ABOUT - Bella wakes up unable to remember. After her horrifying car accident, the first voice she is greeted with just so happens to be the one she wants to keep chasing. Doctor Cullen stitched her up healing a lot more than just wounds. EXB, Canon, LEMONS, Rated M.

AN: Characters not mine.

The First Chapter


It courses right through me. Pain everywhere.

A beep in the distance is continuous. I can't pinpoint where it's coming from but it doesn't delay. It smells clean. Like disinfectant disinfected.


The voice is laced with complete worry but I can't turn my head toward it.

"She's waking up. Please help my baby. She's in pain."

It's my father. His deep chords were familiar.

As I open my eyes the entire room is blurry. I can't see clearly. The light above me is violent. Blinking only makes it worse. I can't find him.

Scuffle around me. I'm lying down but I'm moving.

"It's okay sir. Please sit down. We won't be long."

I try my hand. Clench. Unclench. Ouch.

My eyes begin to adjust. Just in time for the cool voice.

"It must be internal bleeding. We need to rush her to surgery. There may be fractures and we need to check her organs around her rib cage for safety," it booms.

It's strong, unfamiliar. Even in this state, I know that I want to get to know it. Please speak again.

I manage to pry open my eyes to find the source of where it came from. A man in a white coat stands over me. Auburn hair, gorgeous green eyes, slight stubble I want to touch.

"Bella," he smiles down at me, "I'm going to take care of you. I need you to relax."

I want to talk to him. I need to tell him how sexy he sounds. I need to find out if he's single and if he's happy to have my babies. If he'd bend me over this bed and fuck me till…


What's this gas?

The beeping is back but closer.

A tune that could be tapped out with a long fingernail on a piece of laminate. Tap tap. Beep beep.

The pain is gone. But I'm stiff.

I open my eyes to see a hospital room staring back at me. An ugly grey, machines connected to me, an IV in my arm. Yuck. I'm bandaged up with some dry blood on my hands. My jewellery is missing with a plastic tab around my wrist instead.

"What the fuck?" I whisper.

My dad Charlie lightly snoring in the armchair beside me. A deep sleep no one can interrupt.

What had I done? It's the middle of the day based on the light streaming through the gaps in the blinds. I quietly grab for my IV and carefully climb out of bed, wincing as I go. Had I been hit by a truck? A plane? A UFO? It felt like a combination of all of them.

Charlie doesn't even stir when I exit the room. I look both ways down the hall picking right. Eventually, I find a reception desk a nurse biting her pen lid. When she sees me she flips.

"Miss," he gasps, "you shouldn't be out of bed."

"Where am I?" I ask.

"You're in the hospital. You need to get back to bed," she soothes rushing me.

I let her carefully turn me around beginning to walk me back to where I came from. What on earth was going on?

"I've never had someone up and about so soon."

That velvet voice returns. The one from before. Could you orgasm just from a voice? If so this man needs a Shakespeare play stat, just to read to me.

I manage to catch a glimpse. He is beautiful. Tall, handsome and perfect. Like an action figure come to life. Almost too perfect to exist.

"She isa stubborn one. That's what her daddy says," my nurse dobs.

"Charming and endearing for a young woman," he steps toward me smiling, "Bella, I'm Doctor Cullen. You need to get back to lying down. You've just come out of serious surgery."

"What? Why?" I ask completely confused.

The doctor and nurse share a look. What aren't they telling me?

I let them walk me back toward my colourless and lifeless room. Charlie is still asleep. When I'm sat properly upright in the bed and relaxed the doctor sits at the foot of my cot.

"Isabella," he smiles gently.

"Bella," I correct.

"Beautiful," he winks.

I'm most definitely blushing around the wires attached to my nose.

If only my father weren't here. I couldn't care less if the nurse watched me devour this man.

