked it into her high rise denim shorts. She still needed an extra layer for when it got colder.

"Why don't you you go with that beige one?" Arya mindlessly suggested while staring at the screen of her phone. Sansa shrugged and decided why not. Pulling the oversized and long beige cardigan on she was a little shocked that Arya's suggestion worked. The girl was all dark and grunge while Sansa was the opposite.

"Sansa! Arya!" They heard their mother call from down stairs. "Come help your brothers set up!"

"Coming!" Arya yelled loudly back.

The girl stepped out onto the back patio both carrying snacks to set on the outside table. They had things for smores, chips, dips, you name it they had it. Robb was filling the coolers with all sorts of beverages and beer while Jon and her father were getting the fire started out further in the yard. Their friends would start showing up any minute and it was almost sunset time.

Margaery showed up first with Loras and Renly in tow. The latter two had recently become a couple over the summer and you could just tell that they were made for eachother. Sansa was happy for Loras, he was a good friend of hers and she sometimes would laugh at herself for not seeing it sooner. Gods, she even had a crush on him at one point.

A few other northerners showed up as well as Meera and Jojen Reed who Bran spent most of his time with. If Sansa didn't know better she would think Bran and Meera had something between them. Bran would never catch on that a girl liked him though. He always said he had given up on that aspect since he fell from a tree and lost the use of his legs. Meera, however, was always there to assist him at school and during their time home.

Jon had put some music on a bluetooth speaker. It was something indie/alternative as usual with the occasional folky sounding song. Everyone was gathered near the fire either snacking on food, roasting smores, or drinking.

"Where's Theon?" Jon asked Robb as he sipped a beer. Sansa was sitting on the ground in front of Margaery who was intertwining her locks of long red hair into a braid.

"He was on his way last I talked to him and I think Gendry is coming with him." He replied trying to stay clear of Arya who was waving her stick with a flaming marshmallow on the end.

"Gendry? What's he doing way up here?" Jon asked surprised.

"I've a better question. Who the hell is Gendry?" Margaery asked annoyed. She had just finished Sansa's braid and Sansa was admiring it and took a seat on the log next to her friend.

Jon and Robb shared a look before Robb sighed and took a sip from his beer bottle.

"Don't bring it up." He warned looking specifically at Margaery. She gave him a grin.

"Why would you ever think I would." She teased with a hint of flirtation.

The corner of Robb's mouth turned up into a smile. "I'm just saying."

"Well on with already, we are the only two even listening." Sansa complained impatiently.

"Very well-" Robb went to continue.

"Robert's his dad but no one knows because if they did Cersei would have a fit if people knew that Robert was unfaithful to her." Jon cut in. They just stayed silent.

"Right," Robb went on. "Which is why I said don't mention it because it is a bit of a touchy subject. He grew up in a neighboring area that was poor and his mom worked all sorts of jobs to support them which why he was up here with Theon working so he could afford school."

"Well I won't say anything." Arya's voice cut in. Everyone jumped. Jon spilled his beer and Margaery had her hand over her chest.

"Gods, Arya!" Sansa screamed. "You can't sneak up on people like that!" The girl just giggled and scampered off towards Meera and Bran.

"That is some serious skill." Margaery stated as they watched her run off.

Not too much later Theon came waltzing out the sliding door with another guy who had black hair beside him. Robb and Jon rose from their seats to go greet their friends.

"He's kind of cute. He for sure is Robert's son." Margaery smiled. "They look alike. You know, if Robert was still young, in shape, and actually good looking I suppose."

Sansa nodded her head in agreement. The four boys returned to the fire and took a seat. Gendry introduced himself to the girls and when Arya joined them to investigate the new comer it did not go undetected by Sansa the intrigue that filled Arya's eyes as she looked over Gendry. She observed her sister and smiled to herself at the thought of Arya "I'm never going to waste my time on a guy" Stark actually thinking a boy was cute.

The night wrapped up with most everyone leaving with the exception of Theon and Gendry who were going to leave around the same time as Robb and Jon tomorrow. They finished cleaning up the yard like their parents had asked of them and it went rather okay despite Theon throwing empty cans at Sansa. He could be such a pest at times, but she was used to it. His home life was not the greatest. His sister was older and moved away to travel which left him with his dad who was the crankiest man to ever live and treated his only son like crap. Putting him down and calling him a disappointment and that he would never make anything of himself. Theon spent most of his life with the Starks. He and Robb became friends when they were young boys and Theon would spend summers with the Stark Family. It was all Ned could do since there was no way in hell Balon Greyjoy would give up his son to another. It was like Sansa had five brothers rather than three. Theon was essentially adopted by the Starks and Jon was adopted legally. He never knew his father and his mother, Sansa's aunt Lyanna, died giving birth to him. Ned Stark could never turn his back on someone who needed him.

