Ilia jogged across the camp, weaving between tents. "There's a lot of grimm left...but I can't shake this bad feeling. I need to find Adam quick." After defeating a few beowolves, she had realized that Blake was absent from the fighting - where could she be when the camp was being attacked like this?

Adam's trail led to the opposite edge of camp and off into the forest. The sounds of fighting faded, giving way to dead silence. Just as she passed into the trees, the smell of blood hit her nose. She doubled her pace toward the growing stench, using the trees to leap over the low brush. She stumbled to a stop when she entered a clearing, barely stopping short of bloodsoaked soil.

"Ilia…" Blake sat at the far end of the clearing, propped up against a tree.

"Blake...What did you do?" Ilia shouted. Wilt and Blush were discarded on the ground, along with the shattered remains of a White Fang mask, a mask that belonged to-

"Adam is dead," Blake preempted.

"Did you kill him?" Her voice was low and gravelly. She knew the answer.


"How could you? Haven't you hurt the faunus enough?" Ilia stalked forward, ripping her weapon from her hip.

"I think for the first time in a while, it's quite the opposite." She shifted laboriously, clutching her side.

"You were doing good! We were doing good for the faunus, Blake! You used to think he was right, why would you do this?" She leveled her whip at Blake, the tip mere inches from her face.

"Ilia...please. You know that's not right. I know you're a good person, you're just making all the wrong decisions!" She blinked away her tears. "I want my best friend back…"

Ilia's eyes were drawn to Blake's neck, which was bare to her for the first time in six years. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the cracked, blotchy skin. The screams of her closest friend echoed in her head. "How can you say that? How the hell can you say that, Blake? I tortured you! I'm every bit the monster that humans think we are," Ilia choked, her weapon clattering on the ground behind her. "My hands will never be free of your blood. He said we needed to punish you, that it would help you understand! Why did I listen...why didn't you just do what he wanted?"

"I know why you followed Adam; I was in the same place, years ago. I have to believe that you can be forgiven...or I'm lost for good too. I know you can help take the White Fang in the right direction; you know what we're doing is wrong."

"Humans won't listen to us! They attacked your dad! Your dad! This..this is the only choice we have left! What are we- what am I supposed to do, Blake? I don't know what else to do," Ilia cried. She dropped to the ground in front of Blake, hanging her head.

"There's always another choice, Ilia...we will find a way." Ilia crawled forward and sat beside Blake, slumping against her shoulder.

Blake grunted slightly at the contact, prompting Ilia to pull away. "It's ok, Ilia. Just be careful," she warned, pointing at the bandages circling her belly.

"What happened? Did Adam do that?"

"Yes...he caught me sneaking Weiss out and tried to stop us. She left with the huntresses that came to rescue her."

"Why did you help her?" Ilia bit back the annoyance that instinctively rose in her, the indignation that she would help a human - a Schnee. Tears continued to pour unabated down her face. "And..why did you stay here?"

"I helped her because it's the right thing to do." Blake adjusted her sitting position slightly and revealed her soulmark. "And I don't think I could have stopped myself." "I'm getting a little tired of revealing this." Blake internally groused.

"You've got to be kidding me. Weiss. Schnee."

"I know, Ilia."

"Literally the heiress of-"

"I know." She looked up at the sky in thought. "And I stayed, because I couldn't give up on you."

Ilia's breath caught in her throat. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I'm so sorry."

Blake pulled the chameleon faunus closer. The two sat together, Ilia sobbing into Blake's shoulder, letting her injuries heal.

Winter's airship glided through the light cloud cover over Vale. She locked in their course back to the joint military base and relaxed back in her seat, auto-pilot taking over. She stood and made her way to the back of her small ship. Weiss was a blanketed bundle in her cot, only recognizable by the cascade of white hair. Also in the crew rest, was Ruby and Yang.

"How are you feeling, sister?"

Weiss perked up, extricating herself from her blanket burrito. "I'm feeling much better, Winter. Thank you, all of you, for coming to get me...I can't say it enough."

Winter took a step closer to her tiny little sister, shaking off her hesitation. Weiss squeaked when Winter's strong arms wrapped around her and all but lifted her from the ground in a tight hug. Weiss' expression of shock quickly faded and she returned the hug. The sudden affection instantly brought tears, but Weiss managed a soft giggle. "I think I know who you learned this from." Ruby and Yang quietly high-fived behind the Schnee sisters.

"Yes...well, Yang has been an amazing soulmate. She has given me an abundance of advice on many areas of life I've never explored - particularly on how to be a 'big sis'." She ignored Weiss' raised eyebrow and sighed in relief.

Winter released Weiss and sat beside Yang. Weiss returned to the cot. "I'm surprised that father hired Yang, considering her connection to you. He must not have known, right? I wish you could have told me before, though."

"I wanted to, but I was not sure if I should. I left to pursue my own dreams, leaving the weight of our family legacy solely on your shoulders. You'd certainly not be allowed to be with your soulmate, and I know all too well how controlling father is...I didn't want to rub this in your face."

She sighed heavily. "I understand, don't worry. I think it's time for me to go my own way as well."

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you about this - what are you going to do about father?"

Weiss sat silently. "Did you know about the slaves? About marking 'SDC property'?"

"Not explicitly. But I wasn't surprised by what we saw today."

She dug her nails in her palms. "I can't go back to him. I could go the rest of my life without seeing him again and be happy. I think should- it seems like my best option- I should do as Blake suggested and visit her parents."

"I thought you might say that. I..agree. You owe it to yourself to at least visit Menagerie, speak with her parents."

Yang nodded along. "Ruby and I can take you there - we regularly do work for them."

Ruby nodded vigorously. "Yeah we love it there! The Belladonnas love us, we're pretty close actually. It's too bad that Blake didn't come with us. I hope it wasn't a mistake, letting her stay."

"She said she has unfinished business...and I feel she is right. If she simply leaves, nothing will change in the White Fang," Weiss concluded. She thought for a moment before continuing, "Wait. If you know the parents well, why didn't you recognize her? You should have said something!"

Yang threw her arms up, "I don't know! I mean they did talk about their kid...we've seen pics of her when she was little...but that's like from a long time ago! I just didn't think about it - not all cat faunus are related you know."

"That's not what I meant! I'm not racist." Ruby patted Weiss on the back comfortingly. "Ok fine, I might be a little bit," she allowed.

"Plus I was drugged," Yang added defensively. " What about you - why didn't you notice, Ruby!?"

"I was too worried about Weiss- I wasn't even- I was fighting the guy with the antlers!"

"He was a bull faunus, they don't have antlers!"

"Ok whatever! Horns! Pointy head things!"

"Well when the time comes you can be the one to tell them, Kali is going to be so sad!"

"No! Be a good older sister and take the fall!"

"Yang! Ruby!" Winter interjected. "Neither of you realized, that's fine. But, the Belladonnas likely have been keeping up with the news; there's no way they didn't realize who she was, even with the mask." Ruby and Yang fell back in their seats groaning. "We need to do a few things first: we need to turn in the bounty - which can be done at base. Second, we need to publicize your survival and put an end to this incident. Finally, you need to cut ties with father." She stood and returned to the cockpit, calling through the radio, "We're almost back, make sure you're all sitting down."

Weiss sat back and chewed on her objections - but she knew that Winter was right. "This will be hard, but I can do it. I'm not alone." Her stomach fluttered as the ship dipped, soaring down to the landing zone.