"You were in a horrific accident. A drunk driver hit the back of your car veering you into the side of a truck. You're incredibly lucky the truck hit your passenger side. If it didn't you'd be dead," he says seriously, "you had internal bleeding, fractures and minor head injuries which may incite short term memory failure but for now, you're okay. You need to rest and let your body heal."

"How long have I been here?" I ask.

"Two days," he answers.

"Is the truck okay?" I joke.

It earns me a hearty, warm laugh. He is incredibly beautiful. I want to find a way to make him laugh again.

"I think you showed it what's for," he nods, "the driver is fine. The drunk driver just had minor injuries and has been charged."

"My dad must have freaked," I sigh.

"He was like any father. My mother would have ripped out that drivers throat," he shrugs leaning over to fix my IV.

His fingers are cold, soft.

"You rest now. I'm here overnight tonight, so if you need help you call the nurse to get me. I don't usually do overnights so thankfully I'll have you here to motivate me through it," he says, "For now though you need pain relief just push the button and it'll safely administer more. If it isn't working call me."

"One more thing," I say.

"Yes, Bella," he smiles that incredibly crooked grin.

"What's your actual name? Doctor is way too formal," I smile hopeful.

"Edward," his smirk is as mischievous as my question.

I contemplate the answer. Of course, he would have a perfect name to match his perfect face, body, everything.. He was humanity at its finest. Where as I looked awful. I knew my hair needed a brush, I was disgusting and far from the sex beast this man was probably use to.

"Call me if you need anything, beautiful," he heads out of the room.

I look to my still sleeping father and sigh bored. He'll be a nightmare when he wakes up. Maybe I'll be calling my doctor before I know it to cure me of the head pain Chief Swan is about to hand me.

If I beg he might kiss it better?

When I'm left with just my snoring father I try to recall what happened. I couldn't.

I remember driving to my best friends house then waking up to the sound of the doctor's voice. Nothing in between. That fact slightly terrifies me. What happened?

Carefully I position myself to find more comfort. My side aches.

Pulling up the covers slightly I shift my hospital gown to see a large bandage taking up real estate across my skin. Groaning I lie back again feeling helpless.


My dad's eyes are opened and filled with layers of concern.

"I'm fine," I say.

"Should I get the nurse? How long have you been awake?" he asks.

"No, they were in here before. The doctor told me to just rest," I say, "Dad I'm okay."

Tears threaten to fall onto his cheeks. He moves closer to the bed, parking his seat beside me so he can take my hand.

"When I got a call about a car accident I never imagined it would be you. Bells, please never ever scare me like that again," he chokes out.

"I'm sorry Dad," I say shocked.

He'd never shown this much emotion before. It's a trait he'd handed down to me.

"Your mother will be here tomorrow afternoon. She struggled to get a flight because of the awful weather," he says.

"You told her?" I ask annoyed.

"Bella, it was a close call. She just needed to see with her own eyes that you're okay," he says.

I was here visiting my father. While enjoying a break I decided to pay him a visit. My move to New York was spur of the moment. I told myself it was because of opportunity, but really I wanted to change. I missed my father. My mother sent me every few months as a kid until I decided leaving Rosalie was too difficult. I begged my mother to let me transfer schools and she eventually agreed. While here I managed to build a comfortable bond.

It stayed that way up until a few years back. I secured a scholarship and took it excitedly. Next year I'll walk across the stage to take up my degree. Criminology was a random pick but spurred on by my father's job as a cop.

"The doctor did a good job," he says suddenly, "He's new."

"I didn't think I'd seen him here before," I say.

Maybe Dad could help provide more information. The guys I'd dated in the past never worked. I might be enticed to try if I had motivation as beautiful as that guy.

"He moved here. The rest of his family are in Seattle I think. The hospital has been short staffed so they requested a transfer and that's what we got," he explains.

"I guess I should be thankful," I say.

"I know I am," he nods.

Chapter Two will be up sooner than you might think. ;)

I hope to see you there.

In the meantime, leave me a review! Just to let me know what you think so far?
