A/N: Hello there! I'm here with another Gamer fic that came to mind a few weeks ago! I've been writing it for awhile, and have a few chapters already written, but I'll be releasing them slowly, so I have time to always be ahead.

This is a story about a Saiyan boy who randomly gets the Gamer ability. But with no video games on Planet Vegeta, he has absolutely no idea what's going on. Here's his adventures! I hope you enjoy.

Also, this is obviously AU! Haven't quite decided if canon events will happen like they did, but probably not!

Chapter 1: Game of Life

"Sprout, shut the fuck up about your video games nonsense, or I'm going to break your neck."

Well, I guess it wasn't a puberty thing, then.

I took a solid bite out of the giant dinosaur leg in my hand, devouring it in a few bites. I reached for a second dinosaur leg and took a solid bite into it, determined to devour as much as I could.

HP Restored by 20% Due To Eating Well Cooked Food

At this rate, I would never know what the hell stuff like that meant.

When I woke up this morning, the world was slightly different then before. Most importantly, these weird blue boxes kept popping up all around the place. When I woke up in the morning, there was a huge box that said the words 'welcome to the Video Game of Life'. And all day, I've been trying to figure out what a video game actually was.

So far, no luck.

"Sprout's going crazy! Maybe it's because it took him so long to destroy that weakling civilization!" My brother, who was sitting next to me on the table began to laugh harshly, tearing into his own piece of meat.

Annoying Older Brother

Brussel - Level 10

Reputation: 500/1000 Disliked

"Shut the fuck up. I bet you wouldn't be able to purge a planet if you didn't have a whole squadron behind you!" I growled back at him. I couldn't help myself. Even though I knew how he'd react.

Knowing the fist was going to hit me didn't really help the impact. I was launched off of my seat on the table and into the wall of the dining room, and didn't have much time to dodge as Brussel got on top of me and hit me again.

Little writing was popping up but I didn't have a chance to read it as I was being pummeled.

"Low class scum like you shouldn't talk back to elite warriors!" Brussel replied as he pounded my face in a few times. I tried to defend against him, but it wasn't much use. I just had to grit my teeth through the pain.

"Go on Brussel, kick his ass!" A smaller boy ran into the room, flipping and landing on the table. I was forced to look in his direction as a hard punch forced my neck to turn.

Petulant Little Brother

Tuunip - Level 6

Reputation: 800/1000 Dislike

"Get off the kitchen table, brat!" A loud and much deeper voice, shouted from the table, causing Tuunip to jump off the table quickly and rush over to watch the fight from up close.

Of course my Dad wouldn't care when I was getting all of my teeth bashed in. I was surprised it wasn't him giving the beating today, considering my blabbering on about this stupid video game thing. He was the one that threatened to break my neck earlier.

Disappointed Father

Omato - Level ?

Reputation: 100/500 Heavily Disliked

I didn't need to see the floating thing to know that he was disappointed in me. After all, I was a low class warrior in an otherwise high ranked family.

Brussle was an elite-class Saiyan, and a strong one at that. Even Tuunip was born with a projection rate of having a pretty high power level when he was an adult. They believed that he'd be placed him in 1st-class, just below Elite. To make matters worse, my newest siblings, who were still in their birthing pods, had power levels that would land them in high classes too.

I, on the other hand, was born with a power level that was quite pathetic. It was especially embarrassing for my parents, if I recall him correctly, because my brother was so much more promising than I 'would ever be'.

So I was sent away, just like all the other low class children. I was lucky, though, landing on a planet with low level life forms. It still took me years and years to get back, unfortunately. They were easy enough to kill as I grew older and more accustomed to using my superior strength and ki, but there was a lot of them. Way too many.

Each Saiyan pod that is sent out with a low class child in it, is programmed in a specific way so that they can't return to Planet Vegeta unless there is absolutely no life forms left. Not one.

I was already 12 years old when I finally managed to get back to my people.

Something like that is usually unheard of. Typically, lower class children that are sent on purging mission are killed off before they can return. Either that, or they destroy most of the life forms within their first few years, and then return home.

