Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool DxD and Seven Deadly Sins. Please support the official releases. Also note that I barely know anything about Highshool DxD so some help would be appreciated.
Chapter 1: Redemption
No one would expect such things as the supernatural. Any who persisted to claim as such would call the said persistent crazy. Any more they would be sent to an asylum of some sort to "cure" his mental illness on anyone's devotion to the existence to the supernatural. That would include the existence of dragons, yokai, demons, and pagan gods. It is hypocritical when the existence of angels, God, and demons (devils) are real when it is part of the mainstream culture.
Seriously, humans are so gullible.
But mainstream culture or not, every 'myth' has truth to them. It is that same truth that has been diluted over the generations since their beginning. Or so they say. The irony is that every myth from Norse gods, Greek gods, Native American gods, Shinto, Biblical, Chinese, and all across the world are real, and the "facts" are not far off. And that's for the better.
These myths of angels, dragons, devils, and gods reside in the shadows, where humanity's eyes can never turn to. It would be very troublesome to say the return of the faith of humanity in the old legends with the technology they have now. Let's just say that humanity doesn't need the guidance of supernatural beings anymore. Heck, they already put a man on the fucking moon, and it certainly wasn't a devil or faith that helped.
Okay, maybe there was a little help from a handsome, blonde barkeeper who keeps his business and stock very seriously. That same barkeeper takes his station at his own bar that has become the Kuoh Town's favorite place to forget your worries and lose your money over beer. In that bar are goings that shadow under shadows themselves from the eyes of the supernatural.
But who could do such operations in the shadows from the eyes of the mythological order itself? Well, that is all responsible to the owner and barkeeper of the Boar Hat. You wouldn't call him a man at all if on first glance but more on the lines of a 14-year-old. He wasn't very tall, only being a meager five feet tall. Even his voice had an immature pitch to it, but you could tell there has been some serious muscle work under the sleeves of his white shirt worn under a black buttoned vest. He had emerald eyes, messy blond hair, and a constant bright expression of innocence. Heh, if they only knew. And to finish off the look with white pants kept up by a buckle and leather shoes. This was just your average friendly barkeeper of the Boar Hat, Meliodas. Certainly nothing strange to be worried about, mi-shi-shi.
Off to the side working behind the bar with Meliodas was a lean tall man with straight brown hair that covered one of his brownish-orange eyes. He wore a suit and stood straight as a stick while also keeping an eye on the customers who were too drunk to leave to think of leaving without paying. This was one of Meliodas' comrades through the ages by the name of King Harlequin.
Through a small window in the back wall behind Meliodas where you could see a woman with purple eyes and brown hair tied into two pigtails. She has toned arms and legs that clearly stated the strength behind them. This was Diane, wife of King and the chef of the Boar's Hat.
Working alongside her as assistants were a boy and a girl who looked like there were in there late teens, possibly being nineteen. The boy had black raven black hair and eyes and his face had little masculinity. He wore a simple black shirt with black cargo pants. The notable detail about the boy was that his arms and legs showed a build meant for speed and wielding a sword. This was Kazuto Kirigaya, or Kirito as some would call him. The woman with him had long chestnut hair going flowing down her back and had a kind fair face. This was Kirito's wife and partner in some cases, Asuna Yuuki-Kazuto.
"Issei-san doesn't seem he is going to make it." Meliodas' attention was drawn to a teenager with short blonde hair and grey eyes. The youth's name was Saji Genshiro, and until recently a Devil under the Peerage of Sona Sitri.
For years since Saji was a child, Meliodas approached and taught him about the supernatural world and prepared the boy for it due to the fact he held a portion of the once great dragon, Vritri. After he was made a Devil, Meliodas gave Saji the rest of Vritri's soul and power. But to anyone's knowledge, that would only make it a Sacred Gear of high value. However, Meliodas made a little twist you could say, ni-shi-shi.
Vritri was known as one of the Five Dragon Kings because of his fight and ultimate defeat against the Indra, Buddha god of Heaven. That is the official story at least for as they say the victors write history. The actual defeat of Vritri is that Indra had actually stolen most if not all of the dragon's power to give that arrogant prick an easy win for the humans. It brought shame to the great dragon to be lowered as a king that couldn't match a god, even more so when he was split into multiple Sacred Gears. But when Meliodas reunited the souls as well as the power he lost, Saji came out not as the Dragon King... but the Black Dragon Emperor of the Longinus Sacred Gear, Binder Vendetta. That day, Saji couldn't be more happy to better serve Sona but he was still ordered by Meliodas to keep quiet about his abilities until otherwise.
