A/N: Long ago i read one fic featuring my favorite villain in the dragon ball show and i wonder, how diferent that could have gone if Buu was found by someone more careful, and ethical than the Joker so this fic was born.
Being honest i will try to portrait how scary someone like buu will be in the DCAU universe. A being who is made of magic, powerful telekinetic, incredible strong, able to destroy planets with just a blast. Lets be honest Buu along with other DG villains is scary.
Any reviews are welcome and i hope you could give me ideas.
Inside an elevator, 3 figures descended at the lowest level of a underground construction outside of the City of Metropolis; with a purpose. A tall, 6ft man with tan complexion (once a redhead) looked emotionless at the front. Besides him was a blonde tallish woman, around 5ft 9in, dressed in a white suit? Along with the two, was a man of middle age, around the same height that the man that calm looked at his notes. Finally the figure fumbled with the sleeve in his lab coat and looked at the clock. There was almost time to this little experiment.
-Nervous Doctor? I thought you said to me that the experiment of this night would go without any issue…-said the man and let the last sentence linger. The doctor stopped to look up t the man who didn't even bother to look up towards him, but the woman was indeed looking at him, her blue eyes piercing him.
-Our data says that the experiment will go without problems; as long as there aren't any interruptions that could upset the outcome of…-he began but was interrupted by the door as it finally open.
-Mr. Bellman, I am aware of the delicacy of this experiment, because I was part of the process—he said while they walked past machinery that blink and beep. More coats could be seen working and comparing notes—Also I am the founder of this experiment, and if this fails it would entail a loss of 100 million in research (that could be legally traced) an 3 months wasted. So for the security of this project as well of you—he finished turning finally as they stood in front of a pair of rings that spin over a half spherical pit—don't commit any kind of accident—
-As we told you, as long as this experiment is not interrupted, you can rest assure, this one is an improvement over Vandal Savage design—he said as he signaled the engineers to begin operations, everything needed to be done in complete precision and any mistake could be disastrous. As the Doctors and scientist that were in the control panel began to give the signal to Dr Bellman he simply said—Mr Luthor, Miss Graves, the protective lenses—he said putting the glasses to avoid eye damage as his patron and his…secretary put theirs.
Light began to glow, and it struck as suddenly, a clear circle of light. They had succeeded; they had created a time machine. Superior to the bulky and energy guzzling one that Savage created, Lex could not suppress a smirk at the technology in front of him when the circle vegan to flicker, suddenly a circle of light appeared one full meter to the right. Turning annoyed he asked—Bellman?—he said obviously referring at the now obviously unstable portal.
-Don't worry Mr. Luthor, the portal need some correcting in the coordinates—he explained as the scientist closer to a lever vegan to move it gentle, the ring now close to the center—Opening a portal in time and space needs very precise positioning. And this system need correcting….—he never finished because suddenly, the sound of a short explosion was heard.
-What the devil was that?—asked the billionaire as some came from one of the corners of the lab and he began to step back. He was no coward, but it pays to be sure—Security, see what was that- he said as the guards came close to the now dark spot in the lab. Suddenly a flying object crashed against one of the guard's hands making him drop his weapon. As he grabbed his injured hand the one next to him, startled, felt some kind of rope get over his neck and a strong pull got him inside the smoke filled area.
-fire up—said the leader of the squad. The men fire up when suddenly a blur passed and took his weapons, a red blur as the smoke cleared they could see 2 figures as a third one that just got close to the three last ones.
-well, area clean up—said the slender figure thru the smoke. They could see now their siluete. One tall and slender but broad shouldered. Second one more bulky and taller, two pointy ends came from its head and the final one was carrying some kind of mace.
-Damn it, the league—said Luthor as he turned fast towards his secretary that had already put out a revolver and a radio—Mercy, contingency plan NOW!—said as he dashed out of the laboratory. In his way out follow by Mercy, he pulled out a control from the side pocket of his jacket and pressed a couple of buttons.
-Protocol of emergency 5b, Protocol 5b…every member evacuate the laboratory—said a robotic voice as the doctor paled visibly.
-That doesn't sound good—said the crimson one, besides the dark dressed one with a bat inside the emblem of his chest—we can't go now, we need to get to the bottom of this—said the dark one as he came close to a computer and began to search information. A couple of meters from them the portal flicker dangerously. Suddenly the portal was in the far wall and with a flick this one was soon close to the other extreme. The winged one with the mace asked a little nervous—What is wrong with that thing?—asked as she prepares his weapon and put a defensive stance—Is a portal, similar of the one used by Vandal Savage—said him as he tipped fast, knowing that their time was running short—John—said his hand pressing the communicator in his ear—Prepare transport for the three of us, quick—said calm but conscious of how dangerous this was getting as the site began to tremble. Suddenly the portal disappeared from the lab.
-Where is it now?—asked the woman as for a couple of seconds the sound of the foundations cracked was the only thing that could be heard—It degenerates at exponential rate without correction, once the whole compound blows up it will collapse on itself, he said—as he finished, the red one said—Can you tell john to hurry up, I think—but he barely finished when he began to glow, besides him the crouching figure in the computer also began to glow. Barely a second after they glow the place began to collapse on itself.
Somewhere, outside of the city of metropolis, close to one of the mountains, a black limousine was speeding out in a secret underground road. Inside a doctor was frantically checking his notes, while a impassive stare looked at him. The man finally spoke startling him, by how calm he was.
-Your experiment barring unwanted interruptions was a success doctor—said the man in front of him.
-Yes, it was—he began with hope but was stopped when the man leaned back looking at him.
-Care to explain me how, an operation that was keep in secrecy for 3 months, was made with components shipped by 5 different companies, and was assembled by a team of engineers and scientist that were transported to a location that they didn't know their place was found by the members of the league—asked his tone more icy as he talked.
-Well Mr Luthor…obviously someone tracked the researchers, or the components—he said as a wild guess.