"Oh no...we will have some company when we land," Winter said. "The general is waiting for us."

She followed her usual flight path down to the base, arriving in her assigned hangar within minutes. The airships engines cut off, dropping the large space into silence. Winter quickly gathered everyone and exited her ship, stopping short of a waiting General Ironwood. "Sir. It is a surprise to see you here."

Ironwood fixed her with a look. "I'm going to overlook this, Schnee."

"Thank you, General."

He shook his head and relaxed his stance a bit, turning to the others. "It is lovely to see you safe, Ms. Schnee. And it is always a pleasure, Ms. Rose." He closed his eyes. "Xiao Long."

Yang chucked and looked away embarrassed. "'re still upset. I really am sorry, you know."

Ironwood let out a rough sigh. "I would believe that if you weren't still sneaking into Winter's room every night. I only tolerate it because it doesn't affect her performance." He turned away. "And you helped save the world, as Ozpin keeps reminding me." He marched them away to his office, a short walk across the quiet base. "The image of your naked backside is forever burned into my brain," he muttered.

"Yeah well you have no problem looking at Qrow's b-" Winter slapped her hand over Yang's mouth.

"My apologies, General." Ironwood continued to march forward, but all could see the blush that spread all the way to his ears.

Ruby whispered a short explanation about random barracks inspections, but somehow Weiss didn't want to think too much about why Yang was naked in Winter's room.

"A-anyway, we need to act quickly and contact your father. He has demanded that we declare war on Menagerie," Ironwood explained. "He's going to speak with the Atlesian Parliament in an hour - I know they will do as he demands."

The group entered the office, Ironwood moved behind his desk and activated a few displays on the walls. "I suggest that we contact him, then go public about your liberation."

Ruby gave her a shoulder reassuring squeeze. "Okay. We can do as you suggest, General Ironwood."

"If he goes through with this, it will be a disaster for everyone on Remnant. The grimm have been far less active since Salem's defeat, but the negativity caused by a war would certainly reinvigorate them."

Ironwood tapped away at his scroll, setting up a call. "Are you ready?"

"I need to be strong." Weiss took a deep breath. "Yes, I'm ready."

He gestured to a screen on the wall, where the image of Jacques Schnee appeared. "What is it, James, I'm about to speak with the parliament. This better be important."

"It is. You'll be pleased to know that the huntresses Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long have rescued Weiss."

Jacques froze for a moment, cogs grinding in his head. "Ah. That is good news. Is she hurt?"

Weiss stepped into view. "No father, I am unharmed."

"We will have to get a doctor to look you over. I'm sure this has hurt your mental state as well. The faunus will have to pay for this horrendous and damaging attack on our family."

"No father, I feel fine."

"Nonsense. Return home immediately."

To her side, she noticed Yang clenching her hands, her aura beginning to heat the room. Winter took her by the shoulders and steered her out of the office into the hallway, gently closing the door behind them. "Father, I will not be returning to Atlas. These past few days have helped me look at my life in a different way. It has been a-"

"Weiss, enough. You will come home, we'll determine how much damage was done to you, and I will take the appropriate action."

"You're just trying to use this against the faunus! That's all that matters to you! I will not be returning to Atlas. I can see that the world isn't the way you told me it was and it is time for me to stand on my own. It's obvious that the White Fang were right - the Schnee Dust Company, and humans in general, are the problem here!"

Images of the markings on Adam's face intruded in her mind. Winter and Weiss stood over the dead body, preparing to load him into the airship, staring down at the legacy of their family - a memory that likely would never leave her.

"I don't intend to suffer this so-called family any further. Farewell." She turned on heel and walked out of frame. Ruby stopped her before she could leave the room, hugging her tight. She allowed it.

Ironwood cleared his throat. "Well, as you've just heard, Ms. Schnee is safe. She will be doing a short appearance for the media, so everyone knows that she is free."

"James, she will not be doing anything like that. You will send her back to the Schnee estate immediately, even if it means forcibly restraining her. SDC support of the Atlesian Military depends on it."

The door opened abruptly, drawing Ironwood's attention. Winter and Yang entered, followed by Professor Ozpin.

Ironwood hid his small smile from the camera and stood. "Jacques, you know I can't do that. It would be an act of war for the Atlesian Military to act independently, here in Vale."

Ozpin slowly walked across the room and sat the desk. Jacques made a noise of disgust, realizing he was there. "James, Jacques. I hoped you wouldn't think to break the agreement we had."

Ironwood chuckled, opening a drawer in his desk. From it, he retrieved a mug with a gear and clockwork design, placing it in front of the Beacon headmaster. He filled it with coffee from a pot and shared a look with his good friend.

"Ozpin, I should have known you'd stick your nose in this," Jacques growled.

Ozpin ignored him, instead turning to Weiss. "Ms. Schnee. It is lovely to finally meet you. I wish it would have been at an earlier and happier occasion, but it is still a pleasure."

"Likewise, Professor Ozpin."

He turned to Ruby and Yang. "Ms. Rose, Ms. Xiao Long, it is good to see you again. The two heroes of Beacon."

Ruby looked off to the side. "It's good to see you too, professor."

"You saved the world, but humble as always." He smiled over his cup of coffee.

"All I did is look at her and think happy thoughts!" Ruby flailed her arms in the air. "I didn't know that it would purify the darkness in her."

Yang scratched her arm and added, "And I didn't even do anything."

"You stopped Salem's henchmen, did you not? All 3 of them, by yourself."

"JNPR was there to help too…"

"They said you did most of the work. Team JNPR did their part, don't misunderstand, but each of you h-"

"I hate to interrupt this heartwarming reunion, but you are wasting my time. Unless you return Weiss to me, I will continue forward and speak with the Parliament. The huntsmen of any kingdom that seeks to oppose me will find their access to dust to be cripplingly limited. I suggest you do as I say."

"I won't let you use me as a way to get more power, you sick monster," Weiss spat. "I will be doing that press conference; no one will support your silly conquest."

"And I think you'll find all the huntsmen academies united against you, should you pursue this," Ozpin added.

"Yes…" Ironwood said. "I'm afraid I won't let our army become your pawn. Things on our end are already in action. The press room is full - everyone is waiting to hear about the young heiress. My allegiance is to bigger things..bigger than the kingdoms."

"Don't. You. Dare," said Jacques through clenched teeth. "I'll tell the parliament about your...questionable allegiance."

"Do as you feel you must, Jacques. However, if you continue to act like a fascist, don't think that the parliament will listen to you for long." Ironwood's scroll buzzed. "Well, if you'll excuse us, it is time for our press conference. Are you ready, Ms. Schnee?"

"Yes, I am."

Blake rummaged through her things, quickly grabbing what she needed from her tent. She looked at her bookshelf remorsefully - she'd have to leave her books behind. Ilia sat on Blake's bed, listening intently for the sounds of anyone approaching. Satisfied with her packing, Blake slung her bag across her back and left the tent. She mentally thanked her past self for positioning her tent where she did, making it easy for her and Ilia to return.

The camp had devolved into utter chaos. Adam, Ilia, and Blake were all missing - no one knew what to do. Various faunus pushed to be recognized as the interim leader (until Adam returned, of course), making it an easy matter for the two faunus to make a sneaky packing trip.

"Are you sure this was a good idea? Cerise is just going to take over, you know." Ilia and Blake moved quickly through the brush, keeping low to the ground.

