In the lobby of one of Manhattan's tallest skyscrapers, Charlotte Flair shook her head in a sense of astonishment as she looked at the company directory. How so many businesses could afford luxury office spaces like the ones in this building without even offering a clue as to what services or products they offered was beyond her.
"Can I help you, ma'am? Which company are you looking for?" a man in a smart black business suit asked her, approaching with a professional smile on his face. He was one of several people on reception duty. At least, that was what Charlotte assumed his job description to be.
"I just found it," she smiled back, pointing at the directory list. "A Moment of Bliss. Ninety second floor."
"You'll want that elevator over there," the man said, pointing across the lobby at the left hand elevator of a bank of four.
"Thank you," Charlotte said, feeling her cheeks reddening in embarrassment. It had just occurred to her that the man might know what kind of things clients of A Moment of Bliss paid for. If he did, he would likely be judging her, hiding his feelings behind that well-rehearsed smile.
Hurrying across the lobby, Charlotte pressed the button to summon the elevator she had been directed to. It was already at the lobby level, so the doors immediately slid silently open. Entering, Charlotte saw that she was in an express elevator that only served floors above eighty. She pressed the button for the ninety second floor. The doors closed, and the elevator started rising so quickly that it made her ears pop.
This was going to be her first, and likely only visit to A Moment of Bliss. She was there to purchase a gift of sorts for a friend, not to use the company's services herself. She knew from what she had read and seen on the A Moment of Bliss website that this was the right place to come to for what she wanted. For prices that would be way above the reach of the ordinary working class, Alexa Bliss, the owner of the company, could be hired out to indulge people in their fantasies for a night, or even longer if they could afford it. Alexa specialised in bondage and sex, but the website said that anything was open to negotiation, although the company reserved the right to reject any request made. Charlotte had the impression that A Moment of Bliss made so much money that they chose clients they wanted to deal with, rather than the other way around.
In short order, the elevator reached the floor that Charlotte had requested. The doors opened, presenting Charlotte with a view of a glass wall which had the A Moment of Bliss company logo on it. She saw that she had to walk around to the right to properly enter.
As she walked around the corner, Charlotte found herself in a reception and waiting area. The far wall was glazed in its entirety, looking out across New York, with the buildings gleaming in the afternoon sun. It was a breath-taking scene, and it made Charlotte stop in her tracks to admire it.
There was a reception desk on the right side of the room. A dark haired man in his thirties was sitting behind the desk, wearing a dark blue business suit and a white shirt. He looked up and smiled. "Good afternoon. Welcome to A Moment of Bliss. Do you have an appointment?"
Charlotte nodded. "Yes. Charlotte Flair."
The receptionist looked at his computer screen and clicked his mouse a couple of times. "Ah, yes. Take a seat please, Ms Flair. Someone will be with you shortly." He motioned towards the opposite side of the room, where comfy leather chairs were arranged around glass coffee tables. The tables had various magazines and brochures on them for clients to read while they waited.
"Can I get you a drink?" the receptionist offered.
"I'm good, thanks," Charlotte said pleasantly. She walked across the room and sat down in one of the chairs, finding it remarkably comfortable. No expense had been spared on the furniture, unsurprisingly.
While she waited, Charlotte looked around the waiting area. On the walls, there were pictures of the woman she already recognised as Alexa Bliss. In one she was wearing a black business suit and a sexy white blouse, her hair up in a style befitting of a company executive. There was a smile on her face that Charlotte was sure she would have liked a lot if she was into women.
In the next picture, Alexa was lying on a couch, smiling sweetly at the camera. She wore a grey wool sweater, and looked the picture of innocence with her blonde hair with pink ends. Very girl next door, Charlotte thought, realising that would be to a lot of people's taste as well.
The third picture was at the opposite end of the scale. Alexa stood with a sultry expression on her face, wearing sexy black lace lingerie. In her right hand she was holding up what looked like a black ball gag.
Charlotte smiled wryly to herself, wondering what kind of perverted requests some of the people who came here would make. She dreaded to think. But then Ms Bliss probably rejected those people as clients anyway, she reasoned.
A couple of minutes later, a short woman with dark skin and black hair entered the waiting room through a door that Charlotte assumed must lead to offices.
"Ms Flair, good afternoon. I'm Zelina." the woman said with a dazzling smile. "Please follow me to my office."
Charlotte got up and followed Zelina through the door. It looked like there were three offices back there, with the door to the first one standing open. Zelina walked in and stood by the door while Charlotte entered.
Closing the door behind her, Zelina motioned Charlotte into one of the two leather office chairs in front of the desk. "Okay, let's plan out your perfect moment of Bliss," she said brightly as she walked around the desk and sat down.
"Let's do it," Charlotte said.
Zelina got ready to enter data into her computer, and posed her first question. "Is the moment of Bliss for you, or for someone else?"
