Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, pretty sure that's obvious but still has to be said!

AN. Hey, welcome to my second story, if you are visiting from ABP (my other story) well hello again!

So this story was a request from a buddy as well as a test for myself (never written this kind of fic) so I hope it goes well. Now if you are from ABP, followed me because of ABP, or think this story will be like ABP I want to set expectations.


It might have some of the same vibes in regards to how it is written but this story is much more relaxed, and a bit less heavy on the details (its also kinda smut so there is that BIG plot point). I want to say that early on so I don't have people going "Wow this is a big departure from your other story!"

I know that is the point lol.

Anywho an easy way to tell if you should read this is if you pass this checklist!

1. You are 18

2. You like Naruto

3. You like me ;3 (Optional)

4. You don't mind bad/lewd words

5. You're cool with smut

6. You don't care much for if a story follows canon to the letter

If you pass that you will likely at least be willing to consider this story passable and I count that as a win!

If you want an actual story I really do recommend you go check out my other one this is just a time killer and a little something I threw together at request!

Anywho enough talk, enjoy!

Naruto groaned in discomfort as he slowly regained consciousness, his head pounding angrily causing him to wince in pain. His clothes felt like lead weights upon his weakened body and the chill of the air lashed at him without mercy.

He cracked his eyes open slowly and was greeted to the sight of the full moon hanging over him, bathing his tired body in its luminescent rays the stars dotted a clear sky their shine contrasting against the void.

He'd almost be awestruck at the sight if he didn't feel like he'd just been put through a blender.

Slowly pushing himself up despite his body's protest he took a moment to check his surroundings, immediately taking notice of the sandy bank he now found himself upon he looked out and to his building concern, he saw only the rippling blackness of a vast ocean stretching to the horizon.

Swiveling around he looked behind him hoping to find any familiar landmarks or signs of civilization but instead found only the looming shadows of towering trees that made the ones around his village look like twigs in comparison.

He felt his breathing quicken panic setting in as he tried desperately to recall just how he'd gotten here, wherever the hell here actually was, the last thing he'd remembered was sailing to Wave with his team while they escorted some drunk old bridge builder back home...

His eyes widened and confusion turned to horror, as the pieces swiftly fell into place.

*Flashback start*

Naruto watched quietly from the deck of the dingy ship their client Tazuna had secured for them to sneak into Wave, apparently, some shipping tycoon named Gato was preventing anyone from entering or leaving the country so if they wanted to get in they would have to sail through the open waters surrounding the country.

Tazuna assured them that he'd escaped using this trick and that as long as they were careful things would turn out fine and once his bridge was finished people would be able to enter and leave without crossing the sea.

His team sat quietly on the deck of the ship, they didn't speak the need for silence demanded they keep all conversations to a minimum and eager to excel in their first real assignment the three of them made their best efforts.

Even with his reputation the desire to prove himself had been more than enough motivation to temper his boisterous behavior and instead sat close to the railing the old boat carve a path through the gentle waves.

He idly wondered what it would be like to live out on the ocean, he doubted it beat out becoming Hokage but he had to admit there was something truly beautiful and soothing about sailing.

Maybe one day he would come back and try it himself?

Naruto was broken from his thoughts as he noticed their ship slowly being enveloped in a sudden rolling fog, he watched as even the rising waves were consumed, the wet smack of water hitting the hull of the boat the only sign of their presence.

His vision obscured he turn his attention back to the deck, and to his growing fear he could not spot them through the thick fog, his orders forbid him from calling out to them, and the idea of jeopardizing their lives forced him to slowly make his way around the circumference of the ship using the nearby railing to guide him.

"Sakura-chan, are you still there?" He whispered trying to keep his voice low.

No answer...

"Teme, where are you?" He tried again swallowing his pride as he quietly called for his second teammate.

Again no answer...

He could see the door that led to the lower half of the ship and he didn't want to let go of the railing in fear of losing the only bit of guidance he had.

"Suiton: Suiryƫdan no Jutsu!"

Naruto had no time to react as suddenly the ship lurched to the side the sound of groaning metal rung through the air like the wail of a wounded animal.

Unprepared he lost his grip on the railing and was sent tumbling along the deck before slamming into the side of the cabin entrance. His vision swam with stars at the impact but he was given no time to recover as the boat shook violently once more.

What the hell was that?!

"-ruto! Naruto where are you?!" The panicked voice of Sakura screeched out into the mist.

"Sakura-chan I'm here!" He called out desperately searching for any sign of pink but all he could see was the suffocating haze.

He could hear her rushed footsteps and he felt hope rise in his heart at her approach.

He could faintly make out her form and he reached out to her, she was so close!

The ship gave another loud groan and rumbled heavily, he heard Sakura shriek in fear as the ship lurched violently once more and in an instant, Naruto felt his body fly, the unsettling feeling of weightlessness setting upon him as he careened up and through the air.

He faintly heard Sakura shout his name once again before he felt his body crash harshly into the frigid waters below that quickly swallowed him dragging him under. He tried vainly to orient himself but the salty sea water stung harshly at his eyes, his lungs were rapidly filling with water as he clawed angrily in an attempt to reach the surface, his muscles burned and his blood boiled as each stroke grew weaker and weaker as what little oxygen he had left his body.

His eyes lids grew heavy and his vision darkened, his last sight being the torn and warped remains of their ship sinking around him...

*Flashback end*


Naruto held his face in his hands his body trembled at the thought that his team might not have survived whatever had attacked them.

"No, I refuse to believe that they didn't make it!" He shot up, "If I survived then they must have too!"

Kakashi had to have been able to save them, he'd just gotten unlucky! Once he had his bearings he could find a way back to Konoha and meet up with them again!

The chilly night air harshly reminded him that his clothes were still soaked and that if he didn't find shelter soon than he'd likely freeze by morning. He quickly removed his jacket and tied it around his waist.