"Yes...I think this is the best thing for us to do." Her mind churned with thoughts of the future, of how she would reform the image of the White Fang and Faunus everywhere.

"So...what is our first move?"

Blake hummed softly. "I think we should go to Beacon."

Hours later, Blake and Ilia stepped foot onto the Beacon Academy grounds. She vaguely remembered the location of a few key buildings, so she darted through the shadows toward the headmaster's office, which was in the largest building on campus.

She paused behind the large clock tower shaped building to catch her breath. "We might be able to wait here until morning, and I'll try to speak to him." The various shrubbery that surrounded the base was more than enough for them to conceal themselves.

Ilia groaned. "Just what I wanted, to sit here all night."

Blake gave her a small smile. "Hey, this will work, okay? I'm sure he'll be willing to help us and overlook our...storied background. He did it for me when I first enrolled."

"'re just going to walk in and request a meeting with him? Aren't people going to question why you're here?"

Blake's response was cut off by the end of a riding crop, resting firmly on her collarbone.

A tight voice asked, "Yes, what are you doing here?"

Weiss trudged off the large ship that had just delivered her to the island of Menagerie. She was not used to the life of a commoner - especially outside of Atlas. She pulled off her backpack and jacket to fuss with her dress, unsticking the fabric from her sweaty back.

"I told you th-"

"I know, Ruby." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I should have listened but...I like this jacket, okay?"

Ruby giggled and fanned her with a magazine. The port was packed with faunus, all hurrying off to their destinations; she could barely turn without brushing her elbows against someone.

Yang put on her sunglasses with a flourish and pushed toward the main path of town. Weiss' insides twisted and turned as they walked. She was confident that she wouldn't be recognized by the casual observer - she had cut her hair to shoulder length and left it down. Her clothes were simple and accessories modest, nothing tied to the Schnee name. Her backpack held everything she owned - a modest amount, yet she was still far from poor, thanks to Adam's bounty.

"Don't worry, Weiss, the Belladonnas are soooo nice and everyone on the island likes us. We've helped them expand the livable area of Menagerie - they love us here! You're perfectly safe."

"Well, I doubt the people here love me, but I'm just a bit nervous. What will they think of me? This is just going to be awkward," she muttered.

Yang threw her arm over Weiss' shoulders. "Don't worry Weissy, check out their house!" She pointed down at the large mansion surrounded by trees. Ruby dashed ahead in excitement, arriving at the door long before Weiss laboriously climbed the stairs.

"It. Is. So. Hot. Here. Yang, please just kill me." Yang simply laughed and went to the door. Ruby went back to fanning Weiss, quickly moving the hair plastered over her face.

Yang barely knocked once before the door was thrown open, revealing an older faunus with earrings in her large feline ears. Yang took a half step back. "Hiya Kali! Uh..everything okay?"

Kali scanned the landing, looking for something. "Yang! Hi! Sorry...I thought- it seemed like her scent- Anyway, I'm so happy to see you! We were surprised when you asked for a meeting, you know you can come to us anytime."

Yang laughed and rubbed the back of her head. "You're too sweet to us, you know."

"I can't help my motherly instincts. Come in!" Kali turned and walked the trio to Ghira's office. The mansion was the polar opposite of Weiss' former home. The colorful walls, pictures of family and friends, tatami floors, and potted plants everywhere - a home that was actually lived in. She was surprised to see a few pictures of Yang, Ruby, an older blonde man, and a grumpy looking man with a flask.

"Ah Yang, Ruby! It's nice to see you," said Ghira, when they entered the room. "Please, sit, I'll be with you in a moment."

Ruby and Yang sat with Weiss between them, both gently comforting her. Kali placed a tray of cups in front of them, offering one to each. Weiss stared at the amber contents within, "How the dust do they drink hot tea here?" She took a sip to be polite, but quickly set it down on the coffee table.

Ruby stared expectantly at Kali, who looked away pointedly. She waited until Ruby sadly turned back to her tea, to produce a plate of cookies from behind her back. "Yay!" She crammed five into her mouth and sighed contently. Lastly, Kali set a cup of milk next to the cookies and sat across from them. Ghira quickly joined his wife on the couch, taking a cookie from the plate - before they were all gone.

"So, what did you want to talk to us about? It's unusual to specifically request a meeting," prompted Ghira. While she sipped her tea, Kali started to look over the newcomer, realizing she hadn't introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Kali. This is my husband, Ghira. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier - I was excited to see those two." She gave a look to the sisters, smiling over her cup of tea.

"Ok so," Yang injected before Weiss could speak. "You know how there was that whole Schnee kidnapping thing earlier this week?"

"Yes...Jacques Schnee called shortly after the ransom broadcast to inform us that we are to be questioned by the Atlesian Military and, depending on our response, would declare war on Menagerie. Thankfully, he seems to have reconsidered that and has chosen to simply sue us."

"Yep, that whole thing, -wait, he is suing you? On what grounds?! You had nothing to do with it!"

"Regardless of the outcome, he is holding us responsible. Ozpin contacted us - he'll be helping us with this, thankfully."

"Ahhhh...I've said it before, and I'll say it again: her family is terrible." Yang shook her head. "Anyway, back to what I was saying - so I don't think it was reported how it all happened, but we we were actually protecting Weiss before the kidnapping. I got knocked out with some chemical and a faunus ran off with her. Winter, Ruby, and I extracted her from the camp after we saw the ransom thingy. Turns out the woman that took her had changed her mind; she was helping her escape! As she brought Weiss out of the camp, the red haired White Fang head honcho guy came after us. She killed him and that's how Weiss got free!"

Ghira and Kali stared intensely at Yang, neither sure what to say. Yang continued, "I didn't realize until later that the cat faunus was Blake…which I'm sure you already knew."

"Yes. We knew that Blake was with Taurus' branch of the White Fang. Seeing her in that broadcast..." he trailed off, taking his wife's hand.

Weiss decided it was time to speak up. She cleared her throat and tried, "Chieftain Belladonna, Mrs. Belladonna, I am Weiss. It is nice to meet you."

Ghira was the first to shake off the reveal, stunning to them despite their suspicions of who the white-haired girl was. "Ms. Schnee! It is lovely to meet you." He looked at Kali who slowly looked from him to Weiss and gave her a small smile.

"Please call me 'Weiss'. Before you get the wrong idea, I'm not here to accuse you of something or anything like that. When Blake helped me to escape, she thought that I might be able to come to you for help." She paused to rummage through her pack, pulling out a worn book and holding it out to the couple.

Kali gasped, "I knew it was her scent! I'd recognize the signs of our daughter anywhere." She held the book close, flipping through the pages. "She loves this book; I know I read it with her thousands of times...but.." She hesitated, going through old memories. "For you to have this book…"

Ghira's head snapped toward Kali, instantly realizing the implication. "Blake! ...and Weiss Schnee?"

"Just Weiss!" she snapped. "I swear I'm getting tired of hearing my own name!" She sighed roughly. "I'm not sure how much you've heard about her since she left Menagerie, but she wasn't exactly a willing participant in the White Fang."

"What do you mean? The only thing we've heard about her were the times the White Fang activity came up in the news - nothing specific about her."

Weiss shifted in her seat. "I suppose it would make sense that no one would tell you - I'm sure you'd have done something about it. She tried to leave and become a huntress when she realized what the White Fang had become. When she realized that you were right."

