Author's Note: I've changed a bit from the games, added the clone wars and Rebels to the timeline; removed Vader's stupid prison they put him in for something more realistic, Got rid of the desux ex machina (seen in literally every continuation fic) that is Boba Fett trailing after Vader's capture, toned down Galen's OPness, added realism to Juno and Galen's relationship

Something I've always wanted to write, I've never read a continuation of the game I liked, and although the game's plot was lacking I still have a lot of nostalgia for it

Chapter Summary: The Aftermath of the Capture

Darth Vader is captured by the Rebellion and kept alive for interrogations. However, a discovery leads to him being kept alive for more then just that.

His apprentice, Galen Marek, has to deal with his former master's rude and controlling attitude towards the woman he loves if he wants to get an answer to his questions.

The capture of Darth Vader was monumental to the Rebellion.

Although, there was quite the debate about what to do with him. The first topic the Rebellion's council had to decide on was whether or not to break whatever Lord Vader was out of his armor— And they had to decide quickly. Because the threat of the Jedi Galen Marek and the injuries Vader sustained may not keep him complacent for long. A force suppressant was needed in order to ensure his captivity, and it was not possible to put one on him with his bulky armor in the way.

The surface diagnostics they were able to perform in a quick manner while Darth Vader was secure stated a lot of things previously unknown. Things that would prove to be valuable in keeping him alive so that they could interrogate him later. One of those things being, the most necessary feature of the armor was its constant supply of purified air.

That could be easily replaced.

Although, no one was positive on exactly what would occur when they did remove him from it— especially after their discovery of its life support purposes, they decided to take that risk.

Darth Vader would be significantly less dangerous without his armor. Therefore, it was worth the chance of him dying due to something unforeseen. It was not as if they weren't planning on executing him when he was no longer useful. Ultimately, the council decided, Vader would be better off dead than escaped.

Approaching his former Master's cell was nerve racking.

Special access, the council had given it to Galen Marek and Rahm Kota to visit Darth Vader whenever they pleased. That was the least the Rebellion could do for the two people that brought him in. Still it took Gaken a full day before pulling enough courage together to come face to face with his tormentor, his former master.

Galen did not sense anything in the force, no matter how close he came to Vader's location. Almost as if he was not there at all. It was somehow worse than his usual boiling oppressive force presence. He could not even gauge what Vader's general emotions were. Although, Galen knew this was because of the extra precautions taken to ensure Vader would remain captive— Old force blocking technology from the Separatists would ensure that— it was still unnerving.

To Galen, his senses told him Vader was dead.

He only wished Vader was dead— he was all too aware of how he lived, because of his choice.

There were only two guards standing watch outside the reinforced white door. Aside from those guards, the cell was indistinguishable from the other few prison cells this base had in the short hallway sectioned off from the rest of the base.

Galen thought it was seriously lacking in security. If was as if they didn't know who they were dealing with at all. Hopefully something would be added if Darth Vader was to be kept alive longer. Certainly someone like him would figure a way out of this.

The guards let him pass without comment, although they did stare.

Likely, they had been told about Galen already.

Beyond that first door lay a red ray-shield that separated the room into two sections. On the opposite side of the barren grey room, Darth Vader sat on his knees on the cot provided. He did not acknowledge his former apprentice's entrance.

Seeing Lord Vader now, Galen realized why the security appeared to be lacking at the moment, and why the Rebellion's council did not exactly have that on immediate priority to fix.

Galen deactivated the ray-shield, and stepped across the divide, before reactivating it behind him with the force. Vader did not make any moves to get up from his position, but he did finally turn to stare at what had once been his apprentice.

It was hard to think that just two days ago, he thought he would die fighting against this man.

Stripped of his armor Lord Vader appeared far less intimidating.

Wearing only a sleeveless white tunic that completely exposed his cybernetic limbs, he was completely unrecognizable from that composed figure encased in black his presence normally entailed.

His arms had to be fastened together at the elbow because Galen had taken off his right arm in combat, his legs were cuffed to one another as well, and fastened around his neck laid a force suppressor collar. On top of that, Vader wore a clear oxygen mask secured around his nose and mouth. It was a lot quieter then whatever his other breathing apparatus was.

