Black roses are symbols featured in fiction with many different meanings and titles.

Whether a dark red variety or artificially colored, generally they represent death, farewells and endings.

In some forms it can be seen as manipulation, tragic romance and rebirth.

"Okay, so I think I finally have the theme for the Homecoming dance, you're going to love it!" April Young exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly to draw attention to her poster board. "How about, A Night in Paris? It's simple, classy-"

"And incredibly overdone and basic." Caroline interrupted the girl's pitch with an annoyed huff.

In about a month the Whitmore Academy for the Supernaturally Gifted were putting on their annual homecoming dance.

The boarding school housed a variety of species of young supernatural students such as: vampires, witches, werewolves, sirens and banshees. Every year a different faction organized and hosted the most highly anticipated event of the school year: the Homecoming dance. Their backwards school system worked backwards than regular schools i.e. their football season was during their second semester when the school year was at its most chaotic. It was already late January. Witches were in charge for this year's and Caroline Forbes was determined to make it count. She had been looking forward to planning this event since her freshman year. As not only the star student in her division but also leader of the on-campus coven, naturally did she take the reigns as head of the committee. There was no one more ambitious and precise with an intimidating legacy to follow, which meant everything had to be perfect. Unfortunately Caroline caught herself in the shambles of anxiety, still contemplating on a damn theme and her team was no help with little to no time.

April fidgeted with her fingers and gulped at Caroline's obvious disapproval. "Um, right. Uh-okay how about Under the Sea?"

"Pass! My god April can you think of anything that doesn't automatically make me want to rip my hair out!" Caroline yelled throwing her arms up in hastily.

The other girl's mouth opened and closed, scared to say anything else that might cause her to be kicked off the committee or simply anger their leader.

"How-how about-"

"How about, we take a break and reconvene later?" Bonnie suggested much to both April and Caroline's relief.

Quickly nodding, the distraught witch grabbed her purse off the table and rushed out the classroom without giving the flustered blonde another glance.

"What?" Caroline asked innocently.

"You didn't have to be mean, Care. That girl literally worships the ground you walk on and now she's terrified to even look at you." Bonnie laughed while gathering her bags as well.

"She does not, and it wasn't intentional. All her ideas were just terrible. What did you want me to do, lie?"

"No, but you didn't have to be a bitch either. Why did you ask for her input anyways if you were going to shut everything down?"

Caroline scoffed. "Because I'm a fair leader, and as a leader I at least owe it to the rest to at least hear suggestions. Considering how angry you all were last time I planned something without you."

"Knowing you'd make the final decision anyways no matter what we say. Very considerate." Bonnie said sarcastically as they walked towards the exiting door.


It's not like Caroline ever denied she was a control freak; a firm believer in doing things on her own if she wanted it to be proper.

Sighing, Caroline pulled her blonde curls to one side. "Look, I'm sorry Bonnie. I just have a lot to get done in so little time, and having one less thing on my to-do list would be great."

Her friend sighed sympathetically and reached out to bring Caroline in for a hug. A much needed one.

The two witches had been friends for what seemed like the beginning of time. They were a dynamic duo. Powerful, beautiful and popular. Rarely did they have fights or harsh disagreements, and if so they always made up in the end. They were always each other's comfort blanket, from complicated boy choices to invasive parents.

"You're gonna get through this, you always do, and it's going to be the best dance this school has ever seen." She reassured. "If anyone is capable of having a whole plate of tasks and ridding all of them with flying colors, it's Caroline Forbes." Bonnie praised with a comforting smile as she pulled away.

Caroline struggled to return the expression.

Maybe she was a bit over ambitious this school year. She had piles on piles of extracurricular activities as well as a heavy class schedule with even more difficult spells to learn for finals. But Caroline was determined to make her last year the best, even if that meant she stressed herself out till the end.

Weakly smiling back at her friend, she swung her bag over her shoulder and interlocking their arms. "Bonnie Bennett, my favorite motivator and enabler. I'd be lost without you."

Bonnie laughed, flipping her chocolate brown waves that matched her brown skin. "Yeah, yeah I'm a saint. Let's go the cafeteria before the lunch hour is over. I'm in need of a brownie fix before practice."