Ghira gaped openly. "So why was she still with them?"

Yang cut Weiss off. "You might not want to hear this. To keep it simple, she was forced to stay."

Ghira's breathing grew heavy and rough, almost like a growl. His entire form heaved with each breath. "What do you mean forced," he asked, but he knew Adam and what he was capable of.

Kali simply looked horrified, clutching the book to her chest. "My baby," she whispered.

Yang went to Ghira's side; she knew all about controlling temper. Ruby crouched next to Kali, trying to comfort her. For a short while, both of the Belladonnas were unresponsive, seeming to almost grieve for their daughter.

"She is alive," Weiss tried to assure. She fussed with her hands, bunching up her skit in her fists. She could think of nothing to say, sitting helpless as she watched the Belladonnas try to hold it together.

Ghira released the arm of his chair, pulling his claws free from the wood. "I see...I should have reformed the White Fang a long time ago. This is all my fault."

Weiss stood abruptly. "No! This isn't your fault! Humanity created Adam Taurus." Ghira shook his head, but Weiss pushed on. "This isn't your fault. At. All! Please...don't blame yourselves. If anyone is to blame... my family pushed him and the White Fang to radicalism!

"You can't shoulder the responsibility for the actions of someone like him. Blake spoke so lovingly about both of you, she would never want you to blame yourselves." Weiss sat down, taking a steadying breath. "When she freed me, she told us to leave without her - she's staying behind to clean up her mistakes. She wants to change the White Fang."

Ghira and Kali shared a short look. "I've been working on creating a new White Fang for the past few months. We're almost ready to go public as an official organization. I just wish I had done it sooner," he lamented.

Kali looked down at the book in her hands. "Blake sent you to us...we absolutely would love to help you. You can stay here as long as you like. Her soulmate could only be a wonderful person." She gave Weiss a small smile, despite her watery eyes.

Ghira hummed in thought. "As fate would have it, we were just starting to look for a representative for human-faunus relations. You would be the perfect fit for the position, if you're willing to take it."

Weiss smiled slightly, "Fate, indeed." "I would love to."

Ilia and Blake huddled together at the back of a dark alleyway in Vale. Blake peeked down past the dumpsters at the storefront of a clothing shop.

"Blake, I'm not okay with this. These people openly discriminate against the faunus!"

Blake pulled back toward Ilia and took her hands for warmth. The chilly weather had snuck up on the two faunus, leaving them unprepared - with only a single pair of gloves to share. "Ilia...I know this is what the White Fang does - attacking businesses that refused or discriminated against faunus. But this isn't right. Hurting these humans might make them change their policies, but we'd only be increasing the amount of hate and fear of the faunus in the world."

Ilia sighed heavily, leaning back and resting her head against the wall. "I know you say that but, it worked...what will stop the discrimination now?"

"Dad said we could change minds by showing humans that we're not to be feared. We're just like they are. We deserve respect."

"I don't like fighting our own. I just don't feel right helping the humans!"

"Ilia! You need to stop thinking like that," Blake pleaded. "This is the same kind of thinking that leads humans to hate us in the first place!"

Before she could continue, she heard the telltale signs of an approaching airship. The vessel, in full White Fang livery, swung low over the store. The bay doors were soundless as they slid open to reveal a squad of faunus.

Ilia sighed and pulled out her weapon. "Let's do this."

It had been a short while since Perry had been made Lieutenant - something he was quite proud of. The assassination of Taurus threw the Valen White Fang into disarray, with a number of higher-ups making the grab for power. He was glad to have moved up a few rungs on the ladder - it was time to prove himself a capable arm of the new Leader.

His squad leapt from the airship to the snowy ground below. They landed as best they could in the slush, preparing to show humanity what happened when you tried to hurt the faunus.

"Why is this so wet?" He looked around his feet at the watery snow that instantly soaked into his shoes. He could make out a faint edge, where hard packed snow transitioned into the watery mess his men stood in.

"Hey guys." The group whipped around to face-

"Ilia! Blake! What are you doing here? Traitors!" He leveled his gun at the faunus scum.

Blake glanced over at Ilia. "Sorry everyone…" she murmured.

Ilia sparked up her whip and dipped it into the wet snow.

Weiss sat at the dining table, half-listening to the news while buttering some toast. She took a bite, trying to rub away the bags under her eyes left by yet another difficult night. Kali entered, looking much more put together than the young former-heiress. Kali looked her over, noting the disheveled hair and dark circles around her eyes.

"Good morning, Weiss."

"Good morning."

She sat patiently, filling her cup with tea. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling well, thank you."

She smiled at this. "Oh can tell me how you're really feeling, you know. I know you haven't been sleeping. What's keeping you up?"

Weiss swallowed hard and took a sip of juice. "Nothing in particular. Just couldn't sleep."

She couldn't help but be reminded of a teenage Blake. "Okay Weiss, I won't push you on this. I am always available for you to talk to."

Weiss glared daggers at the slowly melting butter on her toast, before sighing hard. "I've been having nightmares. Of that whole…event."

"Of Blake?"

"No...of Adam, occasionally Ilia. I see him in the movement of the red red ginger plants. I hear the sound of his footsteps behind me. I hear him whispering my name in the wind. I...I just can't sleep for more than an hour at a time before waking up in a cold sweat."

Kali simply nodded - the large ears on her head weren't just for show. She heard her talk in her sleep every night, even waking up screaming. "I have a suggestion that might help. If you're willing to try: you can sleep in Blake's room."

Weiss raised an eyebrow. "In her room? In her bed? That seems a little...invasive. And weird."

"I think if you sleep in her bed - your soulmate's bed - you'll feel better. You can try it out for a few nights, see if it helps?" she offered.

Weiss eventually nodded in assent and returned to her simple breakfast, until a familiar name caught her attention.

"...believed to be Ilia Amitola and Blake Belladonna, seen here confronting the White Fang early this morning. The White Fang attackers were subdued and restrained, left for Vale PD to find an hour later. The two faunus seemed to have prior knowledge of the attack and even the manner in which the attack would be carried out. Footage from an hour before the attack show them salting the area in front of the business, preparing their ambush. This is the third in a series of White Fang attacks thwarted by the duo. We reached out to the leadership of the White Fang Alliance for comment, but received no response."

Ghira burst through a door at the far end of the dining room, growling to himself. "Reached out to me for comment? At 2 am in the morning!? What's wrong with these idi-"

"Ghira dear!" Kali interrupted. "You can simply make a statement in an hour or so. We'll have time to respond in a productive way, instead of while half-asleep," she added, pouring him some tea. "We have a lot to talk about."

"...with me now is Whitley Schnee, speaking on behalf of the Schnee Dust Company, and Neon Katt, from the Atlesian Faunus Community, for a discussion on the happenings of the faunus rights revolution."

"Thank you for being with me, Mr. Schnee, Ms. Katt. What is your take on this? The last time we saw Amitola and Belladonna, they were apparently high-ups in the White Fang. Why are they doing this?"

"Well, taking into consideration what we've seen so far - Weiss Schnee being freed and the death of Adam Taurus, both at the hands of Blake Belladonna, and her involvement in these recent actions against the White Fang - I believe that she-"

"It is obvious, she is fighting to take control of the White Fang; it is as simple as that. She's a radicalized faunus and - I hoped you would speak out on this, cat - the silence of the faunus community is deafening. No faunus leader has condemned the violence, and now the beast that kidnapped my sister is reaching for the reigns of that terrorist organization."

