AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I know I promised some things. And I will get to those things. Unfortunately, a combination of college, work, leukemia, and some procrastination on my end have resulted in me not doing anything with this story. So I apologize, and I'm going to start writing a lot more frequently now. Also I'm trying to write my own RWBY fic, I just need a good plot, idea, dialogue, emotional scenes, and everything else.

P.S I do not own RWBY, nor any of the properties which RWBY crosses over to.

P.P.S Jaune's new hair is just ughhhhhh. Also Qrow's new voice is inferior to that of Vic's (it's subtle differences) . And (in my opinion), Blake and Ruby's hair should have stayed the same.

P.P.P.S Stay safe everyone. Be it from the Virus, the Dragon Storm, the swarm of locust, or just really violent shoppers. Stay safe.

This one is a Jotaro vs Dio fight, so I am delivering my promise (kinda). Enjoy it, and please check out Guikoi's other stories. Thanks.

As the cast and characters of RWBY were busy talking and nibbling at their food, Ozymandias was rubbing his chin, while thinking about his current problem. He stood in the control room of the theater, looking at the different universes that he could show.

"Hmmmm. I can't do that one yet. Nor this one. How about this- nope. What world can I show next?" he said, while swiping through the different universes.

A ping caught his attention and he noticed that it came from the nearby computer. Curious, he opened up the email and saw that it was from another author.

"Hi there! I'm trying to have others show off these worlds that I created. Could you possibly do it? Thanks, Guikoi."

Ozymandias opened up the attached file and viewed the world, watching it play out. "I suppose I can do this. It does fit the running theme and it offers a different view of Jaune. Somewhat long, but still doable. This works out fine" he thought and began to transfer the world to the list in the control panel.

The heroes and villains were sitting down in their seats, prepared to watch the next universe and to hear what their host wanted to inform them.

"This next universe is not of my making," Ozymandias said while standing in front of them all, "But it is from another author like myself. We, authors and such, are able to share the worlds that we create and allow others to view them. This is one will fit into the running theme of the bizarre adventures that we've been watching, but it features a different timeline and set of characters, so if you are confused I'll try to explain."

He clapped his hands and began to walk to the side as the curtains were drawn back and the screen began to turn on again.

Weiss smirked as she looked to the top of the stairs, she and her friends had travelled across the entire globe for this, from Vale to Mistral and then all the way to Vacuo to face off against this evil being. Right now she was alone but it doesn't matter, she'd kill him herself, it wouldn't take much, she was already half way up.

Ruby was pointing at the screen, "Look Weiss! You're finally in one! You're up there on the screen!"

Weiss pushed her partner's hand down and shushed her. "I can see that, okay? I'm excited as well, but there's no need to yell."

At the top of the stairs stood the man of her nightmares, Jaune Dio Arc. Jaune dons a gold jacket with a tight black tank-top underneath, as well as black chaps with an exposed crotch. On his head is a green heart-shaped circlet to match his knee guards.

Jaune stood with his hands on his hips and an ever present smug smirk on his face, the dim light in the mansion made the small light behind him ever brighter and cast Jaune in a sinister shroud.

"Jaune is evil?" thought all of Team RWBY and JNPR.

"What is he wearing though?" asked Yang. "Looks kinda gaudy."

Blake thought of Adam's clothing choices and how weird it was for him to wear a stylized jacket and gloves during their missions. "Villainy changes you, Yang. Your sense of fashion is probably affected."

Nora grabbed Ren's shoulder and leaned into really close. "Its evil Jaune! Evil Jaune! Do you think he has an evil castle and evil servants?"

Ren leaned away from Nora's face. "I'm not sure. Maybe? We just started watching."

Pyrrha had to accept the fact that in this universe Jaune was evil, but at the very least, she could get some eye-candy. "I know that he's evil here, but those pants and that shirt are quite tight."

"So we finally meet, DIO!" Weiss spoke with gravitas, the smirk never leaving her lips.

Jaune clapped twice for the showmanship, his claw like nails painted black. "Congratulations, Weiss. You've avenged your sister, and managed to travel from the Far East to make it here." Jaune acknowledged Weiss' achievements with a smile that looked gentle, but held such evil even a blind man could see it. His smile also revealed twin fangs jutting out from his gums.

Weiss placed a hand upon her chest "Heh! If you want to give me a prize for that, how about you give me your life?" Weiss grabbed the curtains that were next to her and spat out a small amount of blood onto it, her injuries against Vanilla Ice and his Stand [Cream] were painful, debilitating so. Losing a few fingers, half a foot and a calf made it increasingly difficult for her to even stand. But even so, Jaune was standing just up the stairs in front of her.

Weiss was shocked to hear that Winter was dead. Winter was strong, stronger than most huntsmen or huntresses. The fact that she was dead was frightening. But to know that she had avenged her, to have grown strong enough to do so, made her feel pride in herself.

The fact that she was still standing after a recent battle, and even with serious injuries, and willing to face another villain, would make Winter proud of her.

Ozpin turned his head towards Ozymandias. "A Stand? Is it an energy or technique similar to Hamon?"

Ozymandias sighed silently to himself, knowing that he needed to explain this or else they'd be confused. "A Stand is somewhat complicated. To some, it could be considered as the physical personification of one's battle spirit. To others, it is a bit more spiritual, akin to their soul. It could also be a representation of one's psyche or mental energy instead. Stands are all based on the individual, and some Stands are stronger or weaker than other Stands. However, since they all have different abilities, a stand could be weaker than another stand, but it's ability could turn the tide. There are different types of stands, with different ranges. However there are important rules concerning stands. The first is that, most Stands are only visible to other stand users, though there are exceptions. The second is that Stands move according to their user's wishes or commands, although there are rare times when the Stands move on their own. Third, Stands can only be affected by other Stands, however they are able to interact with the world, but not vice-versa. Fourth, if a Stand is injured or hurt, then the user will also receive the same damage. Finally, if a Stand is destroyed or defeated completely, then the user will die."

Ironwood interrupted, "So they are similar to our semblances and aura then? They grant abilities, and are tied to our life force?"

"In a manner of speaking, yes. They are rather similar."

"How does one obtain a stand then?"

Ozymandias sighed again at the general's worrisome attitude. "Stands are either natural or given. Some are born with the potential, and later on unlock it through some event. Others are born at birth with it. However, there are ways to be granted a stand. With different relics and items." He held up his hand, silencing Ironwood. "And no, those items do not exist within your universe, and no one in your universe is able to have a Stand, aura and a semblance. The strain on your soul would tear it apart."

Up above in the villain gallery, Cinder frowned in annoyance. Another power was out of her grasp, and even if she did somehow gain one of the relics, it would probably kill her.

"That is another useless piece of information. My queen is not going to be pleased at hearing this. There had better be some information that I can use. If not, this is going to be a waste of time."

Cinder snapped her fingers and demanded for another glass of wine. She needed something to calm her.

Jaune narrowed his eyes ever so slightly at the sight of such an insult. Jaune chuckled and lifted a finger "I shall give you a chance. Go down two steps, and I'll let you join my side again. But if you'd rather die, then climb those stairs."

Weiss grit her teeth "When I met you that day, I succumbed from the bottom of my heart to your spell of fear and immense evil. That was when I became a loser. It's much scarier than death, living with no desire but to do your bidding. But right now, I don't feel any fear at all. I feel only my will to fight. Since I met Mr Xiao Long and the others, this journey of 45 days and the death of my friends have completely blown away my fear of you." Weiss said with determination and unparalleled anger.

Team RWBY and JNPR cheered for Weiss standing up for her morals.

Yang and Ruby both gave a hug to Weiss, squeezing her tight.

"I knew that you'd never turn evil, Weiss! Even if you are kinda bossy" said Ruby.

"What?" Weiss said feeling slightly insulted and pleased.

"Even if you are kinda bossy, stuck-up, arrogant, and cold, you're still a great teammate!" Yang told her white haired teammate.

Weiss was squished between the sisters, and felt her eye twitch in annoyance at hearing their words. "Are you complimenting me or insulting me?"

Yang grinned a bit. "Both!"

Jaune licked his lips at the display "Is that so? Then climb those stairs."

Weiss took a single step up the stairs. "I see, Weiss. You've gone down the stairs, which means you wish to join me, Jaune."

Weiss looked down and saw that yes, she was further down then she was before. Her determination wavered for just a second before she steeled herself and took another step. Weiss once again looked at the stairs and saw she was even further down. "Wh-What!? I know I just took a step up…"

"What's the matter? You're losing your composure, Weiss." Jaune taunted. "Doesn't one lose her composure when she is afraid? Or is it that in your heart, you know you must climb up, but you are so terrified that your body subconsciously did the opposite and went down?"

"What?" squawked Nora.

Weiss leaned forward. "That's not possible. I was definitely moving forward. What just happened?"

"It must be his Stand or whatever it is called. Perhaps, illusions or mind control? It looks like you didn't realize it happening to you," Blake said.

Mercury was liking this version of Jaune way more. "Finally, this one I like. Kinda reminds of me."

Emerald raised her eyebrow at his comment. "You mean an arrogant asshole who thinks he's the Brother's gift to women everywhere?"

Mercury retorted, "An arrogant asshole who knows he's the Brother's gift to women everywhere, Em."

"Impossible! I know I went up the stairs!" Weiss begins running up towards Jaune as fast as she could. But suddenly she was once again at the bottom of the stairs. Weiss began to sweat as her heart beat faster and harder in her chest. 'Wh-What did he do!? Is it his Stand? It can't be…?'

Weiss' eyes widened as she realised this must be the work of Jaune's Stand '…The World!?'

Weiss' eyes body began to shake in fear 'Wh-What is…'

"The World. Man, that sounds so cool. Total Final Boss sounding move. I know Jaune is evil and all, but it's still pretty awesome" Yang commented.

Weiss pursed her lips, feeling fear at seeing herself in the dangerous and confusing situation. Her mind was quickly thinking of the all possible ways of what just happened, and yet each one seemed implausible.

'I can't go on like this… Flynt, Zwei… give me courage!' Weiss threw her arms out and shouted "Y-You talk too much, DIO! I've already died once." Weiss jumped up the stairs with a powerful leap. "I won't die again until I figure out the identity of you Stand!" Silver Chariot appeared out of Weiss and flew up the stairs, readying its rapier for a fight.

"Yeah Weiss, you tell him!" Ruby cheered.

"Uh, Ruby. That is Jaune Weiss is fighting" Blake said.

Ruby's enthusiasm briefly stopped, before returning. "Yeah, I know that. But Jaune is the bad guy here though. Besides, I can't root against my own partner!"

Team JNPR was more focused on Weiss's stand and its appearance.

"It has a sword, a rapier, somewhat similar to Weiss's, but it lacks the dust cartridges. It has a humanoid shape and despite its armor, I presume it is fast" observed Ren.

Nora turned to Pyrrha and asked "So if Weiss's stand has her rapier, would your stand have your spear and shield? Would mine have my hammer?"

"You leave me no choice." Jaune stands up from his throne and a golden light appears around him and forms together as a humanoid Stand, it is tall and has a very muscular build. It wears a headpiece covering its face to below the place of its nose, slanting at a steep angle from the base of its forehead to a peak situated above the rear of its head by about half its height, leaving the face of an inverted triangle visible to the front; somewhat similar to the Red Crown of Lower Egypt.

It wears small, simple twin diving cylinders on its back, connecting via short, twin-ridged cables to the rear of its mask; perhaps secured by thick, ridged or puffered straps running from the rear of its waist over both its shoulders to its front. The back of both its hands bear the shape of a simple clock face. Its chin, the base of its abdomen, its crotch and its knees are topped by heart shapes. Plates on its shins, its footwear bear curved, sharply-pointed toes.

"Then you'll just have to die, Weiss!" The World flew down to meet Silver Chariot.

"So that's The World? Bring it on!"

The adults in the audience paid close attention to the fight, curious to see how a battle between stands were, while the students were cheering on for their friend to win.

"BREAK HER LEGS Fearless Leader!" yelled out Nora.

"Nora, you do know that Jaune is evil here right?" Yang asked.

Nora waved her hand. "I know that. But I still have cheer on our team leader. You gotta have team spirit. Even if he is wearing ridiculous clothes and his stand looks like it was from a comic book."

Raven was confused at the design of these stands. "They look impractical. That knight one has armor that leaves too much undefended, while the gold one is far too muscular and has air tanks on its backs. How is this even possible?"

Qrow held out his flask towards her. "You wanna sip? Might help?"

"Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda!" Jaune shouted out his battlecry, an old mistralian word meaning useless that he uses to insult his enemies even if they don't know what it means.

Just before the two Stands can clash the wall behind Weiss explodes and sunlight fills the room. Jaune covers his eyes and avoids the light of the setting sun. Blake, Taiyang and Yang all pose in a badass fashion, all pointing at Jaune with the setting sun behind them. Blake is wearing sunglasses after an unfortunate incident when fighting Geb where she had it claw her eyes and she spent a few days in hospital with the best doctors money could buy, courtesy of Weiss of course.

Weiss smiled happily knowing she had backup, and at seeing her friends again "M-Mr Taiyang!"

Ruby and Yang were shocked to see their father in this universe. "Same old dad. Always following us wherever we go" said the sisters.

Blake touched near her eyes, shocked at seeing another version of herself be hurt in such a way.

Yang thought that she looked pretty good in that jacket. "I look pretty awesome in that outfit. Kinda like some rebel."

Qrow palmed his face and groaned into it. "Ughhh. I remember Tai wearing that hat for about a week. He was so annoying with it. He wore it everywhere he went. It got so bad that even Summer told him that he should stop."

Taiyang gripped his hat as he grinned "Don't worry, Weiss."

Jaune smirked and began to float off the ground, before flying away down a dark hallway.

"DIO!" The entire group shouted as they saw him fly away.

Taiyang turned to Weiss "That was Jaune, wasn't it? We're going after him!" Taiyang started storming up the stairs.

"Before you go, let me say this." Weiss said determined. The group stopped and let Weiss continue.

"I just experienced his Stand, just for a moment. Actually, it wasn't so much an experience… It was completely beyond my understanding. I-I'll tell you exactly what happened. I thought I was climbing the stairs toward him, but before I knew it, I was actually going down! I-I'm sure you guys don't understand what I'm saying, and I don't know what he did, either.

"I thought I was going insane. It wasn't anything simple like, like hypnosis or super speed… I experienced something much more terrifying." Blake gulped down her dread as Taiyang lowered his head in thought.

Cinder twirled the wine in her glass, thinking about how useful a power like that could be. "Overwhelming force is a good tool at one's disposal, but having an ability like that. To completely overwhelm and terrify an opponent is the perfect weapon. There doesn't even need to be a battle. One surrenders purely out of fear."