Looking at him felt strange and unreal.

This was the first time Galen had ever gotten a good look at his former Master's face, despite knowing him all his life. Most of the time, he had thought of that ever imposing expressionless mask as his face.

Darth Vader looked terrible.

Not only because of his oddly waxy skin or scars that crossed his face and arms, but because of the bruises and bloody scrapes that had not been bothered to be treated yet. If the medics ever bothered to do so at all. One in particular, a dark purple bruise on the lower left side of his face that split his lip, Galen knew he had given him in the fight that made him the Rebellion's prisoner. He remembered vividly, how he forced Vader to the ground and smashed his masked head against the metal bridge. He had simply gotten up and kept fighting after that— his armor had looked undamaged despite the fight. Galen had thought in that moment, despite all his training, he still wasn't powerful enough to harm his Master. He was glad to be proven wrong.

It was strange to see Vader with an injury. Nonetheless one he gave him.

Yet despite the surrealness Galen felt looking at his master's uncovered face for the first time, there was a spark of recognition that made him think he had seen Darth Vader's face before. He was not exactly sure why— because it could not possibly be recognition of him in the force, seeing as how Vader was a void in it currently.

Looking at him felt like there was a word on the tip of his tongue he couldn't quite bite into.

But Galen wasn't here just to take in what his former Master's face truly looked like, he had a question he's been meaning to ask.

"I need to know. Am I the original, or am I just a clone?" Galen questioned. Not bothering to gloat or skip around the subject.

Shaking off the surprise of Vader unmasked visage and injures was still hard, Galen's eyes kept wandering around him, as if they were searching for some type of answer.

"What would it matter?" His former Master responded. Galen looked closely at Vader's exposed face as he spoke, hoping that would somehow give him an answer, it did not. What drew his attention instead was that Vader's voice sounded nothing like it did within the armor, and yet it held that same exact sort of odd familiarity as his face did. "You chose to be this now, therefore that is what you are."

As sheltered as Galen's upbringing was, he knew where you came from mattered. He knew there was a difference between clones and people. Vader had given him enough reading material from the Clone Wars and their usage of cloned soldiers for him to figure that one out on his own.

Besides, there was another reason Galen was asking this question— one that had nothing to do with the nature of his existence.

"I need to know if it's real. If the memories of my love for Juno are real."

Vader raised an eyebrow at that statement. It was strange to see his former master with any kind of expression. Years ago he had craved this kind of life and attention from him. Now, it aggravated him.

"That is all you wish to know? You believe you love that woman?" He said with a scrunched nose and curled lip.

"I've loved her from the moment I saw her." Galen replied sternly. Juno is the best part of his life, as far as he was concerned, she was the reason he broke free of Vader's grip. "I just need to know if that was me—or if it was someone else."

Vader took a moment to think on that. Galen made note of how he looked away when he was thinking, but made eye contact as he spoke.

That had to mean something, but he wasn't sure what.

"Then that is not love, if you believe you are the same person. She was the first woman Galen encountered who was not a part of a mission. You're infatuated. You like the idea of her. But love is more than that."

"What would you know?"

"I know that this isn't for the impulsive, the easily angered." He replied, as if he knew anything on the subject. "It is in the nature of the Sith to take. Not share. And you were raised as one."

As if how you were raised determined who you are. Galen thought. He himself had proved it didn't matter if he was raised as a Sith or not, he joined the Rebellion despite it.

Although, perhaps he could use what information he did know of the Sith from his upbringing to his advantage. It was a long shot, but it was something to hold over Vader's head.

Along with that, the subject of Juno would get nowhere, and was leading to unnecessary anger. It would be best to move on for now.

"I know a lot of the Sith." He said starting to pace from one side of the small cell to the other. "I know you're given new names when you're considered good enough. I know Darth Vader is not your original name." Similar to how Starkiller was not his name, just a title Vader had given him. "I'll have them run your DNA. If you've ever been in a data bank, we will find you."

Vader took time think, looking to his mechanical hands for a moment before responding. Galen could only hope this would cause him some concern. That he was thinking about what a bad spot he was in.

He wanted Vader to feel as helpless as he once did because of him.

"You will find me." Vader said with absolute certainty. "But when you do, will you be able to live with ending my life?"