"Mr. Schnee, your sister was freed by her - clearly something about her has changed. Her parents have consistently stood up for their daughter, and it seems that they were right. Additionally, your sister Weiss has chosen to move to Menagerie and work to further the faunus rights revolution."

"Again, this constant failure to address the violence is sickening. You can try to deflect all you like but it's a fact that faunus support the White Fang and their attacks on everything humanity holds dear. It is a never-ending attack on civilized culture."

"Excuse me, but Chieftain Belladonna has-"

"Deflecting again! I can see through your tactics, and so can the rest of humanity."

The scroll flickered off and Kali sighed. "Well, I think that's enough of that." She gently took Ghira's and Weiss' hand - "It's going to be a long day."

Weiss got out of the shower and fluffed her hair with a towel. The shorter hair helped her to feel the cool breeze that often crossed the island from the northwest every day. She walked slowly down the hall, toward the room that Kali had shown her when she had first arrived. After their introduction, Kali had taken Weiss to the room, where she returned the book to its place on a bookshelf.

She dawdled at the entry of the room, head bowed in thought. "This is weird. This is too strange." Her eyes were strained with fatigue, she felt dead on her feet - if there was a chance this would help, she had to try it. "I'm so tired...I just want some sleep." Everything about the room beckoned her in. She entered the room and draped her towel over a chair by the desk. The room was completely free of dust, with a number of healthy plants on the window sill. There was a well worn chair positioned next to the floor to ceiling bookshelf and a small table.

She stumbled forward to the queen size bed and fell face first onto it, laboriously pulling herself under the light covers. She pulled one of the two pillows under her head and tried to clear her mind. As she relaxed into the bed, she noticed a strange unevenness below her. She rolled onto her stomach and felt the bed. One half of it was firm and like-new. The other was worn, clearly slept in for many years. The pillows showed a similar type of usage - one used, one like-new. She stared at the softer side of the bed, stifling a yawn. She scooted onto the firm half of the bed, hugged the soft pillow to her chest, and fell asleep immediately.

Blake lifted her whistling tea pot from the stove, pouring the hot water into her awaiting cup. Ilia had gone out for groceries - hopefully she'd be back soon, Blake was starving for some food. A soft knocking at the door grabbed her attention. She looked through the peephole and quickly opened the door.

"What can I do for you, Professor Ozpin?"

The Beacon headmaster leaned on his cane and smiled, "May I come in?"

She chucked a bit and stood back to allow him in. "Considering you're paying for the place, I'm not sure I can say 'no'."

Ozpin looked around and sat himself at the dining table. "How are you settling in? Well, I hope?"

"Yes, we love it. Can't thank you enough for helping us so much."

"Have you thought any more about my suggestion?" He took the cup of tea Blake offered, taking a prolonged sip.

"Yes...but I think I must still decline. This is a job that needs to be done by faunus, at least for now. I appreciate the offer; the help of huntresses, especially those two, would be invaluable. However, I think the involvement of humans against the White Fang might infuriate some."

Ozpin nodded slowly. "I understand. You can't blame an old man for having his hopes." He smiled somewhat mischievously. "I haven't been wrong about my teams yet."

Blake cocked her head to the side in confusion. "What?"

"Nothing, nothing." He finished his tea and stood. "Just remember that Ms. Rose and Ms. Xiao Long-Schnee are willing to help you whenever you need it."

"Thank you. Like I said, we will need it eventually." She followed Ozpin to the door.

"Oh, a bit of news. Young Ms. Schnee has been training with them. She has really thrown herself into it - she has already gone on a number of easy missions. She'll be a huntress in no time, just like you will be. Speaking of which, I expect to see both you and Ms. Amitola at the exam next week."

"We'll be there, professor."

He walked down the hall, waving over his shoulder. "I'm never wrong about my teams."

Weiss slowly walked down the crowded street, trying to keep every inch of her sensitive skin in the shadow of her large sun hat. Thankfully, she soon reached her destination - a small noodle shop. Entering, she pushed her hat off and gently knocked on the wall beside the door. A white-haired faunus poked her head through a curtain behind the bar.

"Hello. Would it be alright if I ate here?"

The woman looked her over before giving her a short nod, gesturing to a stool behind the counter. Weiss sat down and looked around the cramped room. The bar took up most of the space, leaving room only for a single group table.

"I guess this is the best time to put this up," said a voice behind her. The faunus woman stood by the wall, affixing the flag of the White Fang Alliance to it. "Never thought I'd see the day a Schnee would be in Menagerie, much less in my little shop."

"I appreciate you allowing me in. As well as for supporting the WFA."

She gave her a small smile before slipping back behind the counter. "What can I get for you?"

"The black set, please."

The woman set about preparing her food. Weiss watched, admiring the large pure white fox tail that protruded from her skirt. "So much floof, flooooooooofy floo-"

"I'm Yukina. Arctic fox aspect, if you're wondering."

"Would you mind if I complimented your tail?"

She laughed. "Sure, if you want."

"I thought it was hard to keep my white hair nice, it must be hard to keep your fur looking so lovely."

She continued to work at the grill, tossing ingredients onto the oiled surface. "Thank you. It's especially hard while I'm working, but I'm pretty used to it now." She fell silent for a few moments longer, flipping a pile of noodles with a spatula. "I used to be bullied for my hair and fur color, actually."

"I...I'm sorry you had to go through that."

She chuckled, dumping the noodles into a bowl. She turned and placed it in front of Weiss, along with a tray of dumplings. "I appreciate you saying that. I didn't ask for white hair; you didn't ask to be born to jockstrap sneeze."

Weiss choked on her first bite of food, coughing in a very unladylike manner. Yukina passed her a few napkins, smiling amusedly. "I was waiting for you to end up in my restaurant eventually. I heard you were going to every business in Menagerie."

"Yes," she managed, trying to recover her composure. "I wanted to get to know people. If I had stayed in the Belladonna's mansion, I couldn't possibly understand the life of the average faunus person."

Yukina turned to wash her hands in the sink. "Yes...When I heard you were doing this, I thought it was just a gimmick, a show to impress people. I thought that I would kick you out when you came. How could any of us trust a Schnee? Why was our Chieftain falling for this? Surely this was some kind of trick to get revenge on us for what the White Fang did." She walked around the counter and sat on the stool beside her. "But, you've slowly won me over and when I saw you standing there...well I couldn't say no."

"Many have refused me, and I understand why. I hope that I will eventually have proven myself to all faunus. After all, my soulmate is a faunus - there's no way I could keep my old ignorant views."

The door opened behind them, and a cat faunus entered. Yukina rose and hugged the tired woman. "This is my wife Haruka. She's works as a huntress." Haruka mumbled something that sounded like a greeting, before ducking below the counter and disappearing into the storage room. "I heard you were working on becoming a huntress as well?"

"Yes, it's been a long-time dream of mine. I discovered I could fight and being a huntress is a way to use that ability to help others."

Yukina nodded slowly, "It's hard to believe you're a Schnee." She ignored Weiss' frown and continued. "When are you gonna tell us who your soulmate is?"

Weiss took a few moments to finish chewing. "I'll tell everyone when I'm ready. It would simply undermine my work if it got out to the public who my soulmate is. Really, the only people who even know that my soulmate is a faunus live here in Menagerie."

