"Well this is most annoying. You ninja really are the most unreliable sort."

Gatō's nasal, condescending drawl irked Kakashi. He remained kneeling by his remaining injured student, bandaging the last of Hinata's injuries. She had taken the least severe hits, evidently from Sai and Naruto's efforts to shield her from whatever attack they had been subjected to. Kakashi tried not to think about which one of his students' blood was stained across his shirt and gloves.

If any had asked him to describe the exact blend of emotions swirling through his rattled brain at that exact moment of time, the Copy-nin would have been hard-pressed to answer accurately. It was a numbness, an ice-hot rage that had settled into a razor sharp focus on securing his rather simple priorities.

The safety of his kids, and the death of anyone else who would threaten them. In that order.

"Zabuza said you Konoha nin wouldnt intervene, and that if you did he would kill you easily. What a crock of shit, but I should have expected that from his sort." Gatō continued monologuing. Behind him, a rather sizable mob of rough-looking men shifted dangerously, hefting various weapons, some improvised creations. Kakashi pulled tightly, the last puncture wound wrapped and the bleeding staunched. She was pale from blood loss, but she would survive. What a disaster, a single C-ranked mission and three of his students heavily injured, Hinata twice.

"So... are you going to leave? Or do I have to kill your brats one by one before you get the message!"

"I would advise you to stop talking, Gatō." Kakashi ground the words out through clenched teeth, coming to a standing position. The white-hot fury that he had barely kept restrained was starting to loosen its shackles. It was a maddening impulse to tear the arrogant magnate apart, to vent his considerable rage at his failure upon the foolish malcontents that had so considerately offered themselves up to him. His tantō was in his hand, but he did not remember drawing it. Its weight was comfortable, reassuring, a reminder of his own lethality and capacity for slaughter.

Kakashi had only felt this helpless, this impotent on a mission twice before, and each time he had lost a beloved teammate. He was a grown man now, a legend in his own right, but the burden of his failure, his impotency at keeping his own team, his own son, safe, evoked an insatiable desire to shed blood, to lash out and destroy.

"So, I have to get rid of you too huh. Great, I wasn't planning on paying you a penny to leave." Gatō smirked, waving his hand to motion his gang of ruffians forward.

Kakashi figured the ANBU would be disappointed that they traveled all the way to Wave for nothing, but at this point, he didn't care.

"Your help was appreciated, Hatake-san." The Cat masked ANBU nodded politely, the picture of ANBU professionalism.

Kakashi nodded, not taking his eyes off the sleeping forms of his three students.

"I hope I left enough of Gatō for idenification." Kakashi murmured.

"Hai. TI will be able to ascertain the validity of the kill from his remains. I will write up the report for Hokage-sama and credit the kill and mission to you."

"Thank you, Uzuki-san." Kakashi muttered. The ANBU didn't miss a beat despite the usage of her real name.

"You are welcome, Kakashi-san." She turned to leave, but hesitated, moving back and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"They'll be fine. Bird is an excellent medic."

Kakashi didn't acknowledge her offer of comfort, hands in his pockets. Uzuki Yuugao waited for two heartbeats, before withdrawing her hand. She left the room as silently as she had come.

How could he even begin to process the magnitude of his own failure? What kind of idiot Sensei exposed his team to the level of risk as he had done? Any Jōnin Sensei worth his salt would have pulled the plug on the mission at the first sign of danger, at the first hint that it had been a bad op. The demon brothers had been bad enough, two Chūnin level nuke-nin had already been miles beyond the acceptable threat level for a C-ranked misson. His kids had handled them, and Kakashi had arrogantly assumed that he himself would have been enough for anything else. Zabuza had shattered that delusion. Kakashi had been bested, distraction or not, he had lost. His kids should have been dead, twice over, and it had only been by sheer dumb luck and his son's improvised genius that they had survived. And after? He should have stayed with them, should have prioritized their safety over all else. Had he been at the house, nothing would have happened. Hubris tasted like ash in his mouth.

Was it a desire to get back out in the field? To prove that he still had the chops to carry out an op like this? To feel the rush of a high-level mission? Kakashi castigated himself for his idiocy. He could have waited for the ANBU to arrive, should have watched over his kids before gallivanting off to play ANBU.

A small voice at the back of his head reminded him that had he not performed the reccee of the capital, Gatō would have gotten away, and the country would have probably been doomed to his continued tyranny. Had the mission been worth the danger his kids had been put through?

