Authors Note: Thank you for taking the time to read my story! As you journey ahead, please keep in mind, this piece is purposefully written and published out of order. Things that may seem fluffy, confusing, or seem to be out of place, come around eventually, and by chapter 38/39 everything will make sense and weave together in a cohesive and exciting thread. Save for a few edits, this piece is mostly complete, and additional cut chapters, or our good old Legomance chapters can be found published under one shots on my profile. I think they are nice adjuncts to the story that don't have a place in the main part, but flesh out the characters and story better and many more will come. If there is enough demand I may eventually post an 'in-order' version of this fic, but only after this one is complete. A Golden Dawn will be updated twice a month, so please follow/favorite to get the updates :)

2063 TA

Unede stood at the counter of her aunt's kitchen. Before her were all of the fruits of the season, oranges, nectarines, black, blue and raspberry's. She was washing the fruit carefully in a bowl, and arraigning the pieces on a platter for the table. Her back was turned to the door, and Legolas stood there quietly, holding his jar of honey. He watched her green dress sway from her hips as she hummed, and admired the sun's rays glinting off her gold curls, filling the room with light. For a moment he thought his chest might burst, and felt his words catch in his lips.

Then as though she felt the pressure in the room rise Unede's hands paused, and he sensed the smile he could not see on her lips. Legolas stepped forward and placed a hand on her back, and sat the sticky honey jar down on the counter next to her. And then he watched her smile spread across her face, and crease around her eyes.

"Now how in all that is good did you manage to get that, if mine eyes do not deceive me that honey is from the Fields of Celebrant." She admired the hazy red liquid and dipped her finger into the jar. Legolas watched her eyes light up as she tasted the liquid. " I have not had this in a hundred years at least".

"Neither have we, and my envoy traded my favorite stallion for that jar, so I hope you enjoy it" he said a smile teasing at his face.

"You would not do such a foolish thing" she quipped.

His face grew more serious and he whispered "I would do anything to warm your heart, it has been a fortnight since I last saw you smile". A quiet tension grew in the air and only a moment later was interrupted by Aunt Indis who's spirit instantly broke the tension, and caused the other two elves to startle.

" Oh by the stars, it is good to see you both here, It has been ages since we last heard the court gossip, and dinner has been made special for the new moon, and oh is the honey from the Fields of Celebrant! My Gods I haven't seen this in more than a century. How ever did it come to be in my kitchen!" Aunt Indis continued to talk of the honey, and her bread, as the two young elves moved aside and shared a jovial gaze. "when I was young we had trade open with Lothlorien, you see, and we had honey, and wine, and limbas bread. It was a delight to see the ladies there in the flowing robes, living in the trees, of course we did back then too! And oh the Talan's like nothing we have here-" But her retelling ceased when her eldest son Ingwe spoke from the dining room.

"You never told us you have been the Golden Wood- why haven't we heard this story! Is it the honey? Is that how we could loose your tongue mother? I should say you need more!"

" Oh goodness, I've told this a hundred times" Aunt Indis rolled her eyes " My son always has his head in the tree's" she laughed.

"Speaking of someone having their head in the tree's Unede's hardly been seen in weeks, perhaps you can shed some light on her where a bouts" Legolas said with a sly smile.

Aunt Indis rolled her eyes "Oh she and Miriel have been at it with their paints again, trying to capture the autumn leaves"

"I did not know she was an artist! Unede, when can I see them, it would be a delight"

"I am of little talent" She said flatly "And you can see them, when you are the King, and you can order me to show them to you."

"Well I happen to know my father is a fan of art"

"Oh, come on you two its dinner time". She walked out of the kitchen carrying bread, butter and honey.

Legolas and Unede stood in silence and watched her go. And then together realized that his arm still resting on her back and hers on his shoulder. Unede blushed, untangled herself and moved into towards the dining room.

"Don't forget the fruit" she said with a laugh on her way out.

The wine flowed freely at the dinner party, Unede's family retold the old stories of her cousins youth. They laughed about all the times Ingwe fell from his horse, and recalled how Unede's first arrow flew right past her father's head. They recollected the time Uncle Olwe drunkenly proposed to Aunt Indis in front of the whole kingdom, and they both fell to the ground laughing with joy.

"Oh and the first time Legolas came to dinner, I could hardly speak" Cousin Miriel laughed between glasses of wine "Unede said she was bringing a friend, and I hid in the kitchen for an hour wondering why the prince was in our home. And then I dropped the whole stew on my way to the table"! The family laughed and poured more wine and broke more bread, and Unede passed her honeyed fruit around the table.

"Forgive me, I thought I had made it quiet clear that everyone should act normally" Unede said with a smile.

"You know it was awkward for me too!" Legolas chortled " I was told it was a picnic with some of the guard, and here I come in dirty clothes, with nothing but a bottle of bad wine!"

"Oh he was, oh my goodness!" Aunt Indis snorted "I made him take off his boots outside and he even had Arm Guards on!"

"In my defense, Uncle Olwe and Cousin Ingwe are in the guard! How was I to know everyone else would be here too!" Unede said sipping her wine and blushing.

"Well who did you think would do the cooking, and clean up all the stew on the floor!" Aunt Indis said patting her nieces back as the table erupted in laughter.

The party moved to the hearth and Unede and Legolas sat on the floor with her cousins. Uncle Olwe passed out instruments, a tambourine, a guitar, a leather drum, a flute, and after a short debate about who would sing, they settled on Legolas.

"Oh he does have a lovely voice, he should sing the Nimrodel"

'Oh no it is to sad" Unede said " Sing of Eryn Galen, when it was great. Sing the song of the trees, or of the love of Oropher and his wife".

Legolas grinned " I shall sing the song of the tree's and then you shall sing of my Grandfather!"

And so they did, their voices filled the room, accompanied by the sweet sounds of music, and they sang until the fire grew dim and was fed and grew dim again. Then, when the fire was in embers, and the wine had been drunk Unede stood up unsteadily and said in a quiet voice " I do think I must go, there is a council called at dawn on the morrow and I must find rest before then".

Legolas rose to his feet and smiled "Let me walk you home" The room for a moment fell silent, it seemed that there was not even a breath taken as the family awaited Unede's answer. Her Aunt nodded in the dim light and her Uncle raise their cup to them.

"Travel safe" Miriel whispered "Though I hardly have to say it to the likes of you two". Unede and Legolas smiled, and a flush rose to Unede's cheeks as she took his offered arm, and was led to the door. They said their goodbye's and went out to greet the new moon and the cool night air.

Quiet hung in the room behind after the Prince had left, the embers crackled, and no one dared breath. Minutes passed until finally Ingwe whispered into the dim light.

"There isn't a council meeting in the morning".