Plus it would help to take his mind off things for a bit.

"Alright, first things first I need some kind of shelter."

Naruto weighed the pros and cons of staying on the beach versus entering the towering forest behind him. On one hand, the beach offered him greater visibility compared to the dense foliage of the trees that could be hiding any number of hungry creatures. He also had a clear view of the ocean which would allow him to see any passing ships that could potentially take him back to Konoha's borders if possible.

However, the sands offered no real shelter and he didn't think burying himself in the grains would prove particularly beneficial or practical.

The forest, on the other hand, while more dangerous likely contained all the essentials he would need to get himself situated plus he would need to go in there eventually regardless.

Maybe compromise was due?

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

Immediately ten copies of the blond appeared before him in a cloud of smoke that quickly dissipated. The clones lined up and awaited instructions from their commander.

"Alright, I need you half of you to start gathering materials from inside the forest to build a shelter and the other half to help me clear out a spot between them." He barked out

"Hai!" The ten clones bellowed out at once before breaking off into two groups of five to begin their tasks.

Thank Kami for shadow clones!

*An hour later*

It had taken some time but he had managed to create a rudimentary shelter out of some branches, leaves, and vines his clones had managed to gather up. It wasn't perfect by any means but it would serve to keep him somewhat safe until he had a better idea of his next move.

He'd started a small fire to warm himself and help dry his clothing seeing as he didn't have much else on him he needed to keep what he did have somewhat intact.

Despite his reputation, he wasn't some kind of idiot, he just didn't enjoy things that weren't practical. Why did he need to know what jutsu the Shodai used? The man had died like forever ago!

Survival knowledge, on the other hand, had a lot of applications and so he actually bothered to show up to some of those lessons.

Naruto yawned loudly, the events of the past twenty-four hours finally seemed to catch up with him and the heat of the fire spurred him to rest his battered body.

Crawling into his little hovel he curled up on his new bed of leaves, the residual heat of the dying flame offered him enough warmth to bear the night's frigid breeze.

He fell quickly into a dreamless sleep as exhaustion finally overtook him...

Naruto grunted softly as the warmth of the morning sun washed over his body, its rays rapidly piercing the small openings in his roof and dispelling the lingering chill from the night prior much to his relief.

He didn't have any blankets or coverings on him so he'd take whatever he could get at this point.

Stretching his cramped limbs with a series of pops and cracks he crawled out of his makeshift hovel and out onto the now warm sands. Taking a moment to look around he could actually appreciate the beauty the beach provided.

No longer freezing and panicked he'd almost think he'd washed ashore a tropical paradise, the waves calmly lapping at the shore and the sight of gulls in the air made for an ideal picturesque landscape.

The rumbling of his stomach broke him from his observations broke him from his thought however and reminded him that he had not eaten in at least a day. His last meal had been a packet of instant ramen he'd cooked up before setting sail.

Ugh, no ramen...

Slapping his cheeks he snapped himself back to the present, he needed food and he needed it fast!

He could have some clones begin constructing some rudiments fishing rods and in the meantime, he could see about hunting some of the native wildlife or at least finding some fruits to keep his energy up.

He was suddenly very grateful he hadn't decided to skip over the shadow clone jutsu.

With a brief pulse of chakra, three clones appeared in front of him each ready for orders though he noticed like himself they were slumped over and nowhere near as healthy looking as the last batch he'd made.

He really needed food.

"Okay, you three already know we won't last much longer at this rate so you all need to make at least four fishing rods. If I can't find anything to eat we can at least hopefully fall back on some little fish to tide us over until I can think of something else." He explained.

"What about bait boss?" Asked the clone farthest to the left.

Naruto thought for a moment before answering, "Your best bet would be checking the dirt around the forest entrance and using any bugs or critters you can catch. If you manage to catch enough we can use the spare fish to lure in some so of the bigger ones."

The three clones nodded and quickly set off to collect the material they would need to make the rods. The desire for breakfast was a strong motivator.

Even if they conveniently forgot only the original would actually be getting to eat.

With his clones on building duty, Naruto prepared himself for his forest expedition. Thankfully his kunai and shuriken holsters had remained sealed and intact so he at least didn't have to fashion any hunting tools at the moment.

Looking at the ever intimidating tower of trees he clutched his kunai in his hand before entering the darkness, the thick canopy working to block the piercing rays of the sun.

He kinda wished he'd stayed on rod making duty but he wasn't going to let a creepy ass forest get the best of him!

He was Naruto Uzumaki future Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village!

"What the hell is up with these trees!"

Naruto actually enjoyed being out in nature, despite his usual behavior even he could appreciate peace and quiet from time to time and in his youth he'd often sneak out of the village walls and explore the woodlands surround his home.

This forest made the one back home look like a meadow at best!

The trees seemed to stretch on forever, their towering forms loomed above him, almost as if they were watching him as he made his way along the forest floor and the further he went the more twisted and gnarled they seemed to become.

Was this a haunted forest? Where there ghosts here?!

Pushing that unpleasant thought away he kept on the lookout for any signs of food or animal tracks but found very little luck with either. The thick canopy resulted in poor lighting and even if he could see up into the leaves he doubted he would be able to climb down while holding anything.

All in all, he felt pretty helpless right now.

"Note to self when I make it back brush up on survival guid-ack!" His words were cut off as he suddenly crashed face first into the dirt, the mushy ground splattering his face.

Growling lowly he wiped the muck off his face and looked down at what had tripped him and his previous irritation suddenly found itself replaced by excitement.

On the floor next to him was a small outcrop of rounded mushrooms, not ideal but it was better than literally nothing.

The question was were they poisonous?

He really should have paid attention when Iruka covered stuff like this...