Raven watched on neutrally, letting the events play out. "This Jaune attacks psychologically first. He puts fear into his opponents first, trying to confuse and make them afraid, before the actual battle. If he does believe himself superior, then he should be able to defeat them all without such tactics."

The adults in the hero section also thought about Jaune's preemptive attack.

"Blonde bastard was taunting the heiress, and then nearly crushed her confidence. He was playing with her emotions" Qrow stated bluntly.

"Indeed," Ozpin murmured while sipping his coffee. "It is obvious that Jaune here knows the abilities of everyone present, and thought out how to present himself as a threat beyond their imagining. He's had plan on how to fight them all, and that starts with his attack on their psyche."

Yang looked around the room and noticed something. "Where are Flynt and Zwei?" Taiyang and Blake gasped as they too noticed.

Weiss looked down and was only just able to choke out "Th-They didn't make it… They died saving me." Weiss let out tears as she tried but failed to hold the emotion in. Yang's hat covered her eyes in shadow, but despite her calm figure, her emotions could be heard as she grit her teeth to the point of them audibly grinding together.

Ruby and Yang gave each other a hug, saddened at the thought of their dog having died.

Weiss was sniffling at thinking about the cute corgi dying to save her.

Blake's ears were dropped in sadness. She may not like the dog, but to hear that it died trying to protect her teammate made her feel pity for the canine.

Even Qrow lowered his head at hearing about the small corgi's death. "Damn overprotective dog."

Taiyang looked down the stairs as his eyes wavered and tears appeared in them. "I see."

Blake was able to hold it all in the most, only an extra deep breath giving away her feelings. She looked behind her to the hole and noticed something before turning back to Taiyang "Mr Xiao Long, the sun is setting. We must hurry."

Taiyang's eyes moved over to the sun "You're right."

Blake slammed a bag she was holding on the floor and a cry came from it. "Hey, Mercury. What's above this floor?"

The bag opened and Mercury lifted his head out of the bag, but he still kept it low, after the savage beating Yang gave him he wasn't even going to attempt fighting them. "A-A tower. There is a single room at the very top. Lord DIO stays there during the day."

Blake lifted her right hand to chest height, which made Mercury cower further into the bag. "Do any other staircases lead up to that tower?"

"N-No. These stairs are the only way."

"All right. Lead the way."

At the top of the tower, in Jaune's room they saw bookcases lining the wall and a single coffin dead center in the room, atop a raised platform. Jaune was always a fan of the classics.

Weiss had to admit that while a bit over the top, this version of Jaune did have a sense of style. "Although he may be evil, he does have taste."

Everyone else in the row all looked at her funny.

"What? I'm just saying that he has a nice sense of style in furnishing and decorating" Weiss tried to defend herself.

Ozpin slowly and loudly slurped his coffee, while still staring at his student.

Yang summoned her Star Platinum and it punched out the closed, locked and barricaded window, letting sunlight stream into the room. Mercury screamed and backed away from the beam of sunlight as he was a vampire like Jaune.

Despite the sunlight not reaching the coffin, it did illuminate the room enough to see it better. A stylized golden 'D' emblazed the coffin, the first letter in Jaune's middle name, the name he uses now more than he ever did.

"So that's him?" Taiyang stated, as they all watched the coffin. "The man we're about to face is one I've never met, yet one I've known for so long."

'Yes. I have always known him. I've known him since the day I was born. The same goes for Yang. He's not someone we have fond memories of. Our Xiao Long blood always knew that he was someone we would encounter one day, someone we must defeat.' Taiyang and Yang's hats casting shadows on their faces, leaving only their narrowed eyes visible.

Blake steadied herself as she took a deep breath 'I have no regrets. The journey we've made, the events about to transpire… I regret none of it.' She breathed out and set her mind to the coming battle.

Weiss has suffered much to get here, and now it shall all come to an end 'What I'm feeling right now tells the side that I'm on is good. Jaune's side is evil. Mr Xiao Long and the others, too, are good. Despite my injuries I can feel my courage growing. I am on the good side, the side of righteousness!'

"Once he steps out of the coffin, we'll attack. But be careful. There's no guarantee that he's in there… Mercury! Open the coffin!"

Mercury began to let tears run in fear "L-Lord DIO, I promise, I did not betray you. It's because I truly believe in your power that I led them here. As certain as when you piss in a strong wind, it'll get on your pants! Please understand!"

"SHUT UP AND OPEN IT ALREADY!" Taiyang shouted at Mercury as he had enough of his whinging and whining.

"Make sure to kill these bastards, Lord DIO!" Mercury gripped the coffin's lid and began to slid it open.

"He's going to come flying out!" Taiyang informed, from what he learned from Yang, Weiss and Ruby that would be something he would do.

Mercury opened the lid just enough to see who was in there, it was… Mercury!? He had his jaw and chest sliced open, and his blood was filling the coffin. "Huh? Me!?" garbled Mercury. The group realised something was very, VERY wrong "I-I was the oneinside!? But I was the one who opened the lid!"

"WHAT!" yelled out Nora and Ruby.

"It must Jaune somehow!" Yang exclaimed.

Ozpin, Glynda, Qrow, and Ironwood were all astonished at what just happened as well. They were all experienced fighters, having seen far more abilities and sights than the average person, but even this boggled them.

Mercury just sighed out aloud. "God damn it, I'm dead. Can't believe I'm a side character this time."

Taiyang shouted "Wh-What!? How!? I never took my eyes off him! Did any of you see the moment Mercury entered… No, he was put into the coffin?"

Weiss was shaking "N-No… I was watching the whole time, but when I realised it, he was already inside!"

"It's as Weiss said! This is not merely a trick or super speed!" Blake took a step back.

"We're in danger." Yang remained calm but her eyes were wide with fear. "Something here is truly dangerous!"

"RUN!" Taiyang shouted as he sprinted to the window, followed by the others.

While they were falling, Blake shouted out a question, after all they had quite the while to fall "What in the world was that? I didn't actually see it, but it felt much more powerful than any Stand we've encountered so far. It was like knowing a bulldozer is present from the sound of its engine alone."

Taiyang placed a hand on his head to keep his prized hat on it "I felt it, too. It was incredible murderous intent! It felt like someone stuck an icicle up my ass! If we had stayed in there, we would've been killed, one by one!" Despite the gravity of the situation and the fear in his voice, Taiyang had to get a joke off.

Yang and Ruby both felt their eyes twitch at seeing their dad's antics. "God damn it Dad."

Qrow and Raven just groaned at hearing their teammate's jokes once more. They had years of having to deal with his bad puns and jokes. At least Summer wasn't around to encourage him on.

Nora whispered to Pyrrha, "At least we know where she gets her comedy from."

As they fell they were able to grab hold of small metal decorations that lined the mansion. When they finished climbing up onto the building, Taiyang looked up to see the sun sinking below the horizon. "This is bad… this is extremely bad. The sun's almost out of sight!"

Blake finished Taiyang's sentence "His time has come."

Weiss turned to Blake with anger and pointed at her "Don't tell me that we're going to be helpless until sunrise tomorrow." Weiss then pointed at Taiyang "I'm telling you now Mr. Xiao Long! There's no way I'm going to run away now!"

Blake sighed "I agree with Weiss."

Taiyang narrowed his eyes at them and placed his hand on his chest "I feel the same way, but the situation has changed. We've encountered his Stand, The World, but we have no idea what it does. When climbing a mountain, if you don't know the route, or where the summit is, you are guaranteed to get lost. Guaranteed!

"It's as inevitable as belching after you drink a cola. We know Jaune will come after us. He'll try to finish us before sunrise. In that time, we'll have the opportunity to figure out his Stand's true abilty." Taiyang clenched his hand "We'll just have to wait for that chance."

"NO! I can't run away! Flynt and Zwei died for me! I'll do underhanded things, and even go to hell itself, but I will not run away!" Weiss shoved herself past Taiyang and ran off.

"Wait, Weiss!"

"It's no use trying to stop her, old man." Yang placed her hand on his shoulder.

Blake twisted to face Yang "Yang, tell us what you think we should do."

"Weiss is fighting him as she pursues him. We'll fight as we retreat." Yang lifted her hands out and gestured to give a better idea of what her plan is. "That means, we'll be in position for a pincer attack."

Ironwood analyzed Taiyang's strategy, and nodded at the caution within it. "Since this Jaune is a vampire in this universe, and has a power that they do not know, it's wise to retreat. However, Jaune knows this as well, and will try to strike back. By splitting up, it does allow for Jaune to pick them off one by one, but it also prevents Jaune from using his mysterious power to end them all at once."

Glynda and Ozpin nodded at their ally's explanation.

"This Taiyang acts just like ours. Proactive but cautious. He's trying not to underestimate Jaune, but at the same time, knows that they need Jaune to attack in order to get information."

Qrow watched the screen closely, and although he wouldn't openly admit, he was afraid for Taiyang. "Don't do anything stupid Tai. Just get your ass out of there."

Raven, the final member of Team STRQ, now paid close attention. "This is a game of survival Qrow. Jaune believes in my own code. Only the strongest will survive this hunt" she said aloud.

"Hey, you! I want to buy that truck. Sell it to me." Taiyang demanded as he pulled out his wallet.

"What'd you say? I need this to do my job! What're you-" Taiyang shoved a large stack of Lien in the man's face and he stuttered.

"I'm flooring it, Blake!" Taiyang put the pedal to the metal and they drove away from Jaune's mansion. But above them, watching them was Jaune himself, now donning a red cape that blew in the wind.

Weiss watched from the ground below the mansion as Jaune flew off towards the truck Taiyang and Blake are in. "There you are, Jaune! Run away until sunrise? Like hell I can do that! I'll finish you myself if I must! If I don't know what your Stand is, then even without that knowledge, there are still plenty of ways to beat you! I'll assassinate you!"

Weiss was about to stand up but then Yang's hand grabbed her shoulder and yanked her back down "Don't do anything rash, Weiss! I told them to leave someone as stubborn as you alone, but the old man and Blake insisted that I stay with you. So here I am."

"Yang." Weiss smiled knowing one of her best friends was with her all the way, she loved Yang in a no homo kind of way.

Yang smiled knowingly "Yare yare daze." Old mistralian words meaning 'good grief' or an equivalent.

Yang turned to Weiss and said, "No homo Weiss."

Weiss smiled at Yang. "No homo to you too Yang."

Nora hugged Ren and said to him, "No homo to you Ren!"

"Uhh, Nora, I'm a guy. You cannot be gay to me."

Nora squeezed Ren closer to her bosom. "Exactly."

Nora then grabbed Pyrrha and hugged her as well. "No homo to you Pyrrha!"

Pyrrha just smiled at her friend's usual behavior. "No homo to you Nora."

Jaune strolled down the street towards a large gathering of people. "Ahh, that is a nice car…" Jaune walked over to an extremely expensive looking car, one that only rich people could afford. Jaune placed his hand on the trunk. "I always wanted a nice car, unfortunately I was never as rich as Weiss…" Jaune sighed sadly.

A large hand grasped Jaune's shoulder tightly. "Hey! What do you think you're touching!" A burly man shouted in Jaune's ear, causing his eye to twitch. "This car belongs to Senator Grisnero! DO you wanna puke from your eyes!?" The man threatened Jaune, not noticing Jaune reaching for the hand touching him.

In front of the entire crowd, Jaune grabbed the body guards hand and started twisting. Jaune twisted it so far that the elbow shattered and the bones ripped through the skin. The man will never have proper use of his arm again.

The man started screaming and clutched his arm as he fell to his knees.

Jaune opened the back door to the car and got in. Senator Grisnero looked over at Jaune and smiled, he doesn't know of what transpired outside because of the soundproofing he had installed. "My, my… Young folk are so hot blooded these days."

Cinder raised her eyebrow at the grotesque sight. This Jaune was arrogant, powerful, cunning, and overall a perfect ally. He took what he wanted and did not allow anyone to stop him.

"Alas, it is not possible to bring him over to my world" thought Cinder. "With him by my side, I could rule the world. I could even possibly defeat Salem!"

Raven also was impressed at the causal display of violence. The previous version of Jaune had also been strong, but they lacked the mentality or ideals as this Jaune. "He is a vampire. A creature that survives on the blood of others, a true predator. He knows that with his strength others will follow him, it's the law of the world."

Senator Grisnero was a short man, not the shortness of a midget, but the kind where you can tell they were taller in their younger years. He had black hair and mustache, with very few grey hairs, though you could still see them. He wore a black suit with a white undershirt and a red bowtie, he had a matching fedora as well to finish the ensemble.

Senator Grisnero chuckled lightly before Jaune reached over, grasped his two front teeth and ripped them from his gums. "Shut up and get in the front seat. You're going to drive." Jaune said without looking at him. Jaune dropped the Senator's teeth on the floor.

"Wh-Who the hell are you!? Do you think you're going to get away with this!?" Grisnero clenched his fist and thought to himself 'No, of course he won't! No one could get away with doing this to me. I graduated highschool and college at the top of my class! I was captain of my college wrestling team! Even after I graduated I was respected and revered. That's how I became a politician! I have a villa on a thousand acres in Menagerie! I married a beautiful model who's 25 years younger than me! I pay 50 times more in taxes than ordinary people! I've defeated every enemy that I've faced. I'll eventually become president. I'm Senator Grisnero!'

"Listen up, young buck! You'll get life in prison for this! You hear me? Life in prison-"

Jaune grabbed Grisnero by the nose, shutting him up. "I'll say it once more." Jaune threw Senator Grisnero bodily into the front seat, breaking his nose in the process. "Drive."

'Wh-Who the hell is he!? He's going to kill me! If I don't escape, he'll kill me!' Senator Grisnero opened the driver's side and leaped out of the car "Help… me?" Grisnero fell back down inside the car. "WH-WHAT!?" He went the opposite way, and even closed the door behind him but once again, he fell back down inside the car instead of outside.

"Wh-What? I thought I jumped outside, so wh-why… why… am I inside… Why am I inside?" Grisnero started laughing from the stress and the damage to his perception of reality.

"Floor it until you catch up to that truck. If you fail to catch up to it, I'll kill you."

Grisnero grabbed the steering wheel "Y-Yes, sir." 'Why inside!? Why!? I know! It's because I am a Senator! There's nothing a Senator can't do!' Grisnero started laughing maniacally and sped off down the road.

"Wow, Jaune broke that guy easily" Yang said.

"The guy was a politician. Most of them are weak" Qrow replied.

Ironwood and Ozpin both loudly coughed at that.

"You two don't count. You play politics, but you're not politicians. Politicians can't kill Grimm or deal with an entire school of hyperactive teenagers."

Taiyang spied the rear view mirror and saw no cars following him "The black atmosphere that emanates from him is still close… It's coming after us. He's coming after us!"

"Can DIO tell exactly where you are, Mr Xiao Long?"

