A couple of days had gone by and Maggie continued to struggle emotionally. She had opened up and Jackson rejected her. He told her that he wasn't ready to move to the next level. Her leg was healing and though she was due to return back to work in a couple of days, Dr. Lee recommended that she allow the wounds to heal completely. She was devastated when she found out she had to be out of work another week. Everything around her was falling apart. Her relationship was strained. She began to distance herself emotionally. She was physically there but she had shut down completely. Jackson treated her like nothing changed. He was still attentive and supportive to her needs. He would tell her he loved her but she had difficulty believing it. She was so confused and wondered what her next steps should be. When she felt like this, she worked. She would hide in her lab and think, process and problem solve. This time she couldn't. She was home, with him, nursing her burns. She was worried about how Dr. Ryan was treating her patients and running her department. The only positive thing she had going was the baby. Her 12 week appointment was coming up and she was excited about seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat.

It was 1am and Maggie felt the urge to pee. She got up and made her way into the bathroom holding her stomach. She felt some cramping on her side but didn't think it was a big deal. Then she felt a really bad cramp in her back. She sat down on the bench in the bathroom silently groaned from the pain. As the pain intensified she hunched over and yelled out for Jackson. Jackson got out of bed startled and frantic, when he noticed heard her.

"Maggie, where are you?" she heard his voice coming toward the bathroom.

"Jackson, I'm in the bathroom." she said holding on to her stomach.

Jackson continued to call out for her. He walked into the bathroom but didn't see her. He turned around and headed downstairs. He looked panicked and she could see the fear in his eyes. She continued to feel the cramping as it traveled to her back and then to the front of her stomach. She reached down into her underwear and when she looked down at her hands, there was blood, a lot of blood. She was scared and continued to cry out for Jackson but he didn't come. He couldn't see or hear her. Maggie got up and made her way to the hallway crying out for him. When she could not find him she went downstairs, he wasn't there either. Where did he go? She thought as she held onto her stomach. She was in pain and she knew from all the blood she was losing the baby, she was having a miscarriage. She walked into the downstairs bathroom and looked down again, she was covered in blood. She dropped to the floor and began to sob.

As she lay on the cold floor, she heard a voice say, "Maggie, Maggie, are you okay. Maggie wake up you're dreaming."

Maggie woke up panicked and grabbed her stomach. She was in tears and not making any sense.

"I thought I lost the baby, there was a lot of blood, and she pulled the covers back and looked in between her legs. I was calling for you and you didn't come. You just left Jackson. I was yelling and screaming."

"Jackson, we lost the baby, we lost the baby," she said sobbing in his arms.

"Babe, calm down. You are okay. The baby is fine. It was just a dream." Jackson grabbed her and pulled her into his chest. He could feel her heart beating out of her chest and her breathing was shallow. He rubbed her back as she continued to cry. "Babe, you are okay. It's okay," he said as he rubbed her back. He then cradled her face and said, "I'm here babe. You are okay. It was a bad dream," he said and he continued to console her.

Maggie was able to calm down after a few minutes. She explained her dream to him and he had a look of concern on his face. He said, "You and the baby are fine. I am not going anywhere Maggie. I am going to be here for you and the baby." He gave her a hug and asked if she wanted some water. She whispered, "yes please." He let go of her and went to the kitchen. When he walked back into the bedroom, she had her hand over her stomach as she lay on her back. The tears continued to stream down her face. He got back into bed and wrapped his arms around her. He could still feel her shaking and the tears continued to stream down her face. He whispered, "Babe it was just a dream. You're okay."

Maggie laid awake and her mind was racing. She couldn't sleep and she was afraid to close her eyes. She laid there in fear thinking of things she could do to keep her awake. Then she got lost in her thoughts. Interpreting and overthinking what the dream meant. She feared that it was her subconscious telling her she was going to be alone if she didn't prepare. She needed to have a plan. She didn't want to get stuck accepting something she did not agree with. She to come up with an alternative plan and she had to start working on it now while in early pregnancy. When he fell back asleep, Maggie got up and made her way downstairs. She grabbed her computer and started researching her options.

