The four deviants stood, staring up at the CyberLife tower. They didn't bother disguising themselves; they would easily be recognized, even if they had put in the effort. Simon was, however, wearing Markus's signature coat. They agreed that the solid dark color would help him blend in more than his usual white-shouldered one would, and Markus certainly didn't mind seeing Simon in his coat, which was just slightly too big on him. The androids paused before entering, but North showed no hesitation. "Come on, let's get this over with." She declared, marching up to the doors before anyone could protest. Josh glanced at Markus for a moment before trotting after North.

Simon started to follow the two, but stopped when he felt Markus grab his hand. "Wait, Simon." He said softly.

Simon turned around and stepped back towards Markus, looking mildly confused. "Yeah…?" He asked as North and Josh entered the CyberLife tower, giving Simon and Markus a moment alone.

"Just… Be careful, Simon. Please." Markus said as he took both of Simon's hands in his own.

Simon smiled, trying to reassure Markus. "Of course." He said softly. "You be careful, too." He let go of Markus's hands. "Come on, let's go." He turned and walked towards the tower.

Markus followed close behind Simon. When they walked through the glass doors, they were greeted by an android guard who ushered them inside. Markus could see another guard interrogating North and Josh. Markus looked back to the guard in front of them. "State your business." The guard said in a monotone voice.

"We are from Jericho, a safe place for androids. We need extra thirium to repair those who were harmed in the revolution." Markus said, his tone professional and confident.

Markus looked back at the others. While North was talking to the guard, Josh was scanning the room, looking for anything that could help or hinder them. His eyes landed on Markus, and he sent him a direct mental message that said where all the exits, cameras, and guards were located. Markus analyzed the information, then nodded at Josh. Thank you, he replied, then relayed the information to North and Simon.

The guards led everyone into another room, then one said, "Please, wait while we find a human employee to assist you." Markus nodded and the two guards left the room, leaving the four deviants alone. Markus scanned the room and, finding it clear of cameras or guards, nudged Simon gently. Now, he said, projecting his thoughts to Simon.

Simon took a slow, nervous breath and nodded. He looked up at Markus and smiled faintly, then closed his eyes to picture a map of the tower, locating where the extra biocomponents were stored. Once he knew where they were, he slowly turned and walked through a hallway, leaving his friends behind. He warily made his way to the storage unit the processors were in. He made sure to survey his path along the way to look for any escape routes, just in case.

Simon walked, slowly and silently, until he found a storage room filled with extra parts. He wandered the room, scanning the labels, looking for the right processor. He spotted a bin full of extra parts and started looking through them, thinking it might be his best bet. He rummaged for a while, trying to stay quiet, but he finally found one that was compatible. He sighed in relief and put the bin back where he found it, then turned around to head back to Markus and the others. When he turned, though, he was greeted by an unfamiliar android. Simon jumped and pulled away, holding the new memory processor tight to his chest to protect it.

"...Simon?" The android asked with his head slightly tilted. The unknown android mimicked emotion easily enough, but he didn't seem to be deviant. His movements were too rigid, too much like a machine. Simon scanned his memory, trying hard to remember whoever this was, to no avail.

"Who are you?" Simon asked softly, backing away further.

The other android eyed the bio-component in Simon's clenched hands, then nodded as he began to deduce what happened. "You don't remember, do you? You don't remember anything." The android had a tiny, almost unnoticeable smirk on his face.

Before Simon could even respond, the unfamiliar android had grabbed Simon's arm, the artificial skin peeling back to reveal the smooth plastic. Simon was bombarded with memories of himself, apparently from this other android's perspective. Memories of him here, in the CyberLife tower, but… No, that couldn't be right, he wouldn't come here willingly, he wouldn't have helped them, he wouldn't...

Simon had barely gotten a chance to see all the memories when the android jumped away at the sound of an alarm going off. He swore under his breath and gave Simon a look that he couldn't decipher before running off. Simon stood, frozen, not knowing what was happening or what to do. He almost jumped when he heard Markus speaking to him mentally: There's a riot outside. Meet back at Jericho. Be careful.

Simon took a step forward, then stopped. If what the stranger had showed him was true… He couldn't go back. He had hurt Markus, he had hurt all of his friends. He… He couldn't face them after what he'd been shown. He shoved his new processor into a pocket in his-no, Markus's-jacket, then backed away from the main entrance. He looked around and spotted a back exit, then ran out. He could hear the riot on the other side of the tower. He knew he should go and help, go fight for the cause and for his people, but he couldn't bring himself to go back.

Simon pulled Markus's coat tighter around himself and looked down as he walked. He didn't know where, he just knew he had to get away. He walked and walked, slipping a hand into his pocket periodically to make sure the memory processor was still safe. He walked for what felt like hours until he found himself standing at a bus stop. He looked around as though he didn't know how he got there, but he sat on the bench and waited. He didn't know where he was going, he didn't even what was the truth anymore, but he was going to find out.