A groan escaped his son's lips, the boy shifting slightly in his futon, and Kakashi's self-loathing came flooding back in waves, inadequacy and disgust at his own mistakes pushing away the quiet thought.

Now, his boy had been possessed by the ancient demon in his gut, had brutally murdered a man, and was totally out of it. Kami help him if Naruto remembered anything he had done while under the control of the Demon, or worse, actually encountered the demon. How would he even begin to explain what had occurred, that destruction incarnate was just sitting around in his son's stomach, held back by a flimsy Fūin?

His web of lies would fall apart, he knew it now, for how could he explain the Kyūbi without revealing that Naruto had been born, in Konoha, the night the Kyūbi had attacked? And how could he explain why exactly the Fourth Hokage would have subjected his son to such a burden without explaining that he was his son?

And at that thought, Kakashi nearly collapsed.

His son. He had been so lost in the delusion he had weaved about himself that he had blinded himself to, forgotten, the truth, that Naruto was not, had never been, his son.

Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina had brought Naruto into the world, not Hatake Kakashi and some concocted villager in Grass Country.

And that was the crux of the matter, wasn't it? His boy, his reason for living, for fighting, his salvation from the darkness and the madness that had threatened to consume him. How could he bear to lie to the boy? But how could he bear to tell him the truth, that he had been lying all this time?

"D...dad?" Naruto murmured in his sleep, turning over and shifting uncomfortably. A fretful look flittered over his face, of anxiety and worried dreams.

Kakashi could only gaze folornly, utterly wracked with guilt and shame. He really did hate himself.

Haku opened her eyes, but saw nothing. She was blindfolded, a thick fabric tied tightly over her eyes. She tried to move her arms, but found them tied behind her back, behind the backrest of the chair she was seated in. Her feet were tied at the ankles as well, and a few futile attempts to break free quickly ended in failure.

Why was she still alive? The horrifying demon that the charming blonde had become had promised an end, no? He had spoken of her broken heart, the unbearable wounds that she had buried, pushed away, and tried to run from her whole life. Where was Zabuza-sama? Where was she?

She struggled to feel her chakra, to call her ice to her to escape the restraints, but found nothing but emptiness. It was as if she never had chakra to begin with. She almost laughed, and almost cried. Her whole life she had wished to have never been born with the curse of her kekkei-genkai, had wished that she had been born just a normal girl to two loving parents. Now she was gifted that, an aching void where her chakra had once swirled and glittered, but could only feel despair.

If she was here, a prisoner, it meant Zabuza-sama had been defeated, Haku's mind reasoned. But Zabuza-sama couldn't have failed! He was too strong, too driven! Her last sight had been him heroically intervening to save her life from the Hatake. Was this a test? Was her master testing how she would react? She would not be found lacking.

"I see you are awake. Good. The Fuin array on you is suppressing your chakra, I wouldn't recommending trying anything." A woman spoke, voice drawing closer. Haku started, she hadn't even realized that there was another in the room. The blindfold that robbed her of her vision suddenly came loose, untied. The room was lit by a single electric light that flickered on the ceiling, and it wasn't much bigger than a shed. It looked dilipidated, like stuff had been shifted out to make space for her.

The figure stood before dressed in black fatigues, face hidden by a white mask, red streaks giving it the appearance of a cat. Striking purple hair was pulled back into a high pony tail, and a functional looking blade was strapped across her back.

"ANBU?" She gasped, struggling to reorient her eyes to the sudden sensory input.

"Yes. From Konoha." The revelation rocked Haku's world. What had happened to Zabuza?

"If you are wondering about your companion, he's dead. Gatō is dead as well, and you are currently in our custody." The ANBU couldn't have been older than twenty five, her figure still lithe, agile, girlish.

"H-how? I don't..." Haku struggled to hold back the tears. So she had failed after all, and in the worst way. She should have been there, should have given her life for Zabuza's. She was weak, so weak.

"I shan't disclose that information to you." She stepped forward, hunching to be close to Haku. The expressionless mask was rather unnerving, dredging up terrible memories of a childhood spent in fear of those Kiri Hunter Nin squads.

"We are in a quandary as to what to do with you, Haku-san. You are not a prisoner of war, and therefore are not afforded the protection of one. We would consider you a Nuke-nin and be done with it, however you are not listed in any Bingo Book." Her voice gave away nothing, totally impersonal.

