Summary/Disclaimer: Time for another chapter of Cerberus and Sirens. Enjoy the 900-word chapter. I don't own Borderlands; Gearbox and a few others do.


The car roared through the wasteland, Cerberus looked at the others and looked at his Kerblaster.

"I can't believe that damn… He played us like a fiddle…" Cerberus muttered before he got another transmission from Nicky, there was light sounds of gunfire.

"Nicky, you sure you guys can hold your own over there? I don't want to leave and lose you guys or Opportunity." Cerberus said, Nicky said nothing for a minute.

"We can hold the line here… Rose is trying to see if she can get reinforcements sent to Sanctuary… We're handle things now." Nicky said, Cerberus sighed in amusement and then he floored the gas and followed the dropships.

He had 2 Cerberus shuttles behind him and he floored the gas, he needed to get there yesterday before something else happened.

"I don't get there in time, Hector is going to kill everyone there… I know Lil and the raiders can handle themselves… But Lil is no Roland…. I'm going to need a lot of reinforcements to hold off New Pandora… Seriously who names a militant terrorist faction New Pandora?" Cerberus said while he watched the Moonbase fire pods from the sky.

"Reinforcements? Nicky, you guys are lifesavers… I need to pick up the pace though, it's going to take a while for them to prepare another wave of Loaders for deployment from Helios 1." Cerberus said while he looked at his gun again before his car roared up and stopped a few hundred feet from the foot of the cliff.

He could already see the explosions and dropships above, he turned to one of the shuttles and waved his gun before one of the shuttles set down.

"Sir, are we going up there?" He heard from one of the pilots and nodded in amusement.

"Lock and Load… We're heading up…" Cerberus said and he boarded one of the shuttles which flew up with the other shuttle which soon landed.

"Everyone out… Deal with the soldiers, I'm heading into the rest of the city." Cerberus stated, his men nodded and they slowly spread out. He brushed off his armor and made sure his rifle was ready for battle before he headed out further into the city.

He looked up to see another moonshot blitz being fired and knew this was going to be a fight either way, no matter how many soldiers he brought in.

"Lil, I know you can hear me… You better have brought everything you got; Hector isn't leaving without controlling the entire city… I tried to warn you and you didn't listen." Cerberus said while he walked through the city, he didn't want to go to war yet, he didn't know if he could handle a war like this at the moment.

"I didn't expect them to break the front door in… I'm rallying everyone I can to defend the city…" Lilith replied over Exho, Cerberus sighed, he was stretching his resources to do what he was doing at the moment… He had no choice at the moment though.

"Someone get a call out for evacuation shuttles… We're standing our ground; I'm not letting them kill innocent people who haven't done anything here." Cerberus said to the soldiers who could still hear him, one nodded and started calling in a request.

"What are you doing?" Lilith asked over Exho while Cerberus looked at the raging battle, preparing to get involved.

"I'm not letting the entire city get killed nor am I going to let Hector get the city like this… Hyperion is taking in the citizens and getting them somewhere safe… I suggest you lock down the city… Hector is still dealing with my men over at Opportunity… I can't promise a miracle here and Hector isn't going to stop throwing thugs at you until Sanctuary is his." Cerberus said, Lilith was silent a minute, the sound of gunfire continuing where she was.

"You have any idea why he wants the city so bad? You don't know why at all he's blowing up… What the hell is this, mutant poison ivy?" Lilith asked, Cerberus blinked in confusion, he chose to answer her question anyway.

"I don't know what he's after, I'm still working on that… I do know that if we let him get control of the city, it will be bad news for everyone… I'm going to try to find Hector and put a bullet in him… I guess you're going to be in charge of the raiders and keep him away from the rest of the city for the moment?" Cerberus asked, he got a hum from Lilith and he turned to look at the city while he readied his Kerblaster and walked into the city.

He turned and shot one of the soldiers, the man exploded and fell to the ground, Cerberus felt bullets ping off his shield and he rolled behind cover.

He looked up and fired into the smoke.

Author Notes

Phew, another chapter done! I wanted to point out that chapters like this will be 900 or so words for now. Next chapter will show Cerberus and his men fighting New Pandora and will then show Cerberus talking to Lilith again. Next chapter will be on next Sunday or so. Until then, Lighting Wolf out!