"No, his body is that of my half-brother's son, Glas Xiao Long. We can sense each other due to something like a strange wavelength between us, but we can only tell that the other is close, not where he is. I couldn't tell exactly where the mansion was, either, even though we were nearby. All he can sense is that a Xiao Long is nearby.

"He can't tell the difference between Yang and myself. He shouldn't be able to realise that Yang and I have split up."

Weiss knelt next to a red motorcycle and placed two wires together, they sparked but not much else. "That's strange… In movies, the engine always starts right up." Weiss kept pushing the two wires together to no avail. Yang standing behind her actually regretting being friends with her.

"W-We're stuck in traffic. Rush hour traffic in the evening is bumper to bumper." Grisnero told Jaune, with a worried look on his face.


"You say that, but I can't move forward."

Jaune lifted his hand and pointed a talon to the side. "The sidewalk is wide enough. Go."

"The sidewalk!? It's packed with people heading home from work!" Grisnero watched as couples went out and fathers took their children to get ice cream, workers rushing off home to their families.

"That makes no difference. Go."

"Y-Yes, sir." Grisnero whimpered as he turned the steering wheel and the car lifted up onto the sidewalk, nobody noticing their oncoming doom.

"Floor it."

"Yes, sir!"

The car sped up and the engine began rumbling loudly, only now do some people turn their heads.

Mercury and Emerald were both shocked at hearing this Jaune ordering something so inhumane. They'd met the blonde before and were not impressed at all. And the other versions seemed too noble to do something like that.

Mercury leaned back into his chair. "Gotta hand it to the guy. He's ruthless and persistent. He's kinda like Cinder, only far more direct."

Emerald scoffed at that comparison. "He's strong yes. But he's being too reckless, you know kinda like you."

Mercury chuckled at the weak insult. "It's a dog eat dog world. When you have enough power, you don't have to follow the rules of society. No one can stop him, so why should he care about being reckless?"

Team RWBY and NPR were horrified at hearing Jaune sound so careless about the murder of innocent life.

"Jaune would never do that!" Pyrrha said.

"Man, it's weird to see Jaune be evil. Never thought it could happen" Yang chimed in.

Ren and Nora knew how hard life could be, and cherished their friends deeply. But despite seeing Jaune act so sociopathic, they couldn't let it affect their friendship with their Jaune.

Yang kicked the bike with enough force to make it lift off the ground, hit the wall next to it and land back where it was, standing upright. The motor started up to the amazement of Weiss. Star Platinum appeared and kicked the chain to pieces as Yang got on the bike. "It started. Hurry up and get on, Weiss."

Grisnero laughed maniacally as blood stained the car's hood and windshield. "I've gone to such lengths for you! You'll spare my life… You'll spare this Senator's life now, won't you!?"

All sound cut out, and Jaune's reply echoed. "No."

'I see! This is a dream! A Senator like me could never die this way. It's a dream! A dream! Hooray!'

Taiyang's new truck came into view, and Jaune smiled "There he is. Get closer to them. Closer. If I am not close, I cannot use The World."

Taiyang looked into the rear view mirror again "He's getting closer. It's that car! DIO's in there!"

Blake tilted her body to be more easily able to see Jaune's vehicle and summoned Hierophant Green.


Hierophant Green's waist and legs merged together and became a tentacle that extended from Blake and let Hierophant Green travel further distances.

Using this technique, Blake was able to get her Stand to just outside Jaune's winder, about ten meters away. Jaune saw it and steeled his face "Blake's…"

"Take this, DIO! Emerald Splash!" Hierophant Green placed its hands together and pure destructive energy in the form of water burst from its hands, and with a simple twist of them, Hierophant shot out a volley of emerald like blasts of destructive energy at Jaune.

"WOW! Blake your Stand is so cool!" gushed Ruby.

Blake smiled at Ruby's enthusiasm. "My Stand is impressive. I was wondering what Stand would be. If Weiss has a knight for a Stand, and Yang's can punch things, I'm apparently the long range of the group."

Yang pounded her fists together. "That makes sense to me!"

Weiss was curious about Ruby in this universe. "I wonder what Stand you'd have Ruby? Stands do not match our semblances so it would probably something different but it could be similar to your speed."

Ruby shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Hopefully something with roses? My speed is a part of me, it's hard to imagine having a different ability."

The Emerald Splash burst through the window next to Jaune, and was about to hit Jaune, until… Jaune lifted his hand in a fist, and flicked out a single finger, hitting an emerald and sending it rocketing off and slamming into another before bouncing and hitting another. That emerald hit every single other emerald and sent them all off course, before finally flying away from Jaune itself.

"Wh-What is he!? He didn't so much as move from his seat, but he managed to dodge with just one finger! How about this!?" Hierophant Green fired off another volley of Emerald Splash but Jaune just casually knocked them away and above, destroying the roof of the car.

"Okay Jaune is overpowered here. A mysterious and powerful ability, super strength and now this!" ranted Yang.

Blake's ears drooped a bit at seeing her Stand's attack do nothing to the evil vampire. "Well that was a letdown."

Cinder smirked at Jaune casually deflecting the attack. Watching him filled her with a sense of satisfaction but also envy. Watching the Beacon students who keep on interfere with her plans be played like a fiddle was catharsis to her, but she internally seethed at seeing the powers that she didn't and couldn't have.

"Even when I concentrated the splash, he dodged. D- Damn it!" In an instant The World was in Hierophant Green's face. "When did he release his Stand? Impossible! How could I have not noticed!?" The World swung its fist into Hierophant's chest, though the damage was mitigated by Hierophant blocking the punch.

The force of the punch sent Hierophant all the way back to Blake, but it went through each and every light and sign on the side of the road first. "She was a bit too far away. She went flying out of The World's range."

"Wh-Whaat's happening!?" Grisnero asked, having to dodge and weave around the broken lamps and signs.

"Would it benefit me in any way if I told you? Keep your eyes forward and drive." Jaune smirked seeing the truck coming closer.

Blake was clutching her chest as it began to bruise from the punch. "Careful, Blake! You got too close to him!"

"I-I apologise. I-I couldn't help it." Blood began to flow out of her reopen scars around her eyes.

"Blake, are you all right? Did you see The World?"

"Yes. I was attacked from around ten meters away. If I had gotten any closer, I would have been done for. It's obvious that his Stand has some terrifying secret far beyond anything we can imagine. But I've managed to figure out two things. First, it can't attack over distance like Hierophant Green and Hermit Purple. It's a close range power type, like Star Platinum. Its range is about ten meters.

"Second, it attacked with its fist. So it doesn't use ranged attacks, like bullets. If we can get within ten meters of DIO without him noticing, I think we may have a chance of defeating him."

Everyone in the theater paid close attention to that information.

Ozpin and his allies were chatting amongst themselves. "From what Miss Belladonna and Jaune had said, his power has a short range. The key to victory is attacking him from a far distance without him noticing it."

Glynda nodded, but added, "However, sir, they could possibly rush at him and if they deal quick enough damage to a vital area, cripple his ability to do so."

Ironwood crossed his arms, "But at a much higher cost."

Glynda pushed up her glasses, "But if done so, would land real damage to him. An attack from a distance also has a potential to fail, and gives away one's position."

Raven scoffed at hearing their strategy. "They're going to lose."

Ozpin and the others raised their eyebrows at Raven, silently asking her to continue her thought.

"This Jaune is strong. The others are weak. He's merciless and cunning. Most of all, his ability will allow him to get out of any trap they lay out for him.

"We need to investigate carefully. There's no such thing as being too cautious when it comes to him." Taiyang once again looked into the rear view mirror and was shocked by what he saw. "That's strange. His car stopped."

As Taiyang put his attention on the road, Blake turned around and saw a shadow descend over them. "Watch out! Something's flying at us!" The corpse of Senator Grisnero burst through the rear window of the truck and into the two passengers. The corpse fell on top of Taiyang, and made controlling the vehicle almost impossible.

The truck slammed right into a nearby building and caught fire. In no time at all the fire dust inside the car ignited and it exploded.

Jaune marched over to the truck and ripped the door off it and saw only Grisnero inside. He turned around and scanned the area before noticing that both Blake and Taiyang were above him and flying away. He smirked again.

Blake stopped to stare down at her old friend turned enemy. Taiyang had to stop himself and shout at her "Blake! What do you think you're doing!?"

"I've got it." Blake took her sunglasses off with a dramatic flair, revealing the single claw mark on each eye. "I've figured out a way to reveal what Jaune's Stand truly is."


Blake reached up to her eyes immediately, shocked at seeing the injury to her face. Weiss reached over and held her hand.

Raven smirked at Jaune's actions. The senator was a weak fool and was expendable. Jaune was efficient in his hunt, and used everything he could. Even if was human lives.


As Taiyang and Blake were using their Stands to traverse the city, Blake reflected on her past, and her goals.

'I lived my entire life seeing myself as oppressed by human society. But in that view I held Adam close to me like a newborn babe and its mother, like a lifeline. I felt that if I ever let go I would never be able to keep myself from submitting. But then I saw the truth, Adam was a horrible insane killer creating a fake oppression to justify his insanity and killing of humans.

'The faunus are oppressed, but only by those minorities who still hold to old dead beliefs, most humans couldn't give a rat's ass about the difference between the faunus and humanity. Ruby never cared, Yang never cared, the only one who cared was Weiss, and that hatred was completely justified. If anybody was oppressed it was her, the White Fang, the faction supposedly wanting equality, were the true oppressors…

'It was Wiess and Mr Xiao Long that helped me see that. Now with Ruby dying, and the only way to help her is to kill Jaune, I will do anything to repay the favour. Jaune is no longer the man he once was, the man I once served happily. Or maybe he always was that, and I just saw him as right? Heh, history truly does repeat itself…'

Yang and Weiss were shocked when they saw Taiyang's truck crashed into the side of a building, a group of people crowding around it as police kept them at bay, the ambulance took Senator Grisnero's corpse to the morgue and the fire department extinguished the flames.

Yang looked up as she felt Jaune and Taiyang nearby "Up there. DIO and the old man are up on the rooftops."

Jaune flew above the rooves and stopped a fair distance away from them. "Only Blake and Taiyang are before me. I see. They split up so they could attack from both sides. So Yang and Weiss must intend to attack me from behind." Jaune began to float downwards "How useless."

Just before Jaune's foot touched the ground it caught onto a near invisible green wire, even as a vampire Jaune couldn't see it until it was moving. Emeralds fired at him from in front and he quickly blocked them all. Jaune jumped up and let the remaining ones blow up the roof he was just one. "This is…"

Jaune's shoulder touched another wire and he triggered another volley, this time from behind him. "Blake's Hierophant!" Jaune swatted away the emeralds and they made the sound of a rifle going off every time they hit his forearms.

Jaune tried to escape but each time he moved he triggered more and more Emerald Splashes to attack him. Having enough of it Jaune kicked the fifteenth barrage away and it exploded against the foundations of a advertisement sign for cola.

A single smoking hole was visible on Jaune's cape, while it didn't pierce anything else, it was still a hit to his pride. But with time to focus without triggering any splashes, Jaune could now see the full web of wires. "This is…"

They completely surrounded him. But standing just in front of him, twenty meters away, standing on top of a telephone pole was Blake. "That's right! Hierophant's barrier, which activates when touched, completely surrounds you for twenty meters in every direction!

"Now I can sense both your and The World's movements!"

Jaune let out a chuckle as he put his foot down, making sure not to touch a wire. Now they were both standing on telephone poles, and face to face.

Taiyang moved himself into position to watch what happens next, to figure out The World's abilities.

Team RWBY and NPR were cheering on Blake, hoping that she'd win.

"Go Kitty Cat! Win for Ruby!" cheered Yang.

Nora whooped out loud. "Break his legs Blake!"

Blake blushed at the comments, but was proud at seeing her alternate self stand up to evil. Her alternate self had a similar experience to her own, and she felt pride at knowing that she knew was right.

The adults or more mature ones in the audience were tense. This was a gamble for the heroes and would be a test for Jaune's powers.

Cinder and Raven watched the screen intensely, hoping to see Jaune triumph over the weak heroes.

The advertisement for cola began to collapse, and as it fell Blake shouted "Take this, DIO! Twenty meter radius Emerald Splash!"

Emeralds began to fire off all around Jaune, they surrounded him and he had no chance of escaping. "You fool. You shall soon know that The World's true power is, indeed, the power to reign over this world!"

'Bring out your Stand, DIO!'

Jaune pointed at Blake as he released all of his energy "THE WORLD!"

Everyone held their breath at what was about to happen. Their eyes glued to Jaune, eager to see what his Stand's power was.

The emeralds crashed together and threw dust up as Blake felt something wrong with her chest. She only had just enough time to open her mouth before she was sent flying away, blood pouring from her chest.

Taiyang faltered in following her from the suddenness of it "What? Blake!? She was suddenly blown away! Impossible! Blake!"

Blake crashed back first into a water tower, and dented herself inside it so much that she was able to sit still as the water rushed out around her. 'Wh-What… just happened? Did he beat me?'

Team RWBY and NPR let out a loud gasp. The Beacon students were all shocked at seeing Blake suddenly flying back with a large gap in her stomach.

The adults in the room were just as confused as Taiyang. They had thought that this attack would reveal the mystery behind Jaune's stand. Cinder and Raven were even more eager to see what Jaune was capable of.

Blake tried to move but wasn't even able to get a single twitch from her fingers 'It's no use. I think my injuries are fatal. I can't speak… I can't even lift a finger.' Blake looked to the clock tower near where they were and saw through her crumbling barrier the time.

'It's 5:15…That means it is around midnight in Menagerie. I wonder what my parents are doing. Maybe they're already asleep. I'm sorry for making you worry so much.'

Blake started to tear up at the scene. In both universes, she had left her parents without telling them. Now this version of her was going to die far away from her parents, who were stricken with grief at being unable to know where their daughter was.

Her parents loved her and while they had disagreements over the future of the White Fang, Blake looked up and admired her parents. Her father founded the now terrorist group, and for his whole life, fought to establish equality for all faunus.

Blake saw the shift in the White Fang; of how it changed from a revolutionary organization to a terrorist group, but ignored her parent's caution of stayinging within the group. And after she left, she was too scared to go back and face them. She knew that she would be welcome back into the family, but Blake felt that she didn't deserve it. Not after what she did to them.

Ozpin's voice spoke up as a narrator "Blake Belladonna's final thoughts were not of her parents in Menagerie. Though she cared for them deeply, when her mind drifted to the final question that puzzled her, thoughts of her parents drifted away."

'I can sense every movement of those who touched Hierophant Green's barrier. But Jaune ripped apart the entire barrier at once. Why wasn't it done strand by strand? It was completely simultaneous, without even a microsecond between them. The entire barrier, over a twenty meter radius, was ripped apart all at once?