"Excuse me?"

That was not the response Galen had been expecting. It caused him to halt in his repetitive steps.

"I will tell you this Marek. Those who did know, could not bear to take my life."

"You seriously think we won't kill you?" The self-assured arrogance Vader must have to say this. He had always knew his old Master was full of himself, but this was too much, even for him.

"I know you won't. Besides, only the force can control when and how I die, and I have yet to achieve my goal."

Galen shook his head.

He quite literally, had no idea what Vader was on about. The force, from what he greatly understood, doesn't give people special treatment— and certainly the force does not have a mind of its own.

"You're speaking nonsense."

"Then do your test. I will be waiting for you when you learn the answer." Vader leaned back from where he was sitting, holding his head high. "In time, my words will become clear."

Rahm Kota looked shocked, heartbroken and defeated.

At first Bail Organa had not wanted to tell them of Vader's original name. Apparently they had found an exact match for him quite quickly. But Kota had been pretty upset at the prospect of being denied the answer. He might be regretting that now.

"Please, tell me you did not just say Jedi council member Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader." With a desperate tone the old blind Jedi master spoke.

Darth Vader was right when he said he was going to break their heart. Apparently he knew exactly how much his real name meant to them.

For Galen however, his identity was meaningless.

"I'm... sorry." Bail Organa said. He did not appear nearly as distraught as Kota did, Galen didn't even feel his surprise in the force, although there was a tinge of sadness and a distant longing. "The other Council members are speaking of this now. I know you are aware of this already, but this information does not leave this room. You are being told only because you two are the main defense if Lord Vader manages to escape— and, if any group deserves to know who he is more than any other, it's his own people. Now if you will excuse me, I have a lot to discuss with the rest of the council."

Organa did not exactly appear too happy at continuing the council meeting, not that Galen blamed him.

With grace, he returned to the main meeting room from the antichamber they had been talking in.

Galen just hoped the other council members would not let Vader's identity get in the way of what needed to be done. Idealization of the past could kill them if they weren't careful.

There was a moment of silence after Organa's absence before Galen spoke.

"Does this really change anything?" He asked, turning to Kota.

"It changes everything." The man said with conviction— with his entire heart and being. "He was, and is a legend. No one can find out, if they knew it would ruin his legend, his story, the inspiration he gives."

"So we're protecting Vader's legacy... from Vader?" The notion was ridiculous to him. It wasn't like he hid his Sith name from anyone, although he didn't exactly love being called it.

"Galen you don't understand, at least not completely." Kota said lowering his head. "Skywalker's story is an inspiration to many, he was a nobody, a slave that defied everything and rose to greatness and became one of the best generals the Republic had ever seen. He had even been a member of the Jedi council. He was the Hero With No Fear that could turn the tide of any battle. We want to restore the Republic, but Skywalker, he was the symbol for it. Even now the Rebellion looks up to him, uses his image and story."

He did not see the appeal in idolizing someone, and he didn't want some long complicated answer when dealing with someone like Vader. He was Darth Vader after all.

"So... that's a yes then?"

Kota sighed.

"Yes. We're keeping his identity a secret from the public." Then a moment later he added, "Juno is not to be informed of this either."

Strange, that he would specifically mention not to tell her. He never liked keeping anything from her, but he would keep his silence about this. As soon as he left the Rebel base however, he'd get around to saying it. At that point Vader would be dead so it wouldn't matter at all.

"I… see." Galen said, before turning on his heal and walking with purpose.

"Where are you going?"

He halted in his steps for just a moment, so he could say, "I'm going to visit Vader, again." Before carrying on his way.

Galen entered Lord Vader's cell once more, only two hours after his first visit.

Now that he knew his former Master's original name, he could see why he had appeared familiar. The scar that crossed his eye and the blue of them, the line of his jaw and cheekbones had all remained the same from when he had been a Jedi. He had fought Proxy's hologram of Skywalker enough times and read enough reports on the Jedi to recognize his face and the sound of his voice.

"You appear nervous." Vader stated, with a squint of his eyes.

Galen did not know what to say.

He came to Vader's cell because he was angry at him. Angry because he made Kota upset, and angry anyone could ever say anything positive about him—even if he had a different name then.

