Percy Jackson a Hunters tale c1

Follow Cara one of Artemis's hunters, this is her story and her take on the war and a quest like no other. This quest leads them to the avengers who are surprised to see teenagers fighting aliens, but are they aliens? What secrets are they hiding? Will the Greek heroes trust mortals for help?

AN: hello, here is a new story, I hope you enjoy it. I do not own any Percy Jackson characters…This story starts off in the old world and will continue through to the PJ series. Tell me what you think. Warning mention of Child abuse and violence. Avengers will be brought in later on in the story.

Chapter 1

Artemis was sitting against a tree as she sharpened her hunting knives as she looked over at her Hunters practicing. Zoe was trying to teach the new hunters how to shoot she was always good with new recruits. Some of her older hunters were sparring with each other it was nice day she heard birds chirping and her white elk were grazing not too far away and her wolves were playing in the shade enjoying their break. Everything changed when she felt a cry for help, some maiden was in trouble and was strong enough to call directly to her. Artemis shot up her bow coming to her hand as she flashed herself to the area she felt the call coming from only to freeze at the site before her. She was not the only Olympian there she saw Hestia and Athena trying to hold Zeus back? What was going on? That was when her gaze landed on the maiden that cried to her for help and a horrible feeling filled her. She looked from her father to the girl, seeing the girl in a new light. She definitely was beautiful for a mortal with honey blonde hair and tanned skin, she could see why she could have caught his eye. But what happened? She refused him. Her mind supplied as Athena was standing protectively between Zeus and the girl. Hestia was talking to him but he was furious the sky had darkened she needed to settle things down before they got too out of hand.

"What is going on?" She asked

"Great she called ye too." Zeus spat making Artemis frown, he never talked to her like that.

"Leave her Zeus, she is mortal and a maiden. She said no." Hestia stated

"She is mortal!" Zeus growled out, the girl said no to Zeus wow that took courage.

"Father please." Athena tried reasoning with him.

"She has seen 4 of us, it must be done." He replied and this made Artemis mad. This girl was innocent and pure just because she said no to what he wanted does not mean she should be punished for something, she did nothing wrong. Then again she has seen 4 gods, herself, Athena and Zeus were in their normal forms they had no disguise mortals were not permitted to see them. She sighed looking down at the girl who was sitting against a rock her legs pulled up to her chest she was trying to hide her face. She had not tried to run, why not?

"I will take her." Artemis stated

"What?" Zeus asked anger still in his voice.

"Ye want her punished for seeing 4 of us I will take her. She will become one of my hunters." Artemis stated looking down at the girl she looked scared and would not meet anyone's gaze as Artemis watched her she peaked up from her legs and Artemis was greeted by brown eyes they reminded her of a doe. She had been crying her eyes were wet but that was the only sign she did not have red puffy eyes or stains on her cheeks, this girl really looked perfect part of her wondered if she was an offspring from one of her family members. Artemis went over to her kneeling down in front of her, the girl who pulled her legs closer to her body.

"Please just leave me alone." She whispered she sounded terrified and tired at the same time.

"Ye are safe child, no man will touch ye." Artemis responded making the girl look up at her.

"Ye mean that?" She asked and her voice sounded so hopeful Artemis would do whatever she could to keep that promise.

"Yes, ye will have to swear yourself to my service though." Artemis responded

"But ye can keep thy men away?" The girl asked making Artemis frown she said men as in plural.

"Yes." Artemis stated then led her in her pledge as her power began to flow into the girl Zeus roared out 'no' sending a bolt of his own power at the girl Hestia and Athena also sent there power trying to deflect his. The girl was sent flying as bright light flashed the valley they were in, as the light disappeared the 4 gods stood in silence. Athena recovering first went over to the girl, Artemis was stunned at what her father had done. He never had interfered in her hunt and recruitment. Now he stood there only just realizing what he had done. Hestia was hitting him chastising him for his stupidity but froze when Athena spoke.

"She is alive." She stated making Hestia go over she arrived next to Athena checking over the girl Artemis was still in shock, but as Zeus stepped forward towards the girl Artemis growled at him making him pause and look at her. He saw the look in her eyes before flashing out. Artemis went over to the girl and was surprised to see her symbol on the girls exposed collar bone she only now realized her peplos was torn in several places. Never had she seen her mark appear on a mortal, none of her hunters have a physical mark like this. They have her blessing but not her mark it looked like she had branded it into her skin.

"That tis my mark?" Artemis voiced her thoughts hoping one of them knew what that meant.

"Ye have claimed her." Athena responded

"What?" Artemis asked she can't claim mortals.

"Athena that is ya mark too." Hestia stated as they moved the girl Hestia noticed Athena's mark on her shoulder.

"Ya mark must be here."

"Yes, I can feel my presence in her." Hestia replied now that she mentioned it Artemis could also feel her own power within the girl.

"Here." Athena said on her hip was Hestia's mark.

"What does this mean?" Artemis asked looking at Athena.

"I do not know, a mortal cannot be claimed by more than one god or goddess."

"Well tell her that." Artemis replied she was still angry with her father that he had done something like this.

"She still might not make it." Hestia stated she could feel the girls' life force fading.

"One of us needs to claim dominance." Athena states

"What do ye mean?" Artemis asked

"Right now three goddesses have claimed her. Our powers are radiating through her. She is being torn in three let alone we do not know what father did. His power also hit her." Athena replied

"Thy only logical answer is for Artemis to take her." Hestia stated looking at Athena who was nodding.

"What? Why?"

