1 week after the completion of The Sacrifice. Clan Dojo of the Obsidian Knights, The Observatory.

A lone operator sits, his knees under him, looking out into the dark abyss of space. He sits perfectly still and stares into the blackness, uncaring of his environment. His black curly hair lies messily on his head, extending to cover his eyes in the black curtains. The curls extend past the back of his neck and gently invade into the smelter armor he wears. His helmet lies neatly next to him.

The sounds of someone climbing stairs knocks the operator out of his trance. He looks over to see fellow operator making his way up the stairs, accompanied by a Limbo Prime frame. This operator has a shaved head and wears a full manduka suit, it's hood down revealing his young face. The operator does not see the sitting one, and continues to focus on the virtual screen in front of him. The Limbo trips up his operator causing him to stumble.

"Limbo!" The manduka operator says slightly annoyed. He regains his composure and looks around and spots the sitting operator. "Mish?" he asks and starts to walk towards the sitting operator. "Strange seeing you at the dojo. Something up?"

"Nah." The sitting operator responds. "Just a lot on my mind, Def."

Def hands something to Limbo and shoos him off. He sits next to Mish and faces toward the black of space as well. "Well lay it on me."

"I dunno," Mish says rubbing his neck. He looks at Def, his eyes still hidden behind the curtains. "It's not very interesting."

"Don't be like that. I'm the clan leader and I need to know the problems with my clan members." Def says proudly.

"Uh-huh," Mish responds flatly. "I'm going to make you regret that decision."

"I doubt it."

"So where should I begin?" Mish asks.

"Wherever you want. I got time since all the Nitain Extract alerts are done for today." Def responds.

"Alright." Mish takes a deep breath "So I completed The Sacrifice."


"Yeah, I know. There's a lot of things to unpack just by saying that."

"Yeah there is, but at least you got Umbra out of it. Right?"

Mish lets out a chuckle. "Don't even get me started on that."

"Why what happened? Did you sell him?" Def sighs. "I knew you were an idiot, but really bro?"

"What? No. Fuck you. But no I didn't sell him." Mish looks at Def. "How are you handling Umbra?"


"Yeah, handling. Y'know how do you interact with him."

Def looks at Mish then shrugs. "Man I dunno. I instantly threw him into the arsenal and haven't used him since."

"You're heartless y'know that."

"Is that not what you did? That's pretty much what everyone does mind you."

Mish sighs and looks back toward space. "I dunno it seems a waste to just let a frame like that sit in the arsenal. Seems….wrong."

"How so?"

Mish shifts his body so that he rests on his hand. "I mean I went through so much trouble fighting him and learning about his past." He lets out a sigh. "I dunno it just feels like I'm taking him for granted by just throwing him in the arsenal after the quest was over." Mish looks at Def. "He's not just a weapon or another frame. He's….special."

"I mean I guess."

Both operators stop talking and look silently into the void. Def opens his mouth as if to speak but quickly closes it. Mish shifts back into his original sitting position and moves his helmet from his side to in front of him.

"So…." Def starts to say.

"So?" Mish responds.

"So what's the situation with Umbra? You explained how you feel about him, but never said how you handle him."

Mish looks confused. "Hmm, I s'pose your right."

Both operators again go into a moment of silence.

"Are you going to fucking tell me?" Def asks slightly annoyed.

Mish pushes up the front of his hair revealing his bright green eyes and looks at Def with a smug face. "Do I have too?" He lets down his hair again, the green circles retreating behind the curtains.

"Don't make me kick you from the clan again."

"Alright Alright."

Mish thinks for a bit. He starts to make hand gestures to himself as if trying to find the best way to explain it.

"Is it really this hard?" Def asks in disbelief.

"Nah, I just like annoying ya," Mish says letting out a half-chuckle.

Def starts to get up.

"Wait wait. I'll tell. I'll tell." Mish pleads.

"Alright then hurry up."

Mish clears his throat. "Well its nothing amazing, but he kinda just wanders around the orbiter."

"That's it. I was expecting I dunno." Def makes some exploding motions with his hands. "Something crazier or like something more surprising."

"Well it's between wandering and meditating in the living quarters." Mish stares blankly at the void. "It's like he's thinking about something, but I just can't be sure."

"Have you asked him?" Def questions.

"Mish looks at Def. "What makes you think he wants to talk to me?" Mish asks solemnly. "We were able to get revenge on Ballas, but his son….." Mish trails off.

Def puts his hand on Mish's shoulder. "There's nothing we could have done about that. The damage is done and that's just how it is." He removes his hand.

"I s'pose your right."

"I know I am. I'm the fucking clan leader." Def says proudly. "Also you need to leave."

"What. Why?"

"Two reasons. On, you should probably try to connect with Umbra. I'm sure he needs someone to talk to or at least listen too."

"And the second reason?"

"You've been here for three days now and you're starting to smell up the observatory."

"You're all heart y'know that," Mish says reluctantly.

"Yeah I know," Def says with a chuckle. "Now fuck off."

Mish smiles. He picks up his helmet and straps it to his belt. He waves to Def, who remains seated. He walks down the steps into the atrium. He stops just after reaching the landing.

"Waited long?" Mish asks.

A Mesa Prime steps from behind a column and nods.

"Sorry I just needed some time too…" Mish trails. "Think about stuff."

Mesa tilts her head in confusion.

"Don't worry about it just some mental things I think I'm good now," Mish says solemnly. His face remains slightly unhappy.

Mesa notices his facial expression and unhitches an imaginary lasso from her belt. She starts to twirl it above her head.

"Stop that." Mish says with a serious tone.

Mesa shakes her head as she continues twirling it. After a few good twirls, she tosses the imaginary lasso around Mish. After making a securing motion she starts to pull the rope.

"I'm not doing this."

Mesa looks at Mish and starts exaggerating the pulling action. Her boots scrape against the floor as if she is pulling and massive boulder.

"Dammit, I'm trying to be deep in thought," Mish says a smile growing on his face.

Mesa puts the imaginary rope over her shoulder and faces away from Mish, pulling harder on the rope, her knees starting to buckle under the weight.

Mish lets out a chuckle then his face drops. "Dammit." He curses under his breath. He turns from Mesa and starts to walk backward, but each step is heavy as if he is fighting against Mesa.

Mesa turns back to face Mish and starts to walk toward him, making sure to collect the lasso as she gets closer. She continues to do this until she stands right behind Mish. Mish turns around to face Mesa.

"Ya got me." Mish says with a big smile.

Mesa nods and takes the lasso off of Mish. She ties it back up and attaches it to her belt.

"Ready to go back," Mish asks.

Mesa nods and ruffles his hair messing it up further.

"Gosh dangit Mesa!"