"Aren't we all." Caroline agreed as her stomach grumbled in hunger.

"Heads up!"

Caroline head quickly turned hearing Tyler's alarm, with her face nearly colliding with the football he threw across the cafeteria. Muttering a deflation spell under her breath caused the ball and Tyler's smile to fall.

It landed flatly in front of the lunch table she occupied.

"Seriously!" She scowled.

Tyler laughed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I swear I was aiming towards Jeremy's head." He claimed nodding towards his friend.

"How about you not throw a football in a cafeteria at all, ever think about that?" Caroline snapped, turning back into her seat and ignoring the multitude of eyes focused on the scene she created.

The raven haired boy raised a brow sitting beside her on the lunch bench and scooting closer so his lips reached her ear.

"I'm sorry babe, okay?" He muttered, leaving a swift kiss on her cheek that effectively changed her mood.

Lunch hour was always the most chaotic time of the day but oddly organized.

Each group of supernatural creature sat with their own, very rarely interacting with the other species. Though all the students took a few general courses together and extracurricular activities, one would think they were all complete strangers. It was common knowledge to only interact with your own clique, no one ever questioned it because it was basically law.

Caroline was a rare one who had only one exception. Given that she was dating Tyler Lockwood, the alpha of his on-campus wolf pack, so maybe she wasn't completely prejudice.


There was only one group that she had zero tolerance for and despised from the rest; vampires.

Since childhood she, and basically every witch was taught that vampires were the root of evil, specifically towards witches. They not only made it a sport to kill their kind but also had been manipulating and stealing from them for centuries. Witches were seen as disposable. They were too trusting in the past, not realizing the demons that lured them into their demise. Every witch was raised the same and followed the same beliefs but this was an unforgivable rule to break.

Vampires were hated by most of the factions, but the main war was between the main forces. It irked Caroline that she had to share a space of education with them, just waiting for one to slip and kill-she wanted them to give her a reason to show them no mercy. Forced to attend classes together and other school events. She never interacted much with the group, just knew of a few by reputation alone. Most notoriously the Mikaelson family; specifically Klaus Mikaelson who was her same grade level. Leader of Whitmore's vampire faction and Caroline's enemy since day one who she currently caught intensely glaring at her from across the room.

Klaus Mikaelson.

His name alone said it all. The Mikaelson Family held a legacy at Whitmore academy, all the children attended the school except the youngest son. No one denied how incredibly gorgeous and wealthy the entire family was, but they also possessed a sinister reputation. Currently two out of Klaus's six siblings also attended the school but in different grade levels.

- As if this place needs more than one Mikaelson.

Klaus's parents were one of the school's biggest donors. They funded the brand new track/football field as well as the library. But not all their generous donations came from the warmness of their hearts. Mainly to keep Klaus from being kicked out of school due to his weekly visits to the headmistress' office for, sneaking off campus, feeding on other students and god knows why else.

Caroline had known him since she was 15, he was already a vampire by then. She never asked when he turned or how old he was, didn't see the point and they already hated each other from that first orientation. They not only ran with different crowds but Klaus was simply bad news. Even if he wasn't a vampire she wouldn't want to associate with him. Causing havoc and mischief throughout the school, probably killing in his free time and purposely trying to get a rise out of her whenever he could. She cringed at just the thought of him trying to speak to her.

Swirling a pencil between his finger and thumb, his vibrant blue eyes never left the back of her head. Caroline quickly looked away to turn back towards the people that actually mattered in her life. Tyler was talking but she barely payed attention. Heart racing and head clouded in confusion by the vampire's attention. She tried to act like she didn't sense his heavy stare but it was like a magnetic pull calling for her to look over at him again.

She did.

Clearing her throat, she slightly turned her head and was hit with the familiar chill.

The moment their blue eyes met fire ignited. From the tips of her fingers to her toes Caroline felt the intensity from his glare wash over her violently. His focus never faltered even as the redhead girl beside him moved in so she was resting underneath his arm over her shoulder.