"I wonder if I can just tank the side effects?" His healing was pretty good but then again if he got sick he would be on his own.


The sound of a branch snapping was the only warning he got before something collided harshly with his body sending him rolling along the floor his limbs flailing aimlessly in the air before crashing into one of the many trees nearby with a harsh thunk!

"Owww..." He groaned and slumped against the tree, his vision filled with stars as he tried to see just what had launched him from his previous position.

"Grrrrrr!" A low rumbling growl that echoed in his chest sped up the process and he quickly snapped out of his stupor and laid his eyes upon his assailant.

"You can't be serious..."

Before him, crouched on all fours was a massive tiger like creature, its fangs bared in an impressive display of intimidation while razor-sharp claws dug large gashes into the ground beneath it. Its ominous green eyes were practically glowing in the almost twilight dusk of the forest floor.

Now tigers weren't new to Naruto, but tigers that were larger than freaking bears?!

Nope, no thank you.

So he did what any sensible person confronted with a massive snarling predator that wants to eat your face would do.

He hauled ass!

Rolling onto his feet he began sprinting in the opposite direction of the beast who itself wasted no time in charging after its prey determined to rip the life out of it at any cost.

Sending his leftover chakra to his legs Naruto weaved between the trees and vines his heart pounding of the thundering steps of the enraged cat behind him drew ever closer.

He tried everything, zigzagging back and forth hoping to slow the beast's momentum, bouncing off trees in an attempt to confuse it, even throwing some shuriken at the damn thing but nothing worked!

His energy was too low to make any more clones and he was slowing down, he could almost feel the heavy breaths upon his neck and knew if he turned around now all that awaited him was death.

He didn't want to die, he hadn't accomplished anything!

He would never get to kick Sasuke's ass, he would never have a date with Sakura, he would never get to become Hokage!

But worst of all...he'd never get to have a family, truthfully the one thing he had wanted more than anything else.

All gone because of an overgrown house cat.

A single tear fell from his eye as the last of his energy gave out and a searing pain ripped itself into his back, behind him a spray of blood coated the once green grass and his body dropped once more rolling along the ground.

He could only watch in agonized silence as the great beast slowly approached his downed and bleeding form, saliva dripping from its open jaw at the smell of fresh blood.

I'm sorry...Sakura-chan...teme...old man...everyone...

His vision was growing dark and he felt cold, he felt tired.

He just wanted to sleep...

"I hope you choke on my spine!" He spat one defiant glob of blood at the creature and through the pain smirked as it landed in the beast eye, pissing it off further.

Good, at least he can say he got the last laugh.

He watched as the beast raised its paw, claws fully extended and swung at him once more. He could see it all in slow motion and accepted it, not happily but what could he do?

However, the blow never landed and to his shock the beast fell over still, it arm crashing with a dull thud into the ground next to his head. It's face frozen in its final expression of wrath, though the once vibrant green sheen of its eyes was now dulled and lifeless.

Behind the now dead tiger, he could faintly make out a towering humanoid figure standing over him, piercing red eyes the only distinct feature he could make out with his own vision growing dark.

Maybe if he wasn't bleeding out he might have panicked but everything felt so could and he felt too numb to care anymore.


And with those final words, he allowed darkness to consume him once more, never noticing his broken body being gently lifted off the ground and carried off deeper into the forest.

The first things Naruto noticed when he came too was that one, he was either still alive or death was a lot like living and two, his back really freaking hurt at the moment.

Maybe some more sleep would help, yeah...

Snuggling into the soft bedspread beneath him he began to drift off once more his sore body reveling in the comfort it had been denied for the past few days. Nothing beat a nice warm bed...

Hold on...


Naruto opened his eyes and scanned his surroundings and to his surprise, he was indeed on some sort of makeshift bedding. To his left a small fire burned gently, offering him just enough warmth to be comfy but not enough to burn him.

Looking around he found himself surrounded by stone walls covered in mounted furs and large animal hides. Before him, was what he guessed might be an entrance way or maybe an exit way. Was he in a cave? How had he gotten here?

The last thing he remembered was the death stare of the creature that had nearly killed him...and the large figure!

Had whoever that was brought him here?

He looked down and saw that his old shirt and jacket had been removed likely destroyed and in their place, a makeshift mesh of leaves and vines were wrapped around his body almost like bandages.

So not only had they taken him in but they had nursed him as well...

He didn't see anyone in the cave with him though, maybe they'd stepped out?

He tried to get up but nearly screamed when a sudden pain shot through his back. He fell backward onto the makeshift bed and held back the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes.

Okay so no getting up for him apparently!

Taking a few deep breaths he calmed himself down, and slowly his body relaxed as well the searing pain dissolving into a dull throbbing.

Better but still awful if he was being honest.

His complaints were interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps approaching from the shadowed darkness of the caves entryway, he turned his head in both curiosity and slight apprehension as the memory of those piercing red eyes return in his mind.

A dull thud reached his ears as thought a heavy item had just been dropped unceremoniously onto the floor and the vaguely familiar sound of cloth shuffling.

The suspense was killing him, he wasn't known for being patient or quiet for that matter and he honestly doubted whoever was hidden away was going to harm him after going through all this trouble.

"Hello?" He called out tentatively, his voice a bit weaker than usual but he paid it no mind, "Are you the one who saved me?"

The shuffling abruptly stopped and the cave went quiet once more. Naruto peered into the darkness with uncertainty, perhaps opening his big mouth wasn't the best move.


The sound of footsteps began again and slowly a figure emerged from the darkness and into the gentle glow of the campfire.

Naruto's eyes widened as he finally caught sight of the first person he'd seen since he washed ashore.

Though he wasn't sure if the term person really applied here...

He had been expecting some kind of hermit, a wizened old man who lived hidden away in a deep forest or maybe a strong hunter who preferred the dangers of the wilds.