-Knowing how this happen will take some of my time, but while that happens, I will suggest that you improve the present design—he said as a side comments, his mind trying to come up with a explanation to how the bat found out. Suddenly the car was jerked by a strong tremor and a big explosion could be heard. The expert driver quickly corrected way.
-WHAT WAS THAT?—asked the scientist close to a heart attack, as he was thrown of his seat while the other man looked almost annoyed at the lack of calm of the man.
-That was insurance, no evidences…no witness but the most valuable ones—he said turning to look at the man in front of him—So please, keep yourself in the valuable list and improve this portal—he finished.
At the same time in the outside of Gotham city, in the far hills laid a old construction, The Arkham asyluhm, an ancient building nearly as old as the city (or at least as old as its urban self). The building was divided in sections which contain some of the most deranged and disturbed minds of the criminal world: Two face (once brilliant attorney and personal friend of Billionaire Bruce Wayne), Jervis Tetch (once brilliant neurologist), Pamela Isley (biologist), were among some of the usual subjects that resided from time to time in the cells of the madhouse.
This night there was going to be something different, something odd, even for the standards of the place. In a cell with thick glass plating (nothing short of a well place TNT could break it) laid a blond woman. The lady was lying in the room's bed, casually throwing a ball and catching it, throwing it and then catching it, besides her bed was in a small table a photograph of a white faced man with red lips and green hair. It was signed by a single J. as she was throwing the ball, she was chewing some gum. Life in arkham was no fun. If Red, as she called Pamela (better known as poison Ivy) was there, she could have at least someone to talk, but she was out. She was Sure that her pudding would come around for her, he just had some inconvenient…for about a month.
Suddenly after she threw the ball, the ball never came down. A little odd, but maybe it became logged in the, plain roof? She then looked complete mesmerized as the ball came with freighting speed. She barely had time to dodge when she moved her head and the ball came crashing down in the bed, making a hole. Standing she looked as the clear hole, just centimeters of where her head was. That shoot could have killed her. Then turning to looks upwards she saw it. A hole of light, flickering and growing and contracting, then something odd happen, from the hole like a liquid fell a pink substance. It poured over her bed. It was a really big pile. Pulling out her gum she even put it closer to it comparing it, and then the substance began to twitch. Reshaping and twisting like she had seen Clayface do when it had reshaped. The substance grew taller and taller. Four appendages grew out. I took a humanoid shape. The poor girl barely could talk, just what the heck was happening. Alarms then began to go out. Relived because the cameras obviously caught this weird pink gum think in her cell, but what was? Then with a plop the substance finished its reforming. What she saw something truly bizarre, and she was in love with a sycophantic clown. Around 8ft tall (its head nearly touched the roof), grossly fat, with two boxing like gloves (gold in color). He was wearing some weird yellow boots along with a black vest (that did not close). He was complete pink, a line of holes where in his head, along with his shoulders and arms. On top of its head, was a small tentacle like appendage?
With a loud crack the bed collapsed under the generous weight and Harley Quinzel was put out of her shock.
-Hey that was my bed!—She said despairing that her bed was busted. The being was ambivalent at this, he was more or less confuse. Just where he was? He was too busy trying to piece together what happen: after he had blown up the wizards head, he was busy celebrating when a small ball crashed against his head. It did not hurt but it made him notice that there was a funny looking hole in the air. With barely any strength he gave the ball back to the hole, which screamed. Interested he decided to liquefy himself to enter the shrinking light hole. And here he was in this grey room with barely any space to move. Suddenly he noticed that there was a girl next to him and turning to her he asked.
-You there, where Buu is?—asked. Harley then turned to look at him, her face now bewildered. Unlike other big guys this guy's voice was…like hearing a child speaking. He even looked a little grumpy. Harley was after all a phsicologyst, she knew that maybe, this man was her thicket out of this place. Recomposing herself, and trying to put her Dr "voice" she said.
-You are in arkham—she said smiling. The man looked even more confused. The name didn't ring any bells.
-What is Arkham?—he then walked towards the thick glass panel—Me Buu want out of boring place—he said not breaking stride as he marched towards the panel. Harley was about to ask how he planned to get out when breaking sound happen. The panel shattered by this man unstopped stride. She was speechless. Only she had seen something similar and was from supes. "Buu" then put his gloved hands in the sides of the head. She just noticed that where ears should have been, there were some weird holes—Annoying loud lights—he said turning to look at the alarm lights. One by one, as he gazed them, the lights blow up. Harley then began to wonder if he was a mutant like that girl Ace. She could hear steep quickly approaching, the security, the armed security.
-Mr Buu, I can take out of here—She said, if she was on her own it would been impossible at this stage to get out of here, but thanks to this big fella, was sure that they could get out without being trace.
-Buu can get out of here—he said waddling without a direction.
-I can give anything, I have some money in my home, I dunno, some pie?—she said ashamed of how lame what she was offering sounded. It wasn't her fault that she and her pudding where short of cash. Then the unexpected happen. He stopped, turning he asked practically salivating.
-Girl has cake?—asked him putting his two hands together and giving her a hungry smile.
-Cak..Cake yes! Lots of it—she lied, didn't matter; she could assault some factory and get it. Or Cook it, the hideout was and abandoned cake factory—But listen you have to…AHHH!-she screamed diving for cover as she heard a bullet. The being then turned to see a squad of guard the sound of open fire began as the bullets enter the body of the creature but did not come out The creature stood taking all the charge as Harley looked amazed. Seconds later the machine guns were out of amo. The sound the lead points hitting the ground could be hard as his body expulsed the bullets. Then grabbed one—this is yours—he said putting the bullet like a marble and throwing it. The kinetic force was like a magnum shoot, and he barely put any effort. The men realized how utterly outclassed they were and the sounds of retread and recharge could be notice, along with that, screams of the inmates: "What's going on?" "Girl are you alright" (Tech could be heard saying).
