The Spartan watched the blue whirlpool of Hyperspace dissipate. He felt the slight deceleration of the small Frigate as they re-entered normal space. He looked over to Ahsoka, to see her running through a series of switches, before turning to the com console, tuning it via the press of a few buttons and speaking aloud "Corellia ATC, this is Alpha Four-Seventeen. We are here on official Jedi Order business. Ya got a landing site for us?"
... Six listened to the Com as it crackled to life, then heard a woman's voice speak "Alpha Four-Seventeen, this is Corellia ATC. We copy you loud and clear... Proceed to docking bay 9. You are cleared for landing. ATC out."
Six hummed, then stood up. He spoke calmly "I'll go see what I can grab." as he took his pistol from the console in front of him and holstered it. Going into the back, the Spartan took to opening the locker he'd left most of his weapons in. His MA37, his DMR... Et-Cetera. He slung the Energy Sword back onto his hip and looked over his ammunition. If he was to keep using his ammo, he would probably have to do it sparingly. Too many rounds used meant he had none of those until he met his own people to rearm. If he met them.
He looked to his left, to see the Elf-like woman sitting. Meditating. Master Fay was apparently a pretty big deal in the Order. Ahsoka had told him how she'd been going around the Galaxy, guided by the Force, for centuries, if not millennia, helping whoever she could however she could. And the Force kept her this young and beautiful, so it must've been a bit more than science.
He cleared his throat, taking the woman's attention toward him. She raised her gaze and smiled, then offered "Anything I can do for you, Noble Six?"
"Was just wondering if you were gonna tag along too, Master Fay." The Spartan noted, stowing his AR on his back for now. He'd need to check his balance and start getting local weapons before long. Maybe he could scavenge some off destroyed Droids, or off of the corpse of anyone stupid enough to try and mess with him. He eyed the woman, but got a shake of the head.
"I will stay and guard the ship. Perhaps aid us in finding the next step of our path..." The woman spoke, smile still there... But Six noticed how distraught she seemed.
He raised a brow upon observing a slight twitch. The Spartan then asked "Something the matter?" cautiously. She paused, looking at the floor, then she turned back to him and shook her head. Curious, but the Spartan wasn't gonna cherry pick now... He watched as Ahsoka and Barriss walked into the hold, to join him, before nodding to them. He flicked on a switch and the ramp slowly lowered, revealing one of the dozen landing pads of Coronet's starport. The Spartan stepped down first, to be greeted by a patrol of Clones in pure white, as well as an officer.
The Spartan stared around at the towering Skyscrapers all the while. Maglev trains ran above them at incredible speeds, flying Cars moved in lanes and layers and the neon lights of the City lit the catwalks and high-rises in a flurry of bright, warm colors. Even the lower wards seemed warm and open to the newcomers, but the welcoming committee seemed worried.
The Spartan and Jedi soon walked up to their escorts. The officer, a slightly rotund and pale, younger man with shifty black eyes, gave quick salutes to Ahsoka and Barriss, then looked to Six and said "So you're the one the Jedi sent out... I'm Captain Karon Grell, Republic Intelligence. C'mon. We need to talk somewhere that's not this out there."
"Something the matter, Captain?" Barriss asked, brow raised.
The man nodded gravely, then spoke "I've been tailed here by someone. Had to ask for these Troopers to escort me here... Come, to my office."
The Spartan's gaze shifted toward the rooftops on instinct. The closest ones were a good hundred meters away and some even had railings, so it was harder to see, but he knew better than to not search. His hand hovered over his handgun as he continued his scan, boosting his Motion Tracker to 500 meters search. He looked over, just in time to watch the scarlet bolt of a blaster rifle pass through the air.
Captain Grell dropped to the floor, a wound through the side of his chest cavity. Six's return fire was late by seconds, with five shots from his M6. He saw where the shot came from, tracing it back and he also managed to see a slim figure running... The Spartan swore behind his breath, slinging his pistol to his hip and going toward Grell as a Clone trooper tended to him.
"No good..." The Clone medic spoke. "Shot punched clean through his lungs, burned his heart... He's gone."
"Shit..." Six growled, then looked over him. "Gonna need to search his pockets... Maybe he has the intel we need... But for now..."