"What are you?..."

The figure was unquestionably female but that's where normal ended and outlandish began. Unlike his own tan and pinkish skin, hers was a rich crimson, vibrant and accentuated by the burning embers beside him. She stood tall, taller than anyone he'd ever met before somewhere in the six-foot range if not bigger.

Her body was toned and he trace the individual contours of her muscles, it didn't help that much of her body was on display being covered up by little more than vine bindings and leaves.

Despite the blood loss he couldn't help but blush a little bit at he revealing attire that did nothing to hide her rather large chest, wide hips or shapely legs. Though despite that what caught his attention most was her face.

Those ruby red eyes that had hovered over were on full display, in the light they looked more orange than red but had an enchanting yet haunting quality that tore at him. Her plump dark lips brought his attention to a single fang peeking out from just beneath but none of that compared to her most defining trait in his opinion.

Her horns.

Proudly jutting out from her were two thick red protrusions each coming to rest a little bit over the top of her head. At their points, red mixed and faded into black decoration. Covering them was a short messy mop of spiky black hair that reached down to her shoulders, wild and untamed.

Never in his life had he seen anyone quite like her, he was afraid but at the same time, there was something fascinating about her.

Now if only she'd stop looking at him like that...

His savior's eyes were narrowed and her mouth was set in a frown as she stared down at him, he was suddenly very cognizant of the difference in height between them and her heavy glare sent shivers down his spine.

The two stared at one another in silence, fearful blue eyes locked with impassive red. Neither said anything but rather just took the time to study one another comparing and contrasting.

At last one of them broke the silence.

"Why have you come into my territory? Have you no sense or were you under the impression you could remove me with you pitiful strength?!" The large woman stepped closer her once impassive gaze growing suspicious and demanding.

If only he knew what the heck she was talking about?

Finding his own voice he replied, "Hey! Firstly, I didn't know anyone lived here I was just looking for something to eat! Secondly, who are you calling pitiful?!"

He hated being called weak, he'd spent his whole life being told he'd never amount to anything and this...lady? Wanted to judge him without even knowing him?!

She scoffed as though she didn't believe him, "Were you so blind that you couldn't see the markings on the trees? I own this forest and I don't plan on losing it to some brat!"

Naruto sat up once more and ignoring the pain in his back he spoke through ground teeth, "I don't want your stupid forest! I didn't come here to take anything I am stuck here!"

He would have said more but the burning grew overwhelming and he was forced to lay back once more his breathing labored as intense pain racked at his body.

His interrogator said nothing for a few moments before walking over to his bed and sitting down next to him watching him once more as he fought to bring his body back under control.

"I'm sorry." She said quietly, "This place is not kind to the weak and merciful..." she paused as if struggling to find the right words, "I was fearful that'd I'd made a mistake bringing you here...it would not be the first time..."

Up close he could now see her body was not unblemished but covered in little nicks and scars some larger some small each a sign of the life she lived.

Wonderful, now he somehow felt like the bad guy.

"Look, I'm sorry too." He said meeting her eyes again, "You went through a lot of trouble to save me and I haven't been very appreciative, can we maybe start over?"

She considered his words and nodded a small smile on her face.

He smiled back, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, thank you again for saving my life."

"Na-ru-to" she played with his name rolling it around her tongue before nodding, "My name is Mojiri but my mother used to call me Mochi." She said.

"That's kinda cute, hehe Mochi-chan~" He teased thought he had to laugh a when somehow she managed to get more red if that was possible.

"B-Be silent Naruto! My name is neither cute nor amusing!" She huffed and looked away from him while he laughed.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help myself." He chuckled once more before grimacing as the pain returned.

"You are still hurt, please try and relax I have made something to sooth the pain." She pulled out a wooden bowl with a mushy paste like substance inside, "If you can I would ask that you roll onto your stomach so that I may apply it."

If it would help take this pain away he'd gladly do whatever she wanted.

With a little bit of work he'd managed to roll himself over without too much hassle and allowed Mochi to undo his bindings, he winced as some of the blood-soaked leaves fell to the floor. He really didn't want to imagine how bad it looked back there.

Mochi than surprised him and hoisted herself onto the back of his legs, her plush but firm thighs resting softly against his own as she leaned over him, he could feel the latent strength she kept tucked away but her skin was surprisingly soft...

Stop thinking about it, you don't have the required amount of blood for it!

"This will likely sting a bit a first but it will help Naruto so please bear with me." She said covering her hands in the mush.

"I trust you Mochi-chan"

She hummed and with a small count, she began lightly rubbing the paste into the four large gashes into his back, blowing cool breaths of air softy along her path as she worked her way across his back.

How he'd survived she honestly didn't know.

Beneath her Naruto squeezed his eyes shut as the medicine did its work, she definitely hadn't been lying about the stinging though he would have compared it more to a stabbing sort of pain.

Eventually, however, the pain died down replaced by a pleasant chilly sensation, like flipping to the cold side of a pillow in summer. Mochi's hands like the rest of her were oddly soft but still firm as she kneaded the mixture into his wounds.

"How do you feel, Naruto?"

"A lot better, whatever that stuff is it works way better than pain meds we have back home." Nothing he ever got at the hospital worked that fast.

Mochi continued to rub at his back, "Where are you from Naruto? You said you were stuck here was this not your intended destination? She questioned.

He shook his head and frowned into his arms, "No, the ship I was on was attacked I got thrown into the ocean. I was originally headed to Wave Country before we were sunk..."

Mochi blinked, "I've never heard of Wave Country before is that your home?"

Once again he shook his head, "No my home is Fire Country, I'm from Konoha."

Mochi was silent for a few moments before tentatively replying, "I don't think I've heard of either of those places Naruto..."