Hey, let it be known that Meliodas loved messing with people, ni-shi-shi.
"...I think... Nar... Ras..." Slurred some of the customers with mugs of beer.
"Go home, ya drunken bastards!" Shouted Meliodas. He was an honest businessman and would never have his customers pay more than they could.
"Man~," Slurred another, "This beer sisz good... What'd ya put in it?"
"Ah, just a family recipe, ni-shi-shi." Meliodas answered, "People seriously underestimate the majesty of potatoes."
The hour passed and the bar was now a quiet shell of its former self. Only a few customers lingered in a corner or too probably passed out. There was only silence between Saji and the staff of the Boar Hat. Finally, the entrance opened and in walked a teenager with spiky brown hair and brown eyes wearing a red shirt underneath a black jacket and wearing black pants.
"Hey, Meliodas-sensei." Greeted the youth, "Sorry I wasn't here for a while but, uh, something happened."
Issei Hyoudou was another student of Meliodas that he has been teaching ever since he was a kid due to his Longinus Sacred Gear, the Boosted Gear. He was easily an impressive student with the right motivation. Alongside Saji they became something akin to rivals which grew even more when Vritri became the Black Dragon Emperor once again.
"No worries, Issei-boyo." Meliodas chirped, pouring himself a mug of beer, "So anything interesting happened about why you haven't been here?"
"Well, you see I... kinda died." Issei said sheepishly.
No one made a reaction to the news of Issei's death. Meliodas took a sip from his mug before answering.
"Rough, ain't it?" Meliodas said nonchalantly, "Well, you seem fine. What else?"
"... I got turned into a Devil under the Rias-sempai's peerage." Issei said with a slightly glazed look. "Those chests... I have to touch them, ya know."
Meliodas nodded. "I feel your pain, Issei-boyo, but sadly you still need to hold yourself back but it won't be for long. So, how did you die?"
"I was killed by a Fallen Angel." Issei said and cringed at the look that Asuna was giving him. It was the kind of look that promised pain to slackers.
"Issei," Hissed Asuna while torturing a wooden spoon in her hand, "after all that training I beat into you, you ended up dying by a single Fallen Angel because it sure as hell couldn't be a Cadre or we would've sensed it. Unless this Fallen Angel flashed you, you better have a good excuse."
Issei looked to Kirito for support but found the black-haired boy looking at him with regret and guilt. As strong as Kirito was, he always never found the strength to fight against Asuna when she is in one of her moods. The last time that happened he was forced to be in one of Issei's tor - training sessions but being tied to a chair while Asuna chased them with her lightning fast speed with her rapier ready to pierce them and casting lightning to smite them down. Oh, the horror of her mad cackling was more than enough to induce nightmares.
Issei gulped under Asuna's stare. "... That's exactly what happened. She was disguised as a student who asked me out on a date, but when she revealed herself I was... helpless. It was just... her body... her boobs... they were so perfect. Any longer and I would've broken down all of my resistance."
"I have no doubt I would've felt the same way." Meliodas answered, "It is just our way to appreciate the womanly figure."
"Shameless perverts, the both of you." Asuna growled until Kirito put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Asuna-chan, just drop it." Kirito consoled, slightly calming down the beautiful bruenette. "They won't change and you will just tet more mad."
"At least I can hold myself from groping every girl I see." Issei said.
"You're still a pervert nonetheless." Asuna grumbled, her fingers gigging into wood.
King sighed. "At least some of us males aren't perverted. And how can you argue being perverted when I've been forced to hear your nightly ongoings last week straight?"
King had a host of a smirk seeing the married couple blush with Asuna turning a very deep shade of red tgat Diane was tempted to use as a stove. Once she regained her composure, she turned around with a huff. Kirito just sighed in exasperation.
Issei spoke again. "Also, there's something wrong with me. Another Fallen Angel tried to kill me but for some reason my body was next to useless when I was trying to fight him. It was like I got weaker from becoming a Devil."
King arched an eyebrow in curiousity. "C'mere, let me take a look at you."
Issei approached the tall man and King outstretched a palm to the new Devil's chest. A yellow magic circle glowed to life and King had a thoughtful expression as he seemed to take in invisible data.
