I do not own Mega Man Star Force, which belongs to Capcom. Or RWBY, which belongs to Rooster Teeth.




"Japanese. (Translated.)"

Playing BGM (Makenai ai ga kitto aru (Mega Man X4 Opening Jap. Ver.))

(Music starts with Geo closing his eyes as he began receiving a mysterious power from the Fall Maiden. Geo's eyes began to glow green as the power entered his body.)

(Scene transitioned to Luna, sadly gazing at the stars in the academy balcony, feeling homesick. Her Wizards, Ophiuca and Vogue patted her shoulders in reassurance as the title appeared.)


WHY? Suki na kimochi wa surudoi toge.

(Sonia was seen strumming her guitar while she and Weiss were singing to the lyrics above.)

WHY? Mayoisugiru to jibun ni sasaru.

(Rose Harpy performed a barrel roll before transforming into Ruby and did a three point landing on a cliff while planting her scythe, then her Wizard, Crowi, materialized next to her.)

Dandan to hanabira o sakaseru bara no you demo.

(Leon was sparring against Yang in a fistfight at the front lawn of her and Ruby's house, with Taiyang, Zwei, Camo and Tauri watching from the front door.)

Hontou wa kokoro ni furueteiru ai ga kowai.

(As Leon's fist clashed with Yang's, scene immediately changed to Jaune sparring against Pyrrha in a swordfight in the auditorium, with their Wizards watching them.)

Kowaresou de...

(Scene changed to Roman's hideout, where Roman was tapping his foot with a smirk, with Hyde standing next to him alongside Rich and Neo, posing evilly as the White Fang goons ran ahead of them.)

(Kowaresou de...)

(Scene changed to the night sky where Solo, who was standing on a tall building, was looking at the streets of Vale alongside Laplace with his stone cold glare, his cloak flowing in the breeze.)

Dakishimete kureru yori,

Motto wakatte hoshii.

(On a highway, Geo gets pushed back by Cinder. Sonia steps in to block Cinder's scimitars with her swords. Geo recovers to shoot her with his rifle, but Cinder deflected them with her scimitars. At the same time, she was clashing blades with Sonia. Geo fired his rifle's shotgun accessory, forcing Cinder to unleash her Maiden's powers and the two teens ascend to fight her midair.)

Yasashisa o kureru yori,

(Cinder successfully parried both Geo and Sonia's sword strikes with her bare hands, before burning Geo's chest, and kicking him and then Sonia to the ground.)

Samishisa o koete yuku chikara hoshii!

(As Geo gritted his teeth, struggling to get up from the burn wound, he suddenly triggered a flashback where Cinder fired an arrow at the Fall Maiden, mirroring her current attempt on the unconscious Sonia.)

(As he opened his eyes, they suddenly went ablaze!)

Makenai ai datte,

kono mune ni kanarazu aru hazu yo.

(Cinder was forced to pull back to dodge a blustering wave blasted at her, thanks to a wind sword made by Geo's power of the Fall Maiden. His green windy eyes made him looked very angry. Cinder then commanded her army of Grimm to attack them while she retreated.)

Tashikana ai datte,

motomereba itsuka wa mieru kara.

(Geo sliced, diced, and blew away several Grimm to protect Sonia, but was severely outnumbered, until a blast of wind blew the rest away, thanks to Leon's Semblance. He gave a thumbs up while Luna smiled next to her puppet. After waking Sonia up, Team GLAS encountered a horned blood red Atlesian Paladin.)

Ima dounatte yukou to,

Ima unmei ni sakarau,

(Leon began the team combo attack by punching the custom Paladin with Lightning Dust, stunning it, followed by Luna's puppet fireworks, then Sonia's sword strikes, then Geo slashing it with the sword and finally smashing through it with drilling winds, leaving a massive hole in the machine.)

Tsuyosa o, shinjisasete!

(Two mysteries figures, one woman sitting in her throne looking relaxed, while a caped muscular figure dwarfing her throne, was standing behind her. Both opened their eyes to reveal their red and purple glow respectively.)



Playing BGM (Kingdom Hearts 2.5; Laughter and Merriment)

Another day at the academy! And what better way to start the day……

With History class…….

As usual, the jittery Prof-, *ahem*, DOCTOR Oobleck was just zipping around the lecture hall, teaching some stuff regarding Remnant History…… and sipping his coffee mug between the zipping.

"Alright, class! Can you guess what did the old hermit rewarded the four maidens with to express his gratitude for their hospitality?", Oobleck asked the students.

A hand raised up, grabbing his attention.

"Yes? Miss Nikos?"

"The old hermit grant the four maidens the powers to control the weather, as a token of gratitude for helping him go out to explore the world with his own eyes once again, out of mere kindness.", Pyrrha answered matter of factly.

"That is correct!", Oobleck complimented. "And judging by the reactions from half of you students, it is made very clear that you did not study this tale of The Four Seasons I've told you to read last week.", he waved his stick at half of the class's jawdropped faces.

Yes. The Story of the Four Seasons. It's a tale of how four maidens named after the seasons, (Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter) were helping an old hermit regained his confidence to see the world again with his own eyes and feel the world again with his own hands. The old hermit was skeptical about the maidens' kindness towards him despite being a seemingly average elder. Fall said they didn't ask for anything in return nor ever did see him as someone special, they just helped him because they can. This impressed the old hermit so much, he decided to reward them……… by granting them the powers to control the weather.

"Who knew that the old hermit was capable of granting magical powers to anyone? And yet he claims himself nothing special.", Luna wondered.

"Well, to be fair, the elderly man lost faith in himself that time. But after the maidens helped him experienced the world once again, he decided to return the favor.", Oobleck replied.