That bit of info set him on edge, he could understand not knowing about Wave according to Tazuna it wasn't all the big or popular even before Gato took over but not knowing Konoha, one of the strongest villages on the continent"

That spelled trouble.

"Do the names, Suna, Kumo, Kiri, or Iwa ring any bells, Mochi-chan?" She had to know at least one of the big five?! Even he knew them and he was the deadlast!

"I'm sorry Naruto but I don't know any of those places," She said her tone apologetic.

"...Mochi-chan...what is this place called?" Maybe if he knew he could try and piece together a map from his limited geographical knowledge.

"I'm not sure if you're village had a different name for it but mother always referred to here as 'Paradise'."



"Are there any other people here, Mochi?" Maybe someone else might know more?

He could feel her shifting, she had begun wrapping him in a fresh set of bindings during their talk, she worked quietly for a moment before answering.

"There are other inhabitants on this island but," She paused as if unhappy with her own answer, "They do not look like you Naruto and many are not particularly welcoming to strangers..."

He wanted to ask what she meant but remembered how different the two of them looked, if she said they didn't look like him...

"Have you ever met someone who looked like me?"

"No, some that come close but you are the only one of your kind here to my knowledge."

The two were silent for a long time after that, Naruto lost in his own thoughts and Mochi respectful of the situation her whiskered guest had found himself in.

She laid a small wooden bowl in front of him with what appeared to be a soup or stew inside.

"It is late and you'll need food to keep your strength up if you want to recover." She spoke rather softly for a woman of her size and stature, "I can't offer you much to help but you may stay until you feel capable of setting out on your own...if you wish to do so I mean." She said though he caught the slight pause she took at the end.

He said a small thanks and slowly began eating the food she'd offered him. it was good but his mind was too occupied to compliment her.

He was stranded on an unknown island, with dangerous creatures, no directions, and no clue what to do next...

Why was it always him?

Things never seemed to go his way, that much he'd come to terms with but this? This was a step beyond, he'd lost his home, his possessions, what few friends he did have, and his dream.

What did he have left? His life?

His life had been shit from the beginning! A raging demon had been shoved into his gut, his parents had either abandoned him or died leaving him an orphan, his village hated him almost universally for something he didn't even do!

He had no talent as a ninja, his classmates thought he was a joke, and even his own team never seemed to care all that much about him unless it was to berate him for his shortcomings.

And now he was stuck Kami knows where

"It's just not fair..."

He sighed and finished his meal before sliding settling back down onto his bed, the dying embers of the fire almost symbolic of his own will.


He closed his eyes and drifted off, when would the nightmares end?

Almost two weeks had passed since that first night and he had finally recovered enough to move about with minimal pain much to his relief though Mochi didn't know that yet and he planned on surprising her with the knowledge.

Mochi, true to her word had, in fact, allowed him to stay in her rather sizable home much to his gratitude since having some kind of bedding was much better than the leaf pile he'd made before.

To be honest he owed her a lot...

He'd fallen into depression after that first night, he couldn't sleep, he could barely eat, and he rarely spoke.

He was lost, not just physically but mentally as well...he had no dream, no goals, no aspirations, and despite what people might think even his positivity had limits.

Mochi had been his light in the darkness and as corny as it sounded it was completely true. She'd put up with his moodiness, she kept him clean and fed, and she never stopped talking to him even when he ignored her. She just kept pushing, every night she'd apply the medicine and tell him about her hunts, her thoughts and opinions and little by little she'd convince him to share a bit with her.

He'd resisted at first but with no one else around he caved, he told her of the pranks he pulled and his mischievous streak that earned him the title of 'Prank King'. He told of his favorite foods, his love of ramen and all its flavors and the kindly Ichiraku family that always served him and his Jiji who would take him for walks around the village on his birthday.

Then he told of her of his childhood of the glares and harsh whispers...

He told her of the neglect and abuse and how he'd smile even while he was falling apart inside, how he had no friends, no family, just small pockets where he could take shelter for a few precious moments before he was thrown back to the wolves once more.

She'd listened to it all and she met his sadness and his rage with open arms.

Literally, she'd held him that entire night.

He could never repay her, she wasn't obligated to do anything but still, she went above and beyond for him.

He didn't think he could ever repay her...


The familiar sound of bare feet walking along stone hit his ears and he shot out of bed, he wanted to surprise her with his mostly healed condition but all thoughts of that went out the window when his friend limped into the cave.

She was injured and badly!

"Mochi-chan!" he cried and ran to her side quickly adjusting her so she could lean on his side, he didn't care that he was getting blood on him right now she was more important!

"Hnnn...Naru...you can walk?" her normally soft voice was guttural and pained as she looked down at his smaller frame.

She took to calling him Naru after a few days of his teasing, he didn't hate the name but it made him sound like a baby but he'd allowed it as a gesture of their friendship.

"Less talking Mochi-chan!" The two stumbled over to Mochi's large bed and gently laid her down.

He inspected her wound and found a few slash marks against her torso, he wasn't sure if this was the work of another forest creature or one of the less friendly inhabitants but he would worry about that later.

He had to save her first!

He quickly went to work cleaning her wounds with a pale of water washing away the excess blood and giving him a clear view of the wounds, thankfully they weren't in too deep and she had tougher than average skin.

"Naru...I'm glad...you are well." She muttered the blood loss leaving her dizzy and lightheaded.

"Well, you took such good care of me so now let me return the favor." He quickly coated his hands in the same paste that she had made for him and began rubbing it into her wounds earning a strangled hiss from his patient.

"Sorry, I know this hurts but you'll feel better soon so just hang in there." He ran his hands along the wounds making sure to cover every inch just as she'd done for him.

"I trust...Naru..." She whispered and relaxed her body as the mixture began to soothe her.