It was 5am when she realized that she was up all night. She didn't want Jackson to wake up wondering where she was so she climbed back into bed. Jackson reached for her and wrapped his arms around her. She turned to face him and just stared at him. She traced his lips with her fingers and then placed a kiss on his neck and then his lips. He appeared so relaxed and so peaceful. She loved him so much, enough to want to marry him and spend the rest of her life with him. She had never felt this way about anyone before, so she knew that this was real, he was it for her. As she laid in his arms she thought about their future, what it would be like when the baby came. Would she be a good mom, is she still going to be able to balance motherhood and her career? Would they still be together. Then her thoughts went to the conversation they had the other night. She had poured out her feelings and she even went as far as asking him for more of a commitment and he rejected her. Tears began to stream down her face again. The other shoe dropped and she was wondering if they were on the same page. Did she want to stay knowing he didn't want a deeper commitment? Was she okay just being the mother of his child? She rolled over and cried silently until she fell back asleep.


The next couple of days were a blur for her. Jackson had returned back to the hospital and she was still healing and resting from her injury. She couldn't wait to get back to work. Things at home with Jackson were a bit strained but she didn't want to have to deal with her feelings. She was so confused. Instead of talking about it with him, she held it in and went with the motions. She had come up with a plan and had a couple of appointments set up. She wanted to make sure that she was prepared.

It was the day of her 12 week appointment. She was excited about seeing the baby and being able to hear the heartbeat. It was the one thing she was sure about. As she prepared for her appointment, Jackson came into the room and watched her from the door. Maggie was in her underwear and bra standing in front of the mirror rubbing her stomach. He walked up behind her and placed his hand on her stomach. He whispered into her ear, "you are so beautiful." He kissed her on her neck and then her shoulder. He turned her around and went to kiss her lips. Before the kiss landed, she moved away and said, "no I'm not I am getting so big." Surprised by her response, he grabbed her shoulders and said, "Maggie you are beautiful. You are not getting big." She managed to move away and sat down on the bed and said, "Can you please look at this and tell me if it is healing. I really don't want a scar." Jackson walked over and removed the bandage from her thigh.

"It's healing just fine babe. He leaned in to kiss her but she got up quickly saying, "we should hurry, we are going to be late."

"Babe, are you okay? What's going on?" he said following her into the bathroom.

"What do you mean?" she said turning to face him.

"Every time I go to kiss you or touch you, you move away. What's going on?"

"Nothing, I am just not feeling beautiful today."

He walked up behind her and placed his arms around her waist. "Babe, you are beautiful. You are not getting big. You are perfect. You can't even tell you are carrying a baby in there." he said as he buried his face into her hair.

"No, I'm not," she said moving away from him, "to you but not to me." She walked into the closet and came out in a burnt orange wrap dress. She looked in the mirror and said, "this will due I guess." Looking at him through the mirror, "Are you ready to go?"

Jackson could feel something was up but he didn't want to push it. He could feel her becoming more distant and though she was there she wasn't. He walked toward her and said, "Yes I'm ready. Are you excited?"

"Yeah I am. I get to see the little strawberry and hear the heartbeat."

"I think it's bigger than a strawberry now babe, I would say it is probably the size of a plum," he said checking The Bump app on his phone.

"Jackson you downloaded an app?" she said squinting her eyes.

"Of course I did, I'm tracking everything," he said as he grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on the palm.

Maggie smiled and said, "You are so cute," scrunching her face as she looked up at him.

Jackson leaned over and kissed her. The kiss was cold. He could feel it. Usually she would place her hands on his cheeks, but not this time. She kissed him back but there was something missing. What happen he thought as she walked ahead of him to the car. A couple of days ago she professed her love to me and wanted a deeper commitment and now she was being distant. Why? What changed? He thought.

When they got to the car, Jackson opened the door for her to allow her into the passenger seat. Before she could get in he grabbed her and kissed her again, this time, with tongue. Maggie pulled away and said, "Jackson what has gotten into you this morning?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to kiss you. I miss you!" he said with one hand on her cheek and gazing into her eyes.

