Oliver's point of view—

Everyone came back. But they were being mind controlled. Berry and I fought them until Berry got an idea. He was going to use Kara as a human missile to take out the machine controlling them. As he went to do his missile mission I keep shooting arrows.

Wally came out to try and help. And I appreciate his effort, but he didn't have enough training so he ended up getting knocked out. While I was running from the mind controled people I called friends, I ran out of arrows. Now I was on Sarah's level of fighting.

Once every one was back to normal and as a whole group with Kara scanning the city for more machines. But the team members including me that were not meta's or aliens were kidnapped by the dominantor's. My last true thought was me hoping that Hermione was with her cousins right now.

Hermione's point of view—

My cousins, Bruce Wayne and Kate Kane came over. After dinner and dessert, us three along with Daphne, Theo and Harry were in the rec room spread throughout. My cousins and I were at the weights, but not really doing anything.

Harry was watching some Norse god movie called "Berserker". And the Slytherin ice princess and her boyfriend were sitting at a table playing muggle chess. A game they loved more then wizards chess.

I was discussing going to college for a business management degree. But I would also minor in plant science as I had my Herbology masters. Bruce and Kate thought it was a great idea. Then Bruce jokingly said that I would get a high ranking spot in Wayne Enterprises when I graduate. But I told him I was holding him to it.

"Yeah and if you are able, you could not only run Wayne enterprises, you also could run Queen Industries." Kate said

"And that's if I could Oliver and Thea to give up their spots. I have a whole lot better shot at getting a high rank job working at Wayne Enterprises in Gotham." I said

"And that's why when I made your office, I put a fireplace in it." Bruce said

"And that is why I spent so much time in Gotham city during the summer, Christmas and Easter holidays. It was because you had your home and office connected to the Floo network, Mr. Dinglebutt." I said as I pocked at him when I said, 'Mr. Dinglebutt'

"Mr. Dinglebutt?" Bruce asked with questioning eyes

"It's an insult you ass." I say

"I know, I know. Sometimes it is just like when we are little kids again. Us not knowing what real curse words were and what they meant." Bruce said

Kate laughed over our antics. We soon decided to go into my spacious room. Well, my room is like a apartment with no bedrooms, just only a really nice bathroom. A studio apartment in reality. It's like a studio apartment that takes up half of the top floor. The other half is for members to the black family that visit. And Cissa and Lucius more often.

All my room doesn't have is a full kitchen. It does a fridge full of Sunny-D's, water bottles, soda's, some snack and other food. I also have, on top of the fridge, a microwave. Hell, the sink in my bathroom has a damn dish rack next to it.

We enter my room. Bruce sits on an arm chair that he had claimed for himself years ago. He opened up his mobil bat computer that was linked to the master one in Gotham and pulled up the Joker's case file.

"We need a way to get the Joker back in Arkham right now. How are we going to do that?" Bruce asked

We used my room as the Bat cave while Bruce and Kate were in star city.

"How about a trap? We could create a hologram of something Joker might want. Then we get him." I say

"He wants to put a bullet my head and served on a silver platter. And with him giving the killing blow." Bruce said

"If he wants your head on a silver, then who does he fight?" Kate asks with a smirk

"I would think it would be the other criminals fighting for territory with The Joke fighting to stay on top. To be the king of it all. And fighting with the police as well." I say

"He really does want to be king." Bruce says nodding

I looked to my charm bracelet filled with different types of gold and silver bats. Some had diamonds, some were plain, some had black gems on it. Bruce, Kate and Sirius secretly pulled their money together and gave it to me on September first of my first year as a going away present. And I remembered that bats are apart of the Granger, Black, Wayne and Kane coat of arms.

Oliver had gotten me a locket with pictures of him and Tommy. He gave it to me the day he got on that damn boat. Tommy gave me, the day before I left for England, a necklace with a star on it so I would know where home is.

I knew Bruce, Kate and Sirius each recently put their own tracker in the bats. Bruce's and Kate's trackers were connected to their laptops and phones. Sirius's tracker is connected to his two way mirror he always carries. It's kinda like with my compact and ollie's dog tag tracker.

The bracelet was on my right wrist that also had three bat tattoos going from my hand to my elbow with room to spare. I got the tattoos as an early birthday present a couple of years ago from Bruce when Kate and I learned he was Batman. I obviously had my parents permission to get them seeing that the bats were harmless. They just figured that I was a night owl.

Kate and Bruce had gotten the same tattoos on the same wrist as I. We figured that it would connect us. And about a week later, after the tattoos healed, I had found a charm to connect the tattoos even further. All we had to do was touch our bat and think of what you want to send.

I got the middle, Kate got the top and Bruce got the bottom. And the best it was also color coded. I love you was red, I miss you was blue, go to your mirror was pink and go to your notebook was yellow. And we could send it to a specific person if we touch that persons tat.

Bruce and I did that the most with each other as we liked to talk to each other more often.

"And with you dead, the civilians will no longer be safe. And the the non loyal cops will be executed on live tv. And Gordon being the first one." Kate said

"As he is the one who is always giving me cases to work on." Bruce said

"And the U.S. will see that as Gotham wanting to become its own country. They may blow up the roads in and out of the city after that to contain the criminals." I say

"It's a possibility." Kate says

We continue to work when there was a knock on the door. Bruce quickly closes his bat computer laptop and opens the other one for work.

"Come in." I say

Then mom comes in.

"I'm going to bed. Good night." Mom said in her light British accent

"Good night mum." I said

"Good night Aunt Jean." Kate and Bruce said in unison