"Has the plan changed? Now that you know who I had once been."

Certainly it did, but he wouldn't give Vader the satisfaction of learning he was messing up their plans by simply existing.

"It's a... work in progress. I have no problems with killing you. If you don't tell us anything."

Vader gave him a sneer at that statement.

"I would expect nothing less from you, I raised you well, Ahs- Starkiller."

Galen would not have been able to pick up on his misstep of words if it were not for the fact that he could see his face; how it instantly dropped from that aggravating smile, into a worried frown at his mistake, than quickly it changed to something more neutral.

Likely, it meant nothing, but it was strange to think of Lord Vader mixing up his words. Of being capable of making simple mistakes.

"The leaders think they can… wear you down. Now that they know." The words came out sounding distracted and unsure.

Vader moved on without hesitation.

"How presumptuous. Do they wish to save one of their idols?"

The statement seemed narcissistic at first. Calling yourself an idol to your enemies was about as full of yourself you could get.

Then the thought came to Galen, how strange must it be for Vader to see his own face on the Rebellion's propaganda? That he was sort of a symbol of hope and inspiration to his enemies. It wasn't narcissism, it was contempt. An odd type of self hatred stated in a sarcastic compliment.

There was a lot going on there. None of which he particularly wanted to address.

"No." Galen responded, although he wasn't entirely sure. If Kota had acted that heartbroken over finding out, was willing to lie about his identity, and he was a Jedi; Marek was not sure what the Rebellion's leaders would think or do. However, Vader would be unable to sense the lie. "You are already dead to them. To everyone. You have been for a long time now. Besides you're unrecognizable, when we publicly trial and execute you, no one will be able to tell."

"You are putting me on trial? How noble." Vader stated, apparently not having been informed of this yet. "I'm sure Organa will love to list out all the morally corrupt things I've done."

"Well, I don't really think Organa will-" Galen realized his mistake a moment too late.

Vader smirked.

"So I was right in what I sensed before all of this." He said, turning his head and looking off to the side. "The Organa's are in on it."

"No I—"

"Save your breath." Vader interrupted, turning his eyes back to Galen. "You cannot lie to your—" He pressed his eyes shut. "Your Master."

Vader seemed to be tripping over his words. Galen wasn't sure if this was because he was out of his armor and that in itself is somehow causing it, or if it were something else.

"Did they like... give you something?" He asked.

"I had promised myself Starkiller," Vader began to say with such vigor Galen could feel it in the air even without the force, "That you would not become another Ahsoka Tano, but as of late it appears I have failed in that regard."

"I've never… heard of them before."

"And you never will."

"I'm so done with you." Galen said shaking his head and beginning to pace his small cell once more, gesturing with his hands. "You won't give me a straight answer about anything."

No question Galen had ever asked him resulted in a clear cut answer. He still didn't know if he even was the real Galen Marek or a clone of the original.

Then the door to the cell swiftly opened and in stepped Rahm Kota with arms crossed, the sharp sound of the door's mechanisms closing ending their argument and drawing their attention.

The old Jedi sighed in an over dramatic fashion.

"Galen, you're supposed to stay outside of the ray shield." He said without greeting, looking vaguely towards him.

Marek looked to Vader who did nothing besides gaze from one of them to the other, his face was suddenly unreadable of any emotion.

"He's not like—doing anything, and you didn't care before." Galen said feeling the need to defend his mistake.

Perhaps he had started to underestimate Vader since their battle. Looking like this it would be an easy mistake to make.

"Just don't do it again." He sounded exhausted. Kota looked vaguely in the direction of where Vader sat. And did not address Vader by name when he spoke. "We're bringing him to the interrogation room, it's time to start officially asking questions."

The singular interrogation room on the base was made from two separate rooms. The inner one where the captured individual would be questioned, and an outer section where through a one way mirror the session could be observed.

"Vader won't tell you anything." Galen said to the chosen interrogator, Davits Draven, who was observing Vader through the one way glass as Kota secured him to the sturdy metal chair.

"You've already made your opinion quite clear." Draven answered.