"What do you mean you miss me. I've been here. Haven't gone anywhere," she said as she sat down. Jackson shook his head and whispered, "doesn't seem like it," and closed the door. When he got into the car, she continued to tease him about the app as they drove to the appointment.

After checking into the office, they were handed information about genetic testing. As Maggie looked through the forms, Jackson thought about how he wanted to tell Maggie he wanted it done. He remembered how difficult it was with April and he did not want to have to experience that again. When they were called by the nurse, they walked into the exam room together. The doctor came in and had her lay back onto the examining table. A quick ultrasound was done and they were able to hear the baby's heartbeat. The doctor confirmed that the baby was doing great and growing according to gestation. When the exam was done, the Dr. escorted them to her office. She discussed what to expect at 12 weeks of pregnancy as well as genetic testing. Jackson held Maggie's hand and as the discussion continued, she could feel his grip getting tighter.

"So would you like to have genetic testing done," the doctor asked looking at them.

Without hesitation Maggie responded, "Yes." She then turned to Jackson and said, "right?" He smiled and nodded his head yes. She was given a slip for blood work and told to come back when she was 16 weeks. As they left the office, Jackson grabbed Maggie's hand and said, "thank you."

"Why are you thanking me?'

'Because the last time I went through this, I didn't know anything. We didn't do testing, April trusted God. I didn't know how to talk to you about it."

"Jackson," she said looking up at him." Do you know who I am? I want to know everything? No surprises."

"I guess the possibility of having another baby with osteogenesis imperfecta clouded my judgement."

Maggie grabbed his face and said, "I get it and I understand. I was there remember. I'm scared too and we will make the decision together once we know." She let go of his face, grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the office.


On the ride home, they decided they would have the testing done at the hospital. When they got there, Jackson had Carina do the blood draw and submit the test. Maggie asked her to call them as soon as the results came in. Carina looked at them and said, "as soon as they come in. They take a couple of days but I will definitely let you know." Jackson watched Maggie as she talked to Carina. She tugged at her fingers and was rambling. He took his hand and placed it on her back but she moved away as soon as she felt it. He reached out and grabbed her hand and held it tight. Maggie looked at him and did a half-smile and then turned toward Carina and continued to ask questions.

Before leaving the hospital, Maggie swung by her lab and grabbed a couple of her binders. It was a Wednesday and she was due back to work on Monday. She wanted to make sure to take the rest of her time at home preparing for her return back to work.

On the way home, Maggie looked through her research and talked about spending more time on her rechargeable hearts when she returned back to work. She was going to dedicate more time mastering new techniques and practicing. She was so excited to be returning back to work after being away for so long.

"Babe, when you go back to work on Monday, your going back to be on lite duty."

"I know Jackson. I am not going to be operating and as hard as that it, I am not going to let it affect my research. I will just focus on that until I can get back in the OR."

He looked at her and said,"I just worry you are going to hide in your research lab and over extended yourself."

"You are acting like I am paralyzed or something. I have 2nd degree burns on my legs that are practically healed. My hands are fine. I have no more pain and I am ready. I am excited to get back to work and back to my research. So be excited for me."

"Babe, I'm sorry," he said softly as he leaned over and kissed her forehead. "I'm just worried you will overdue it. Promise me that you won't."

"Jackson, you have nothing to worry about, I promise I will pace myself."


They walked into the penthouse and she was so happy to get to her research but first she wanted to get comfortable. Jackson grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat on the sofa turning on the game. She came back down with her laptop and was wearing one of Jackson's t-shirt and her curls were loose. He looked over and said, "You look comfy, come sit next to me beautiful," moving over to make room for her.

"Give me a second she said as she sat at the dining room table looking intently at something on the screen.

"What are you looking at", he said. When she didn't respond he got up and walked toward her saying. "Ok you have been acting weird all day, what is going on?"

She didn't budge, her eyes remained on the laptop screen. Wanting to know what was keeping her attention he walked over to see. Maggie was researching osteogenesis imperfecta. When he saw this, he walked over and closed the laptop.

"Babe what are you doing? We didn't even get the test back yet."