-You, girl tell were buu can find cake—said the being as he turned putting a "serious face (or a kid interpretation of a serious face). He looked grumpy so she quickly got out of her hideout and pointed to the wall behind her.
-This wall connects to outside if you could—But was interrupted when the being simple grabbed her and put her over his shoulder as it were a kid. She could not see what Jervis tatch saw: The giant formed a pink energy ball and throw it to the wall. The wall blew up from the inside out as Jervis saw how the pink giant flew out of the room.
Harley had closed her eyes as she felt the violent take off, the wind blew past her pig tails. Then as sudden as the creature had take off it stopped. The sheer force of the stop nearly punched the air out of her and as she cough she open her eyes. They were miles over Gotham city. Only the lights could be barely visible. She then heard him.
-Buu got girl out, girl tell now where the cake is—he said as a matter of fact, but she felt that there was a implied treat. Her mind began to race: she could get the machines to work and make the cake, but she will need help. She then remembered that Ivy was probably in the outskirts of the city, she could lean a hand.
-Mr Buu we first need to make a little stop—as soon as she saw how he frown, she quickly added—Is to get some help, you see, to make some cake—he finished sweating bullets, she was silly but not complete brain dead, she knew that he could kill her at any moment, then he changed his position in the air, putting himself as he where doing a stretch over his tummy in the air, she climbed over him—Girl tell Buu where they go—he said as she cling to his cape for dear life.
-Can you get lower, please—she said in her most sweet tone. A simple "yep" was heard as he descended. Now she could kind of make out where to go—ok Buu to your left….NOT SO FAST!—she screamed as he dart like a bullet with the young woman silently prating that her grip won't fail
Ivy was fascinated. As she watched in her secret compound (more like secret garden), outside in the little forest of Gotham. She saw how the recordings of Arkham showed a huge being, dressed like some mix between an Arab of old. Then she felt apprehension for she witness how the creature took her dear friend and proceed to form some kind of energy ball. The cameras stopped recording when the impact connected with the wall. The Anchorwoman saying that the energy used short-circuit the cameras. Wishing that her friend was alright she wandered in the clear roof of her garden. The moon lights the sky as she caressed a patch of flowers. Then she stood up, she could heard something. At first it was very quiet but far away. It was some kind of screech. Then the sound became more and more strong, whatever it was, it was getting close to her. With a loud crash she heard the roof shattering as something crashed violently with it. With a quick reflex jump, Ivy was out of the big shards of glass that came crashing down. The same could be not said by some of her dear plants that if not cut, where crushed by rests of the roof. She was pissed off, who could dare to do something like this? And now that she was thinking, who even knew where she was? She hasn't done anything nor was she going to plan on doing something (she was going to lay low for a time).
-(cough) great, I think I just cut my cheek—a feminine voice said in the smoke the figure was talking with a larger one that was looking around—now we just need to….RED!—said the figure that ran to tackle the confused herbologist turned criminal. Ivy was barely registering what was going on. Harley just appeared a couple of minutes after she saw her in tv. The second figure walked out of the smoke. If he looked big in the video he looked simply huge in the flesh. Almost as wide as he was tall the pink giant looked at the girl. Surprise then quickly turned to anger and fear.
-Harley we need to talk—Said Ivy thru gritted teeth, getting Harley by one arm as the pink being looked at the different plants, gratefully distracted by them. As soon as they got close to a corner in other room the redhead with greenish skin tone snapped at the blonde—what is that? Harley how did you escape? Did you know it, him—the redhead trailed as she wondered what the situation was. Harley wanted to say that she too was very, very confused by all of this. Then, she was just so happy to be free, and in the ground safe and sound.—Red, he, it well is Mr. Buu. He got me out of arkham—she said as that explained everything.
-I know, I saw it—she said matter of fact at how this creature tanked rapid 9mm fire like it was nothing—but why do you bring her here? Did somebody follow you?—asked thinking that maybe her idea of laying low was complete bone. The blonde quickly ad—No red, I think we traveled to fast for that—She said with a shudder.—And I need to ask a tiny bity favor—she said in her most coy sweet way.
-A favor, what kind of favor Harley—asked, dreading what was going to be.
-Can you help me make some cake?—finally asked. Ivy looked at her friend. Emotions washed over her: bewilderment, annoyance (really cake!) and finally acceptance out of curiosity.
-Fine—she said resigned to her friend antics. The two then came out of their room to the garden…to find it practically empty. Where once stood tall trees and foliages, there was none of them. The flower were gone, the maples, the pines, the baby sequoias, everything simply gone! At the center the pink fat being was bussy munching what ivy saw, was a brown copy of her beloved Venus plant, the carnivorous one.
-MY BABYS—she said furious, at the being. It did something, he must have done something. Harley was now panicking. If red made him angry they could be finished so she tried to use the best she could: being the middle girl
-Calm red, maybe Mr Buu…Hum what did ya do?—asked her turning towards him. As he broke a pice of the brown sculpture and gave it to her.
-Buu hungry so Buu eat—said as Harley took the piece and he keep munching it. Harley put the thing close to her nose and sniff… shocked decided to take a bite. Surprise she broke the piece and ran towards Red who was beginning to piece 2 and 2 by just Harley response, she just did not want to believe it right now.
-Red, try this! Is the best—but it wasn't necessary because red finished the sentence—Chocolate, he turned every one of my babies into chocolate—she said barely believing it. She was still livid by the sheer loss but was also curios. Just how powerful was this being? Looking around she saw a rock and lifting it she walked towards Mr. Buu and asked polite but repressed anger—Mr Buu, could you turn this rock into milk…to help the chocolate down?—She needed to see the processes. The being looked at the rock and its tendril stood pointing at it. Red let the rock go as he shouted "Turn into milk". The rock was covered in pink energy as with a plop a carton of milk came out flying toward Buu hand who open it and began to drink up. Ivy's anger turned excitement, this being could transform matter into anything. Her train of thought was interrupted when the being demanded.
