Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, Ultraman, or Godzilla but my own OC Kaiju. All rights belong to TAHO, and I would like to point out SpikedTankedmaster300 for helping with some of the scenes and character descriptions.
"Demonic/Alien Telepathy"
"Mixed voice"
Chapter one: Revival of the Dark Ultra.
The Village Hidden in the Leaves or otherwise known as Konohagakure, at a glance it appears to be a peaceful village, but in reality it isn't.
You see about twelve years ago the legendary Nine Tailed Fox Spirit or otherwise known as the Kyuubi no Kitsune attacked the village killing many Shinobi at the time before its rampage was stopped by the Fourth Hokagē, known as Minato Namikaze. By using a forbidden Jutsu he summoned the Death God or Shinigami to seal it away with what's known as the Reaper Death seal on a newborn infant boy with the hopes that the child would be seen as a hero for keeping the beast at bay.
Oh, how wrong he was for instead of honoring his last request, at the revelation of the child's burden almost every Villager called for the child's death, claiming that it would be an act of vengeance for their beloved Fourth Hokagē. The reinstated Third Hokagē, known as Hiruzen Sarutobi, immediately created a law in hopes of protecting the boy and giving them a normal life, turns out it did very little help of doing just that. The Villagers found ways around it and continued this method for the next twelve years.
They even tried to sabotage his education in the Shinobi Academe; they almost succeeded if it weren't for an honest teacher seeing the child for who he is and assisted the boy best he could till he was able to graduate to Genin with barely passing scores. The boy was then placed on a team with two other Genin and was given a Jonin Sensei; their sensei gave them his own test called the bell test in order to see if they have the skills and are able to work together, only they all failed the test and gave them one more chance. In the end they passed the test, however they accidentally left the boy tied to a training post.
But what the boy didn't know was that on that night he will discover something that will change both him and the entire planet forever.
-Training Ground 7-
In the clearing of Training Ground 7 are three wooden training posts.
Tied to the middle post is a boy of twelve years old; he's wearing a bright orange jumpsuit with blue outline and a white caller, a pair of open toed Shinobi sandals, a Kunai Holster on his right thigh with bandages wrapped underneath it, a Shuriken pouch in the left side above the left butt cheek. He has sun kissed blonde hair that is in messy spikes, a pair of sapphire blue eyes, tanned skin with three whisker marks on both cheeks.
The boy in question is Naruto Uzumaki, and at the moment he's trying to free himself from the rope binding him to the training post. He grunts as he struggled to reach his Kunai Holster with his right hand, over twenty minutes have passed till he is able to reach it and pulled out a Kunai, he then used its blade to cute the rope and free himself, he stood up while removing the remnants of the rope while grumbling to himself.
"Agh, Dammit! I trusted them and what do they do?! They leave me tied to the fucking post!" Naruto grumbled to himself.
As he's walking he didn't noticed something sticking out of the ground until it was too late, he stubs his left foot causing him to fall face first into the ground, he made a silent string of curses. He stood back up and noticed what looked to be a metal handle of sorts covered in mold; luckily Naruto always has a pair of gloves in case something like this happened and he quickly put them on before getting down on his knees. Naruto than grabbed a hold of the handle and gave it a good tug, this caused it to fly open while this send him flying, Naruto was able to right himself before landing in a crouch position.
Naruto sees that it was a secret hatch that looked to be made of an unknown metal and stairs made of stone lead down into the earth; despite what people think he's actually smarter and stronger than he lets on, the reason is because that if they learned that the 'Demon Brat' was stronger and smarter than the other students in the academy.
They would have found ways to make sure he didn't become a Shinobi, so he created a 'mask' if you will to hide his true talents from them, even the Hokagē. He wondered if he should report this to the Hokagē before he remembered that it was because of him revealing his 'burden' that almost all of the villagers hate him, so he decided to pull out his Kunai again and ventured down the stairs with caution for it could have traps installed.
