Keitaro breaks the Fourth Wall

Disclaimer: Love Hina belongs to Ken Akamatsu, and I am not he. I wish it did belong to me (particularly Mutsumi and Shinobu), but it doesn't.

The 'Fourth Wall' is the term used to describe the 'wall' between the 'real world' and the fictional world. Since a fictional character is not supposed to know about the 'real world', any time they interact with it, the Fourth Wall is broken. For a prime example of fourth-wall breaking, see the web comic 'One over zero' at // . Since Keitaro has been launched through all the other walls (and the roof) of Hinata-sou, I figure there's only one he has left to break...

Set between Christmas and Spring specials, according to the anime. Apologies in advance for misspellings, and incorrect Japanese. This is my first FanFic, so be gentle with me (or not, as the case may be).

Chapter One: A flight a bit too far? CRASH!

"Better take this chance to clean the hot springs," mumbled Keitaro to himself, as he gathered together bucket and broom. "After all, I have to study with Naru and Mutsumi soon, and I don't want to keep Naru waiting!". At the thought of Naru, he immediately fell into a daydream, imagining her pleased - and passionate! - reaction to hearing his passing of the Todai entrance examinations with the highest marks in all of Japan. Wrapped up in this daydream, he failed to notice that the hot springs were not unoccupied - at least, until he was snapped out of his thoughts by an irate shout.

"Urashima! You... you... ". He looked up, only to obtain a prime eyeful of Motoko wearing nothing more than a towel and a furious blush. Blood started to ooze from his left nostril, as he backed away in panic.

"Ah... no! Motoko-chan! It was an accident, I...."

"Shin-meiruu rock-splitting attack!" she shouted, bringing down her sword and launching Keitaro into the atmosphere with an explosive blast of ki. However, her embarassment (and the requirement for holding the towel in place during the attack) must have impaired her style, since instead of flying out over the town Keitaro instead flew straight up, only to crash down onto the upstairs sun deck.

Sadly for Keitaro, however, the sun deck was already occupied. As Shinobu worked dilligently to hang out the freshly-washed laundry, she was not prepared for Keitaro's sudden arrival. A sudden crash resulted in a pile consisting of Keitaro, Shinobu (with eyes spinning), and the laundry. Keitaro staggered to his feet, pulling out his handkerchief to wipe his forehead.

As he mopped his brow, he turned to see Shinobu looking at him in horror, her eyes wide and pointing.

"S...Sempai! You.... no.... auwwww!!!!!" she wailed, turning and running.

Briefly, Keitaro wondered about this unusual behaviour, before remembering that in fact he did not actually posess a handkerchief. Close behind this piece of information came the realisation that the fabric in his had was in fact a pair of white panties with a strawberry motif, with 'Meahara Shinobu' written neatly on the waistband. The next piece of information to come to him was that he was, in fact, festooned with other pieces of lingerie and was sitting in a pile of the same.

The nosebleed started again.

"Well, looks like we got us here a panty thief!" came a brash voice, and Keitaro looked up to see Kitsune grinning at him, with a furious Motoko behind her.

"I would let you have some of mine, but I just don't wear them any more," she added. "Still, I see you have a few of Motoko's for your collection!"

Motoko became even more incensed as she saw several articles of her more intimate wardrobe dangling from Keitaro's head. At this point, Keitaro's instinct for self-preservation kicked in, and he ran.

"Sorry! I'm sorry! It was an accident!" he yelled as he dodged ki blasts. Running into the inn, he desperately searched for somewhere to hide.

Up ahead, he saw an open doorway, and dived through it at top speed. In doing so, he tripped over something that went "Myu!" and fell forward, his arms outstretched, grabbing for support.

Crashing down, he nevertheless managed to grab something, although it didn't seem to give him much support. After shaking his head to clear his spinning vision, he looked up to see where he was... and immediately wished he had not. He had run into Naru's room, where Naru and Mutsumi were already started on the revision and waiting for him. In a spectacular coincidence, he had somehow managed to grab hold of both of the girls during his tumble, and as a result now held a pair of white panties on his left hand, and sky-blue in his right. Mutsumi's panties. Naru's panties....

The nosebleed started again as he realised precisely what he held.

"Ara..." Mutsumi giggled. "I would have given them to you if you had asked, Kei-kun!"

"You... you... panty collector!" fumed Naru, in a voice like an avenging demon. "So, just gathering the last two for your collection, heh?"

"Urashima, this is low, even for you!" shouted Motoko, arriving at the door with the rest of the group.

Kaolla ran up behind Keitaro, and hung another pair on his head, shouting "Keitarrrro! Now you have mine too! Full set! What a pervert!"

A noise like an impending earthquake dragged Keitaro's attention back to Naru. Her eyes were burning red, and it seemed to him as if flames were rising behind her... he was for it this time! She gathered up her fist...

"N..Narusegawa! I can explain! It was an accident! I...."

"HENTAI NO BAKAAAAAAAAA!" she screamed, letting fly with a massive swing. Keitaro crashed through the wall without appearing to slow, and disappeared.

As I sat in front of my desk writing, I felt a slight breeze and looked up. Suddenly, with a -pop- a battered Japanese ronin appeared and crashed down on the floor beside me.

"Well, there's something you don't see every day!" I murmured. "I didn't realise she had hit you quite so hard as all that. I suppose I should apologise for writing you into such a situation..."

Keitaro looked up dizzily, and tried to work out here the hell he was.

So, chapter one is finished. Please read and review, and tell me what you think of my first attempt. You can be as cruel as I have been in my reviews of your work!

PG-13 for the image of Mutsumi and Naru with their underwear removed.

Hentai no baka: 'Stupid pervert', I think. But I may be wrong.