"What shall we do with you?"

"Kill me. I have no purpose." Haku forced out through the tears that had begun to leak down her porcelain cheeks.

"Konoha Shinobi do not murder unnecessarily. You do not pose a threat to us, and there would be no benefit for us to slaughter you. As I said, no bingo book entry, no bounty."

"I...I failed Zabuza-sama. I deserve death."

"An odd attitude to take. Most people would be grateful to prolong their lives."

"Most people don't realize the pain of a purposeless existence."

"Very well. I shall speak to Hatake-san. After all, you technically are his prisoner, not mine." Haku snapped up at that.

"Hatake Kakashi?"

"Well, technically yes. But his son was the one to incapacitate you. We'll see what they want done with you."

"Please tell him that I wish to die." Haku's voice grew emotionless, resigned, retreating to the shell that had protected her for so long from the bitter cruelty of life.

"Very well...I'll see what he says."

She left Haku alone in the dark, and the shadows closed in once more.

Naruto groaned. Everything hurt, like every single cell in his body had been rubbed vigorously against a rough carpet. He sucked in air, wincing at its cool touch against his sore, aching lungs. He pulled himself up, biting back the curses as his ribs protested. The fractures must have been reaggravated by whatever had happened.

Naruto froze. What had happened?

"I will be your salvation."

The words came unbidden to Naruto's memory. What the hell was that? The voice had called itself the Kyūbi no Kitsune, the nine-tailed demon fox. He had only a vague memory of reading about its attack on Konoha a long, long time ago, before he was born, and had little else to go on. It had to be real, right? Obviously, considering he was still alive. Where were his teammates?

He grunted, turning his head, and relief washed through him as he spotted a mop of lavender hair and a small lump buried in a futon. Hinata had survived! By his other side, another futon, and what was probably Sai lay covered under the covers. He sighed, relaxing slightly. At least they had all survived. He was sure that he'd never hear the end of it from his dad.

He tried to stand, succeeding at getting to his feet with great effort. Every bone and muscle protested mightily, and even standing straight caused his head to spin. Even the tremendous injuries he had sustained from his orbital dive bombing hadn't been this awful. Naruto never remembered feeling this banged up, ever.

He sized up his surroundings. The room was clean, spacious, well kept. Not Tazuna's house then. He limped forward, opening the door, exiting out into a well lit corridor that ran into a quaint looking kitchen, where his father sat, sipping tea and reading a message.

"Dad?" Naruto's voice was tentative, unsure.

"Hm? Oh, you're awake." Kakashi looked up, before returning his attention to the scroll on the table. Naruto paused. That was weird... his father was never that unconcerned when it came to his well-being. Naruto moved carefully, before pulling a chair and sitting at the table.

"How are you?" Kakashi inquired, taking another sip.

"Awful. Everything hurts. Literally everything."

"At least you're alive." Kakashi put the cup back down, pulling out a blank piece of paper and beginning to scribble a reply.

"I... I... How's Hinata? And Sai?" Naruto ventured, apprehensive.

"They'll be okay too. The medic with the ANBU team did an excellent job." Kakashi noted absently, voice still giving away nothing.

"That's great... I guess. Where are we?"

"Still in Wave. The three of you aren't in any particular shape to make the journey back for a long while." Kakashi's writing was fast, efficient.

"Oh... we aren't staying with Tazuna-san?"

"Oh no. Tazuna-san isn't in any condition to host us. I was quite firm in my demonstration of what happens to people who lie to Konoha." Kakashi finished his message, rolling it up and sealing it.


"He isn't dead. Just quite badly shaken." Shiba perked up from under the table, grasping the message in his mouth before vanishing with a puff of smoke to deliver Kakashi's message.

The elder Hatake turned to fix his lone eye on his son, expressionless. Naruto gulped.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Mad is quite the understatement, Naruto."


"Hokage-sama left it to me, as your Jōnin Sensei and your commanding officer, to decide what to do with you." Kakashi cut him off. That he did not say father was not lost on Naruto.

"I had to do the right thing, Dad..."

"Kakashi-sensei." Kakashi curtly reminded him.

"Sorry, Kakashi-sensei. These people needed our help, if we just left them at Gatō's mercy... I can't have that on my conscience!" Naruto met his father's gaze. Kakashi did not waver.