It was just past midnight, Ned and Catelyn were already in bed and so were Bran and Rickon. All the Stark dogs were spread out throughout the home asleep in random spots. Sansa, Arya, Robb, Jon, Gendry, and Theon in respective order were taking up all three of the couches in the living room. They had the leftover snacks sprawled out over the acacia coffee table and Sansa and Arya were curled up with a white knitted throw blanket while they all argued over what movie to watch. Jon had lit the fireplace as Theon shouted for him to move out of the way o the TV that hung above the fireplace.

While Robb skimmed over the options of movies and everyone shouted their objections to each suggestion, Sansa felt her phone vibrate. She pulled it out and instantly smiled. It was a text from Joffrey, they had been texting all summer and she was excited to see him back at school.

Joffrey: Can't wait to see you tomorrow ;)

Sansa: One more night!(:

They continued to text a little more until Arya snatched her phone away.


Sansa reached out to grab her phone back but Arya was quicker and already across the room reading her texts.

"Arya stop!" Sansa shrieked and chased her around the living room. The two stark girls were tumbling and fighting within seconds until Theon and Jon pulled them apart.

Jon picked up Arya effortlessly and snagged the phone from her. Theon was holding back Sansa who was still trying to break free to get at her sister. Wow, Theon smells better than I thought he would. Sansa thought to herself as Theon held her tightly against him. Once she stopped struggling he let her go.

"Will you two knock it off before dad comes down here!" Robb demanded.

"Sansa likes Joffrey!" As soon as the words left Arya's mouth Sansa's cheeks turned bright red. Theon's laughter is what she heard first.

"Joffrey? As in Joffrey Baratheon?" He asked amused. Robb and Jon didn't look amused. Her brothers didn't like the eldest Baratheon child. They had never gotten along in the past when Robert was alive and he and their dad would make the families gather for big dinners at their mansion.

"Sansa, anyone but Joffrey." Jon's displeased look echoed in his voice.

"I don't see the problem." She said smugly and took her spot back on the couch.

"He's a little bitch boy." Theon chuckled.

"No he isn't!" She defended her crush. "He's captain of the soccer team this year."

"Only because his mother paid someone to do that." Arya spat. Arya noticed how Gendry had been quiet. "Why don't we just forget we ever learned this awful information and put on a scary movie?"

"I don't think anything could be scarier than this." Theon smirked. Sansa threw a pillow across the room and nailed him in the face with it and he just continued to laugh.

The next morning the Stark along with Theon and Gendry gathered around the kitchen island and the giant wooden dining table eating the big breakfast Catelyn had served up. Sansa ate her food quitely, still annoyed from the night before. Plus, breakfast was loud enough with the boys discussing school and Robb's suddenly revealing that Jon had met a girl over the summer that he hasn't asked out yet.

"Why haven't you Jon?" Ned asked. Jon blushed from having the attention on him.

"Well, she's from even more north than here and she is going to school out here." He began. "I don't want to start something and then leave."

The conversation went on with Arya saying how he could make it work and Robb teasing Jon. Sansa just rolled her eyes and continued eating when she noticed Theon who was sitting across from her was looking at her.

"What?" She asked irritated and anticipating something either smart or inappropriate from his mouth.


"Just what?" She pressed.

"Just be careful with Joffrey." He said quietly.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused by his words.

"I just mean be careful, people talk."

It was a little after breakfast now and all the kids were getting ready to depart. Catelyn had hugged and kissed all the kids fifty times at least, she did this every time. The boys were joking about racing to school which earned them a stern look from Catelyn. Ned loaded up the last of the bags in their SUV as Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon piled in the car. As they drove off Catelyn stood in front of their home waving goodbye with the dogs running around the yard.

Sansa put her headphones in and tried to nap for most of the ride. Rickon and Arya were arguing about something stupid and Bran had his nose buried in a book. Sansa was excited for her last year at school and also excited to see Joffrey. Excited for all the possibilities the year held. She looked out the window and took in the last glances of the northern terrain she wouldn't see again until holiday break.