"Bah. There's no such thing as magic.", Cardin scoffed.

"But what about those Dust? Aren't those magic?", Sonia asked, raising her hand for the History professor to notice…… and zipped right towards her face, startling her.

"Not quite, Miss Strumm. While Dust do appear to have magical properties, they do NOT count as magical minerals!", Oobleck answered before tapping his chin as he glanced at Cardin, "Although in regards to your question, Mr. Winchester, the existence of real magic is still a mystery even till this generation."

Geo scratched his chin, 'Interesting. Apparently Remnant does have a history with magic.', he thought.

(End BGM)


"GAH!", Geo gasped at the voice yelling in his head. Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"*Ahem* Is there a problem, Mr. Stelar?", Oobleck asked, adjusting his glasses.

"U-umm. N-nothing, Dr.. J-just sneezed.", Geo stifled a lie, even pretending to wipe his nose just to make it more convincing.

The History Professor hummed before sipping on his coffee mug. "Gesundheit.", he replied bluntly before resuming his lecture.

Geo sighed in relief before sitting down. 'Kid. You okay there?', Omega-Xis asked telepathically. He gripped his head in confusion. 'Wh-what the hell w-was that?', he wondered. Somehow he began to feel that this is going to be a once a day thing.


Once again it's many brawlers' favourite period of the day.

Combat Class!

"Good morning, students. Today we'll be having another Double Battle.", Glynda announced. Most of the fighters grinned enthusiastically, especially Leon and Yang, who were cracking their knuckles.

After butting heads, the two blondes decided to flip a coin to see who gets to be in the ring this time. While Double Battles do allow students from different teams to team up for the sake of emergencies, Leon preferred to get comfortable pairing up to his own teammates as to get used to their new Huntsmen weaponry.

Coin flipping may seemed childish (Weiss's words), but it's always efficient compared to a game of rock-paper-scissors. Leon gets the heads, Yang gets the tails. Plain and simple.

Once the coin was flipped into the air, Leon quickly clasped the coin shut. That's when the two blondes took a peek over which side is up

"So. Who will be taking part this time?", Glynda asked the audience. Leon grinned, Yang frowned.

"Sonia and I'll go!", a hand raised up to the Combat professor, earning a glance from the pinkhead.

Glynda raised her eyebrow at Leon. "Don't you think you've done enough sparring sessions for one week?", she asked frustratingly.

Leon raised his finger, "One-on-one, technically. I just haven't practiced two-on-twos."

Glynda narrowed her eyes at Leon, but eventually sighed since he technically haven't done much team sparring. "Very well. Who do you wish to spar against?"

"Bunny Girl and Green Samurai."

Glynda raised an eyebrow, while the rest of the students whispered to each other about his choice of nicknames.

"He means Velvet and Yatsuhashi.", Sonia explained.

The two aforementioned second-years walked onto the ring. Yatsuhashi seemed rather calm, typical for a samurai, while Velvet was twiddling her fingers shyly.

"Relax, Bunny Girl. At least you don't have to fight the Grimm today. We are sparring after all.", Leon gave a thumbs up.

"Umm… O-okay….", Velvet nodded.

"May the best Hunter wins.", Yatsuhashi bowed.

"Yeah. Do your best too, Yatsuhashi.", Sonia crossed her arms, smiling.

Leon punched his gauntlets together and entered his karate stance.

Sonia raised her hood, and twirling her swords, Fay Slayer and Goushiki Zankantou.

Yatsuhashi pulled out his curved, bronze greatsword, Fulcrum.

Velvet nervously raised her arms to enter a fighting stance.

"I'm worried about Velvet.", Luna scratched her chin.

"Why?", Ruby asked.

"Leon hardly pull his punches, even when sparring. I don't know if Velvet could handle this.", the bespectacled lolita said, seeing how shy and fragile the Rabbit Faunus looked.

"Don't worry about it, Four Eyes.", teams GLAS, RWBY and JNPR turned around to see Coco and Fox walking towards them. "You'll find out soon enough.", Coco adjusted her sunglasses.

Playing BGM (Kingdom Hearts 3; Working Together)

"Begin!", Glynda raised her crop, signalling the start of the match.

Leon crouched down, "TATSUMAKI SENPUKYAKU!", and dashed towards Velvet to unleash a spinning kick, boosted by the recoil blast from his greaves, Brodel.


Only to get blocked by Yatsuhashi's sword. The samurai gave him a scowl. "I won't let you hurt her.", he said.

"I wasn't planning on it.", Leon said before grinned and planted his other foot on the sword, "Yet.", before blasting his greaves again to jump off the Fulcrum, making him stumble backwards.

Sonia pressed a trigger on her Fay Slayer as the metal blades of her sword began to slide down as an orange blade made of Fire Dust energy emitted below the gun nozzle. "KOUGENJIN!", Sonia shouted as she swung her sword. The sword's Fire Dust blade extension released a flaming wave towards the green samurai. He raised his free arm since he didn't have time to block it.


"ARGH!", Yatsuhashi yelled in pain as the wave's explosion, knocked him down.

"Oh yeah! Sonia's Fay Slayer can use Dust to generate plasma blade extensions of various elements.", Ruby explained.

"The plasma blade extension was generated by a combination of Fire and Lightning Dust.", Geo explained.

"Plasma made of Dust? I don't think many scientists have actually succeeded in producing that.", Weiss crossed her arms, skeptical about his achievement. "Well……. I've spent some time experimenting with Dust.", Geo scratched his head nervously.

"Huh. That explains the explosion I heard at the chemistry laboratory weeks ago.", Ren scratched his chin.