He looked up, noticing Troopers with Jump Packs arriving on the scene. He pointed out the direction that the shooter went and stood up. He looked to Ahsoka and Barriss and said "One of you stay with the clones. The other, with me. We've got a killer to catch."
Ahsoka looked to Barriss and smirked "I'll be going with'im. C'mon, Six!"
The girl surged forth, to which Barriss shrugged, then went to help the Clones. The Spartan rolled his eyes, then ran with Ahsoka, down one of the many catwalks of the place. The girl then jumped on top of some crates and up onto the roof a level higher than them. The Spartan followed, slowly, behind, rifle drawn. He broke into a full sprint, using his armor's boosts to the best of his abilities as he caught up to the parkouring Togruta.
"Yo, Tails! Going a little fast, aren't we?!" He quipped, watching as the Jump Troopers joined them, Blasters drawn. He eyed the running target ahead, a city block further... The Spartan's speed grew as he rushed toward the edge of this roof, only to jump onto the next at maximum speed of 60 Kilometers per hour... Enough speed that the Shooter turned toward him, raising their blaster to fire. The Spartan dodged one Bolt, before raising his own rifle and firing in short bursts...
Rounds scraped the wall as the Jump Troopers followed and ran with the Spartan and Jedi. The killer turned the corner of the roof, jumping across to a roof at a lower altitude and dashing to the left. Close behind, the Spartan and Jedi were keeping pace. The Assassin made it to a door, opening it and running down the pristine hallway, before taking a right. The Spartan and Jedi turned the corner too, only for two Blaster bolts to strike and scar the red stripe on the white metal wall. Six managed to take cover and yank Ahsoka with him. He looked down into her eyes, locking to her determined gaze, then nodded.
He turned the corner, aiming his rifle, then froze as he saw a human doctor wearing disinfected medical gowns running down the hall with a gurney that had a humanoid alien on it... He gritted his teeth, then moved forward, rifle raised. He passed by the doctor, his nurses and the patient, before turning into the wide reception of the hospital they were in... The Killer stopped near by the door, at the center of the crowd of shocked occupants, some hiding, some gasping, some standing there, shaken.
A female with most of her features covered by a black mask with red, tinted glass as its eyes, as well as a black hood, she wore a black and red light armor, with a surcoat on the waist. Two heavily modified Blaster Pistols sat neatly in their twin black leather holsters and, on her back, she had a modular Blaster Rifle, currently in its sniper configuration... Six squinted, his visor polarizing. He eyed an emblem on the woman's chest... A six-pointed star with a circular center, encased within a hexagon, the lines making up the outer each shape split at the middle...
His suit recorded the image... She gave Six a mock salute, before rushing out of the front door... He ran after her, with Ahsoka in tow, but upon exiting through the door, they found one of the planet's many topside catwalk streets filled by a mixed crowd of humans and aliens alike... The Spartan scoffed, checking his ammo count and slinging his AR onto his back. A platoon of Clones joined them, with their leader saying "Sir... Where's the shooter?"
"Lost in the crowd, trooper..." Six sighed. "Got a good look at her, though. And I got a photo of an emblem she was wearing on her chest."
"That could be useful." Ahsoka mused, looking to him.
The Spartan hummed "Yeah. Could be... I'll try and find a way to either print or copy the photo to one of your tablets, send it to the Council or the Republic's Intel officers for any type of info they could give us."
"Yeah. We should probably head for the Captain's office... See what kind of stuff he was working on here on Corellia." The young Padawan offered her opinion. Six was keen to take it, nodding and turning to the Clones. The duet then took to following the Clones through the crowded streets. Six watched the tall buildings they walked by flicker and shine with the neon and holograms. Recruitment offices for the Republic Navy, the Army and medical corps... Fitting, considering, but...
Eh, not like he cared anyways...
As they approached the main precinct building in which the Captain's office was located, they were greeted by a monolithic structure with several landing pads adorned across the top and a mound of anti-air and other types of defenses both atop and around it, within the Garrisons and Barracks scattered in a circular pattern between the tall high-rises of buildings...
The reception was similarly imposing to the main building itself. A very-well lit hall, with Republic flags and banners hanging proudly over the main desks, where human and alien alike worked. The clones led them directly up the stairs, down a busy hallway and to the door of the Captain's office.