Klaus didn't appear fazed as his fingers lazily drummed up and down the girl's bare arm as she whispered in his ear but he never faced her, still keeping his eye on the blonde witch across the way. His squint deepened and head tilted, like he was studying her.

Caroline swallowed when the corner of his lips twitched into a gentle smirk.

An uneasy vibe rushed over and she felt her spine was going to erupt from the chills racing over it.

It felt like they were the only two in the room.

-No, nope you're not. He's literally a parasite. Look away Caroline.

Listening to her conscience, she pressed her lips into a line and turned to Tyler with a grin.

"It's okay. Sorry, you're not doing anything wrong. I've just been really stressed lately, I'm taking it out on everyone." She pouted.

"Well is everything okay?" He asked worryingly.

She nodded with a smile. "There's just a lot with the dance and my studies but I'll get it done, I always do right?"

Tyler pecked her on the lips. "That's my girl. Come on, I'll walk you to practice."

"Such a gentleman, as if we both don't have practice at the same time in the same location." Caroline pointed out jokingly swinging her legs over the bench to stand up.

"Don't ruin it. I'm trying to be romantic." Tyler claimed with a wink.

Caroline giggled as he helped her out her seat and grabbed her books.

Waving goodbye to Bonnie and the rest of her coven, she interlocked fingers with Tyler's as she followed him towards the exit. For some reason she felt like all eyes were on her, failing to brush off the shivers from earlier.

Against her better judgment, Caroline couldn't resist sneaking a glance at the vampire's table and bewildered when Klaus Mikaelson was no longer in sight.

"5, 6, 7, 8...and 1!" Caroline snapped her fingers to each dance count her fellow cheerleaders were performing in front of her.

On top of all her other responsibilities of coven leader, head of student council etc., the tenacious blonde had also occupied the title of captain of the school's cheer team for the past two years. She took pride in the position even though it gave her no time fro a chance of rest-constantly keeping herself busy. The first football game of the semester was approaching and she was determined to get her girls in good shape before then.

A bigger challenge than anticipated.

She frustratedly groaned watching a few of the girls fumble several counts in the routine. Rubbing her forehead as if comforting the migraine she was sure to feel soon. Not being able to handle it anymore she abruptly ordered them all to stop.

"Stop. Just stop!" Caroline yelled before letting out a heavy sigh and clasping her hands together.

All the girls haulted, half out of breath and exhausted.

"Elena, sweetie I know you weren't able to learn all the new steps during Winter break so maybe just move to the back." She instructed.

The brunette witch scoffed. "Really Care?"

"It's nothing personal." She shrugged. "But you're literally missing every count, a lot of you are!" She glared as she paced. "Our first game is in a week, a week! and we're nowhere near prepared."

"Well maybe some would be more focused if Dana wasn't ogling the enemy." Bonnie commented, raising an eyebrow towards the bleachers.

Caroline creased her forehead in confusion until she looked for herself; her blood immediately coming to a boil when she saw him.

Damn you Mikaelson.

This was literally the last thing she needed.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before turning back towards her squad and flashing her signature smile.

"I'll be right back. Go over the routine again until you get it right, oh and Dana," Calling out the distracted girl. "Interrupt my practice with your googly eyes again, and consider your spot on the team revoked." Her smile as fake as her calmness.

Dana gulped and nodded in response before Caroline walked across the field towards the bleachers, towards him.

Her long legs illustrating determined strides and fueled by annoyance. For some reason she caught herself indirectly interacting with him more than usual. They rarely spoke to each other for the past four years and now she was seeing him more than once a day outside of classes.

It was ticking her off.

Finally landing at the bottom of the bleachers with hands on her hips and a crooked brow, Caroline tapped her foot on the turf impatiently.

Offended was an understatement as Klaus was still focused on whatever he was drawing in his sketchbook, not acknowledging the blonde's presence in front of him.

There was no way he didn't sense her standing there. Getting under her skin was his sport.

She dramatically coughed. "Excuse you?"

Caroline stood her ground as Klaus's head shot up and eyes finally met hers. He looked at her blankly and the corners of his mouth twitched as if he wanted to smile.