Ren was walking by, apparently bringing ingredients to make pancakes for Nora.


He flinched when he heard the explosion from the chemistry lab. Ren took a little glance to find that the only one in the lab, Geo, was covered in ashes, as the explosion appears to come from a chemistry set, or at least, what's left of it.

*Cough!* , Geo coughed out some dust, (regular dust!) out of his mouth.

Ren sweatdropped and decided to ignore him and left.

Flashback end,


"Had to go through several failures, but it was worth it.", Geo said with a blush on his face. Guess he was a little embarrassed about accidentally blowing up the lab.

Weiss fidgeted her fingers after noticing his reddened face, 'Sonia's right. He looks cute when he's blushing.', she twirled her hair shyly.

"Sonia had been practising kenjutsu in hopes of being more useful in combat. Now she's one of the best fighters on the team.", said Geo, smiling at Sonia's combat prowess.

"Aww…. No wonder you two are perfect for each other, Shades. You're the Gun to Sonia's Sword.", Yang winked, earning a blush from the brunette.

"YATSU!", Velvet shouted worriedly.

"Eyes on the enemy, Bunny Girl!", Leon shouted, earning Velvet's attention long enough to raise her arms and blocked Leon's punch with her vambraces. "Mmph!", Velvet squeaked.

Leon grinned enthusiastically, "Not bad. But not good enough!", he then straightened his arms away, spinning the Dust chambers, "Lightning Dust! Set!", and punched his gauntlets, Aschen together to charge them with Lightning Dust, before entering a boxing stance.

Velvet gulped.

"ORYAH!", with a loud roar, he dashed towards her to throw a jab. "Eep!", Velvet sidestepped to dodge it before countering with a kick to his abdomen. "Urgh!", Leon coughed from the hit as he clutched the wound.

"Oh! S-sorry, Leon!", Velvet apologized. "Why sorry? That was a pretty solid kick!", Leon chuckled, earning a blush from the Rabbit Faunus. "Th-thank you."

"KIKOKEN!", Leon thrusted his palms forward to fire a ball of lightning at her.


"KYAAAAAAHH!!!", Velvet screamed from the electricity that struck her before falling to her knees. "Gamers Rule No. 56: Never let your guard down during a fight.", Leon raised a finger.

"See what I mean?", Luna pointed out. "When he's sparring, he sometimes can be a little….. overwhelming…". Coco simply chuckled, "Still not enough to beat Velvet, if you ask me."

"Velvet!", Yatsuhashi yelled in distress at his fallen partner, but he couldn't move due to Sonia pinning him down by pressing her Dust plasma sword, and her superheated whipsword over his greatsword.

"How can your sword block my plasma and superheated blades?", she asked him. Normally a metal sword would've been sliced instantly by an energy blade, unless the metal blade is superheated as thermal energy acted as a sort of plasmarized coating, hence capable of parrying pure plasma energy, (Geo's words, which the wordings themselves really confused her.). So how does a simple greatsword like Fulcrum can do so?

Yatsuhashi eventually managed to win the sword clash, pushing her back. "Anti-Dust Coating. The perfect solution to overcome the weakness of simplicity.", Yatsuhashi answered. 'So desuka. (Of course.)', the Pink Samurai rolled her eyes, being rather familiar with those words thanks to her smarty-pants boyfriend.

Velvet shook her head before standing up, "I-I'm not down…… for the count."

Leon grinned, "Good.", before charging his gauntlets with Ice Dust, "Because I'm just about to throw the chill pills!", he quipped before raising his charged fists.

"W-wha…..?", Velvet blinked and nearly lowered her guard due to the confusion of his jokes.

"FROZEN BLADES!", Leon punched the ground with his right arm. Large spikes of ice trailed across the floor and straight towards the distracted Rabbit Faunus.

"GAH!", letting out a frightful squeak, Velvet hopped to her right.

"Murata! (Gotcha!)", Leon dashed towards her and unleashed a roundhouse kick to her abdomen. "Gngh!", Velvet coughed before dodging a punch before it hit her face. "Not yet!", She counterattacked with a punch of her own, but Leon ducked before it could hit.

"Ungh!", before being hit by her knee to his chin. Velvet eventually finished with a backflip kick that sent him flying back. Fortunately Leon managed to land on his feet and hands. 'Capoeira, huh? That's interesting. Not the first one I ever fought though.', he mumbled before ducking from a high kick from the rabbit faunus, then blocked another kick with his arm.

'So I know what's gonna happen next!', he grinned before grabbing Velvet's foot. "Oh no!", Velvet widened her eyes in fear. "HIYAH!", Leon spun rapidly, before throwing Velvet a few inches away. Velvet rolled a few metres before landing on her feet, breathing tiredly.

"Come on, Bunny Girl! I've fought plenty of opponents and I can tell that you're holding back!", Leon said, while hopping in place.

Velvet widened her eyes when he said that, "What?"

"Well for starters, what's that thing on your hip?", Leon pointed at what appears to be a rectangular box of the same color as her combat outfit.

Velvet flinched when he asked that question, "Um….. It's my camera, Anesidora."

"So it takes pictures. I bet it's also a gun!", the fighter said excitedly.

"U-umm. Not exactly….. I just don't think it's ready yet.", Velvet shook her head.

"Too bad. Cuz enemies don't care if you're not ready, Bunny Girl.", Leon then dashed towards her and threw an ice powered punch.

Velvet dodged the punch, but Leon relentlessly fired an onslaught of punches and kicks, forcing Velvet to block, dodge and counter.