"Someone else," Charlotte said, managing not to smile as she pictured her friend's face when she learned about the gift.
Zelina clicked her mouse. "The name of the person you're purchasing for, please?"
"Lacey Evans," Charlotte said.
The name was typed into the computer, followed by some more particulars, including Lacey's home address.
"Okay, now tell me in as much detail as you can what you would like for the moment of Bliss."
"Uh, I'm not sure how to explain it," Charlotte said, suddenly feeling daunted by the prospect of telling someone what was on her mind.
Looking her in the eye, Zelina smiled reassuringly. "That's not uncommon. Why don't you start by telling me what Lacey likes?"
Charlotte fidgeted awkwardly in her chair. "She's very... old fashioned is the way I'm going to put it. If I had to describe her, I'd say she was a classy, sassy southern belle. She loves to wear vintage outfits. Picture something from the forties; dress, hat, gloves, the whole lot."
"Okay," Zelina said encouragingly. She had typed all of the information given into the computer while listening. "Would you like Ms Bliss to dress in a similar fashion?"
"Yes, definitely," Charlotte said.
Another entry was made on the computer. "Onto the actual experience. What are you looking for Ms Bliss to offer Lacey during their time together? Companionship? Or maybe something more?"
"Sex," Charlotte said, feeling a bit embarrassed again. "Sex involving bondage."
"Alright," Zelina said as if it was as common as someone requesting cream in their coffee. "Do you know what in particular Lacey likes?"
Charlotte managed to force her way through the anxiety she had about talking about such things to a random stranger, and they spent the next hour putting together Lacey's moment of Bliss. Charlotte was even able to create an outfit for Alexa, helping Zelina to put it together on full body image of Ms Bliss on the computer screen.
"I think that's us all set," Zelina said once that was done. "Now we come to the amount of time you would like to purchase." She turned her screen around again so that Charlotte could view the available packages, and their prices.
Six hours was the shortest option, and by the look of it the only one she could have afforded anyway. Twelve hours was the next option, followed by twenty four hours, followed by three days, and at the bottom of the list, in larger text and marked as a special offer, was a one week package. The price for that, even at the supposed discounted special offer price, nearly made Charlotte's eyes water. "Do people go for a week?" she felt like she had to ask.
"Some do, yes. Ms Bliss doesn't only offer sexual encounters. A moment of Bliss can be anything a client desires. The week long package is most often purchased by lonely hearts who want someone to accompany them on a vacation or something like that. Ms Bliss excels in any kind of role."
Getting paid an exorbitant amount of money to go on a vacation paid for by someone else, Charlotte thought with incredulity. What a line of work to be in. It was almost enough to make her consider starting a company called Do It With Flair. The idea was worth a smile.
"Which package can I interest you in?" Zelina asked, getting back on track. "Based on what you've asked for, I recommend twelve hours. Ms Bliss would have plenty of time to indulge Lacey's every desire."
Charlotte smiled, appreciating the sales patter, although she wasn't going to be suckered in by it. "I'll go for six hours, please." She expected Zelina to try some more persuasion, and maybe offer a discount on the twelve hour package to try and get her to go for it, but it didn't happen. She was left with the impression that A Moment of Bliss didn't negotiate on price.
Zelina turned her screen back around so that she could work on it. "Six hours it is. Did you have a preference on a date?"
"March 24th if possible," Charlotte said. "It's Lacey's birthday, and this is my gift to her." Since they were currently in January, she hoped there would not be a problem with the date. She had been sensible enough to come well ahead of time, figuring that Ms Bliss would always have a lot of bookings.
Sucking a breath in through her teeth wasn't the most encouraging response Zelina could have given. "We might be struggling there," she said, clicking away at her mouse. "I know March is pretty much fully booked. We've been very busy lately, as our popularity is growing day by day."
Feeling disappointed, Charlotte didn't know what she was going to do if she couldn't get Ms Bliss for Lacey's birthday. She supposed she would have to make it a belated gift at a later date.
"March, here we are," Zelina said to herself. A moment later the dazzling smile appeared again. "We're in luck! The 24th is currently available. Shall we get it booked and paid for?"
"Yes, please," Charlotte said, smiling happily. "This is going to be the best gift Lacey has ever had."
Zelina nodded. "That's a fact."
A/N: Thank you for checking out this first chapter. This 'story' will actually be a series of one or two shots, featuring multiple characters receiving the services of A Moment of Bliss. Obviously Lacey will be the lucky person in the next chapter.
I am open to suggestions for people you guys would like to see as future customers of A Moment of Bliss, so feel free to leave names in reviews. Also, if you wish, you can suggest what the person in question might like their experience to be. As Zelina, it doesn't necessarily need to be about sex. If I see any suggestions I like, they make end up getting written.