He worked for what felt like hours, his own injuries flaring up but he promptly ignored them in favor of continuing his current task. As far as he was concerned he'd suffer any pain to keep her safe.

He owed her at least that much.

Mojiri slowly opened her eyes, rouge rays from the sun snuck their way inside offering just enough light to see but not enough to be blinding in any way. She looked around and came face to face with the familiar sights of her home. Fur lined walls and mounted trophies assured her she was safely within the boundaries of her sanctuary.

But she couldn't remember walking back, her memories of the prior night were muddled and she wasn't sure when she'd returned.

She turned and had to bite her lip to keep from shouting in shock.

Beside her resting on a makeshift chair next to her bed was Naruto, his head was resting next to her arm and he clutched her hand in his as though she was his lifeline. She could see small bags under his eyes as though he'd slept poorly if he even slept at all, around him bloody leaves and vines were scattered along the floor...

her eyes widened as bits and pieces of her memory returned, she recalled stumbling back home after seeing off a challenger. She had won but had been injured and only just managed to limp back to the cave, she remembered Naruto yelling and helping her to bed and his fussing as he took care of her...

Had he stayed up all night?

She looked at his sleeping form once more and couldn't help but feel touched. She had lived alone for a long time, ever since her mother died she had been on her own just trying to survive and for a while, she was content with that.

But eventually, she grew lonely...

She had tried to explore and meet others but trust was in short supply and few had taken to her offer of friendship, too paranoid to believe in such a thing.

Others had played her in turn, pretending to be friendly only to strike when her back was turned in hopes of securing her territory for themselves.

Those had always hurt the most.

Not because they were sneak attacks but because they always got her hopes up. She always believed that maybe she'd finally be free of the crushing silence only to have her hopes shattered and her body broken.

So instead she'd grown cold, she stopped trusting and in turn, grew stronger than ever!

But no amount of strength filled that emptiness she felt...

Then she'd found him.

Bleeding out on the floor about to be killed, she hadn't even meant to save him, really she was just taking advantage of distracted prey and by coincidence, he happened to still be alive.

She had debated leaving him, she knew better than to have sympathy for that which she did not know but she couldn't help but want to try. He was so small and so frail compared to her, she saw so much anguish in his eyes when he'd looked up certain of his own demise that she could stop herself from taking him in her arms.

She'd treated him as best she could but while she did a part of her was screaming at her, telling her that he would turn his back on her the moment he was capable of it. She didn't want to believe that, she wanted to have faith one last time!

When she heard his story she felt a connection with him, he knew what she felt he understood better than anyone else she'd met ever had and that gave her hope. Hope that maybe she wouldn't have to be alone anymore.

He could have killed her that night, she couldn't have stopped him even if she wanted too but he hadn't.

He'd stayed by her side...

She felt her face flush as she stared at him, he was so different from her in so many ways that made her heart race. His white skin that stood in stark contrast to her vermillion coloration, his blue eyes that reminded her of the ocean that surrounded the island and deep enough to get lost in if she wasn't careful.

His sunny blond hair stood out when compared to her raven colored locks, she would sometimes run her hands through it when he slept though she'd never tell him that.

The difference in their sizes was something she took quiet pleasure in, he was so small compared to her she just wanted to scoop him into her arms and hold him.

She'd never felt like this before, she wanted to be near him all the time but she didn't know why and whenever she looked at him her body grew warmer than any fire.

She needed to clear her head and think...

Removing herself from his grasp she adjusted her bindings and carefully picked up the sleeping blond and placed him in his bed, she spent the morning cleaning up, removing the dirty sheets and leftover splatters of muck before grabbing her spear and walking to the entrance of her home.

She spared one look back at the sleeping boy and basked in the ever growing heat spreading through her body.

If he was still here when she returned than she knew what she would do, if not then she'd cherish the memories until her own demise.

She then walked out leaving a slumbering Naruto none the wiser.

Naruto paced back and forth throughout the cave his brow furled in worry as the sky grew dark above him, the beauty of the night was lost on him as he searched for any sight of his wayward companion.

He'd woken up to find the cave cleaned and Mochi missing which had immediately set him on edge, in his mind she had no business being up and about after her close call yesterday!

He wanted to go out and find her but he didn't want to risk getting lost or attacked again if she was going to return it was best to wait here.

And so he did, occupying himself with light training and cooking a small meal he sat and waited for her to return his anxiety growing with every hour that passed.

What is she had gotten hurt again? Would she be able to make it back in time?!

He didn't want to think about it...


His head snapped back and his fears melted away replaced by relief and happiness.

Mochi stood proudly in the entrance way, the dangling body of another tiger draped over her shoulder and her spear gripped tightly in her free hand. The two stared at one another before he broke into movement.

"Mochi-chan!" he shot up and ran to greet her, wrapping his arms carefully around her midsection as he embraced the tall woman, "Don't you ever scare me like that again!"

Mochi looked down at him and but still said nothing, gently removing his arms she ignored his confused and slightly hurt look and set the tiger down and placed her spear in its usual place by her bed before sitting on the ground with her legs crossed.

"Mochi-chan are you oka-mmph!"

His words were cut off as the larger woman pulled him into her lap pressed her lips against his in a fierce kiss, his mind shut down as her tongue invaded his mouth and claimed it for her own, sweeping over every nook and cranny it could find.

Her larger tongue coiled around his like a snake, wrapping the smaller appendage up with ease and dominating the kiss. Her saliva mixed with his connecting them further, deeper as she hungrily attacked his mouth.

Eventually, the need for air became too great and she released him with the only moment of the heated moment was thin trail of their combined saliva bridging the two.

His mind struggled to reboot, what the hell just happened?!

"M-Mochi-chan w-what was that?..." He stuttered his face turning almost as red as her skin, he could still taste her!