"Ah, I see." King mused, "The Gremory girl put a seal on your powers. She may have talent but she is too incompetent. A risky combination. High-class or not, she should've known that the Evil Pieces would evolve the body to adjust to the reincarnation. Give me a moment while I break the seal."
There was the sound of glass shattering and Issei felt a wave of overwhelming power through his body. He felt a tingling sensation on his back and found to his awe three pairs of demonic wings, each representing the pawn pieces he was injected with. He craned his neck and shoulders to let out a groan of relief with a crack here and there. They didn't have to worry about the humans still in the bar since they would be too drunk to remember.
"Ah, that feels much better." Issei said, getting a feel to the new power in his veins.
"Six wings." Meliodas noted, "Not bad, Issei-boyo."
"Thank you, sensei." Issei said, "But you're still going to have me hold back, right?"
"Yep." Meliodas said, "I don't want the Three Factions to go in a panic. Only when the time is right. But anyway... do you know the Fallen Angel who killed you?"
"She disguised herself as a girl named Yuuma at my school," Issei explained, "but Rias-sempai said that her real name is Raynare."
As soon as Issei uttered that word, the whole bar went ominously quiet. The staff of the Boar Hat went completely still with wide eyes, but Saji and Issei were left with confused looks. The glass that King had slipped out of his grasp and shattered onto the floor. Meliodas was the first to snap out of his shock by putting on a rarely seen serious expression as he reached into a drawer and gave Issei a paper with a pentagram on it.
"The next time you see that specific Fallen Angel again, pour some magic into the paper and I'll be right there." Meliodas ordered.
"I don't-"
"Just do as I say!" Meliodas demanded in a raised voice, shoving the paper into Issei's arms and gesturing to both Dragon Emperors to the door, "We were closing down anyway."
Saji and Issei reluctantly left the bar while Diane bashed out the last of the humans with her hammer. Meliodas slumped into a chair while reaching for a bottle of white vodka on a tall shelf. The slight burn of the intoxicating beverage could do nothing about the worry in his heart. His thoughts went back to 100 years or so of a little girl with raven black hair and violet eyes laughing along as Meliodas taught her how to fly with her new wings.
'Oh, little Ray-chan what have you gotten yourself into this time?' Meliodas thought.
Issei spent the next day or so hanging out with Asia Argento. They literally had a bumpy start, but Asia's near infinite kind nature made the perverted hero somewhat bond with the blonde. He never made any perverted moves on Asia and honestly he loved being casual around a girl, especially since she was just a combination of cute and kind.
He could honestly say that Asia was Issei's friend. Not like his perverted partners, but a true friend le he had with Irina. They were both alike in the sense they never had lot of friends. Looking back at that, IsseiIssei realized how big of an idiot he has been not showing his friendly side.
Asia and Issei were sitting at a bench by the same fountain he was killed. Seeing Asia's lonely look, Issei vowed to get that he was his friend. And he made a mental note to protect her with all of his power. Unknowingly, Issei vow of friendship tied a knot between them that could blossom into something beautiful.
"I'm sick and tired of people telling me what to do." Issei spoke softly and kindly while his and Asia's heart were picking pace. "We're friends and that's the way it is."
"Really?" Asia squeaked with pink dusting her cheeks. "Thank you, Issei."
"My, my, how sweet." Spoke a sultry voice.
Issei's head whipped behind to see the Fallen Angel, Raynare. There was really nothing to her very revealing gothic-style attire that expressed her fair skin and assets that put all humans to shame. All that could be noted was her night black wings, high-heeled boots, elbow-length gloves, long black hair, and violet eyes.
"Yuuma, no... I guess you would rather be called Raynare." Issei growled coldly while placing Asia behind him.
"Oh, so you do have some bite." Raynare said. "So the rumors about your downward spiral into the wickedness of devils are true, and I had such high hopes."
"You are not taking Asia anywhere." Spat Issei while pouring magic into Meliodas' summoning paper. "She's too good for you bastards that would just abuse her gift."
"Then we'll just finished where we started." Raynare replied with a menacing look and forming a spear made out of pinkish-purple light. She stood there waiting for Issei to make some dumb move as she expected from a pervert. To her frustration, he just stood there. "I'll run you through!"
Once her arm was properly cocked back, a hand stopped its motion in a tight grip. Raynare turned her hehead back to the new idiot that dared to stop her, only for her glare to be crushed in an almost pained look when she saw familiar emerald eyes keeping a stern gaze. Added with the messy blonde hair, Issei and strangely enough Raynare knew the short man known as Meliodas.