'How?' Blake replayed the memory in her mind, over and over again as the cola billboard slowly fell and Taiyang useless reached out his hand. 'Without even the slightest delay… How… all at once? How?'

"Blake! I-I can't let this continue! Hermit…" Taiyang felt a strange feeling deep in his soul. He turned around and saw Jaune staring at him.

"Taiyang… You're next." Jaune was standing much closer, right in front of where Blake was, just floating in the sky. Jaune pulled his shirt down and revealed an ugly scar tracing all around his neck. "Don't you think the blood of a Xiao Long would be just the thing to make Glas' body completely mine?"

"JAUNE!" Taiyang screamed in rage.

'How could he hit all of them with no time passing between them? Time passing… Time… Time… The time! I… I understand now. H-How could this be? There's no other explanation. I-I have to tell them about this! This terrifying truth… somehow… I have to tell Mr Xiao Long… At this rate, everyone will be defeated.'

Blake summoned Hierophant Green, but it wasn't solid, parts of it kept collapsing into Stand energy and reforming. She tried to use Emerald Splash but Hierophant collapsed as she vomited a large amount of blood, the use of her Stand killing her faster.

"Taiyang Xiao Long! DIE!" Jaune rocketed down towards Taiyang, not even bothering to summon The World seeing as Taiyang's Stand is so pathetic.

Blake summoned up just enough strength to fire a small volley of emeralds that slammed into the clock tower, distracting both Taiyang and Jaune. The emeralds had destroyed the clock.

"M-My final Emerald… Splash…"

"What? She didn't even aim in the right direction. I suppose she wanted to use up the last of her strength to go out with a bang." Jaune scoffed at the display.

"Impossible! Blake wouldn't do something pointless at a time like this. So why in that direction? What does it mean? Is she trying to tell me something?"

'It's a… message. It's the best I can do… Mr Xiao Long… please understand. Please, figure it out…' Blake let out a single tear before bowing her head and going silent.

Taiyang's eyes wavered and glistened "B-Blake…"

Ozpin's voice narrated once again "Blake Belladonna… has died."

Team RWBY and NPR all had tears in their eyes at Blake's sacrifice. Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren were holding each other's hands, and each gave a look of sadness towards Blake.

The adults in the audience again, looked down for a moment, in order to pay respect for the fallen hero. However, Ozpin was trying to piece together why his student had shot her final blast at the clock instead of Jaune. He looked at the clock, and quickly understood what Jaune's Stand could possibly do.

"What a terrifying ability. Jaune is even more dangerous than I had thought" he spoke aloud. While the students were too focused on Blake's death and Jaune attacking Taiyang, the other adults also focused on the message and soon came to realize what it was meant to be.

Cinder and Raven came to the same conclusion, and were angered at the gap between them and Jaune. While the Maidens were extremely powerful and controlled the forces of nature, it was nothing compared to wielding forces of the universes.

Taiyang turned around and summoned his Stand with all of his rage "HERMIT PURPLE!" It wrapped around Jaune, constricting his movements. "And take this! The sun's own energy, Hamon!"

Hamon, an ancient technique passed down generation after generation, the Xiao Long family entrusted with the secret from the Zeppeli family eons ago. Unfortunately Taiyang hasn't had the chance to teach Yang, he hopes that she will stay as calm and stoic as she is now so she will learn it.

"You old fool! Your Stand's the weakest of all!" Jaune flexed his muscles and Hermit Purple was ripped apart before the Hamon could reach Jaune.

Taiyang jumped off the building and used his Stand's long reach as a sort of grapple. As Taiyang was fleeing from Jaune he began to think 'Blake, why did you shoot the clock tower? What was shooting the clock tower supposed to tell me? It must mean something important!'

Weiss and Yang saw Taiyang running from Jaune across the street. "I-It's Mr Xiao Long! Jaune's chasing after him! Where's Blake!?"

Taiyang looked back and saw Jaune flying after him. 'Could it be, Blake… Were you able to solve the mystery of DIO's Stand while all that was going on? She destroyed the clock with Emerald Splash. She destroyed the clock's hands… She… stopped the clock?'

Taiyang's eyes went wide as he finally figured out Blake's final message. "I-Impossible! Could it truly be… The true power of DIO's The World… is the power to stop time!"

Everyone in the audience who did not already figure out Jaune's ability was undeniably shocked. The power to stop time, a cosmic force that seemed impossible. With dust and some semblances, it was possible to slow or speed up time, but never completely stop it.

Yang just crossed her arms and pouted. "Stopping time? That's just too OP."

Blake could understand while her plan failed to work when confronted against such indomitable power. "At least, Mr. Xiao Long will be able to tell the others. You won't let my death be in vain, Yang."

"Take this, DIO! Twenty meter radius Emerald Splash!"


A wave of energy flew out from Jaune as the world stood still, the wave leaving his body with a deep sound, almost like a mix between thunder and an electronic beat. It was accompanied by the sounds of clocks slowing down, and when the wave returned to Jaune, the colors of the world were muted and grey for everything except Jaune and his The World.

The World stood out of Jaune's way as he threw his cape in the way of the emeralds and began to float towards Blake as The World broke each strand individually. Jaune now stood in front of Blake as she kept her determined look to where Jaune was before the time stop. "This is The World. But since time has stopped, you can neither see nor feel him. Die, Blake!"

The World threw its fist forward and punctured Blake's chest all the way through to the other side. The blood that would normally be flowing like an upturned bottle of raspberry juice was instead frozen mid-air as it was pushed out by The World's fist.

"You don't even realize that you've been killed. There's no way for you to even know what happened." Jaune turned away from Blake and towards Taiyang who glared to where the emeralds converged, waiting to see what The World could do. Jaune smirked and time began to flow again.

Mercury shrugged, "Huh, so that's what happens when he stops time. Could be cooler."

Blake felt a phantom pain in her stomach, and touched it to make sure that she was still whole. Seeing herself being injured on the screen sent chills down her spine.

Ozpin was a bit miffed at seeing Jaune stop time so effortlessly. He was over 500 years old, and even he couldn't do it.

"I understand, Blake! You died to send me that message… and I've gotten it!"

Taiyang kept moving as far and fast as he could, with Jaune flying right behind him. "It stops time? It's a Stand that can stop time and keep moving? That's too dangerous! Way to dangerous!"

'Calm down… Calm down and think! I don't know the meaning of the word 'panic'! I need to think of something! Some way to break through and defeat him!'

Suddenly Jaune disappeared, and Taiyang stopped himself on a rooftop "H-He disappeared!" Taiyang then felt Jaune's presence behind him. Taiyang could do nothing as The World's fist rocketed down towards him. But The World stopped just before contact. Taiyang took a few steps back with a nervous expression, like a kid who just got caught in the cookie jar. "W-What's wrong? Not going to hit me, DIO? Weren't you going to drink my blood?"

Jaune placed a hand on his chin and tilted his head as his eyes narrowed "You've suffused your body with Hamon to protect yourself. Hermit Purple, infused with Hamon, is like a high-voltage wire wrapped around your body, isn't it? You're quite the schemer, you cunning old geezer."

Yang and Ruby both gave a sigh of relief at seeing Jaune stop from attacking their father.

"Man, I'm glad that dad pulled a fast one on Jaune" sighed Yang.

Weiss interrupted though. "But how long can he stall though?"

"Hopefully long enough for you or me to help him."

"The same goes for you." Taiyang pulled the neck of his shirt down to reveal the purple vines of Hermit Purple glowing with a strange lightning wrapped around his body, the Hamon making a strange otherworldly bell tinkling. "You realized I was using Hamon and made sure not to touch me. Very attentive of you. But I've figured something out about your Stand."

Taiyang thrust his hand forward and pointed at Jaune "DIO, though you can stop time, it looks like you can only do so very briefly. About three to four seconds, I'd say. If you could stop time for any longer, we would have all died back at the mansion, and you wouldn't have had to chase us down." Taiyang smirked as based on Jaune's scowl he figured it out.

Qrow and Raven both sighed at watching Taiyang taunting Jaune. He made a habit out of it, and unfortunately passed it onto Yang.

Qrow slapped his forehead at watching his best friend mess up. "Damn Tai, don't go piss off the super powered vampire who can freeze time."

Raven just sighed and wondered why she felt any attraction to him. "He did like to wear tight pants. Maybe that's why. That tattoo on those biceps also looked pretty nice."

"So you understand how The World works? Hah! I'll spare you a bit of praise for that."

Taiyang clenched his fist as his hat shadowed his face, leaving only a single eye visible.

"It was Blake who figured it out. I won't let Blake die for nothing!"

"And what of it? What good does understanding my Stand's power do for you? What can your Hamon possibly do now?"

Taiyang let out Hermit Purple and threw it at Jaune "Hermit Purple and Hamon!"

"Enough! I don't need to touch the Hamon to attack you!" The World punched a nearby chimney and sent the debris into Taiyang's chest, right under his ribs, sending him careening off the roof. Taiyang used Hermit Purple on a windowsill to slow his fall, and while it did, the fall still hurt like a motherfucker.

Yang and Ruby winced at seeing their father fall to the ground hard.

Raven merely frowned and said, "Weak."

Glynda was getting tired of hearing Raven's philosophy and spoke aloud, "Would you still be fine after falling from a height like that without any aura?"

Raven turned her nose up at the deputy headmistresses. "Of course, I would. Because I'm stronger than him."

Qrow chuckled to himself. "Sure you are Ray."

The Branwen sister quirked her eyebrow at her brother. "And you disagree?"

The highly functioning alcoholic huntsman scratched his beard while smirking at his sister. "Well, from what I saw at Beacon, and the two of you in bed, pretty sure that he is stronger."

Team RWBY and NPR and the Ozpin Cabal let out shouts at Qrow for conjuring such images in their subconscious.

A rich boy taking his friends and girlfriends out for dinner saw Taiyang hit the ground and started laughing "Hey, look. That old guy fell out of the sky!"

"Santa! I bet he's Santa!" A woman mocked him as she pointed at his slightly pudgy stomach, retiring as a Huntsman to take care of two daughters does that to a man, especially one suffering from losing two wives and having one daughter in mortal danger. Can one really blame Taiyang for a bit of indulgence?

"What were you doing on the roof? Checking out some hot chicks?" The group started cackling and a cat started eating some meat that one of the rich kids threw down, not liking the quality of the meat. Taiyang was able to get himself to his knees and saw up on the roof was Jaune.

As Jaune floated down Taiyang stood up and was about to started running until he saw Yang across the street. "Y-Yang…" Yang started jogging forward to see what was happening to her father until he lifted his hand "Stay back! Don't come near me!" Yang stopped as her eyes went wide, kind of but not fully comprehending what was happening.

"Yang… What perfect timing. But she's not quite in range. I'll deal with her father first." The cat finished its meal and turned around only to see Jaune coming down towards it and jumped, screeching and hissing.

"Yang! The secret of his Stand, The World, is time! It's a Stand that stops ti-"


Jaune posed as the wave of colors flew from his body with the same sound as before, and the world's colors muted, leaving only The World and Jaune in color. One of the rich boys frozen as he was walking to pick a fight with Taiyang for shouting. The cat frozen mid-air as it screeched.

Taiyang was frozen reaching out to Yang, begging her to stay away. Yang was frozen worriedly looking as Taiyang as he screamed and begged for her to walk away.

"At first, I could only stop time for a mere blink of an eye. But as my neck wound began to heal, I soon could stop time for two seconds, then three." Jaune marched forward, smacking the cat out of the way with his forearm, sending the cat scattering in pieces as blood froze in the air.

"I can now stop time for five seconds. It's strange to think of it as five seconds, since it occurs when time is stopped, but I have five seconds in which to act." Jaune smacked the rich boy in the face as he past, sending the boy to the ground with the front of his head caved in, not enough to kill him, but enough to make him a useless in any physical sense.

"Eventually I'll get to a minute… Then ten minutes, then an hour… Then as long as I want!" Jaune stood to Taiyang's side and smirked at him "It's quite exciting, knowing that I will be able to stop time for longer and longer…" Jaune lifted his hand and made it straight, almost like a blade, and was about to hit Taiyang until he realized.

Almost everyone in the audience found that idea to be horrendous. The realization that this evil version of Jaune could stop time was worrying enough, but the idea of DIO Jaune being able to stop time for an unlimited amount was too frightening of a concept.

Although Roman and Cinder, of course, found the idea to be intriguing. Although for different reasons.

Roman could use it to steal anything he wanted. He could truly be the ultimate thief.

Cinder saw herself toppling Salem and enslaving all others if she had that power.

Neo rolled her eyes. Her power was cool enough already.

"Oh, that's right, Taiyang. You were using Hamon to protect your body." Jaune walked around to give himself a proper position in front of Taiyang. "Hamon gave me a little trouble 5 years ago, but it's powerless before The World." Jaune pulled out a single knife, and he held it with sinister intent.

"Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! MUDA!"

Jaune threw the knife at Taiyang and it stopped just before it touched his throat. Because those who have Stands can no longer use their Aura to defend like normal, it would go through just fine.

"The half-brother of Glas, Taiyang… You are now dead!" Jaune turned around and put a single finger up while looking at Yang "One more second…" Jaune smiled with vicious and evil glee "…Zero." And he closed his fist together as time began to flow again.

It was over in a second.

Taiyang clutched his throat as the knife entered and blood sprayed from it. "DAD!" Yang screamed as she got ready to run over to him, ignoring Jaune who stood and watched.

"S-Stay back! R-Run… Y-Yang…" Taiyang put his hand out towards her, Hermit Purple uselessly appearing on his hand wand waving about, trying to protect its user. "D-Don't go near him. K-Keep your… D-Distance… Stay away… Stay away from him…Y-Your no… match…" Hermit Purple began to wilt and turn to dust as Taiyang went limp.

Yang, Ruby, and Qrow all leaned forward yelling out in frustration or in shock at seeing Tai die.

This universe took away too much from Yang and Ruby already. First, it was the fact that other Ruby was slowly dying of her own stand, then Zwei's death, Blake's, and now their father's!

Tai was oddly calm about it. "Well, at least I was able to protect my girls one last time."

Yang restrained her emotions as best she could, she came all this way to save Ruby, Taiyang came with her leaving Qrow and Glynda to care for her while they were gone. She and her father knew that they might die doing this, and the fact that Weiss and Blake came with them said something about how much Ruby meant to them.

The fact they were willing to die for her.

Yang let out a single tear as she grit her teeth so hard they threatened to break.

They defeated so many Stand users to get here. Steely Dan, Devo, Rubber Soul, Hol Horse and even himself and more all to reach this point.

"I've already taken care of Blake, too." Yang's eyes twitched as more tears threatened to fall. "Weiss must be hiding somewhere… Hah. It doesn't matter." Jaune pointed at Yang with his claws "You're next, Yang."