My family had forgotten about me entirely, and were even disgusted that I'd taken so long to purge the planet. In my mother's own words, "you're barely a Saiyan if you took that long to purge a single planet."

But I was a Saiyan. And I was going to prove it to them one day.

My thoughts were interrupted by a fist coming into my line of sight and hitting me hard enough for everything to go black.

I groggily faded back into consciousness, finding myself laying on the living room floor staring at the ceiling. I could feel a sticky substance covering me, recognizing it as blood, but strangely, I didn't feel as hurt as usual.

You've Slept On The Floor! Health Restored by 75%!

I stood up and murmured to myself, trying my best to ignore the weird blue box in front of me. I reached up to touch my face, and was surprised that most of the cuts on my face from Brussels assault was healed. Weirdly enough, there was still blood on my face… Did they put me in a rejuvenating tank? No they couldn't have, or else I would have woken up in one… Not like they would have put me in one for such a small beating, anyway.


A skill has been created due to a painful beating!

A skill has leveled up!

Pain Tolerance (Level 2 - 10.5%) Due to getting hit a lot, you're starting to get used to the pain! Soon enough, you won't feel it much at all!


You've gained a small Zenkai Boost (0.1) due to getting knocked unconscious in a fight.


I heard my stomach grumble and frowned, instantly pissed off that my breakfast was interrupted. I looked back into the kitchen, only to find that my breakfast was gone. That was expected. I guess I'd have to go get some food on my own.

I grumbled to myself in irritation as I made my way out of the house, slamming the door behind me. As soon as I looked up at the people walking by, I was overwhelmed by the amount of blue boxes floating over everyone's head.

It was quite interesting to see all of the words, even if I didn't know what exactly any of it meant. Why were some people a higher level then others? What was a level?

Could other people see this stuff? Unlikely. My Father didn't seem to have any idea what I was talking about when I asked about it this morning.. Repeatedly.

Maybe the civilization that I destroyed really did do something to my brain while I was there? If so, I'd better not ask anyone else about this video game stuff… They'd just call me weak for getting my head 'messed up' by weaklings.

My stomach growling again brought me back to real life. I needed to get some food. What did I want to eat though? Chicken? Fish? Hmm.. Fish sounded good.

Quest Alert

Go hunting for a big enough fish to satisfy your hunger!

Time Limit: None

Reward: 150 EXP, Fish

Failure: Starvation

Accept / Deny

"Accept, I guess?" I said as I looked down at the weird new box that appeared in front of me. The box disappeared as soon as I spoke the words and I sighed.

A reward? Hmm… I wonder what experience meant?


Experience: By completing quests/missions and winning fights, you gain experience points! Enough experience points and you'll go up a level! A high level usually means a stronger opponent. Levels are also an important factor in how high your Power Level is.

Oh? Experience could help me get my power level higher? Well, that didn't sound too bad at all! I mean, if this all was real and not in my head. And apparently the word 'quest' was another word for mission. That explained that, at least.

So this was almost like another form of training? It seemed like it. If this thing was right, maybe I'd able to catch up to my little brother at least. Then I wouldn't be looked down on like trash anymore. Maybe if I raised my power level enough, I'd get a higher status!


Status Sheet

Name: Sprout

Occupation: Gamer

Level: 1 (0/2000)

Race: Saiyan

Age: 13

HP: 1,400

Ki: 723

Strength: 7

Endurance: 10

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 8

Luck: 8

Energy Modification Level: 3.1

Points: 0

Power Level: 217

What the hell?

I took a step back and scrutinized the box that just appeared in front of me. A status sheet? Why did it just appear? Something clicked in my mind and I had an idea. It must have been because I said the word status. Maybe? That was the closest I was going to get to an answer, anyways.

Was the sheet right? Or was it all made up by my imagination? I took a step towards it again and narrowed my eyes at it.

Well.. It certainly got my power level right. Disappointing. It was a few points higher, but I figured that was about right, considering the zenkai I would have gotten this morning.

My strength was 7? I'm guessing that was really bad. I wasn't sure, since I couldn't really compare it with anything, because I couldn't see other people's numbers. Or could I?