"Besides. If you keep acting too passive, no doubt people like Cardin will keep walkin all over you.", Leon's words hit Velvet like a brick than his fists. One point she didn't want to retaliate whilst getting into more trouble, but maybe Leon was right.

Meanwhile, Yatsuhashi wasn't so lucky either. His large body made him too slow to dodge Sonia's sword strikes, and his weapon is too simple. But he did managed to grab Sonia to throw her aside, before swinging his sword down towards her.

"Yara sete murau! (I don't think so!)", the Pink Samurai managed to roll over to avoid getting crushed by his sword, before projecting a Lightning Dust blade from her sword, "RAIJINGEKI!", thrusting her sword towards Yatsuhashi.

"ERRGGGHHH!", Yatsuhashi cried in pain from the electric shock, but still managed to retaliate by smacking Sonia in the stomach with the hilt of his sword. This made Sonia flinched, long enough for Yatsuhashi to swing Fulcrum at her.

"Augh!", Sonia was sent flying from the impact. Fortunately, towards Leon, who turned around to reach out his hand to her.

"Daijobu ka? (You okay?), Sonia?", Leon asked her as he pulled her up to her feet. "Hai. (Yeah.)", the Pink musician nodded. They both leaned on each other's backs before smirking at each other. "Ready for the thing?", Sonia asked before emitting a Wind Dust plasma blade from her Fay Slayer. Leon charged his Aschen with Fire Dust, "I was born ready!"

Sonia reared her Fay Slayer back, while Leon raised his right Aschen up.

"FIRE WORM!", Leon punched the ground, creating a trail of fire,

"HADANGEKI!", Sonia swung her sword along the ground, forming a sword wave of Wind Dust that struck the flaming trail.

Which not only set the sword wave on fire, but enlarged it as well!

And it's heading right towards the opposing duo at high speed!

"LOOK OUT!", Yatsuhashi stood in front of Velvet and held his sword in front of him.


An explosion surprised everyone in the auditorium. As the smoke dispersed, Yatsuhashi was kneeling on one knee. He was covered in burn marks all over and he was breathing heavily, despite the fact that he managed to block the explosion caused by the flaming sword wave.

As Yatsuhashi opened his eyes, he saw Sonia and Leon dashing towards him. Sonia and Leon were holding Fay Slayer and Goushiki Zankantou respectively and reared the swords back. Yatsuhashi widened his eyes as he pushed Velvet away so she wouldn't get hit by their incoming attack.

"ITTOU RYOUDAN!", both Sonia and Leon shouted in unison as they finished off the weakened samurai with a cross slash.

"GAH!", Yatsuhashi yelled in pain as the attack drained the last of his Aura. He fell down on his back as a result.

"Wow! A combination attack!", Ruby beamed with amazement. "Well. We have been practicing team attacks long before we're dragged to Remnant, so…. yeah.", Geo explained. Yang smacked him in the back, "Geez. What can't you and your team do, Shades?", she laughed.

"Yatsu! Are you alright!?", the Rabbit Faunus knelt down to check on her partner.

Yatsuhashi hissed in pain, but managed to gave a nod to his faunus partner, "I'm fine.", he coughed a bit before resume speaking, "But it looks like I'm out of the fight for now.". Then he gave her a pat to the shoulder.

"It's all up to you now, Velvet.", Yatsuhashi said as he limped his way off the stage. Velvet became increasingly nervous at the thought of being forced to fight two opponents alone. She looked like she's at the verge of crying at this point.

"Heh. Figured freaks like her couldn't fight on her own. She's practically useless without her team.", Cardin spouted spitefully, earning growls from Teams GLAS, RWBY, and JNPR.

'Ugh! The nerve of that meanie!', Crowi expressed her dislike towards Cardin, despite haven't exactly know him aside from what her partner Ruby told her. 'Sounds like Cardin hasn't learned his lesson since we left Forever Falls.', Lyra spoke telepathically. 'Perhaps for some people, once a racist, always a racist.', Panther commented.

(End BGM)

Cardin's words didn't go unheard by Velvet, who began to process Leon's recent words,

'If you keep acting too passive, no doubt people like Cardin will keep walkin all over you.'

'I-I kept thinking that my weapon wasn't ready, and eventually, my teammates believed me too. B-but Leon's right.', the rabbit faunus touched her box, feeling indecisive at the moment.

"Hey! Bunny Girl! If you won't resume the fight, then I will!", Leon shouted as he readied himself. Velvet widened her eyes as he prepared to charge towards her, ready to unleash a straight punch.

Velvet sighed, 'I'm sorry, Coco. But they won't give me a choice.', she closed her eyes, pressing a button on her Anesidora. And as soon as Leon thrusted his fist……..



Everyone gasped and dropped their jaws.

Leon cried in pain as he was pushed back towards Sonia, who jawdropped in surprise at Velvet's counterattack. Leon wiped his face and simply grinned, "So that's what your weapon actually does."

Why was everyone shocked except Leon? Because Velvet managed to counter with…..

…...Crocea Mors?

Or rather, a light blue hard light construct of Jaune's sword and shield set. And Velvet's nervous look is now replaced with a brave scowl. Her eyes were now filled with determination to avenge her fallen partner.

"WOW! So that's Velvet's weapon!?", Ruby jumped in excitement. "Did she just, copied my weapon?", Jaune asked in bafflement.

Coco nodded, "Yup. The Anesidora uses the pictures of the weapons Velvet taken. Then the camera uses Hard Light Dust to project said weapon from the picture into a hard light construct.", Coco explained. "She spent the whole semester making it, so I didn't want her to stress it out.", she then adjusted her sunglasses, "But to be honest, I think it's always ready. I just wanted her to decide if it's ready to use."

