Chapter One: The Hyoudou Siblings

It was April the start of Kisara's 2nd year at Kuoh High School, She had just tied her hakama when the whole kendo club including myself heard a crash outside the exterior the wall of the locker room.

Immediately Katase shrieked "Those damn perverts!" while quickly tying her own hakama.

Murayama also rushing to dress fallowed up with "Captain, Do something about your brother and his friends already!"

Kisara could only sigh and said through her embarrassment, "let's just get there punishment over with already."

As she was leaving she already knew how things were going to turnout after all she knew the 2 girls with her and the 3 boys they was hunting since they was all 1st year middle schoolers.

One of her Vice-Captains Murayama, a brunette with twin tails and a large bust was going to head toward the school track and head off the Jock of the group Matsuda. He was a Talented Athlete, had a shaved head and use to be a member of the Track and Field Team before High School Once he got into an open area like the track he was impossible to catch.

However despite all that Kisara knew he wasn't able to escape Mura, after all she was the fastest of the Kendo team and was always able to position herself to counter her opponents.

The Other Vice-Captain was Katase the Girl with Pink Haired that was cut to just touch her shoulders. Her objective was simply to go to the south building and wait for her prey. She was the team's power player. While she had a slimmer figure than both Kisara and Murayama she had bigger hips and legs which much of the power in kendo comes from. Also unfortunately for Motohama she was the most aggressive and unforgiving of the team.

Motohama… he is an Idiot by all regards, every time he ran away he would take pointless random routes to throw off pursuers but always ended up going to the Photography club, which he is a founding member of just for the purpose so he can take photos of girls. So all one had to do is wait on him and he was caught. His stupidity was so absurd that the fact that is held one of the highest IQs she knew was mind-blowing. When she heard that he had the highest GPA in Middle School she thought her hearing was going bad.

As for Kisara herself she was heading to the Old School Dorms, in pursuit of the most troubling of the trio her elder brother Issei Hyoudou. In appearance Kisara took after her Mom. She had Dark Brown Hair and Straight Bangs and while she preferred to keep it down, she had he hair tied up in a pony tail while she was practicing Kendo. Her figure was also well balanced with her Hips and Bust being in the middle ground between her 2 friends, which suited her since she preferred to perfect her technique over speed or power like they do.

However this also created a problem, due to her years of practice and training she was the best on the kendo team, but because she had so often used this talent to punish her brother he had become a monster in his own right.

He was not as fit or Athletic as Matsuda nor as Intelligent as Motohama. In fact he could be said to be out of shape compared to average and an Idiot to boot with little to argue against, but his ability to avoid danger was 2nd to none thanks to his years of being her dummy in kendo. So now it's to a point where only she can catch him and land a hit.

Finally in position she stepped onto the trail to the Old Dorm heading off her target. As he came to a halt she yelled at him "Why can't you be normal, you stupid Aniki!?"


Going back in time to when the perverted trio was first caught. Outside the Kendo club building Issei was trapped under his buddies Matsuda and Motohama after a failed attempt to climb up the wall and peep at the kendo team via a window.

Scrambling to his feet Matsuda shout "Yo guys we got to split" as he sprinted off. Issei cursed the jock's talent in sports, but was still amused that he knew it was in vain.

Meanwhile Motohama was in such a hurry he humorously started his take-off on all fours before pulling himself to his feet and rounding the corner of the building to create a random labyrinth for the girls to fallow.

Not wanting to be the asshat left with all the blame Issei started his sprint in the opposite direction as the other two of the infamous perverted trio.

He cut through the tennis court and passed the pool to turn down the old trail to the old abandoned dormitory where they trio liked to meetup. "I'm going to get there first." Issei thought with a grin knowing he was going to win the usual bet.

Unfortunately as usual fate had other ideas. Cutting him off on the path ahead was the Kendo Club Captain. Knowing what was next he came to a screeching halt.

The girl in front of him stood there for a moment holding her shinai before saying. "Why can't you be normal, you stupid Aniki!?" charging at her classmate and elder brother.

Issei froze for a moment while stuttering "WWW-Wait, Wait, Kisara what are you doing!?"

"Putting an end to my stupid brother's lecherous ways." Kisara retorted as she swung the shinai at his head.

Issei took a backward step to the right to retreat circling to her left. So she made he own retreat to her right so he don't take her back before making another charge at him swinging in a down leftward angle this time so he would have to retreat straight back without side stepping.

As she planned Issei's back hit against a tree and he is was trapped with no escape. Kisara then raised her shinai and said "Besides at this point I'm the only one who can hit you."

Matsuda and Motohama was still on the run when they heard a scream from the forest near there rendezvous point. They both clicked there tongue knowing Issei was caught but they was soon to realize their own doom.