-Girl promised cake—he said looming over Harley who realized just how over her head was when she made that promise. Lucky for her….
-And you will have your cake dear—said Ivy walking calm towards the huge being.
-Dear?—asked the being. He had never been called dear. The babidi wizard called him fool, idiot, fat. Smiling a little for the praise he barely heard the blonde butting in—Red what are you doing?—She said to the ear of the redhead one—Securing the goose of the golden eggs—she whisper. The small whisper was then heard by the being who simply said confused: Goose?
Ivy could barely believe her luck. The key for infinite resources and maybe god know what was in front of her. They drove in the nigh in a cargo truck. The being in the back…it was the only place big enough to conceal him and carry him. Besides her Harley looked back and open the communicating window to speak.
-Are you comfy Mr. Buu?—she asked. Ivy sighed at her friend caution. The being was a fool and obviously had the mind of a child. They could control him. Smiling because she didn't even have to use her mind controlling lipstick. –Buu is bored—whined the being in the back—Are we there?—asked.—Hum…-said the blonde looking out the front window—Yes, we are here—She said as the fabric appeared close by. She could hear the happy sing of the being as they stopped. Harley barely open the door of the back when the hungry being came out.
-You know Harley, I hope you realize how (huff) I appreciated our friennnndship—she said carrying a 100 pound sack of flour up stairs to the massive mixer container.
-Believe, I know…-said Harley carrying one of the sacks on her back. Dreading she looked at the rest. They needed at least 20 travels more—hey Mr. Buu care to give us a hand?—asked tired and drenched in sweat to the chubby being that was prancing singing "Cake,Cake".
-A hand—he said as he stopped jumping in one foot and turned his head towards the blonde that was leaning on the rail.—Yeah, those sacks need to be there (pointing to the mixer) to get your cake—she said and then added—Come on, a big strong boy like you can do it—she said giving him her best winning smile, hopping that it worked.
-Ok—he said turning to look at the flour sacks. Harley knew that he had some kind of telekinesis, just not how strong it was. A ton worth of sacks were floating in the air and with gestures of his hands those were traveling at the top of the mixer. Over, tear open, open and tear was a process that was repeated until Ivy told him that was enough. At which point he left the other sacks fall.
-He is like a big child—Harley said as the being danced and looked at the machinery work making its cake.
-A big kid who will make us rich—said Ivy smiling…to then look gross out as the guy kneel at the end of the belt and open big to swallow the cakes as they came out.
-What do ya mean?—said Harley looking at her friend. She was psychologist and new that kids didn't like it when they were tricked, and this kids was strong and big.
-You saw it dear. Turned stone into milk…maybe he can use its power in other things—she said winking as the being just stopped to pat his stomach and waddle his way towards them.
-Oh hey big guy, finish?—asked Harley trying to be friendly. She was no liking where red was going.
-Yep, Girl keep promise so Buu can go now—he said looking out like he was getting ready to take off. Ivy internally panicked: they were going to lose their golden opportunity.
-Please Stay, you must be tired—said walking towards him
-Me buu not tired—he really was not. Sure he had fought that yellow haired guy but know he was feed and needed to know where he was. Ivy noticed that the being and tried to wonder what could be done to keep him here.
-Would you like to heard a story?—said a chipper voice. Ivy turned to Harley: just what in the hell was she doing? To her surprise, buu turned to see the blonde and with what she guessed was his index finger under the glove, he asked—You will tell buu and story?—Walking towards Harley ivy whisper—What are you doing?—to what Harley whisper back—big kid…he probably won't sleep until he heard a story—internally Ivy face palmed.
Inside a dark cave under the ground, in the land own by Bruce Wayne, Sat before a giant computer a man who looked at the data and video in front o him, he had a feeling that he hated: uncertainly. The pink being in front of him did not register with the league database, or with his private one, worse yet; he could not point a connection between him and Dr. Harley Quinzel. The only single lead was the most disturbing: The time of this being appearance and the operation in Luthor was roughly the same. Behind him a butler poured some strong coffee in a cup and giving it to his master…
-New resident of Gotham?—asked in a casual way, the being looked bizarre: bubblegum pink with a tendril on its head, black vest and white baggy Arab pants. By the looks of it maybe 7-8ft tall.
-I hope not—he said as the being formed a pink ball of energy and blew up the wall of Arkhan ending the video—There is just one witness of what happen: The Mad Hatter—he said getting up.
-Will you want me to inform Master Damian or Mr. Grayson?—asked him as Batman walked towards the batmobile. As soon as he was inside he turned to say to his butler—If Damien ask tell him that I will be in Arkham (he will follow me) and Grayson probably is on its way there—he said as the cover slide and he speed into the night.
Jervis Techt was scared. He knew that sooner or later people would ask him things, to tell what he saw happen inside Mss Quenzel cell. He was dreading that someone would ask…The jabberwocky. He will come and ask. As he was thinking this, he hear the sound of the oxidize door opening and silent steps. Turning to see a tall shadow in front of the glass panel was him. He said in his gravelly voice—What did you see?—asked him simple.
-Are you the dreamer or part of someone else dream? I had though about that quote, it seems to apply. Don't quite know, didn't make it less real thought—he said finally turning.
-The creature…It enter to the cell or came from a bright portal?—asked the detective, dreading the answer.
-Like Alice thru the looking glass, the beast came. Tragic that—he said turning back.
As Batman came out of the building he saw a motorcycle parked besides his car. So Damian was here.
-Did the Hatter knew anything?—Asked the impatient boy—Yes and think I knew where to go, but in case of a false lead, Richard—said looking up to a tree close by where quickly descended a blue and black Nightwing, along with him was Barbara Gordon, or Batgirl.—Could you see Ivy back up hideout, Damian and me will go to the cake factory and Richard—He paused as His once partner was beginning to leave—If you fell overwhelm don't fight retreat—he said as the young man raised his eyebrows a little. Barbara was about to speak but by the time she muster a silabe they were already inside the batmobile.