Yang's fist began to clench so hard her veins almost burst "You bastard. Jaune!" Yang marched Jaune.

"Oh? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me? Even though your father, Taiyang, told you the secret of The World, like an exam student scrambling to finish the problems on an exam until the last moments before the chime?" Jaune asked and mocked.

"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer."

"Oh ho! Then come as close as you like." Jaune started walking to Yang as well.

Just as they got close Yang summoned her Star Platinum, its usual 'ORA' following it as it punched at Jaune. But before it could cross even half the distance between them, The World already slammed its leg against Star Platinum's. The ground in front of Yang shattered just from being close to the contact. Yang watched and felt her pants rip open and her leg bruise up from Star Platinum getting hit.

She remembered that Taiyang said when a Stand gets hurt their user gets hurt as well. Not always, but a general rule.

"Too slow, too slow! The World is the ultimate Stand. Even without the power to stop time, his speed and power far exceed that of your Star Platinum."

"So it's the same type of Stand as Star Platinum. Not much range, but immense power and precise movements."

"I wanted to try a little test to find out just how much more powerful The World was, compared to you Stand. Though it appears a test was hardly necessary."

"Test? Is that what you call just patting me, and not even enough to hurt? Well, I guess you ripped my 20,000 Lien pants, though."

Yang couldn't help but smirk at seeing the bravado her other self was projecting. She is such a badass!

Weiss was shocked at how expensive Yang's pants were. "Where do you get 20,000 lien, only to spend it on a pair of pants?"

Pyrrha was sighing to herself, secretly disgusted by how Jaune acts in the universe that was being shown. It wasn't just the casual murder and psychopathic tendacies, it was also the arrogance and smugness that he carried with him. It reminded her too much of Cardin and other opponents she faced in the tournaments.

Jaune sighed in exasperation "Why are you Xiao Longs so stubborn about admitting defeat? Hmph. I suppose I shall rise to your silly provocation, and test you just a bit more."

The World floated in front of Star Platinum and threw out four quick punches into Star Platinum's blocking arms, the air being displaced by the punches enough to blow Jaune and Yang's hair around.

After the final punch The World jumped into the air as Star Platinum sent out a flurry of kicks that blurred they were so fast. The World's knife-hand came down onto Star Platinum as she spun and blocked it with an elbow. Star Platinum recovered and sent out two punches, both of which The World dodged with a simple tilt of its head. The second punch though made a tiny cut on The World's cheek.

Star Platinum shouted 'ORA' every time she threw a punch.

The World and Star Platinum sent out a barrage of punches each, their fists hitting each other's fists and none were able to get a body shot off.

"Shall we compare the speed of our attack rushes?" Jaune offered as he used his vampire powers to heal the tiny cut.

"Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda!"


Nora jumped out of her seat and began to punch rapidly in the air, imitating the fight on the screen. She began to loudly scream a bunch of ORA's, before turning to Ren, who quickly paled and tried to speak, before being tackled into his chair.

No one batted an eye at Nora's antics. Everyone kinda expected her to do something like this in a fight.

Yang just leaned back in her chair. "Yep, that's Nora for ya. Good, old, reliable, Nora."

The air displaced by their punches began to lift the two of them off the ground.

Jaune smirked and made The World stop Star Platinum's fist, then move around it to punch her in the face. Yang's cheek was crushed and cut against her teeth, she could taste the blood. But she didn't react at all and just kept glaring.

"So my The World's power and precision are both superior! I've had enough. I'm satisfied. I will end you now! I have decided that I will show no mercy when fighting one of the Xiao Long bloodline."

Star Platinum threw out as many punches as she could, her fists blurring even to Jaune's vampire eyesight. "The way to end you is with The World's true power! THE WORLD! STOP TIME!"

"No! Yang, look out!" cried out Ruby to the screen.

Yang flicked her finger at Ruby's forehead. "Other me can't hear you. But don't worry about me, Rubes."

Ruby tilted her head as if she was Zwei, confused as to why his owners were doing something stupid.

"It's cause I'm awesome, duh! This fight will be a close one, but I'll win for sure though!" Yang spoke confidently.

Blake and Weiss nodded and smiled as well, fully confident in their teammate's ability.

Qrow, Ozpin, and other members of his group smiled at the bonds of friendship on display. Cinder and her cronies threw up a bit in their mouths though.

Jaune floated towards Yang as she and Star Platinum were unable to move during the stopped time, and as such, were completely vulnerable to attack. "With this, the Xiao Long bloodline will finally end. My archnemeis, who dared to make an appearance in my destiny…" Jaune lifted his right hand as he formed a knife-hand with it.

"Farewell!" Jaune sent his knife-hand careening down to Yang.

Her finger twitched.

Jaune stopped mid swing to gawk, terrified. "Wha-" Her finger twitched once again and Jaune flew back out of her Stand's range. "What? She just moved! She… Impossible! Her finger just moved! I-it can't be. It can't be! They're… the same?"

Her finger twitched again.

'The World and Star Platinum are the same type of Stand!? They have the same ability!? Just like the D'arby brothers!' Jaune stared at Yang and saw her glaring at him from under her hat. "Can she see me? Or is she moving her hand subconsciously?" Jaune let a few beads of sweat run down his face "Time's up."

Star Platinum threw out a couple punches but stopped once she noticed Jaune wasn't there, Yang turned around, held in the air by her Stand's energy, to glare at Jaune as Star Platinum sunk back into her.

"Could you see me?" The only answer he got was Yang's silence and a death glare. "I asked if you could see me, Yang!"

Yang tilted her head up so he could see both eyes "Who knows? I don't know what you are talking about, DIO." Yang used her Stand to blast compressed air below her with the speed of its kick and sent her hurtling away from Jaune. He followed he close behind.

"Very well! It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter if you could see me during stopped time or not! If you can move the same way as The World, let me see you moving! Yang! I shall see just how powerful you truly are! THE WORLD! STOP TIME!"

Jaune floated towards Yang and saw her arm twitch as he neared her. Jaune got closer and the twitching got stronger, wanting to confirm his suspicions he moved a hand near hers and it began to twitch towards his. Jaune put down his hand and chuckled, but the chuckle quickly evolved into maniacal laughter.

Jaune pulled his hand up in front of his face and plucked a magnet from his arm, and moved it towards yang's arm, letting go the magnet connected to the one under Yang's clothes with a muffled clank.

"Awfully sneaky of you fire-cracker. Seems like this Yang actually learned something from me," lectured Qrow.

Yang rolled her eyes at her uncle. "Jeez Uncle Qrow, I don't need to hear a lecture from you. Aren't you supposed to be the cool and irresponsible uncle? I already get enough lectures from dad."

Taiyang's voice was heard by everyone, "Listen to your uncle Sweetheart! He has a point!"

Yang moaned into her hands, while Ruby patted her shoulder, nodding in understanding.

Raven groaned in her hands.

After it stopped touching Jaune it stopped moving entirely, and it was frozen standing long vertically on it when it should be standing horizontally.

"You had placed that magnet on me. When we were testing each other's strength earlier? It looks like a magnet taken from a wallet or pocket planner. Huh. You completely fooled me. I can't take my eyes off you for even a second."

Jaune summoned The World and it formed Jaune's usual knife-hand "But! If you're using a trick like this, that proves you can't move during stopped time! You only added a few more seconds to your life! This time, you will… die, Yang!"

Just before The World's hand reached Yang she lifted her fist and summoned Star Platinum, Jaune saw this and his eyes went wide open now realising what Yang had done, Jaune was right, she completely fooled him.

Star Platinum's fist went straight through The World's torso, in revenge for what happened to Blake. Blood burst from Jaune's stomach as he also received the injury as well. "WHAT!?"

Yang froze just as Star Platinum finished her punch. "S-She… really can move! Only for a moment… but she can move! The magnet wasn't to trick me into thinking she could move…" Jaune coughed up blood from his destroyed internal organs.

"Of all things, this Xiao Long has invaded my world of stopped time…" Time began to resume as Star Platinum finished her punch, sending Jaune flying down into the street below, and into a jewellery store.

The force that Jaune was launched at allowed the glass of the window he went through to completely sever his leg. The store owner screamed as a man who had a whole in his chest just went flying through her window, cutting his leg off in the process.

Yang and the Beacon crew were cheering on for her counterpart, while also yelling at Jaune for killing Blake and the others.

"That's how the Xiao Longs do it! Nobody messes with us!" hyped Yang.

"That's right! And if they do, we'll beat them to the PUNCH" joked Tai.

The father-daughter duo high fived with matching grins, much to the chagrin of everyone else who've had to deal with them.

Yang allowed herself to fall, and grabbed hold of a building's roof before dropping again to get her safely down. When she landed she turned around and saw the building was a book store. Yang remembered that Blake always loved the Ninjas of love series, and she saw the newest addition displayed in the window.

Jaune rose up from the ground until he was sitting down. He pointed at his leg "You. Woman. Fetch my leg from over there." She hesitated and was starting to have a panic attack. "Hurry up and fetch it! Behave like a flight attendant, bringing a drink and caviar to a first-class passenger!"

"He seems awfully calm for someone who just lost a leg" said Pyrrha.

"Oh, it's not as bad as you think it is Ms. Nikos. I'd say that you can get used to it over time," piped in Ozpin.

Everyone went silent from what they just heard.

"What is it? Do I have a stain upon my shirt?" Ozpin looked around.

"What the shit?" yelled out Nora.

Ren slapped his hand over her mouth. "No swearing Nora. We had to give you multiple lectures on this already. I don't want to take away your pancakes again."

Yang stood at the broken window and looked inside, seeing Jaune's leg finish healing as he held the woman by the neck. His thumb was jabbed into her throat as his other fingers pierced in other places, they all had pulsing veins on them as he drank her blood. "I guess I'll have to bash your head to pieces, or it'll be like nothing ever happened."

Yang let out a 'tch' at this new information. "Yare yare daze, even the hole I put through your gut is fully closed up now."

Jaune chuckled and dropped the he disappeared extremely suddenly. Yang turned around and saw him standing perfectly balanced on a street sign. His smile widened "Your eyes followed me in the world of stopped time… So you truly can see my movements, Yang."

"Seems so." Is all that Yang gave in response.

"It seems Blake did quite well for you. Because she figured out the secret of The World's powers, you were able to figure out you could during stopped time, and so, you were able to invade my world."

Jaune disappeared again and Yang's head was turned as well. Jaune was perched atop another building, looking down on Yang. "Which makes me think… Just how long can you move within my world of stopped time? Two seconds? Three? Or perhaps you can move five seconds, just like me, and you're just pretending that you can't? And so on. Well? How about it?"

Jaune cupped his chin as Yang clenched and unclenched her fists a few times "I believe you can only move for a moment now. But since you have invaded my world of stopped time, it would not be wise to underestimate you by getting close. Even when I still have an overwhelming advantage."

Yang gasped as she realised something. "Therefore, Yang, I've decided how to kill you such that it doesn't matter how long you can move!" Jaune pulled out a handful of knives from his back pockets. Yang gasped again as her suspicions were confirmed.

"Huh, with those clothes he's wearing, I didn't figure he would have any pockets. Let alone ones big enough to fit all those knives" observed Mercury.

Emerald just looked at her partner in crime in confusion, trying to find a way to mock him for caring about pants of all things.

Cinder smiled a bit, "My my, Mercury. I never thought of you to actually care about one's clothing. Is there a secret to this?" she teased.

The grey-hair cyborg just shrugged. "If you're an assassin, you have to learn how to conceal your weapons. And frankly, with that outfit, it's hard to tell what you could hide."

"You've gone pale. When you saw these knives, you realised that you face a more horrific fate than that geezer Taiyang."

'Bastard. How the hell does he come up with stuff like this? He's dangerous. ' Yang used her Star Platinum to launch herself high above the buildings, to try to escape or prepare for Jaune's next attack.

"You cannot escape! THE WORLD!" Jaune floated towards the frozen Yang and The World held a handful of knives. "Five more seconds." The World threw its knives at Yang and they stopped from about a meter to an inch from her body. "Once time begins to move again, I wonder if even your Star Platinum can manage to deflect so many knives. Four more seconds!"

The World sent more knives Yang's way as Jaune laughed at her increasing horror and fear, she will only have an instant to stop all the knives. "Being able to see this must be all the more terrifying, Yang! Three more seconds…" Jaune himself threw out a few knives.

Nora, while greedily munching on a massive bucket of popcorn, yelled, "Why is it taking so long? He's just counting down from 5! It shouldn't take so long!"

"Nora! Don't talk while your mouth is full of food!" yelled back Weiss.

"She has a point though! Jaune's power is kinda bullshit" Qrow argued over the two girls.

"Foolish brother, stop yelling like a child" came Raven's voice.

"C'mon Raven, stop being so cold to Qrow. Also stop sitting away from us. I got gummy worms!" Tai offered waving the pack of candy in the air.

"Ohh! Gummy worms! You got any more, Mr. Yang's dad?" yelled back Nora.

"All right everyone, be quiet! Please just watch the rest okay?" exclaimed Ozymandias.

Star Platinum appeared from Yang and was able to punch a large portion of the knives away, but she froze mid punch after her moment was up. "Just two more seconds… Is that all you can do? This proves that you really can only move for a moment." Jaune floated back and sat on the chimney of a particularly tall building, sitting just below eye level of Yang. "One more second… Zero."

Time began moving and Star Platinum started punching as fast as she could, shouting her usual ORA as she sent away knife after knife. Unfortunately Star Platinum wasn't fast enough, and seven knives slammed into Yang's body, one in each shoulder, one in her left forearm, one in her left thigh and three in her chest.

Large spurts of blood came from her arms, shoulders and leg, while tiny spurts came from her chest. "It's over. I'll add one more, just to be sure." Jaune threw one final knife at Yang.

Star Platinum punched the knife, but since Yang was injured she couldn't control Star Platinum as well as normal, and the knife scrapped across the top of Star Platinum's fist and went directly through Yang's hat, and into her head. A small spurt of blood flew from the wound as Yang fell to the streets below. "To be frank. I'm relieved that I could defeat you so quickly, Yang. I never thought you would be able to enter my stopped time."

Jaune pulled down his shirt and revealed that on his back shoulder was the birthmark that all Xiao Longs held, a strange birthmark shaped almost like a roaring dragon.

Jaune put his shirt back up properly and then looked down into the street, watching at the people scattered around Yang's fallen form. "As I see it, cars are useful devices, but because everyone has one, the streets become too crowded. Only I, DIO, should have the power over stopped time."

"Yare yare daze. Throwing all those knives… Now my valuable clothes are full of holes." Yang reached up and pulled her shirt open, revealing that she had stuffed Ninjas of Love down her shirt 'Blake saved me again… I stuffed my clothes with books in case he tried throwing anything, but I didn't think he'd have thrown so many at me.'