As Naruto continued to walk down the stone stairs a thought came to his mind of why has no one found this yet, so many possibilities went through his head as he kept going down the steps, at least he can still see thanks to his eyes already being adjusted to the dark.
It took about an hour of walking the steps before it eventually stopped at a door made from the same metal as the hatch with a door handle on it, Naruto contemplated on what to do at this point.
On one hand he could tell the Hokagē about this, on the other hand he could keep this to himself and see what's inside. After what seemed like an eternity he decided approach the door, he cautiously got closer and gently grabbed hold of the door handle. He carefully turned the handle incase if it being booby-trapped with something.
With a silent click the door was opened, after seeing that nothing happened after a moment Naruto carefully and slowly began to open the door; once it was fully opened he couldn't see at first anything because of how dark it was. Though he was able to see what appeared be a light switch, while he was confused at why there was one Naruto wasn't going to complain.
As he walked inside towards the switch, he didn't notice that an invisible laser sensor was tripped the moment walked through it; Naruto reached out to the switch and gave it a quick flip.
Instantly the light turned on to reveal that the room has what appeared to be computers of some kind that seemed to be too far advanced than what's being used today. There also appeared to be other types of machines he's never seen before and can only guess what they do, there also appeared to be a round metal table with what looked to be multiple cables going up around a metal poll. The walls, floor, and ceiling appeared to be made with the same metal as the door and hatch.
He jumped at what sounded like a dark sinister disembodied voice speak to him; he looked around the room and spotted what looked to be a stone pillar located on the farther side of the room with what appeared to be some kind of ancient writing that he couldn't understand at his current distance.
"Unidentified DNA signature detected." A synthetic male voice said out of nowhere scaring Naruto and forcing him to take a defensive stance that looked different than what he showed during his time at the academy. Naruto than heard what sounded like a electric door was opening above him, he looked to where the sound was coming from and see's that the ceiling opened for what appeared to be a dark-red sphere on a metal rod covered in the same type if wires and cables connecting to the sphere and a metal ring going around the middle of said sphere, after it finished lowering itself. "Please identify yourself." The sphere said again, Naruto got out of his stance and relaxed.
"My name is Uzumaki Naruto, and who or what are you?" Naruto replied.
"I am the Alternative Intelligence Research and Gathering Unit or A.I.R.G.U. for short; I'm programed to await the arrival of a local life form to appear in the Alpha-House." A.I.R.G.U. answered robotically, Naruto has never heard of this kind of technology before; though one part of what A.I.R.G.U. said peek his interests.
"And why were you programmed just for that?" Naruto questioned.
"So they can receive the Giga-Battlenizer, and awaken my master from his slumber." A.I.R.G.U. answered robotically again, the short explanation surprised Naruto before his facial expression became a stern one.
"This 'Giga-Battlenizer', where can I find it?" Naruto questioned curiously.
"It is located inside the stone pillar on the far side of the room." He answered.
Naruto looked back to said stone pillar and thought about it for a second before he walked up to it, when he got to it he noticed what looked like the shape of a hand engraved into it. He looked back to A.I.R.G.U. and right as he was about to ask the A.I. spoke.
"Please place your hand onto the engraving on the stone pillar." A.I.R.G.U. answered for him.
"Okay, that's simple enough." He muttered to himself, before turning back to the stone pillar; he stood there for a moment before placing his hand in the engraving. The stone pillar started to glow a dark-red for a second before he felt it starting to shift, Naruto quickly retracted his hand as the top of the pillar folding inwards on itself.
After it finished opening, a small staff that is at least long, with a pair of box like compartments on each end of said staff that are both at least a foot long they are both shaped like a pentagon cylinder. As there are ten little blue screens on each side of the two box like compartments, it floated up out of the pillar and stopped at Naruto's face level.
"This is the Giga-Battlenizer in its retracted form. Naruto, if you grab hold of it, you'll awaken my master and be awarded for the trouble." A.I.R.G.U. said.
Though he didn't hear the A.I., his attention is completely on the Giga-Battlenizer. Said item started to emit an aura of darkness mixed with a dark-red around it, and could swear that the voice from before started talking to him again.
