So I saw on instagram how they are shooting season 3 and that got me wanting to write this story before it comes out. Please comment and constructive critism is always appreciated.

Dylan's POV

I was laying in bed almost asleep when I realized something. Alexa has moved on. Earlier tonight was Alexa's 16th birthday party we had agreed to be friends so I went. I was over by the drink table getting some punch when I saw Alexa slow dancing with the new student. She had looked so happy. I guess I better move on too. I'm just going to go to sleep I can think more about this tomorrow.

Alexa's POV

This morning I woke up happy I was finally 16, then I remembered. Dylan he has moved on. I know I shouldn't care, because we are broken up. I can't help it though I had really loved him. But Jack had seen him texting a girl. Jack was getting some punch and talking to Dylan when Dylan got a text from a girl named Mallory. I can't believe he already has a new girlfriend. Nevermind, it doesn't matter I just have to get through the rest of this year then he will be away at college.

Third Person POV

A week has passed since Alexa's party. Katie is walking down the hall of the school to tell Alexa some great news.

"Guess what?" Katie asks.

"What," Alexa says unenthusiastically.

"I got a date!"

Alexa is really excited for Katie when Katie drops a bomb on her.

"So I just have to ask. Ryan's cousin is in town so will you go on a double date with him. Please."

"What! Katie! I am not going on a date with a stranger plus I just broke up with Dylan."

"First off," Katie tries to reason with Alexa, "you broke up with Dylan over a month ago and he has moved on."

"Thanks, Katie for reminding me."

"I'm sorry, but if you go on this date then maybe you can start to move on too."

"Fine, but only for you. One date that is it."

"Yay! Thank you so much. So the date is Saturday at two."

"Ok, fine I'll be there."

They headed off to their classes with Katie excited for Saturday and Alexa dreading Saturday coming.