Mochi herself was no better, the heat in her body had grown from a small fire into a blazing inferno as she looked into the flush face of her housemate. His delicate pure skin turning a prominent crimson and his warm blue eyes glossed over in confusion but slight lust.

She licked her lips and held him closer, pressing him into her swelling breasts and nibbled at his ear, "That, was me staking my claim~"


She nodded and rubbed his whiskers softly earning a pleasured shiver from the smaller boy, "I've made a decision," she said looking into his eyes, "Life on this island is cruel and often short and I care for you more than I've cared for anyone in a long time, Naru..."

She suddenly sounded so vulnerable, her earlier bravado gone she whispered quietly as she held him, "I know this is sudden, I know I'm not the prettiest or the softest looking female but I can't help it..."

He could feel her shaking as she spoke and initially he once again wrapped his arms around her, "Mochi..."

She sighed, "If you don't feel the same I understand but I had to tell you... I hope you don't hate me..."

He pulled out of her embrace and looked up into her eyes, her normally firey gaze was subdued and he could see everything, her fear, her loneliness, and her love.

"Stupid Mochi-chan springing this on me..."

"I'm sorr-mmph!"

He silenced her apology with a kiss of his own, this time he gave her a taste of her own medicine.

His tongue parted her lips with no resistance and he explored all she had to offer, just as she'd done he tasted all he that he could mapping out her mouth just by touch he poured his own feelings into the kiss.

Mochi moaned as his tongue overpowered hers, her mind melting in the combined joy of his acceptance and the pleasure his mouth working against hers.

Again the two parted for air and looked at one another, their faces flush from the heat but loving smiles were exchanged between them.

*Full Lemon Warning*

"Naru...will you please take me as yours?" Mochi pressed herself up against him and panted into his ear, she ground her body against his desperately seeking to drive herself as close to him as possible.

"If that is what you want Mochi-chan." His hands roamed all over her flesh rubbing against her toned stomach before rising and sinking into the soft and supple curvature of her clothed breasts, she felt hot to the touch but not unpleasant rather an inviting heat.

Too lost in his touch she could only nod and once more capture her newfound lover in a heated kiss, their tongues battling for supremacy while their hands grabbed and fondled anything they could reach.

Naruto grabbed Mochi's chest binding and ripped them off with a quick tug exposing her now stiff, maroon colored nipples into the open air, he quickly grabbed the leftmost one and began pinching and teasing the stiff appendage earning moans of approval from the now lust driven woman.

Breaking the kiss he leaned down and took the right nipple into his mouth sucking and kissing it while his free hand continued to play with the left. Mochi pushed her breast further into his mouth filling it with more tit flesh and letting out silent screams of pleasure as he played with her body.

She loved him, she loved him so much!

"Naru! Naru! I-I'm gonna...KYAAAA!" She didn't get to finish as the pressure in her body erupted, she could feel her loincloth growing wet and her fluids running down her legs onto the stone floor below.

With an audible pop, Naruto removed his mouth from her breast and leaned back enjoying the look of intense pleasure that had settled on her face, her head was dropping to the side, her eyes glazed over and a happy grin on her face as she looked back at him.

It looks like all that research he'd done hadn't gone to waste, and he supposed growing up in the red light district had its advantages.

But she wasn't satisfied yet, the heat was returning stronger than before!

"Naru, I need more~" she purred her eyes alight with hunger.

"Greedy woman." He rolled his eyes but he wasn't going to deny her, "get on the bed."

She obeyed without hesitation, carefully removing him from her lap, though she made sure to pepper his face in little kisses before she crawled into her large bed sprawling out and leaving herself completely open to him her only remaining piece of clothing being the now drenched loincloth.

Kami she was beautiful...

Crawling up after her he set himself on her stomach and leaned over her, and gently trailed kisses along her body.

One kiss for each of her beautiful horns.

A soft kiss over each of her lovely eyes and adorable nose.

A kiss for her rosy cheeks and supple lips.

Mochi was in heaven and hell, his ministrations stroking her affection and inflaming her passion.

She'd get him back for this!

He slid further down trailing kisses along the length of her neck and of course gave each of her bountiful breasts a bit of love, flicking her proud standing nipples with his tongue briefly before continuing on.

He traced a finger along every ab before stopping to kiss her latest injury, earning him a particularly heavy shiver from Mochi before at last arriving at his destination.

He slid the now useless loincloth off of partner and stared at the puffy and gushing sight before him, above it a small but neatly trimmed tuft of black hair rested as a topper.

"Naru, don't stare at it please..." Mochi whined trying to cover herself from his roaming eyes.

He grabbed her hands and held them to her sides, "It's beautiful like the rest of you I can't help it."

He leaned down and gave it a long drawn out lick, enjoying how her legs bucked and twitched beside him as he teased her lower lips mercilessly, offering sweet kisses and light licks but nothing more.

He was caught off guard when his head was suddenly trapped between her powerful thighs and he caught sight of her winded glare.

"Eat!" Her command was firm even if it was given through the haze of her own desire.

In the interest of not having his head crushed, he dove enthusiastically into his assigned task, parting her wet folds his tongue happily explored this new moist cavern with gusto.

Mochi panted and gasped clawing at the bedding beneath her as his tongue prodded and poked at her insides, she raised her hips and ground her crotch deep into his face, one hand shot between her legs working to hold his head in place, the other went to her right breast squeezing and fondling the bouncing orb of flesh and tweaking her nipple while she thrashed about.

Why was he so good at this?!

"NARU!... NARU!...NARUUUUU!" her legs shook and spasmed as another orgasm pulsed through her, filling the blond's mouth with her release.

Naruto downed the liquid quickly, idly noting that she tasted like berries oddly enough. He sat back and waited for Mochi to come down from her pleasure induced high.

*pant pant pant*

"Are you okay, Mochi-chan?" He asked his lover concern in his eyes as he watched her chest rise and fall with her breathing.