"We cannot keep her with us if one of us does it, we will have to send her away. Ye, she can stay with ye. Join thy hunt." Athena responds what she said made sense but Artemis had never claimed anyone before. "Place ya hand on top of ya mark and concentrate ya energy flow into her." Athena stated knowing that look it frustrated Artemis how Athena could take one look at her and just know.

"How much?" Artemis asked

"Ye will know." Hestia replied which Artemis found strange because she was sure Hestia had never claimed anyone either. Artemis still did what she was told she even ended up closing her eyes as she focused her energy into the child in front of her. Her hand grew warm as she could feel her spirit it seemed to be dim but began to glow silver as her energy interacted. She stopped when she felt it, there was a shift so she opened her eyes to look down and see the girl looking back at her. She blinked a couple of times clearly confused before she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Her eyes widened in panic as she tried to talk but no sound left her mouth. Artemis shared a look with Athena and understanding passed between them, they now knew what Zeus had done.

"Ye are safe now." Athena told her

"Relax, take it easy." Artemis added as she saw she was trying to get up. The girl relaxed back onto the grass looking up at Artemis with pleading eyes. Artemis entered her mind.

'What happened?' She kept repeating in her mind.

"What do ye remember?" Artemis asked

'What? How? Who? I...I do not remember. It is blank. Oh gods I cannot remember..." she started panicking again so Artemis ran her hand down her arm sending soothing feelings into her, the girl relaxed.

"I am Artemis, this is Athena and Hestia do ye remember ya name?" Artemis asked and the girls eyes widened as she tried remembering her name but she could not she shook her head. Artemis looked up at Athena and Hestia the three of them had a silent conversation in their minds.

'She does not remember.' Artemis informed them.

'Our power was too much for her. She will not remember her past.' Athena stated

'Probably a good thing. She was terrified of men. That only leads to one plausible answer considering she is still a maiden.' Hestia replied, she hated family violence but looking at this girl it became clear she was a victim of it.

'What do we do? She does not know her own name.' Artemis stated

'Name her. We are now her family. I know ye both can feel it she is no longer mortal.' Hestia replied and both goddesses had to agree she was no longer mortal.

'What should we name her?'

'Ye will be spending most of thy time with her ye pick.' Athena told her and Artemis thought it over for a second before looking back at the girl (there conversation had taken them seconds)

"Cara, ya name is Cara." Artemis stated it was a name that meant innocence. It seemed fitting for her, Athena and Hestia both agreed. She looked up at the three looking down at her, she was so confused.

'How do they know what I am thinking? I should know them right? Their names seem familiar.' She was frowning as she tried to remember but however hard she tried she could not it kept coming up blank. Her head was throbbing she moved her hand up to her head. Artemis looked her over before looking up at Athena who had a thoughtful expression.

"Rest Cara." Artemis stated and watched as she ended up falling asleep. She turned to her half sister.

"She will do what we say, we have marked her she will have to listen to us. Ye more so, with us she can argue with ye on thy other hand..." Athena looked from Artemis to the girl.

"So she called ye here too?"

"Yes...I was in my temple when I heard her cry for help. She sounded terrified."

"She does not remember us as gods."

"Like I said she will not remember her past but motor functions will remain. Like how she knows how to talk or think. We will have to teach her another way to communicate. We can hear her thoughts but everyone else... I will come up with something. Ye should take her back to camp." Athena stated making Artemis look at her. Artemis looked from her to Hestia who agreed with Athena she had something she needed to check anyway. So Artemis flashed herself and Cara back to her camp straight back into her canvas. Getting Cara comfy on her cot before going out to check on her hunters. She found Zoe supervising some of the girls as they were carving into a deer getting dinner ready. Zoe looked over to her and smiled before making her way over to her she bowed her head before looking at her.

"Ye have returned?" Zoe smiled

"We have a new recruit." Artemis stated as she looked over the others in her camp.

"Oh? That be why ye left?"

"Yes, I heard her plea. Come with me I must explain." Artemis said taking her Lieutenant back into her canvas where Zoe looked down at the girl.

"How old is she?" Zoe asked


"She be very..." Zoe stopped herself



"Enough so she got Fathers attention." Artemis replied making Zoe's eyes widen as she turned to look at her hoping it was not another Callisto.

"She still be a..."

"She told him no."

"She told him no?" Zoe asked surprised, no one could refuse Zeus. It was unheard of. "That be why ye left?"

"Yes, I arrived to see Athena and Hestia there too trying to calm him."

"4 mortal."

"I know that tis why I offered to take her."

"Why she tis here? What tis it? Did she not agree?"

"No she agreed, said thy pledge but Father interrupted it." Artemis replied Zoe was so shocked she remained silent waiting for Artemis to continue. "He cursed her...she tis mute now."


"There be another...Athena and Hestia have a claim on her. They tried stopping him."

"4 gods power in her?"

"It had an effect. She has no recollection of her past."

"Nothing? Suppose it be a good thing."

"What makes ye say that?"

"4 gods could have broken her mind. Shattered her soul. Ye have looked in her mind yes? Was it..." she couldn't bring herself to ask. Artemis thought over her lieutenants words carefully she had looked in her mind and most of it was blank but she had mainly focused on her thoughts what she was trying or wanting to say. Artemis looked down at the sleeping girl once again realizing she must be strong seeming she survived what they had done to her.

"What be her name?" Zoe asked after letting Artemis think for a while.


"Did ye want me to do the introductory?"

"No, best I do." Artemis replied her lieutenant nodded before leaving her saying she would bring them some food when it was ready. Artemis sat down across from Cara and began constructing a bow.