"One, dereliction of duty. Two, willful insurbodination of a direct, lawful order. Three, intentional endangerment of your teammates." Kakashi was professional, deadly serious.

"Your 'heroics' resulted in three separate, equally serious violations of the Shinobi Code. Each of them on their own are valid reason for expulsion from the Corps, Naruto."

"If that's what it means to be a good person..." Naruto raised his voice, agitated.

Kakashi's facade cracked.

"Does it really make you a good person, Naruto? If Hinata died just so you could play at being a hero, does that make you a good person? Tell me then, if your moral compass is so righteous. Would it make you a good person if Sai got killed following you? Does being a good person entail your teammates dying just so you could satisfy some urge to 'do the right thing?' That's not noble, that's just selfish and plain stupid. I thought I taught you better, Naruto."


"Don't Sensei me, Naruto. Ours is a horrible, bloody, deadly job. Men and women die, every, single, day. Your actions could have cost our village three extremely valuable ninja, for literally no material gain." Kakashi breathed heavily, shoulders trembling.

"If you lose a teammate because of a decision you make out in the field, it lives with you forever, Naruto. Trust me." Kakashi's lone eye flashed, and Naruto saw a glimpse of a terrible, terrible pain, a haunting regret that still tormented his father everyday.

"And if you died..." Kakashi didn't finish, slumping back into his chair, grasping his cup of tea. His hand was shaking, Naruto observed.

"Dad...I'm sorry." Naruto felt tears welling up. He had never cried infront of his father, not since he had been a baby. A Hatake never showed his weakness, after all.

"Apologizing won't change anything, Naruto." Kakashi sipped his tea, looking at some distant, invisible point on the table. Naruto didn't know how to feel. Shame burned like a fire in his heart, forcing tears out of his cerulean eyes. Disappointing his father had always been his greatest fear, and confronted with the magnitude of his failure, Naruto could only stare at the ground, gnashing his teeth.

In all his shame and regret and disappointment, a seed of resentment began to bloom.

Kakashi folded his arms, taking in Haku's appearance. She was ragged, her raven hair unkempt, and had obviously been crying. Yuugao stood next to him, silently observing.

"I heard you had a request." Kakashi asked.

The girl looked up, and Kakashi swore her eyes were the most lifeless he had ever seen on a living person.

"Hai. I wish to die."

Kakashi met her unseeing gaze, rather taken aback by the blunt statement.

"You want me to kill you?"

"If that's what it takes."

"That's not how we operate, Haku-san. I don't know how Kiri does things, but we prefer not to execute unarmed prisoners." Kakashi's lone eye narrowed. She slumped back into the chair she was tied to, the will to carry on leaving her body.

"Zabuza-sama is dead. There is no reason for me to continue living."

Kakashi was quiet, contemplative. It was a striking reflection, he realized. Had Naruto, his reason for living, died in that forest, would he have ended up just like this broken shell of a girl. He felt for her, and seeing that hopelessness and despondency struck a chord in him. After all, had he not once strode that dark path, consumed by nihilism and seeking an end?

"She's not a prisoner of war, and technically she's not a missing-nin, Neko-san. Perhaps we can bring her back to Konoha? She does have a kekkei-genkai." Kakashi mused.

"She was an enemy, Kakashi-san. It's against protocol to allow proven hostile forces, formerly or otherwise, to enter the village." Uzuki spoke.

"Exceptions could be made by the Hokage." Kakashi noted.

Haku looked up again, utterly confused. She had been expecting to die, expecting to be discarded like the useless weapon she was. No one kept a defective kunai, after all. But here her captors were, speaking of taking her in, of bringing her to their village.

"Why are you doing this? I... I'm broken, defective. I don't deserve..."

"You are a potential asset for the village, should you swear and prove your loyalty to the Hokage. Konoha has always been open to taking in new bloodlines. It is our strength." Kakashi knelt to be level with her.

"Killing you would be a waste of a perfectly good ninja. You obviously don't have anywhere to go, or anybody to serve. We can offer you a new purpose. Konoha is many things, but we do value life."

The cat masked ANBU stepped forward, adding to the conversation.

"You would have to be screened of course, and be kept under probation. However, I don't see a better alternative for you. A new lease of life, and a better way to live. We look out for each other, you know."