-What's that about?—said the boy inside the car, he already programmed his bike to return to the manor.
-I don't expect to capture tonight, it's more of a reconigsment mission—he said as he began to program the car and drive towards where he knew, was possible Harley and his new friend
Nightwing was a little perplex, even if he and the old man had some differences they could be counted to be in the same page when it came to trapping criminals: the fast precise method. The fact that he in honesty, or what he could muster as honesty had advice to tactical retreat was disconcerting.
-Nightwing here, hey Cassandra are you up for a light night patrol?—asked the young man pressing its communicator to the newest protégé of the Batfamily or how they were called these days.
-Already on it—said the dry voice of Cain, as the teen was perched on top of a skyscraper looking at the streets.
-Great, we are in our way to Poison Ivy backup hideout—he said as he cut communication, a solitary fine could be heard from the lips behind the black mask of Cain.
-What do you think that he meant by don't fight?—asked Barbara behind him in their motorcycle. Her red hair blew thru the wind—I don't know, and that's what I think it's bothering him, he is not sure what it is—he concluded. If there was something that annoyed or makes him angry or cautions was lack of data.
Less than 15 minutes and they were in front of the construction in the middle of the forest. With a signal Nightwing shoot at the same time that Barbara at the roof to enter for a more secure position. As soon they were there he saw the first weird thing: the roof was complete broken. Glass shattered and the steel bead where bend or busted. Something crashed thru the roof. Making a signal to Barbara they descended in silence. The place was dark, and empty. That was the second clue to Dick that there happen here: Usually Ivy would have give them a big welcome, either spike veins or one of her Venus tramps, brought back such "wonderful" memories.
-Dick come here—said Barbara as she crouched in the floor with her lamp illuminating something. Dick crunched close to her to see what she was pointing at: It was a brown flower. The whole flower was of a familiar brown. Carefully Barbara tock it and with a twist she snapped it, getting close to inspection. First she smelled it then to Dick's surprise she took a bite—What are you doing?—asked him shocked by her—Just as I Thought, Dick this is chocolate—she said standing up to point her light where a garden should have been. Stopping towards a block of the same color she said—there used to be trees, this is no block this is what's left of a stump—she said pathing the block connected to the ground.—Last time I check joker's girlfriend could not turn plans into candy—he said looking at her—Neither could Ivy—She answer back.
On top of a abandoned cake factory. Damian and Bruce witness a bizarre spectacle in front of their own eyes.
-Is that woman telling bedtime stories to that monster?—asked the bewildered boy as he side looked its father.
-It looks like it—He said as he examined how the being clapped its hands. He obviously was enjoying it.
-We need to get inside—said the new robin as he prepared to descend but was stopped by a hand and a low growl.
-We watch, I still not sure of its intentions or exactly where it came from—he said. With a quick pull the boy had freed himself from the older man and he said—He does not look strong we need to attack now!—he shouted. Turning to look at the place Batman saw to his horror that neither Harley nor the creature were there.
-Damian, keep close!—he said as he survey the area. There was no one in sight, and then Damian shouted.
-LOOK UP!—with a quick glance he saw a big object crashing down which leave barely enough room to jump out of the way. As he rolled and got into defensive stance, he saw the big figure of the creature. He was carrying two ladies on each arm. Ivy smiled at him when she got out of his left, Harley by her part barely got out of the arm when a screaming figure jumped towards her. Sword draw the strike could have hit her if suddenly he wasn't pushed back by an unseen force. Violently Damien crashed against a refrigeration unit shoulder first wondering if he had broken it.
-Oh birdbrains has a boo boo—asked the blonde as she walked towards her would be attacker who struggled to get back into his feet—Don't worry about him dear—She said as she looked at the bid price—Buu be a darling and—but before she could finish a strong explosion like strike was heard, the floor under buu caved by the sheer force of impact: something powerful had hit him in the head, pushing him down.
-MR. BUU—screamed Harley as Batman used this opportunity to attack Ivy who somersaulted out of the way of him and caving roof. Harley nearly fell but she griped one end of a steel bean and looked up while she tried to get back in the roof. In the sky, there was a Blonde girl with a smile. Supergirl hovered over the ruined roof and towards the injured kid.
-Are you alright…-Her goodwill was cut short by a might strike from bellow her. Spinning in the air she was shocked: that hit had hurt, that had legitimated hurt a lot! Not a second she had been spinning when the fat pink man appeared in front of her stopping her with a hammer punch around 200 metter from the factory, she crashed into the ground making a 30 meter crater. From the roof Batman took into consideration this: he had underestimated how strong he was, his speed was not hinder by his mass (he thought as he put out a batarang).
-YEAH! WOHO CRUSH HER BUU!—said the blonde jumping in excitement. Ivy for her side was now closer to her a little unnerved. Maybe a retreat was in order. She hasn't planed that far ahead to find herself fighting someone from the league.
Kara crawled out of the hole to look at his attacker, who to her indignation was busy dancing and singing like a fool, "Buu gona eat you, Buu gona eat you". She had only fought someone as that packed that much force: Darkseid. Standing she understood. She needed to let lose. Lucky for them, they were outside of the city.
-OKEY FATSO!—with a sound breaking speed, she flew directly towards the being who stopped dancing and with a confused voice said—hum…fatso?—A single punch caved his right eye as he was pushed half a mile towards some hills. He crashed with the force of a missile and created a deep new cave, a single hand got out of the hole to pull himself our. Not wasting a minute Kara grabbed him by the hand that was using to get out of a hole. Trowing him over her shoulder she turned charging her heat vision. The hit struck in the creature ample stomach coming out from the back. Flying behind him she put her hand together to perform a polish hammer. The hit resounded like thunder as the being crashed like a meteor over the cargo truck where he traveled minutes ago. Kara smiled; this being wasn't so thought as he did nothing to defend itself. From the ground the earth moved as the being jumped out.—Are you still not down?—She asked confused and a little disgusted by the marked of her stacks on him..