A collective sigh of relief was released at seeing Yang trick Jaune once more. To Tai and Qrow as well as Ozpin and Glynda, seeing Yang, while quite powerful, use her head more was a treat, and they hoped that their iteration would learn from this.

Blake, however, was crying a bit.

Ruby was comforting her teammate. "It's okay Blake, Yang is going to be fine."

Blake sniffled, "It's not that Ruby. First, I die, and now Yang is destroying my books. It's too much to handle."

Ruby kept on patting her friend, not allowing her deadpan expression to be seen.

Yang reached up to her hat, revealing another book and pulled it down to cover it and her eyes. 'Playing dead and waiting for a chance to strike is the best chance I have right now. I need to figure out how to knock his head off… Otherwise, he won't die.' Yang quietly gasped as Jaune landed in the street across from her. Between the two was a small knee high wall used as a guard rail to protect people from falling into the street.

"I'd better play it safe. The Xiao Long bloodline has proven itself rather lucky. She might be trying to trick me by playing dead." Yang's eyes wavered as she knew she was caught. "I must end her beyond a shadow of a doubt! By…" Jaune grabbed a street sign and The World chopped it off at the bottom.

"…Chopping her head off with this! This is truly the end for you, Yang!" Jaune leaped into the air and was about to come down onto Yang and kill her, when Yang saw that behind Jaune, falling from a building top with a pissed off expression was Weiss.

"Yeah, do it Weiss! Save Yang!" cheered on Ruby, pumping her fists in the air.

"I don't think I'll be able to do much Ruby," Weiss corrected.

Ruby just waved off those concerns. "Nah, you'll be fine. You got this."

Yang slung her arm around Weiss. "It'll be so ice to see you beat him! You're gonna do a Yang up job! Jaune will finally get the point!"

Jaune noticed just too late, Weiss summoned Silver Chariot and sent her rapier straight through Jaune's head, from the back all the way to out the front, just above his right eye, straight through the brain. "Die, DIO!" Jaune's mouth hung open slightly as his eyes widened.

A wave of color and sound burst from Jaune as time stopped. Jaune dropped the street sign and it embedded itself into the stone. "The World! Time has stopped…" Jaune leaned forward and pulled his head from the rapier before placing a hand against it and turning around to face the frozen Weiss.

"So it's you, Wiess?" Jaune slammed his fist against Weiss' side, indenting the side of her chest and shattering all the ribs on her right side. "And time will move once more."

Weiss' face tightened into pain as she coughed up blood and was sent soaring away from Jaune and into the side of a building, creating an indentation in the brickwork. The squelching of her flesh from the half-hearted attack was audible to Yang, despite their distance.

"Oh no! Weiss! You don't got this!" cried out Ruby.

Weiss could only sigh. "Thank you Ruby. It really helps."

She became startled when she felt a hand upon her shoulder and saw Glynda there.

"Don't feel too badly about losing to such an opponent Ms. Schnee. You faced a formidable opponent. You should feel proud."

Weiss felt her body heat up at that acknowledgement but also internally sighed. "Thank you Professor Goodwitch. But please don't worry about me. I'm fine, it is other self who should get the appraisals."

"Too bad, Weiss. With just a moment more, and with just a tiny bit more force, you could have torn my brain apart with your rapier." Jaune mocked, letting Weiss know how close she was to killing him as the holes in his head healed almost instantly.

Weiss could hardly move, her hand dangling as the wrist broke from the crash. "B-Bastard! This is impossible…" Weiss went limp as she fell unconscious from the pain.

Jaune tore the street sign from the ground "You cannot assassinate DIO. Xiao Long's Vacuoan tour group will be no more, once I finish you." Jaune walked towards the unconscious Weiss.

'Damn it. Weiss' going to get killed. I wanted to play dead as long as possible, until I could land a blow on his head, but… It would be easy for me to keep Weiss' head on her shoulders. But Jaune won't enter Star Platinum's attack range. It'll end up like it did last time. I have to make sure he doesn't realise I'm alive.

'As long as he doesn't know for sure, my chance to get close to him will come. Talk about irony. I tried my hardest to move in his stopped time, but now I have to try my hardest to stay completely still.'

Jaune lifted the street sign and was about to chop Weiss' head off. "Farewell, Weiss!" Jaune swung the sign but before it could reach Weiss Yang clenched her fist ever so slightly and scrapped the cement with her finger nails.

Jaune immediately dropped the street sign and back flipped onto the guard rail and stared at Yang. "Yang, you… you're alive, or your coming around."

"Don't move! We're the police!" Two officers pointed their guns at Jaune and were shivering from his aura of malice. "We have guns pointed at you! Put your hands up slowly."

Mercury was grinning madly. "Oh man. These cops get the reward for being the dumbest. They are definitely going to die."

"Now, Mercury. There is hardly a need to point out the obvious. It's quite clear that they are nothing but fodder" Cinder sighed. She was growing bored of this fight. It was irritating to her of why Jaune didn't just kill them already.

Cinder knew that patience was required to achieve one's goals, but one must also take an opportunity when presented. This Jaune was allowing his arrogance to control, costing him the opportunity to kill all of those pests a multitude of times.

"I am better than him. I don't need his powers nor would I fall to the same mistake" she thought.

Jaune was suddenly behind one of the officers and back handed the other in the face, crushing his skull and sending him away with the force of the hit. "All right. Perfect timing." Jaune shoved his fingers into the neck of the cop. "There's something I would like you to shoot with that gun. Shoot the woman lying on the ground over there. You can shoot her leg, her torso… whatever you like."

The man was struggling to breath with Jaune's fingers in his neck, but he still raised the gun and aimed at Yang. "Come on. Be sure not to miss." The cop fired his hand gun, and the bullet hit Yang in the side, going through her coat.

Jaune stared at Yang for a few seconds, still not entirely certain. He pulled his fingers out of the officer's neck, dropping the man as he died from lack of oxygen. "Perhaps I was just imagining that sound I thought I heard coming from Yang."

A close up of the bullet hole in Yang's coat revealed the bullet did not pierce her skin, because Star Platinum's hand had materialised and grabbed the bullet before it could hurt Yang. 'What a sick thing to do… but now Jaune's attention is on me, not Weiss. Right now, he's suspicious as all hell. He'll try to make absolutely sure that I'm dead. This is when things get really dangerous.'

Jaune tilted his ear towards Yang "The sound of her breathing…" Yang started sweating heavily. "I don't hear it. She's not breathing. Then what about her heartbeat?" Jaune leaned down and placed his ear against the ground, not willing to come too close to her.

A shot of inside yang's chest showed Star Platinum's hand grabbing Yang's heart and holding it still, stopping it completely. Yang's eyes started to cloud up as her brain slowly suffocated. 'This is damn tough… if I black out, I really will die. It won't even be funny… If I die because I used my Stand to stop my own heart…' Yang's eyes went completely lifeless as the blood didn't flow.

Team RWBY watched silently, all four girls in awe at the gamble that Yang was taking just to beat Jaune.

Raven watched carefully, her eyes dead focused on Yang. She wondered if she was also absent in that universe as well. If so, then that Yang and perhaps her Yang held the same strength of will.

Taiyang and Qrow sat back, the two huntsmen had become like brothers throughout the years, raising and teaching Yang and Ruby. To see another version of Yang go this far to save Ruby and fight to avenge her friends made them both proud.

For nearly a full minute, Jaune lay against the concrete, trying to hear a heartbeat. "Her heart isn't beating. She is definitely dead. I thought she was alive, but it was just my imagination." Jaune stood up and retrieved his street sign. "Just in case, I'll lop of her head so I can truly rest at ease. All right,Yang?"

Star Platinum grabbed hold of Yang's heart and started to manually beat it as fast as she could. The blood flow quickened and yang quickly started regaining feeling, though the pins and needles was like fucking explosives.

Jaune swung the street sign down and it slammed into the ground. Star Platinum had broken the end of the sign just before it hit Yang "WHAT!?" Star Platinum threw her fist at Jaune's head as fast as she could. "STOP TIME! THE WORLD!" But Yang used her time straight away to smash Star Platinum's fist into Jaune's head.

"I went through hell there… But even if you stop time, I'm still going to blow your head off, DIO."

"YEAH! Break his head, Yang!" yelled out Nora.

"Yeah, you tell me Nora! Go me!" pumped up Yang. She slumped into her seat, and whispered into Ruby's ear. "I actually thought I wasn't going to make it there. But a good Xiao Long doesn't stay down for long, even when she purposefully stops her beating to defeat some crazy vampire wearing gigolo clothes."

Ozpin, Ironwood, and Glynda all turned their heads towards the blonde student.

"Well that is one way of putting it" chuckled Ozpin.

Tai gave Yang a double thumbs up. "It's like my Nana Xia Long told me, always have detailed and specific phrases!"

Pyrrha, Ren, Weiss, and Blake just laughed at watching Yang and her father.

Star Platinum's fist turned half of Jaune's skull to dust and crushed half of his brain to mush. "Wh-What? It can't be… "

Star Platinum let out an ORA as Jaune was launched away and crashed down next to a small set of stairs leading to a higher level of the road. "Finally… Finally I was able to bash his head in. But that bastard DIO is a monster who survived over a year as just a severed head at the bottom of the ocean. I can't believe he's dead yet. It's too soon to relax."

Because of the damage to Jaune's head, the time stop ended almost instantly, so Yang was able to move properly, if not slower because of the damage Jaune caused her. Yang looked over to her left and saw a bucket.

"I'll kill you…" Jaune menacingly said as he tried to stand up, but his legs weren't working properly and he fell over onto is face, his head still bleeding. "W-What is this? Impossible! M-My legs… I can't move my legs. I can't stand!"

Yang placed the bucket next to a car and had Star Platinum punch holes into the side of it, letting the oil run out into the bucket. While the wealthier Kingdoms use Dust, Vacuo is poorest of the Kingdoms, and so has started using refined oil to power their electronics.

"I have a headache… a-and nausea… How could this happen? Me, DIO, feeling sick? My head's been destroyed, so I can't get up!? Damn it! I have to do something!" Jaune was panicking more than he has ever panicked in his whole life, both as a human and as a vampire.

Jaune was brought out of his panicking by Yang throwing the bucket of oil onto him. He looked up at Yang with immense confusion. "I covered you with gasoline so I could track your smell. I feel bad, kicking a guy while he's down, but… Nah. I don't feel bad about this at all."

Yang's grin was huge at watching her badass, muscular self beating up Jaune. "Look how cool I am! I gotta use that line sometime. Other me has great one liners."

Pyrrha chuckled, "I must say, it's quite astonishing to see how cold you can be. I never figured you'd do something like that to someone."

Ruby interrupted, "But didn't you destroy a whole bar when you were looking for someone?"

Qrow's face appeared, "And I seem to recall someone throwing flasks at me after I beat them in a bike race.

"I still remember when you got into a police chase during your first driving lesson" sighed Tai.

Waving her hands towards the Redheaded champion, Yang said, "Don't listen to them P-Money. I'd never do anything like that to you. You're my 4th best female friend."

Nora muttered angrily, "Where am I on that list?"

Yang threw the bucket away from her. "My friends and a lot of innocent bystanders are dead because of you." Yang lifted out a lighter and let the flame appear, with Jaune focusing on the flame and putting two and two together.

Jaune's eyes widened as he looked to the ground and then looked back at Yang, smiling and laughing maniacally. A police car drove by up the stairs and Yang widened her eyes. Jaune healed enough to be able to lift his upper body up and throw his arms out. "THE WORLD!"

Yang immediately began moving, but the time she could move in stopped time wasn't very long, and almost immediately froze. Jaune began climbing the stairs slowly, his legs useless, as he made his way to the back of the police car. "If I can… If I can get to that place…" Jaune was able to grab the back of the car and dig his fingers into it to hold on. "Time… Time will move once more."

The car started moving again, taking Jaune with it as it sped down the street and away from Yang. "He put his ear to the ground to listen for cars coming here? But… I can't let him get away!" Yang pulled out the only knife not knocked out during the little skirmish or that Yang hadn't removed while getting the oil.

The knife floated in front of Yang as Star Platinum materialised holding it, and she threw it as hard and fast as she could. The knife went straight into the back tire of the police car, making the cops lose control of the car. They regained control but before they did, Jaune was thrown from the vehicle.

As he tumbled across the street he grabbed hold of a manhole "That place… That place!" he pulled the manhole open. "If I can just get there…" When Jaune looked in his eyes widened and he choked on his own words.

Yang stood on her Stand as it held the ladder and she pointed at Jaune "This place is taken. You can't escape." Yang began to rise out of the manhole and Jaune was powerless to stop her. "Give up, DIO."

Ren looked very confused, "How did you suddenly appear in that manhole Yang?"

Yang just shrugged.

Meanwhile in the peanut gallery of evil, Mercury actually chuckled at seeing Jaune so desperate. "Hahaha, the look on his face when he sees the blonde chick in the hole. She kinda reminds of you Emerald. Pissed off and grumpy."

Emerald just sighed and ignored him. "What do you think of the match so far, my lady?" asking Cinder.

Cinder turned away from the screen. "Before it was becoming stale, but now it's becoming interesting again. Also I believe that Yang will win."

Emerald spoke, "Well, she did massively injure Jaune right now. And she has him trapped, so I do believe that she's going to win, either by finishing him off quickly or Jaune will die to his wounds."

Mercury interrupted, "Nah, Yang is going to win, but not before Jaune recovers or uses some trick. He wore them all out before fighting them, and attacking them at sundown. He's got everything to lose and everything to gain."

"Quite insightful Mercury. Is that more of your training talking?" mused Cinder.

He smirked. "I'm quite sure you made the same guesses without me." He paused, "Boss, ma'am."

The two had a stare down as Yang landed on the ground next to the manhole and Jaune grit his teeth in anger.


Star Platinum's fist crashed into Jaune's cheek before he could use The World. Star Platinum started hitting Jaune as fast and hard as she could, smashing into his body with a barrage of punches.


The final punch hit Jaune square in the nose and sent Jaune flying across the street as blood flew from his body.

"You fell for it, Yang!" Jaune screamed as his body was torn apart by her fists and he flew through the air. "This is my escape route! You have lost in the battle of wits against me, DIO! Doesn't this street look familiar?" Jaune cashed down onto the sidewalk which sent up a plume of dust.

Yang gasped as she looked around in shock, Jaune planned everything out. They were back at where they started the fight, that meant… "T-This street… I-It can't be..."

The dust cleared to show Jaune without clothes on his upper body, and his hair sticking straight up instead of in every direction. He looked far more muscular than he did before.

"That's right. It was my escape route to take the blood of Taiyang Xiao Long!" Jaune had his hand in Taiyang's chest, just below his neck, draining his blood.