"I know I guess I don't want any surprises. I know that I don't carry the gene because I had genetic testing done when I was 12 and there is a possibility that you do because It only requires one parent to carry it." When she said that, his whole mood shifted. "What are you saying Maggie?"

"I'm not saying anything Jackson. I know that Samuel was born with it and you don't know where the gene came from because you weren't tested."

"Are you saying if the baby has it, it will be my fault?"

"Jackson, we haven't even gotten the results yet but if so yes, it would be from you."

"I need some air," he said as he walked onto the balcony.

His mind was racing. Thoughts of Samuel, his death and how he could have possibly been the one to pass on the gene that could have taken his life. Maggie watched from the dining room as he paced back and forth on the balcony. She didn't want to bother him so she grabbed the laptop and went upstairs.

45 minutes had gone by and Jackson was now calm. When he walked back into the penthouse, he saw that she was no longer sitting at the table. He walked upstairs to their bedroom and could hear the shower running. He quickly undressed and walked into the bathroom. "Can I join you?" he asked as he entered the shower.

"I am just about done," she said as she rinsed off and grabbed her towel to get out.

"Why don't you stay and help me scrub my back?"

"Jackson," she said with her head down, "not right now, I am not in the mood and I have some research to do." He moved out of the way to allow her space to leave. He knew that this could happen with pregnancy but not to this level. She didn't want him touching her, kisses were cold, she didn't want to have sex and denied him any type of intimacy.

Maggie quickly got dressed and grabbed her laptop and went back downstairs. She opened it up and continued researching alternatives. She was able to find a couple of possibilities and made call to schedule appointments. She was hoping to find something soon to begin putting her plan in motion. She also needed to tell him what was happening but not tonight.


Later that night, he climbed into bed next to her. She was laying on her side of the bed, her curls covered her face and she was slowly drifting to sleep. She appeared comfortable, dressed in one of his t-shirts with undies. He was determined to hold her even if they didn't make love, he was going to hold her. As he laid next to her, he grabbed her and pulled her into the middle of the bed. He placed one of his hands in her shirt cupping one of her breasts and the other on her stomach.

"Jackon, she whispered, what are you doing?"

"I want you babe and I miss you."

Maggie turned to him and said, "why do you keep saying that? I am right here. I am laying in bed with you. She took his hand and placed on her face. See," she said

"I know babe, I just feels like you have been a little distant lately. Every time I go to touch you, you move away and I can't help but to wonder."

"Jackson, she said softly, I-," Before she could say anything, he placed a kiss on her lips. He started to caress her back as he leaned in and kissed her neck, causing her to let out a soft moan. "Can I just make love to you? Please? I miss your soft touch and your hands all over my body. I want to feel you Babe," making his way in between her legs. He began to kiss her all over. Placing kisses on her lips, neck and shoulders. She whispered, "yes, I want to feel you too." She wrapped her arms around his neck gently massaging it as she passionately kissed him. He moved away from her lips and made his way down her body placing kisses in between her breasts, her torso all the way down to her navel. When he got to her stomach he whispered, "Sorry baby" placing a soft kiss.

She giggled and ran her fingers through his hair, "Really Babe. You think the baby knows and can feel what we are doing?"

Jackson placed his finger over her lips, "we are not going to worry about that." He took one of her nippes into his mouth causing her to scream out, "Damn."

He knew exactly what to do to unravel her. He then continued his path down. He could feel her melting into the bed with each kiss. He slowly removed her undies and started kissing and nibbling in between her thighs. Maggie felt herself losing all control but her thoughts began to take over. She wanted this to happen so bad but what did it mean. She craved him so badly. His hand touching and grabbing at her ass and her breast. His lips against her skin and feeling him inside of her. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt the flicker of his tongue against her clit. She let out a loud moan that brought a smile to his face. He missed this, he missed her. Her touch, her kiss, her body, her taste. Her hands in his curls as he took her to ecstasy with his tongue. He was in heaven when they made love. Feeling her warm body pressed against his as he entered her made him feel fulfilled emotionally and physically. She was his safe place.

