Every night the Incline Club was packed with all types of people, frat boys, drunks, pimps, you name it. Today however, the club had a new type of person walk past those doors.
A man standing 6'2 with a duffle bag started walking past all the others dancing and drinking and sat down at the neon lit bar and motioned for the bartender. He sets down his duffle bag next to him on his stool before the bartender came over and asked what he'd like.
"Jack Daniels Whiskey." The man said in a gravely and mellow tone sounding like he's walked through hell and back, the bartender nodded and began to pour the man his drink.
Compared to the other sharply or decently dressed people in the place, he stood out pretty thoroughly. He wore a worn olive green duster, torn jeans with some dirt on it, equally dirty combat boots and he wore a baseball cap. His face was the most defining feature however, his expression looked to be hollow, like the life was sucked from him, his face molded into a stone cold emotionless expression and his beard and exhausted baggy eyes shown the man's wear and tear.
The bartender hands over his whiskey and the man is about to hand him the cash for the drink when suddenly he is knocked back a bit from behind and nearly spilled his drink.
He darts back to see a couple of drunken men laughing and not paying attention to their surroundings.
"Do you mind?" The man asks the one who bumped him, he looked a lot younger than most others. The kid turn around to face him with a scowl of annoyance.
"The fuck you say?" The kid asks the man, he soon saw he had two others with him and they were holding a young woman roughly by her arm and she was currently trying to pull her arm back from the muscular guy holding her.
"I said, do you mind. You nearly spilled my drink." He repeats before the kid just chuckles and says "ok, sorry for bumping into you fuckface." Then all three laugh and begin to walk off with the girl.
The man puts down his whiskey and then stands up from his stool "Hold on a minute, I'm gonna need you to let the girl go." He tells them, this makes them turn towards the man again.
"What's she to you? She's just a whore after all." The third says, putting a hand into his pocket.
"She clearly doesn't want to go with you guys. Let her go." He then says, walking closer to the kid who knocked into him.
"Well we don't want to. So what are you going to do?" He asks the stranger, jabbing two fingers into his chest roughly.
He then started talking to the kid in a much more sinister tone "look, I'm not looking to start something. I just came to have a drink, so please just let her go." He growls but they only chuckle at this and then the kid says
"and we just want to have fun. So why don't you just go back to whatever alleyway you came from and fuck yourself before you get hurt." He says with a smirk, balling his hands into a fist, but despite this the man only shakes his head.
"Ok then, guess you'll need to learn what happens if your brave." The kid says before swinging his right hand to the man's jaw. He quickly ducked his head under the hook and threw a jab into the kids stomach to bend him down, he then kicked the kids right knee out to get him down and threw a hard left into his temple.
This sends the people in the club into both a panic and a frenzy, now slumped on the ground unconscious, the other two were left stunned for only a second before regaining their senses. The second guy pulled a knife from his pocket while the muscle let go of the girl and began charging at the man like a mad bull. He simply stepped to the side and dodged the charger but was quickly met with a knife heading straight to his chest. He pulled both hands in front of him and catches the guys hand with the blade just a mere centimeter from puncturing his chest. He then pulled the knife down with his hand holding the other guys while his free hand quickly slams his elbow into the guys chin, knocking him back. Then he steps to the side and with his hand still holding him, flips the thug onto the floor back first and knocking the wind out of him.
The muscle quickly gets back and quickly swung at the man, but this was met with thin air as he stepped out of his swing. The man quickly blocked a second thrown punch with his left arm and he counters with an uppercut to the guys jaw and stuns him. With his jugular exposed, he swung his hand and slammed it into his throat and pulled the muscle out of the fight to gasp for air. Just as he thinks it's over he quickly sees the kid from before swing the knife at him and only just gets away from being killed, but he would take a cut to the arm over that any day. He backed up and sees him swing in for a stab, he catches his arm with one hand and then uses the other to catch a sudden attempted punch with the other.
He quickly pulls the kid around and then kicks his left then right kneecaps hard, with his balance and stance off he leaps up and wrapped his legs around his opponents head and swung his body down to the ground to flip him. With the thug back on the ground and pinned, he quickly strikes the guys temple and knocks him out.
Breathing heavily, the man gets up and walked over to the bar and grabs his drink. After a quick swig of the glass and downing the whiskey, he then pulled out a wallet and pulled out several hundred dollar bills and laid them on the bar. "Sorry about that." He says to the bartender hiding behind the bar and begins walking out.
Just as he opened the doors he was met with the familiar blue and red lights of police cars and several officers aiming their firearms at the door. "HANDS UP! DON'T MOVE" an officer with a megaphone yells and the man obliged, holding up his hands and getting on his knees.
After being cuffed and moved to the station, he was held in a cell for the night. While laying on the bed he soon hears the cell door open and an officer in front of him.
"You, get up. Someone wants to talk with you." He says before pulling him out of the cell. After a short walk, he was pulled into a small room with a table and two chairs, he was cuffed to the chair legs and then left alone.
After a short wait, the room door opens and he sees a young man with glasses walk over and sit in front of him. He wore a badge labeled "visior". "Hello Harvey." The stranger said to Harvey and this immediate makes him glare at him.
"How do you know my name?" He growls before the stranger holds his hands up in defense
"hold it, hold it, hold it. I just want to talk, I don't mean any wrong." He says quickly. Sighing, Harvey nods and let's him continue.
"Your a hard man to find. But that's to be expected for one of your… background" the stranger says as he pulled out a large file stacked with papers inside. "Former CIA, squad leader of 5, 27 successful missions including intel gathering, raids and assassinations. You are quite a remarkable human being." He says from one of the pages.
Harvey begins to grow more tempered and angry with this man and he asks "yeah? Well why do you bring it up?"
"Ah, you see my name is Six. But you can call me Harry. You see, I'm the head of a elite international counterterrorist unit known as Team Rainbow. I am here to make you a part of-"
"I'm going to stop you right there" Harvey suddenly interrupted.
"I've heard this talk many times before. Because of my resume or skills you want to hire me into this military. I left that life for reasons you should already know given how much you've dug up about me. So what makes you think I'll be willing to join you?" He asks Harry.
Sighing, Harry takes off his glasses and scoots closer to Harvey across the table. "I know, I did read about that. But looking at when you left to what you are now. You are not living right, your on the edge of no return and you deserve a second chance. People may blame you for what happened but rainbow won't. We will even provide protection from the ones you hide from, and to top it off." He then pushes a picture over to him. It showed a man in front of a burning car, he had a scar over his left eye and his head was mostly shaved away.
"He's alive?" Harvey ask quickly, gripping the edge of his seat tightly in anger.
"Yes, and were putting an operation together to deal with him. Seeing as you had previous experience with him, we think you'll be a big help. What do you say, want to stay out here roaming the streets or have a second chance to make up for your past?" Harry asks him, smiling. Harvey smiles back and nods
"well congratulations, you've convinced me."