Ivy looked how Buu flew just to be received by a strike from that girl. As she was about to ask for a retreat, the being crashed into their truck.—Damit!—she said as Harley whimpered—Mr. Buu…-This wasn't how she saw it. They were supposed to have their big break and be rich.
-And you said that calling her was overkill—said a feminine voice as batman turned to see Batgirl and Nightwind climbing into the roof. Ivy reflexibe turned to look at Harley and with her head pointed to the new people in the roof. Now back to back with Harley. The situation was bad. She had no vehicle, she had no plants to help her and she was surrounded. She was about to give up when the ground began to shake.
Kara stood in guard as the ground shook—What is going on?—she said as she got closer towards the cave in truck. From there the metal began moving as the being came out. He looked horrible. He was bruised, his head was caved in where her hands had connected, her punches and kicks were marked and the hole in its belly was still there. Looking at her from his squinting eyes he said only one thing pointing to his stomach—That hurt a little—kara watched as the being put his thumb in his mouth. Like he was blowing a balloon he blew and with a pop all his injuries disappeared. He looked exactly like he used to be before all her attacks—What are you?—asked kara hovering and putting herself in a defensive position—Me Majin Buu, and me eat you—he said. The being then began to crunch, his arms crossed on the front. It began to glow pink and aura of energy involving it. A loud vocalization was heard; it had a crescendo. The earth trembled and its aura began to keep growing. Kara cape was moving wild with the wind her hair back and her eyes barely open by the light and the wind. Batman thanks to his mask filter saw that the concrete under the being was peeling off, forming a perfect circular crater…it was growing, getting closer and closer towards them.
-GET OUT OF THE BUILDING!—he shouted, knowing that if this keeps growing I will soon devour the entire building. Nightwing and Barbara quickly got out of the roof while Bruce carried his son. Ivy for her part tried to pull Harley who was shocked looking at the pink purple ball of energy growing. Kara also looked how this big ball of energy keep piling up, he looked like he was going to blow up.
Far away in different parts of the glove tree magic users felt unnerved: Raven Roth inside the T tower stopped reading her book and teleported on top of the tower to look at the sky. There was someone in the world with a monstrous amount of magic power…and that power keeps growing. Inside an old house Jason blond waked up feeling magic, a huge amount of it overflowing like a dam ready to burst. Finally in a tower, a gentleman with a gold helmet felt a disturbance. He could fell, that some dark force had entered this universe
Kara was blown backwards by the ser power that she felt. Debris, rocks, earth were among the thing that fell over her. As she slowly got up from the explosion she saw Buu yellow boot. Like thunder Kara was propelled back, her face burning by a kick. She realized: he wasn't fighting back, because he was seizing her. Using her power she stopped herself mid air. In a flash he was in front of her giggling. She felt the air coming out of her so fast, then a strong hit from the back got her crashing to the ground to fast to stop. Taking her time to stand up she raised her head to look around. The factory was no more, barely the foundations was left. Trees were bend or broken and she could hear in the city the sounds of glass falling, panic screams and car alarms that went off.
-I had a lot of fun with you, but now I will eat you now—a childish voice said behind her. Turning she saw the being smiling at her. She was healing thanks to her Kriptonian DNA, but she knew that she had been barely nuisance to him. Thinking fast she clapped her hands with as much strength and speed as she could muster. The being was taken by surprise as the shockwave and air punched him crashing in the rough terrain. Speeding, breaking the sound barrier Kara saw herself grabbing one of his arms. Just as she had grabbed him she felt something weird, like a balloon inflating. Looking fast she saw a pink bright ball.
Harley felt hurt all over. The explosion had thrown them so far out from where they were. As she tried to stand up she realized that she couldn't: her leg was broken. Looking around to see it she could find something to help her stand up she saw a broken piece of wood. Not a crutch but better than nothing. Looking around she could heard thunder that she sure was the sound of the hits that Buu and Supergirl were dishing out.
-Harley…-she heard, weak and faint. Concerned she turned trying to find the voice. She knew that voice.
-Red…RED WHERE ARE YOU—a loud groan made her turn behind where she stood up. 10 meter behind buried in some debris was a hand… it was bloodied. Going as fast as her injured leg allowed, she began to remove the rocks. Ivy was in bad shape. Her left side of her head was bloodied, one leg looked bad and poking from a side, was a rebar. She began to run her head trying to find a solution. She just came with one. It was desesperate.
-BUU! BUU! I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE COME HERE!—Harley screamed in direction where the hits were, hopping that among the power of that being, healing was one of them.
Damian was having the worst headache that he could remember. The batmobile was made to tank most things, being blow in the air and crash a couple of times in the ground was pushing it. As he was getting familiar with the world around again, he felt hands in his head.
-Let go—he said knowing of who those hands were. Turning he saw the mask face of his father that while unreadable with his actions showed that wanted to make sure that he was fine.
-There appear to be no lasting injury; the crash system did its job—he muttered looking at the now deflated bags he rebooted—Batman to batgirl, report status—he said waiting for answer. Damian looked two times at the clock. He knew that only 3 minutes pases without answer but and will never admit it, he thought for a moment that maybe just maybe….
-Batgirl here…Bruce nighwing is—she barely got a word out before Bruce heard a scream follow by a grunt—Bruce I think Dick has his left leg broken, along with 3 maybe 5 ribs—she said as labored breath was heard in the background—He took the blunt of the crash—she added as a light calm whisper from her could be heard.
-In our way—said Bruce as he did a quick checkup to the batmovile. It was beat up but was functional. They needed to get out of the fighting ground and advise the league. They had so much to discuss and maybe pay a visit to Luthor. But not before going to the city to get some idea of just what damage that explosion did to the city.
Kara was now complete surprise. The creature was faster than his mass led to believe, stronger, could regenerate injuries even faster than her and was forcing her to be in the offensive of the fight, dodging the energy balls. The the shoots stopped. Confuse she looked at the ground were the creature was hovering towards something. Thanking that for a moment she could recover from the fight.