Geo scratched his chin curiously, 'Interesting. Velvet's weapon is actually kinda similar to the BattleCard system.', he analyzed.

Back in the ring, Velvet continued to glare at her opponents intently, 'Well. No bugs on the projector. So far so good.', she thought.


"Well. Time for Round 2!", Leon said excitedly as he turned his cap backwards. Sonia brandished her swords again.

"I…… I don't know i-if i can win.", Velvet said with hesitance in her voice, "B-but I won't let you defeat me that easily!", she declared with confidence.

Leon's grin grew wider as his eyes turned yellow, "THAT'S THE SPIRIT! COME ON!", pounding his gauntlets together, he quickly dashed towards the rabbit faunus, both gauntlets charged with electricity.

As soon as Leon thrusted his fist forward, Velvet spun once to dodge the punch, then swung her sword at his back. "Ergh! Not yet, gal!", Leon responded with a roundhouse kick, *CLING!* , but Velvet parried it with her sword. Then she bashed her shield at the blonde brawler before parrying Sonia's sword strikes with the sword. After kicking Sonia away, she switched the Crocea Mors to the Crescent Rose, twirling her scythe like how Ruby would do.

"T-those are my moves!", Ruby jawdropped at how easily Velvet copied her fighting style. "That's Velvet's Semblance, Photographic Memory. She can copy anyone's fighting style just by looking at them. So she created Anesidora to compensate for her Semblance.", Coco explained proudly about her teammate's abilities.

Velvet continued her attack by anchoring the scythe's blade to the floor, firing several rounds rapidly at the duo. Sonia had to block the bullets with Goushiki, while Leon used his Brodel's gun blasts to dash and dodge them.

"I won't let you!", Velvet removed her fake Crescent Rose from the ground, using it's recoil blast to head towards Leon and slash him.

Leon's eyes widened from the incoming attack, "Oh sh-AUGH!", he wailed in pain from the slash to the chest. Velvet then used the scythe's recoil blast again to clash blades with Sonia. Her way of handling said weapon really does resemble Ruby's fighting style. Since the weapon was made of hard light, it somehow managed to block the Fay Slayer's plasma blade and the Goushiki's superheated blade, by crossing her swords together like a scissors and grabbed the blade no less.

"POWER GEYSER!", Sonia smirked as she heard Leon's voice before jumping away. Velvet turned around to see Leon punching the floor, creating pillars of water towards her! But instead of hopping away like any sane person would, Velvet simply swung her scythe, slicing the wave apart. But unfortunately for the faunus, this is exactly what Leon was betting on.

"FLASH KICK!", Leon fired an uppercut kick right onto Velvet's arms, knocking her fake Crescent Rose off her arms. "GAH!", the scythe eventually dispersed into particles of light.

"RAH!", Leon launched another axe kick, only to get blocked by a hard light Gambol Shroud. Leon gritted his teeth as he tried to counterattack. But Velvet reacted faster with a kick,

(Pause BGM)

To his groin...

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGHH!!!", Leon screamed to the sky, his voice became high pitched from the hit! He ended up kneeling down and headbutted the ground, too hurt to move.

At the sidelines, all the boys (Including Team CRDL) were holding their own groins, all turning pale, feeling his pain, while the girls winced in sympathy for the brawler. Many had to cover their ears from his bloodcurdling scream. Coco simply chuckled, "I taught her that.", crossing her arms amusingly.

(Resume BGM)

"S-sorry, Leon.", Velvet apologized before heading towards Sonia, shooting with the fake Gambol Shroud, who proceeded to block the bullets with her Goushiki.

"Yikes! Remind me not to mess with Velvet the next time we spar with her.", Jaune commented on just how formidable the shy rabbit faunus is.

"Y-yeah. I don't think Leon will be getting up from that anytime soon.", Ren cringed as he saw Leon still crouching in pain.

"But remember that Leon's Aura is still not in the red. Unless he throws in the towel, he's not out of the fight yet.", said Geo as he used his Visualizer to scan Leon's current Aura percentage, which is currently at 39%.

"Wow! You're goggles can scan Aura!? I thought only your Semblance can do that.", Nora stated curiously. Her eyes were even sparkling.

Geo blushed due to Nora being too close to his face, earning looks of jealousy from Weiss. "W-well. M-my Semblance c-can only sense Aura, but it can't measure the exact amount of Aura of one person. S-so I u-upgraded m-my Visualizer to s-scan Aura.", he increasingly stuttered as he loses his personal space.

"Ooooooohhhh!", Nora nodded in understanding. Only to get pulled by the collar by Weiss. "For God's sake, Nora! Can't you see that he's uncomfortable!? You were being too close to him!", the heiress scolded the gingerhead, who stuck her tongue out in embarrassment.

"Oh? Are you saying you're jealous of Nora for being too close to your dear knight in blue armor?", Yang teased her teammate. 'Knight in blue armor!? Weiss has a crush on Geo!?', Jaune's eye twitched. 'Oh my...', Cross blinked.

Weiss blushed at this and turned her face away, crossing her arms, "N-no! I'm just saying that it's rude to invade one's personal space, that's all!". Pyrrha giggled at the snowy-haired girl's denial, finding it rather endearing. 'I think it is rather endearing that you care for him, milady.', Columba giggled teasingly, earning a pout from her white-haired partner.

On the other hand, Luna noticed that Blake was giggling at their harmless arguing. The blonde lolita smiled in response, "I'm glad to see you smiling more often, Blake."

Blake yelped from her sudden comment, but calmed down eventually. "What's wrong with not smiling?", she rolled her eyes.