"…Naruto… Take hold of the Giga-Battlenizer and awaken me…" It said, urging him to take hold and not long after he started to do so like if he was put under a spell; he reached out with his right hand and grabbed hold of it.
But the moment gripped the handle; the aura around it exploded sending Naruto a few feet away from it. He quickly righted himself and landed in a crouching position and watched as the dark aura began to seep out of the Giga-Battlenizer and started to collect itself, it than started to take on a physical form as it continued to seep out of it.
Naruto narrowed his eyes as he struggled to get a better look at it and see's that it is taking on a humanoid shape, but also one that he swears he's familiar with. It didn't take long for him to remember where he'd seen the shape before; it looks like the one from the ancient scroll he read from the archives.
When the third Hokagē gave him the scroll he did it to help Naruto improve his reading skills and to show him a piece of history that has long since forgotten to the world. It told of a time when humans didn't know how to use Chakra; and of the gigantic creatures that roamed the planes of Elm called Kaiju. These creatures were describe as forces of nature that couldn't be stopped, for several hundred years the Kaiju either terrorized a village or they fought in it for territory; until one day giant beings of light that were called "Ultramen" appeared from the heavens and began a war against the Kaiju. The Ultramen succeeded in their campaign and driven the Kaiju either underground or off the world, it wasn't long after that they all ascended back to the heavens and were never heard of again.
But back to the matter at hand before him, because the energy has now started to crackle with black lightning around it for a few moments before the energy exploded outwards, forcing Naruto to brace himself and cross his arms in front of his face as the energy rushed passed blowing his in the direction it is traveling.
The exploding energy settled down after a few more moments, Naruto uncrossed his arms from his face only to see something he would never expect. The being that stood before him resembles the Ultra's from the scroll's description, but something is different than what was written, instead of a being of light like it describes; this one appears to be a being of darkness, from what Naruto can guess from this "Dark-Ultra".
The Dark-Ultra in question stood 7ft tall as their muscular body, showing them to be male, was dark as night and red markings that are similar to the color of blood, his Color Timer glows purple instead of light-blue. The Ultra's hands are replaced with sets of claws; on the Ultra's face, he bears a grin-like profile with sideburns and his eyes are uniquely shaped unlike most Ultra's described in the scroll as his are also the color of molten lava.
The Ultra threw out his right clawed hand, the Giga-Battlenizer flew right inti his opened clawed hand and he grabbed hold of it before it expanded to a total of 7ft. He then rests one end of the Giga-Battlenizer on his shoulder as he starts to laugh cruelly, which send chills down Naruto's spine from just hearing it.
"Hehe-hahahaha! After five months I've been awakened from my slumber!" The Dark-Ultra said gleefully, he than set's his gaze on Naruto. 'And to whom do I owe for my awakening?" He questioned Naruto, who stood back up while he had his Kunai out.
"Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto." Naruto answered.
The Dark-Ultra observed the boy in front of him and sensed a great dark power sealed away in the boy. However, it also appears from his observation that the boy doesn't know how to use it, yet; this may give him an opportunity to do something different for a change.
"Then, Uzumaki Naruto, I thank you for my awakening from my slumber. I have a question for you though." The Ultra said.
"What might that be?" Naruto questioned, while putting his Kunai away.
"Do you know who and what I am?" The Dark-Ultra asked out of curiosity for two reasons; one, to see if he's known on this "world"; Two, see if this "world" also know about the Ultramen, judging by Naruto's expression it would seem to be obvious.
"Well… You look like one of those 'Ultramen', except you don't appear to be a warrior of Light." Naruto paused for a moment before continuing his observation. 'But instead of what the ancient scroll describes, you look to be more of a warrior of Darkness, a 'Dark-Ultraman' if I hazard a guess." He finished, said 'Dark-Ultraman' only chuckled darkly to himself.
"Well, well it seems that Ultra's are known on this 'World' after all… But it seems that there hasn't been any on this 'World' for quite some time, judging by him talking about an ancient scroll." The Dark-Ultra thought to himself.