She merely sat up and pushed him down, her large naked form towered over him but the look in her eye did nothing to quell his rising excitement!

"I've been selfish, Naru you deserve something too~" She rubbed the crotch of his waistcloth against her dripping nether lips, soaking them with her arousal and earning tiny whimpers out of her Naru.

She liked the sound of that, her Naru...

She reached down and unceremoniously tore off the piece of fabric revealing her prize.

His pulsing member trashed freely about now out of its tight confines, the head an angry red having been denied release twitched rapidly as if demanding attention.

She was more than happy to oblige!

Sliding down she gently kissed the tip her soft lips like a touch of velvet on the sensitive skin, she teased him licking the underside of his meat almost tortuously slow and blowing small puffs of air against his balls. She rubbed it against her cheek and let it slap against her dense warm breasts using his musk to mark her body while bringing him ever closer to finishing.

She enjoyed watching him squirm just as she knew he had enjoyed watching her but she needed him inside her so he'd get a pass this time.

She took a breath and in one smooth motion took his member into the depths of her throat, her tongue lapping and swirling around it like a flesh popsicle while she bobbed her head up and down his length.

*Gluk! Gluk! Gluk!*

Naruto held her head as the sounds of Mochi gagging on his prick kicked him into overdrive, using her horn as handlebars he thrust his hips faster, the tip of his dick scraping against her throat in a wet chorus of smacks and slurps.

Mochi eyes rolled as her lover abused her face her hands dropped to her gushing slit and she drove two fingers inside pumping herself furiously while her free hand teased her clit sending waves of pleasure crashing through her body! The smell of sex and sweat drove them each into a frenzy that only caused them to speed up their individual pumping.

"Ah, Mochi-chan get ready!"

With a roar, he unloaded globs of thick cum into her mouth, the vacuum seal her lips had on his member burst and streams of white cream dripped from between her lips and fell onto her heaving breasts warming her body further.

Slowly drawing her head back she captured as much of his release as she could and downed it with a content smile.

Naruto took a moment to catch his breath, he felt both lighter and heavier at the moment but damn that was amazing.

"Naru..." Mochi's voice called out to him breaking him out of his trance.

"Yes, Mo..chi..." His words died in his throat at the sight before him,

Mochi rested on all fours, her toned and round butt wiggling enticingly at him, below her fingers held her bright pink and dripping lips open for his view and she looked at him over her shoulder eyes full of desire.

"Naru, more~"

Could she be any sexier?!

He quickly positioned himself behind her, his member sliding just beneath her drooling snatch, coating it in a thin film.

"Are you sure Mochi?" He wanted to be sure this is what she wanted.

She looked back at him, her face settling on an expression of pure love, "I have never been surer of anything." She answered honestly.

She proceeded to lower her hips a bit and give his throbbing member a kiss with her slit, her love overridden once again by lust.

"Now fuck me!" She demanded

He took a hold of doughy red cheeks and without delay drove his cock into her moist cavern in one thrust.

It felt like a furnace.

He'd planned to take it slow but he wouldn't last inside of her for long, so he quickly set a furious pace driving himself in and out of her sopping wet hole.

"YES! YES! YES! YES! NARU HARDER!" Mochi screamed all sense of reservation long since suppressed as he pounded into her body he breasts bouncing wildly to the tempo of his thrusts.

He reached around and grabbed a fist full of her hair earning a long drawn out moan from her, enhancing his body with chakra he sped up his thrusts, his hips now smacking into her bright red cheeks at a lightning fast pace.

He could feel her inner walls squeezing against him, her body milking him for all he had. He angled his thrusts so that he'd he scrape against her walls every time causing her to squirt around his dick in pleasure.

Releasing her hair he pushed her face down into the mattress and pushed all his weight into his thrusts, banging against her insides harder than before.

Mochi couldn't think, everything was numb but the sensation of Naruto's member rearranging her insides like he owned them, which wasn't wrong.

She was his and he was hers, only he could do this to her!

She felt him twitching inside her and knew that he was close, she closed her eyes and screamed to the heavens when he rammed himself to the hilt in one final thrust.


She felt him pump rope after rope of burning hot cum into her hungry snatch, his body slumping against hers as the two collapsed in sexual exhaustion the only sounds being that of their labored breathing.

*Lemon Over*

Naruto wrapped his arms around his tired partner "What got into you Mochi-chan I'm not upset but that was pretty out of character for you?"

Mochi's face went red and she turned away from him, "I may have ingested some ingredients that would help me be...more forward...with you"

Forward was putting it lightly, it took everything she had not to jump him when he'd come running up to her. She'd never been that vulgar before!

"Of course you did." He laughed and snuggled up to his now pouting girlfriend

"B-Be silent!"

"But you're too cute!"


"Okay, no more teasing."





"I wanna go again..."



I'm tired!"

"Just one more go! You can pull my horns again~"



AN. Chapter Done!

This was interesting to write, I hope it turned out okay since I've never written a lemon before but I think it turned out okay but you guys can let me know!

This story is obviously less detailed than my other one but it's not supposed to be the sprawling epic or anything just something I wanted to give a shot

To those who are reading ABP, you might know that I said I would be trying other types of stories but you probably weren't expecting this, and if you were well I guess I'll send you a cookie. Know that not every new story I make will be like this (smut lol) but I am going to be trying stuff out if you didn't enjoy this story that's okay ABP is still my main thing so you always have that!

I don't know if I'm leaving this as a one-shot or expanding on it (who knows the second series might be a smut series I suppose lol) Anyway please leave your thoughts, opinions, or suggestions in the reviews or PM me if you want to talk one on one. (I do reply to reviews that ask questions or give suggestions if you commented something you think might get an answer check your inbox later!)

Anywho, RegalCarnage out!