I felt a sudden pang of pain and mumbled under my breath. I could figure it out another time. I needed to go find some food or I was going to pass out… Again.

I was ready. This fish would be an easy catch! I hope…

I floated above the surface of the pink lake, carefully watching the creatures that were swimming underneath, while also ignoring the notifications telling me that my ki was draining away because I was flying.. I'd been watching one specific fish. It cast a huge shadow on the top of the lake, but that only made me even more eager to catch and eat it.

"Alright, here goes!" I urged myself on, before clenching my fists and taking a very deep breath. I stopped the ki flow that was allowing me to fly, letting gravity drag me down at high speeds into the cold water. As soon as I felt my whole body submerge, I ignited my ki again, propelling myself right in the direction that the fish was a second ago.

The water was extremely cold, despite the warm temperature of the planet. Planet Vegeta was almost always warm, but yet, the lakes always stayed cold. I liked it much better than the planet that I grew up on, though. It was always dark and cold there. That was partially why I didn't have much any trouble looking through the dark water around me as I approached the fish.

Night vision LVL MAX (Max/Active) - Due to constant straining of your eyes in a dark world, your eyes have adjusted to pure darkness. Your visibility in the dark is 100% accurate.

I ignored the notification as I finally reached the fish. I swam faster and propelled myself with ki, slamming into the side of the fish with both of my fists.

-400 HP

Huh? I didn't have much time to think about the weird box when said fish swiveled around in the gloomy depth, stirring up a cloud of bubbles. Strangely enough, the rapid movement allowed me to get a proper view of it.

It was about twice the size of an adult Saiyan, and much wider than that. Both of its eyes were milky white, which told me that it was blind. It was a dark shade of red, and unfortunately, it had extremely sharp teeth.

As I prepared for the fish to react, I noticed a small blue box above it's head too.

Giglamarina Fish - Level 5

HP: 1600/2000

Description: A species of large growing aquatic life. They're similar to the Piranhas of Earth, but much, much larger, and much more dangerous.

Power Level: 200

What's Earth? I didn't have much time to think about it, before the Giglamarina swam through the water and crashed into my body.

-300 HP

Ouch, I guess HP meant my health. The fish didn't stop there, though. It knew that it definitely had the size advantage and decided that the best way to kill me was to drown me by pushing me further down into the lake.

Crap! Crap! I was pressed up against the creatures face, unable to move much due to the speed in which we were travelling. I could see the surface above me becoming more and more dark…

I was not going to die like this! I was going to die like a true Saiyan warrior, in the heat of battle!

I could see the Giglamarina's milky right eye not too far from me, and quickly scooter myself closer. When I was close enough, I raised my hand above the eye and a ball of bluish energy formed.


Skill Created!

Ki Ball (LVL 1 - 0%/Active): Ki Ball is a very simple energy based attack, yet it is very useful. The base cost can be whatever you want. The amount of ki that you put into it equals the amount of damage that the attack will do! Be warned! The more Ki that you use, the slower the ki ball will be!

I slammed the ball of energy into the fish's eyeball, digging as far as I could into the flesh before letting it explode. Green blood sprayed through the water and the Giglamarina reeled, throwing me off of it.

- 600 HP

Critical Hit!

-300 HP

I was proud of my handiwork, as the monster thrashed in the water in front of me. But I was losing breath, so I needed to end this quickly. However, when I got ready to throw another ki ball, the fish suddenly blitzed towards me, opening its large mouth and catching my leg.

-500 HP

Sharp teeth sunk down hard into my leg, burying itself up to my bone. I screamed out in pain, before realizing my mistake. Water flooded into my lungs, choking me within a second of my mouth opening.

I needed to do something now!

The fish opened its mouth, probably intending to bite back down on my leg and cut it right off, but I had other plans. When I saw it's mouth opened, I formed a ki ball as quickly as I could, dashing it into the creatures mouth.

Giglamarina Fish Defeated!

+200 XP Earned!

Quest Complete!

+150 XP earned!