"Tell me, Naruto, how old this 'scroll' is you mentioned?" He questioned.
"Well, from what the old-man said, about two hundred years or so." He answered, though Naruto had been wondering about one thing though and decided to ask. 'Though, excuse me if I sound rude; but what's your name?" Naruto questioned.
"Hn, well aren't we the wise one?" The Dark-Ultra grunted to himself before answering. 'But very well, since you've told me yours I might as well. If you will my name is Ultraman Belial the first Dark-Ultra in history." Belial said darkly with authority.
Naruto's eyes widen at Belial's declaration, because instead of a regular Dark-Ultra it turns out he's "the" Dark-Ultra. He bows before Belial while crouching, now understanding the situation he's in; Naruto now knows that he has to play his cards right, otherwise he's good as dead.
"Forgive me for not realizing who you are, Belial-Sama." Naruto said in respect, which amused the Dark-Ultra.
"You may raise, young one." Belial said in reply as he sat down on the stone pillar behind him with his left leg raised to his chest. 'Now tell me, where am I?" He questioned.
"You're on Elm, in the Land of Fire of the elemental Nations that is mostly populated by shadow warriors known as Shinobi; currently we are in Konohagakure." Naruto answered, Belial then took notice of the blue clothed headband Naruto is wearing, specifically the metal plate with a leaf engraved into it.
"Naruto, tell me what does the symbol on your headband mean?" He asked curiously.
"It shows that I'm a Shinobi of Konohagakure." Naruto answered again.
Belial absorbed the information given to him by Naruto so far, Before deciding on how to ask his final question, he felt another presents inside of Naruto other than the Dark one from earlier. He thought about for a few moments with Naruto still standing before him, before Belial finally figured out how to present his question.
"Naruto… Tell me why I sense a dark essence inside of you along with second that isn't dark?" Belial questioned.
Naruto is shocked that Belial can sense the Kyuubi that is sealed inside of him, but also that there's another one he didn't know about. Belial watched as Naruto's expression changed from shocked to surprise at the same time, obviously that he is aware of the first but not the second.
After taking a deep breath, Naruto decided to tell Belial now that there's no point in hiding it from him of what he's sensing.
"What you're sensing is a legendary beast called the Kyuubi no Kitsune." Naruto said before continuing. 'It appeared and attacked Konohagakure over twelve years ago; our leader the Fourth Hokagē used a forbidden Jutsu to seal it away in a newborn infant." He finished, Belial quickly figured out who that infant is.
"You're that newborn, aren't you?" He stated rather than asked.
Naruto nodes yes in response, Belial sat there for a moment as he contemplated on what to do now.
"This maybe my chance at redemption, now that I'm free of Reiblood's influence… Yes, perhaps he could be the one." Belial thought to himself, he sat there for what seemed to be an eternity but in reality it was only a few minutes, and after an internal debate he finally came to a decision; he stood back up and faced Naruto.
"Uzumaki Naruto, for awakening me and telling me of both your world and of the beast you carry inside. I would like to make an offer to you." He said.
"And what might that be, Belial-Sama" Naruto questioned.
"How would you like to become my apprentice?" Belial asked this made Naruto's eyes widen once more that day by Belial's offer for a moment.
"If I say yes, what would you teach me?" Naruto asked.
"Heh." Belial chuckled before answering. "Very simple, I would teach you everything I know; from techniques, learning how to tame and control both various Kaiju and Aliens, and finally how to create your own Kaiju Capsules." Belial explained.
Naruto stood there for a few moments contemplating on the offer presented to him; it sounds like a good deal, but even he knows not every deal doesn't have any strings attached.
"That all sounds good to me, but what's the catch?" Naruto questioned further.
"Very good, you at least know how to pick up on this type of deal." Belial commented before answering. "The 'catch' is that I will have to give you some of my energy that will then turn you into a half breed between human and Ultra, it is essential in order to allow you to use said abilities." He explained further.