"It's not an opinion, it's a fact." He said sternly. While Draven was excellent at his job, he had no idea what he was in for. "Vader has no one and nothing besides the Empire— and even if he did, I doubt he would let it come in the way of the Empire."

"I doubt that. He had you, did he not?" Draven said without elaborating. "I believe I can wedge a gap between the Empire and our dear Lord Vader."

"You don't understand how the Sith operate." Galen said. Most people did not know of the Sith at all, that faction of the force prided itself in secrecy. Even during the Clone Wars when they had partly been in the eye of the public, no one understood exactly who or what they were. Often times they had even called Dooku a Jedi.

"No, I don't." He agreed while preparing the audio recorder. "But, I do know how people operate. And General Skywalker's history is filled with buttons to push. Even if we get no information, I can break him."

"Break him?"

The concept of that sounded ridiculous. You couldn't break Darth Vader no after what you did to him. Just one look at him out of that armor would be enough to figure that out.

"Well... those were not the exact orders I was given, but it is what they would approximate to."

"You seriously think you can break Darth Vader?" Galen reworded his statement.

"At the very least, after today I will make him flinch." He said with complete confidence.

Flinching wasn't exactly what breaking someone meant. The Empire had entire classes on what they called 'enhanced interrogation' where one would systematically attempt to break down the prisoner through a series of drugging and beating. The Rebellion must have something different than that.

Not that Galen would exactly be opposed to watching any of that happen to Vader, it would be the least he deserved.

Kota walked out of the interrogation room, drawing their attention.

"He's secure." The Jedi Master said. "No way is he moving from that seat. Nevertheless we'll be here, just in case."

Taking a look inside the room he could see that Vader's arms were cuffed together and fastened to a spot in the center of the table. While his legs were tied to the legs of the seat— which was bolted to the ground. A bit overboard for a man who looked like he could hardly stand, missing half an arm, in need of a respirator, and covered in dark bruises and red scrapes wherever his skin was exposed.

But he supposed it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Are we the only ones who are going to be watching this?" Galen asked.

"For this session? Yes. Apparently the council is still arguing about him." Kota answered sounding displeased. "No one can get their priorities straight."

That was exactly what Galen had been worrying about

"Well, if it's just us… Then let's begin." Draven clapped his hands together. "I think this is going to be quite interesting."

Entering the small interrogation room Draven didn't bother with pleasantries.

"Any information you give us would be greatly helpful, for your own sake." He immediately told Lord Vader.

"There is nothing you can do to me that will make me give you any of the answers you seek." Answered Vader in kind.

"We do no torture our prisoners Lord Vader, unlike you. And I'm quite sure you'll find our cells more... accommodating then the Empire's."

From what Galen's seen, they indeed were more comforting than the Empire's— if a prison cell could even be called that.

"Do you expect to get answers from a reward system then?"

Draven laughed, ingenuine and hollow in tone.

"No, no of course not." Galen sensed the lie, Vader however would be unable to pick up on it without access to the force. "We expect to keep you here, locked up forever, you'll talk, eventually."

"Methods matters not. I will give you nothing. Kill me now if that is the reason I am alive."

Draven appears to take that in stride. He took a moment to walk around the table behind Vader, letting his fingertips gently touch the table, but stopping short of coming into contact with Vader's bound arms.

Galen wondered exactly what Draven thought he could do to make Vader talk. Right now it looked like he was thinking about something in particular.

The silence he was giving currently had to be for a reason.

"What do you think his play is exactly?" Galen asked Kota as they both observed the scene.

"I'm not sure." Kota answered. "There is only so much the Alliance will allow, and being as high priority as... he is, they are going to make sure Draven follows the rules, strictly. Wouldn't want to be called as bad as the Empire now would we."

"And those rules would be...?" Galen asked, because he was unaware of the conduct the Rebellion was supposed to handle prisoners with. He only knew of the Empire's less than pleasant methods.

"No physical contact, no killing or capturing of family members, no solitary confinement, no threats of... the unsavory sort."

"Then what can he possibly even do?" Galen questioned, he knew the Alliance prided itself on being morally better than the Empire, but surely this was ineffective at best.