Harley watched as the being floated towards them…looking confused and maybe a little annoyed.
-Buu can you help her?—asked signaling Ivy who was bare conscious. To her consternation he began to dance.
-Do you want Buu to heal you?—asked as he jumped one foot to the other. Of all the forms that Ivy had imagined that she could meet her end, this was not one of them. Even in death she was annoyed that she was being mocked.
-Please, please she is my friend; I bake cake every day if you do me that favor—said a voice before Ivy could use her last strength to explode at the chubby creature. The creature turned towards the blonde who was pleading.
-hum…ok—he then walked towards Ivy and turning towards the blonde he said—Get here to heal you too—reasoning that she could not make her cake while hurt—Ok now—he said as the tendril stood up. Harley felt panic because for a split second she thought that he was going to convert her in some kind of candy. Surprise was not even the beginning as she felt her energy returning, her leg could be heard resetting and finally with a pop he finished. Ivy for her part was shocked. She was sure that she was a step from death and this being just healed her complete. Still she wanted to lay low; they needed to be cautious turning her head towards her "savior".
-Buu we need to escape—she said just to him look confused. But Harley understood. They had not really a plan, they had probably wrecked part of Gotham with Mr Buu little explosion and now they had a member of the league behind them. This was only going to escalate.
-Escape? But Buu is winning—this was a departure from babidi: The wizard would have him finish every one.
-I beg to differ—said a voice behind getting close. Turning he saw the same girl.
-TURN INTO CHOCOLATE!—said as supergirl was lest tan 20mts from him. Harley saw how it tendril stood up again and shoot a pink bean. she tried to stop but she was to close. The hit was direct. Supergirl screamed as she felt energy surging from her whole body. Her arms began to get close to her body, her legs standing firm. Then with a flash from the air to the open gloved hand a statue of chocolate fell. Harley was shocked and the disgusted as the being took a bite, not caring that there was a girl. Sure she had bashed her head…or tried to when little electric blue lady came to the city but this was just weird. Turning the being asked still in a childs voice.
-Where you want to go?—Harley then remembered. She had promised that and sure as hell she won't want to be chocolate like super girl. Honesty her hideout was blown to smithereens. If Batman was here, those mean that they probably already checked Ivy's. Ivy was also in thought, wondering where they could escape.
-Fly us up north…Alaska—she said, just to meet the confused stare of the being.
-What is Alaska?—asked him confused. He still had no idea where he was nor head time to ask.
-Exactly—Ivy said understanding the he did not know and hopping that the status as a non place could keep them hide for a time. Feeling a pull she was carried to his shoulder as well as Harley.
-Where is Alaska?—he asked as he began hovering getting higher and higher. Ivy would be indignant but escaping the league trumps her dignity for the moment being. Without much they took off.
The war room in the Justice League station was silent as the founding members sat waiting for the last member.
-Sorry for being late—said the speedster as he entered the room. Dressed in red with a light bolt in his chest insignia he sat as the dark figure signaled the monitor.
-Las night a being appeared in Arkham Asylum. Received no less than one full discharges from 9 mm rounds without any effect, broke out of arkham by blowing out one wall with a pink energy ball—he said showing the video—Its around 7ft to 8ft In height, is a magic user—he said looking at Zatanna that was in the room peer his request—Can transform any matter into anything of his choice—he said with a pause. Neither he or Barbara saw it, but he had Ivy chocolate tree stump in the middle of the table—This used to be oak, now is a piece of dark chocolate—he then pointed to the next video, a recording from his visor—Poses incredible amounts of energy, the explosion was described by people in Gotham as seeing a nuke go out outside of the city. No less than 2 billion in damages, complete panic and the abandoned fabric is now just a big crater—he said knowing that there was no way to get around this part—Supergirl engage in fight with him—he said showing the recording of what he had witness—to this moment, we don't have clear idea what happen to her—and knowing that Clark was in the room, the answer was quick.
-What do you mean with we don't know?—asked the Kryptonian to his partner, concern clear in his voice.
-When the being release his magic power, the explosion blew us far from range of the fight, I only have conjectures—he said staring at the stump—And after the attack the being escaped…not alone: Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn were nowhere near to be seen, so either they perished in the explosion or they escaped with him—he said pointing at the image of the being as he carried both of them in the roof.
-The effects of Gotham were not only felt in the city—said John as the Martian stood and a video was show—The explosion was see by this very station—pointing the pillar of pink light—The staff is nervous—he said with a final note. He had read their minds, they showed fear. Some of them for a moment thought that the earth was hit by some kind of death beam. Internally he understood what Batman implied, he couldn't also feel her anymore.
-Reunion dismissed. Vigil will be keep up to the highest degree and if anyone see or know anything, contact a member, this same information will be pass to other members of the league—he Finished going out of the conference room. Everybody but Superman stood up to leave. Diana did not know what to say to him, in one side this was expected on their line of duty but the sheer fact that it was Clark nice rally hit a spot. Clark only stood up to see the being that maybe killed his nice.
Harley stretched a little in the little cabin that they had found in the forest. Not much but right now but they had made habitable, with the help of Buu. Right know Ivy walked towards Buu and pulling out from his cleavage Harley found a roll of bills.
-Buu dear, can you make more of this?—asked Ivy showing him the bills, it wasn't much, maybe one bill of 100 a couple of 20 and a lone one of 5. The creature looked at the bills and to their consternation put the 20 in his mouth. Munching for a while he spit it.
-Tastes horrible-he said crossing his arms—where is the cake?—asked him. Harley was right, he was a big kid.
-Honey, we need more of that paper to make you your cake—she said trying to explain things as one would to a kid—look just make more of this and I will get you the biggest piece of chocolate cake that I could find, deal?—
-Hum…ok—he said walking out. In front of the house was a big boulder. Suddenly his tendril stood up with a flash and a pop there it was: a boulder size pile of money. As Harley ran to had in her hands, she realized: she was rich, she had enough money in this very moment to retire an lay low her whole life. He and his pudding could be happy forever. Turning bills still on her arms (it was too much to carry in a single travel) she enter the cabin again.