I quickly swam to the surface of the lake to spit out the water that was clogging my lungs. I felt a little dazed from the fight, but I was feeling better every second. Once I managed to catch a big enough breath, I swam back down and dragged the dead fish up to the surface with me.

"That was intense…" I mumbled to myself after about ten minutes of resting up. My leg still stung, but I figured that it was worth as I looked downat the dead fish that was laying on the bank of the lake with me. Now, all I'd have to do is bring it to town and trade it in for a huge meal. Or at least that was the plan until I saw three shadows hovering in the air above me.

"Aww, did little Sprout catch a fish? Such a big accomplishment!" The sarcastic voice that I wanted to hear least of all, rung in my ears. I cursed to myself before I looked up.

Three Saiyan teens flew above me, looking down at me with large grins. The one in the center had long black hair that reached his lower back, and dark eyes to match. He was the ringleader of this little group, and they always seemed to find me at the worst times.

Talented Fighter

Cauliflo - Level 7

Reputation: 0/1000 Disliked

"Are you proud of yourself? For catching such a small fish? How long did it take you? 10 minutes? 20?" Cauliflo asked me as his grin widened. They slowly hovered downwards until they landed on the ground a few feet away from me.

"Considering how weak he is, he's probably been out here all morning!" The teen on his left chuckled, much to my annoyance. He had a clean bald head, with thick brown eyebrows.

Faithful Follower

Picklu - Level 6

Reputation: 0/1000 Disliked

"Is that true, weakling Sprout? Have you been here all morning?" The boy on the other side of Cauliflo asked me, although he knew the answer anyways. His hair was a brown Mohawk.

Muscular Bonehead

Taro - Level 5

Reputation: 0/1000 Disliked

"Fuck off already! I just wanted to get some lunch!" I growled at them, forcing myself to my feet. The pain in my leg wasn't too bad, but it wouldn't work very well in a fight. Not like fighting these guys would be much of a fight anyways. My power level was just too low.

"Yeah, I can just imagine the meal that I'll be able to get for something that big." Cauliflo took a deep breath as if his mind was wandering somewhere else, before he looked back down at my fish. I took a step in front of it and narrowed my eyes dangerously.

"I think the weakling wants to fight, Cauliflo!" Taro began to laugh, which quickly spread throughout the group. I stood in defiance and frustration. I wasn't going to let them take my food without a fight, dammit!

"Is that true? You want to fight, huh?" Cauliflo laughed at me, his voice bellowing into the surrounding area. I growled in anger as they all insulted my pride. I'd get them back for this.

"Picklu, show that pathetic excuse of a Saiyan the power of a second class warrior." Cauliflo ordered the smaller boy, who nodded enthusiastically and turned to me. "Don't go easy on him, but don't kill him."

I threw up my fighting stance as quickly as I could, but even that wasn't quick enough. Picklu dashed at me and was on me in a moment. I couldn't react fast enough to dodge the punch that rocked my cheek and sent me tumbling over the carcass of the fish and onto my back.

-600 HP!

He really was going easy on me, and it was really pissing me off! I knew his power level, and if he really wanted to, he could have crushed my head into paste with that punch. The fact that he didn't was a massive insult! How dare he?!

Still, that punch was enough to almost knock me out completely. I could feel myself slipping into unconsciousness. It didn't help that he decided to pick this fight right after I almost got eaten by a fish.

I tried to stand up but fell onto one knee. God damn it! I saw Picklu jump over the fish, and then felt his foot collide with my shoulder a moment later. I fell back to the ground, not having enough in me to even notice how much HP that I'd lost.

"Do you understand how weak you are? You're nothing to us." Picklu's voice rang through my ears. I couldn't even open my mouth to respond, even though I desperately wanted to curse him out.

"Alright, I'll carry the fish back. Taro come with me. And Picklu…" Cauliflo's voice in the background felt unreal. "Make sure that he won't be walking anytime soon."

My eyes widened in alarm, and then pain exploded through my legs. The last thing that I heard before I fell into unconsciousness was my pained howling.

You've Slept in a Medical Machine! Health Restored to 100%! Your broken bones have been mended!