Luna shook her head, "Nothing. But if Leon was here, he would simply tell you to stop being so 'emo'.", she gestured her fingers to quote the last word.

'I agree, Lady Blake. You looked more approachable with a smile.', Panther supported her statement. The Cat Faunus simply chuckled, "Leon sure loves to bring out the best in people, does he?"

Back in the fight, Sonia was clashing swords with Velvet.

"That was a little harsh. Don't you think?", the Pink Samurai flinched after watching Leon groaning on the floor.

Velvet laughed nervously. "W-well, Coco taught me this to stun whatever enemy I faced. A-and it worked.", she said while using the sword's pistol to shoot and force Sonia back.

"YOUDANTOTSU!", Sonia thrusted her Fay Slayer towards Velvet, who parried the thrust. Then her sword suddenly extended, catching the Faunus off guard as the metal blade almost nicked her cheek.

"Gah!", Velvet squeaked before switching to Nora's Magnhild to slam the sword, or rather spear, off Sonia's hands. "Mudaioh! (No use!)", the Pink Samurai managed to spin around to avoid the swing and twirled her spear.

'Ganbatte! (You can do it!) Sonia!', Lyra cheered in her partner's mind.

"Gngh!", Velvet was forced to backflip to avoid the spear, then she counterattacked by firing the Magnhild's grenades at her.

"RYUUENJIN!", Sonia shouted as she unleashed a fire powered plasma slash that parried the grenades with a flaming wave.

"Wow! I get that Sonia's amazing, but this is impressive!", Pyrrha complimented.

"Nice try, Velv- huh?"

Sonia paused when she heard a clicking noise, implying that Velvet was switching to a different weapon.

After the smoke subsided, the rabbit faunus was holding some sort of gatling gun!

"But given Velvet's unpredictable weaponry, it's anyone's game at this point.", Ren said.

"No kidding. I don't think I've ever seen that weapon. Velvet must've been busy.", Jaune commented.

Coco adjusted her sunglasses, grinning happily. "That would be my weapon, Gianduja."

"Uh oh.", Sonia gulped as the minigun began to spin it's barrel before firing bullet hell on her.

Sonia used her Fay Slayer's blast recoil to dodge the bullets and lunged towards Velvet.

"Eyy!", Sonia swung her sword downwards, but Velvet managed to block it with the fake Gianduja. Velvet kicked her abdomen, pushing her fast enough for her to transform the minigun into….. a handbag? She spun once to swing the bag at Sonia's face, "ARGH!", forcing her into a daze.

"Damn! Who knew a handbag can cause that much damage?", Jaune noted.

Geo scratched his chin curiously, "Given the contents that form the minigun, the weight itself probably contributed to it's ability to act as bludgeon in handbag form."

Yang slapped his back jokingly, "Always the braniac, Shades. Always the braniac."

"Umm. Guys?", Blake pointed at where Leon was still groaning in pain. Everyone went wide eyed when electric sparks began to surround not just his gauntlets, but also his entire body!

Back in the fight, Sonia was still fighting Velvet, slicing swords against a bashing handbag.

'Who knew a small handbag could carry so many components of a large firearm?', Lyra asked.

'Not to mention heavy! I nearly dazed from every hit! Feels like I'm hit by a truck!', Sonia gritted her teeth in frustration with the handbag's mass, despite being a hard light replica. 'How much time did Velvet spent taking pictures with that?'

Then as soon as Velvet prepared another big swing, 'Chance!', Sonia smirked as she swung Goushiki upwards at the Gianduja. "GAH!", Velvet squeaked once again as the hard light construct flew off her hands and vanished.

But just as Sonia began to land another swing, Velvet blocked it with hard light Ember Celica. "Hah!", landing a knee to Sonia's gut, Velvet then threw a double punch to the gut again, firing the gauntlets' shotgun mechanisms.

"ERGH!", the point-blank blast hit Sonia and knocked her down. Her Aura fizzled out, signifying her defeat.

Velvet sighed in relief, "One down, one to-

Playing BGM (Street Fighter IV; Evil Ryu's Theme)

"Ore wa (I won't)……. Ore wa (I won't)…..!", recognizing the voice to be Leon, Velvet gulped as she turned around to find the blonde teen slowly standing up. That's when she noticed something is different about him, and not just because he had an angry scowl on his face.

Leon's body was crackling with electricity. Red glowing veins covered his whole body, including a similarly colored cross on his face. His glowing yellow eyes are releasing streaks from them.

"ORE WA MAKE NAI (I WON'T LOSE)!!!", Leon roared with fury, releasing massive discharge of lightning that shook across the auditorium.

Charging his fists to the point they literally glow, he lunged towards the rabbit faunus, with blinding speed!

Velvet reflexively raised her Ember Celica clad arms to block Leon's straight punch.


Somehow the impact was so strong that it pushed Velvet very far. Thankfully she managed to land to avoid a ring out.

"RAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGGGHHH!!!", but Leon's onslaught didn't end here, as he continued lunging at the rabbit faunus and delivered a roundhouse kick to her back. "GAH!", Velvet cried in pain as she's sent back to the center. Eventually she was forced to switch to a pair of bladed gauntlets to parry Leon's speed blitz, apparently due to some assistance by whatever power his wielding. 'Pal! Chill out! You're hurting the bunny girl!', sadly not even Camo's telepath could calm Leon down. In fact Leon could only grunt and roar furiously as he kept pummeling the Rabbit faunus around the ring.

His friends widened their eyes at his sudden change of fighting style. "W-was he supposed to be d-doing that?", Ruby asked in concern of how Leon's fighting. Normally Ruby would be just excited to see a Semblance in action as much as weapons, but not in this case.