Yukina laughed loudly. "To be honest, we all know who it is already. You even ordered the dish she would get when she came here.

Weiss shook her head. "Oh...of course I did - I shouldn't be surprised." They lapsed into a comfortable silence. Weiss ate the rest of her food, enjoying the ambiance of the shop. No fancy lights and silverware. No silk table covers and long stemmed wine glasses. No fake laughter and dangerous smiles. It was just Weiss, her food, and the company of another person.

Blake sat alone on the bank of a river, boots off, feet in the cool water. Her nose was buried in a book, as usual. She wore a simple blouse and vest, with close fitting pants - rolled up to keep dry. She wore her hair up in a loose bun lately, to keep it manageable. The midday sun, clear sky, and gentle breeze couldn't be more ideal.

"I bet this weather makes you miss home." Ilia kicked off her shoes and joined Blake, sitting beside her.

"It does, but we can't go back just yet."

"Well, I have good news - the Vale cell has joined the White Fang Alliance!"

Blake set her book down "That's great, Ilia." She had sent Ilia off as an envoy to the group since they heard there was a change in attitude among the faunus there. "While you were doing that, I stopped a number of smaller attacks and intercepted a shipment of dust meant for a bombing."

"When I was with the Vale Cell, they talked about rumors of a 'cat-like ghost' that thwarted them at every turn. I wonder who what was." She pouted. "My camouflage is too good I guess...they said nothing about me."

Blake giggled and leaned back to look at the sky. "I guess we really can go home then. I just hope that they will accept me. I don't deserve their forgiveness, but I should try."

Ilia could barely contain her excitement. "I actually have some good news on that front." She answered Blake's raised eyebrow with her scroll, showing footage of a press conference.

"...justice. We have come to an agreement to pardon key members of the former White Fang leadership, who have been working to reform the organization, despite their past criminal acts. Forgiveness is one of our greatest strengths, for faunus and humankind. Redemption, is what they have achieved today." Professor Ozpin adjusted his strange glasses. "At a vote of 3 to 1, Ilia Amitola and Blake Belladonna are hereby pardoned of all crimes." The crowd erupted into applause. "Now, for a few words from the leader of the White Fang Alliance."

Blake's sight blurred with tears when she saw the next speaker. "Hello everyone. I am Ghira Belladonna. I was the leader of the original White Fang before the violent days. I look forward to helping lead the faunus toward equality once more. I hope that other branches will reach out so that we may stand beneath a unified banner once more. Lastly, I'd like to announce our new Director of Human-Faunus Relations. She has been working with our branch for the past year, and has gained the trust of Menagerie."

Blake grabbed the scroll from Ilia. "Weiss…" she whispered. She knew Weiss was living with her parents, but it seemed that Ozpin "forgot" to mention that she was working with the White Fang Alliance.

The crowd reaction was mixed - but there was one that stood out. The stage was filled with other big names from the kingdoms, including Jacques Schnee. He stood and stormed off, roughly shoving aside anyone in his way.

Unfazed, Weiss stood next to Ghira and politely waved. "My time in Menagerie has awakened me to the struggles of the faunus. I hope that my story of bigotry to solidarity will inspire others to examine their preconceived notions. I look forward to continuing my work for the faunus rights revolution. Thank you."

The feed cut off, leaving a stunned Blake staring at the black screen. Ilia grinned and tickled her cat ear until she swatted her hand away. "C'mon. I already got you tickets for the ship home next week."

Weiss tumbled as gracefully as she could, hoping to save a shred of her dignity. She bounced to a stop at the end of the training area. Aura had protected her from most of the damage, so she simply lay there on her back, raising an arm to shield her eyes from the harsh sunlight. She didn't know how she managed to keep her fair complexion in Menagerie, there was rarely a cloudy day on the faunus-populated island.

"Weiss! Are you okay?!" The sound of light, speedy footsteps quickly approached.

"I'm fine, Ruby…just tired…"

"You almost got me that time! You're improving a lot. Still a bit too stiff and formal, but we're getting there."

"Then you can square off against me! I can teach you a thing or two."

Weiss groaned. "I definitely don't want to go up against you, Yang. You'd break Myrtenaster. And then my face." She got to her feet and dusted herself off.

"Aww Weissy don't be like that! I know how to hold back!" The towering beast of a woman beamed down at Weiss. It was still inconceivable that this sunny brute was somehow Winter's soulmate.

Kali walked over to the four women, holding a tray of drinks. "Hi girls, how is training going? Does Yang need another lesson in hand-to-hand?" Kali teased, handing a glass to each woman.

"N-no ma'am," Yang stuttered, straightening up.

Weiss giggled, thinking about the last time Yang got a little too boastful.

"I'M UNBEATABLE! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Yang shouted, standing over Weiss and Ruby. Grumbling a variety of curses, her defeated opponents slowly got to their feet. "There is none who can defeat the queen!"

"Is that so?" The group turned their attention to a newcomer, Kali. The diminutive, dainty woman smiled up at Yang. "Why don't we have a match?"

Yang let out a bewildered sputter. "Wha-? Fight you? I couldn't do that Mrs. Belladonna…"

"Please, I keep telling you to call me Kali." She turned away, looking coyly over her shoulder. "Are you sure you want to chicken out?"

The two stared at each other: Yang confused, Kali smiling benignly. Well, Yang wasn't one to back down from a challenge, now was she? Yang pounded her fist into her palm. "Let's fight then, Kali."

They set up at opposing ends of the training ground behind the Belladonna residence, with Winter - visiting to help Weiss train - taking the judge's position off the center. "Ready?" Winter asked.


"Yes Winter."


Yang opened up with an aura-enhanced charge across the field, transitioning into a flurry of aggressive punches. Kali asked for a fight – Yang was going to take it seriously. The older woman immediately gave ground, nimbly stepping around Yang's fists. Switching things up, the brawler added in vicious roundhouse kicks, hoping to take Kali by surprise with wide attacks. Kali hadn't even broken a sweat, still easily avoiding each attack, ducking and leaping over her kicks. "Huff huff…she's so quick! I need to catch her when she can't dodge." She threw a full strength blow at her when the timing was right, forcing the cat faunus to dodge back with a little hop – this was Yang's chance. Before Kali could land, Yang used her momentum to launch a second punch to her low outside line. "Got her!"

To Yang's surprise, Kali easily deflected her fist with a simple circular block. The unexpected strength of the block threw her arm away from her body – she was flying helpless through the air.

The ground cracked under Kali's feet as she landed and dug in, leaning forward and wrapping her dainty arms around Yang's center. She impossibly flipped Yang upside-down and hoisted her up into the air.

"HuooooooAAAAARGHHHHHH" Kali snarled.

Yang's world went black as Kali powerbombed her into the ground.


"It was a fair challenge, Ghira-dear!"

There was a groan and the sound of facepalm.

Yang slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was filled with the image of a snow angel, who held her gently in her arms. "Winter….what happened…"

"I…I'm not actually sure. I mean, I know what I saw. But. My brain isn't understanding yet." She quickly checked her downed lover for signs of concussion.

Yang looked around blearily. Ruby, Ghira, and Kali hovered around the couple, Kali looking slightly guilty. Right next to Yang was a small crater, vaguely shaped like a person's upper body – "Wait…holy shit."

Kali crouched down and put her hand on Yang's head. "I'm so sorry, sweetie! I may have gone a little too hard on you. Are you feeling okay?"

