It was an emotional day the male avengers. They cried for most of the day and Tony sat in Natasha's room, thinking about all the fun times they had together. Steve walked into the room and told him "She's going to be ok, Stark. She always is."

Tony lifted his head to look at the soldier and found that he had tear tracks and red cheeks. "I miss her. More than I ever thought possible."

"We all do. It had to happen though." Tony nodded his head slowly and took a deep breath.

The genius and the soldier walked into the living room and found the others sitting on the couches looking glum. On the T.V was a selection of Disney movies that they have watched with little Natasha. Tony looked at them in confusion and Bruce answered "We were going to watch some T.V but it automatically came up on the Disney guide." He nodded in understanding.

"I want her back." Clint said but his voice was mumbled by the pillow he was hugging.

"Why is it this hard?" Bruce asked sadly.

"It's life." Sam stated

"Life sucks." Bucky replied.

"I know." Sam agreed.

"Remember when we tried to teach her how to cook and we got in a massive food fight?" Steve grinned at Bruce.

"And Nat sat on the counter eating cookies whilst we were throwing food."

"And when we were done, she just casually said 'What a waste of perfectly good food', shook her head, jumped of the counter and walked away before coming back with a broom and telling us to clean up the mess." Tony remembered.

"Once we were done cleaning, we came in here and found homemade pizza and smoothies. She went to the other kitchen and made this with J.A.R.V.I.S telling her what to do." Clint added.

"That was the best day ever." Bucky commented with Sam nodding agreement.

They all laughed for a few minutes before going into sad silence.

When 3:30pm came around, J.A.R.V.I.S informed them "Miss Stark is on her way up."

Gone were the sad faces as they were replaced by cheerful grins. The group stood up from the couches and made there way to the elevator, where they waited for their girl. The elevator stopped and the door opened to reveal the eight year old red head.

"Dad!" She exclaimed and ran to Tony, who effortlessly picked her up in a hug.

"Hey Natty! How was school? Make any friends?" He asked her as he put her down.

She talked as she hugged everyone else. "It was good! I had a bit of help with my english from the helper, she is super nice. But school was good, the History teacher is awesome, his class is my home room. His name is Mr Mathews, he is the best teacher there. And I made a friend, he is really smart..."

As soon as the men heard 'He' they tensed slightly and groaned mentally, 'Not boys already!'

"His name is Peter Parker and he is in all of my classes, he helped me with a few of them. I think he is my new best friend." She said cheerfully.

"That's great! I'm glad you're making friends Nat. Now, do you have any homework?" Clint asked, he didn't have a problem with her being friends with a boy, afterall, he and Nat were best friends. But he did feel a bit upset, 'My best friend doesn't remember me and only thinks that I am one of her new 'uncles', but at least the saviour part is still the same.' he thought.

"No homework, they said it will be next week that they will start handing it out." She told them and then asked "What have you been doing all day? Did you miss me?" Nat smiled cheekily as she asked the last question.

The men chuckled and admitted "Of course we missed you. It was way too quiet. Is it too late to homeschool you?"

The girl rolled her eyes and went to her room to change clothes. Her family had large smiles plastered to their faces.

"I think we should have chinese for dinner, what do you think?" Sam asked.

"Yes, that would be a fine celebration feast for Natasha's first day of school. I will set up a movie, maybe Beauty and the Beast or Scooby Doo." Thor bellowed before waltzing to the living room.

The others agreed and told J.A.R.V.I.S their orders.

"Peter Parker. Hey J, give me information on the Peter Parker kid." Tony said as he and the others walked into the living room.

"Peter Parker is an eight year old boy who lives with his aunt, his parents died a few years ago. So far, his grades are good. His best subject seems to be science and maths." A picture of Peter showed up on the T.V screen.

Tony smiled and said "Ok, I approve of this friendship. He doesn't seem to be a bad kid and won't be a bad influence on my daughter."

"Wait till they get older and learn about dating." Sam laughed and was hit by several pillows.

"Why did you guys hit Sam?" Natasha asked as she came into the room. "And why is there a picture of Peter on the screen?" She raised an eyebrow at Tony.

"Background checks. One can never be too careful." He answered and changed the screen to show Beauty and the Beast.

"And do you approve of my best friend?" She questioned all of them with glares.

The men quickly nodded their heads in fear, she still knows how to kill people afterall.

"So, we've got chinese for dinner and chocolate cake for dessert. What do you feel about that?" Steve asked.

"Chocolate!" She cheered happily.

When food arrived, they ate happily whilst watching the movie and chatting.

The movie ended and Nat asked "Can we watch aliens?"

"Why would you want to watch that?" Clint asked in shock.

"How do you even know about that?" Tony added.

"Peter told me about it. He said it's supposed to be really good but he can't watch it because of his aunt. She told him that he was too young."

"Well his aunt is right about that. It's rated 18 and up." Bucky told the group.

"You're too young to watch it aswell." Steve told her.

"Watch it when your older." Tony agreed.


"No." The men said causing Nat to pout.

"Fine." She groaned.