"It's been a while, eh little Ray-chan." Meliodas chirped but it was obviously a mask. "Well, I can't call you little anymore, can I? You're a foot taller than me."
"Un-Uncle Meliodas?!" Raynare squeaked, getting surprised looks from Issei and Asia.
"So," Meliodas said, taking off the mask as his face turned into a frown, "last time I checked, I never taught you to kill innocent people."
For once in a 100 years, Raynare didn't know what to say or do. She devoted mind and soul to serve Azazel and Kokabiel and thus gain power by closing off her heart. But on first sight of those eyes giving her such a stern look instantly broke down all the walls. Numerous emotions and memories of the past flooded already eating at the "bad" Raynare.
"This - This doesn't concern you." Raynare spoke just above a stutter, but her spear arm was shaking.
"Of course it concerns me when people end up dead in my town." Meliodas said. "I woud ignore it if it was any other fallen angel, but when it was you I had to see you. I honestly didn't want to believe it."
Issei was a bit shocked at Raynare slowly breaking down emotionally. Something akin to guilt and shame, but it was pushed down when she formed and threw a light spear from her other arm. Issei shielded Asia only for Meliodas to appear in its path and swat it away with a nonchalant look.
(Que "Perfect Time)
"Issei," Meliodas called with a smile, "take your new girlfriend and get to safety. It would be a shame if young love ended in tragedy."
"R-Right, sensei." Issei stuttered through a blush.
The Red Dragon Emperor picked Asia bridal-style and ran as far as he could.
"I WON'T LET YOU!" Roared Raynare, only for Meliodas to split in two with a blade as long as his arm. The falen angel broke down into a sweat knowing her uncle-figure's unmatched skill with a sword no matter how small.
"Ray-chan, that's not nice." Meliodas said.
"Get out of my way!" Raynare exclaimed, forming spears around her.
"No." Meliodas simply said.
With a war cry, Raynare launched spear after spear at the short blonde. Meliodas stood in the same spot with his unreadable face. His sword arm moved in a blur shattering every spear that came his way.
"You never were the spear type." Meliodas commented. "You were always so giddy about swords. That's why I loved hanging out with when you were little."
Raynare only gritted her teeth. "How about this?!"
Raynare summoned another volley of spears but their aim was more lax. To her ire, Meliodas just swatted the ones coming at him with a flick of his finger. But he allowed the rest to sink harmlessly in the ground near him. Just as she planned.
Meliodas' only warning was the growing glow of the spears before they suddenly exploded in unstable magic and smoke. Raynare allowed the ghost of a smile in victory which quickly flashed to regret. Out of all people, she never wanted to hurt her uncle. Even when she wanted to be stronger it was never to be like this.
But her hopes/despair were washed away when she heard the familiar clink of steel.
"Full Counter."
The magical force of the explosion was suddenly redirected in Raynare's direction. She let out a small cry as the heat and blast engulfed her in a wave of destruction. Smoke and dust blocked Meliodas' view of the fallen angel, searching for any signs of life. He made sure that his Full Counter wasn't focused, but he didn't want to hurt Raynare. Eventually the dust cleared revealing two scars in the pavement but also a sight that put a little pride in Meliodas. At the end of the two scars, which turned out to be the fallen angel's feet that stayed planted in the ground, was Raynare in a perfect defensive stance with a light sword held over her head with two hands and pointed diagonally to the ground. Unlike her light spears, this sword construct was much more refined as it took the shape of a two-handed broadsword. Raynare eyed Meliodas from behind her blade panting slightly from holding back the counter.
"Wow, Ray-chan." Meliodas praised with a real smile. "You took a perfect stance and defended against my Full Counter and you're still standing up. You're still the little sword girl, ni-shi-shi."
Raynare ignored the blonde and leapt at the short blonde in a blur. The light sword clashed with the small blade, but the contest of strength was one-sided in Meliodas' favor. The small length of steel didn't even budge against the light broadsword, and Meliodas didn't even bat an eyelash or even seemed bored. That expression was just infuriating.
"What happened to you, Raynare?" Meliodas asked. "I heard from Merlin that you had a falling out with her, but I didn't know it was this bad."
"Shut up!" Raynare growled, making Meliodas wince from the cold tone.