'Okay... So I can choose to except to be his apprentice and become a half breed after being given some of his power, or decide to decline his offer and expect to be dusted.' Naruto thought to himself, he continued to go over the offer until he closed his eyes for a moment before reopening them, coming to a decision.
"Belial-Sama, I've decided... Too except your offer to become your apprentice." He said before bowing his head to his new teacher in respect.
Belial smirked at Naruto's answer, before realizing that he needed to disguise himself to not draw too much attention to himself in public.
"Very well, Naruto; Before I fully accept you as my apprentice, I must talk to your Hokagē about this so that you can train without anyone interfering with your training." He said before continuing. 'But first, I believe my current form is not going to allow me to walk around the village without drawing too much attention, so I'll assume a human form till a time it's not needed." He said before being consumed in a dark purple, which blind's Naruto for a few moments.
When the light dies down it reveals Belial's new form; his body appears to be built like a WWE wrestler and has blood red tattoos in the same pattern as before all over his body, his face is rough looking with little to no baby fat has black haired sideburns and is bald, his eyes are magma red; he has a pair of black pants with a dark purple sash tied around his waist, and a pair of combat boots with red highlights, while still holding the Giga Battlenizer in his hand.
"Ah... This will do, for now." Belial said in a deep voice matching his new appearance.
Naruto for his part thought his eyes were going to pop out of their sockets, though you can't blame him because he didn't know that Ultra's could take human form. Then again, that could explain how they appear where kaiju would surface. Naruto shook his head before regaining his pastor and speaking.
"Belial-Sama, if you wish to meet the Hokagē then we best get moving, he leaves his office in an hour." He said Belial nodes before standing up revealing to still be standing at 7ft.
"Agreed, Naruto, it would be rude to keep the man waiting." He said before grinning.
-Meanwhile in the Hokagē's office-
Hiruzen Sarutobi can be seen currently in battle with the greatest nemesis to all Kagē's in the Elemental Nations, paperwork. He had finished his meeting with the Johnin sensei's of their team's test results, while he's happy to know that three teams past their tests. Though he wished that Kakashi would take his new position as sensei more seriously, this leads him to a problem with how to handle said man. He'll have to find someone who can keep him in check and make sure he's doing his duty as sensei. Not only that but, but once more did Naruto held back again during the test, yes he's been aware of Naruto's real strength and abilities for some time now.
But he felt he shouldn't pressure the boy, he knows that even if he did bring it up and he did ask the boy to drop his mask it wouldn't change how the villagers view him. That's another thing that has disappointed him is how they reacted that night he revealed Naruto's burden, he hoped that they would have honored Minato's last request. But he shouldn't have expected anything different from the villagers, because of the state everyone was in at the time.
Because of how they all reacted he had no choice but to create a new law that for Naruto, hoping the boy could live a peaceful life growing up. Oh how wrong he was, because instead Naruto was ignored and hated throughout his childhood, and Hiruzen couldn't do anything at the time because of the civilian council had power over him during the time. But now that Naruto is a Shinobi under his command, he will have a better chance of helping the boy from the civilian council.
Though he's been contemplating something as of late, that being Naruto's inheritance that have been left by his parents. While he knows he can't give the boy his inheritance until he becomes the age of sixteen or achieved the rank of Chunin though he's been thinking that it would be better to give Naruto's inheritance before that to help the boy in the long run. As he was thinking about this the intercom on his desk went off, sighing to himself in relief from the paperwork he pressed the button on the intercom.
"Yes?" He said in tiredness.
"H-Hokagē-Sama, you have two visitors requesting to see you." The female secretary said while stuttering, this made him raise an eyebrow for he wasn't expecting her to stutter like that or any visitors tonight.
"Send them in." He simply said, wanting to know who it is at this hour. He heard the door being opened and watched as a familiar mop of blonde hair poke inside.