"I... I..." Haku didn't know what to say. She had never been shown this kindness, this mercy before. Zabuza had taken her in, trained her, moulded her to be his secret weapon, his tool, but he had never shown her love or care. This offer sounded too good to be true.

"Take your time. You have a few more days to decide. We aren't leaving till the week is out, till my kids are better." Kakashi stood, turning to leave.

"He... he doesn't hate me? I almost killed his son." Haku whispered.

Yuugao watched him leave.

"But you didn't. Naruto's still alive and kicking. Ten years ago, hell, maybe even five years ago, Hatake Kakashi would've murdered you without hesitation for harming his boy. Be grateful he's learned the value of showing grace."

Haku considered her words.

"Thank you, ANBU-san." She left it at that. Her mind roiled with conflicting emotions and thoughts. Would she be betraying Zabuza's memory by joining the Konoha nin? Could she even bear to begin a new life, to start over?

But what had she to lose?

Naruto sat quietly beneath a tree opposite the quaint house, sheltered from the late morning heat. Brooding thoughts filled his mind like a stormcloud hanging over his head, and his ordinarily bubbly disposition was shadowed, moody.

His father didn't understand, just didn't get him. And why would he? At this age, his dad had been a fully fledged Jōnin, leading teams and fighting in a war. His father had barely been older than him now when he had successfully orchestrated the destruction of the Kannabi Bridge, crippling Iwa's supply line to the theatre of war. How could he understand how terrifying being powerless felt? How could he know how it felt to cower in terror while adults far stronger than him fought for his survival? He had graduated at age six after all.

Sure, he knew more, was a better ninja, was an adult and all, but he didn't understand. Naruto brooded. And what about this, this Kyūbi? Naruto wondered if it was even a good idea to ask his dad. What if it was just another freak problem that would cause his dad to coddle him even more? Or worse, what if it would cause his dad to reject him?

Naruto shook his head. Not like his father didn't have his own fair share of secrets. No, it was better to keep quiet and investigate on his own. He was sure the library in Konoha had some records about the Kyūbi and its attack in the ninja section.

A thought struck him. Could he communicate with whatever it was? He tried shouting in his mind.

'Hello! Can you hear me?'

Nothing. No ominous dripping or stale sewer. Naruto figured he must've looked pretty stupid.

"May I join you, Naruto-san?"

He looked up at the intrusion, and found himself gazing into a pair of melancholy grey eyes.

"What the hell? What are you doing here?" Naruto reacted, reaching for a weapon.

"Compose yourself. I am a prisoner here, and I pose no danger to you." Haku spoke, raising her hands and opening them to show she had no weapon. Not that Naruto was particularly reassured, considering how many times he remembered dying from icy senbon created in the blink of an eye. Damn Kage Bunshin and their weird memory transfer side effect.

"I see." Naruto answered, not relaxing in the slightest. Haku sighed, before sitting cross legged before him, carefully keeping her hands in plain sight.

"The ANBU allowed me some fresh air. Fret not, Naruto-san. I have no weapon, and my chakra is sealed."


An awkward, tense silence proceeded, neither teen really willing to speak first. Naruto couldn't help but note the way she looked at him, like she wanted something. Also, she really was very pretty.

"Umm... so... what happened?" Naruto ventured, tentative.

"I'm afraid I don't understand." She replied, equally unsure.

"After I passed out. Did my dad arrive and kick your ass?"

"You don't remember?" A curious look of confusion came over her.

"No, I actually don't." Naruto's eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"You sort of... I don't know how to describe it. You went crazy? Possessed? You knocked me out, then Zabuza-sama arrived. I don't know what happened after that."

Now that was troubling for Naruto. He hadn't asked his dad what had transpired after he had lost consciousness, too wracked with remorse and guilt. The Kyūbi had taken over? His dad must've known. Why hadn't he said anything? He paused, unsure of how to continue the conversation.

"Did you mean it? When you said I seemed like a good person?" Haku suddenly asked, meeting his eyes with hers. Naruto was surprised by the sudden question, and didn't respond immediately, taking his time to consider his reply.

"I did. Even if your precious person turned out to be a psychotic murderer. Anybody who'd go to that length for a friend is alright in my book." Naruto answered, maintaining eye contact. Haku nodded slowly, cloudy grey eyes hauntingly lonely.

"What's going to happen to you now?" Naruto asked.