-Thank you—she said only as she let the bills fall and to Ivy surprise she hugged him. Buu was confused.
-What is she doing?—asked the confused djinn at the green lady, who looked baffled at her friend.
-I as confused as you big guy—she said looking how she finally let go and turning towards Ivy.
-Take care of him, gota go shopping—she said taking a fistful of bills and dashing to the door.
-Wait what do you mean?—asked dreading what was likely the answer. She got none as the giggle blonde ran out, leaving both of them there. Awkwardly she turned to the pink giant. A long time passed when she decide to go to the rustic chair. Suddenly she heard the door opening. Knowing that there was only one person in the cabin she darted looking at Buu walking out.
-Buu, where are you going?—asked ivy. They had to lay low for a while, she knew that he was powerful but she did not know if could take the whole league or if he could fight superman. After what he had done to supergirl he was going to be furious.
-I am going to kill people, wanna come?—asked him in the same cheerful childish tone. As he looked at her.
-No we can't go and who told you that killing people was fun?—dreading that his answer would be like the clown.
-Bibidi and Babidi, the wizards told Buu that killing was fun, that is how you play—he said naturally.
-So what you did with supergirl was just a game to you?—asked her now understanding a little how this being worked. Harley was right he was a big kid. A kid with untold power but still a child.
-Yes a game, and Buu won—he said fist on his hips or were his hips should be. She was not adverse to death, some of her plans amounted to genocide, but they had a purpose, he was senseless on his rampage.
-Buu, killin people just because is not a good strategy—she began when she turned to see something that she not expected to see. Harley had returned from town…In a jeep and stopping the car she asked, dressed in short, sun glassed and carring some bags.
-Like the new car? Had a little details but is 4x4 and was just 1,500—she said as she got out of the all terrain
-Harley we are suppose to be low profile—Ivy said as she realized that Harley had probably spend a couple of grand and probably could give away where they could be. She for her part seems to do not care as she unloaded.
-Don't worry red, we could just paid them to keep quiet-she said as she was now grabbing some boxes—Buu everything that is in the back is yours. In this box is our food—she said patting the box.
The night had fallen when she then to see Buu, it was weird seen the big guy looking the picture books. Then he turned and asked her point blank.
-girl, why Ivy said killing is bad strategy?—asked him. Even seated he was nearly eye level so she just ponders the question. Drawing a little from her background.
-Look I we star killing people we will call attention to us and could be caught—she said, so far he seem to understand or that was what it looked until he talked.
-And if we were not caught, could Buu kill people—he said. That was confusing, why he wanted to kill people?
-Why do you want to kill? What's your plan?—she asked now her iner phsycologist curious.
-Because is fun, that's what Babidi and Bibidi said—he answered—The wizard told Buu that killing and blowing up planets was fun—he said. Harley had then a realization: This being could blow up planets. The sheer weight of that made Harley fall to her knees. Ivy, her pudding, everyone that she liked could be gone if this being was annoy.
-Killing is wrong—she said trying to sound convinced. She was not against killing people if there was a motive, but she needed to try to save where she lived—So is blowing up the planets, I mean…how you will cake if you keep blowing them up—she said. To an adult that line of thought was ridiculous, but for a kid made sense.
-The I won't do it anymore-he said standing but the he rubed his chin in thought—but then whay Buu would do?
-You can…-but she realized that killing superman relative was probably a black mark that won't be forgotten so easy. Trying to change the subject she then asked—hey kido, do you have parents—that was lame but better than tell him that one of the most powerful beings alive probably wanted him death.
-What is a parent?—asked him looking at her confused. Maybe he was desing by someone like Ace.
-who made you—she answered but she then saw that he got it like a question because he began to look thoughtful
-I don't know—he said smiling. Harley then began to felt something different: pity. This being had been used as a genocidal weapon, probably for decades and had never ever questioned it. She then said something that maybe she was going to regret.
-would you like to fly?—she finally said cringing internally. She did not enjoy it but maybe just may could teach him something. It was clear; he was barely educated in most subjects. Before she could say anything he stood up.
-Where we will go?- he said turning towards her. Harley had gotten in this mess.
-Whatever you wanna to go—she said trying her beast to not look terrified.
-Buu still don't know where he is, so we will give a turn to earth—he said as he stepped outside. Then turning fast snatched her from the ground, without another word.
Harley stopped screaming as soon as they stopped moving. Eyes closes she then looked at the ground. They were so far up that she could see part of the outline of the state. She then realized she was breathing. At this height she should have problems with that (driving some of Joker's escape vehicles had teach her that). The she noticed: a golden circle encased her and Buu then without a word he darted in a straight line..
The small parting of the sea told her that she was crossing to Russia. Crossing the center part of the Siberian region Harley understood the appeal of flying. As they were crossing Buu speed up. Lights quickly approaching told her that they had now reached some urban point are either on Eurasia or east Europe. No less than 10 minutes and the lights gave signal to the sea again. Now Harley was concerned, they were about to enter the U.S.A. again so she told him that he could fly higher (so they would not be easy detected.
After what she discovered was barely half hour, they returned Ivy looking not to please. We were just having fun was not the answer that Ivy accepted. She did not realized the ramifications of their little travel.
Inside a tall office building, Luthor watched some recordings from Russia, some strange object crossed the sky at an alarming speed. What was this object…and was related with the accident in the laboratory? Not far from that place, in Gotham, inside the old comedy house, a tall skinny man with pale skin looked at the news about a objet. By the times he realized that it came from the west coast. Then he began to laugh in the darkness of the room.
In the deeps of the cave a detective began to calculate based in the speeds from where the being began his flight. Possible the upper part of the west coast so somewhere in Canada, Washington state or Alaska.