"The Empire simply wants confessions so they can legally execute people, they don't want the truth." Kota patiently explained to his student. "We wouldn't want anyone to give a false confession just to make us stop harming them, or because they no longer have the clarity to know what the truth is. That is why Draven is so talented. He is skilled deeply in manipulation. It's why he's in charge of intelligence— of spies and assassinations. Although, I'm not sure if he can pull this man's strings like that. No matter how confident in his abilities he seemed. There's been quite a few prisoners he's gotten nothing from."

Galen knitted his eyebrows and turned his eyes back towards the scene slowly unfolding in front of them.

It appeared that Draven was done drawing out the scene.

"General Skywalker." The interrogator finally addressed Vader, who scowled in return at that name and title. "Are you positive there is nothing you're willing to say, in any subject? Quite recently, there has been an increase in the Empire's slave trade and—"

"Don't think you can try and manipulate me with this subject." Vader interrupted, knowing immediately what Draven was trying to do. "You're wasting your time."

"Oh I see." Draven said as he sat on the desk by Vader's side, quickly he was able to turn the situation in his favor. "Is it a little bit uncomfortable for you?"

The corner of Vader eye twitched, but otherwise he made no response.

Kota hummed in reaction to Draven's words, thinking of something— Galen could sense that much, but he did not voice it.

Galen knew that Skywalker had once been owned, but he wasn't sure how this subject could somehow sway him into giving up anything. He doubted Vader cared in the slightest for all the lives the Empire is using.

It was in the nature of the Sith to look down on the weak without remorse or pity. The rules of master and apprentice ensured that. Even as a child Vader had showed him no comfort or aid in any situation.

"Do you disagree with what the Empire is doing?" Draven attempted to wedge doubt in the Empire, under the assumption that Vader disproved of slavery.

Marek doubted it would work on his old Master. To him, it was obvious Vader was trying to overthrow the Emperor, for his own gain and not for some arbitrary morals. The only thing the Sith cared for is themselves. Their entire order existed on the idea that once the apprentice became strong enough they would kill their Master. Draven was oblivious to that fact, and how Vader very much had a distaste for the Emperor. That was simply how the Sith operated.

"Is this an interrogation, or a therapy session?" Vader said with venom. "Do you expect to chide me for hours on end on this subject?"

"Well, I'm sure if you can tell us what the Empire is planning on doing with these people and where they're going, we could be done. I would end this whole thing right now if you gave me anything."

Vader did not respond to the question.

Then Draven got off of the metal table and walked back to the opposite side of where Vader sat.

"You know... I think it was so very kind of you to take on another apprentice, after your last one left."

Galen had no idea where he was going with this sudden turn. He had been unaware Darth Vader ever had a padawan as a Jedi to begin with. He had never read any record of Skywalker ever having one. But, perhaps Vader had redacted that information from the material he had given him. If he was indeed ashamed of this fact it would make sense.

"Where you going to raise him to take out the Emperor for you? Because obviously, he is much different from your Inquisitors. You are far closer to him." Being in charge of the Alliance's intelligence, Draven had a sharp eye for betrayal.

Galen had not told anyone of Vader's reasoning for teaching him. He had let them all believe he had just been another Inquisitor, and not something far more dangerous.

Again, Vader did not respond.

"When you run the Empire, I'm sure things will be quite different. Why not simply get one step closer to your goal, by giving up information that will ultimately help you."

It was easy to see how Draven was going through different techniques, different subjects testing the waters, trying to test out which one would get the best response.

Likely Vader had also picked up on this.

"You know." Draven said with a smile looking over to the one way mirror. "You say a lot of interesting things to Galen Marek. Didn't expect a lot what you said. He must remind you a lot of her, doesn't he? You almost called him by her name even. What a shame for nearly all of Ahsoka's species to be subject to slavery. If she lived through the Jedi purge, certainly she would have been caught up in that."

"Is that the only thing you have on me?" Vader responded, clearly irritated. "Surely by now you would have figured out it is not working."

Draven suddenly slammed his hands on the metal table that separated them.

Vader flinched.

"I think it's working quite well, General Skywalker." Draven spoke.

"I told you," Draven began, neatening the cuff of his jacket, "I could make him flinch."

That was, however the most he had been able to get out of Lord Vader in the hour he questioned him. From that point on Vader had retained his silence and Draven could not push him further.