"Kakashi-san and the ANBU-taicho offered me a place in Konoha. I've yet to make a decision."

"That's pretty unusual."


"Well, do you even have anywhere else to go?"

"No... no I don't, Naruto-san."

Naruto was struck by just how weird the situation was. Just days ago, he and the girl had been literally at each other's throats, trying their damnest to kill the other, and in fact, for all intents and purposes, Haku had basically killed him and his team. Yet the pretty girl was now sitting before him, having a normal (by Shinobi standards), polite conversation about her future. He shrugged, after all, being a ninja was pretty much the weirdest one could get.

"Apart from the fact that you tried, and actually suceeded, to kill me and my teammates, I don't have a problem with it. If dad made the call, it cant be too wrong." Naruto leaned back, finally relaxing.

"I am truly sorry for that, Naruto-san. I do not like fighting, however I did so to protect my precious person." Haku's voice trembled slightly.

"I forgive you, Haku-chan. You aren't that bad, honestly. Just that your master was a dick."

"You really believe that? That I'm worth forgiving? Worth a second chance?" Haku's eyes glittered with something Naruto was not familiar or particularly comfortable with.

"Everybody deserves a second chance if they're willing to change, Haku-chan. People aren't just objects or be thrown away just cause they screwed up or did something wrong once or twice. If that was the case, my dad would've left me in some dumpster long ago, hah!" Naruto snorted. Haku stared at him, the faintest of blushes forming on her porcelain cheeks.

"I... that's...Thank you, Naruto-kun." She whispered.

"Ohhh, I'm Naruto-kun now hm?" Naruto teased, breaking into a smile.

"Huh? I..." Haku flushed in embarrassment.

"Tell you what, to thank me for sharing my incredible wisdom and maturity far beyond my years, how about you tell me about yourself." Naruto leaned forward.

"I don't understand..."

"Likes, dislikes, hobbies, dreams? Since we're going to be on the same side, might as well be friends too, no?"

Haku looked down. No one had ever asked her that, or asked be her friend. Zabuza had never shown any interest in her apart from her skills and abilities, and her childhood, even before the incident, had been lonely, isolated. Naruto's bubbly, charming persona was radiant, overwhelming, like the light of the sun shining on her frosted, chilly heart. She smiled, hesitantly, almost unnoticeably, genuinely. Perhaps this new lease of life wouldn't be too bad after all.

They spent the rest of the morning under that tree just like that, talking and laughing and discovering the joy of being alive.

"You'll will be on D-rank duty for the next six months. No more C-ranks, nothing with even the most minute risk, since I obviously can't trust your judgement. Training will carry on as usual once we've returned to Konoha. I thought you kids were ready for more, but I was wrong." Kakashi spoke, laying out the punishment.

His three Gēnin, now recovered, didn't react. Naruto was the only one that met his gaze.

"Hai, Sensei."

"Good. Apart from that, as per my recommendation, Hokage-sama will only be issuing half payment for the mission, due to your insurbodination. It's still a tremendous amount, considering it was an A-rank, but consider yourselves punished."

Again, no reaction. It irked Kakashi, to see his previously lively, happy bunch so solemn. On the other hand, he supposed almost dying repeatedly would have a sobering effect on even the most happy go lucky soul.

"Ready to head back?"

"Sensei." Naruto started. Kakashi raised an eyebrow.


"The three of us talked about our future."

Kakashi paused, unsure of where his son was going.

"We want to take our training to the next level, to make sure we never ever let you down again, Kakashi-sensei. Mark my words, Team Seven is never going to give up until we're the best Gēnin team in Konoha."

The three looked up, and Kakashi could almost feel the determination radiating off them. It was almost cute to the elite Jōnin, but the deathly severity of Naruto's proclamation evoked a fierce pride in Kakashi's heart.

Yes, he had failed them, but he wouldn't let that rip his team apart. They would only improve from here.

Kakashi eye smiled.

"I'm going to hold you three to that."


Sorry for the long wait for the next chapter, but here it is!

Pace of the story will be slowing down for abit to give some breathing space for the characters to grow a little.

The seeds of conflict between our two protagonists have been sown, and the road will only be bumpier going forward. Father-son relationships are never smooth, especially for someone as emotionally inarticulate as Kakashi. The plot thickens...

Next stop will be the Chūnin exams! Hopefully I won't take as long to write the next chapter.

Till the next chapter,

Read and Review!