He smiled seeing the person had just been thinking about walk in the room, though he noticed that Naruto wasn't wearing his usual mask. Instead Naruto is wearing a serious expression that he won't lie unnerved him, more than likely just too use to his mask. Fallowing behind is a man who is intimidating to say the least, the man stood at 7ft with blood red tattoos in strange patterns all over his body; black sideburns and is completely bald on top of his head, his eyes looked like there bathed in red magma. The man has no shirt leaving his chest bare showing how he's built, for his body is that of what he thinks of a wrestler; he's wearing a pair of black pants with a dark purple sash tied around his waist; he's wearing a pair of what he believes to be black combat boots, though the staff this man is holding in unique as well looking like it's built for both battle and something else.
Regardless he focused his attention back on Naruto, before speaking. "Well, Naruto-Kun, this is a surprise! I wasn't expecting to see you, and you brought a guest. To whom do I owe the pleasure?" Hiruzen asked and said man chuckled darkly which slightly unnerved him.
"You may call me... Belial Yami, Hokagē-sama." The man answered in a deep voice to match, this made Hiruzen raise an eyebrow for a moment, but he puts that aside for now.
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Belial-Sama. Now then, Naruto-kun, why are you both hear?" Hiruzen asked curiously, though for a moment Naruto's expression softened before returning to his serious one.
"Hokagē-sama, I wished it was just a regular visit, but it isn't." Naruto said evenly, this made Hiruzen's expression from grandfatherly to one that belongs to a Hokagē.
Hiruzen singled the Anbu to leave before going through a set of hand seals to activate the silencing seals for the office, after finishing that the room glowed for a moment before fading away showing that they can speak without being heard from anyone outside.
"You may speak now." He said and both visitors nodded.
"Hokagē-Sama, today's events have shown me that it's time for me to drop my mask, as I'm sure you're aware, and improve myself." Naruto began before continuing. 'But in order to do that, I need to know who my parents were; and please, Hokagē-Sama, don't lie to me." He finished, Hiruzen knew that Naruto is right about it, but he wasn't sure if he should with Belial in the room.
Before Hiruzen could continue his train of thought, said person spoke up.
"If I may, Hokagē-Sama." Belial said, getting Hiruzen's attention. "You need not worry about what you have to say to the boy, for I vow on my name that not a soul will know other than us." Belial finished, knowing how to play at this old man to spill the beans as it were. Hiruzen is surprised to say the least, though decided to test Belial's before giving out such information of Naruto's heritage.
"Tell me, Belial-san, what is your intention after I reveal his heritage?" Hiruzen questioned, he had to be sure this man can be trusted.
Belial chuckled before answering. "I don't care about whom his parents are or his heritage and burden, to me I see a child who is ready to learn to be a warrior." Belial's said before continuing. "Besides, I was planning to take him under my wing as my apprentice... With your permission of course." Belial's finished, his answer surprised Hiruzen for he didn't see that coming.
Nor did Hiruzen think the man would also want to take the boy as his apprentice, even if he knew Naruto's heritage. Hiruzen put his right hand on his chin to contemplate this new development, perhaps now is the right time, no it is the right time. The boy needs to know, Jiraiya's plan be damned for the man never once went to see the boy when he's here. Hiruzen made his decision before reaching for the top left drawer and pulled it open to reveal many different scrolls; he reached in and grabs the one marked Fourth.
He put it on the desk and unrolled it revealing it to be a storage seal; he then made the hand seal for release and channeled some Chakra causing a small puff of smokes to go off before dissipating just as quickly. On top of the storage seal area pair of scrolls each with a different color, one being yellow and the other red. Hiruzen returned his attention back to Naruto before speaking.
"Naruto-kun, before I hand you these scrolls understand that I originally was going to give you these when you became seven, but a certain someone thought otherwise. Believe me I never wanted you to suffer like have." Hiruzen said honestly, Naruto can see the regret in his eyes making him smile softly, Hiruzen return in kind.
Hiruzen picked up the scrolls before standing from his chair; he walked around the desk before stopping in front of Naruto. He held out both scrolls to Naruto, who then reached out for the yellow scroll first to read its contents. Naruto open the scroll and started reading it.