"Making someone jump at a sudden loud sound is not what breaking someone means."

"No. But it does mean he is just like every other sentient being in the galaxy. He isn't just an emotionless extension of the Empire some imagine him to be."

Galen could see how someone would feel the need to prove that— on many occasions Starkiller had pushed himself far harder than he should in dueling just to see if he could get a hit on Vader's armor, to see if he bleeds, to try to exhaust him, just so he could know if he was a living creature like he was. He wanted to prove Vader was infalbe, alive, like he was.

"Even so, that doesn't mean you can get whatever you want from him."

Draven could get ever reaction in the galaxy from Vader and it would be meaningless. That wasn't information— And it was information they needed, that Vader was even alive for.

"Just keep talking to him outside of these sessions Galen. He'll give you information, even if it isn't what we are looking for."

Than that must be another part of the reason Galen was allowed to see Vader whenever he pleased. That too was a part of information gathering. Of a different sort.

"What exactly makes you think that?"

"Just a hunch. He talks to you differently than he does with the others who had visited him. He's so very used to hiding his face, it's easy to tell."

He had been unaware anyone else had visited him at all. Although, he supposed there were many people in the Rebellion's Council that wished to have a few choice words with him.

"Get some rest Galen. Think about what you've learned." Draven said.

He felt like had hardly learned anything at all.

"Of course." He responded.

"I think this is a waste of time. You won't tell us anything using these methods." Galen spoke to Vader the next morning, this time from the other side of the force field.

Even if Draven could make Vader flinch, that was far from making him talk.

His former Master looked at him, but did not say anything.

The silence aggravated him.

"What must it feel like, being at someone else's mercy for the first time?"

Vader smirked at that.

"Is this all just a game to you? Even now, you're so self-assured and narcissistic you can't even understand how in danger you truly are. Other Jedi are being called here to help keep you contained. You will never leave this place alive."

Still, Vader sat, and did not verbally acknowledge his former apprentice.

"Say something." He demanded.

"This place will not hold me for long. And your interrogator will not wear me down with such tactics. Go run off to your supposed lover."

"Supposed?" He said. "You never know when to shut up for someone who can barely breathe."

"She doesn't love you. She can't. She loves the idea of being able to fix the dark mysteries broken man more than she loves who you truly are. You're just a fantasy to her."

"No." Galen put his foot down. "I know Juno loves me. She knows exactly what I've done, because of you, and she accepts that, everything I've done. She's made me a better person."

Juno was the reason he saw past the lies of Vader and the Empire. He was a Rebel because of her.

"Her job isn't to make you a better person." Vader said closing his eyes for a few seconds.

"No. No it isn't, but that's what she did. She taught me good from bad because you raised me to be evil."

"She sounds more like a mother then a partner." Vader insulted, then said with a sneer. "That woman is years older than you. You have only just barely reached maturity now, while she has been an adult for little over half a decade. Accepting your horrific actions no matter what. Giving unconditional affection at all times. Teaching you her own morals. Without experiencing parenting like that I can see how easily you would mistake her actions for a different kind of love."

"And whose fault would that be, Vader?"

"Mine." Vader stated. "But you are missing the point."

Galen didn't even see what his point was other than an attempt to make his life more unstable and to make him doubt himself. Ever since Juno had helped him when she had been ordered not too Vader has almost non-stop been trying to remove her from the picture, or tried to use her against him in some way.

From the way Vader phrased it however, he doubted that what he wanted Galen to understand.

Everything Vader has just mentioned was stupid and nonsensical anyways, Galen thought. Because of his upbringing he never exactly had an immature period of life, she accepted his actions of the past because she loved him and she had to teach him morals because the ones Vader taught him clearly weren't moral at all. Nothing Vader did ever was.

"And why would you care anyways?" Rudely, he asked.

Vader opened his mouth to speak, but must have thought better of it because he closed his mouth and frowned.

"You have something to say to me? Say it."

It was awfully irritating of Vader to decided now was the time he should keep his mouth shut. Not that Galen cared why his former master cared.

At least, he told himself he didn't care.

"You're going to end up just as we did." Vader said, giving no context to his meaning. "I would hate to see the child I raised follow my footsteps in that regard."