A familiar chill crept upon her as their mutual gaze held strong even when Klaus shifted in his seat. She ignored the way he slowly eyed her from her tank top down to her practice shorts and bare legs, then back up to her face. Caroline felt violated but said nothing. She refused to give him the satisfaction of a reaction.

He was obviously challenging her, he tend to do that a lot during their rare moments. His baby blues appeared innocent but reeked of sin. Piercing into hers effortlessly, pulling her in like a trance. Caroline would never admit how much it intimidated her.

After what felt like an eternity, Klaus spoke. "Sorry love, I didn't see you."

She huffed. "Yeah sure. I know your eyes work since they were practically burning a hole through my head earlier."

"So you did notice?" He teased raising a brow.

Caroline growled under her breath.

His smallest remarks made her want to gauge his eyes out.

God she hated him.

"What are you doing here?" She demanded.

His eyebrows pulled together. "Not sure what you mean, love."

"Don't call me that." She spat causing his sketching to cease. "I mean what are you doing here, on the bleachers during our time? This is a closed practice. No viruses allowed."

Klaus chuckled, cocking his head to the side. "Yet you're outside, on a public field..."

"We reserve this area for the same two hours, three times a week. Nothing's changed. That's been the schedule for the past four years."

"Oh I'm sorry. I never cared enough to memorize your schedule, princess." He placed his hand over his heart in fake sympathy. "Contrary to your belief the world doesn't revolve around Caroline Forbes and this field doesn't belong to you either."


She stopped herself mid sentence, stepping to the side when a few of the werewolf track stars made their rounds on the field passing them by. Flashing them an awkward smile Caroline stared into the distance, away from him tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She pretended to stretch by lifting one leg onto the railing and gracefully bowing her head till her forehead touched the knee. Quirking her head to the side, she lifted her upper body and the leg stretched atop the railing fell with ease when the runners were finally gone and she faced the vampire again.

Last thing Caroline wanted were rumors to circulate about her being associated with Klaus Mikaelson in any way.

Klaus observed the awkward moment and her foot reading the ground again, shaking his head with a soft laugh.

"You're quite flexible." He commented.

An unwanted blush roused her cheeks briefly. "Shut up." Caroline barked.

"What's the matter? Scared people might see you fraternizing with the big bad vampire?" Klaus accused.

Caroline scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself, we are not fraternizing. I'm telling you to leave because this already stressful practice would be a lot more tolerable without you present."

He grinned. "Not that I owe you an explanation but I'm just here waiting for my sister Rebekah, who for some reason takes pride in being part of a team that doesn't trust nor like her." He added.

Caroline recalled when the younger Mikaelson auditioned for the team over the Summer, and given the school's rules of no discrimination amongst species, she had no choice but to accept her.

A rule she wasn't ecstatic about.

"Trust me, if it were up to me vampires wouldn't be allowed on the cheer team at all." Caroline countered.

"And you're supposed to be the good guy in every scenario, right?" Klaus muttered looking back down at his sketchbook.

Caroline was taken aback, and even second guessed her comment.

- No, no he will not turn this on me!

Closing her eyes and taking a slow deep breath, she responded. "Look, I'm kindly asking you to leave. I don't need you distracting my girls more than you already have."

Klaus stared up at the off beat squad who were more focused on the two conversing than perfecting their routine.

They all fell back into formation when Caroline whipped her head to the side to see what Klaus was laughing about.

She winced watching them dance.

Embarrassment wasn't a strong enough word.

His soft laughter ceased but smirk remained. "As much as I'd love to take the credit, I don't think your girls' lack of rhythm has anything to do with me. But I'm nonetheless flattered." He smiled. "They take after their captain, I presume."

"Klaus go, or I'll make you go." She threatened.

The amused vampire squinted and closed his sketchbook but stayed seated. His stare puzzled and expression curious. Klaus wasn't fearful of her threat but more intrigued, she always intrigued him.

Placing the book to the side and leaning forward, Klaus interlocked his fingers and challenged her once again to a staring competition.

Caroline gasped when Klaus was suddenly in her face, their noses almost touching. The only thing separating them was the metal railing she didn't realize she was gripping onto. She fought off the urge to thoroughly observe his full raspberry colored lips, dark blonde curls resting on his neck, multiple necklaces dangling on his chest and the scruff occupying his facial hair area. Dressed in a grey Henley, black jeans and black boots. Simple yet effective.