After she released into his mouth she was under his spell. He asked, "How did that feel babe?" as he moved his way up to her lips. He kissed her passionately before entering her. They both screamed out, "Oh God," as soon as their bodies collided. He whispered into her ear, "I can stay like this with you forever," as he moved in and out keeping a steady pace. She turned and placed kisses all over his facing moaning softly. As his strokes intensified he could feel her nails against his back. She cried, "deeper baby, go deeper." Without hesitation, he raised her leg up and pounded into her. As there body's connected all she thought about was how much she loved him. She was in love with this man. She really loved him. Then she heard him say, "I love you Maggie, I love you so much," increasing his pace causing them both to reach climax. He moaned out her name as he released into her and then collapsed onto her chest.

Moving from in between her legs he pulled her into his embrace. He dug his face into her hair and held her. He whispered, "Babe, I love you." Maggie turned to face and said, "I love you too Jackson." As they lay holding each other, Jackson rubbed her stomach and kissed the nape of her neck. She leaned into his kiss but did not face him. She felt so safe in his arms. It was home. Tears began to stream down her face as she laid in his arms. He was it for her, but was she enough for him.? When they had sex they were on another level. There was no confusion or mixed messages. They were connected and on the same page. But emotionally, they weren't she thought because he didn't want the same things were going to eventually fall apart. He dug his face into her curls and tightened his grip around her. She surrendered into his embrace as they both drifted off to sleep.


The next morning Maggie woke up to an empty bed. She heard music playing downstairs and she could smell the sweet aroma of french toast and bacon. She got up and put on her robe and made her way downstairs where she found Jackson preparing breakfast. He had a huge grin on his face and when he laid eyes on her, he smiled and said, "You ruined my surprise."

"Sorry, I smelled food and I am carrying a little person who likes food and I wanted some," she said with a smile on her face.

She walked over to him and placed a kiss on his cheek. He looked down at her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Your glow this morning is amazing. You look so beautiful," he said resting his forehead against hers.

"Why do you say stuff like that? You're making me blush," she said.

Burying his face into her neck he whispered, "It's my job and I can't help it. You are just so amazing," leaning to rub his nose against hers.

"Whatever," she said as she released her grip from around his waist. She grabbed a piece of bacon and her laptop and sat down at the dining room table.

"What are you working on babe?"

"Nothing, just organizing my schedule for next week and tying up some loose ends. Why?"

"Just making sure you're not researching genetic disorders. I really want us to just wait on the test results and not worry until we have too."

Looking at her computer she nodded and said, "okay."

When breakfast was ready Jackson brought her food over to the table. Maggie quickly closed the laptop and moved it to the side, to make room. He noticed but did not say anything. He sat next to her and they discussed their plans for the day.

Since he prepared breakfast, she cleared off the table and washed the dishes. Jackson said, "Hey why don't we do something today. We can do a day trip." She looked over at him and said, "to where?"

"I don't know. Let me see." Jackson grabbed her computer and open the screen. Jackson's face changed as soon as he laid eyes on the screen. Maggie who had her back turned to him could hear him let out a loud grunt. She turned to face him and immediately leaned up against the sink. His eyes were wide and he had a scowl on his face. She knew he saw and she didn't really know how to react.

"Maggie, you're looking for apartments? You're planning to move out? Why? Are you leaving me?"

Maggie was speechless. She could see and hear the pain and confusion in his face and in his voice. He got up and walked toward her. He appeared tearful and yet you could see he was angry. Her actions hurt him and instead of talking about it, she made plans to move out. She had convinced herself that since they were not on the same page, things would soon end.

He reached out to touch her but stepped away and said, "What's going on Maggie?"

Maggie walked toward him and said, "Well Jackson seems like we are not on the same page with this relationship. Your words keep replaying in my head and it hurts to know that your not willing to take the next step with me. That when it comes to this relationship, we are in two different places. I don't want to be in the same position as April when this baby comes. I want to be prepared. If we are not going to be together, I need to have a plan."

"Maggie what are you talking about?" He said placing his hands behind his head.

"Jackson, It wasn't until I moved to Seattle that I found out my parents stayed together for me. I'm not going to do that Jackson. Our baby will not grow up believing that we are in love, when things aren't as they seem. Jackson I'm not going to do that. So I'm looking for my own place. We can talk about Dr's appointments, visitation and come up with an arrangement once the baby comes."

