18 Year old Stan Marsh was down again. His on again off again girlfriend Wendy Testaburger; had once again broken up with him, this time he knew it was for good because she started seeing Kyle; who Stan by some miracle had forgiven since they were best friends after all; he was in his room watching Spartacus blood and Sand. When a knock on the door was heard; "yea?" asked Stan. "Hey Stan i heard about what happened between you and Wendy" replied Stan's second best friend Gary Harrison; "oh hey Gary" said Stan, "I was actually wondering if you'd wanna come over to my house for the weekend" replied Gary, "I guess since i usually hangout with Kyle but he's spending time with Wendy so what the hell" said Stan; "Great!" replied Gary. "Okay what time you want me over?" asked Stan, "Well it's like four O'clock now so maybe in an hour I've already asked my Mum and Dad and they're fine with it" replied Gary, "oh hello Gary" said Sharon coming in with a basket with Stan's washing in it; "Hi Mrs Marsh i invited Stan to spend the weekend with us is it okay with you?" asked Gary, "well i don't see the harm in that just if there's gonna be drinking don't drink too much because of how easily Stan gets drunk and I've seen how easily drunk you can get too, just because the drinking laws were lowered from 21 to 18 doesn't mean you can drink like kings" said Sharon, "don't worry Mrs. Marsh Stan Mark and I may have one or two beers with dinner, because we are Mormons but Mum and Dad sometimes make acceptations since they will drink wine with dinner. We're quite lucky because Mormons aren't really supposed to drink alcohol.

When Stan got a call from Kyle; STAN: "Hey dude sorry i know we usually go for a drink on Friday but Gary invited me to spend the weekend with him" KYLE: "okay maybe invite him along oh and Wendy and i wanted to talk to you about something I'd rather not discuss over the phone" STAN: "Sure all right I've gotta go" they hung up; "hey Gary there aren't any plans after dinner tonight are there?" asked Stan, "No why?" asked Gary, "Well let's only have one drink with dinner because Kyle Invited you and myself out for a couple of drinks tonight" replied Stan, "sure i really like Kyle. I'm glad you forgave him for dating your girl behind your back" said Gary; "No it wasn't behind my back um Wendy and i broke up and she started dating Kyle a few weeks after" replied Stan, "Okay then i look ford to it" said Gary, as Stan packed for the weekend and they left; once they arrived at the Harrison's residents they were greeted with open arms, "Stan Gary so good to see you" they said, "Thanks for having me over" replied Stan, "it's not a problem our door is always open to you" said Mrs. Harrison; "Oh and i hope you don't mind but Stan and i are meeting a few friends later on for drinks; "i don't see the harm, would it be okay if Dave Mark and Jenny to join you guys?" asked Mr. Harrison, "well it's okay because i just need to call the place, and make sure Dave would be allowed in because he's only thirteen isn't he" replied Stan, "yea i am" said Dave; "yea i just need to call them and see if you'll be allowed in because a lot of places like bars and night clubs you have to be eighteen, to go into but sometimes it's an exception if you're with someone who's eighteen could you guys excuse me for a sec i need to call the three wolves bar and make sure Dave would be allowed in and to give my friend a heads up it won't be the four of us that we'll have more company" said Stan, "of course" replied Mrs. Harrison, Stan called the bar first, THREEWOLVES WORKER: "Hi this is three wolves bar you've reached Carl" STAN: "Yea Hi my name is Stan Marsh; my friend's and i have a booking for 10:30 tonight; anyway would it be okay for a thirteen year old to enter if he's with people over eighteen?" CARL: "yes as long as he's with adult guardians, and you supply his or her drinks and limit them" STAN: "Okay thanks" they hung up.

Stan called Kyle, KYLE: "hey dude" STAN: "okay i hope you and Wendy don't mind but Gary and i will be joined by his older sister his older brother and younger brother" KYLE: "Not a problem dude, but doesn't he also have a younger sister?" STAN: "Yea but she's like eleven, his brother is thirteen he'll be allowed in" KYLE: "okay I'll see you all there" STAN: "Okay same time?" KYLE: "Yep 10:30 then we leave at 2:30" STAN: "Okay bye" they hung up; as he walked in, "Okay good news they said that Dave would be allowed in as long as we're with him, and if we supply his drinks if it's okay with you guys that is" said Stan, "i don't see why not" replied Mrs. Harrison, "Okay we won't get him too drunk" said Gary, "why not?" asked Dave; "well Dave it's okay to get tipsy sometimes because that can be a lot of fun it's just if you get completely waisted, it's not fun because, you won't remember most of the night and you'll end up with a very bad headache in the morning called a hangover, granted you could end up with one if you get tipsy" replied Stan, "okay" said Dave. "So we'll be able to finally meet this Kyle that you're friends with?" asked Jenny, "yep" replied Stan, as they talked for a while and then had dinner, and got ready, while Jenny was getting ready; she couldn't stop thinking about Stan she hoped that he'd notice her and that he was single, she loved being a Mormon like her family even though they'd sometimes have a drink but she wanted Stan too badly, she wanted his cock inside of her so badly she often dreamed of her and Stan together since she was only two years older also touched herself thinking about him. As she got into her nice going out clothes, when Kyle and Wendy arrived to pick them up since Wendy drove an SUV which would fit them all, since Wendy wasn't going to be drinking; as they got in the car and drove to the bar. Once they were there they sat in a booth; "so Kyle what was it that you guys wanted to tell us?" asked Stan, "well the reason I'm not drinking is because I'm pregnant" replied Wendy, "what?" asked Stan, "and we're engaged" replied Kyle as Wendy showed off her engagement ring that Kyle had given her; "congrats dude, yea congrats Kyle" said Stan and Gary, "Okay who's round is it first?" asked Kyle; "I'll go first, so what do you guys want?" asked Stan, "I might have some beer" replied Mark; "okay so how about we start off with beer" said Stan, "yea dude what do you want babe?" asked Kyle; "Maybe just some tea" replied Wendy, "okay" said Stan, going up to the bar.