"DIO, you bastard!"

"Cleverer than I thought him to be. He used Yang's tunnel vision to distract her from realizing that he wanted to go in that particular direction" recited Ironwood. "It seems that he is more than just arrogance and brute strength."

"While he could have taken the blood of anyone, his body is still that of a Xiao Long's. Using the blood of Tai's father would grant better recovery, I'm assuming that was Jaune's notion. It does hold some sense. They are related and share DNA, so an unorthodox blood transfusion from him would be optimal" surmised Glynda. She was actually enjoying this experience so far. She was able to explore other realities, view different techniques and skills, eat some bon-bons, and not think about the massive amount of work she'd have to resume back at Beacon. Just because people thought that she didn't know how to have fun and had a stick up her (in her own opinion, nice) ass, didn't mean that she couldn't relax.

"Well that and he's a vampire," chuckled Ozpin. "I don't believe that vampires or any members of the undead category particularly care about blood types" he said with a small grin.

"Guys, please. I'm already dead. Please stop talking about my dead body and blood and stuff. It's kinda freaking me out" pleaded Tai, looking a bit pale at seeing his other self's drained husk of a corpse.

"As I thought… Taiyang's blood suits me well." Yang grit her teeth and body shook in unimaginable rage. "It suits this body so perfectly, my strength is recovering faster than ever before! It suits me… It truly suit me!" Jaune placed his claws on his head and began clawing the flesh off his temple as his other hand clawed his chest open, but it kept healing as fast as he could cut it open. He began laughing insanely.

"This body belonged to Glas Xiao Long four years ago. The blood that I just drank was from his half-brother, Taiyang Xiao Long! And the one who allowed me to make it this far was you, Yang. The Xiao Long bloodline was mere dog shit on the road that is my destiny, just something lying in my way… But in the end, it appears that the Xia Longs are fated to be my tools."

'D-Dad…' Yang widened her eyes when she saw a multicolored cloud rise out from Taiyang's body. Jaune laughed as he wasn't able to see the cloud which transformed into Taiyang. The multicolored cloud was his soul.

"No matter…" Taiyang started speaking to Yang as he floated towards the sky. "No matter what DIO is about to do to my body down below, you must never get enraged and lose your cool, Yang. Don't worry about me anymore. This happened because it had to happen.

"Blake solved the mystery of DIO's Stand. I relayed her message to you. If we had all fought DIO at once, we would have all perished instantly. You've become able to move a bit within the stopped time. You have two or three seconds now… Use that time wisely.

"No matter what DIO does now, you mustn't get angry. If you fly into a rage and strike first, you'll only put yourself in a bad situation. Yang… This trip was truly fun, wasn't it? So much happened. I swear… These fifty days really were fun." Taiyang gave yang a gentle smile, the smile only a caring father could give, and a thumbs up before his soul faded back into a cloud and disappeared entirely.

Yang felt an arm loop around her and saw her own dad was hugging her and Ruby. "I love you two, and I want you to know that."

"Ahh dad, you tell me that everyday when I'm home" said Ruby, squirming in the hug.

"I know that, but you're both my baby girls, and sniff, I don't know what I'd if any of you were dying, and I'd be powerless to help you" Taiyang said, sadness in his voice.

Yang let out a few tears. "Oi! Where are you looking, Yang?" Jaune rammed his fingers into Taiyang's chest and drained his blood, all of it.

Taiyang's flesh tightened and lost color, looking like a mummified body. "B-Bastard…"

"Now he's just an empty shell!" Jaune started laughing again.

Yang tightened her fists and started sprinting towards Jaune. 'Dad told me not to get angry, no matter what. But that's not possible.' "No one could stay calm after seeing that!"

"This is the final round!" Jaune flew towards Yang.

Jaune tries to punch Yang but she uses her Stand to launch into the air, with Jaune close behind. "THE WORLD! STOP TIME!"


"One second has past! Two seconds have past… Three seconds have past! Four seconds…" Yang summons Star Platinum and her and The World begin fighting.

Star Platinum punches The World and breaks through its fist, turning half the fist into dust. Jaune grunts as his right hand rips open and breaks. Star Platinum lays into Jaune with a few powerful punches that sends Jaune a few feet away before she freezes.

"Five seconds have past. Six seconds have past." Yang's eyes go wide as she realises she is still frozen. Jaune's hand heals almost instantly, and is fine in less than a second. "Seven seconds have past! I still feel the power! I can still keep it up! By the way, Yang. You shouldn't be able to move any longer.

"You probably gambled on the two seconds before time starts to move again, but you've miscalculated." Jaune shrugs "What a truly magnificent feeling! I feel so good, I could break out into song! Eight seconds have past! Five years ago, I attained immortality…"

Jaune shoved his finger through his temple and began to twist and turn it every which way, sending blood flying. "But I didn't feel as absolutely wonderful then as I do now! Xiao Long blood suits me so very well! This is the greatest high!"

"Damn, he's losing control. He's definitely going to lose" Mercury observed.

"Losing control is putting it lightly. Shredding your face and digging into your skull is disturbing" commented Emerald.

Cinder sighed loudly. She'd been interested in this Jaune at first, but now it seems that he was too unhinged. "What a waste. He has an incredible power, yet wastes it. He deserves to lose if he can't use that power correctly."

'D-Dad, you were right… getting mad has gotten me into trouble. But this isn't the end of it. I still have plenty more rage to hurl at him!'

Jaune floated down next to Yang and moved slightly behind her. "Nine seconds have past! I've stopped time for nine seconds! But it appears that stopping time for nine seconds is my current limit." Jaune went all the way around Yang until he was in front of her again.

"WRYYYY!" Jaune screeches the natural sound of a vampire as The World punches Yang multiple times in the chest. Shattering her left humerus, right collar bone, and two of her right ribs. The final punch sending her flying down through a neon sign shaped like an 'R'.

"Now to unleash all of my Stand's power! Yang! You said something about being pissed off… But your fury can achieve no more than that!"

The World appeared above Yang, and she tried to block with Star Platinum, but The World was too fast for her. The World's leg slammed repeatedly into her chest with the sound of a rifle going off with each kick "Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! MUDA!"

Yang was sent through the top floor of an apartment complex, breaking many people's rooms and coming out the other end before landing on a bridge, using Star Platinum to tank most of the damage.

"And now, without pause, my final attack! The last and final time I will stop time! Within my nine seconds of stopped time, I shall end this! THE WORLD!"

Jaune landed a few meters in front of Yang, smirked and chuckled before flying away "One second has past." Yang's eyes went wide (or at least they would have if she could move) "Two seconds have past. Three seconds have past."

Ozpin's voice reverberated out of the screen "For some reason, DIO disappeared while time was stopped. "

"Four seconds have past."

"However, Yang has abandoned thought. No matter what DIO has planned, or what attack he might unleash in the two seconds that Yang can move within the stopped time, all she needs to do is drive Star Platinum's fists into him in those two seconds!"

"Five seconds have past."

'The one thing I know, Jaune, is that the next time I see your face, I'm probably gonna bust a vein!'

"Six seconds have past."

'Bring it on, Jaune!'

"Seven seconds have past." Yang noticed Jaune above her, coming down with an object held in his grasp. "ROAD ROLLER!"

"OH MY OUM! Jaune has a road roller. Wait, why does he have a road roller?" asked Nora.

"Seems like he wants to kill Yang in a very flamboyant and overdone manner. Why else would he use some of his stopped time to grab it?" Ren, ever the voice of reason said.

"It definitely seems like our Jaune is missing a lot of this Jaune's qualities. His evil tendencies for one, thank goodness" Pyrrha was grateful for that.

"His….unique fashion sense" chimed in Weiss.

"Vampirism" added Blake.

"His obsession with Dad and Yang" chirped Ruby.

"A road roller," Yang said jokingly.

Jaune slammed the road roller onto Yang, who blocked with Star platinum. Star Platinum shouted ORA over and over again as she slammed her fists into the road roller, hoping to generate enough kinetic energy to throw it off her.

"It's too late! You cannot escape!" Jaune overlapped his own fists with The World's and began to punch the road roller as well, screaming his usual MUDA over and over again.

"Eight seconds have past! I'll smash you flat!" Jaune went with one final punch, and the force of the punch lifted his entire body off the vehicle. Yang's eyes went wide as the road roller crashed down on top of her, crushing her beneath its weight.

"No! Yanggggggggggg!" yelled out Team RWBYNPR in unison.

Tai was crushing Qrow's hands. "Tai, Tai, Tai! Let go of my hand! Aghhh, you're crushing something there buddy. Ahhhh"

Raven watched in silence. She knew what she was, a coward, a survivalist. And if she were in that same position, she knew that she'd never be as brave as her daughter. She clenched her fist, angry at the thought of her weakness, but it was the truth. Even her brother, despite his horrible flirting and drinking, still fought each day against Salem, never falling to fear.

"Nine seconds have past."

Jaune stood silently for a few seconds. "I did it. It is over. Star Platinum has finally been defeated by my The World! Immortality! Eternal life! And Stand power!"

Jaune cackled as he realised he won. "This proves that no one can surpass DIO! Puny humans! I will rule you all! Bow before my knowledge and might! Ten seconds have past! Now my ability to stop time has reached ten seconds!

Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury were annoyed by this Jaune now.

"To think I had such high hopes for him. But now he's become another over the top, arrogant, monologuing cliche. Hmmm, it seems that he was a waste of interest" and while Cinder's voice was steady, the annoyance was clear in her voice.

Mercury closed his eyes and leaned back into his seat and yawned. "Wake me up when this cartoon villain is defeated. I'm going to sleep".

"Now, then… I guess I should find Yang's lifeless body and drink her blood. If there's any blood left to take!"

Jaune went to walk forward but his legs started slowing down. "W-What? My body's movements a-are slowing down… N-No… I'm not slowing down…" Jaune's body lost color "I-I can't move. I-Impossible! M-my b-body won't move at all!"

"Jaune!" Yang stood behind Jaune and glared at him "It's been elven seconds. I guess that's your limit now."


"I stopped time at the nine second mark. That let me escape. Yare yare daze." Yang turned her body sideways and lifted her right hand and pointed it at Jaune. "Now… It won't even take a second to finish you off!"


"I-Impossible! You stopped time? Right at the end of my nine seconds of movement…"

"How does it feel, Jaune? Having someone approach from behind while you can't move a muscle, if I had to describe it, is like a guy who can hold his breath for a minute finally comes up for air at the very last second…"

Yang grabbed Jaune's shoulder and squeezed it tight. "When suddenly, he feels someone grab him, and he's dragged back down into the water. Does that sound right? But for you, I feel no pity at all." Star Platinum came out of Yang and kicked Jaune in the knees, breaking both of his legs and almost ripping them off. "Time has begun to move again." Yang said with her head held up and tilted, so only one eye was visible under her hate, staring balefully at Jaune.

Qrow was shaking his hand, trying to feel any sensation in it, while Tai was cheering for Yang.

"Yeah, that's my daughter! Show him who's the boss!" yelled on Tai.

Qrow gave a weak thumbs up to show his undying and everlasting support for his niece.

Yang and Nora fist bumped each other. "Jaune is finally going down now."

Ozpin raised his eyebrow at the description of stopped time. "An interesting image. Frozen and trapped underwater, an apt image" he said to his comrades. "Although, now how I'll describe it" he whispered to himself.

Jaune flips through the air and crashed down onto the cement. Jaune begins to hyperventilate. Yang steps down from the road roller and stands a few meters in front of Jaune. "I don't feel even the slightest bit of compassion for you. I haven't even an ounce of pity for you. However, just finishing you of by beating you to death now would leave a bad taste in my mouth.

"How many seconds will it take for your legs to recover? Three seconds? Four? The moment you've healed, I'll throw Star Platinum at you. So bring it on!" Yang started walking a bit closer "If I were a gunslinger in a western, I'd say… Draw, let's see who's the fastest gun in the west."

'S-She's... mocking me! But… but, Yang… You may have come this far, but you are still only human. You think like a human, who has so little time to live. About things leaving a bad taste I your mouth, or living your life with no regrets… That kind of reasoning is about as compelling as rat shit in a bathroom, and it will be your demise!

'I, DIO, have no such thoughts. Within my mind is but one simple thought. Just one! To be victorious and rule! That is all. That is all I need to feel satisfaction!' Jaune was able to stand up, but his legs were not fully healed.

"How I do it… Does not matter!" Jaune clenched his healing leg and sprayed blood straight into Yang's eyes. "How do you like being blinded by blood!? I've won! Die!"

The World appeared and spun before lashing out with a devastating kick. Yang screamed out her Stand's battle cry as Star Platinum overlapped with her and they both punched The World's leg.

Star Platinum's hand cracked and Yang's broke. Jaune saw this and smirked, knowing he has won.

Suddenly The World's leg started to crack as well. "Wha…" Yang suddenly pushed as hard as she could on the cracked leg and it began to spread.

As a particularly large crack spread a red light glowed from within. Jaune screamed in pain as the crack spread up the leg, up The World's chest and even up the head, a red light emanating from both The World and Jaune where the crack split them in two.

"WHAT!?" Yang glared at Jaune. "I-Impossible… I-I'm DIO…" Blood sprayed and poured from the crack, the red light intensifying as the crack began to shake.


The red light exploded out from Jaune and his entire left side of his body, and his entire head exploded. His mangled body crashing down onto the bridge.

"Now if I just wait until dawn, you'll turn into dust. There's only one reason why you lost, Jaune. There's just one simple answer." Yang fixed her hat and coat back into place.

"You really pissed me off."

"BOOYAH!" cried out Yang, pumping both arms into the air. "Finally, I beat that arrogant bastard. And I ended the fight with such a badass phrase. Yang Xiao Long for the WIN!"

The rest of Team RWBY and NPR all cheered for their friend. They were happy to see the other Yang win, and know that she avenged her family, her friends and is able to save Ruby.

Just as they began to chatter and talk about the fight, Ozymandias appeared and said, "There's still a little more to go. It's best to watch. There's a surprise you might like."

A van from the Schnee Dust Company drove away from Cairo. "This is van two. We are currently traveling north on Al-Nil street. We have retrieved DIO's body. I repeat, we have retrieved DIO's body."

Yang is in the back of the van, getting treated for wounds by a doctor, while another looks over DIO's body which is in a body bag. Taiyang's body was also in the van.

"DIO's body will stay alive until it is exposed to sunlight. Proceed with caution! Make sure you don't let down your guard." Van one responded through the radio.


A bullhead flew out of Cairo and the pilot spoke through the radio "Blake Belladonna is dead. We are transporting her body via bullhead."

Van one picked the radio back up "Weiss Schnee is unconscious. She is currently being treated in van one."