"What are you talking about Maggie? I love you. We are in love."

With tears in her eyes, she said, "I'm in love with Jackson but you said you didn't want a deeper commitment with me?"

"When did I say that? He said shocked and wide eyed. "When did I say that Maggie?"

"The other night,' she said wiping the tears from her eyes. "Jackson, I love you. I meant what I said the other night and I truly believed it. I opened up to you and told you my innermost thoughts, my fears my vulnerabilities. I was open and exposed, terrified and you said…"

"Hold on Maggie"

"No Jackson you said-"

"Maggie stop it. Please let me talk, uhhh," he said, letting out a loud grunt and clenching his fist.


"Maggie, listen to me…"

Maggie looked at him and then made her way toward the door. Jackson stepped in front of her and placed his hand on her shoulders. "Maggie, we said that we would never leave if we ever got into an argument. We would stay until we worked it out."

"I know Jackson," she said, putting her head down. She then walked toward the sofa and sat down. "Jackson-"

"Maggie, this will never be an April situation. April and I were divorced and she needed help after a tough delivery. I stepped up as Harriet's father to make sure my child and the mother of my child would be okay. It was strictly platonic and she was going to move out once she was able to get back on her feet."

"How do you know that won't be us. We are not even married," looking into his eyes.

"Come on Maggie stop it!" he said loudly moving closer to her and placing his hands on hers. I love you. When I said I love you so much it hurts, it really hurts. I can't breathe when you are not with me. When I am away from you, I can't wait to see you and be near you. When I said not like this, not right now, I wasn't saying no. I want a deeper commitment. I want to marry you someday. The other night was an emotional night. We were fighting and I was upset. You make it so difficult to love you and you telling me all of that, opening up and letting me know what you wanted, that is all I wanted to hear. I need and want to know how you feel, even if you hate me or can't stand me. I want to know. Cradling her face with his hands he said, "trust and believe me when I say, you are going to be my wife. We are not going to be impulsive, we are not going to rush into this. We are going to do this right. I love you and I want to be with you and raise our baby together. Our baby, will know their parent's are truly and madly in love because I know you love me and I love you. So please stop all this craziness woman and act like it."

He pulled her into his chest and said, "now can you please mean what you say and say what you mean. I don't want to ever have this conversation again. I am not leaving and neither are you. No more running Maggie Pierce. We are in this for the long haul. We will fight, we will argue, we will get frustrated and annoyed with one another. It does not mean we are breaking up, it doesn't mean that things are over."

With her face in his chest she said, "Okay Jackson." wrapping her arms around his waist.

Maggie then heard her phone ringing. When she reached for it, she noticed it was the hospital callings.

"Hello, this is Dr. Pierce," she said nervously

"Hi, Dr. Pierce, it Dr. Deluca, girl Deluca. I just wanted to call you and let you know what the results of your blood test were."

Maggie looked over at Jackson and mouthed it, "Dr. Deluca with the results."

As Maggie talked to her, Jackson watched as she paced back and forth clenching her fist. "What she say Maggie?" he said with concern in his face. Maggie held her hand up signaling for him to hold on. After 5 minute, tears began to stream down Maggie's face. Jackson collapsed onto the sofa with his hands over his face, and whispered "not again." When he looked up, Maggie hung up and placed the phone on the counter. Jackson got up and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her toward him.

"Babe, it's okay," he whispered as he rubbed her back. We will talk about it and do what we need to do. We will come up with a plan that is perfect for the both of us," wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Jackson- "she said placing her hands on his check in an attempt to calm him.

"Jackson, the baby is fine. The genetic test came back. There are no birth defects and there are no concerns with the baby at this time."

"So why were you crying babe?"

"I'm crying because I am happy. The baby is okay and I am just a mess. I convinced myself that nothing good ever last and look. I am growing a healthy baby and I found my big love."

Jackson pulled her into his embrace and kissed her forehead. "I love you Maggie. No more talk of you moving out and leaving me. I can live without you but I don't want to."

Maggie whispered, "I'm okay with that," placing a kiss on his lips.