The fallen disengaged the lock and went for a few light swings. Meliodas kept a perfect guard blocking the attacks without using two hands for his blade. It was proof to Meliodas' skill with the blade that steel, an element of man, he can break through light, an element of heaven, judging by the cracks in the construct. The elements were worlds apart yet his own blade was not even cracked and no enchantment existed.
"I heard what you did to Issei-boyo, but I didn't want to believe it." Meliodas said, trapping Raynare in a grip when she overextended a thrust. "I don't want to think that the little girl I knew could kill like that."
"People change!" Raynare spat, pulling back her arm but with no results.
"They don't change," Meliodas said sagely, "but they do hide. Tell me what's wrong."
"I have nothing to say to you!" Raynare snapped, making a thinner, but seemingly sharp light sword in her left hand and lunged it forwards. Meliodas acted accordingly swaying his head to the side. His eyebrows rose momentarily when the blade was close enough to cut a few strands of his hair. She spread her wings and flapped them to create a small gust of wind to force herself out of the blonde's reach. She close her eyes from the sudden wind pressure, but it was a foolish mistake on her part.
"Never close your eyes like that in a fight, Raynare." The voice of Meliodas spoke behind her.
The blonde attacked with a "soft" palm thrust that sent Raynare tumbling across the small plaza until she anchored a light sword into the ground. She dropped onto a knee wincing in pain from the blow. What both terrified and enraged Raynare was that wasn't even a fraction of her uncle's strength. Even after all this time...
"...there's still a gap between us." Mumbled Raynare in a hint of misery.
"What was that?" Meliodas asked curiously.
Raynare looked into Meliodas' eyes again. Those same eyes that always seemed to look down on her, at least to her. Why shouldn't they look at her like that? She was always weak while the family around her were legends heard across the whole supernatural world. And was she but a disappointment in their eyes? That had to be their only view of her as a lowly fallen with only one pair of wings.
"You think I'm weak, that I only deserve pity." Raynare suddenly snapped, her words catching Meliodas off guard.
"Wha-" Meliodas wasn't able to finish his word as the fallen angel vanished from her place with anger guiding her speed. He reacted accordingly parrying away her opener, but she didn't stop a follow up with a lunge from her free blade. He swayed to the side, then ducked under an overhead swipe that would've chopped off his head. Raynare made a scissor cut with both swords to chop Meliodas' legs, but the small blonde simply flipped over and landed perfectly on her shoulder.
"It's a good technique, but you need to be less telegraphed." Meliodas said.
"Stop looking down on me!" Raynare exclaimed in a misinterpretation of his words.
Meliodas widened his eyes at the sudden rage the fallen angel was pouring out directed to him. And what did she mean about looking down on her? She was born into the band of misfits and best friends. Raynare was their little star of attention, and he never treated her less than family. But where did all this hate come from?
Raynare's swings became more desperate and ferocious via her emotions going in a hurricane. But no matter how fast she was, her light swords were always pushed back by steel. Her vision became blurry as her eyes felt puffy. Meliodas winced at the flashing emotions he could see in Raynare's eyes.
"What do you mean, Raynare?" Meliodas asked, locking her light swords into the ground. "I never looked down on you."
"Of course you did." Raynare exclaimed, "You all did! You, Uncle Ban, Aunt Elaine, Uncle King, Auntie Diane, and even Mom. You were all legends."
Meliodas didn't bother to attack, only defending himself and listening toto Raynare's rant. Her movements became sluggish and too heavy as her emotions blurred her senses.
"I was born into it, I should've strong, right?!" Raynare sobbed, tears streaming down her eyes. "But no, I was born a lowly, weak fallen angel while you all stood at the top. I was nothing compared to my own family.
"When others saw me, they saw a failure to legends. They never saw Raynare, always comparing to my mother. I... I wanted to be strong just like you, but I wasn't."
Raynare's next swing was too slow and slughish. Her will to fight gone. The blades of light fell to the floor and shattered. Her head drooped to the floor a flood of tears dripping down her cheeks.
"I thought if I got stronger, you wouldn't see me as a disappointment." Raynare whimpered while ignorant to Meliodas' reaching two fingers to her. "Because that's what I am, aren't I?"
Any words Raynare was going to continue saying were abruptly cut off by a small, yet sharp pain to her forehead. The sudden "attack" was enough for the fallen angel to land on her bottom. Red flushed on the spot but nothing too serious to warrant an injury at all. Then she realized that Meliodas was right in front of her with his hand outstretched.
