It felt…. Unreal in many ways.
Voldemort… the war, it had had such a huge effect on Harry's life and now it was just over. The loses though had been great, it was hard looking at the bodies lined up in the great hall. Friends and family members, gone forever. Never getting to experience Voldemorts defeat nor the new world they had fought so hard for, and they would begin to build now.
People were respectfully quiet, Harry was grateful for Ron and Hermione always standing nearby, it was like their mere presence, and the knowledge they had an eye on him had a calming effect, then he knew he wasn't alone.
Then suddenly, the already quiet great hall became extra quiet… Harry looked up, it was eerie, suddenly it was like, there wasn't a single sound. Every person standing had just frozen as they stood, the tension was suddenly high and they were all looking in one direction… at the entrance door, Harry to looked up and he turned his head then he gasped.
Because there in the door stood… none other than Severus Snape, dressed in the same black as when he fought in the battle, his long black greasy hair framing his deadly white sallow face, his pitch black eyes looked without emotions as he glanced across the hall.
Harry was stunned…. This… This made no sense. Why was he here? If he had been smart he would have run like all the other death eaters.
Did he come for revenge?
Harry took defensive position as he pulled out his wand. "Don't move!" he demanded.
Snape though remained placid, his face not showing a single emotion as he turned his head and suddenly their eyes met… it was like traveling back in time, suddenly Harry remembered his very first day at Hogwarts, the very first time he ever saw this man sitting at the teachers table, he remembered how their eyes had briefly met and ones again he was overwhelmed by the exact same sensation.
The eyes were black… Yet, instead of having the same warmth as Hagrids they were cold, like endless long tunnels leading to a dark and desolate place, this time though… Snape didn't break the eye contact, instead he held it steady as he slowly pulled into his robe and pulled out, his slim black wand. Harry tensed, ready to take action.
Then suddenly Snape turned the wand around so he held the tip instead of the handle, and reached the handle towards Harry.
Harry blinked then he swallowed.
"Harry." Hermione breathed.
"If he makes as much as one move, we'll blast him!" Ron assured in a strong voice.
Harry nodded, assured that dozens of eyes were on them, ready to take action if something were to happen. Slowly Harry stepped forward until he was right in front of Snape… It really was strange, they were the same height now and thus really stood eye to eye, their eye contact still hadn't been broken, then Harry reached out and took the wand that had been offered to him then he stepped back, finally breaking the contact.
The action was immediate, at ones Kinglsey Shacklebolt jumped forward alongside a number of other adults, all grabbed Snape and quickly he was on the floor in handcuffs.
For all of that though, he hadn't offered the slightest bit of resistance, his face still hadn't moved in the least, he just laid there.
"under the authority of the ministry of magic!" Kingsley exclaimed loudly so all could hear. "I hereby arrest you! You have the right to remain silent!"
It… felt like an odd thing to say, considering that Snape really hadn't said a single word for this whole encounter and didn't look like he was even going to. Neither did it look like he was going to fight back… At all.
Then suddenly it hit Harry… Snape was. Giving himself up. Astounded Harry looked at the former professor now on the floor, then his eyes turned to the black wand still in his hand… A wizard was never to be seen without their wand. Snape was no exception, he always had it either in his hand or in his belt… Sometimes it had even been hidden in his sleeve, but always on his person. Harry swallowed as he folded his hand around the wand it felt… Oddly warm, then he hid it away by putting it in his belt next to both Draco's wand, the elder wand and his old broken wand… Four wands. How many did he need, seriously?
Then Kingsley reached down to pick Snape up getting him up on his feet, Snape very calmly merely obliged. "You will now be transferred to the ministry." Kingsley informed. "And you will be put in a holding cell until further notice."
Ones again… Snape wasn't even moving, though then suddenly.
It was so brief and so strange, Harry was ready to swear he had only imagined it but… It looked like… a smile had graced Snapes lips.
And not an evil smile, nor a harsh or ironic smile. A soft smile…. A smile that, Harry had honestly never seen on this mans face, and it felt completely out of place!
Then though he was turned around by the aurors so all Harry could now see was his backside as he was let away, probably to the nearest fireplace so they could get him to the ministry and the promised holding cell.
Harry was not the only one stunned, he was quickly joined by his friends.
"He… Gave himself up?" Ron asked. "Why didn't he run for it?" he asked. "He knows of at least one secret passageway to Hogsmead!"
"Maybe he thought it was only a matter of time before he got caught and decided to just get over with it?" Harry suggested, but even as he said it he could already say that just felt wrong, there was no way that was right.
"Maybe he hopes to cut himself a deal if he goes willingly?" Hermione suggested, but even she seemed hesitant.
"Hermione… I don't think there's any way he'll get anything less than life in Azkaban." Ron had to point out. "I mean… There were several eye witness's seeing him murdering Dumbledore."
"Yeah..." Harry sighed, knowing he himself was a key witness on that one. That one he could not forget even if he tried. "And… Then there are several other accounts of dark wizardry." he added. "He must be planning something though, I mean this is Snape, there is always a point to what he does. He doesn't do anything on a whim."
Hermione sighed. "Harry… maybe just let the ministry handle it this time." she asked. "You've done enough. Finally, you should start to focus on yourself."
Harry nodded. "Yes I… I suppose." then suddenly he became aware, very aware of the black wand still in his belt… Snapes wand.
Snape had given him his wand? Why… What possible reason could he have to do that? And why him of all people?
Wands were sacred to a wizard, practically an extension of the wizard himself, without them their magic would be extremely limited. Only a few wizards could do wandless magic, and true enough Snape was one of them, but even he could only do tiny insignificant magic with it, such as lighting candles and use accio on smaller objects that were nearby… That was all. Without it… Snape would largely be defenseless, like most wizards…. In this moment Snape without his wand, was practically just a guy.
It was… very strange to think about.
"I hope he rots for a thousand years." Ron snorted.
Harry nodded slowly. "Yes." he said honestly. "He deserves it, after all he's done."
And the other two nodded, this… This had turned out better than any could have hoped. Severus Snape would be brought to justice! This was a good thing.
Then why… Why did something feel so off?