Rory couldn't bring herself to look up from her papers, afraid of what the reaction might be from the crowd. Suddenly, she heard applause. She looked out and saw Tristan standing up and clapping wildly. Gradually her classmates joined in. Rory gave a small smile and forced herself to look behind her to where Jess was sitting, and felt tears come to her eyes when she saw the expression very visible on his face.
Jess stood up from his chair and the crowd fell silent. He walked over to Rory and looked her right in the eye, the expression still very obvious.
"I love you too Rory."
He then took her in his arms and kissed her deeply and very passionately. The crowd went wild again. Everyone was cheering. While Rory and Jess were kissing, many other people got caught in the moment. Francie and her boyfriend started kissing, as did nearly every other couple in the crowd. Lorelai turned to Luke and smiled.
"It all worked out! I'm so happy for her!"
"Me too. Ummm, Lorelai?" Luke started, nervously.
"I love you."
Lorelai was surprised by this. Surprised but happy. "I love you too Luke." They joined in with the kissing crowd.
After a few minutes, the crowd had stopped their kiss fest and were now staring at the couple on the stage. Rory and Jess noticed that they were kissing in front of the entire school, and their employers, and pulled apart, a bit embarrassed.
"Ummm, so I guess 'Dodger's' identity is not too secret now, is it?" A blushing Rory asked. "So, ummm…"
"Congratulations graduates." Jess said as he took Rory's hand and they ran off stage.
They ran until they made it to the very bench where Rory had broken up with Tristan.
"Jess, I… I'm really sorry for lying to you."
"I am kind of shocked that you did all this."
Rory laughed. "Me too to be honest."
"So let me get this straight. You work for the New York Times."
Rory nodded.
"And you were asked to go undercover at a high school to find out about teens today."
She nodded again.
"So you started dating the most popular guy in school, became friends with the most popular girls, and became one of the most popular girls while doing so. And along the way you fell for your English teacher?"
Rory smiled and nodded. "That sounds about right."
"That's insane?"
"Yeah it is. But that's what happened."
Then Jess realized something. "So that's why you wouldn't apply to university. You already went and graduated from Yale."
Rory blushed. "I wanted to tell you. I wanted to tell you everything, but it would have ruined everything. And it was all so complicated. I mean, I was dating Tristan, who is an amazing guy." Jess made a face upon hearing Tristan's name. "But then I fell for an even more amazing man. My teacher nonetheless."
Jess smiled.
"So do I still have to call you Mr. Mariano or sir?" Rory asked teasingly.
"If you want, but I prefer to go by Jess."
"Okay then." She smiled. "I love you Jess Mariano."
"I love you Rory Gilmore."
And they kissed again.
Okay. Totally predictable and fluff filled, but hey – would you really want anything else? So that's it for this story, unless you want an epilogue, and/or a sequel. Just let me know. And thank you everyone for all the support you showed me while writing this story. I love you all!! (Though not in the Jess/Rory sense. That would be weird.) Thanks again!!
xoxox Blondie