"Hey can i get six pints of great northern original full strength and a cup of tea and please make the tea non alcoholic" said Stan, "sure since you and Broflovski are members you get a discount which brings it to thirty bucks" replied the bar tender pouring the beer from the tap, and paid on his key card, and the drinks were brought over to the table. "Okay cheers everyone" said Stan, "cheers" they replied; "Dave don't drink too quickly" said Stan, "i won't" replied Dave, sipping the beer since its okay for people aged thirteen and over to drink alcohol as long as an adult is supervising and supplying it, "wow that's great" said Dave not knowing he'd given himself a beer moustache; "he-he" giggled Wendy; "what?" asked Dave; "you've got a beer moustache" replied Kyle; "a what?" asked Dave, "the froth on top of beer sometimes ends up on your top lip, and it's called a beer moustache; "hey can someone take a pic using my phone so i can put it on my screen saver, "sure" replied Stan, as Dave entered the password and handed him the phone, Stan rolled his eyes at the porn files that were saved onto his camera roll as he snapped the pic and Dave saved it onto his background; "thanks" said Dave; "no problem" replied Stan, as Dave took another sip of beer, as a waitress placed a bowel of pretzels on the table; "i didn't pay for those, "it's complementary of the house" replied the waitress, once they'd all finished that round Kyle took the next one, "what'll it be?" asked Kyle, "Scotch" said Stan, "same" replied Gary and Mark, "You wanna scotch too Dave and Jenny?" asked Kyle, "Sure" replied Jenny, "i might have another beer then a scotch after woods" replied Dave, "of all of us two decide to be different" replied Kyle ruffling the boy's strawberry blond hair; as he went up to the bar. "He wasn't trying to insult me right?" asked Dave. "No he was only joking, since Wendy is pregnant it's not safe for her to have alcohol; so she's having tea, and you're the only one of us having beer" replied Stan.

As Kyle came back with scotch and another beer for Dave, as they drank that round, "I feel a little light headed" said Dave; as Gary since he'd recently become a member, got a discount and gave Dave his first scotch; "wow that's strong" said Dave. "It's meant be had slowly so don't drink it too fast" replied Jenny; excuse me i need to piss" said Dave, "crap me too" replied Stan, as he showed Dave the bathroom, as they used the urinals. "Oh and I saw the porn you had on your phone" said Stan, washing his hand' "what?" asked Dave, "relax I was your age once and i was the same so i know what it's like, but you need to know to not always think with your dick all the time which by the way is hanging out of your pants still" replied Stan, "ah" yelled Dave tucking himself back in, "sorry" said Dave, "nah don't be nothing i don't have" replied Stan ruffling Dave's hair. As they walked back out and sat back down and had several more drinks; about an hour later, it was two o'clock and Wendy got her drunken fiancé in the car, along with a drunk Mark and Dave and Stan, Jenny was only tipsy on the verge of being drunk so she sat in the front with Wendy; "so Gary says that you and Stan used to be together" said Jenny, "we were on again off again, we just got tired of constantly breaking up and making up so we eventually decided to just give up" replied Wendy, "sorry if i got too personal" said Jenny, "Don't be i don't consider it personal" replied Wendy; "so can i make a confession?" asked Jenny, "sure" replied Wendy, "well I'm actually kind of glad that Stan is single now, because ever since I've known him I've had a crush on him and it's become greater over the years" said Jenny, "it's okay if i were you I'd tell him well not now because he's pissed but i would confess your feelings to him, while you still can" replied Wendy, "But what if he doesn't have the same feelings as i do?" asked Jenny, "trust me Jenny I've known Stan for over fifteen years now since before we started preschool I'm sure he wouldn't be that cold" replied Wendy, "Really you've known him for that long?" asked Jenny, "yea i have him and Kyle have been like brothers ever since then as well" replied Wendy.