Luna shook her head, just as worried as Ruby, "I don't think so. Leon's always been a person who brings out the potential in people, but never going as far as to brutalize them to do so!", she explained.

"Well he looks like he's doing it! Do something!", Coco pointed out, actually freaking out about her teammate getting pummeled by her berserking opponent. She tried to intervene, but was lifted back by Glynda's Semblance.

Geo blinked his eyes to activate his Aura Vision, indicated by his glowing blue eyes. His Semblance began to detect Leon's Aura constantly bursting with electricity! "I think his Semblance is amplifying his rage! If we don't stop him, he'll might kill Velvet!", everyone gasped when he said that. Yang could help but ponder just how similar Leon's Semblance was to her own.

Back in the arena, Sonia was groaning as she got up. A look of horror crept onto her face when she saw Leon, somehow gone hyperactive by his own Semblance, mercilessly beating up Velvet.

"Yame te, Leon! (Stop it, Leon!)", the pink songstress held her hand forward to call out Leon, but he still ignored her and everyone else, too hell-bent on revenge for hitting his marbles.

"YOU'RE GOING DOWN!", Leon jumped up into the air to deliver a massive punch to the rabbit faunus, too hurt and terrified to move.

Until a whipsword wrapped itself around her and pulled her away.


The brawler ended up punching the ground instead. And because it was enhanced by his Semblance, it ended up leaving a humongous crater on the ring!

"AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGHHH!!!", he ended up letting out an extremely loud scream, likely due to the pain from punching the ground so hard.

Team GLAS, RWBY, and JNPR looked in concern as Sonia cuddled Velvet protectively.

Silence stood among the crowd, either due to shock from Leon's overloading Semblance, his brutality towards his opponent, or both?

Eventually the scream ended and the lightning sparks subsided and his veins stopped glowing, as he saw what just happened. Starting with his arm.

It looks charred. Likely because the punch was so powerful that the backlash was proven too much for him. He winced as he gripped his damaged arm.

But that wasn't the only damage he got.


Something hit his face as he nearly fell over. He turned around, and saw a rather pissed Coco.


Leon simply stared in confusion, still registering the pain over anything else. His bloodthirsty yellow glowing eyes are now replaced with the confused and horrified normal blue eyes. But Coco ended up misinterpreting his silence as blatant indifference.

The leader of Team CFVY crossed her arms as she looked away. "Fine. If you wouldn't answer, then perhaps you would say to this.", she then grabbed Leon's cheeks as she began to whisper threateningly at his face.

"Next time I see you near Velvet again, I will break your balls with my purse, then shove my gun up to your ass. Got it!?"

Leon still stared at her, still confused and hurt. Coco simply tossed him down and walked away. "Velvet. Boys. We're leaving."

Velvet removed herself from Sonia's arms and nervously walked with her teammates.

"B-Bunny Girl……?", Leon tried to reach her. But was forced to backpedal by Coco's threat.

Velvet reflexively hid behind her teammates when Leon tried to call her. Yatsuhashi sighed. "Look. Nothing personal Leon, but I'd do what Coco says if I were you. Just…… leave us alone for a while, okay?", he warned the brawler, but he was mostly worried that he'll worsen Coco's wrath if he tries to interact with them right now.

He stared as Team CFVY left. But not without spotting Velvet giving a glance at him. She looked terrified, or worried? He couldn't tell.

Eventually his friends went to check on him.


"Did you know this?", Leon asked, his tone sounded rather angry, but quiet.

A far cry from his usual cheerful demeanor.

Playing BGM (SRW Z; Rain and Tear)

They all paused.

"What are you talking-"

"Did you know about my Semblance?", he asked again, not facing his friends.

Everyone paused, unsure what to say.

"I'll take that as a yes.". Leon gripped his damaged arm tighter.

Then he stood up. Tears welling up from his eyes and dripped to the ground.

"You know *sniff*, none of this would've happened if you hadn't told me *sob* that I've unlocked my Semblance sooner.", he said quietly but it does nothing to hide his anger at his friends.

He felt betrayed for their ignorance.

His friends felt guilt for his revelation.

Neither side said a word as Leon walked away silently, gripping his broken arm.

"L-Leon-", Luna spoke, but was interrupted.

"I can walk myself. Thank you very much.", his voice was monotone, but nonetheless warned them not to help him, showing just how upset he was for letting this disaster happen to him.

The others couldn't help but watch helplessly as he limped out of the auditorium.

"I advise you students to stay off the ring, please.", their silence broke from Glynda's instruction as she waved her crop.

Then the pieces of the ring began to float before reassembling together with the destroyed ring, making it as if it was never even scratched to begin with.

But that wasn't the least of their concern. "Why didn't you stop him, Miss Goodwitch!? You saw how Leon's pulverizing Velvet out there!", Ruby called out the Combat Professor for her ignorance

Glynda simply sighed as she adjusted her glasses, not even flinching from Ruby's outburst, "As a Combat Professor, my duty was to assess the efforts and the skills that my students displayed during a match. The students themselves are the ones responsible for any damages and injuries they've inflicted upon themselves or their opposition.", she explained.

"Class dismissed.", she walked away without another word. Soon the rest of the students, including Team CRDL, began to leave the auditorium as if nothing happened.

"Let's just hope it'll blow over eventually.", Geo stated, hoping their animosity will settle.


Meanwhile, Leon was limping across the hallway and eventually arrived at the infirmary. But once he gripped the doorknob, he hesitated. He still couldn't believe that his friends didn't tell him about his Semblance unlocked earlier. And thanks to them, he lost his chance at making a friend out of Team CFVY, including Velvet. But part of him wondered if knowing when his Semblance unlocks is actually up to the user themselves.