Ghira's appeared over his wife's shoulder. "Perhaps I should have mentioned this before…" he began. "But, Kali is stronger than I am."

The Schnee Sisters giggled, sipping at their drinks. "Yeah, Yang. Don't bully me or I'll get Kali to defend me." Kali protectively wrapped her arms around Weiss' shoulders, grinning at Yang.

Yang raised her arms and said. "Alright alright!" She plopped down next to Winter and sighed.

"I'll be back in a bit, I think I hear someone knocking on the door," Kali said, before walking off with the empty tray.

Weiss continued to finish her drink, zoning out into the cool breeze and clear sky. Vaguely, she noticed a strange itch at the back of her mind, barely noticeable but unmistakable. She looked off into the trees that surrounded the mansion, pointedly avoiding Yang's giggling and wandering hands.

Suddenly, a resounding crash echoed from the opposite side of the mansion. The sounds of gunfire followed, along with the smell of smoke.

"An attack?" Yang wondered.

"Midday? In broad daylight?" Ruby asked.

"Old White Fang, maybe. They've been pretty desperate lately." She looked back at Weiss, who had her weapon out. "This is too much like last time… Winter and I will stay here, Ruby can go investigate."

"What about Kali and Ghira? What if they are the target?"

Yang fell silent, thinking hard. "That's very true, they'd definitely be a target here."

Weiss cleared her throat. "I'm not so helpless anymore, you know." She produced a spinning glyph beneath her feet and flared her aura to make her point. "You three can go help the others." She nodded at the approaching WFA guards. "I'll stick with them - I'll be okay."

Winter looked her younger sister over, frowning slightly. "If you are sure, Weiss."

At Weiss' nod, Ruby whipped out Crescent Rose and said, "Okay, I'll go to the explosion; Yang to Ghira; Winter to Kali." She paused to squeeze Weiss' hand. "Don't do anything reckless, okay?"

Weiss huffed and turned her head away. "Of course I won't, dolt."

Ruby giggled and the three professionals dashed off, leaving Weiss alone with the guards.

"Miss Weiss, we're here to keep you safe. There's an attack to the west side of the mansion. Looks like the old White Fang."

"Thank you, Haruka. We can hide in the bushes over there; it's pretty defensible, I think." The cat faunus nodded in response. Gesturing for the others to lock things down.

The group moved to the side of the house, mostly obstructed from view by some trees and a storage shed. Sufficiently hidden in the shadows, Weiss crouched and kept Myrtenaster out and ready. "How is Yukina?"

"Oh she's good. She's been waiting for you to visit again. Do you not like her food anymore?"

Weiss smiled and shook her head. "Of course I like her food. I've been a bit busy with huntress training lately. I'll visit again soon."

She gave a toothy grin. "Great. She's been worried tha-" Haruka abruptly cut herself off when her cat ear twitched. "Someone is coming."

From their hiding spot, Weiss could see the familiar grimm masks of the old White Fang. Weiss felt her breath quicken, despite her rapidly tightening chest. She grabbed the black scarf that wore as a sash around her waist, willing her body to relax.

The largest of the intruders was recognizable as the current leader of the old White Fang, Cerise, carrying a massive chainsaw. He had a group of grunts with him, a number of which were sniffing at the air.

"Schnee!" his voice boomed. "We know you're here - I hope you're ready to die, like the weak human you are." One of the apparently bloodhound-aspect faunus pointed at their location with his chin, nodding vigorously.

"Shit," Haruka murmured. "Let's go guys. Weiss, you stay here."

The WFA guards sprang from their hiding place, swinging their weapons at the intruders. Unfortunately, they were outnumbered by one. All the faunus locked blades with each other, except Cerise, who jumped back and allowed a grunt to take his place. The huge faunus walked over to Haruka, preparing to strike her down.

"She can't handle two enemies can she? I can't just stand by and hide here."

Cerise swung his chainsaw hard, only to find his blow stopped by a pillar of ice, the chain bound by the dust-produced ice.

"Schnee," he growled gleefully. "How good of you to make this easy for us. I get to kill you myself." He wrenched his weapon free from the ice, starting a headlong charge at the short woman.

Weiss froze the ground with a bit of dust with a flourish and simply stepped aside. The large man struggled to keep from falling as his skidded across the icy ground until he crashed into the side of the mansion. "You bitch!" he shouted, spinning around and charging once again at Weiss, swinging his chainsaw at her head.

She leaped over the wide swing and slid along the ground. She slashed at his legs, hoping to break through the aura where it might be less concentrated. Myrtenaster glanced off his aura, which held strong. He spun around to kick Weiss, which she dodged with another leap. Thinking he had her in a vulnerable position, Cerise swung his saw in an overhand strike. Weiss quickly formed a cage of glyphs, bounding off each surface, slashing with each pass.

He grunted, the hits apparently no more annoying than a cloud of flies. Weiss landed on a glyph mid-air and tried to leap away. She cursed the bad timing - she was exhausted from the long day of training. Her foot slipped, sending her tumbling forward. Cerise caught her by the neck and slammed her into the ground. Weiss' vision blurred from the impact, hoping that her aura held. She tried her semblance, sighing in relief when she felt a glyph form over her hand.

Cerise laughed in victory, bringing his chainsaw over his head in both hands, preparing for an overkill blow on the Schnee. Weiss formed as strong a repulsion glyph as she could, shooting herself away from the faunus brute. She bounced across the ground, landing roughly a fair distance away. Groaning, she sat up and tried to get to her feet. She could feel her scrapes forming on her arms and legs - she barely had any aura left.

Haruka and the others had mostly subdued Cerise's cohorts, which only made the man more desperate. His head jerked back and forth, looking between Weiss and the edge of the property - was it time to cut his losses and leave? Or finish what he came to do?

He slowly circled Weiss, putting his back to the freedom of the trees and beyond. "Nothing can stop me from getting to you, Schnee." The man hissed. "If not today, then tomorrow - live every day of your life in fear of the true White Fang."

"I shall do no such thing, miscreant. How long do you think it will take for Blake to find you and put an end to your misguided group?"

"She'll never be able to stop me. You don't even know where she is."

"You can tell yourself that as long as you'd like. A weakling like you wouldn't last a second against her."

Cerise looked back and forth between Weiss and freedom. He screamed in frustration, charging toward Weiss. He suddenly dashed, covering a surprisingly large distance. Weiss barely had time to guard with Myrtenaster before she found herself flying backward. She braced herself for the rough landing but was instead was caught gently by a pair of arms.

"I'm closer than you think, Cerise," said a voice over Weiss' head.

Cerise shouted in rage. "Belladonna! I'll kill y-"

One of the arms carrying Weiss, unwrapped itself from her waist. A familiar bladed pistol appeared over her shoulder. Ice rounds quickly covered the large man's entire front half and froze him in place.

From the moment of contact, Weiss felt her body flush with warmth. Once she was set down - "Curse my short height…" - she spun around to see a familiar cat faunus.

Blake fiddled with her weapon. "Hey," she said lamely. "...Long time no see."

Weiss looked at her feet. "It is lovely to see you again."



"Are you going to help me with these guys?" Ilia trudged out of the bushes, dragging two unconscious fox faunus that wore the hooded robes of the higher-ups in the old White Fang. Blake took one by the leg and unceremoniously dragged him to the rest of the subdued Fang members.

