
I know I probably shouldn't be taking matters into my own hands; but I had to deal with Chad. I couldn't have him telling everyone private information about me; I also hoped that he would tell me who had told him so I could try and nip this in the bud before it escalated any further as the last thing I needed was for this to get in the press. So with these thoughts in mind a couple of days of having my conversations with Ben I took a coach to Charmington to go and visit Chad.

"Mal" one the staff said in confusion as they opened the door to Charmington Castle. "What do we do to have the pleasure?" he questioned.

"I have come to see Chad" I advised.

"Is he expecting you?" he questioned.

"No" I answered as he showed me into the light blue and gold main hall. "But I have a matter that I wish to talk to him about" I advised.

"Oh" he nodded. "He's in his rooms" he explained.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"Malcolm will show you the way" he advised and a tall, blonde man in a light blue uniform stepped forward.

"Thank you" I repeated and I followed Malcolm to Chad's rooms. All the way through to his rooms; I just hoped that Ben wouldn't mind me coming to see Chad - but this was something that I needed to do. For the both of us.

"Prince Chad" Malcolm said as he stepped into Chad's bedroom as I stood in the doorway.

"Yes Malcolm" I heard Chad reply.

"You have a guest" Malcolm said.

"Oh" Chad muttered. "Who?" he asked.

"Mal Faery" Malcolm confirmed.

"Oh" he repeated and I stepped into the room. "Hello Mal" he smirked at me as he got up from his bed and walked towards me.

"Hello Chad" I advised as I stood in front of him.

"Malcolm you may leave" he directed to him not taking his eyes from me and I heard the door close. "So what do I owe this pleasure?" he teased. "Does Ben know you are here?" he asked smugly.

"No" I admitted.

"Oh" he muttered again. "I see" he grinned at me.

"Chad!" I exclaimed. "Don't get your wires crossed" I warned him darkly.

"What?" he questioned and I quickly slapped him across the face with my right hand. "What was that for?" he growled.

"Ben told me what you said to him" I stated as I grimaced at him.

"I see" he said as he held his face.

"Yes!" I snapped. "I want to know who told you" I added darkly.

"Why should it matter?" he asked sarcastically. "If you only want Ben" he said matter-of-factly.

"Hmph!" I puffed as I shoved him back and he nearly fell over but was able to stop himself.

"Of course I want Ben!" I exclaimed. "But I don't want you spreading tripe!" I snapped. "So it is your choice Chad-" I started. "The hard way or the easy way?" I offered to him.

"Hmm" He purred as he dropped his hand from his face. "Well I have heard you like it hard" he winked at me. I suddenly saw red and quickly punched him in the face and my hand collided with his nose and he cried out in pain.

"OW!" he said as both of his hands flew to his nose. "I have just got my nose to stop hurting" he whined.

"Well start speaking Chad!" I snapped. "Otherwise I will have no reason but to beat it out of you" I warned him and I watched as he looked me up and down.

"Are you aware that Bobby is my cousin?" he asked.

"I should have known" I laughed darkly. Chad opened his mouth to say something but his bedroom door opened and we both got a shock when Ben walked into the room.

"Mal?" he asked in confusion as he closed the door behind him.

"Hello Ben" I replied.

"What are you doing here?" he asked in confusion as he looked at me and Chad.

"Me and Chad just had some business to take care of" I advised. "Didn't we Chad?" I pressed darkly.

"Yes" he nodded. "Yes we did" he said as blood continued to run down his face.

"What happened to your nose?" Ben questioned.

"He fell" I answered for him. "Didn't you?" I pressed.

"Yes" he confirmed. "I stumbled and fell" he added. "Mal caught me" he grimaced at me.

"I see" Ben nodded and I could tell that he didn't really believe what we were saying to him.

"What can I do for you Ben?" Chad asked obviously wanting to change the subject.

"I came to discuss a matter; but it can wait" he dismissed as he threw me a look.

"No I can leave" I advised as I had a gut feeling why Ben had come to see Chad. "However I want to make something else clear Chad" I warned him.

"Yes?" he answered.

"I told him everything" I advised as I walked up to Ben.

"What?" he asked in shock.

"I'll see you later my love" I smiled at Ben before I pressed a kiss against his left cheek.

"Could you wait for me downstairs? Just wait in my limousine, I'll only be a few minutes" he asked. "Please?" he begged and I could tell that he was worried about me leaving abruptly like this.

"Of course my love" I smiled at him and I quickly left the room to let Ben and Chad talk - hoping that things could start going back to normal. Well as normal as it was ever going to be for me and Ben.

Hey guys, this is the end of this part of our 'Learning to Love' series. But don't worry the next part will be posted shortly, so see you in the next instalment.

Also I hope that you have enjoyed where I have gone with this story; I know that I have skated over some issues that I have never mentioned in my previous stories but I wanted to see how it would look.

Much love,