"By the way, I've got a question for you, van two… Why did you put DIO's and Taiyang's Xiao Long's bodies in the same van?"

Yang spoke up from the back of the van "Because it's not over yet. DIO took something… and I need to get it back." The doctors were shocked and confused as Yang walked over to Jaune's body.

"Is it possible to transfuse blood from one corpse to another?"

"So Miss Xiao Long is attempting to undo the work of DIO? I wonder if its possible, we did see Mr. Xiao Long's spirit talking to Yang before leaving. Which implies an afterlife and spirits exist. How intriguing" Ozpin thought out.

Ironwood continued the train of thought. "It's been established that we have souls, but that there is an afterlife and our souls may go to that place is more terrifying than intriguing. To know that there is something after death is a mystery I do not wish to explore."

"A-Are you suggesting DIO's blood into Mr Xiao Long's withered corpse? Are you trying to bring Mr Xiao Long back to life?"

"DIO sucked out his blood just minutes ago. DIO's upper body has been annihilated, but I want him to return what he's still got. Don't you think we can still make it in time?"

The driver turned back to the radio "So she says. Did you hear that? Over."


One of the doctors got in Yang's face "I-It's impossible! He doesn't have a pulse…" The other doctor leaned over Taiyang "That means his heart has stopped, so it's impossible to make blood circulate around his body!"

Yang spun around to face him "Impossible?" She glared at him, her eyes turning red despite the fact she has no Semblance anymore "We did a lot of impossible things on this journey. I'm tired of hearing that things are 'impossible' or 'useless'. Those words mean nothing to us. You said we have to get his heart moving, right? Good timing.

"Thanks to DIO, I've had practice with stopping and starting hearts." Star Platinum reached her ahnd into Taiyang's chest, her arm going through his body like it was water, without damaging it. Star Platinum grabbed hold of Taiyang's heart and manually pumped it.

"Well it's a good thing I got some practice in before attempting it on Dad" joked Yang.

Blake and Weiss raised an eyebrow at her.

"You stopped your own heart" said the cat eared Ninja of Love.

"Your pupils dilated and you stopped breathing," pointed out Weiss.

Yang gave a half grin. "Practice, right?"

A strange quirk of Stands is that bar a few Stands, only people who have Stands themselves can see Stands, making them extremely useful. So the doctors were unable to see Star Platinum.

"I hear a pulse!" One doctor said, eyes wide as he watched the heart monitor beep. "His heart's moving! Hurry, extract the blood from DIO's body and perform the transfusion! This just might work!"

As they got to work, Yang kept pumping the heart steadily, until blood was introduced to Taiyang's body, then when Star Platinum let go his heart was able to pump by itself. Color started to appear in his skin again, the holes in his neck and chest were covered and they weren't bleeding.

Vampire blood is capable of healing serious injuries, and so even though DIO's body did not have all that much blood left, the little it had generated more within Taiyang, and he was able to regain full color and life in less than a minute.

"Woohoo! You're back Dad!" whooped Ruby. "Good going Yang."

Qrow whistled, "Man, that is some effective stuff. It's hard to beat that display."

Taiyang opened his eyes to the shock of the doctors. But something was strange about him, the way he looked around the van was so unlike Taiyang. "D-Dad?" Yang wanted to know what was wrong.

Taiyang looked over to DIO's body and smirked, before sitting up and ripping the needles and pipes out of himself. Taiyang began chuckling in an extremely un-Taiyang like way, it was a very DIO way of chuckling. "You fool, Yang!"

Yang's rage skyrocketed "Y-You bastard! It can't be…"

Taiyang ripped his oxygen mask off and smirked at Yang "Because of you, I live again!"

"Bastard!" Yang summoned Star Platinum and got ready to attack Taiyang.

Yang threw her hands up into the air. "Oh c'mon, why won't you just die Jaune!"

Nora squished both Pyrrha and Ren into a hug. "He's a zombie, kill him Yang!"

Ozpin's eyebrows perked up. "Well that took a wrong turn" he said sarcastically before taking a sip of coffee.

Ironwood, Glynda, Tai, and Qrow all looked at him with stone faces.

Taiyang threw up his hands "W-Wait, Yang! I'm kidding! Kidding! I'm just kidding! It's just a joke! A joke!" Yang kept glaring, she knows DIO is a trickster. "Sorry! I was just messing with you a little."

Taiyang summoned his Hermit Purple "It's definitely me! I'm Taiyang Xiao Long. I was born September 27th, 1920. My wife's name was Summer Rose. I like to collect comic books!"

Yang kept glaring for a few seconds, then she asked a question "Who was the female lead in the 1981 film, Tarzan, The Ape Man?"

"Bo Derek." Taiyang answered immediately, not even having to think.

"Who sang the parody of 'beat it', named 'eat it'?"

"Al Yankovic."

Yang, Ruby, Qrow, and Raven all just sighed. That was a very Taiyang thing to do. He wanted to appear cool, but half the time, he looked like a fool and the other half, he did crap like this.

"Dad, don't you ever do that" Yang pointed her finger towards her father.

"Oh c'mon my little sunshine, I'd never do that. Never, ever" vowed Taiyang.

Ruby placed her hands on her father's cheeks. "Dad, please don't. I don't ever want that."

Tai was a little freaked out at his daughter's behavior. "Uhhh Ruby, you can let go now. I promised didn't I?"

Ruby let go of his cheeks. She stared deep into his eyes, then nodded.

Qrow just patted him on the back. "You got the creepy serious stare? Yeah, she normally doesn't bust that one."

"Yare yare daze. I guess you are the real thing, if you know pointless crap like that." Yang sighed a sigh of relief.

"T-This is van two. It's amazing! Mr Xiao Long has woken up! Mr Xiao Long came back from the dead! Hooray! Over!"

Yang turned to DIO "Now you have returned what you'd stolen from us… Jaune."

A small time skip alter and both Taiyang and Yang were standing in the Vacuoan desert, watching the sunrise with Jaune's body on the ground in front of them.

As soon as the light touched Jaune's body, it burnt it to ashes, it exploded in small puffs of smoke and ash and was carried off in the wind.

Taiyang sighed "Now, it's over. So many people were stolen from by DIO. Many people, for the last five years. He took everything from them."

Yang nodded "And too many of those things will never be returned."

"Yeah, the things we can't get back are too numerous, and too great. What we've lost is as vast as the planet Remnant itself. But it's all because of them… It's because of them that we are still alive."

Yang looked to the sky, and she was certain she could see them, smiling down at her "Blake. Zwei. Flynt. It's over."

Team RWBY and NPR and the adults had smiles on their faces. This version of Yang, Tai, Weiss had struggled and fought against an overwhelming opponent. They lost their friends and allies but they knew that Blake, Zwei, and Flynt fought for the same reasons; to protect their friends and loved ones. That the sacrifice they made would not be in vain.

"You're really going back to Atlas, Weiss? But you don't have any family left there. Why not come to live on Patch with us?" Taiyang offered, knowing Weiss had nothing left.

Weiss smiled and stood up "Mr Xiao Long, even though my family is gone, Atlas is my homeland. I have many memories of my time there. No matter where I go, I'll always return there. But if you ever need me, give me a call. Wherever in the world you are, I'll come running."

Taiyang shook his head "It'll be lonely without you." He had grown used to her being around these last fifty days.

Weiss smiled, knowing she had true friends "there were many hardships, but it was a lot of fun. That journey was fun because all of you were there."

Yang smirked and nodded "Yeah."

Taiyang looked down and grinned "Yes, it was fun. I believe that from the bottom of my heart."

The announcement of Weiss' flight went through the intercoms, and Weiss leaned forward and pulled the two in for a group hug. She looked up at Taiyang and smirked, despite the tears in her eyes at the farewell "Well, see ya, you shit-stained geezer! I hope you live forever!"

Weiss turned to Yang "And you, his stingy daughter! Don't you dare forget about me!"

Taiyang nodded "Let's see each other again. If you don't hate me by then, you little jackass!"

Yang grasped Weiss' shoulder "I can't forget a character like you even if I tried. Take care."

Weiss picked up her bag and gave them one last two finger salute "So long."

The three friends made their final farewell and walked away, Weiss towards Atlas, Yang and Taiyang to Patch.

Within Patch, Ruby woke up and sat up, Ren almost dropped his tea set. "Ruby! What are you doing up so suddenly?"

Ruby felt around her body "…Suddenly, I feel so much better!" Her Stand that was killing her had disappeared, she regained her Aura and Semblance, and was all the better for it.

Not everyone can handle a Stand, Ruby's fighting spirit isn't the type that can handle a Stand, she is innocent and truly wishes good on everyone.

In the airship taking Yang and Taiyang home, Yang was looking at a picture. It was a picture of Yang, Zwei, Flynt, Weiss, Blake and Taiyang all sitting on a rock within the Vacuoan desert and smiling, happy.

Yang smiled once again and put the picture away before looking out the window, and seeing Patch in the distance.

Ruby was crying tears a bit. "Ahhhhh, I'm just so happy! Jaune seemed so strong and although I didn't doubt you a second Yang, I was still so afraid. That was so long and emotionally draining. Up and down, up and down."

Blake nodded, and turned towards Weiss. "Well at least, most of Team RWBY survived, we were able to save you Ruby, and somehow, your father came back Yang. I'd say it was a win overall."

Weiss crossed her arms. "But aren't you sad about your own death? You saw yourself dying on screen."

Blake nodded no. "You know me. I was running away from my problems. I fled to Beacon to hide from my mistakes. But this other version of me, she didn't. She hurt others when under Jaune's control, but she followed Yang and the others to fix that mistake. She fought and died to redeem herself and prevent others from being under his control. I want to be more like her, so I can be a better me."

The adults overheard Blake's little speech. Glynda pushed up her glasses. "Is that why you accepted her, Sir?"

Ozpin sipped his coffee, and thought for a moment. "She came to me, Glynda. Ironwood. She told me who she was and why she left. If I turned her away then and there, I would have solidified how the White Fang views us. Furthermore, I would have solidified how she views herself. If I didn't accept her, then most likely, Miss Belladonna would have felt that a new chance at life, a chance to cleanse her past mistakes would be inaccessible to her, even if it were offered to her."

Ironwood shook his head. "Ever the optimist Oz. Did you not worry at all about her being a spy or some infiltrator?"

Ozpin merely grinned. "Ever the skeptic James. She came to me, and I knew exactly who she was, even before she told me. Besides, if I wanted to stop her from spying, I'd just have her be Oobleck's assistant."

They all chuckled at that image, Oobleck zipping around, finding Blake wherever she hid, asking if she finished grading the papers yet.

Raven thought over the fight she saw. She was impressed with that Yang. That Yang was strong, loyal, and brave. She looked at her Yang, her daughter, and could see the same qualities within her. Yet she also saw herself in Yang. Proud, impatient, and stubborn. She wondered if she'd ever have a chance to fix her mistakes with her.

Team NPR were all chatting with Team RWBY. Pyrrha preferred the other Jaunes compared to this one. "The other Jaune's were so brave, and fearless. So strong and kind and loyal and..."

"Ooooohhhhh, does someone have a crush on Vomit Boy?" inquired Yang.

Ruby spit out her cookie. "What! No! I don't have a crush on Jaune! I mean, Jaune Who? I don't know this Jaune Who? Hahahaha…."

That killed the conservations and Yang looked at her little sister, staring at her, before giving her a big hug. "Ahhh, you have your first human crush Rubes. My little sister is growing up so fast" Yang faked a sniffle at the end.

"Ahhh Pyrrha, help me! Blake, Weiss, save me! Uhhh, Nora just stay where you are. Ren, you watch Nora" asked Ruby, helpless in her older sister's bosom.

Pyrrha gave a rather chilly smile, "I'm sorry Ruby. I can't interfere with such a precious moment between two sisters."

Ruby saw Pyrrha smiling as ever, but heard something else. "You're going down, Pyrrha. I will not lose! Uhh, Yang, can you give me some oxygen?"

Blake, Weiss, Ren, and Nora all just watched the scene unfold, smiling at the chaos of it all.

Up Above, Cinder and her evil assistants of evil stretched out, getting the kinks out of their system.

"Man, I was pumped for it at the beginning. To bad, it turned to crap at the end. Jaune should've just gathered them all at once and finished the job" sighed Mercury.

"I have to pretend to like those brats already. To see them escape death is honestly just aggravating. And it was the quiet one who died. I liked her the most of all. She barely said anything!" ranted Emerald.

Cinder couldn't help but agree with her subordinates. Despite their outbursts, they held a point. Seeing them all evade death and overcome Jaune was all based on pure luck and his own arrogance. She desperately hoped that the next one wouldn't be so long. It didn't that she could hear those same brats from down below.

After some time to get refreshments and to stretch, Ozymandias appeared once. He stood in front of them, and with his small silver pocket watch, he created a wormhole. Stepping out of the wormhole was the one and only boy duo, Sun Wukong and Neptune.

Sun looked around the theater, impressed with how large and exquisite it appeared. "Man, most of the theaters in Vacuo are just small and cramped. Even in Mistral, you don't have anything like this. I think only those old rich families get to be in theaters like this, right Neptune? Neptune?"

Neptune was already talking with Weiss, sitting right behind her, the two of them staring at one another. But luckily for Sun and his amazing abs, he saw Blake. "Blake! Ruby! What are you and your team doing here? And here is where?"

Blake gave a small smile at the irresistible charm of the blonde monkey faunus, "Well, here is kinda complicated. Basically just think movie theater for every universe and timeline."

Ruby jumped in, holding some cookies and milk. "And it has tons of snacks and drinks and these nice looking bathrooms!"

Sun just grinned. "Wow, that is way more than what I was guessing. Pretty cool though. Do they have any bananas here? I don't know if it's me, but man, that portal made me kinda hungry."

Suddenly a banana appeared in each of his hands. "All right! Look Ruby, two bananas!"

"And a plate of cookies!" cheered Ruby.

While the two males were goofing it up with their fellow Beacon peers, Ozymandias explained to the other adults that if they desired, they could leave or they could stay if they wanted.

Glynda nodded, deciding to return to her duties. Despite Glynda leaving, another person joined. It was Winter Schnee who promptly saluted Ironwood and then rushed over to her sister.

Up above, two butts were planted in seats. Roman Torchwick and Neo had joined the party. Roman lit his cigar and muttered, "Oh brothers" at seeing Cinder two seats to his right.

I do apologize once more for taking such a massive amount of time to upload one chapter. It's not right of me to abandon a story like this, with chapters designed to be episodic and easy. But I do want to thank you all for liking and favoriting the story.

I will update again soon, so there will be more chapters coming ahead soon, at least in a few days to a week.

But until then, stay safe and try and maintain your boredom as best you can during this pandemic.

Next Chapter: Alucard vs Anderson (Final Fight from Hellsing Ultimate)