You've gained a decent Zenkai Boost (2) due to healing from two completely broken legs! Your burning anger, hurt pride and strong desire to get stronger increased the Zenkais effects!

I opened my eyes and found myself covered in green liquid. It completely surrounded me, and I probably would have panicked if it wasn't for what I'd just read in front of me. My eyes began to adjust to the liquid and soon I was able to see out of the machine.

I was surprised to see Tuunip waiting on the other side, his arms crossed over his chest and an irritated expression on his face. The liquid drained off of my body and the door swung open in front of me.

I sure did feel great! And maybe it was my imagination, but I felt even stronger then before. It felt like there was more energy inside of me than ever before! It was amazing!

"What are you smiling about? You got your ass kicked by someone who's barely a 2nd class!" Tuunip hissed at me, which caught my attention pretty quickly.

"You would have got flattened too, you little punk. They had a power level higher then you do." I shot back at him. His lips turned upwards into a smug smirk and he chuckled.

"I'm not lower than them by much, and I'm only 7. By the time I'm their age, I'll be much stronger then they are now. Unlike you." He bragged confidently. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists.

"Why are you here anyways? And how did I get in a medical machine?" I snapped at him.

"I'm the one who put you in here." He responded. My eyes to widen for a moment in shock, and then he opened his mouth to continue. "Don't even think that it's because I like you. I just couldn't let my older brother die like a pathetic weakling. I'd get picked on forever."

Ah. Now that made sense.

"Bastard." I said after hearing his reasoning. "One day, I'll be stronger than you. Then we'll see who the pathetic weakling really is."

"It's kinda sad that you're threatening a 7 year old, don't you think? Just shows how weak you really are." Tuunip shrugged to himself, before turning away from me and walking out of the room. His tail swung around in the air behind him, and I resisted the urge to yank at it. I opted to just stared at him as he walked out.


Skill Created!

Observe (LVL 1 - 0%/Active) - Through continuous observation, you've created a skill that will allow you to gather information quickly about a person or an object. The higher the skill, the more information that you'll be able to obtain.


Petulant Little Brother

Tuunip - Level 6

Age: 7

HP: 16,800

KI: 33,600

Reputation: 0/1000 Neutral

Description: Born with an impressive power level, he is projected to be in a high rank when he is reaches adulthood. He's one of the best fighters his age on Planet Vegeta.

Currently is alarmed but intrigued about your sudden boost in power level.

Power Level: 1,680

Well damn. Those numbers were big… His health (if HP meant health) was 16 times mine, and his Ki was way more then mine. Was that just because he was a higher level then me? Or were there other factors involved?

Wait, he was intrigued by my power level?

What kind of zenkai did I just receive?! I looked around the room, trying to find that weird thing box that had showed me my power level earlier. What was it called again? A status sheet?


Status Sheet

Name: Sprout

Occupation: Gamer

Level: 1 (350/2000)

Race: Saiyan

Age: 13

HP: 1,400

Ki: 1,190

Strength: 7

Endurance: 10

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 8

Luck: 8

Energy Modification Level: 5.1

Points: 0

Power Level: 357

Holy crap! My power level almost increased by more than 100 just from that one zenkai! That was great! It looked like my energy modification level thing went up by the exact amount of zenkai that the blue box said that I received. So I figured that zenkais were counted into energy modification.

Either way, that was incredible! No wonder I felt stronger when I got out of the tank!

Why hadn't I been receiving zenkai boosts like this before? I mean, on the planet that I purged, they physically couldn't damage me much at all; but I'd been beaten up plenty of times while back on Planet Vegeta! I wasn't quite sure what was going on, but I liked it.

Maybe I'd even be able to get into 2nd class? I'd need a minimum of 1000 in power level, but now I might be able to pull it off!

What was that thing that the game said about experience? It helped me to level up, and the higher level usually meant the stronger the person… I'd need to get some experience too… As well as a few more zenkai.

"Brat! It's time for dinner!" My Father's voice called from elsewhere in the house, and I nodded my head, an ecstatic smile on my face. Getting zenkai boosts would be like stealing candy from a baby…