"Wow i knew him and Kyle were best friends and him Kyle and Gary have been best friends for seven years now; i thought that beer moustache looked cute on your brother" giggled Wendy, as they pulled into the Harrison's driveway; as Jenny got Stan, over her shoulder since she was quite strong, and Wendy got Dave over her own shoulder since he wasn't as drunk as the others but still had trouble walking around; as Jenny noticed the lights still on, "my parents must still be up" said Jenny, as she turned the key in the lock; and opened the door to see her father with Stan's parents; "Oh hey guys" said Jenny; "hey Jenny so good to see you" said Mr. Harrison; "oh god" said Sharon seeing her son in a drunken state, as Jenny took him upstairs, and Mr. Harrison saw Wendy bringing Dave in, "where's Mark and Gary and Kyle?" asked Mr. Harrison; "they're still in the car Dave here isn't drunk enough to not remember what's happened but he's drunk enough to not being able to walk strait" said Wendy, as she helped him upstairs, as she went downstairs to get the others from the car; "you need help?" asked Mr. Harrison, "sure thanks" replied Wendy, "you don't look like you drank tonight" said Mr. Harrison. "I can't drink" replied Wendy, "how come?" asked Mr. Harrison, "Because I'm pregnant" replied Wendy, "oh okay that your boyfriend?" asked Mr. Harrison, referring to Kyle. "Yes he's my fiancé him and Stan usually go for drinks on Friday i guess they'll start inviting Gary with them" replied Wendy as she helped Gary inside and took Kyle home. MEANWHILE, "Jenny I think you're amazing" said Stan in a drunken state; "that's nice Stan" replied Jenny as she put him in bed; and she climbed in too, and fell asleep.

The next morning.

Stan woke up groggily and in pain to see an arm wrapped around him, then he felt strawberry blond hair brush on his arm; as the person he woke up next to rolled over, and opened her eyes, "Morning handsome" giggled Jenny kissing his cheek; "Jenny?" asked Stan, "MM?" replied Jenny, "why are we in bed together?" asked Stan, "i was trying to help a friend who was drunk" replied Jenny, who could no longer control herself and clashed her lips against Stan's, who was taken by surprise; "Okay Stan, listen I've always had a crush on you, and when I heard you were single" Jenny was cut off when Stan pulled her into a hug, "Are you saying you want to be with me?" asked Stan; "yes" replied Jenny with a heavy sigh expecting him to say no; "yes I'd love to be your boyfriend oh and for the record" Stan was cut off, "no Stan we didn't fuck last night we only slept" giggled Jenny; kissing his cheek. "You wanna get up before one of your parents come in and get the wrong idea?" asked Stan, "good idea" replied Jenny, as they got out of bed since they were in their clothes from the night before; as Stan walked downstairs; "morning" said Stan, "good morning Stan" they replied, "How are you feeling?" asked Mrs. Harrison, "I'm fine I've had worst" replied Stan, as Dave came downstairs, "sorry for getting him so drunk last night" said Stan, "Don't be him being hungover will be a good lesson for him not to drink so much" replied Mrs. Harrison; "Actually Mum i think Mark got the worst of it" said Dave, noting his oldest brother holding a bag of ice on his head. As Gary walked downstairs; also hungover, "I'm honestly not so hungover Mum" said Dave; "I know that your dad sad you weren't as drunk as the others, but had to be brought in over some girl's shoulder" replied Mrs. Harrison. "What girl?" asked Stan, "It was Wendy she helped me get you boys inside last night; before driving Kyle home" replied Jenny sitting next to Stan and kissing his cheek.

Which to their amazement didn't seem to faze the others; as Dave looked at his phone's background to see him with the beer moustache, and chuckled as his mother poured him some coffee, "thanks Mum" said Dave, "That's fine sweetie, i love the photo" replied Mrs. Harrison kissing her son on the cheek; "Oh and Stan thanks for inviting me out with you guys last night it was a lot of fun" said Dave; "no problem" replied Stan, as Dave drank his coffee, "Oh and Gary if your parents are okay with it, you can join Kyle and i now whenever we go for drinks and even Dave can join us if it's okay with you Mrs. Harrison" said Stan, "It's not a problem Stan, wait why did Jenny kiss you unless you two" "Relax Mum Stan and i are now in a relationship but we only shared a bed last night we didn't do anything else" said Jenny, "It's fine Stan's always been like a son to us I'm happy that the two of you are dating" replied Mrs. Harrison. As Gary patted his best friend on the back; as they enjoyed a cup of coffee together, as Dave was thinking of someone he was in love in at school; "So Dad what were Stan's parents doing here last night it was like 2:30 when we got in" said Jenny; "Oh your mother and I had them over and we thought we might wait up for you guys and your mother went to bed just as you were getting home" replied Mr. Harrison; as they finished breakfast and enjoyed each other's company.