Ilia tossed the other faunus onto the pile and gave Weiss a sidelong look. "Hey."




"I'm sorry for everything."

"It's okay. Thanks for apologizing."

Ilia scratched the back of her head. "Is it that simple? Aren't I getting off a little easy here?"

"Maybe. But the therapist says forgiveness is part of healing. Plus, I know you've been working with Blake. I think that should mean something to me."

Ruby, Yang, and Winter burst through a nearby door, battle ready. Ruby looked at the pile of captured WF members and quickly folded her scythe. "Are you guys okay?" She ran over with the others. "Oh! Hello...Blake...Ilia…?"

The two faunus hesitantly waved at the three huntresses. An awkward silence passed between the group. Yang made the first move, walking over to Blake and throwing her arm over her shoulder. "Heya. So I hear we're going to be partners."

"Right...sorry for drugging you, by the way. Not sure if I said that yet."

"No worries," she responded airly. She patted her back. "I'm sure I'll find a way to get you back later," she added ominously.

Winter checked Weiss over, giving her a stern look as she looked over the scratch marks. She held her tongue, saving the lecture for later.

"How is everyone else? Is Ghira and Kali safe?" Weiss asked.

Ruby piped up. "Yeah! They're both safe. We've rounded up all the attackers, as far as we can tell."


"Blake sweetie!"

Ghira and Kali slowly walked toward their daughter. Blake froze in place, staring back at them. Tears poured down her face, but she made no move. Weiss looked back and forth, before grabbing Blake by the shoulders and marching her forward. Kali dove forward and hugged Blake, holding her as close as she could manage. Ghira wrapped both women in his arms, sandwiching Blake between him and Kali.

"Welcome home Blake."

"Are you sure? We wouldn't want to intrude…"

"Nonsense! You and Ruby are welcome to stay. Winter too, if she didn't have to leave for work."

Yang and Ruby hovered uncertainly over the table laden with food. "But this is the first time you've been together as a family for a long time."

"All the more reason for you to join us!"

Ghira laughed heartily. "You two should stay; she's not going to let you leave you know."

Ruby and Yang sat down at the table, instantly filling their plates. Yang elbowed Blake to her left. "I guess since we're going to be a team, may as well right?"

Ruby gave Weiss a smile that bordered on manic, her mind churning with potential team attacks. She turned her silver gaze on Blake. "So you say you can make copies of yourself? That's amazing!"

Blake finished her mouthful of rice and nodded. A second Blake appeared behind her and reached across the table for more food. It faded from view after it dropped a gyoza in her bowl.

Ruby's eyes gleamed with glee. "And you have a ballistic kusarigama that transforms from a katana with a cleaver sheath? Yang you remember how you wanted someone to swing you around and-"

"Yeah! And you wanted footholds in the air right?"

Weiss leaned over to whisper in Blake's ear. "I guess we're on a team with these two...Ozpin just wouldn't take 'no' for an answer."

"Yeah...he was weirdly obsessed with it. But, all those years ago we would have been in the same year as don't think…?"

A bright flash interrupted their conversation - Kali took a picture of the four with her scroll.

Ruby grabbed Weiss and Yang grabbed Blake. "TEAM RWBY IS FINALLY TOGETHER!"

Blake slowly walked down the darkened hallway, still familiar after all this time. Kali had refused to let her sleep in any room other than her own, which would be fine if her bed wasn't already taken.

She came to a stop just outside the room, watching Weiss intensely. She hadn't noticed her in the darkness and on account of the book she was buried in. She wore a pair of shorts and a light tank top, with her short hair tucked behind her ears. She hardly dared to believe her eyes - her soulmate was finally here. And she was home.

Feeling watched, Weiss looked up from her book. She started slightly when she saw the pair of amber eyes gleaming in the dark. "Goodness! Blake…don't scare me like that."

She quickly crossed the threshold into the room. "Sorry! I didn't mean to...I just..couldn't move."

She put the book down and patted the bed next to her. "It feels weird offering you a spot on your own bed...but Kali insisted." She waited until Blake sat beside her to continue. "Sorry for stealing your room."

"It's okay...I guess it's our room now."

Weiss laughed. " all too weird isn't it."

"Yeah…thanks for being willing to give me a second chance."

"Thanks for looking past my last name." She offered her hand to Blake, who immediately took it and intertwined their fingers. "We can talk more tomorrow. Today was quite exhausting."

Blake nodded in assent and slid below the covers. Weiss turned off the lights and was out the second she closed her eyes. Blake stayed up hours that night, fighting off her sleepiness. She lay on her side facing inward just like she did when she was a cub. She watched Weiss sleep for as long as she could, until her eyes drifted closed.

Blake's consciousness slowly returned - the brightness of the sun pulling her out of her deep sleep. Her senses returned sluggishly. She could hear the birds and breeze outside. The bed smelled wonderful, like cool mountaintop air. The skin pressed to her face felt softer than anyth- "Wait…"

Blake jerked fully awake, flailing as she tumbled over the edge of the bed. Over her pained groan she could hear poorly stifled giggling from the bedding. She slowly peeked her eyes over the edge of the bed and felt a surge of relief, seeing her soulmate there.

"Sorry…" Blake mumbled. "I shouldn't have been touching you."

Weiss waved her hand airily. "You were pressing your face into my arm, that's all." She looked to the side. "I'm a little scared of how much I liked it. Something as simple as you holding my arm."

"I guess it only makes sense...I'm sorry though, I should have asked."

Weiss nodded, accepting the unnecessary apology. "I didn't know you could purr," she teased. Blake disappeared past the edge of the bed again. "I guess I've heard you growl, so I shouldn't be surprised."

She crawled to the edge of the bed and offered her hand to Blake. She pulled the blushing faunus back onto the bed. "If I need to outline any rules, I am ok with hand-holding...or hugging." She turned her bright-red face away from Blake, whose turn it was to giggle. She quickly took her hand and pulled her onto her lap. Weiss turned into a sputtering mess immediately. Blake wrapped her arms around her mate and rested her chin on top of Weiss' head.

"I've waited a long time to do this," Blake murmured. "I've dreamed about this moment for my entire life."

Weiss giggled. "I bet you have all kinds of plans for us."

"Oh no...did mom show you my journal…"

"No...I was reading through your bookshelf and I thought it was just another book!" Weiss tried to look apologetic but she couldn't forget the excitement of reading through the young fantasies of her soulmate.

Blake and Weiss were matching shades of red, sitting together in the light breeze that passed through the room. Eventually, Weiss whispered, "I wouldn't object to any of them. You're so...romantic. And sappy." She turned further into Blake's lap, circling her arms around the back of her neck with one of her hands free to play with the bases of her cat ears. The slow rumbling in Blake's chest brought a smile to Weiss' lips, which she pressed Blake's neck.

Abruptly, the door to the room fell inward, depositing Kali onto the ground. The soft purr stopped, replaced by a heavy sigh.

"Oh! Oh dear, would you look at that. This room is occupied! Silly me, I'll. Just. Be. Going now!" Kali quickly righted herself and stood back. Ghira sheepishly leaned into view grumbling awkwardly, grabbing the door and pulling it back into place.

Weiss giggled, hugging Blake closer. "I've never felt so I've found my place in everything." She started tearing up so she buried her face into Blake's neck again. She felt droplets landing on her head, dripping down the back of her neck. "We've had a hard time getting here, haven't we?"

"Y-yeah. We have. But, we made it."