'Hey, pal. Y-you okay there, bro?', Camo asked telepathically, concerned for his partner's health, both physically and mentally.

Leon sobbed, a tear dropped on the floor.

'I…… I don't know….. Part of me was mad because they didn't say anything about my Semblance. B-but *sniff* w-what if they have a point?', Leon replied, sobbing as he thought.

'D-don't ask me. I k-know even less about this world than any of you guys.', Camo stated in his mind.

Leon shook his head and opened the door, wanting only to get his arm fixed and then think about it again.


(End BGM)

"Greetings. Ore wa (I am) Geo Stelar.", Chibi Geo bowed.

"Blake Belladonna. Pleased to meet you.", Chibi Blake bowed as well.

"Hmm. This feels strange.", Chibi Panther, Blake's Wizard, looked at himself, confused by the changes in his body.

Chibi Omega-Xis simply growled in frustration.

Geo just shrugged, "And without further ado, It's time for-", he then does a drum roll as the curtains open to reveal……


Playing BGM (Mega Man 11; Weapon Get)

The title on the screen was then replaced with silhouettes of people, some displaying some animal body parts.

"Faunus. A term referring to one of the two intelligent races that inhabit Remnant, besides Humans. While Faunus do resemble Humans, they're often easily distinguishable from the latter in that they possess the traits of animals.", Geo lectured while pointing a laser at the screen. "In fact, they're much more common than you think."

"Despite this. Many Faunus were treated more like second-class citizens at best, or labor slaves at worst.", Blake explained as Geo changed the slides to show some shops having 'No Faunus' signs pasted on the doors, then another slide showing a picture of Velvet being bullied by Team CRDL.

"This eventually led to the formation of the Faunus Rights Revolution and the White Fang.", Blake continued as Geo changed the slide to reveal a White Fang flag, the current one at least. "But that's a topic for another time."

Then Omega-Xis began to smirk, "You know, I think people deserve to know who you really are, Kitty Kat.", he chuckled as began to reach for Blake's bow, attempting to remove it.


Only to get his head sliced off by Panther's claw.

"I appreciate if you would respect my partner's privacy, mutt.", Panther warned with a stone-faced demeanor.

Blake gasped in horror at the sight of her Wizard slicing the AM-ian's head off.

"Relax, Blake. EM Beings can survive even decapitation as long as their head is intact.", Geo explained as they watched Omega-Xis's body crawling to find his own head.

"A little to the right. No, your other right!", Omega-Xis was barking orders at his body, who ended up even farther from the head.

"I-I don't know if I should find this funny, or freaky?", Blake said, still weirded out by the bizzare alien biology of these… EM Beings.

"I'd find this amusing, Lady Blake.", her Lynx FM-ian chuckled at the sight.

"Can someone PLEASE QUIT LAUGHING AND GIVE ME A HAND HERE!?", Omega-Xis eventually snapped, his head hopping angrily and helplessly on the ground.

"Wizard Off."

And in an instance, both the head and the body of Omega-Xis immediately disappeared into Geo's Scroll.

"That'll make sure he doesn't bother anyone, including the audience.", Geo put the Scroll back into his pocket.

"What audience?", Blake asked.

"That audience.", Geo then glanced at the readers.

Blake and Panther did the same, and still confused.

"What are we looking at?", Panther asked cluelessly.

(End BGM)


Playing BGM (Heroes; by Brian the Sun)

Saenai boku to boku wo kakomu sekai de,

Egaite mo tsukande mo mada tookute.

(A photo of Team GLAS, RWBY, and JNPR was laid on the dorm desk.)


(Leon stretched his arms, before smiling at Camo in his Scroll. Then he started jogging.)

Nando chikazuite mo,

toozakatteiku yume de okita.

(As Leon was jogging, several photos appeared in the transition.)

Yoake no kehai de michita,

Machi wa koe wo hisometeiru.

(Many of the photos consists of Team GLAS doing several activities together. Including a Dust Chemistry lab mishap, Leon and Yang's sparring sessions at the Gym, having lunch with Teams RWBY and JNPR.)

Yureteiru boku wa sonzai igi wo kurayami de sagashiteiru?

(Leon stopped to find his friends chatting with RWBY and JNPR. Then they noticed him and Sonia was waving at him. Leon's smile grew wider as he ran towards his teammates.)

Saenai boku to boku wo kakomu sekai de,

Egaite mo tsukande mo mada tookute,

Nani wo sutereba soko ni tadoritsukeru.

(Leon became more excited now that he's jogging alongside his friends.)

Nando mo nando mo sakende mite mo,

Boku wa boku de shikanai kara,

Yume de arou to genjitsu darou toKitto koete yukeru!

(Everyone eventually stopped at the edge of the Emerald Forest clifftop, watching the sunrise together.)

Korondatte ii,

Naitatte ii,

Itsuka sono subete ga hana ni naru kara.

(Leon then grinned at Geo, who smiled back at him, then they fist bumped before resuming watching the sunrise.)

(End BGM)

Heyo! Switch here! Sorry for the massive delay. With my exam results gone downhill, mom had me cut off a bit on the "distractions" till my academic progress rise up again. The amount of assignments and tests given certainly didn't help things either. I'll still be writing more chapters, but not as often. But until then, enjoy your day at home.

Yeah, COVID-19 sucks. But that doesn't mean there's still plenty of stuff to do at home.

So. Whaddya think of this new chapter? Leave a comment in the Review section below.

PS: I'm no expert in Japanese, so correct me if there are some mistakes here and there.