His usual baby blues now a wild gold that sunk her in his pool of temptation.

The black veins underneath his eyes spiraled near his cheekbones beautifully. His fangs hung outside his lips and tip of his tongue teased the sharp edge when he faintly smiled.

- Okay, I never said he was hideous.

She hated falling into his games but it was hard to resist. There was an undeniable allure that he naturally possessed, that caught systems off guard, including Caroline's. All vampires were gifted with the spell, if you could even call it a gift. She would never give him the satisfaction that he was in anyway superior to her, even if that meant petty disputes.

Klaus tilted his head. "Is that so, love?" He provoked softly.

Caroline's mouth agape as his glare hardened, she couldn't predict what his next move would be. Blinking out of the haze, she took a step back from the railing. Intensely keeping her focus on the vampire, she muttered a spell under her breath instantly bringing Klaus to his knees. The veins on his temples now visible.

His vampire features retracted as he winced in agony, eyes shut tight and pressing his hands against both sides of his head to suppress the pain. The closer Caroline got the more pain she inflicted. She inflicted the pain with her mind alone.

It was a little trick witches had been using on vampires for centuries. Equivalent to a human's aneurysm but twice as painful. Both felt a bit nostalgic considering this exact scenario playing out during their first meeting freshman year.

A football coach blowing his whistle snapped Caroline out of her fun and relieving Klaus of his torment.

She ignored the questioning expression Tyler showed from across the field.

"Well, nice to know you still like playing dirty." Klaus breathlessly laughed standing up my straight.

A cheeky asshole till the end. Fighting the urge to entertain him with a reply was more difficult than she thought.

"Leave." Caroline demanded pointing her finger towards the exit gate.

His chuckle came out more breathless than intended, almost in hysteria. She didn't realize how much her wannabe alpha female tactics amused him, especially when she thought she was winning.

Putting his hands up in surrender his laughing ceased.

"All right. I could easily retaliate and rip out your throat with my teeth but I'm a man who chooses his battles wisely so I'll go, this time." Klaus conceded, bending over to grab his book and bag.

"Good." Caroline quickly replied brushing off the threat.

She slightly stiffened when Klaus exited the bleachers. He towered over her, throwing his backpack over his shoulder without breaking eye contact.

- What is up with him and staring?

Despite her irritation Caroline entertained each of his stare downs willingly. Hands still on her hips as he stood directly in front of her.

Klaus took note of her chest rising and falling, hearing the hitch in her breath she tried to disguise as a cough. He followed her bottom lip twisting between her teeth, her blonde tresses knotted in a ponytail. Looking up to her eyes again, Klaus's lips twisted into a smirk.

"I guess I'll be seeing you." He declared then began walking away.

Caroline pressed her lips together watching him exit the field. She didn't want to look away until she knew he was gone for good. He was taking his precious time, small graceful steps like he knew she was watching. The other cheerleaders observed her observing him but Caroline didn't even notice.

What was it about him that gave her the shivers and irritated her soul? No one and that affect on her besides the arrogant vampire who snuck under her skin. Even when she swore to never fall into his traps she did, every time.

Staring away for one second and in a blink, Klaus was gone.

The witch was perplexed.

- How did he always manage to do that?

She released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. Ultimately she chose to ignore her curiosity, and refuse to ponder any further thoughts about Klaus Mikaelson. There was so much on her to-do list and no room for distractions.

Bonnie yelling her name brought Caroline back to reality. The blonde swiftly looking behind her at her team who were still was struggling with a simple dance routine.

This was going to be a long day.

And I'm back! Didn't take me long to dive into a new story so I hope you guys are ready for this one because I'm really excited for what I have planned and for you all to read it. I was recently inspired and ran with this idea that I think will be one of my best works.

Thank you to all my loyal readers who constantly read and review my work, I really appreciate it, and hello to any new readers as well. Seeing your reactions and suggestions is what motivates me to continue.

Things are already pretty shaky between Klaroline, what else could go wrong?