Dear Naruto, Menma and Mito.
If you're reading this then the sealing worked and you're alive, I'm sorry that I'm not there to see you grow like a father should. My name is Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokagē, before I go on I just want to say that I didn't want this to happen, but this masked man came and threatened you and successfully took the nine tails from your mother, Kushina, I had to seal it away but the only ones capable of doing that were the Uzumaki and your mother was too weak to have it sealed in her again. I'm sorry for putting this burden on you three if I could've done something else believe me I would've done it, but I couldn't. I sealed three parts of the nine tails chakra in each of you three and the last piece in me. I believed you three could master this power when this man came again. But know that he's skilled he knew how to dodge my thunder God almost perfectly. I'm sorry I can't be there to protect you three, I know some of this village will be grieving and take it out on you three. But I know you all will become stronger than their hatred and rise above it. I put in here various Wind styles I know and some more and how to work my Hiraishin and the kunai I used with it and how to use a technique I learned from my master, Jiraiya, the Rasengan. Mito try to stay away from him he's, ha well a super pervert. I can only ask that you three will find it in your hearts to forgive me, as a father I couldn't ask some other family to sacrifice their child to become the jinchuuriki. Know that I am proud of you three and will always be watching you.
Love Minato Namikaze, father of the soon to be greatest trio of ninja in the leaf.
As Naruto read the scroll, he couldn't believe his father really was the Fourth Hokagē, he even shed a few tears that he really did love him. However one thing stood out the most are this other names, Menma and Mito, and that there his siblings meaning he's the first born among triplets. He needs to be sure so he rolled up the scroll before putting it in his coat pocket. He then reached out for the next scroll that's probably from his mother and opened it, he then started reading it.
Dear my beautiful children
If you're reading this then Hiruzen finally decided to tell you the truth. My name is Kushina Uzumaki, or as I was known around the village the red hot habanero or Red Death. I was also the jinchuuriki for Kuruma, the nine tailed fox which your father has sealed in you. Know that I loved you all so much and was counting the very second waiting to hold you three in my arms. But when a jinchuuriki gives birth the seal gets weakened where the beast can get free. Try not to give the old fluff ball a hard time, he may act mean but he's really nice, he put up with all my talk about how happy I was to be a mother. Listen to me I'm blabbing, dattebayo. I'm writing this in case that this does happen and Minato had sealed parts of Kuruma in you three. I'm sorry for not being there for you, Kami I wish that I was. But know this we love you and are watching out for you three and are sorry we won't be there to watch you grow into the ninja we wanted you to be. Inside this letter is a storage seal holding books on Fuinjutsu, a skill we Uzumaki are the best at, books on Kenjutsu, something I'm good at, and instructions on how to use the Uzumaki chakra chains. I'm sorry for not being there to teach you these myself. But do your best and give that village hell, dattebayo!
Love Kushina Uzumaki Namikaze, mother of you triplets.
After reading this it only confirmed that his parents were expecting triplets after all, but then that raised the question. Where they are now, are they safe, are they living in a different village? So many questions were running through his mind right now. But only one person right now might know what's going on, so he faced Hiruzen with a questioning look.
"Hokagē-sama, did you happen to read these scrolls?" He asked, causing Hiruzen's eyebrows to raise a little, he opened the scroll he currently held and gave it a quick read. While Belial stands there curios as to what's going on.
As Hiruzen read the scrolls contents, his eyes start to widen as he continues to read it; after he finishes reading the first scroll he saw Belial's expression and decided to hand him said scroll for him to see. Belial read the scroll pretty quickly and see's the problem right away and just simply rolled it closed before handing it to Naruto, who merrily put the scrolls in his coat pocket.
Hiruzen walked back around the office desk before sitting himself down as tried to comprehend what just learned, after a few moments of silence Hiruzen finally spoke.