Matsuda was tripped while in a full sprint and landed on his face thanks to a busty brunette he was well acquainted with.

Meanwhile Motohama was sweating bullets while zigzagging through the campus buildings since he had just heard is 2nd comrade scream over by the study hall. Sure enough as he rounded the next corner to his safe haven, WAM! He took a shinai to the face.

After he landed & his version cleared, he adjusted his glasses reveling Katase the most violent of the Kendo team as she stood over him pressing her shinai down on him. "Any last words?" she asked before starting the perv's daily beating.

Meanwhile, at the old school dorm two curvaceous ladies was having a conversation, one had a European foreigners facial features and long crimson red hair hanging down her back, and the other was the perfect Japanese maiden with a Long Black Pony tail in an orange Ribbon.

The first of them Rias Gremory was playing chess with her Queen Akeno Himejima when she heard a 3rd scream from the Schools main campus.

It was then Akeno Asked "So what interests you about that boy Rias?" after a momentary pause Rias replied "I get a feeling he has a large potential, but I'm not sure what it is that is giving me that impression... Perhaps it is a woman's intuition?" She then moved a red pawn taking her opponents rook and said "Checkmate" and got up and moved to the window.

Her Queen checked over the board once and replied "Ara, it appears you won again." As Rias watched 3 boys limp up to the edge of the old abandoned dormitory her group used as the clubroom.

She made eye contact with the boy of topic before turning from the window and telling her queen "I'll have my familiar give him a flyer, after that it is up to him and fate."

Akeno Replied after a moment of thought "Yes President" after a moment she then asks "What should about the Intruders roaming around our territory?"

Rias replied quickly as she was thinking about the situation as well. "Leave them for now, they won't antagonize us to avoid my brother. Additionally there leader don't seem interested to be involved with us either so it's best not to give him a reason."

As she started to get ready to shower Rias decided to fallow up. "Have Koneko watch them just to be sure."

Akeno Bowed and Replied "Yes President"

That evening on their way home, Kisara ask Issei "What the hell do you think you're doing back there?!"

Issei didn't reply, so she continued

"It's bad enough that we are in the same grade, in the same school, but you got to make a habit out of being a god damn pervert and make in my life a living hell!"

Issei replied "Sorry it's just in my nature, I just like boobs."

"Speaking of which when me and the guys met up at the old school dormitory there was this hot redhead in the window, I thought that building was abandoned?"

Kisara now even more annoyed replied "For a guy who spends his whole life chasing ass all the time I figured you would know her?"

"She is Rias Gremory, that building is the clubroom for the occult research club that she runs."

"She's also one of the most attractive third years at this school along with the student council president and vice president, and you telling me you don't know who she is!"

Kisara scuffed and stormed away toward home while mumbling "God why can't I have a normal brother?"

As they crossed the Kuoh Bridge she passed a high school girl wearing a red blazer with a red ribbon and a green skirt going the opposite direction. As Kisara thought to herself that she didn't recognize that uniform as one from a nearby schools from when she was working on her applications 2 years ago.

She paused her thought when the girl stopped and asked her brother who is about 20 steps behind her "Um… excuse me? Would you happen to be Issei Hyoudou?"

Kisara stopped and looked back and seen her brother was baffled, but thought to herself 'He got himself in trouble again, and I'm not going to bail you out, not this time' and continue toward home leaving the girl and her brother to whatever punishment this girl was going to give him this time.

Roughly 1 hour later, as she was washing dishes after dinner. Her brother decided to waltz and with a big grin on his face.

She could help but be confused with his attitude so she turned and asked him "So what did you do this time?" he replied to her with a confused look and just a "huh?"

Growing irritated she clarified "A girl would not approach you unless you did something stupid or perverted and wanted to get back at you." "So tell me what happened?"

Now understanding what his sister meant Issei put on a devilish grin and said "she asked me to go out with her!" Kisara in a moment of disbelief and shock, accidentally dropped a plate on the floor and broke it cursing in response.

Then she shook her head as she picked the pieces up and said "Pull the other leg, I know with your perverted antics better than anyone, no one would ever ask you out"

Getting a bottle of green tea out of the fridge Issei grinned and said "somebody just did, by the way her name is Amano Yuuma, she goes to a school in next town over." smiling as he climbed up the stairs to his room.

Kisara turned back to the sink thinking that it was impossible, but if it was true this might be a chance for her brother to grow up and become a normal person.

Thinking about that, smiling, and silently claiming to herself "Good luck Onii-chan, for once I'm rooting for you."

However her smile faded back into annoyance, when her brother yelled down the stairs "By the way we are going on a date Sunday so try not to embarrass me at school!"