'Did he just flick my forehead?' Raynare thought with red flushing her cheeks in embarrassment.
"Dummy." Meliodas said, "You keep comparing yourself to people like me, then you will always doubt yourself."
Meliodas started to ruff Raynare's black silky hair like he would a child. His ministrations rewarded the blonde with Raynare pouting her cheeks cutely. However, there was also a familiar glint in her eyes like that of a child with a parent. She never forgot having her hair messed up like that ever since she was a child.
"That's the little Ray-chan I know right there." Meliodas chirped, planting himself on the ground with Raynare, "Listen, Ray-chan. There is one proven fact across every walk of life. No one is born strong. Not me, the Seraphs, the Maus, not the Sins. Not even gods. The only way we become strong to grow and better ourselves. I had to work my butt off to become who I am today, and boy did I have the motivation from a bastard of a father. And another thing is you were never and never will be a disappointment to us. How could we ever? It's really stupid that you would just magically get so strong. It never really mattered if you were weaker than a breeze of the air. Ray-chan, you were born not because to carry on strength. You're the product of pure love, and we all loved you. And your mother, she cherished you. She may have her magic tomes and researching, but I have no doubt in mind that she would gladly throw it away all for you, Ray-chan. You're worth all that love that ever be put out possible from a mother."
"But I..." Raynare whimpered, hugging her knees to her chest, "I've done... so many wrong... I tricked... I killed... I don't deserve it?"
"Nope, you still do." Meliodas said without pause. "And it is all very simple. You're part of the family of Sins and oddities. In the words of your mother, 'our little star in a bundle.'"
Meliodas stood up and offered a hand to the down Raynare. "So come on home to our family. I'm sure King and Diane would be ecstatic to see how much you've grown, and if we hurry we might see Ban and Elaine too. Oh, I can't wait to see their faces."
Raynare couldn't help but shake, but not in despair. She could stare in those eyes all she wanted, but no matter how much she refused to see it but those eyes held only truth. Being deceitful was part of Raynare's nature as a fallen, yet doing so closed her off from the obvious truth that stood right in front of her. All she wanted was a family that adored her, comfort her, stand with her, and make her laugh and smile. In all her ways to lie, cheat, and kill for power to get noticed, it only blinded her to the truth.
Her family loved her. They were standing right there ready to lift her up.
Meliodas received a surprise when Raynare instead jumped the short blonde into a tight hug. Her face was buried in his neck where he could feel a flood of tears from built up emotions finally set free. She hugged her uncle as though he would suddenly disappear; she needed closure right now. Meliodas graced a warm smile, patting his surrogate niece's back to let her emotions free.
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry..." Sobbed Raynare repeatedly.
"There, there it's alright." Soothed Meliodas, "I'm right here."
"Please don't go." Squeaked Raynare.
"I'd sooner slit my throat, right before Merlin would pulverize me." Meliodas joked. "There's nowhere else I would ever go."
Here's my initial take on my new story. The current title is temporary, and I could use some suggestions. The story is obviously AU. I decided to make Issei and Saji stronger because with Meliodas around he wouldn't just leave such powerful holders of Sacred Gears vulnerable to the supernatural world. And yes Meliodas is considered devil, half actually with being true demon from his father's side. His powers are pretty the same from canon, but he has his own peerage as well.
Zeldris will also be in this story with a peerage as well with his vampiric wife as queen from canon. Though I'm not sure to make his evil or not. Mael and the Archangels also exist as Seraphs with Rudicel having fallen. He always did seem to be a bit too arrogant.
Other characters from other anime may also appear.
An important point is that there won't be a pairing with Elizabeth.
Here are the peerage details: Meliodas (Power of Darkness; Dark Longinus)
Queen (Mutation) - Unknown.
Bishop X1 - King (Sacred Treasure from canon).
Rook X1 - Diane (Sacred Treasure from canon).
Knight (Mutation) - Asuna (Longinus Gear: Unstoppable Offense - Every attack dealt increases damage).
Knight (Mutation) - Kirito (Longinus Gear: Immovable Defense - Every attack received increases defense).
Bishop X1 - Elaine.
Pawn X6 - Ban.
Also I read up on some other mythologies. If these beings were turned into Sacred Gears, would they become Longinus.
-Jawzahr, the Comet Dragon. (This dragon was told to be able to swallow the moon).