"I-I don't understand... None of this makes sense." Hiruzen said confused, until it hit him like a ton of bricks. "Unless... Of course the blood corps no Jutsu is the only explanation for this." He said as he finally understands what it means, even Naruto knew what that Jutsu does, and Belial can easily guess what it does by the name.
"So it seems that someone is trying to manipulate everything for their own benefit. Eh, Hokagē-sama?" Belial said smoothly.
"So it would seem." Hiruzen said with a hint of suspension in his voice, this didn't go unnoticed by Belial.
"I assume you have an idea as to who might be responsible?" Belial asked, Hiruzen just nodes.
"I might, but I can't do anything without evidence. In the meantime I give you permission to take Naruto as your apprentice, but first I believe by being a member of Naruto's team will allow you to teach him better and I would like you in return keep Kakashi in line when he's not doing his duties as sensei correctly this would make you a second sensei to said team." Hiruzen started before continuing. "But before that I would like to test you in a weeks time at training ground 13 around noon to see how skilled you are, if you are alright with that?" He finished, Belial thought about it for a moment before answering.
"Hmm... That seems acceptable for me." Belial's said excepting Hiruzen's offer.
"Good then, will it's getting late and this paperwork won't do itself. I bid you both goodnight." Hiruzen said, Naruto and Belial's just nod before leaving the office.
Hiruzen just sat in his chair now wondering what the future will bring. But for now he needs to take care of a certain issue that has cropped up, he deactivated the silencing seals and flared his chakra which called the Anbu that appeared in a flash, four Anbu each with a different animal mask.
"I need a team sent out to find Jiraiya, he's ordered to return for an SS-class mission. Is that understood?" Hiruzen commended.
"Yes, Hokagē-sama!" They all said before vanishing from the office.
Hiruzen let out a long sigh of relief, before going back to the dreaded paperwork. Though while he was, he had an expression of happiness knowing he's done the right thing tonight.
— Later at the Alpha house —
Both Naruto and Belial's walk in the Alpha house where they're greeted by A.I.R.G.U.
"Welcome back, masters." He greeted.
Belial's just walked in not hearing the A.I. as he has other things to take care of, while Naruto has noticed that his current clothing won't cut it, he wants to change them in order to show the new hi. But because the villagers see him as the fox, he can't get any new clothes, but then an idea hits him.
"Belial-Sama, I have a question." He said gaining Belial's attention as he stands in front of one of the machines, Belial's looks at Naruto showing his he's listening. "I'm wondering if I can have some new clothing to show my new mantel as your apprentice and to get out of this ugly jumpsuit." He asked.
Belial thought about it for a moment before answering.
"And what colors would you like them to be?" Belial's questioned.
Naruto thought about it for a moment before replying. "I would like it to be a crimson red and black." Naruto answered.
Belial's smirked at his choice before raising his left hand and shot out a harmless red-n-black beam, that engulfed Naruto for a moment before he cut the beam allowing it to die out to reveal Naruto's new look.
Naruto is now wearing a black tight-fitting shirt that showed off his still developing muscles, a black vest with crimson red out lines over said shirt, an orange swirl on his left shoulder showing his Uzumaki heritage, a silhouette of a crimson red fox head on the back with the kanji for Destroyer in black on the back of the vest. A pair of black shinobi pants with his equipment still where they were before, a pair of open toed combat shinobi boots with some crimson red highlights. Finally his head band cloth is replaced with a black cloth.
Naruto looks himself over, and has to say that Belial has very good taste; he then readdressed Belial and bowed his head in thanks.
"Thank you, Belial-Sama." He said gratefully.
"Consider it as a bonus for becoming my apprentice." Belial's said.
Belial then turned his attention back to what he was doing before, he simply pressed a button on the counsel and it started to activate. A holographic screen appeared over the machine as it booted up, he started typing on the machine as multiple different screen's appeared before going away just as quickly. Once he's sure everything is in order he nodded to himself before returning his attention to Naruto.
"Naruto, we must make a plan for upcoming week." He said, Naruto nods in agreement and so they planned everything out for tomorrow before Naruto went back to his apartment for the night.