Six looked to the officer and said "We're gonna need access to the place."
"Sir, yessir." The trooper said "Local Police's gonna come by to look at the place too, though."
"We won't bother much." Ahsoka quipped. "Right, Six?"
"Yeah... Hey, Tails, why don't you go find the other one, find out if she's with the policemen and if they figured anything out. Maybe getting info on the weapon type used to kill the Captain will give us some kinda lead. I'll look through the place 'till then." He offered. Ahsoka raised a brow, then hummed.
"You have some suspicions about this?" Ahsoka inquired.
"I'm more concerned of the killer coming in to check if she finished the job and starting a shootout at a police station." He quipped. "Now, go on. I'll get the place checked."
Ahsoka nodded "Gotcha... Well, Ya know our com-link. Ring if you're feeling lonely." And she smirked, before walking away. He gave her a nod, before turning to the Clone officer. Said officer slid the card onto the reader's sensor suite and the door hissed as it opened, sliding to the side... The Spartan stepped inside the room, to see a window leading to the outside, with a clear view of the rest of the city... The room itself was clean, tidy... Should make finding things easier... The furniture present was a mix of office stuff and some personal additions for comfort. A sofa to his right, next to a set of drawers that had holo-files in them. A corner-desk on the wall with the window, facing the door... Some leather chairs, shelves with different memorabilia and books... And a weapons case.
Decent place... He went behind the desk, sitting himself down onto the man's chair and silently praying it held as he activated the man's holo-computer. He primed and powered the device and two prongs extended from the metallic desk, before their sides lit themselves a blue hue... The screen shimmered for a second, before it thrummed, awaking to life. As the log-in screen appeared, Six's helmet slowly began to translate the symbols that appeared onto it... He looked to his TACCOM as it worked on that by itself...
"Huh..." He hummed, then pulled out a cord from the top and slid it into a port below the PC... Slowly, the translation streamed onto his HUD... And of course, the damn thing needed a Password... The Spartan began looking through the drawers as his TACCOM worked through parsing and translating each symbol into a coherent language. Thankfully, it seemed to be doing a good job at it, since the translation was going fast...
He was thankful the man kept everything eerily over-organized, even for someone afraid for his life... The Spartan soon found a tablet which was auto-translated by his HUD... With the computer's Password... 'Aayura'... Huh, must've been someone important to him. He put the tablet onto the desk, then tapped in the password. The desktop and screensaver that emerged showed the man with an alien girl with tails similar to Ahsoka's... One of which was curled around her neck. Her skin was blue and she had face tattoos... Cradled in her hand was a mix-breed baby, human and alien... Both of them were smiling...
"Shit... Sorry, Captain..." He murmured, partly disappointed, partly conflicted... He rummaged through the man's files for a bit... Before finding some kind of text-based file titled 'Nihilianth's Cult'... Aw for FUCK'S SAKE! A CULT... HE FUCKING... Letting out a sigh and furrowing his brows, the Spartan opened the file, murmuring to himself as he read... A cult based on the belief of the return of an ancient legend from during the Old Republic days, affiliated with the so-called enemies of the Jedi, the Sith. Sightings reported across the Galaxy of small cells operating in the underbelly of major cities... Possible assassins killing members of the Republic Intelligence Services crazy enough to try and trail them. Cover their tracks very well... Sighted on Death Worlds, such as the famed Sith Tomb World... Korriban... And near the end, there was a list of planets the Cult was spotted on.
Well, he knew his next targets...
He set the file to download to his suit, and then self-delete, turning toward the window with his hand hovering over his pistol. His eyes scanned the top, sides and bottom of the window, just in case... And the moment the download finished and the file self-deleted, the Spartan removed the wire and walked toward the door. Trying to open it, he found it was stuck... And a weapon charged behind him...
"You got in through the vents... Smart." Six hummed.
"Didn't have to break the window either. Greetings to you as well, soldier." The woman spoke gallantly, her voice smooth like silk. The Spartan wanted to turn and draw his handgun, but she mouthed "Ah ah ah... No need to be hasty... I take it you have the files that that servant to the Jedi had on us?" to which the Spartan eyed her... He rolled his eyes.
"We have a lot to talk about..." The woman spoke.